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    1. Weapons Room with Youthgroup Kids

      by , 01-16-2018 at 02:26 AM
      We were in the weapons room again (The weapons room is a part of a large building/modern castle reminiscent of Hogwarts), there was a big slide down to it. Some of the people with me were youthgroup kids, and I asked Hunter E to help me make sure there weren't enemies hiding inside. I was worried that roaming monsters/enemies would hear us again, and we had to be absolutely silent one time when a large enemy passed. The slide went down to the hallway outside the weapon room, right outside the door. The door was not clickable-closeable (same as last time). But a really good thing was, this time there was a nice heavy second door on the inside, so we closed that and felt much safer. No one grabbed any weapons this time, and it was pretty uneventful.

      Updated 01-16-2018 at 02:29 AM by 90195

      Tags: dream place
    2. Doctors

      by , 01-16-2018 at 01:18 AM
      I was in a hospital for whatever reason, I don't know, but the whole hospital staff had distortion of the face. Some didn't have a face, some had glitches, some had the face upside down, some didn't have features to make up the face, some had no eyes lips ect, some was blurred like TV. I got so freaked out that I was moving around. My hart was beating out of my chest and when they got closer to me there faces would distort even more freaking me out more. I woke up panicking and I had never had one like it before.
    3. Bye Family I'm Off to The Moon!

      by , 01-16-2018 at 12:05 AM
      I was sitting at a table with my family when I decided to do a reality check and I had an odd amount of fingers. I kept checking again and again and again and still had 6. 7. or 8 fingers. I plugged my nose but still breathed through it so sure enough I was dreaming. I hung out with the DC's (Dream Characters) for a little and jumped up to the second level of my house with ease. I noted how unbelievably real the dream felt. For some reason the DC's disappeared after a while so I saw the Moon in the sky and decided to go to it. I used my mind and came up with this unique strategy to get there. I got myself to be slowly sucked into the Moon's direction then covered my eyes, changed my orientation and sure enough I was on the Moon. But everything was all blocky like in Minecraft and my vision was tunneled as well. Some things happened after that but I didn't finish my entry.

      This image is a good visual of how it was.

      I AM CONFUSED!!(LD's always in 3rd person) HELP!!-2013-05-31_14.59.20-2-.jpg
    4. Dream - A Convenient Fluke

      by , 01-15-2018 at 09:24 AM
      Date of Dream: MON 15 JAN - 2018

      Dream No. 263 - A Convenient Fluke

      I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was at some farmland carnival with another family that were looking after me. We were all on this ride but the grandma was down on the ground, just watching us. The mum said something, as if she was making an attacking remark to all the kids, two boys, including me, so that's three of us. I had no bad intentions what-so-ever, so I said to the lady, “Hey, just know that I didn't intend any harm upon you”. The lady then said that the boys should follow my example.

      We were in the lady's car, she was taking me home but she didn't know where to go and so I had to tell her how to get there. At first, I said she could try getting off the freeway at Wellington Road. We eventually saw the exit but something wasn't right and we ended up on a wrong road, so I told her to do a u-turn. I said to her that we could try heading towards Dandenong. When we were there, it felt like the correct exit but eventually, we came into this tunnel that was blocked off with a dead end. There were all these cars coming and so we had to reverse out of the tunnel.

      We ended up driving down the freeway still, the lady telling me that their place was in Cranbourne. I saw the sign saying Cranbourne and so I said to her, “We might as well get off here and get you guys home first”. The lady told me to give one of my family friends a call to tell them I was safe but I told the lady I didn't need to and that I was old enough to look after myself.

      I am then on my own in some sort of shopping strip and I coincidentally bump into WB. I thought to myself, “Now is my chance”. We did end up finally having the much anticipated catch up. WB was telling me about some sort of frozen yoghurt that she likes and she actually had a cup of it with her. It was chocolate and vanilla with some chocolate flakes on it and whole raspberries. We found a table and while she was eating yoghurt, for dessert I had... A plate of salted, boiled potatoes with their skin on.

      Afterwards, I continued through the mall on my own. I eventually came across all these staircases but they only went up so far. There were a million lifts surrounding them and I was going to freak out if any of the doors opened. I thought I'd attempt to find Dreamy WB to help me with the lift situation. I stood on a ledge while there were all these masses of people on the lower ground. I called out to them, “has anyone seen my dream guide? Where is she?!”. One girl comes running up to me and says, “I'm your dream guide and I'm here to help you”. I answer, “Sorry, I know my dream guide and you're not her”.

      The girl walks off and another one comes up. Although weirdly dressed, I can tell it's Dreamy WB. She's wearing what I would usually wear, a white dress covered by a light blue cardigan. We both gave each other a tight hug which we didn't release for the rest of the dream. We ended up still hugging as Dreamy WB gave me instruction on what to do about the lifts. I told her I was too scared to go into them, so she told me just to stand there and look into some of them, my head perching from her shoulder. That's all I can remember about the dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None

      Updated 01-15-2018 at 11:05 AM by 93119

      non-lucid , memorable
    5. Hi Again

      by , 01-15-2018 at 05:27 AM
      I haven't written an entry in a while so here goes. I'm going to write a dream from two days ago and a yesterday night dream.


      I was in my old house living room with a couple of old friends who were girls. We were putting on different dresses out in the open and trying them on. We laughed and had fun, like it was a little fashion show, but than we somehow ended up in a school. In the classroom a guy who was supposedly our superior was training and testing our abilities. He tested I and another girl specifically by having us fly around the class without losing our focus. I did it with my own resolve in mind as the other girl began to pout about how she clumsily kept messing up. The guy than told her that with the way she was going, I would end up being the one that he goes out with. I wasn't willing to stick around after I had already did the training/test though.I decided to go and put what I had learned to action.

      Exiting onto the school recess yard I saw a few kids trying to figure out a way to see into their futures using a red book. Apparently they had figured out a way and saw that they were not existing for some unknown reason. As they were doing this I opened up a portal and went through flying across the universe until the dream began to dissolve and I awoke.

      Not Now

      In this dream I realized I was dreaming towards the end and summoned Dawn. I wanted to interact with him but he said now was not the time to catch up as he was busy. A random girl than came out and attacked him. He fought her with a katana. I tried to blow her away with a pink energy ball but I appeared in another room. I stared at the door than ran out to see no one. Going out now seemed like a good idea so I went out and enjoyed the scenery a bit before I woke up.

      I dont own pic

      Updated 01-15-2018 at 05:40 AM by 67570

      lucid , non-lucid
    6. Known Key Symbolism 2018: Hypnagogia and Sleep Paralysis

      by , 01-14-2018 at 11:19 AM
      Morning of January 9, 2018. Tuesday.

      This is part five of my prefatory series. It will only be viable (within a main index) on my main dream journal. So far, I have explained, as concisely as I could, four common dream components.

      I have included hypnagogia and sleep paralysis in the same entry despite, in my own (apparently unique) experience; the two events are completely unrelated despite numerous articles I have read that link them together. For me, reading articles about hypnagogia or sleep paralysis is pointless and here is why:

      People talk about “suffering” from sleep paralysis or hypnagogia, or that it “scares” them, which has never made any sense to me. They describe “dark figures”, “evil”, a malevolent presence, and so on as if they had some sort of tangibility or potential influence. Sorry people, this is something I have very limited experience with, even in tens of thousands of dreams in my over fifty years of study. There are exceptions, though these have been validated to mostly relate to biologically premonitory events or sometimes rare apnea caused by a combination of eating too close to the sleeping period and while sleeping on my back.

      For me, if I find myself in sleep paralysis, I seek to embrace and enhance the experience. I do this by deliberately rolling my eyes up towards my forehead, which typically intensifies the perception of a loving entity being present and sometimes I am annoyed when I feel “she” is gone (though I never see her in this state). I sometimes hear a very pleasing humming sound (which I sometimes perceive as moving in a figure eight above me). I usually feel waves of pleasure moving through my body, from head to toe and back. Eventually, I usually, if I hold the state long enough, feel a rising sensation. I do not see any imagery while in sleep paralysis, I only have enhanced touch and sound, sometimes buzzing (even tangible lovemaking - female on top, especially one event with Zsuzsanna before I came to Australia to be with her). I also perceive in a completely different way than during hypnagogic sequences.

      Now, I will go on to describe hypnagogia, which I also find very enjoyable. Since childhood, I like to remain in hypnagogia for at least an hour or more. During this time, which is always wholly lucid (and always had been, even as a toddler), I like to step into and out of dreams by way of conscious will, though I have to wait for the sequence to slow down. This is because when it first starts, it is very rapid, dream settings changing from more than one per second, though gradually becoming slower over time until it is a rate of about one setting every five seconds. Eventually, when it slows down to about ten seconds per change of setting, I step into a setting of my choice. I have done this since earliest memory and it is a very vivid and intriguing experience, but I never mistake it for being real in any way, though I do often slip into non-lucidity. (I did not realize that other people were not like this until I was about eighteen years old. I had read a little about it, mostly in dictionaries, but did not really read that many articles relating to this state. Imagine my surprise, especially when some people call it a “medical problem”. Much of the world is, sadly, very stupid.)

      Most feasible settings in hypnagogia are vivid and colorful outdoor settings. This includes beautiful forests with rivers, lakes, and waterfalls (which I have viewed on a day-to-day basis all my life), neighborhoods with interesting houses, farmyards, train stations, and so on. Sometimes it is a beautiful underwater scene (such as coral or sea fans and various species of fish), which I most often just watch without entering (even though I can breathe underwater in the dream state). Sometimes the settings will seem to rapidly shake from side to side, slowly dissolve, to be replaced by some sort of grid or abstract pattern (typically like leaves floating in water and quivering) before becoming a different setting. Such an event usually only occurs once or twice in a sleeping period. For example, in one instance when I was a young boy, I was watching chickens walk around in a farmyard, some of them pecking at the ground (this was before my father decided to change our rabbit farm into a chicken farm). As I continued to view the scene, there was a very subtle roaring sensation and a sort of fizzing effect, and leaf-like patterns that replaced the setting after it quivered side to side (with no actual movement on my part, that is, no movement of my physical body or perceived movement of my dream self).

      This is only one form of hypnagogia. Other types are too surreal to view as a legitimate place to “enter”. Curiously, zooming in or out, and longer panning sequences, as seen in movies, had never occurred in my dreams until I had watched television for the first time. To me, this is a very important realization. It tells me that watching television or movies creates a very profound change in the nature of perception. I have never read of anyone else facing up to this fact. This is ironic, in that hypnagogia itself rarely presented anything I had ever seen in waking life, which ultimately convinced me that something else was going on, though I am still not sure what.

      Other forms of this state vary. For example, there is a state where I coalesce with other figures, typically only experiencing bliss or an amazing sensation. Glowing human forms (of different implied ages) jump into my chest, making me feel healthier or more vibrant.

      There is a state where dream characters also rapidly change, yet while the setting is fully stable, sometimes faster than once per second (which has served as a reinduction trigger in stabilizing lucidity if it has faded, when I begin to become aware of this after about ten minutes).

      In still another state, dream characters seem very odd. They may be only half-formed, or they walk around and phase through bushes or walls and sometimes get stuck.

      In other states, I am able to summon (solely through automatic expectation) whatever vivid experience I choose. This is typically coalescence with other entities and is always a satisfying energizing experience, and is always near a body of water (such as a river, lake, waterfall, water park, campground, or swimming pool) usually in daylight. I sometimes marvel at the beauty of the water as the surface reflects certain patterns yet simultaneously reveals what is under the surface. As such, I may jump in and out of numerous dreams (at the rate of about one per minute or more) of this nature in about an hour.

      Due to how I am apparently different from most people in this way, this particular entry is probably of no use to people who “suffer” from their dreams or dream states. Why am I different? On the one hand, I was a ten-month baby instead of a nine-month baby. While my mother “almost bled to death” giving birth (according to reports), she very quickly recovered. On the other hand, some people have claimed it is related to healing myself after my accident as a toddler when I nearly lost my left hand (when a large shard from a broken mug sliced through my wrist and out the side of my forearm). The nerves and tendons were supposedly too damaged (and reconnected incorrectly in surgery) to ever work again. Somehow though, after I willed myself to gain use of my hand (while both awake and sleeping), the nerves and tendons, even though they had been connected wrongly, began to work to where my hand had full use (with no difference in how I perceived which fingers I was moving as might be expected). Whether or not my deliberate healing of myself through different levels of consciousness changed how I became more aware of other levels of consciousness and their symbolic dynamics, remains unsolved, but it does make sense, as I am typically aware of what dream symbolism is representing as it is occurring, something that most people do not seem able to understand.

    7. Psycho Red Ranger, Roboknight and a surprise shows up

      by , 01-14-2018 at 06:54 AM (My Robotic imagination)
      This started as a strange SP that I had. I get Lucid after checking to see if I was able to move after knowing full well that I was in SP. I was able to. I did a quick reality check just to make sure by checking how I felt here. I was feeling odd and floaty and knew that I made it into the dream. I get up out of my dark room and walk through the short hallway and out into the dinning room. I checked the living room and no one was there, the coach my mom sleeps on was empty and all I saw was a white and red vertically striped sheet. I went on through the kitchen, down the basement and saw that my dog was there. He came up from the basement and was glad to see me. I smiled at him and headed on out the door to outside that was night and very dark out. After a while I think about Ninjor and use a recent technique that I have unlocked and start thinking about him liking me and having a crush on me. He was there but he was in a fight with the psycho Red ranger and as I was watching them fight I am almost blindsided by Robo knight who is a mechanical ranger from Hyper force. I jumped out of the way just in time as he blurred by me in an attempt to grab me. I though about that burning mechanical smell that I get when I look at him and avoided him. Ninjor saw what was going on, kicked Psycho Red off of him and chased after Robo Knight, leaving me with that Psycho Red. Ninjor realized what happened and so did Robo knight who is a good guy and started heading back. Psycho Red spotted me and start coming after me. I ran and then I realized that we are standing one a huge robots arm. My eye opened while I was sleep and what that was, was Megazord shoulder close to my vision. I made my way down and the Psycho ranger followed but Ninjor headed him off on his cloud and the Robo knight was there next to me. I quickly got away from him before he decides to grab and burn me. But knew Ninjor was leaving him there with me to protect me from any more baddies.

      Updated 01-18-2018 at 01:07 AM by 13650

    8. Rocky Lake, Texas/Libya

      , 01-14-2018 at 06:35 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      I'm standing ankle deep in a beautiful, alien looking lake. It's warm, so shallow, that water looks white. I zoom in on many sailboats and speedboats, and people swimming and having fun. I'm talking to someone, when I decide to walk further in to the lake to see bigger part of it. I can see the distant shores.

      The lake is white, very tranquil and inviting. The low hills surrounding the lake are very rocky. Huge boulders, nicely shaped by wind and water. Some are standing and balancing on other huge boulders. Makes you wonder how they don't fall over. The colors are a bit washed out by the distance, but I can make out colors of deep reds, yellows and, well, desert like colors. Oh, I have a feeling we are in Texas. We went there for a wedding. But then when we talk about coming there again later, we realize it's not gonna be that easy, because this could also by Libya.

      I love dreams with water, beautiful vistas. And this was one of them. Thank you, subC!
      Tags: libya, texas, water
    9. Ninjor chases me on his cloud

      by , 01-14-2018 at 06:30 AM (My Robotic imagination)
      Alright I don't remember too much detail in this dream but I'm at the Lakeshore Apartments and it is day time. I'm out in the back near some woods and I can see an over cast shadow of leaves and branches. I'm Lucid and for some reason I think about Ninjor again. He was spotted farther up near the park that is shared with the rest of the community. There are kids there in which Ninjor loves to play with and I he is playfully flying around them of his cloud and talking to them. The kids love him and then Ninjor spots me looking at him from near the woods. He flies over to me still on the cloud and as he dose that I ran into the nearby woods. Ninjor flew near them but didn't go into them, lost sight of me and went into the front part of the apartments nd out into the parking lot, looking for me. I realized I needed to get out of the woods before something happens to me. I do that and I see Ninjor who has flown off somewhere.

      Updated 01-14-2018 at 06:54 AM by 13650

    10. You Could Sleep in the Park

      by , 01-14-2018 at 04:46 AM (The Fourth Factor)
      In the dream, I seem to have traveled to some sort of large family gathering at an unfamiliar location. It is the last day before we go our separate ways, and so I speak with my aunt and uncle, arranging a time to meet up tomorrow morning, since we’ll be returning together. It’s better to get the planning out of the way now rather than try to do it at the party tonight, I explain.

      Later on, I’ve gone somewhere nearby but higher up, by a park on a hill. In the middle of a well-kept green area is a large statue of the Brothers Grimm. There is another green hill off to one side with a row of tiny houses around the base, and stuck into the hillside is a large stone plaque, round with a wavy outline. Across the top, a few names are engraved, and below, a body of text in a smaller size.

      There’s a police officer nearby, and I get into a conversation with him. The part of it I can still recall went like this:

      “You could live in that house.”

      It is the house nearest to us that he’s talking about, a sort of cabin-like structure. The door is wide open, so I can see that it is vacant. I can also see that it is ridiculously tiny, which would probably explain why. I tell him I can’t live possibly there: there isn’t even enough room to lie down inside.

      “You could sleep in the park,” he says, undeterred. “And keep food in the house.”

      This is a bit odd coming from someone whose job, as I understand it, involves keeping people from sleeping in parks. I must have said something expressing my doubt as to whether that was allowed because he then—in the manner of someone who’s lived in a town all his life and apparently knows everything significant that’s happened there since the dawn of civilization—asks me if I’ve heard of a certain person—a Greek name, but I can’t recall it any longer. I thought I did—a young man, a Greek general from the early 20th century—but he replied that it was actually someone else who was associated with him somehow.

      This man, explained the officer, had spent a night sleeping on the statue itself. I look over and see that Wilhelm, on the right, is holding a scroll that looks like it would make a natural perch for the venturesome and bored. And not only did this man not get in trouble for it—the policeman is very emphatic about this—they put his name on the plaque along with the other famous people who had been there to visit the site. The point being, I guess, that nobody would hold it against me, either.

      And after that, I was down in the area with my family again until I woke up around four in the morning.

    11. Dream - Neighbourhood Vandalism & Let Me Be

      by , 01-14-2018 at 03:18 AM
      Date of Dream: SUN 14 JAN - 2018

      Dream No. 262 - Separated Sections

      Dream 262 A - Neighbourhood Vandalism (Nightmare!)
      I don't remember how the dream started. From where I can remember, I was taking a walk around the local neighbourhood. There were all these houses around that had weird features on them and as I got further and further, they got weirder and weirder. Soon, I came to the realisation that the houses were being vandalised. Just as I was heading out of the area, some houses were even blown up and destroyed with debris everywhere. I was in disbelief at what I was seeing.

      When I got on to Wellington Road, my mum was there and I told her all the destroyed, messed up houses I saw. I told her that something wasn't right and stayed really close to her when walking up the road. When we were about half way up the hill, this man stops us and he has a gun with him. As much as I tried to hide behind my mum, the man actually shot me and forced me to wake up in a terrified state.

      Dream 262 B - Let Me Be
      I don't remember much of this dream at all. I was in my current house to start with and there were all the Christmas decorations around the place, the set-up looking way neater than our efforts in real life. Later on, I was at some random place and there was a party going on. I tried to sing something over the top of already playing music but for some reason, my dad got really angry at me. Instead of stepping back, I became very defensive and tried to “blast at him with a turret on a car”. That's all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None
      non-lucid , nightmare
    12. Strange behaving DC, sword fight and got my confidence back.

      by , 01-13-2018 at 04:13 PM
      This happened the night immediately after the first DJ entry.
      Again, spawn in my university campus, which lays on the top of a hill, in a wonderful day of spring. I can see from the distance that on the adjacent hill, at the same height I am, there is a research center I've never noticed before, and thinking that I should visit it I (unconsciously) teleport there, on the terrace at the last floor. Here there are a dozen DCs chatting, and as I get there do an RC and become lucid. It happened something that had never occurred to me before: as I become lucid all DCs turn towards me and start staring, in a peaceful manner; one of them looks at me and I can see him getting uncomfortable, he starts to tremble and being increasingly scared by me, suddenly runs and throws himself down the terrace. I stay there puzzled for a moment, but don't give too much importance to it; stabilize the dream and teleport back at the university.
      I change my clothes and search in my pockets, find my phone as I obviously expect it to be there, and my wallet with 30 euros in it; keep the money and throw the wallet away.
      Walking around, I find some people sit at the tables outside a building, I approach a 25yo couple and give them the money as a gift. The guy starts thanking me, and I notice he is physically very similar to a friend of mine whom I last saw a long time ago, but the DC is only the good and benevolent part of his personality.
      I start talking with him, but as we turn a corner he's still physically the same, but I can feel he's become the bad part of his personality. As I notice it, he spawns a sword and a dagger and attacks me, so I immediately spawn a sword and defend myself. There are all of the DCs previously sat at the tables witnessing the fight. He's not a strong foe so after a brief time I have him laying on the floor and I stab him in the chest. He doesn't die and laughing at me pushes my sword deeper into his chest, showing me that he cannot be killed that way. I start to get a little bored so have him standing and cut his throat. While doing this, I find that there are these kind of ropes into his neck, and as I recide them all of the other DCs in the scene disappear (die?) one at a time.
      During the fight I forgot sto stabilize again, so after the battle finishes I loose lucidity and the dream continues unconsciously.
    13. WILD and back again!

      by , 01-13-2018 at 03:46 PM
      After a long period without lucid dreams lasted about a year, I finally decided that with the new year I'd be starting over with LD practice and experimentation. Just had the time to recover my old account here on dreamviews, that that same night had the first lucid dream.

      Got to bed hoping to magically remember to do an RC in one of my dreams, that as I noticed my drowsiness increasing accompanied with the first hypnagogic images I seized the opportunity for a WILD.
      A wonderful spring sunny day appeared around me, the sun laying its warmth on the roofs of a small village in the heart of a valley. As my body started to appear, and as soon as I had some control over it, immediately rubbed my hands together and was catapulted on one of the roofs. I started to jump from one house to the other, and felt I needed to get used to it again after a long time; started to fly but things got trembling and I immediately woke up.
    14. Known Key Symbolism 2018: RAS Mediation (1)

      by , 01-13-2018 at 11:28 AM
      Morning of January 9, 2018. Tuesday.

      So far, in my prefatory series, I have provided “Known Key Symbolism 2018: Common Liminal Space Settings (1)” and “Known Key Symbolism 2018: Dream State Indicators”.

      I hope I have made it clear so far, of what I understand (and have often validated) from over fifty years of dream study. Due to the fact that many people only remember a few of their dreams (or none at all), they like to infuse “meaning” (that is, meaning not related to either the biological or the spiritual nature of unconsciousness or the dream state and waking transition itself, as well as no acknowledgement of literal dream threads including prescience) into what few dreams are recalled. Many people do not actually understand what lucidity is (or how it works) and consequently use the term loosely and incorrectly. They also (almost relentlessly) fail to see how someone like me typically recalls five to nine non-lucid dreams a day (minimum of three), not including the virtually limitless hypnagogic sequences (of which are wholly lucid) at the beginning of every normal sleeping period. As a cop-out, some people will say, “oh, but a few dreams have meaning and importance, but most others do not”, which is kind of like saying, “oh, sometimes the stomach’s digestion of food is important, other times, when the stomach digests food, nothing is happening and the stomach is not even there”. Many people fail to understand that dreams can be fully controlled (either with lucid or non-lucid dream self perception) and even purposely formed from one idea (including for healing purposes and unfathomable levels of bliss and joy), and the more one studies and understands what dreams mean, the more natural clarity of mind automatically develops, resulting in virtually no nightmares (unless biologically premonitory) or even disturbing dreams. Still, RAS (the Reticular Activating System) and I have had a love-hate relationship since early childhood, based on whether or not I wanted to sleep and dream longer or typically whether there was environmental noise or not, these factors completely irrelevant to “interpretation” or waking life.

      People like to over-dramatize and systematically “answer questions” even where none exist in the way they are implying. They like to infuse another person’s dream with negative context even when there is none. They like to pretend there is conflict or major issues to “solve”. They like to pretend that the dynamically fictional dream self (personified subconscious) is the same as the current conscious self identity, even when there is no evidence of viable memory or even common sense on the part of the very limited temporary dream self.

      Everyone else I have ever known of (writings of the public that is), in virtually everything I have ever read about dreams since childhood, confuses RAS mediation with the so-called subconscious. This is probably why the bizarre belief that “my subconscious is trying to tell me something” came about. The inability to discern RAS mediation from the generic subconscious is unusual, but to be expected in the public’s limited understanding.

      It goes without saying that the dream self in non-lucid dreams can only be the personified subconscious (or the “subconscious itself”). Being that the subconscious band has no concept of time or space (or any viable intelligence or consistent memory) unless conscious self identity threads (certain active neural patterns) are extant, how can the subconscious “solve an issue”? (Many people tend to confuse “subconscious” with “unconscious”.) Since this is the case, where does the dominant preconscious come from? (Confusion also results from many systems using “preconscious” and “subconscious” as synonyms when they are very different bands, at least in my extensive work.) RAS comes in to mediate sleep-wake transitions, and such symbolism inherently reflects the nature of waking from the dream state. This is biological fact, not some sort of half-baked theory or popular superstition. More so, understanding RAS is what eventually creates the potential for consciously controlling the dream state (though not one hundred percent as waking is a biological necessity - though there are people who have an eerie degree of control over their heart rate), something many people cannot seem to grasp at all, because many people see dreams as some sort of inexplicable mental event that they need to “interpret”, yet with zero interest in actually understanding anything.

      For review, to integrate what I have written in this prefatory set thus far:

      Again, I have confidently stated, with certainty developed for over fifty years, that liminal space symbols are directly related to the waking transition and have no need for “interpretation” due to their inherent nature of representing and symbolizing, in real time, the space between dreaming and waking. (Again, I will also remind people that this association is literal when linked to real life perception. That is, a porch, a parking lot, and a store’s checkout are also liminal spaces in real life. I only chose those three for now, as they are the most common liminal space symbols in my own dreams, sometimes occurring several times a week and for over fifty years.)

      Again, I emphasize that dream state indicators are based on residual subliminal memory of having fallen asleep and consequently usually have no need for “interpretation”. Dream state indicators naturally occur in my dreams more often than not, though I typically do not go into detail about them in singular dream posts.

      Again, I emphasize that, on a basic level, liminal space symbols and dream state indicators are unrelated within the dream state and are two completely different processes (just as in waking life, as an example, thoughts about finishing an essay and recent memories about your girlfriend are inherently unrelated, a result of two completely different mental processes occurring at the same time), yet can be a part of the same dream sequence. They may also be integrated within dreams with additional meaning (of which is closer to waking life patterns or personal meaning), even prescient threads, yet in a way that may not be cohesive, which is why many people might be inclined to completely ignore such events or features or mistakenly “interpret” everything as a whole.

      At this point, I will address the failure of people to understand that conflict in the dream state may be based solely on RAS mediation and have no viable connection to waking life conflict or internal conflict assuming any even exists in the first place. It is ironic how people refuse to understand RAS mediation (misunderstanding it as the subconscious this or subconscious that) and try to infuse negative context where there is more opportunity for positive affirmation and assertiveness or true understanding of one’s own mind (the most important factor that could exist in life).

      RAS mediation in its raw mode likes to generate snakes as the waking alert, probably because this is a key factor of primate fear (and I am willing to bet that snakes are a common factor in the dreams of all primates). Ten different people have ten different dreams about snakes around the same time, and all one needs to do is sit back and watch the nonsense concerning “interpretation” or “meaning” and have no choice but to roll their eyes.

      The thread of RAS mediation is likely to be that which chases (or intrudes upon) the dreamer, whether or not someone is trying to “escape” from something in reality or has any issues of conflict when awake. “Wake up and get out of bed before you wet yourself” may be the sole “interpretation” of RAS intrusion into the dream (or it may be an unknown or unexpected environmental noise that threads of the emergent consciousness become vaguely concerned about - for example, arguments between people we do not know, but who had been walking down the street early in the morning near our house, have intruded into my dreams and changed the symbolism, which of course has nothing to do with my conscious self identity or even unconscious essence). Whether or not I have conflict in waking life is unrelated to how RAS mediates my dream other than incidentally. I could use my dream to punch someone I do not like, and at least provide some “relief”, but does that really address any hope for an “answer”? I think not. Some people, for example bullies, religious zealots, or people who believe the world is flat, simply cannot be “solved”. The longer someone keeps a dream journal (though one must actually pay attention), the more obvious it becomes. There is a very clear difference between the nature of different dream state components, which I have vividly noticed since early childhood, all of that and inexplicable prescience as well.

    15. Dream - Dream Guide Approved & A Tireless Walk

      by , 01-13-2018 at 05:52 AM
      Date of Dream: SAT 13 JAN - 2018

      Dream No. 261 - Separated Sections

      Dream 261 A - Dream Guide Approved (Lucid Dream 13)
      I don't remember what happened at the start of the dream. From where I do remember, I was trying to see if I could get Murray into this dream. My original methods didn't work and so I actually devised another solution and that was to become lucid. I checked my fingers but didn't see exactly six... It was more like a warped hand, sometimes five, sometimes six. I did heaps and heaps of finger checks and this really, utterly confirmed that I was lucid.

      My surroundings were then realised and I found myself to be in a wide open alley at night time, lit up by white street lights. The path and the wall at the end was grey brick and on the wall was an old, worn out poster with a picture of Murray from Sly 4 on it. Even though it was raining, I slowly looked up at the poster and I quietly say to myself “Murray...?”.

      The dream scene changed on me and I found myself in a really dark room of my own house, in the middle of the night but it wasn't a room I could recognise the features of from real life. It's like the dream had put an extra bedroom in the house. To a miraculous surprise, Dreamy WB was waiting for me in there in true human form, even though she was floating like a ghost. She had a really glamorous appearance, her hair straight compared to usual but in long wavy curls as well as a different looking black dress on her. She was signalling for me to wait in the current scene while she went to do something.

      The dream showed her fly down through the ceiling in a transparent form into my bedroom in which Murray was seen physically sleeping in my bed. She sat beside the sleeping Murray, poking and prodding him while studying his response in the form of various facial expressions. After Dreamy WB had thought she'd stirred him up and tested him enough, she ascended through the ceiling, returning to where I was. Once again, she came in a floating position while communicating with me. She gave me a thumbs up and because I was lucid, I clearly knew she meant that Murray was all good and safe for me.

      The dream scene had then changed, the dream camera playing from the ceiling perspective right above. It was still the middle of the night in my bedroom, only now, both Murray and I were in my bed. We were both fast asleep with him snoring loudly; my head tucked underneath his chin while he secured me in a tight hug. The dream ended there.

      Dream 261 B - A Tireless Walk
      I don't remember much of this dream. From what I can remember, I was somewhere far away from home with my parents. We decided to take a walk somewhere because there was no car for us to drive. Eventually, a half an hour walk turned into something like a two hour walk. No matter how far we went, I never got tired. We ended up entering a KFC store along the way and I walked out with a drumstick and a thigh in my hands. The walk still lasted for ages until we got to some unknown beach. That's all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None

      For ages, I was struggling, not being able to summon Dreamy WB in a dream. In real life, I was in the middle of initiating a quest to revive her. Behold, last night she returned on her own!
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable