Before WBTB The Deal: I'm in a haunted house, a sort of Scooby-Doo scenario with a group of people my age. We’re in a room with fake doors, foam blocks cut up and filled into chasms. I start trying to feel out the walls, looking for fakes. I'm out in front leading the group because this type of thing doesn't really bother me. We get to the end of a hallway and there is a pantry. We all fill into the small room and I end up behind a woman. I understand that this woman can see smell. I engage with some NSFW stuff with this woman. Later, somebody says “things aren't so different after all”. … We’re in the front yard of the mansion and we are trying out keys to several gates. I try one and clearly the key is wrong, but the door can be forced open. The group decides we shouldn't win this way. My coworker L is here and he has made a deal with a friend. The friend eventually shows up from inside the mansion but L is asleep on a bench now. The group moves away, not wanting to deal with the rough looking guy, but I stay. The guy starts going through L's jean pocket back looking for money. I keep watch. L wakes and catches him. L gets mad and starts threatening to kick his ass, but it seems like the deal was OK. After WBTB: Chase: I’m in a destroyed house, similar to the inn at Westfall from WoW but smaller. I’m chasing an animated character from a show I'm watching. Eventually I catch her and we start some NSFW stuff. I wake up pretty turned on. Fragment: Something about being in a gas station store.
Updated 04-15-2024 at 01:53 AM by 99808
last night I had a dream that I was in my house, in the hallway to be specific. I was just playing on my computer then I noticed the door opened, I went up and closed the door but it was like the door was only half a door??.. anyways everyone started waking up, and they were all chilling in the hall way, then they all decided to start putting bombs everywhere in the hallway, and they kept exploding and going off... and the front door was open aswell, this was super irritating for me.. this happened for 10 minutes of non stop front door opening and bombs then I just took my computer and went to my room. I went on the computer and went on my emails, which were all young children who used MMD. I was talking to them and screenshotting their emails and details, then this old women who I suppose was a teacher came up and said she needed my laptop and looked through all the screenshots and closed out of all of them and questioned what the emails were about. she then gave me my laptop back, and I went on YouTube, I was watching this MMD video, it was hating on a user who used to post in 2010. it wasn't for any good reason might I add, it was just cause their posts were considered cringey. After watching for awhile, I ended up talking to Noj. I was telling Noj how most of my friends are 17 to 40 years old. I was playing said friends videos and they all involved spiders crawling everywhere... after this I transported to some anime world, and i could choose how I looked. so I did, then I went onto my laptop in now said anime world.. and there was porn on it.. but anime porn of course.. then I was able to choose the characters so I just chose two anime people and they started doing sexual things, not to eachother just to themselves... then my friend gavin came along, and he said he hated me cause my avatar/appearance is custom, he went to the kitchen then I went there and started doing a whip and nae nae dance to piss him off.. which I then found foolish then walked away. ... something from this dream is missing, but i dont recall it sadly but here it is.
in last nights dream, it was pretty much a blur but from what I can recall... warning semi NSFW I was at this place, and they were selling these potion doll things? now just a note, these things were popular but im not sure why exactly but i do remember they were, and i got one for speed then I left, I thin it was my daydream character again, but I went into his car.. with skydoesminecraft. So, skydoesminecraft was sitting at the back I was sitting in passenger, while this dude was driving they were talking and such, then we got home, the guy parked, skydoesminecraft left the car but still talked to him outside the window, then the guy kneeled down in his chair, rolled the window, put his pants down, put his genitals out... then skydoesminecraft kissed it then walked off. not joking, I literally dreamnt this wtf.. anyways, I went into my house and saw my little brother on his laptop, but he was looking at porn?! at 7 years old?! i looked again and he was using bing search engine but he put so many viruses on it that the background was literally horrific BDSM and torture porn in the background and whenever you searched anything that's all taht came up. anyways heres togniths dream
I was with C. And he was staying with me and my mom, i think we were just in a hotel. We were traveling somewhere. In the dream, I felt like i had a nightmare where he sexually assaulted me while sleeping. I was crying and telling my mom about it. The next night in the dream, I slept in my own room in the hotel. I had a pillow covering my face but nothing else because I was hot. C came in and sexually assaulted me. I begged him to stop but he kept going. I was sobbing, being loud, but my mom didn't hear. I would beg him and say "please don't, I said no" and he'd be like "oh? no? how are you going to stop this?" and proceed to sexually abuse me. I was trying to get away, and that's when I saw this green venomous snake slither up him with out him noticing. I stayed quiet accepting what was happening, and that's when the snake bit his back. He screamed in pain and i ran out of my bed room freely. He acted like he did nothing wrong. I ran up to me sobbing, telling me that it was a poisoned snake and it will make all his teeth fall out. And then he had transformed into an old lady, who looked like she abused drugs, with out any teeth (if there were teeth, they were all black) and she was generally terrifying. I stepped out of what was the backyard (That looked a lot like my old houses back yard) and then i woke up. I feel a general love for the snake, lol. The snake really saved me.
The title says it all. Fell asleep at: ??? Woke up at: ??? I was in an apartment in some big city. It was nighttime, the stars were out (Which shouldn't happen, light pollution and all), and the room I was in seemed to resemble an apartment my sister had in Houston, TX. And I was in the room with a bunch of alluring scantily-clad women. They all looked like they were going to sleep, and were all lying down on tiny mattresses, and I plopped down right next to one of them. She wore a red bikini, was slightly tanned, about as tall as me, and had blonde hair. To be honest she looked an awful lot like my 8th grade Reading teacher (Though she was considerably thinner in the dream. Kind of like a perfect balance). Basically, imagine the swimmer girl from Pokemon XY. And I (For some reason) just knew I wouldn't get into trouble if I just got on the mattress with her. I had a similar dream beforehand where I sat myself right next to another alluring woman, so I guess I remembered that dream in my current dream (If that makes sense). Anyway, she had nice thighs, I had dream recklessness, and I held onto her, putting my moves on her... so to speak. She found me charming and even giggled a little bit, and she let me keep my hands on her as we went to sleep. It was a mix of romance and pure sexual instinct, and I even woke up feeling a little lightheaded. It was...well it was something. SIDENOTES: 1. I also remember another woman (Brunette) on a sky blue mattress. Wearing a sky blue bikini. 2. I think there were like four more women in the same room.
There was more prior to what I recall, but as usual I couldn't remember except some vague bits about reading excerpts of writing in a manor. Then me and other people were observing a room in a manor which had turned into the void, or rather infinite space. Everything in it is utter darkness and you know if you went inside you'll fall through the infinite blackness forever. At some point not long after that, I was Satan himself. Not the horned beast, mind you, more like Professor Woland (Satan in the novel Master and Margarita). Either way, chicanery was afoot, and I was going around scamming and tricking people, one I can remember being me taking over an empty manor, and as a police inspector came to visit (presumably because the previous owner met an unfortunate end) I disguised myself as the butler to receive him, and left him as he went to the Master's study so that I can disguise as the master of the house. All of the Satan sequence happened in a retro pixel game perspective, much like The Last Door games. Some time later, I was in a temple, or I assume at this point it was already a temple in my dream. I was assaulted by the gorilla, I could feel the text being narrated by a certain friend of mine who occasionally write erotica, and I used the tranquilizer to escape but the tranq dart only served as aphrodisiac to the gorilla's weird biology. Guess what happened next. I was on the bottom. Also Wikipedia talked in my head about the virtues of a gorilla's reproductive organs. When I left the satisfied gorilla to clean myself I wiped up with a towel and swaddled myself in it to find clean clothes. It is at this point I realize I'm in a buddhist temple. I went to the carpark and met my mom who doesn't seem to take note of me being in just my towel, and she presumably said something but I couldn't remember. I looked in the car for clothes but there were only sweets.
Updated 10-06-2016 at 07:19 PM by 50816
I'm in a house. It's vry modern, with white walls and honey colored wood flooring, shining. I'm standing at the foot of the staircase, and I can see outside from a long, low window that goes all the way across the wall. to my right there's an open kitchen, in grey, slightly textured resin and shiny chrome, with a black marble counter top and thin, spinnery furniture made out of a gray, dull metal. The kitchen open in the living room, but I can only see part of it; it seem that the house is shaped like an L around a garden. I can make out the corner of a table with a frosted glass top, and part of a white woolly rug. Light is everywhere, spot cleverly hidden along the walls, sun coming from the widows in the wall and in the roof. I need to get out, but Where there should be a front door, the wall is whole. I turn around and start climbing the stairs. There are slowing curling on themself, and lined with potted plants. The ceiling is getting lower and lower, and there's no wall on my left, until I reach the top of the stairs. There's a lot of potted plants here, in the bring sun, and the stairs end in a sort of floorless gazebo. I can climb out of it, and after a short walk on a wooden beam, I enter an attic with greenhouse walls and a low wooden bench running along them. There's someone here, laying down under a nest of blankets. It's warm but no stuffy in the attic, and the sun and shadows are ideal, making it incredibly relaxing. I tiptoes in, trying no to disturb the sleeper, but he slowly raise on his elbows. He's slim and dark haired, and looks almost cartoony sleepy. I get closer and he shapeshifts, his hair lightening to a silvery blond, his bland face filling with intent. He moves, getting the shadows on his face. I recognize him and stop just shy of reaching the nest of blankets. He smiles and sit up, letting the blankets falls off his laps and showing me that he's naked underneath. Spoiler for more nudity after the cut...: And more and more happy to see me. The whole situation makes me laugh and his smile gets larger and larger, like the Chester Cat. I never saw his penis before, and I'm suprised that he's uncut. as I think it the foreskin disappears. As he's longing here, barely moving and smiling, he make me think of a big cat, relaxed and sated, at least for now. I get a little closer to him and sit on the blankets, slightly weirded out but more or less trusting him not to jump me. He stretchs out and take my hand to warp it around his shaft. I pull away, staring at him with disbelief. He laughs, completly silent, and runs his hand on my arms as if to soothes me. I roll my eyes and he suddently grabs me, pulling me in so I'm sitting in his lap. His skin is colder that the room, but not by much; I can feel his sex under my clothes. I push away as he switches his hold from my waist to my wrists and I'm sitting on his thighs. He's still smiling and tilts his head to the side, obviously questioning my reaction. I stop struggling and let him pulls me closer again. I put my hands on his shoulders and he looks almost wondering. After a couple of seconds his face turn predatory, with a strange, playful edge, and his hold my waist with one arm before slipping the other under my dress, pulling my panties aside and helping himself inside me. It's very intense but not overhelming, and after a few seconds it's almost confortable, mostly because neiher of us is moving. He settles himself back on the blankets without letting go my waist, and when I start to thnk I will simply get up and leave, he uses his hand to get me off until overstimulation hits me and I struggle away from him, flailing and unable to stand up. He's laughing again, and I can see my own wetness on his still erect penis. He can't help himself it seem. But in a way, I get it. He's like a green man, a embodiment of sexual energy. I could call him Eros, but I think I can go without gining him a name; he doesn't need one.
I'm in a sprawling garden, part of a even bigger manor. There are people everywhere; it's a rather posh party, but I'm not sure if it's for a birthday or a wedding. The trees are decorated with red ribbons and lanterns made of glass and forged iron, lighting the paths made of red bricks. The foliages is glossy and shining, the conversation are mutted and I don't know anyone, so I wander around in the garden, getting further and further away from the house. There's a lot of tropical plants around, with big, othersized leafs and exuberant forms tightly contained into flowerbeds with red brick trim. It's getting darker, and I end up finding back the crowd. People are getting seated on cushions in front of a stage carved into a cliff side There's a big red drapes framing the stage, hiding the lightsources and standing out against the dull gray stone. I see my sister in already seated on a cushion, so I go sit next to her, not knowing why everyone is here. We wait as more people get seated, my sister is typing away on her phone and I'm regretting not having mine. People keep arriving and sitting, in a very slow, endless stream. I'm starting to get bored and keep shifting on my cushion, drawing the attention of the man sitting in front of me. He got silvery blond hair falling on his shoulders, and a arrogant smile. He gets up, takes my hand and pulls me on my feet, still smiling. He drags me through the crowd to the left of the stage; there's stairs carved in the rock, going down to a tunnel under the stage. It's almost pitch black in the tunnel, but I can't still see the outline of his silhouette, crowned with those beautiful hairs. He moves his hand to my arm, right over my elbow, holding tight. It makes me feel like running, and he smiles again. Spoiler for Nope, no running for me: His fingers dig in my arms and he push me against the wall, his whole body close enough that I can feel him breathes. The wall feels very cold and he's very warm. He slips his knee between my legs and pushes them open, lifting my skirt. I try to grab his wrist and he grab my throat, whispering in my ear that I will behave, then let go of my throat to use his hand to do something more interesting. He's taller that me, enough that I have to stand on my tiptoes, gripping his shoulders to steady myself. My body start to buckles and I have trouble staying silent. He pushes me harder against the wall, breathing in my neck. He brings me to climax and keeps going; it's almost painful. I stumble out of the tunnel, and the crowd is thining out, people scattering back in the garden. My sister is still here, she gathered more cushions and is laying on top of them, videochatting on a small laptop with a guy I identify as her boyfriend. They are fighting, so I don't stick around. I go back to wandering along the paths, and I meet up with a friend. We walk around a little, and she bring up the fact that I disappeared a little earlier. I tell her why and she don't believe me at all, then point out that she pegged me as more of a car type of girl. It makes me laugh and we reach a sort of round space with carts of colorful, almost cartoony fruits. I pick up a giant mango the size of a beach ball; it's half squashed and my hands get covered in sticky juice. The smell is almost overhelming, and I chuck it in a flowerbed, shaking my hands to get rid of at least part of the juice. ... Well I... Did find the silvery man again? I didn't manage to get lucid but it's something. He's still a jerk
Woke up after last dream at 7 am, went back to sleep. I'm in the family house with my mother and sister, there's lot of stuff to do to fix it up. the garden is a mess, and the inside isn't in better shape; there's rumble everywhere and the place is basicaly gutted. However, it's full of light, and all the the french windows are open, letting summer heat come in with the light. I open the front door, and there's a group of people in working clothes, her to help fix the house. One of them is vaguely familiar, but the other are a faceless crown men and women alike. I let them in to the living room, where my mother and sister are waiting. We start giving out taskes and I ended up in the garden with the familiar man. We're moving the outside furniture, sofa and armchairs of forged iron, alongside table and chair mae of the same material. The sofa and armchairs are only frames and relatively light, and the chairs are easy. Then it's the table, and it's the heaviest piece. We westle it to the back of the house, close to the empty pool. On this side of the pools the only windows are those of the bedrooms, and nobody is there for now. The man mopes his brow as I strip off my jacket and drop it on the table. We're resting a little before going back to work. Spoiler for There was a reason he was familiar...: He walks around to face me and suddently pick me up to pin me down on the table. I bang against the iron and the table drags a little accross the stone flooring; it makes a rumbly sound that seem to run down my spin. The man pulls my thights apart and starts pounding me on the table; he's slightly to thick for confort, and rather rough. As he bend over me, his white-blond hair frames his face and I recognize him from another dream. I start to question what's going on, and the orgasm is building up, making everything shimer. Suprisingly, I don't wake up; I become lucid instead. I slip off the table and decide to get out of the garden and into the street to clear my head a little. I open the portal and step out. I end up in the street in front of my actual house, and from the corner of my eyes I can see that I'm in front of it. Rather that getting in I turn to the left, to the end of the street. The house next to mine is completly different; now it's a two stories house in white plaster and black logs, with a cute balcony full of bright flowers. The day is ending, and the tiny front garden is full of lights along the gravelled path to the front door. I go in, singing Eli name. He open the door as I reach it and pick me up into a hug. I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face against him. The house is full of golden light and fairy lights suspended off the ceiling, and the living room ceiling is all the way up to the roof.
A dream where we I was all over the place. At was at long wharf at night at my house which appeared to be a type of gym. It was completely black in there with different wall runs, treadmills, and bench presses. There was also many mirrors as well. I was attempting a wall run which was toward the end but the platforms were too small for some reason. So, my mom, told me to do it. And I did successfully m Afterward, we were driving around in my dads car in the middle of dawn. The sky was a bluish purple color with pink blotches as well. And for some reason my dad's car was red instead of being Silver. He was driving really fast around long wharf which also had many turns. Another connected dream where I was in the room doing sexual things with a cuter version of a friend of mine.. We were intensely kissing each other on my bed while also watching something TV, which seemed to also switch my perspective toward it. It was about a guy who killed his own brother for a good reason. The place was falling apart as he was running but soon the floor collapsed indefinitely. He seemed to be at a canyon. It soon switched back to a base he was stationed at as he explained the event. It then switched back to me and Kayla as we kept lustfully making out with another for a while. She then soon says she been wanting to-do something to which she pulls down her white sleeveless shirt and lavender bra revealing her right breast, and her skirt up. Soon my member was touching her vagina and rubbing it as she said I can move whenever I wanted. I stuck it in before the dream ended.
It was just a question of time before things got heated up 'round here... I'm keeping no explicit. The sky is overcast and the night is falling, giving a gray, eerie atmosphere to the dream. I am in a small ancient garden with gravelled paths gently curving around the lawn, with small shrubs and flowers dotting the place, giving it a pastoral feel, and it's mostly enclosed withing talls gnarly trees that looks like oaks. To my right is a small, free form pool; the water is pristine and looks cold, and close to it is a path made of irregular, hand carved limestone stepstones rather than gravels. This path curves slowly to a stone platform with a tomb or a flat altar on it; it looks old, weathered but well-kept, like the rest of the place. I walk to the platform, laughting as someone stroll behind me. I reach the stone platform and he grab me, pulling me up on the altar and holding me down on it. I'm on my back, not laughting anymore as he pulls me close and pin down one of my thigh with one of his knee, and he is the one who chuckles when I realize his intent and freeze up. His face is obscured by shadows, his hair are pale almost white blond, and long enough to brush against his shoulders and frame his face. over him I can see the first stars of the night sky, but the light is still gray and shallow, like there is no setting sun. The stone is cold and coarse under me, I can feel it through my clothes, and my breath is really short, equally from anticipation and fear, in fact, I feel like I'm drowning in adrenalin, every sensory input amped up to the max. He is slightly too thick for confort, and I can't help but squirm. I woke up soon after. He made a couple of comments I won't be retranscribing here. I still wondering how the hell I didn't wake up as soon as he had me trapped, because everything felt as life-like as it gets.
The first dream I had I woke up at my work before it was bought out by another company. The power was out so we couldn't do anything so I was just in the back room. All of a sudden my family doctor tells me to come with him. I thought that this was weird but followed him into a van where there was two other people and a weird chair. He wanted me to take some weird meds so they could record my dreams. I complied. The first dream in a dream I don't remember that well. It was something weird though. The second started with a girl taking me to the back room of a strip club. Once there we talked and flirted for a bit and eventually had sex. I ended up waking up in the van with the doctor saying something about a wrong dose of meds and that it should have only kept me asleep for about a day and not a week. They where arguing about why it would last longer. I tried to say that I was ok but I soon realized that I couldn't talk or move. As far as they where concerned I was still out so I decided to fall back asleep. When I woke up I was in the strip club again with the same girl snuggling next to me. Another girl walked in and started to talk to me. After a little bit of talking to both of them the first girl asked how my first time was. I mis-perceived the question and gave a future date where we could do it. She got really upset and walked of. The other girl asked me why I said that because she really liked me. My response was that this is all a dream and I though that was a separate dream. She looked like she understood and said even so you should have thought about your answer a little more. She went to go explain to the other girl. After a while they began to come back and I woke up (irl).
Got a weird one for you. So I woke up partially lucid in an unknown house with other people I didn't know (generated) in some big building. We all split up into groups of 2s to feel safer. There was a person who brought us all there with the same rules as in the anime dangan ronpa. The only way out of the house it to kill someone there and get away with it. My dream had more modern stereo types than the show however. I was the odd man out so I decided to follow a group of 3 to feel safer. Most people where having sex to pass the time but I just mostly stood on the sidelines and waited for something to happen. I stayed with at least a group of 2 at all times to make sure that I was not a suspect. The next day we decided to check in on some emo guy but when we opened the door he was dead. At first we thought he killed himself in some ritual or something but when we got back to the room with some other people there was a girl there trying to cover it up. She looked more scared than anything. We had a trial after about an hour of investigating and we found out that he was going to try some weird ritual with her and that she was scared for her life where she then ended up killing him. We concluded this in the class trial where she was then executed by the person who had us captive. We all mourned for them the next few days to come even if we could now go to the next floor of the building. After talking it over with a few of them I decided to reset the dream and remove the emo kid as a variable but let them keep their memories. This time I decided to partner up with the girl that the emo kid was with. We talked for a while in the living room where I decided to ask her if she wanted anything to drink. After I poured the drinks I told her what she really wanted and began to grope he and we made out for a bit. She then told me that I was a terrible kisser but I commented on how she still wanted me to continue (which she did). After some time of this I thought that I heard my alarm clock and woke up IRL 3 hours before my alarm will actually go off and decide that I will daydream the rest later. I will remember in better detail now since I have typed it.
NSFW! MATURE THEMES! Okay, I warned you, fair and square. So I had this dream last night, I don't remember much of it anymore because I waited too long to log it. But RCS was with me, and we were just sort of touching, and I started getting more and more turned on. Eventually he slid into me and was touching me at the same time. I was getting really, really into it, but then I remember B(M) and stop it, even though I definitely do not want to. We (RCS and I) walk around somewhere together, and I start touching myself, partly because I'm so horny I almost have to, and partly because I'm hoping it will turn him on so we start again. Anyway... that's probably the most sexual dream I've ever had in my whole life. I really enjoyed it, haha. I hope this isn't too inappropriate for DreamViews, I guess I'm not sure what the rules are regarding that.