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    1. #55 - Tardis + Rescue/Sex/Rock throwing

      by , 11-13-2014 at 01:06 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      I had a near WILD experience again last night, the 3rd I've ever had. I was lying in bed after a WBTB at around 5ish, I could feel some intense vibrations, I could hear them buzzing too. I could also see some slight visuals starting to manifest, like a small light in a sea of darkness. The whole thing was short lived as I once again screw up the transition. I also noticed my jaw being clenched up and offset in an odd position as I was coming out of the experience, I do a few reality checks to make sure I wasn't having an infamous SSILD false awakening but I wasn't sadly .

      Dream 1 - Tardis + Rescue
      Me and someone else are planning to steal the Tardis (for those of you who don't know what this is, it's the time travelling police box from the Doctor Who series), we look around for the area where it's supposed to appear. We seem to be peering through a window into an area that is so indescribable... Like a 70s trippy visuals effect was going on in the background and everything was floating. Now I'm somehow in a library but it looks extremely similar to my kitchen. I see a book outside that contains more information on the Tardis, I go outside to read it. I seem to be sitting down on the bricks by the doors where I usually sit to relax on a sunny day, a crew member from the Tardis walks past the glass window behind me, he has his daughter with him. The crew member scowls at me. I find a box that contains lots of little books in it for reading to little kids and babies etc. They're the same as what I read to my daughter in WL, and I think to myself how I should have stolen these instead of buying brand new ones. I think about this and decide that this a dumb idea. I read through the books for about a minute, they're worn out and missing bits of the cover photo. I then blur into a new scene where I'm trying to save a girls family from a guy with a sub machine gun. We're in a woodland area that has tall thin evergreens and light brown dirt, it reminds me of American-type forests (at least from what I've gathered from movies). The crook is hiding in a wooden-log house, I can't remember what happened but somehow I win against him, I realize now that his weapon has no ammo. He says something along the lines of "I guess it still counts as a criminal offense...", insinuating that even though the family was never in danger he will still get in trouble. The girls family is no where to be seen, and it's now the girl who I was actually saving (some kind of dream screw up in the plot). The girl runs up to me and hugs me, I feel like she's my daughter. A woman nearby comments on me saying "That's what you call a good role model".

      Dream 2 - Sex
      Fooling around with a girl, shouldn't need to go into details. We were in my home though and it was daytime.

      Dream 3 - Rock Throwing
      I'm on a beach and I'm getting chased, I run across rocks and sand, leaping acrobatically around. I leap onto the edge of a ledge a few metres high and hook my leg into a crevice to support myself. There is a girl reading a book on the top of the ledge not even noticing me, and there's four people below me on the beach who were chasing me. They're looking up at me, I throws down at them and they throw a few back. I catch 2 of the bigger rocks and hurl them back, 1 of them cracks into 3 rocks and hits 3 of the people on the top of their heads. I can feel myself slipping ever so gradually as the feel of the dirt on the ledge slides a bit. I decide to get a better vantage point, and swing myself into the crevice I'm supporting myself on. It's tight and dark, I'm lying flat and there's no room to move. I shouldn't have even been able to get into such a place. The entrance is horizontally oriented and is only open a crack, I seem to realize though that I won't have trouble getting out if I just realized a certain something (slight awareness increase), but I wake up.
    2. Speed-run ToTM and a dare dream, one-shot killing a turkey and brief chat with a DC

      by , 11-13-2014 at 12:12 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Speed-run ToTM and a dare dream, one-shot killing a turkey and brief chat with a DC (DILD)


      I believe this is possibly the lamest ToTM I have ever worked on, and to be honest, I did not even see this coming. I have been coding for a new dream journal software like a maniac... and well, every time I woke up in the middle of the night, all I had in my mind was a bunch of code (that I wont paste here lol) and yet, I got a lucid dream. I naturally woke up around 7:30am (alarm clock triggers at 8:00am) and I was laying on my back, just relaxing to wait for the clock. After a while I found myself driving down the street. I was in what I believe to be a manual transmission car, as I had to switch gears manually. I got inside a building and I was driving down the stars, but now, I was riding a red bike:

      I was driving through aisles and up and down the stairs, and yet, I had a manual transmission strick to switch gears,
      realizing how it could be even possible... realizing that it was impossible for a bike and realizing that my car just turned into a bike and I was indoors, so I turned lucid.

      I was surprised by the dream, and feared that anytime soon the alarm clock was going to trigger. I saw a small child in the middle of a big empty room and I asked him:
      - "What are you grateful for?"
      - Chocolate! - he replied.

      I was like, okay... and then realized that asking that was not a ToTM.
      - What is my name? - I asked him.
      - Manolo, like the supermarket - He replied
      (That is not my name nor I have seen a super market named like that.

      I recalled I had to tell him that it was a dream, so:
      - This is a dream - I exalted.
      - No, I am awake, we are not dreaming - He replied.

      I rose my hand and showed it to him, claiming we were in a dream. My hand looked perfectly fine, five perfect fingers... so I was like, what the hell. I looked at my hand again, perfect... another false positive. I knew we were dreaming because of the bike, I looked a third time and then, two of my fingers were overlaying each other and they were like holograms. I realized that the child was doing his own business, but since he replied, I was done.

      I then decided to walk backwards, as I believed it was a dare. Simple task... I walked a good 50 steps backwards, but nothing out of the blue happened.

      I then went ahead to remember the other ToTM without much success... so much coding, so little reading I told to myself. I believed that the bonus task was to steal the turkey that the President saved and decide its fate. I figured if I tried to fly outside the building and look for the White House I was not going to make it in time and the alarm clock would ruin it. I pretended that behind a door I was going to find the White House.

      I opened the door and I could see grass and heard birds chirping. I was able to see the White House (even though it was a mix of the white house and Congress, looking something like this

      I saw the President, but it was not Obama. It was a made up African American dude, dressed in business attire. The First lady was next to him, but also made up. I think she looked Chinese. There was a turkey standing next to them, so I figured it was the turkey they saved. I started feeling my cats in bed and started to feel I was waking up rapidly, so I had to do something... I just grabbed the turkey's neck and said, "Your fate is to die." I started to strangle it and little after, I woke up. Since the dare is to decide the fate, I'd say I completed it, as I have decided it would die. I wouldn't have made the choice though if I wasn't waking up, I would have done something much more exciting. This is somewhat short entry, this dream felt quick, very quick.

      Updated 11-13-2014 at 12:19 PM by 31830

      lucid , task of the month
    3. Country Road, Fresh Produce, Thomas's Mom, Police

      by , 11-13-2014 at 12:12 PM (One Up Seeker)
      1, I was in a car with a few friends, I think Dylan and someone else. We had just arrived at Thomas's house to chill for a bit. I immediately noticed how rainy and cold it was outside. We didn't know how we were going to get inside of his house without getting wet. Luckily I had a jacket, some jeans, and a red snapback on, so I was covered. Suddenly Thomas's mom comes outside and comes up to the car, "Would you guys like to come inside?" she asks. We both reply, "Yeah." With this she tells us that in order to come inside we had to be wearing jeans, so again I was covered, but I think Dylan was wearing shorts. Thomas's mom suddenly leaves to go back inside out of no where and basically ditches us.
      We both get out of the car, and it is still raining. I can feel the water droplets hitting my skin, and again, its pretty cold outside.

      2. I was driving on some road during daytime, and I had a few friends in the back that came along with me for the ride. As we drove down this straight, long, country road, I noticed that we were coming up on what looked to be a produce farm. As I got closer and closer to the farm I realized that it was pretty crowded, and there were alot of 4 X 4 trucks driving around in the farm itself. Eventually we came up on the farm and passed it, but as we were doing so I noticed that a cop had just pulled somebody over behind me. I remembered that I didn't have my license yet, so I needed to stay incognito or I'm done for.
      The cop car looked pretty odd as well, it had really dark tail lights and head lights, as in, they were tinted. The cop car was a SUV. Once we got past the cop far enough I started speeding again for some reason. I remember the feeling of just flying down the road ahead of me.
    4. Akashic Records Juice

      by , 11-13-2014 at 12:11 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Akashic Records Juice (Non-lucid)


      I went to check out a car with a friend, I believe I was going to do a survey or something afterwards to rate the service. The guy was very friendly and I test drove the car. I told him I would come back.

      Some friends from Europe were visiting and they wanted to check out an apartment to move around here, so we went with them. It was day but it got into night pretty soon. We were talking about Spiritual Stuff and then we got to check out the house.
      The same guy was going to show us the house and he provided us with some brochures before we were ready.

      Somehow we got into talking about the Akashic Records and how important was for him to access them very sparingly, as he claimed if you went into the records too often you would fry your brain. I told him that no way, as I did several Akashic Records readings a day to all my clients and I was okay. I also told him I drank two quarts a day of Akashic Records juice
      (what the heck??? LOL) He said that I was going to get into trouble on the long run and proceeded to show us the apartment.
    5. Lost a shoe durring school

      by , 11-13-2014 at 11:56 AM
      Lost a shoe durring school

      I can only remember 1 dream that was after wbtb. I was in school and trying to get to my next class on time. I was pulled to the side by the jantor (not sure for what reason). Then I ended up downstairs Ina place that looks like a mall. For some reason there are shoes everywhere, except mine. Then I go to the school gym and start searching for my shoes, but still can't find any. Eventually I give up, and just go to class. When I got there, the teacher was the advisor of my club at school in RL. I was a little surprised, but went in any ways. While I was there I finally found my shoe,then th room warped into my house. I also missed a ton of dream signs, like the school, and an certain section of the school.
    6. #54 - Scenic neighbourhood

      by , 11-13-2014 at 11:18 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Dream 1 (12/11/2014)- Scenic Neighbourhood
      I'm walking along an unlaned road in a scenic neighbourhood similar to where I grew up. I end up with a girl who I think is an ex-girlfriend, we're in her room and we're trying to fool around. We're trying to keep quiet so her family doesn't know what we're up to, and she gives me a condom too, but it's kind of broken or something and I have to go find more. I find some in a bag that's supposedly mine, I feel like I'm doing something wrong now though, as if I were cheating or something and I slip in consciousness.
    7. School

      by , 11-13-2014 at 10:59 AM (Dreamerino Journalino Ginino Sanino Manino Lucidinos in my Journalino Cappuccino Expressivo Crescendo Penguino Languini Amigo Panini Kapparino Lollerino Trollerino Rhinorino Hornerino Adventurino's Ferrarini Pepperoni Mozzarello Spiceroni Ninő Casinő)
      It's funny, because right after waking up I didn't remember anything. I tried but nothing came to mind. Then I did some meditation for 5 minutes and I started playing a browsergame I suddenly remembered one dream. And while writing this the other one came to mind too!

      I was at school hanging out with a friend. We were hungry or only me I don't know but there was shrimp on the menu. I think I didn't eat it. I don't remember why but I was also angry at him about something.

      And in another dream I fought with some guy who was looking after me, I ran away and thought to myself I'm going to practice martial arts and beat him up when I see him again..
    8. 11/11 and 11/12/14 Awareness DILD, Fade Saved Once

      by , 11-13-2014 at 06:04 AM
      11/12/14 Turning left and next thing I know I am walking and follow a group of people into a store where a few guys are looking at ties.

      I look down a stairwell and see a woman and turn away when I hear someone call my name from down there and it hits me I am dreaming. While lucid I think that this is a result of my recent adjustments to my awareness work but I notice the dream seems to be fading but I am determined to keep it going! I rub my hands and the rail as I go down and at the bottom is a cabinet with french fries and junk on it. I grab the fries and junk up and just start stuffing them in my mouth chewing them up for the sole purpose of stabilizing the dream.

      It works and as I turn the corner I am in a parking garage.

      To my left is a blue Volkswagen Bug. There are life size wood carvings/statues of two older women sitting in the front seat and two even older women in the back seat. I am studying the details and making a mental note to get a good guestimate of the ages of the women depicted in the statues. I settle on an age of late 60's for the women in front and 80's for the women in the back. I feel the dream fading again but much quicker this time...too quick and I think about the NREM conversations and try to stay in some form of sleep
      but quickly realize I am fully awake and have a strong urge to adjust my position in bed. I think it was too close to my normal time to get up. Now I have to consider if it is better to let the dream fade into the void and teleport since I have had some of my most memorable LDs that way or save the dream like this dream in case I don't get to the void but instead inadvertently "follow the normal path to waking" which I definitely don't want. Notes: previous awareness notes apply but also putting a larger sense of wonder in my RRC interaction statement leaving a hanging question as part of it and thinking about if it makes sense where I am at...where was I before...does that make sense? Did quite a bit of this while driving back from my league game. If CL is reading this, didn't you have a VW in a lucid? 231

      11/11/14 Sexual LD with older woman. A "hot young thang" in fancy but classy lingerie then seduces me. Some fading lucidity. Afterwards I whip it out for my Wife. 230
    9. Changed DJ profile picture ��

      by , 11-13-2014 at 01:43 AM (dolphin's dreams)
      Dreaming has been good lately. I had 4 DILDs last night. They were short though because I decided to do sexy stuff. I'll try to focus my attention back to Dreamer's dare of though of meeting the statue of the Commendatore and having him lead me on an adventure through hell.

      I've been able to summon the graveyard a couple of times and met with the statue once but haven't been able to get past that. When I met with the statue he didn't lead me to hell, he led me through a city. I need to take charge of my dreams and tell that dc, "No, we're not going downtown, we're going to hell!"

      Updated 11-13-2014 at 02:10 AM by 57896

      side notes
    10. Flood and safety net, no pants, messanger

      by , 11-12-2014 at 09:35 PM
      There was a flood in my office. Well, it was not actually anything like my office but in the dream it was my office. The flood started because a device attached to the ceiling above my cube malfunctioned, and it sprayed water profusely. I could not turn it off, could not get to it. But then the safety net quickly crawled covering the whole office floor and snapping into place, and the flood stopped. I determined that I could plug that device back in and it could again do whatever it is it did with water, but I was not sure I should. Why did I need it anyway? It was not standard issue for my work, so something I brought in. There was also lots of other stuff I did not need there, including a sofa stuffed with random stuff including a disconnected lamp. I chose not to plug the device in and to throw it away.

      I dreamed I was at work with my pants off. Then I woke up (false awakening) still without my pants on.

      A coworker I do not have in real life wanted me to send a message from her to a departing teammember. I said I already said my goodbyes, why don't you communicate this yourself? She wanted to know how often I communicate with this guy, I said all the time. She seemed disappointed and reluctant to contact him herself.
    11. No dreams remembered

      by , 11-12-2014 at 08:43 PM
      side notes
    12. God Does Not Exist!

      by , 11-12-2014 at 08:25 PM
      Many people have asked in their Lucid Dreams to meet God, so I figured I would give it a try. During one of my lucid dreams last summer, I was trying to find my daughter, but I was having no luck, so I decided to meet with God instead. I’ve never attempted to do this before in my 40 plus years of Lucid Dreaming. Before I begin, I would like to point out that I do in fact believe in God, have faith, but I have not been a strong, practising, church going person, though I grew up in a strongly religious home. I have full respect for God.

      In a perfectly lucid dream I approached two dream figures. I said in a firm voice, “Where’s God? I need to meet with him.” They looked at each other, and the one dream figure said to the other, “What did he just say?” The other figure then said, “I think he said he wants to meet with God.” They chuckled at each other, shrugged their shoulders, and then looked back at me with a questioned look. I said, “Where’s God?” The first dream figure then pointed at a building that was under construction, and he said, “God’s in there.” I walked up some concrete steps and entered into a building that only had plywood on the exterior, and truly was under construction. It was a real mess. I searched for God room to room. Finally, on the second storey, I found a very old, withered man in a small, closet size, bedroom. The old withered man was under a tethered blanket. He was wearing an old blue parka and faded torn, blue jeans. His hair and beard were blondish grey, long, knotted and dreaded. He was wrinkled skin and bones. His eyes were closed, and he was unconscious. I felt sorry for him, whoever this abandoned old man was, and I scooped him up into my arms, in a cradled position, and I carried him out of the building. After I carried him outside I woke up from the dream. I was a little disappointed after I woke up that I didn’t find God in the building.

      The following week I had another lucid dream about God. Suddenly, in the lucid dream, this same old guy, from the prior dream I described above, appears right beside on a park bench. He even has the same blue parka and jeans, but this time he looks much healthier. He looks straight into my eyes, and then raises his head to the sky and shouts, “GOD DOES NOT EXIST!” His eyes were a glowing baby blue colour. I’m so shocked by this I wake up. I start to think about what these two dreams were about. Maybe I did meet God, and maybe he is saying to me that my faith needs a little bit of work?

      The following week, after the second dream, I was driving home from work (in the waking world) to have lunch. On the side of the road, sitting on a park bench, I see the same old man! He looked exactly same right down to the long greyish blonde dreaded hair and beard. He even had the same blue, winter parka. I’d like to point out, who wears a parka on a hot summer day? It was about 85 F. I drove right past him. He looked like a homeless man. That in itself is very strange, because there are no homeless people in this suburban neighborhood. I began to think that maybe God wanted me to stop and visit with this homeless man. Maybe that’s what these two lucid dreams were about? If there was some meaning behind these dreams, I didn’t want to blow it by simply driving by and ignoring him, so I immediately went and picked up ‘lunch for two’ at Tim Hortons. I have to admit I felt a little odd doing this, but it just seemed like the right thing to do. He was the most humble man I’ve ever met. His name was Paul. He even had the baby blue eyes like my LD. We sat for a ˝ hour and discussed life in general. He was explaining how people are so busy trying to make money that they miss out on life itself. He said, “To enjoy life, you really don’t need anything. All you need is already here.” I asked him about wearing his winter parka when it’s so hot out, and he replied, “I never take it off.”

      Later that night, I’m heading out to the cabin for the weekend (in the waking world), and I see his blue parka lying in the middle of the road, not far from where we had lunch. It made me think.
      lucid , memorable
    13. Afraid Of The Dark/Eye Joking Around Again?

      by , 11-12-2014 at 08:12 PM
      I appeared at a subway station and a alarm sounded. There was a announcement that the new governor was making a special appearance at the subway. When the train arrived he came out of the train and people were giving him special treatment. I knew it was a dream than and started walking. As I walked I appeared in a classroom where my old English highschool teacher was. She was upset with me because I didn't do the work.

      I told her i didn't care than tried leaving but there was this annoying thing that had no form trying to attack me. I pushed it out of the way, ran and noticed I was in the hallway of my house. I than looked in a room calling for Dawn or Eye but no one was around. The rooms were just dark and empty.The annoying thing came back and started attacking me again so I ran through the halls and up the dark steps. I was screaming for Eye again because I was really freaked out.

      I don't normally get this freaked out unless I watch a paranormal thing where a haunting occurs and I watch those shows like once in a blue moon. But yesterday I watched Paranormal files: Fake or Fact and I was having trouble getting it out of my head. So I was calling for Eye on the dark stairs and Eye appeared running through the halls and up the steps to me. He was worried and asked me what was wrong. I told him I was really scared and to take me to my room. Eye than picked me up and was walking up the dark stairs.

      When we reached the living room it was pitch black but I could see a transparent person sitting on rocking chair just staring into the darkness. Eye brought me to my room though but I could feel him fading. I started calling out for him again and suddenly everything was pitch black. But thankfully the scene changed and I was in a orange lit bedroom with Eye in front of me. I hugged him happily and noticed that there was a mirror above the bed and a closet opening. I was intrigued to open it but didn't cause I was afraid something scary would pop up. I asked Eye something but woke up.

      Dream 2

      I recall being in my house and my brother brought me to my room. He showed me where he took the plum he was eating. But I was confused cause I only have apples in my room. I took an apple with a tissue and noticed there was a big hole in the apple and little tiny black things on it. When I threw it out and four dream characters popped out of no where I was aware that I was in a dream.

      As I was walking Eye came out of no where with the rotten apple and started chasing me. I ran because I didn't want him to touch me with it. It felt like we were playing a game to be honest because he was chasing me and the other DCs with it. It was sort of funny. When I got downstairs Eye was still playing around and I ran into my brother's room. I tried locking the door but the door dissapeared. I was like "seriously! Oh well, you win" than stepped out the room where Eye was waiting for me.

      He than told me to do something really embarrassing since I lost and I did it. Than he started bursting out laughing because I actually did it. I felt weird...and thought "Is this really Eye and is he making fun of me?"I was trying to process the situation when Eye just kept laughing at me and saying he couldn't believe I just did what he told me to do.

      That's when the scene changed and I was with a group of prisoners. They were talking when the guards came back and told us to get back into our rooms. They ran in and I followed them cause the guard was huge but I noticed I was on the side where the boys were. I couldn't run back though cause there was a gynormus giant keeping the others in check and I didn't want to get squashed.

      Anyways I found Eye and felt safe there so I hugged him and stood there till the giant left. But than Eye dissapeared and one of the guards came and told me it was time for me to be sacrificed or something like that. I ran and appeared in a outside forest place where there were tents and broken cloth hanging and lying around.

      There was a Indian man dressed in a huge blue bird suit trying to dance. I tried to do his moves just for fun but he said I was doing it wrong. So I tried doing it again and he said I did good this time but the guard and giant were now coming for me. I started flying than flew up trying to get away. When I tried flying back to where Eye was though I noticed I was in a circus like place and in front of me there was a bloody bible with a orange haired doll inside that reminded me of Chuckie.

      I tried keeping the doll from getting out the book but than heard a guy laughing from behind me. I was like "Eye? What's going on?" But he just kept laughing at me so I tried pushing him but couldn't. I asked him if he was really Eye and what his name was but he didn't answer me. The doll started talking about how fun it was to scare me but I told the doll to stop and become good. It didn't want to though. I than went up to Eye and asked him why was he doing all this for. He just said something like it was only for fun. I than went up to the doll and gave it to a pink anime hair girl in the crowd of the circus. The doll started changing to something cute and good than I woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid
    14. Lover's Quarrel

      by , 11-12-2014 at 07:13 PM
      This is a dream that I neglected to write down immediately, consequently details were lost. I was in the art building at my college in Johnson County. There I saw Damara Megido. The Slipknot song "Snuff" began to play as Megido turned away her estranged Matesprit, Rufioh Nitram. Those familiar with the Homestuck comics would know what this is about. Rufioh cheated with someone else but unlike in the comic, Rufioh was here to try and get her back but Damara was having none of it. The song that was playing in the background fit perfectly with what Damara was trying to get across. I could the words very clearly as I began to awaken:

      So save your breath, I will not care.
      I think I made it very clear.
      You couldn't hate enough to love.
      Is that supposed to be enough?
      I only wish you weren't my friend.
      Then I could hurt you in the end.
      I never claimed to be a saint...
      Ooh, my own was banished long ago
      It took the death of hope to let you go

      Well said Damara and good luck...to the both of you.
    15. Sandboarding, Sewer Monsters, Lucid Dreaming Fighters, Dream Art

      by , 11-12-2014 at 07:00 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I had yet another short lucid early in the night and forgot it. I'm beginning to question what the heck is going on here. Why does this keep happening to me?

      I was with a couple of faceless dream friends sandboarding down a large hill on pieces of scrap metal. The hill seemed to be on a treadmill of sorts as in we didn't seem to be getting any closer to the bottom. The bottom of the hill led into the ocean.
      Eventually we began seeing the stumps of long-dead trees and we had to dodge them. The scene became like a video game and we were trying to dodge the stumps as they came at us faster and faster. There were also angled stumps that you could go off of like ramp to get more points.
      This somehow led to a dream about a town at the bottom of the sand dune. Some story involving a young boy with spiky black hair named Tarek. I think he was a character in an anime.
      There was something to do with sewer monsters involved. I can recall these red and black venus-fly-trap-like creatures living in the sewers that he was responsible for killing or befriending. I think he ended up getting eaten or captured and his boss had to come save him and was angry for failing at his duties.
      Some other dreams about being on the beach at the bottom of the never-ending sand dune. Manei was there. They were very long and I can't exactly recall what happened. I think they might be old dreams that were triggered by this one.

      Me and S were on a bus. We both had laptops. S stated that he had decided to join me on Dreamviews, but he wanted to read thorugh my dream journal. For some reason I didn't want him reading that sex dream that I entered a month or two back, and I was frantically trying to take it off of my page. I messaged an admin asking to hard-delete it.
      S commented that many of my dreams were very interesting and he asked me why I hadn't told him about these.
      S, despite having just made an account, somehow already had this chibi anime character set as his avatar. The style of it actually looked something like the artwork that I am going to upload at the end of this dream journal entry.
      The bus ride dropped us off by my old middle school. The two of us began walking along the path heading to my house. It was a cloudy day, actually raining a little bit, and for a non-lucid dream, it seemed unusually vivid. I also saw that the woods next to the middle school had been flattened and all of the trees broken. I asked S if he knew what had happened. He told me that there were a couple of lucid dreamers fighting, and that he had seen them going at it earlier this morning.
      Just then a couple of 'lucid dreamers' showed up. Both of them male. One was just wearing a pair of shorts and had a very muscular physique. The other wore a long black assassin cloak and was hovering above the ground. The buff one picked up a log and leaped into the air swinging it at the assassin character. He made a fire wheel and cut through it. he retaliated by forming some ice spikes with the rain and flinging them back. The buff dreamer got impaled but he broke the spikes out of his chest and regenerated.
      He lunged into melee range and the two had a DBZ style fight. The buff guy used earthbending to send some rocks after the cloak guy. He shot back fire spikes/drills. The fight broke down into a long interlude sequence that I forgot.
      S stated that he was surprised that they were still fighting, thinking that by now one of them would have won. He said something very quote-able about how people always take fights and competition too far.

      I questioned how lucid dreamers could be fighting in the 'real' world. There was some kind of faulty logic going on here, something to do with the fact that these people were actually asleep somewhere and OOB, but their lucid dreaming selves had somehow manifested in the physical world. I kept asking S questions about what was going on and he was trying to explain it logically. I started to become lucid when I woke up.

      Good recall and lucidity, considering I went to bed at around midnight with little intention of lucid dreaming.

      Updated 01-15-2015 at 02:32 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid