Splinter: I'm walking a puppy with my girlfriend down a neighborhood sidewalk. There is more grass than there is in waking life. More like the neighborhood I grew up in. The puppy looks like a german shepherd. I reflect that we didn't end up getting an aussie. I notice that the puppy is wandering around on the grass nearby. Maybe he has to poop, I think to myself. On closer inspection, my girlfriend finds a splinter in his paw and then removes it. The puppy has since changed into a pug, but it doesn't raise any sort of alarm in us.
I was too tired yesterday to practice the incubation techniques. So I didn't get a forest. Maybe tomorrow. Pete is Gone My girlfriend has come home with a puppy. It's an aussie, the breed we've been considering for a while. We are in the living room by the couch playing with it. There is a particular puppy I've been watching online, Pete. Pete is black and white, with heterochromia. One eye is husky-blue and the other is dark green. I'd decided that this was the puppy I wanted (but couldn't get for logistical reasons). The puppy here is not Pete. This puppy has white and grey colors and black eyes. I'm happy to have a puppy finally, but I'm a bit sad that it isn't Pete.
Updated 06-28-2023 at 07:17 PM by 99808
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP On the backstage of - I think - Jimmy Kimmel's show. There is a giant water tank on stage for some reason and Jimmy is inside fully dressed doing some stunt. At some point I feel like he is in distress, so I knock on the glass just to check. All is fine and when it is over, I see the staff putting away all the wet accessories and then I meet Jon Stewart, who is also around for some reason. He joins me and comes to my mom's house to stay for a day, sort of a prize I got at the show, not sure. Strangely, he straight away sits topless on the sofa. I always found him hot, despite just being an ordinary looking dude, so I find myself massaging and caressing him. At first, I feel like it is consensual - after all, he got naked - but then he looks awkward and tells me not to touch his nipples or hair and just keep it professional. I am confused but I say ok and offer him just a shoulder massage. Then I stop, because I still feel him uncomfortable and I also feel uncomfortable and I say we can just talk. I start asking if he ever visited Portugal before. He says no and asks if there are beaches nearby. I say not really, but for some reason I can see Setúbal from my mom's window and tell him actually on that town, there is a really nice beach and we can go there if he wants. He likes the idea and we hop on a train to get there. My mom and some other girl also join. During the travel, Jon disappears and now I am only with the two ladies. The ticket controller comes by and the girl has no ticket and I realize none of us do. She makes up some bad excuse that will make us look even worse. The controller says immediately he will have to fine her. I think we need to get out right now discreetly and we need a distraction maneuver. So I spot this cranky old lady wailing insults at a poor black woman sitting nearby. I get up and spread some jam (that I just happen to have) all over her face, telling her she is a racist pig and to shut up. She is in shock and intensifies her slurs. She says blacks are all criminals and disgusting and she is not sorry. I slap her around, I am really pissed off and try to reason with her, but she shows no desire to be reasonable and just intensifies the hate. Meanwhile I think the controller disappeared but probably because he went to call the police or security, se we need to leave asap. Back at my mom's house, in my old bedroom. I find some ugly scary bug inside my wardrobe. Then I spot a few centipedes on the bottom of it, then lots of ants and finally notice that all hanged clothes are covered in flying ants. I go open the window, to try to release all the flying bugs, but first I check for any cats laying around and take them outside the bedroom for safety reasons. But then outside, I notice there is some construction work in my mom's bathroom and the workers also keep the window open. I freak out (it's a 4th floor), so I come up with some kind of barrier that allows air circulation but stops cats from going there and falling. Then the house is now like and old gigantic palace with abandoned furniture. Some dude from the workers finds a dog nursing puppies under a dresser and believes one of the puppies is dead. So he picks him up and throws him away to a pile of trash. But the puppy is alive and hurt. I take him to vet. The vet also throws him against the floor a bunch of times. I am horrified and I yell at him, but each time the puppy gets thrown, he actually seems to become better, more awake and transforming into something else. The last time the man does it, he turns into a kookaburra. Again at the old palace, back when it was alive. I am a servant and I live in the servant's area. Everyone else is away, masters and servants alike and I am the only one around. I am at the kitchen doing some chores when two guys break in. One of them is my old colleague from school in RL, Zé Francisco, accompanied by a shorter chunkier guy who looks like his own servant, but he is no lord or gentleman, they are bandits looking for an opportunity to rob some stuff. When Zé sees me, he recognizes me and I see in his eyes that he wants me and he will rape me. At first I panic, but then I think I was always strangely attracted to him, so it becomes a consensual thing. I lead him to a room and we are getting on, but it takes ages to undress. The skirt and petticoat and corset, so many things to remove. Meanwhile he transforms into someone else and he complains that I am fat and I smell, so the mood is ruined. Now I am a single mother living in a favela. Some gang members are looking for me, so I hide at some friend's place with my kid. They find me, but fortunately when they arrive, I am in a back room and hide before they see me. My kid is with me and I tell him we are playing a very serious game in which he can't talk no matter what. He is a toddler and doesn't really understand there is danger, so at some point he escapes from me and dwells into the front room where the bad guys are, but they don't know whose child he is and my friends make up some excuse. The kid keeps going to whatever destination he has in mind and never ever says a word, even when they ask him something, so they assume he is mute and let him go.
Updated 11-25-2021 at 11:35 PM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some building in a library and with Swedish guys. There is an earthquake and some aftershocks. Not strong, but very long lasting, so the building opens some bad cracks in the basement. I am about to warn others when another shake hits. I see many cracks forming around the main staircase and central hallway. People seem to be taking cover precisely where it is more dangerous. I head to a lateral exit that leads to a garage and seems safer to me. There, I am met by a man I know and I think he is going to be helpful and point out some escape route, but instead he gropes me. I am wearing a skirt and he almost removes my panties. I feel disgusted and run away. Next outside there is an entrance to some fair, and it doesn't seem affected by the quake. They are offering merch at the entrance and I go in. Find a conference about sustainability and going forward, but all I hear is bullshit about how capitalism will save the world. They have some time for the audience to talk, but there is no mic, we just talk and our voice is somehow amplified. So I make a comment when there is a moment of silence after two ultra-liberal freaks and point out the opposite of what they have been saying. Some couple sitting to my side seems to hate me for that, so they start being assholes to me. First they steal my bag with the merch we were handed out at the entrance and give it away to one of their two daughters, making ridiculous comments just to stress out they are worthy and I am not. Then the woman makes a stupid comment about my shoes and then steal my seat when I get up for some reason. So I seat on top of them and start acting like them. They make a scene and I have to leave but they are also thrown out, while claiming I am the one harassing them. At some food court outside, I rescue a puppy that seems to be by itself. I put a kind of leash on him but have to carry him because he can't stand still, maybe confused or scared. Along the way ahead, I encounter a human sized owl who tries to eat him and we fight. I wonder how I'll take the puppy home since I am abroad and also how's it gonna be, as he surely will grow bigger than my dog Hachi and I have no more space for dogs. On board of a boat, vintage style, clearly from a past era. But there is a covid warning sign on the deck, people are not allowed gathering there, must stay confined. I am wearing a bikini and I have green hair. Also, I am looking for my teacher on board and I break the confinement and check the deck and everywhere. At the town of Vila Franca, there is a war going on between Americans and Russians for some reason. It also looks from a distant past, besides being misplaced. There are crowds in the streets, trapped between troops and tanks coming from opposite sides. People head to the union building and start crushing each other on their way in. I am with a couple other people and I spot an old lady escaping through a tiny opening between two buildings and I takes us there to find a very narrow street leading to a more quiet area in the back of the buildings. Unfortunately on the other side where we exit, 3 boys with sniper aspirations, are shooting at us. We find some dead soldiers with grenades and riffles and we use them. We don't kill the boys, just shoot in their direction to get a chance to escape.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP With dad and uncles, near their hometown, looking for a place to lunch. They tell me there is a place where they have vegan empanadas, but on arrival the restaurant employees try to convince me to eat fish and they have nothing remotely vegan, so I am upset. We all hear a big noise of planes in the sky, something beyond normal, so we all go outside to the town square and look up to the sky. It's cloudy and we can't see anything. Almost feels like we're at war and we will be bombed. I honestly start feeling afraid. Then one plane comes down through the clouds and starts making strange maneuvers at very low altitude. Actually it looks more like a UFO, not like any plane we know. It's triangular, but not solid, more like a tube structure with two cylindrical deposits on each side and a kind of spear in the front. It hovers over the square and seems like it is scanning us. Then makes loops and plunges into the middle of the people, almost killing some with the spear in the front. We are starting to think this thing is trying to kill us. I am like in Brussels, but not the actual city I know, more like a conceptual version of it. My mom is visiting me. She is upset, because she saw a puppy in danger in the middle of a road nearby but could do nothing to help him. We get on a bus and we pass by a roundabout close to that location and we see the puppy innocently playing in the middle of the traffic. Then I spot two other puppies on another street and then more dogs. Seems there are a bunch of stray dogs around here. Something I had never seen in Brussels before. There is nothing we can do with so many dogs. I then go stay at some guest house. My mom is not with me anymore. The place is really posh and all guests are highly educated civilized people. I feel a bit awkward among them, but all the people are nice to me and I make good friends there. Then some lady in a white suit, played by Kate McKinnon, comes by one day and gathers some of us. I learn that some of my friends have extraordinary powers and she is coming to ask them to join forces, Avengers-style. I am also being called in. I am ok with that, but she wants us to leave immediately, and has a van outside waiting for us. I claim that I still have to pack my things and need time. She says there is no need for that, snaps her fingers and a servant comes with a small trolley with stuff for me. I claim that's not even 1/10 of my stuff. She says it is sufficient. I argue I won't leave without my stuff, at least I need to take more than a couple clothing options and a few more shoes, if we're going on missions around the world. Also, I need my gadgets and all my personal irreplaceable items. So they allow me to go pack, if I am fast, but then I take ages.... I find a bunch of food rotting in a lunchbox I forgot about, lots of half consumed chocolate bars. I take it all to the kitchen and start throwing things away. Then a couple of my friends who don't know I am leaving, invite me to some things and I have to decline and explain why. I offer them the chocolates. And then I think "it's been a lot of time and I still haven't packed a single clothes, the others must be gone by now".
The dream scene is at the cookie factory, I'm riding in a car going west down broad, it's raining outside and everyone is wearing snow outfits. I look to my right and see there's a homeless man flailing around in garbage, it looks like a stream of water has come out of nowhere and is dousing him, it almost looks like he's being electrocuted. We're driving further down and are now surrounded by bars on both sides with people dressed in snow attire walking around outside, it's still raining. My friends and I go into a bar, it was Owen Moo Mason, a server brought us into a dimly lit room that was mostly red, we go to sit down at a table but there's already food where Owen is going to sit, I make a joke about how he had called in already since he was hungry. We sit down and I think we take a picture, I had picked up a random white puppy and took a picture with it. A group of people come in to the room, I think they were seniors in high school, and they were dressed up in fancy outfits like they were going to a dance. It felt like it was close to Christmas and people were going to some sort of Christmas ball. I crossed my legs and looked at the kids, noting one gentleman had an intricate red jacket with gold buttons down the middle, I think he may have been wearing a top hat too. They take pictures in the room, I make a joke that they should take a picture of me and I turn around and grab the little white puppy off the floor and hold it in my arms as someone takes a picture of me but I can feel the puppy squirming in my arms so I let him down. I awaken in another dream, in my mind we had done the dinner and then went to another bar, but I didn't remember because I thought I had gotten too drunk (could've brought myself into a lucid if I had retraced my steps instead of assumed in was not in the capacity to remember), I'm lying on a mattress on the ground with a blanket, I look around to see my friends all asleep in similar fashions. There's a horror movie playing on a television and it's freaking me out, Moo wakes up and sees that I'm wide awake, I think he was shocked I was awake after I had been out for a while. Another dream I'm running in some sort of kids' competition, there's a bouncy house and there are adult volunteers cheering people on, at some point they announce the winners.
I'm not exactly sure how or why, but after spending time with my brother at the old apartment I became lucid. I told him that I knew this was a dream and that I was leaving soon. He told me I can go ahead and do what I want. I smile and began to phase through the door. As I did I had some trouble getting through it and decided to rip the entire door with my two hands. After that I began walking on the grassy fields of the night and found this little corner filled with antics. I wanted to create a person as I saw no one in my lucid dream. I tried to look for someone but still found no one. I then place my hand on one of the objects and try to see if I could form a human being from it. I concentrated but it was to no avail. I then tried multiple techniques to imagine a person was behind me or cause them to magically appear before me. Still nothing happen. I then began climbing up some of the higher things in the corner to my surprise I found a puppy on the very top. It look very cute and friendly, so I made my way towards it as I wanted to pet him or her. However the puppy began to move away from me and landed to the grass. I then notice the dream beginning to change and I made it my focus to hold on. Once it change I knew I was still lucid but at some point just how I gained it I had lost it.
Updated 02-18-2020 at 03:58 AM by 67903
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I meet Laura, think she is in some kind of trouble and needs to hide. One of her kids is in the hands of some bad individuals, which we we manage to locate and bring to our place with the kid (an office at a university). We fight and the baby ends up falling down a window. Luckily there is a mattress below and he is projected onto a cradle that happens to be in the middle of the street, in a perfect safe landing. We want to go get her immediately but there are lots of passer byes who call the police and we are unable to retrieve the baby, because for some reason, despite the kid being hers, Laura is not exactly in good terms with the law and they can't know that she is trying to get her baby. Then the police comes knock at our door and start an absurd interrogation. The office is quite messy, because we fought there with the bad dudes and they find a book about birds on the floor and start asking us scientific names of birds to prove a point. But I know quite a few bird names and say I have them in my land, hence my interest in the book. I don't understand where they are going with that. They leave and can't connect us with the kidnappers or the flying baby. In Mexico with mom and another girl. We attend some expo in the outskirts of Mexico City. On return we find some people providing care to street puppies. One has a horrible thing in the eye but they remove instantly. It's painful to see because they don't use any sedative, but then we see the puppies after care and they are all fine, cleaned and healed. They are all black and with white spots, a bit scruffy. My mom holds and kisses one that is totally black. They will be returned back to the street and we feel so sad but we can't take them with us. We hope for the best for the puppies. As we walk down the street, a very poor area, we feel a bit uneasy, but I focus on the beauty of their simple way of life and how nobody is disturbing us, so the fear goes away. I feel the presence of my guru and I become lucid. I open a tear in the sky, just trying to get out of the dream, but from it comes out a god, a very hunky guy, who throws green energy blasts at me, apparently challenging me. It doesn't affect me, I fly towards him and kick him on the side. He is projected and although he laughs at me he stays on the ground. And then hold I his hand and I kiss it, saying I love him.
Morning of September 13, 2017. Wednesday. The main setting of my dream seems to be a larger variation of our bedroom in the house on Stadcor Street in Brisbane, where we have not lived in years. This seems to be the more dominant awareness of such due to that house’s kitchen being nearby in my dream’s layout and somewhat similar to real life, though there is also a vague association with the southwest Cubitis bedroom. In addition to a young version of my wife Zsuzsanna, there are four female “angels” or devoted “dream servants” present, though their behavior is atypical as my dream is non-lucid and they seem like my “protectors” as well (this being a non-lucid subliminal carryover from the nature of apex lucidity and unrelated to my real life). One of them is the (retired) actress Leelee Sobieski, seeming about twenty-five. I eventually become annoyed with her as she seems to have a contrary mindset at one point. I bump into Leelee while I am intimate with Zsuzsanna (while Leelee is facing away from us). This physical contact annoys Leelee and her annoyance annoys me (and makes me suspicious yet not lucid), so I conclude her “devotion” is pretense despite her being a “guardian”. However, any perception of conflict soon fades. In a scene in the kitchen, I have an electronic musical keyboard. I am thinking about recording some music for a new track. My mother is now present. (My dream self does not recall that she had died in 2002.) Pressing some of the keys, I see that one of them (seemingly a B key near the center of my keyboard) seems either loose or stuck due to the power cord somehow having been wrapped under the key. My mother tells me that she had done this (though unknowingly causing the problem), which makes me very annoyed as I am not sure if the key can be fixed as it seems broken or at least different in response to the other keys. I still want to play some music. I soon notice a tiny hairless creature that I first think is dead. It is lying between the A and B keys near the middle of my keyboard. I feel a sense of disgust in thinking that it may be a small rat fetus. However, over time, it begins to move and then breathe and gasp. “Oh…It’s a dog fetus,” I say aloud to the others present in casual matter-of-fact observation. Earl (an older half-brother on my mother’s side) is soon present. (My dream self does not recall that he had died in 2007.) The tiny hairless puppy, not much bigger than my thumb, is making unusual motions with its mouth (reminiscent of the “baby” in the movie “Eraserhead” from 1977). I wonder if it will even live, but I consider that Earl should put it with its mother to suckle. I have a wholly unexplainable false memory that Earl has a small dark gray cairn terrier that is likely its mother. The tiny “puppy” has an unusual brief feature on the top of its head that looks like an angular cap (though without the brim) of the kind a policeman or postman would wear, though it blends in with its head like an actual darker physical feature relating to its minimal fur. I know that my mind is creating this association somehow but it does not trigger lucidity. In the last scene, I have a meal with the four “angels”, Zsuzsanna, my mother, and Earl. My keyboard seems unrealistically bigger and oversized, and we seem to be using it as a table. Along with other food, which seems mostly normal to me, I also seem to have eaten much of the puppy except for its head, though the imagery is quite magnified. I feel a bit strange, but then I realize it is not the original puppy, but a “copy” of it, and that the “real” one is with its mother. At this point, my dream becomes more abstract and fades without a direct waking prompt. Foundational dream state indicators (no present relevance to real life): Our previous bedroom in Brisbane synthesized with my parents’ bedroom of Cubitis is simply based on concurrent subliminal threads of awareness of having gone to bed and additionally perceiving Zsuzsanna and I as parents. There are multiple reasons as to why Leelee Sobieski appeared in this dream, yet all of them unrelated to real-life symbolism and linked directly to the Reticular Activating System and real-time preconscious dynamics of the dream state. Reason number one stems from having briefly and randomly looked at details on IMDb of the 2007 movie “Walk All Over Me”. I only watched the first few minutes (and will watch it later with Zsuzsanna). She plays Alberta and appears as a cashier in the first few minutes, and the preconscious sometimes takes the form of a cashier to symbolize “checking out” of the dream state (as a lifelong recognized RAS function). Reason number two stems from her role in the 1998 movie “Deep Impact”, which has a theme analogous to the cessation of the dream state (“end of the world” association, symbolically unrelated to real life in this case). Reason number three comes from her role as Joan of Arc as associated with “divine voices and visions” and being in the dream state. Reason number four stems from her no longer being in movies as analogous to the waking precursor (“watching movies” as analogous to dreaming, though there may also be a play on “retired” as in going to bed). The power cord wrapped under the key is a dream state indicator (unrelated to present waking life) that no pretend “dream interpreter” could possibly have a clue about. Here is why: When I lived in America, I sometimes used to script dreams in real time by using affirmations in a digital sampling keyboard and did in fact, cause a key to stay down with the power cord holding it. In fact, the irony of this plays off of itself. In one real-time scripted vivid dream when I was young, I was distracted in trying to find the real audio source in order to turn it off. I was in a hallway with various doors and could not tell where the real sound was coming from. This is possibly one of the most hilarious failures of critical thinking skills in an otherwise vivid lucid dream. The last part of my dream is based on new ideas in my approach to newer music (as symbolized by the puppy needing to develop more). It is also an odd form of coalescence in “feeding off” my dream state (and the dream self coalescing back into consciousness). Also, as in uncountable past dreams, I was vaguely aware that I was consciously creating my dream (even though I was not lucid in any viable way), mostly only vaguely discernible in the scene where my focus on the “dead rat fetus” willed it to change into the living tiny hairless puppy. The focus on it coming to life and breathing relates to both waking up and very mild sleep apnea that is usually not a problem for me. Additionally, there are “end markers” here I do not typically go into detail about in an entry. For example, the B key represents the end of an octave and where there is no black key to the right of it, as a play on coming out of the unconscious state of dreaming, no more liminal space implied by the next white C key after the white B key.
Morning of January 14, 2017. Saturday. I am in La Crosse and in the house next door to the King Street boarding house. There is some sort of party going on, possibly a high school graduation party, and it is at night. Zsuzsanna is there but as a teenager though is the only person I recognize. See seems a bit tired and I ask her if she wants to sleep in my bed (which turns out to be at an unknown residence but implied to be where I live). It feels as if we have not been together as a married couple yet, though she is passive towards me. We walk northwest from the house until we come to my fictional red 1922 Phaeton (a “dream car” that has not featured in my dreams for quite some time) in a commercial district. Its appearance is different as if perhaps an older model and its top is down. Curiously, there does not seem to be a steering wheel, though this does not serve to be a deterrent. I tell her to get in the car and I sit in the area behind where the steering wheel should be. As is often the case, I have difficulty in trying to fit in the vehicle. Still, after some adjustments (where the car even seems to expand slightly), it works out okay. We end up in an unfamiliar bedroom. A playful lion cub is present and so is a puppy (though the puppy of which I do not see much and which does not go onto the bed as the lion cub does). The lion cub makes small messes over the entire bed (to a very unrealistic extent) and I tell Zsuzsanna that I have to take the top blanket off and I am somewhat annoyed. It does not seem unusual to have either a puppy or a lion cub in my (fictional) house. The appearance of the red 1922 Phaeton goes all the way back to early childhood, when I dreamt my father was a car.I have not been on King Street since January 1994. I did not know any people who lived in the house next to the boarding house though I did paint some of the inside for the owner.The lion is a recurring waking prompt and coalescence symbol (as it can swallow the dreamer back into whole consciousness) and is also a type of dream sign (as from the 1897 “Sleeping Gypsy” painting by Henri Rousseau). Here however, it is only a cub, but the obvious dream sign of the bed already serves as a waking transition factor. This specific rendering is a connection with having to wake up to use the bathroom.The missing steering wheel is an invitation to lucidity (and implies liminal dream state awareness), whereby the car is my dream “vehicle” as an extension of my physical body (which is also called a “vehicle”) in sleep but without an active conscious self awareness as in normal lucid dreams to “steer” my dream with a more viable conscious choice (though liminal dream control occurs with me very often - I am just not aware I am dreaming). I am still able to resolve the beginning intent to a point. A car with no steering wheel also correlates with vestibular system dynamics and the liminal awareness of the inability to control the physical body while sleeping.Even though bed dream signs are quite common in my dreams (and always have been since early childhood), I rarely pick up on them directly for active lucidity, though a bed implies the waking space of a dream (liminal awareness of being asleep).
Updated 05-18-2018 at 04:37 PM by 1390
A dark night. I jumped out though a window and wandered dark streets of a city, ending up on a small square. There was my younger sister sitting on a bench with some teddy bears. I was holding a puppy in my hands. We were arguing with sister. She claimed that talking in C++ people who speak only C won't understand me. I told her that these languages are highly familiar, but she replied that not all the functions are the same. I agreed and took a puppy in my hand saying "Teddy breaks all these conventions!" Then I decided to leave, and go back to my house. I found myself going out of my room to take a shower, I was holding clothes in my hand. I decided to check what's the hour. It was 1:250:00.
D₁-Theres a shadow in the corner of my room on my ceiling and at first it was this furry thing that kept growling at me and then it turned into a cute black furry puppy that just wagged its tail at me. Dream skip D₂-Chase sent me a message on fb that was one of those memes about relationships and it said," pull her hair and slap her ass." Weird becuase our aquaintanship is nothing like that. Anyways back to the dream, he also put it as his status and a bunch of people liked it.
I'm at my school, in the library, acting in a movie or a play. I'm playing one of the main characters. At one point I, or my character, can't sit down at my normal seat because nobody likes me now, so they aren't letting me, and they put their hands on the table to stop me. A bit later I'm doing something I remembered from the script I had to do, and it is sort of an awkward thing to do, and after I do it half the people there start laughing. I figure I must have done it wrong. I say, "it wasn't that funny," and then everyone in the room starts laughing, and I feel slightly awkward. After the day of filming (?), I'm with my brother Adam and Mum on this white platform, that's sort of high, maybe a little more than a foot above the ground, and it has a short railing around it. Adam goes to borrow a puppy from the SPCA which is just down the steps and round the corner. He comes back with an adorable fluffy black-and-brown puppy. I take some photos of the puppy, until he starts trying to lick my phone. Adam takes the puppy back. As I'm starting to leave, he comes back with another puppy, slightly smaller than the other one but I feel that this puppy is somehow scary, because it seems vicious, even though I can't see its face. I'm like, "not another one," but it doesn't matter 'cause I'm leaving anyway. I go down onto a little boat that Dad and a few other people are standing in, chatting. The boat is similar to the platform in colour and the railing it has. The water comes up to the top of the railing, but somehow hasn't come onto the boat. I look out at the water, which is really blue and sparkly. I imagine what we would do if a tsunami came then, and if we'd have to time to drive away and be safe. I see a little ripple come towards us across the water, and everyone on the boat notices and start discussing it. Then we feel an earthquake, and Mum's with us too, and she seems really scared. Dad says, "It's over there!", pointing to a hill on the other side of the road (which is I guess right next to the water). "Look at all the corn blowing!" Because the corn blowing on the hill indicates to us that the earthquake is happening there. I'm with a young, maybe 10-year-old girl, and I think also my real-life friend Riley. The young girl has written a script from a book, by typing it all out so we can make a movie of it, or something. I don't think I ever hear her say anything besides "Yes" - when I ask her if she typed the script out from this book, and when I ask her if she edited it at all. She never says a single other thing. Then we're sitting down, three or four of us, and another girl says to the young girl, "I've never called you Mamie," and I 'remember' or 'realise' that this girl is Mamie Gummer (the actress) as a 10-year-old, or playing a 10-year-old. And then Riley is singing along to a song that's playing, so I start singing it too. I'm sitting on a bench, by the road near my house, with Riley and Mamie Gummer or whoever she really is. A boy is on my right, and I notice he is leaning on my leg with his elbow. I figure he must be coming onto me, maybe he likes me. I sort of turn to face him, and he turns to look at me, and we look at each other for a moment, and then I go forwards and he comes forward too and we kiss. Really briefly. And then he suddenly pulls away and he's taken my pen. Because he only wanted to do that so he could take my pen and see what was written on it because it said something about the group I was in, or like the Hogwarts House or something. ??? He immediately begins telling his friend about what just happened, how I thought he actually wanted to kiss me. I don't want Riley to hear, 'cause it'll be kind of embarrassing, but then I don't really care because I didn't lose anything - I got a kiss, and I got my pen back. 'Cause he gave it back straight after. So I just use the excuse that I have to go give the phone charger back to Mum and I run home. On the way up the driveway, I see the paddock on the left is flooded, and try to remember when it got flooded (it never did). And then the water goes away all these ostriches who'd been waiting in there all that time start coming out, and I see Big Bird. ???? The end.
I only remember my last 2 dreams besides waking up briefly and trying to remind myself to remember the prior dream (I forgot it). Dreamed I was back in high school. I got on the bus and got off at the wrong stop. The bus I'd been on is the bus that I take to work now, but the layout of the city itself had changed quite a bit, and there was a suburb where downtown should have been. I freaked out, because it meant that I was going to be 15 minutes late, and I was already in huge trouble academically. I'd been warned that I couldn't be late even one more time, or I wouldn't pass the grade I was in. I also realized I wasn't on the street I thought I was on, which would have been a straight shot to the school. I was on a side street I didn't recognize. In fact, it was even a dead end. Some other students had gotten off the bus at the same time I had, for some reason. They were older kids. So the older kids seemed kind of confused and annoyed by how panicky I was. But they allowed me to follow them. Once we reached a street I recognized, I was able to find my way to the school. The school was my old middle school. I did get in exactly 15 mins late. I ran into my "brother" - not anything like my real life brother, really just a dream character - as he went down the stairs as everybody went between classes (despite it only being 20 mins into the school day) and explained my problem. He told me "Well, go to your first class, then!" Then I realized that I had forgotten which class my first class was. I thought maybe it was English, but I wasn't sure. I also didn't know exactly where it was located. Then two school administrators came up and started yelling at me, demanding to know why I was late and why I wasn't in class. They were wearing brown leather dusters. My perspective shifted to just outside my body. At that point, I realized that I was a giant floating pink cartoon brain, and so was my brother. He had thick boxy glasses on and a dorky shirt collar and was generally a nerd. He looked down on me for being "stupid". Then for some reason our roles switched - I watched an outside comparison of my bubbly-squishy-"stupid" state and my much more streamlined-looking "intelligent" state, and my "brother" became the "stupid" one. He'd always looked down on me for eating lots of junk food and gross/fried foods, one of them being something the school cafeteria served that in the dream was called "cop-burgers" but once he'd switched places with me, he suddenly realized how delicious everything was. At some point he locked himself in the bathroom with a bunch of junk food and once he'd finished it, demanded to know (through the door) if I had any more burgers. I said, no. But I was also kind of him at the same time, staring into a sink full of fast food wrappers, and yelling, "Do you have any pork drippins'?" And that dream ended. I woke up, was a little weirded out by that one, and went back to sleep. I dreamed that I was looking through what I think was a Walmart for a present for my uncle. I wanted to get him a grill. I was crouched down on the floor looking through the bottom shelves for cooking grills, and there was a tiny propane grill you were supposed to be able to use on your counter top, but it really just looked like a weird tiny charcoal grill. It had little canisters it came with. You were supposed to buy more to refill it, but they were expensive, so my mother (who was suddenly there) argued with me about that. Eventually, I put it back on the shelf. Then I was in a cartoon and there was a puppy and I ran inside after it. So it turned out to belong to a girl who was trying to give it away. She was a complete stranger, but I just crawled right into her bed with the puppy and went to sleep. I sort of recall maybe having a conversation with her, but I was mostly interested in paying attention to the puppy.
I get nervous about losing my DJ, so I keep it in more than one place. I'd also like to consolidate it and get all of the rest of it onto here for easier searching and tagging. Feb. 16, 2003: I had some dreams I really don't remember, except that they weren't nightmares. Then I had dreams about woods, but they were nice dreams. Then I had a dream about a puppy. It was sort of scary but the end was happy, so it doesn't qualify a nightmare. Then I had a sort of semi, psuedo-nightmare, but the puppy was still involved... hmm... oh well. In my dream I was walking through the woods. They were more like deciduous woods, though. Not sure if they were Florida woods at all. I encountered a tall man with light brown hair. I can't remember what color his eyes were, or if they had a color. All I remember is saying "I remember you" and asking him his name. He wouldn't tell me his name Then there was the dream about the puppy, I don't remember much except that the puppy was going through a temple to save some people, and in the end the puppy managed to save them. It was smallish, sort of like a terrier, with silvery black fur, only it had floppy ears. It was a VERY cute puppy, though. Then I had a dream I was in a car with J__ following another car through some sort of theme park, and his brakes gave out. Somehow, though, we made it through that alive, mostly because the guy in front of us used the back end of his own car to slow us down (everything was mostly downhill so we would have kept gaining speed). The guy was NOT pleased that he had to total his car, but... hey... we didn't die.