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    1. Lucid Dream 227: Return of the S.S.

      by , 05-19-2011 at 05:43 PM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      May 4, 2011
      Lucid Dream 227: Return of the S.S.
      Series: The Wonderful World of Ack, Episode 1
      around 11:00am

      I was in the local Wal-Mart parking lot with my friends Diddy and Mike. I was smoking a cig and we were talking about going downtown later. Someone came up behind me and put their hands of my eyes and did the "guess who." It was a familiar female voice. All I got out was Kate, when I became lucid.

      I turned around and Kate Beckinsale was standing behind me. I kissed her and told her it had been a while. I turned back around and saw that Diddy and Mike had been restrained and were now being dragged into a large van. The men who were taking them hostage were very familiar indeed. One of them flashed a fake badge and said, "Don't worry, we are just going taking to get ice cream." They got in the van quickly, burned out in the parking lot, and sped off. I grabbed Kate's hand and we hurried into the back seat of a nearby vehicle. My sister was in the driver's seat. I told her to follow the van. Kate looked at me and said, "Its alright, they were government officials. We can trust them." I laughed and said, "I trust government officials about as much as I trust the Taliban." I then notice a group of Taliban members standing under a tent in the Wal-Mart parking lot. They were passing out rocket launchers and AKs. I then looked at Kate and said, "Besides, they weren't true government officials. They were S.S." She looked confused and said, "They didn't speak German." I replied, "S.S. otherwise known as the Shiny Spiffers." She looked at me like I was crazy and I explained, "I used to write stories about them in middle school. They are named after their spiffy Donald Trump hair, dark sunglasses, and black suits with the penguin coat tail." I was really excited because this was actually true. I used to write stories about these guys. They were a "mature rated" comedy series called, 'The Wonderful World of Ack'. The stories were actually inspired from a dream I had back around that time. I wish I still had them.

      We followed the van at a safe distance, but lost them at some point. My sister asked where they might be headed and I replied, "Oh, I know exactly where they are headed...Duke University. Their secret base is there." We drove for a short period of time and caught up with the van. It pulled into what looked like an old plantation with a sign that had the blue devil symbol. I asked my sister where she put the guns and she told me they were behind my seat. I pulled down my seat slightly and pulled out an assault rifle. We waited for a moment and the boss got out of the van. Kate said, "Theres the boss!" I looked and noticed it was Mel Gibson. I jumped out of the car and shot at Mel Gibson. He seemed to be one step ahead of me though and was in mid-dive when I opened fire. He dove behind the van and pulled out a pistol. We had a shoot-out for a few moments. I then acted like I was reloading and as soon as he popped out from the car, I blasted him. I walked over top of him as he was dying and said, "Silly Mel Gibson, lucid dreamers don't reload." I then shot his body a few more times.

      I sneak around the nearby building and looked through the window. For some reason, I knew I had been tortured in this building before with electricity. I was tied up and standing in a water pail. I saw there were a bunch of captives in there as well as Mike and Diddy. I then ran around to the door of the small building. I looked back behind me and saw an old mansion a top a hill behind me. I could see security cameras everywhere and knew I had to act quickly. I shot the door lock and then kicked it open. I yelled for all of the prisoners to escape and people started running out the door screaming like they were running from Godzilla. I told them to be quiet and there was no need to scream, but the bastards didn't listen. I looked for Brandon and Mike and found them sitting at a poker table. They were smoking cigars and playing poker with two other guys. I said, "What the hell are you doing, I'm rescuing you." Mike said, "Yeah thanks, just wait for us to finish this game real quick. I laughed and turned back to the doorway. There was a tall man that resembled an elf from Lord of the Rings. He was holding a katana in each hand. I start shooting at him, but he was blocking all the bullets with same crazy ass swordsmanship. He closed in on me, so i dove head first out the window.

      I landed and noticed the clip to my gun had fallen out. I thought, "Eh, I don't really need it anyway." The elf guy jumped down and started running at me. I tried to shoot him, but the gun as no longer working. The Elf was just a foot or two away when I heard a gun shot and he dropped dead. Diddy had shot the elf guy in the head. Diddy said, "You could have told me we were dreaming!" I shrugged and flew back up into the window. We grabbed some of the scattered guns and exited the building. We were heading back to the vehicle when I saw Wormtail from the Harry Potter movies. He was running down from the mansion shouting, "Stop in the name of Lord Gibson! Stop this instant." We ran around the building and I looked for Mel's dead body. I found it after a quick search around the hedges and picked it up. I walked over to Wormtail and threw it at his feet. I said, "Here you go, chap!" Wormtail looked panicked and leaned toward Mel's body. I then shot the shit out of the dead body. Blood splattered all over Wormtail and I got into the car.

      Me, Diddy, and Mike were all shooting out the windows at the line of vehicles following us. We were in a pretty intense shootout when I had a false awakening. I started to write down my dream in a notebook, but my writing kept vanishing. It took me several moments to figure out I had a false awakening. I then dove head first out of my window and took flight. I flew around for a short period of time before actually waking up.

      Series Details
      The dream series, "The Wonderful World of Ack," is based off of my old short story series that I wrote in middle school. Stay tuned to this series to see just how fucked up my mind was, even before the drugs and alcohol, lol.
    2. New type of dream for me

      by , 05-19-2011 at 11:25 AM (Typho's DJ)

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 05:03 AM by 44350

      Tags: car, driving, police
    3. Cars

      by , 05-18-2011 at 07:34 AM (Misfortunes Of A Zonkey)
      I was drivinf around in this car and other cars were only drivinf in reverse. They were going very fast and so it looked like they were going to hit me nay second. I always just tried to swerve out the way but I still was in the middle.
    4. Lucid Dream 225: The Chaos Wagon

      by , 05-16-2011 at 06:15 AM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      April 30, 2011
      Lucid Dream 225: The Chaos Wagon
      Series: Fearless, Episode 6
      around 5:00pm

      I'm sitting in the back seat of some sort of SUV. There is a decently attractive chick sitting beside me. My friend P is driving and there is some random DC in the passenger seat. I was talking to the chick beside me and trying to get some play. At one point we start kissing and she starts unbuttoning her pants. She then says to me, "Oh, btw...I have metia." I though, "I don't know what that is, but ti doesn't sound good." I looked at her and said, "Sorry, but there is no way I'm doing you." She looked pissed and tried to talk me into it anyway. I sternly refused and she fell silent with her arms crossed like a pissed off elementary school kid. As we drove down the road, I randomly became lucid.

      I performed a few nose pinch RCs to stabilize and immediately told the other vehicle occupants that we were lucid. The chick beside may said, "Good...will you fuck me now?" I didn't hesitate. I lifted my leg and kicked her square in the face. The door behind her flew ajar when she slammed into it. She fell out of the moving vehicle and we just kept driving.

      I punched out the sun roof and stood in it. I yelled down at P, "Get ready to f*** some sh** up!" I then held out my hands and acted like there was a control stick and panel on top of the suv. I shouted to P, "First off...machine gun rampage!" I pushed an invisible button and the vehicle began firing machine gun rounds from the grill. I used an invisible joystick to control the direction of the bullet spray. We drove through town and I was blasting out windows, shooting road signs, and even a few unfortunate DCs who happen to be walking along the side of the road. After a bit of machine gun play, I decided to try something else.

      There was now a full control panel on top of the vehicle. I shouted down to P, "Summoning ninjas in 3...2....1..." I then pushed a large square button. I saw several portals open up on the side of the road and loads of stereotypical ninjas leapt out of them. They began running beside the vehicle and kept up with our pace. As we approached a crowd of people, the ninjas spread out and began performing stealthy acrobatics to get in position to take out the group of people. I saw the ninjas close in and kill the entire group of people in about 5 seconds. They then returned to the vehicle, running along side of it at blazing speed. We took out several more groups of people before I decided to try something else.

      I shouted to P, "Get ready for the big show! Firing off a mini-nuke in 3....2....1..." I pushed the button once again. I looked around for a few moments and then spotted it. Off in the distance, I could see the nuke falling from the sky. It was leaving a trail of smoke in its path like a jet. It landed and massive mushroom cloud erupted from the spot. However, it was completely silent. Suddenly, I noticed a shock wave approaching. Buildings, cars, and everything in the shock waves path was being heavily damaged. It was f***ing awesome. Like it was straight out of a movie. I held out my arms as the shock wave approached. It felt like was hanging my head out the window of a car that was driving 300 mph. After the shock wave passed, I heard a massive explosion like a shotgun had just went off. A second and much more powerful shock wave rolled through taking out buildings, sending cars through the air, and uprooting trees. I watched in amazement at all the destruction going on around me. It was awesome. I just looked around at the environment as we continued to drive through the ruined city. At some point I ducked back into the car. P started yelling triumphantly and shouted, "Don't f*** with the chaos wagon!" I joined in on the yelling/cheering. I noticed that there was now a different chick sitting beside me. I placed my hand behind her head and she immediately unbuttoned my pants and started blowing me. I awoke during this time.

      Series Details
      Join all the action in the dream series, "Fearless." You never know what I may run into, but you can guarantee I'm ready for a fight. Stay tuned for more blades, guns, and explosions in this series!

      Updated 05-30-2011 at 06:26 AM by 22654

    5. Bieber's Chauffeur (fragment)

      by , 05-14-2011 at 04:30 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: May 14, 2011 – 7:00AM (USA Eastern)
      Text color legend: · NON-DREAM · NOTES · DREAM · LUCID ·

      I am Justin Bieber's chauffeur for the evening and I'm driving him around in a small hover car, stopping frequently so he can autograph posters and CDs.
      Tags: bieber, driving
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Blah

      by , 05-13-2011 at 11:37 AM (Typho's DJ)

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 05:05 AM by 44350

    7. Bake Sale and Snowy Roads

      by , 05-13-2011 at 10:55 AM
      There is a knock at my back door. I'mall alone in the house and think I might be wearing just a robe. I'm cautious when I open the door and keep the glass part closed. This lady holds up like a mixer or a blender in a box and I can see she is selling it. For some reason I totally freak out and start yelling at her to leave. I put my fingers together like I'm holding a gun but she's just like..give me a break. Then she asks if I would buy cookies for her son's baseball team. I feel like an idiot now so I say yes and start overcompensating for being so dumb and weird before. I go get money in the family room, $8. I go outside and there is a lot of stuff set up... all kinds of cupcakes and cookies. All of the things I really want though are either empty or look like someone has been eating it. Like one piece of cake was just icing that was standing up, no cake inside. There was another person there too, I think an older lady.


      I'm in a big place that looks like a food court. I see GB over by a computer and sit next to him. He asks me if I know a guy named David somethingorother. I say no, and he seemed surprise. He says that is who were are going out with tonight, and I think we are going to a concert that's a bit of a drive away (I remember at some point saying I'd bring my GPS). I don't remember what happens next, but I end up driving on my street but taking a left out of my driveway. There's a lot of snow on the ground, like really bad. Somehow I'm able to drive over it. I know GB is waiting for me even though the conditions are bad.
      Tags: driving
    8. Closing Up Shop

      by , 05-11-2011 at 10:54 AM
      I'm with M in a mom and pop type store... The store is closing down for good and there are a lot of people there. Its some kind of crafty place.. like knitting or something like that. The owner is an old lady who is sitting near where I am. When she sees a lot of people she says something about maybe not having to close after all. I see a sign that says "closing due to 10 years of loneliness" and I think its so sad so I tell M. I try to whisper something to the lady but she can't hear me. I try a bunch of times but she just can't hear what I'm saying. Then M and I leave and we have two cars...a smaller car and a Jeep wrangler. He gets in the smaller car and drives away and I am in the Jeep. I start to panic because I can't drive stick and I'm trying to call him to switch cars. We get to a stop light and he seems kind of annoyed, but I am able to brake (I wasn't in the front seat, I was in the back so I had to kinda dive forward). Then we are driving by this dirt trail that's blocked off to "Muslim Hikers" random. I feel kind of sad because its my birthday and no one remembered, not even my mom. Then I get a text from older brother J.


      I'm at my junior high school walking around by the street. I see DM again (weird! 2 nights in a row!). I want to see what he's doing so I kind of try to be near him without being too obvious. He's with some other guys and they invite me to go along with them. I say yes but for some reason was never able to leave.
      Tags: driving
    9. Cliffside Drive

      by , 05-04-2011 at 11:38 AM (Typho's DJ)

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 05:07 AM by 44350

    10. Transmission Malfunction (fragment)

      by , 05-02-2011 at 11:41 AM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: May 2, 2011 – 4:15AM (USA Eastern)
      Text color legend: · NON-DREAM · NOTES · DREAM · LUCID ·

      I am trying to drive an old 1984-85 Toyota 4Runner, but the manual transmission is producing unpredictable results. Every time I select a gear and release the clutch, the vehicle goes in a different direction. Most of the time it goes backwards, but sometimes it goes sideways or forward. After stopping at stop sign, I become frustrated with the transmission's inability to drive forward so I get out and walk.
    11. Driving and eating

      by , 04-30-2011 at 02:33 PM
      Well i was driving throw my neighbors lawn and some how there was a 8 foot deep hole in the ground that i drove over and flipped my truck some how. Then i remember being in the hole in the ground and trying to get out of it. and for some reason every time i failed at getting out of this hole i was laughing at myself. Then the dream moved on to another chapter and i was eating all the food at there house. I partially remember the husband of this house hold all pissed off that i was there so either i got to sleep with his wife or idk cuz i don't remember. Also as i was driving throw there lawn i remember some chick that i knew but i cant seem to make the face out.
    12. The Lego Car

      by , 04-21-2011 at 11:27 AM (Typho's DJ)

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 05:10 AM by 44350

    13. Drive lucid

      by , 04-13-2011 at 01:06 PM (Images In The Night)
      I used a member's advice and tried something called ADA if i remember correctly which should stand for "All day awareness". There has to be some truth to it since i havn't had a lucid in almost 3 weeks, and last night i get one after just briefly trying ADA. It was a very brief dream, and is probably shorter than this informative part here in the beginning but the lucidity is what i was happy about.


      I'm driving a car down a road. Everything seems to be normal. It's my car and it feels just like normal. I start to question reality like i sometimes do. A reality check and... I'm lucid. I continue driving along the road. I can't believe it's a lucid dream after my long dry streak. I literally have a hard time believing it for several seconds while i'm driving, but a few reality checks put some perspective on my situation. I immediately decide for some fun. I run into the other lane halfway and make oncoming cars quickly pull off the side of the road. Some crash, but i don't really look. Then the car goes into a 3rd person view that i'm still controlling. I decide to drive around for a while.

      Eventually other things happened while i was lucid, but i just can't remember.
      Tags: car, driving, lucid
      lucid , side notes
    14. Nastiest driving storm

      by , 04-13-2011 at 07:23 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Nastiest driving storm (Non-lucid)


      I needed to go to work or somewhere else. I entered my car and started to drive. It was day and there was a horrible ice storm. I could see all the cars on the street, crushing several times. Everything was like in slow motion, but the crashes looked kinda bad.

      I was driving, very uncomfortably, as the cars behind me were not driving as careful as the should, however, my car never got hit.

      My wife was riding a red bike. She went into the worst traffic area, where the road was almost sunken. I saw how the whole bike was covered with icy water. My wife ran to me. She was mad at me and blamed me for what happened. I got mad at her and ignored her trashing.

      After a while, my wife picked up the bike and brought it to me. The bike's engine was still working fine.
    15. 09/04/11 - Long dream

      by , 04-09-2011 at 01:00 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Let's get to it.

      23.30: Sleep

      11.00: Fragments
      *I'm at my uncle's place. It's his birthday and I feel very lonely for some reason. I sit down in the bathroom and sulk. I spot a small plastic bag with a few white rocks in it. It looks like some decorative massage trash. I take out one of the stones and put it in my mouth. Mmm, mint.

      *I'm fishing with Monica. There's no activity at all for a long time. Suddenly I can see my bobber going away. I try to pull it up and there's a huge fish on the hook. It speeds off, snapping my fishing line. "Damn, that was huge!" I say and open my fishing bag. I've got some super strong line in there I intend to use. Some guy shows up as I'm putting the line in place.

      *I'm in school once again. My polish coworker Valdis is there with me. He looks a bit tense. I attend some class and we're at page 109. After class some guy is being a douche. I'm with two of my friends and Valdis and we confront him in a corner. Valdis attacks him and kicks his ass. I drag him away from there before he can do too much damage. Valdis puts up his hand and shows me his finger. "It's broken, see?" he tells me and wiggles it. It's bent upwards and blue. Each time he wiggles it, it makes a snapping sound.

      11.00: Driving and tools
      My dad tells me over the phone that I have to clean up a truck. It belongs to a guy I used to work with, and he told my dad to clean it, and my dad told me. "Run it in the carwash, car cleaning" he tells me. I'm down at the local Statoil and enter the carwash. It's showered in water and apparently that's it. I head for the drive through and tell the girl in the cashier I want to pay. "That will be 499 kronor for the car wash" she tells me. Damn that's alot of money for a car wash. Wait a second... Didn't my dad say something else? Car wash... Oh well. I hand her the cash and check the side of the truck, it's already dirty. I run my finger over the dirt but nothing comes off.

      I get in, Monica's in the passenger seat and we take off. I'm in a hurry and have only time to put on my seatbelt over one arm. A roundabout comes up and I step on the brakes. The roads are covered in snow though, so we just slide. I can see a motorcycle coming from the left but I slide all the way out into the roundabout. I decide to speed up instead and take the first right. I put my hand up to the biker who had to slow down, and he puts his white gloved hand up. Oh shit, white gloves and white helmet, he's a cop!

      The police turns on the sirens and waves for me to follow him. Fuck! I stop behind him at the bus stop up ahead. I pull the handbrake but the truck still wants to slide backwards. I step on the brakes aswell and open my window. "Registration and driving license" he tells me. "I've only got my driving license, but this isn't my truck, it's a friend of my dad's" I know the story sounds like a big fat lie and I can feel I'm in trouble. The truck won't stop sliding though. "Let me park up ahead". The police accepts and we go to turn up ahead.

      I can't seem to get the damn truck to stop sliding, and I hear the police whining alot about it. Suddenly I'm standning nearby, without the truck. The dream must have skipped. Oh shit, I can't leave my truck like that, people will steal all the tools. I start running back and halfway there I spot a guy with a drilling tool in his hands. God damnit! Up ahead people are opening up the truck and one guy is on the phone. "Yeah, just get down here, it's free to just grab" I can hear him say. I try to kick him but he jumps away. "Okay, okay relax!" he tells me and hangs up the phone.

      "Everyone, this is my shit, get the fuck out of here!" I yell and try to kick people. Even though I land a few kicks, it's like I'm doing it in slow motion. One guy tries to calm me down by telling me I'm right, and that they made some mistakes.

      The dream skips. I haven't reached the truck yet. I run towards it and there's just a single guy looting it now. It's an old coworker of mine. Chrille. We argue for a very long time. I school him in right and wrong, why he reacts like he does and everything. Stubborn old man refuses to listen to reason. "You know why? Because if you did, you would have to admit that doing your way for your entire life has been wrong, by doing so, you've lived the "wrong way", making all those years useless" I whisper in his ear, screaming doesn't seem to do anything anymore.

      "I just need to do a job with the drill" he tells me. I look behind us, there's a hole in the ground. "How deep does it have to go?" I ask. "About one meter" he tells me. I agree to let him do the job and we enter a small door leading into the mountain next to us. Two people greet us in the cave and we get to work. We can't do much before we have to stop though. Apparently there are appartments above us and if we make too much noise, the owner will go crazy. As we're standing there, barely breathing, I hear footsteps. A woman appears and she starts yelling at us. We get out of the cave and head for the mini van's up ahead.

      One coworker, Christian, can't seeem to get his shirt on. We run away from him and jump into the already packed van. We slam the door in his face and head off. My sisters are in the car, along with my friend G who's driving and my brother and his girlfriend. My sister Malin is to my right and my brother's girlfriend on my left. I can't fit between them, and I struggle to squeeze down. G is driving like a madman. "Slow down for fucks sake!" I tell him. "I haven't even buckled up yet". It's still very slippery out and I can feel the car sliding. We ride for a few minutes before my brother's girlfriend starts talking. "We're not going home".

      G turns the car around and go the other way. I still can't slide down into my seat. "I don't feel so good" Malin tells me. I can tell she's about to puke. "Do it out the window!" I tell her. She starts gagging, a second later she's vomiting all over the side of the car. She keeps at it for atleast a minute, it's unbelieveable how much she can vomit. Some of it sprays in the faces of the people in the back, and I close the window a bit more. I hand her some paper. "Do you think it's illegal to throw it out just like that?" she asks me. I look behind us, several cars are there. "Yeah, just put it in the bag" I tell her and my other sister holds up a back.

      People stuff the bag full of paper they have hidden. I check the signs for directions. E2. "Where are we going?" I ask G. We've arrived in a tunnel and I don't recognise the signs. One road leads up, out of the tunnel and we get on it. "It's the new way" he tells me. "We will arrive at mount Everest" he tells me. I understand, mount Everest is the small hill in our home town. We're now driving on a road going on the same level as most roofs in Stockholm. I check around and the buildings looks incredible. I spot some very nice looking appartments with huge windows. I remember being in one of those recently. "That's where Birgitt lives" I say and point.

      11.00: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 11 hours

      Supplements: 200 ml applejuice

      That's it!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
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