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    1. 30 May: Mom dies and time travel with university colleagues

      by , 05-30-2022 at 09:50 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Staying with my mom at her house. For some reason we're sharing her bed. It is already uncomfortable and then I find that she has small stones and cristals under the sheets, for healing. They just hurt like hell. I remove all of it and clean the bed.
      Then my mom is no longer with me, supposedly she died. Someone comes over to talk about my inheritamce. I say there isn't much to inherit, just the house and her clothes. They suggest there is something more and that I have to find her will before someone else does. I don't get it, but I do find some letter in a drawer. Other people arrive, I hide it.

      I am attending college and currently working on an urgent work for the Portuguese class. I think I have enough time to finish my part, about 2 weeks, but turns out I hugely miscalculated the amount of work I still have to do. I have been procrastinating and the teacher reminds me how crucial that work is and I realize how late I am compared to my colleagues. I am still studying the sources and started witing one page. I find that my colleagues are actually mostly working in groups and I join one that I had supposedly previously left. Ana S. is in the group and I feel she is a bit suspicious at first about me wanting to redeem myself, but then she accepts me back in the group. The paper we are putting together is about some historical issue and then needs to be translated into a theathre play. I have a secondary role as a beautiful maid which marries a lord and gains power.
      Finally comes the day of presenting the paper and the concept of the play to the teacher. Everyone is in costume and I look in the mirror to see mine. I don't just look like myself in an outfit, I am actually a different girl. Also fair skinned with big dark eyes but my hair is black, long and curly. The room has couches scattered and we sit on them as the group leader introduces our work to the teacher. Some colleague then turns on a tv and shows a video, but it has no sound. I come closer to the tv to try to fix it and then accidentsly look through a window to my right. There is a hill going down until a small town on the valley. There is a rumble and what seems like an explosion and a cloud of dust spreads up in the air above it. Everybody in the room hears and sees it and runs to take cover behind or under something. The shock wave hits us and the dust cloud is expanding rapidly towards us. At first I think it is a volcanic eruption, but then I go look again and I notice that the space is distorted. The city did not blow up and instead is divifing and multiplying, like a cell. I notice the air seems distorted around it, like a gravitational anomaly. It seems to have opened a space-time breach beause then I see more people wearing old time clothes and riding horses and some old school war going on. It seems as if the time about which we were making our presentation, caught up with us and now we're geting involved in whatever war that is going on. I see a bunch of men on horseback coming towards us. Some of us go hide and others say since we are wearing epoch appropriate clothing, we should just mingle and see what happens. I am not so sure. I get some binoculars and observe the men coming. I see a pile of bodies of dead villagers they left behind in the valley. I feel horrified and feel they'll do the same to us. The others don't listen to me, they just stay behind and wait. I decide to run the opposite direction and just hide somewhere. As I start running, I wake up with a dog howling outside.
    2. Recurring Lucid Anxiety Dreams

      by , 11-09-2014 at 02:56 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I recall being in a cycle last night. With every sleep cycle I had a cookie-cutter anxiety dream, and in all of them I became partially lucid and changed the dream scenario in order to stop the dream from creating any stress.

      I recall one having to do with me having to write an essay. I manifested one in my hand before slipping back into nonlucidity.

      Another had to do with me being late for a class. While lucid I gave myself two extra hours.

      Yet another had to do with a violent storm fast-approaching my house.
      I think I redirected it.

      There was one having to do with D. He was for some reason sleeping on an air mattress in the middle of our room. My parents were involved somehow, and no lucidity in this one.

      The final dream was blurry. I remember I was trying to get these long metal rods out from under my bed. I know I became lucid here, but I can't remember what the heck was going on.

      Not counting any of these as lucids though because recall was so bad.
    3. Dead Bird, Essay

      by , 08-04-2012 at 08:06 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Dead Bird? (Non-lucid)


      I'm walking with my father, getting ready to go back to a random vehicle, but he can't move it because some spots on the ground had dead bird residue?

      I'm not even sure on that.


      Essay (Non-lucid)


      I only remember being in class trying to prepare to write an essay. I see Melissa at some point.

      What I find weird is that after I woke up to record these dreams, I slept until around 1:19 PM starting from 6-7 AM.....and I didn't remember any dreams from that second sleep....ugh.

      I have glimpses, but I don't know if they were works in progress.
      Tags: bird, essay, school
      lucid , non-lucid
    4. Talking back to my teacher

      by , 04-21-2012 at 02:02 PM (Taffy's Sweet Dreams)
      I acted so out of character in this dream. I would never do something like this in waking life. I just wish it were my history teacher.

      I was in the drafting room at school. My old math teacher was teaching the class, but we were doing something computer related. She decided to give only a small group of four people (including myself) essays to work on. I was annoyed, but started to work on it anyway. I asked my teacher if she could just not make us do it, but of course she didn't let us. I put on my headphones and listened to SeeU songs on my iPad. Not even a minute passed and time was already up. I couldn't even finish writing the first sentence: "Apple is a large company that..." I asked for more time, but my teacher said "okay then, you can have more time, but now everyone else in the class has to do an essay." That made me really mad. I called her sleazy and she picked up the phone to call the office. I said, "fine, go ahead," but my head was down so I couldn't see her reaction to any of this. The dream skips and I'm in a strange room with red carpet. There are some stairs leading down. A few girls that were in the classed walked by. I asked them if they thought I did the right thing. They said I didn't, and that I was going to be expelled now.
    5. Navigating the Beauracracy

      by , 11-20-2011 at 08:29 AM
      I'm in a basement with washing machines. I'm talking to my dad about college. I waited until late, almost the last day, to register for, uh, registration. They were almost fully booked. I had to sign up for whatever's available. They had an opening. I took it.

      I'm waiting outside a building in the dark, near the concrete steps. I'm talking with someone. I touched a dead baby duck (it looked like a stuffed one with a broken pullstring). I feel dirty. I need to wash my hands. I go inside without my stuff.

      I look for the bathroom, but I get stopped by two security guards. They tell me there's an opening right now. I say ok, just let me go get my stuff (and wash my hands). They say no. I need to hurry before the guy who was supposed to have this appointment time gets here. So I go.

      The building is a bit maze-ish. There's a stair going down in the middle of a room. There's a lady down there, typing at a desk.

      I go to another room for registering. It's an interview. I sit across the desk from a guy who looks like that guy who says 'inconceivable' in The Princess Bride, except he has hair. Or maybe he looks like the mayor from Buffy the Vampire slayer (the one with the todo list saying: eat lunch, become invincible, PTA meeting). He asks me a lot of questions and writes stuff down on a form. Then he asks me what I plan to do for my essay. What essay?? I didn't know there's an essay. And I still need to wash my hands. He explains. There's an essay now, about a computer science topic. I tell him I plan to do it on open source software or linux. He doesn't hear me. I repeat myself. He still doesn't hear. He closes one, but not both, of the doors to the room, limiting the background noise. He hears me this time, and asks me why. I tell him these subjects excite me.

      I write something on the form? I don't remember but later it's got my handwriting on it.

      I suddenly realize the interview is being filmed. I am nervous. The guy is like 'of course it is.' I realize I am not fully dressed. I try to cover up, then decide to try to act nonchalant.

      There are others in the room. The guy whose appointment I got because he was late is one of them, I think. There is a small bed with no mattress off to one side.

      The guy is testing me on something now, only now he is a slender dark-skinned chick. Some porcelain animal cracker shaped things are dropped on the floor. They have the devil in them. You can't touch them, she says, or the devil will go into you. She attempts to clear them up, but it's risky work. The devil will go into objects you touch them with as well, apparently. Afterwards, I am supposed to have noticed something, but I didn't. I feel embarrassed. I missed the social (cultural) cues. She walks around tapping her face making disapproving noises. But the interview is done. I am supposed to take the form... where? The basement? Oh, I get it, to the lady at the desk at the bottom of the stairs.

      I take the form to them. As I am leaving up the stairs, the desk lady (there is another lady there too) gets up. She is commenting on my writing, that my v's are pointy. There is some sort of (hand) writing test that takes a lot of time/pages? The way they are talking makes me uncomfortable, as if they were criticizing.

      At the top of the stairs, the room I am in has two doors, at opposite ends of one wall. I walk to the left door. Both doors are open. Down the hall, I see a guy, but more urgently, I see a dog, painted red and yellow. It's a hellhound! I shut the door quickly, before the dog gets there. It's running. I am just in time. It growls and presses against the door, up on its hind legs. I growl back. Then it goes around and comes in the other door. "Fuck!" I grab a chair, to defend myself with. I'm panicking. The two ladies are nearby, but they won't be able to get to me in time to help. I wake up.

      WILD attempt. No or little SP. Possible brief lucidity. Very fragmented.
      In an elevator. Poisoned. The bottom of the elevator goes up independent of the top, hits the ceiling, and goes through.

      On a bus. There are two kids. I only saw the one with the ugly face. Someone tells me I am the one who taught him to dream (lucidly?).

      I'm in a sitting/kneeling position, falling asleep, worrying I'll hit something and wake. I feel momentary intense arousal. Something about getting a tattoo.

      Updated 11-20-2011 at 08:37 AM by 51129

      non-lucid , nightmare
    6. Essay Fail

      by , 09-30-2010 at 07:05 PM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I was in English class with ten or eleven other students. The classroom was a fat rectangle shape, with off-white walls and solid light cream flooring that was slightly shiny. At the front of the room, in front of one of the shorter walls, was our teacher. In front of him, our desks were arranged in rows like in a normal classroom, but these desks were longer with a light wooden surface, and they could seat three people each instead of just one. I was sitting in the second or third desk from the front, on the left side of the classroom. The teacher (he was my real English teacher this year) held up a thin stack of essays. Our essays were marked, and he would be handing them back.

      He called out some names, which I can't remember, and handed out two papers before coming to me. He put it upside-down on the desk and looked solemnly at me. My essay was three or four pages long; when I peeled it off the desk and looked at my mark, I was immediately upset. Up on the top right hand corner, my mark read 7/25 in dark red pen. I put my paper down and looked around the room; people were smiling and talking to each other about their marks.

      When I turned around to face the teacher, he had all the essays again, and mine was gone off my desk. He held up the papers again, in front of himself this time with both hands, and mine was on the front with the same mark in the corner. I slunk down into my chair a bit, embarrassed.

      Updated 05-17-2023 at 12:45 AM by 28408
