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    1. Musical Guards and other dreams

      by , 06-13-2011 at 04:09 PM
      *Recovered from 6-13-11*

      Sorry it's been a while; my computer was broken.

      1. I was part of a small group that was supposed to infiltrate the enemy base. It was situated in a snowy forest It was in a sort of pit, such that only the top four or five feet popped out over the snow, and to get to it you had to slide down this steep slope that would be hard to escape from if you wanted to retreat. We crawled close to the base, to see how they were guarding it. There were about five guards on every side, except for the back, which had no guards. I crawled around to the back, and then, with my back to the wall, moved left until I got to the corner. I peeked around to get a close look at the guards. They wore white and grey helmets with matching vests, and black boots. All five of them were holding cellos. I darted around the corner and started fighting the closest guard (they were all standing shoulder to shoulder, looking straight forward). I grabbed his cello so he couldn't whack me with it, and for a second we just pulled it back and forth, then I grabbed his bow and started using it as a sword, and he started using his cello as a giant club. I smashed his cello, and at this point the other guards were beginning to notice the fight, so they all gathered around me, trying to whack me with the cellos. However, they were too close to be able to whack effectively, and instead all broke each other's instruments. Suddenly a trumpet sounded from behind me (I was facing the wall at this point), and a bright yellow and green light illuminated the wall. I broke away from the guards and rolled backwards toward the hill, since there was no way I could take all five of the guards, even if they didn't have weapons. I was lying against the hill, watching them come towards me and feeling afraid, when I started to hear sounds of fighting from behind me and also from the front side of the building. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone from my team emerge from the forest and come riding down the hill on a llama. He came down the hill that was associated with the front, but all the way to one side, so that he could charge down my corridor. He was galloping closer, and so the guards that were coming for me got distracted, preparing to deal with him. I took the opportunity to scramble up the hill, intending to investigate the yellow and green lights which had been getting brighter. When I got out of the pit, I saw a giant grey spaceship landing in the middle of a battle which was taking place on a large snowy plain in front of me. I thought, "who are these people... are they with us or are they another group of attackers?" I didn't think that they were on our side because a big attack wasn't part of the plan, so I decided that we had to finish the mission quickly. I turned around and looked down the hill.The llama guy was retreating around the back of the building. Several guards were lying on the ground, but by this time more guards were coming out of the base, so a bunch of them were coming from the front to chase Mr. Llama. I took a grenade from my belt and threw it down the hill, trying to throw it a little ahead of the guards so that it would land by the time they got to it. It exploded in a bright yellow flash, that's the last thing I remember.

      2. I was sitting at a piano, and I played a nice chord: C, C#, D#, F#, A. I was very pleased by the sound, and I started thinking of my cat.

      3. I was at college and I ran into a girl who goes to my school, whose name I don't know, and we just kind of looked at each other and didn't say anything, but we were communicating without speaking. It's kind of hard to recreate the conversation since it didn't really have any words, but I will try. She showed me the concept of music, as if to say, "You're musical, aren't you?" In response I sent something from Don Giovanni to her, then a duet from Saariaho's opera L'Amour de Loin (which I just watched yesterday). She gave a sort of half-smile, like she was glad to know that her intuition was correct, but she was still waiting for something. I showed her a picture of her playing Chopin on an upright piano (I have heard her play Chopin irl), along with a feeling of admiration, but the admiration had a sort of flavor of, "will you play for me?" So she started walking across campus to where the pianos are, and I was following her, sending her Stockhausen and Messiaen music along the way, which gave us a feeling of a thick blanket and a cat.

      Updated 06-18-2011 at 06:48 PM by 47510

      non-lucid , memorable
    2. Dreamland: Stealing Mexican Food

      by , 05-16-2011 at 09:52 AM
      It's not a new assertion to say that many dreams are mundane. However, I more and more suspect that most dreams are irrational. The more irrational, the more easily they are forgotten. This probably has something to do with the configuration of the brain during dreams. Some parts in very low demand in general, but in lucid dreams more parts can be accessed. This is a physical reality.

      Katie & Fred have been family friends since before I was I born. They have occupied at least 4% of my dreams over the years, and their houses, attic, and daughters an even larger percentage of recalled dreams. I have very little contact with them anymore, but they still appear often.

      The beginning of this dream is unclear.

      I was at Katie & Fred's house. It was a blend of the second house of theirs I use to visit as a child (the one with the attic) and an old restaurant. Leaving the restaurant area I had to cross what was their backyard to get to Katie & Fred's bedroom. (This is the backyard visible from their attic window.) For some reason I was intent on leaving the gathering of people including my Mother to use Fred's computer. The door led directly to their bedroom which is almost accurate. In real life that door led to Molly's bedroom.

      The bedroom was nothing like real life. When I stepped inside, I noticed there was a to-go container of food. For some reason, I opened it up to see what they had ordered. Inside was a delicious looking meal of Mexican food. I remember the beans, rice, and a Pita Pocket* of steak, tomatoes, cheese and salsa.

      I couldn't resist eating some. I had a little bit of everything and a bite or two of the Pita Pocket. It was fantastic tasting. I tried to figure out where it was purchased so I could go there myself. There were no labels or any identifying information on the off-white cartons. I had the brilliant idea(!?) to do a Google search - using a piece of the Pita Pocket pressed into the search box on the monitor. I don't recall the results, but at this point I had the distinct impression I may be invading their privacy to a wild extent.

      Shrugged it off by telling myself: nothing I had done on their PC was an invasion of privacy. Just then, the backdrop on the PC caught my attention. It was them, along with other people smiling for the camera. Nude. The borders of the picture were pink. I thought:

      "Oh shit, Fred definitely wouldn't want me to see this desktop background."

      Here is when things get super weird: I was sitting on the floor at the foot of the bed using a PC next to their TV. Just then, a squirrel came leaping into the room from the side window. It leaped from the floor, onto the bed directly behind me and froze. Almost as if stuffed. I was slightly startled because its face was very close to my face looking me directly in the eye. (See Blackbird Flying LD)

      I reached up my hand to pet it cautiously. This squirrel looked huge when I took a closer look. About 3ft long, thick, realistic with clean dark gray hair. Suddenly, what started as the far bedroom wall turned into a well forested opening to a noonday dense bright green forest. A little man appeared or the squirrel morphed into a fawn and a little harry man emerged from the woods. He threw the fawn over his shoulder and ran off. Just then I heard a narrators voice say:

      "These little hairy forest men are known to kidnap reindeer."

      Still feeling embarrassed, I decided to leave and go tell Fred all I had done in his bedroom. I crossed through the backyard and into the restaurant party area again. There were a lot of empty tables but my Mom, Fred and other people were laughing and talking at one of the center ones. I took Fred aside back into the yard and made a limited confession. I told him I had ate part of his food, but only a small amount. I told him I used his PC to do some searches. I deliberately left out that I had Google searched with part of his Pita Burrito to find out where he bought it.

      This detail seemed especially incriminating because I suspected there was still a mess on his PC screen in the search box.

      He begrudgingly forgave me. It was as if he only did it to exit an awkward situation as quickly as possible. He entered his room and shut the door. I started to walk about but had the thought "Opps, I forgot my journal in his bedroom." I knocked on the door and Fred answered with the expression he last had. I asked him for my journal and when he went to grab it I noticed he had wolfed down all the Mexican food. He handed me the journal without hesitation, I opened it up, and it was Molly's journal instead.

      I had the thought: why would I ever bring my personal journal here anyway? Now he will think I was snooping through Molly's journal.

      (*PRECOGNITIVE*) I told my my Mom about this dream. When I mentioned the Pita Pocket burrito -she gasped. She told me that Katie was obsessed with Pita bread recently. This is not something I had the slightest clue about, and Pita bread has definitely not been on my mind recently, or at any point.

      Updated 05-21-2011 at 05:23 PM by 32174

      non-lucid , side notes
    3. Dead, alive, or something else?

      by , 05-03-2011 at 02:17 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I was in a lab type environment. I guess it was a medical facility.
      A cop was asking a doctor about a patient (whom I never saw). The doctor
      answered the cop stating that the patient was either (something), dead, or alive.
      What that something was I can't remember for the life of me.

      The doctor then said, I can't really say.
      The cop responded, "You have to be able to say."
      The doctor then said, "His eye is out with an I.C.U. to see." This meant that
      their was something like a fiber optic strand put through his eye so he could see.
    4. pixie babies?!

      by , 03-19-2011 at 11:33 PM
      Here's last night's dreammmm


      I was in a van with my dad and little sister. I was in the back. We were goin' on a trip. I don't know where. Suddenly I was at school. My dad said i'd only be there a little while. Then I left. I was in a purple tunnel like thing. In my arms was a little cute pixie animal cat thing that was apparently my baby. I cradled it and cooed. It flew up and got a little star and moon shaped thing. It absorbed them. It looked even cuter. Here, I'll describe it in full detail.
      It was really small, about 7 or so inches big. It looked like a grey kitten with aqua blue wings. They were transparent-ish and they looked like butterfly wings. It had greenish eyes.
      A woman in a Doctor outfit came over to me. She asked me something about how my baby was and where her daddy was. A guy appeared and hugged me, saying he was proud. I guess he was the dad. I don't remember what he looked like. I woke up then, super confused.
      (btw, I had a *flashback* in the dream and remembered me givin' birth to the kitten...)

      dream2: fragment
      I couldnt open my left eye. When I woke up, I was laying on the left side of my face.

      =D Baby pixie kittens are toooo cute!
      I've had another dream with the same kitten... *thinking face*
    5. Super Lucid: Blackbird Flying

      by , 02-26-2011 at 02:07 PM
      At last another lucid dream! I believe this one was stimulated by a combination of me singing the Beatles song Blackbird, and Dead Space 2 in which the lead character flies.

      It was around 9am with clear blue skies. I was standing in the middle of my backyard on a dead tree stump. (The stump was removed years ago.) Around me I noticed all sorts of creatures were crowding. Birds, squirrels, and then I saw a cute gray bunny rabbit. I was surprised by that, but even more when following the cute bunny closely was a Jackrabbit.

      Instantly I knew this was a dream when I saw it. I did my traditional reality test - flying. I lifted off the ground with complete control and ease. The animals were excited and especially the birds. I felt a wave of mental clarity wash over me. My body vanished. My perspective became small as a birds and I began to loop around my backyard while the birds joined me in loops, spins, and songs. It was very playful, peaceful, and extremely fun.

      I locked my focus onto a pair of blackbirds who were flying together still over the yard. I began to follow one so closely I looked it directly in the eye a few inches away. He looked slightly uneasy with my proximity, and maneuvered away a few wing lengths. After I had done this a good few minutes, I decided I better not waste this lucidity on aerial antics alone.

      I looked towards my next door neighbors yard. There was pick-nick table near one of his two backdoors. I flew over to it and my body reformed so I could land. When my body reappeared - there was an aerial hiccup as if I hit wind drag and gravity again. I started to drop but hovered at the last instant to ensure a soft landing. At this point I stepped off the table and onto the ground. I clearly remember thinking "There is no way I could forget this dream, it is much too real to forget." I considered waking myself up as I headed for the door, but I really wanted this feeling to continue.

      I opened up my neighboors backdoor, excited to see how my dream would handle this. I stepped into his garage which was huge inside. Bigger than the house itself from the outside. I could hear my neighbor walking around upstairs, and I had the impression he was just getting out of the shower. I chuckled to myself about it. I began to look around the garage and I saw there was a collection of bikes and motorcycles. Out of the garage windows I saw one of the main streets in my city, and not my own block which I should have seen out those windows. I smiled to myself and thought "My dream got that wrong."

      I started looking for a motorcycle I liked. There was a blue one similar to the first bike I ever owned (!) - a bicycle designed to look like a dirt bike. This also tickled me. Before I could mount it, I looked up and saw that my neighbors garage had a second floor balcony. I slightly worried he might react to me taking the bike, but when I looked up I saw more windows with people starring back down at me. I had the feeling I was at the London stock exchange (I don't recall ever seeing it before).

      There were business type people up on the balcony behind windows that were too back light by pale white light to make out much more than silhouettes. I vaguely recall being asked to do some work for them by a short haired gruff woman in a business suit. The clarity and lucidity evaporated and I woke up shortly there after.

      I didn't remember the dream when I woke up, despite my lucid confidence. I sat still for about a minute, tried to remember my dream and the details above rushed right in. I want to stress how clear minded I felt in this dream. The visuals, flying sensations, and audio were very high quality.

      Updated 05-21-2011 at 05:29 PM by 32174

      memorable , side notes , lucid
    6. My Eye

      by , 11-11-2010 at 12:45 PM (My poisoned mind O_o)
      After spending much time away from the internet I finally return
      This is a creepy dream, and naturally at the time I didn't really have anything wrong with it, I thought it was kinda cool.

      My right eye is in my mouth, I look for some water to put it in cause I don't want it to dry out. I'll get some help about what to do afterward but first that water.
      I find what I'm looking for fill it at the tap and spit the eye into it. I notice the eyeball has 2 pupils/iris, curious. And some other bits but I don't really notice them. No idea what they were.
      I'm talking to someone. I say "Hey" and I get the reply "なくなちゃった!" This means approximately "you lost it!" in this circumstance. It's Japanese making this the first time I can remember that I've dreamed anything in Japanese. I open that eyelid a bit in front of them and they complain, but I notice I can still see a bit with it, so I assume part of the retina is still present, which doesn't seem to fit what I saw when I spat it out. But I don't know enough about this kind of thing. I'm a bit upset that it's gone yet I don't really care.

      Upon waking I was a tad disappointed in discovering the continued presence of my right eye, then decided it's probably for the best as I regained sense.
      In retrospect if I had payed more attention to the oddity of the retina still being there then I ma have been able to go lucid, but otherwise very un-lucid.

      Updated 11-11-2010 at 12:50 PM by 33144

    7. Careful With That, You'll Put An Eye Out

      by , 01-19-2009 at 05:37 AM
      Had a nightmare that I was doing my makeup and somehow accidentally stuck myself in the eye with a pair of tweezers. I didn't think it was that bad, so I went to the mirror to look at it and realized I'd jammed it in pretty deeply. Despite the apparent severity of the injury, it didn't hurt. I pulled the tweezers out of my eye, still didn't hurt even though I felt the tugging sensation, and realized there were more things stuck in my eye... like a magician's handkerchief or something... all said and done, I pulled out another pair of tweezers AND an eye lash curler. Much to my horror, I then realized that my entire eye was gone and there was nothing but a gaping red hole (which was amazingly not bleeding). I didn't know whether to freak out or not, because I was still shocked by it.

      Then, I dreamed that I had twin kids who were about 8 years old, and I was pissed at them for some reason.

      Then, I dreamed that I had taken some sort of exam or something like that... scored really well on some test, or something, and gotten a highly coveted award along with a new position. I don't remember what it was, though, except that there was a list of benefits from the position, but for some reason it just felt like something straight out of high school. Also, for whatever reason, when all of this was being read off, I was sitting in the woods, and I was wearing some kind of dress made from calico, and everyone was sitting on logs, even though it was some sort of technical position I had tested for.

      Updated 11-02-2015 at 05:38 AM by 32101

      non-lucid , nightmare
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