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    1. Friday, December 22

      by , 03-09-2024 at 11:24 PM
      I am going to a wedding. I walk into the small venue (just a room?) through a small hallway. There’s someone greeting people - he recognizes me from ‘last time’, bringing up how I had too much to drink, in a joking way. I think I have a memory of this (in the dream). It’s okay, because I don’t plan to drink any alcohol tonight. Now, some others are here and we are queuing for a marathon. I guess I’m going to be part of this. It’s longer than I thought, even for a marathon, and everyone else looks pretty serious. Somebody opens the door, and we’re off. We start on what looks like a sidewalk. Some start with speed, and some start with a pace that they intend to keep throughout. The surroundings are now what looks like a room filled with maybe a couple of feet of water. The room is completely bare and a dark gray? I run laps on top of the water. After a while, I find out that I’ve won. I’m excited, but I also start to think it might not be fair if everyone else was running where we started and I was here. They give me a journal as a gift. It has pages of good quality and they’ve written congratulatory notes in the front. I still can’t believe I had no idea what I was getting into and then ended up winning.
    2. 01/01/2016

      by , 01-01-2016 at 08:23 PM
      Tonight i dream with the following. I will post from the last dream to the first dream i can remember:

      There was a dothraki horde or savages, and there was building. There were some in the field, outside, and some in the hall, inside. I told two girls not to be so wild, and they were like angry at me for saying that. They were at certain distance. Closer there were some cradles, and some babies in them. There was a chinese dothraki baby who was really smart. There was another chinese, like forty years old, in front of the baby trying to give him water. The baby told him, no i don't drink water and i don't eat food. I was stunned, i was thinking, is he a meditator? I was mind-open to do a reality check with that situation, but i didn't. I realized that he doesn't drink water because he is taking the tit of his mom. So the chinese man tells him, "oh you think you are grown up now that you don't take any water. Ok here you have be a grown up." and he handles him a sub-machine gun UZI. I couldn't believe they were so ... savages! But more astonishing was to see what the baby did. As soon as he grabbed the UZI he shot the man and killed him. He was raised by those wildings.

      I went with the two girls. They were very dedicated to what they did. One of them looked like Evolet from 10000 BC

      Change the World-large.jpg

      And they were very close to a master, who was very famous and honorable. I think i was about, or already have, met him to do business with him, so we were going to be close, and these girls were close for years and still couldn't reach him yet. [This teaches me that if you want something well defined there are surely more skillful means to do it, and that you don't neccesarily have to do X to achieve it]. But these girls were determined. They wanted to develop perfection. Although they were not going to be good as the master, when they were old they would have the skills very well developed as it would be expected of them. I don't actually know what that skill was, but it involved knowledge of Architecture but with something else, like battle or life knowledge. I saw a frame of one of the girls, and it was all black and some lines with different colours. Then those lines start moving and they formed elipses and circles, and it was perfect geometry. With that you could see that they were dedicated, that they worked hard and inteligently. After that i began to cry with the blue eyed girl.

      An earlier dream was that i was running in a field, like a marathon. It was like 50 rounds, and after the rounds i would meet a high positioned man. Well, i gave up after the 5th i think, because it was too hard to run all that. Actually it wasn't hard at all, but it was the sensation of time, too much time spent on that is like mentally exhausting.

      Before that i was trying, with my dad, to meet some 'important' people to do business with. We were at his office and he told me that he wanted to meet some financial reporters. One looked like Martin Lousteau, a famous Argentinean economist. I was about to leave his office (to run) and i saw a panel with a lot of books. I saw two books that called my attention. One was titled "Before 25472" or something like that (because a book called 25472 was about to come out, and this one came first. It turns out that it was better than the other) and a book about ISIS.

      Before that i dreamt about being with my class mates. We were on a balcony in a very tall place, and behind us there was like a slide, but before that there was a big space. So if we wanted to throw anything in that slide we had to aim first, we had to have a good aiming. That was why there were three of us, Fran, Chango and Me who had three stones to aim. We all went to the edge of the balcony, and there was a step behind it, so we stood there. And we threw the stones. It was a long fall, and it wasnt right below us the slide, it was like 2 or 3 steps beyond us, so we definitely had to throw things, not drop them. Beyond the slide there were people as well, and we were going there but coming down first and surrounding taht place, which would take like 2 or 3 days. We weren't on a free space. It was actually like a maze, there was a roof and the place was about to close up soon, like in a week. After we threw the stones we waited a bit. The stones hit on a giant Targaryen's leg, but he didn't got angry. After that I thought about jumping, and i was about to, like to show off that i could do it, and i wasn't afraid even though in dreams im afraid to high places, but after all i considered that i could kill myself (and maybe wake up?) so i didn't do it. At that time i was thinking that it could be a dream, but i wasn't aware enough to really think that it was a dream, i was like numb by the dream, but i seriously thought about jumping since i didn't really care what would be the consequences, the worse that could happen was to wake up, but then i thought "well, i dont' know if this is a dream so i better don't do it". And suddenly there was a lot of wind, so i grabbed some cloth there was in the balcony and hoped that i wouldn't fall. After the wind i climbed up the balcony again, and remained like ten steps before the balcony's edge. But Fran didn't climb up, he was still there. He was talking with Matias who was convincing him to jump. At the end i don't know if he jumped but he was really going to do it, even though it was dangerous. There were teachers also, and they didn't say anything about this. I think they were probably scared or worried as the rest of us how to get out of there before the place closes its doors.
    3. 1/23/14 - zombie life story

      by , 01-23-2014 at 06:52 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm not in this dream, just zooming around spectating from different angles. There is three people and their clothes are torn up slightly, and they have blood and dirt all over them and their faces and arms. They're in this grass field that is meant to lead people somewhere, like the home stretch of a marathon race. There's booths, and plastic flagged string leading the grass field one way. One of the guys just sit in the middle of the field and then the other two a man and a woman go sit of to the side by a booth. This place is completely empty, but then I see a mass crowd of bloody zombies groaning and walking towards them. I look to them and wonder why they aren't running away. Then some zombies get up to them and the zombies seem to inspect them, then I come to the conclusion that the people must've put some sort of scent that blocked out their human scent and made them smell dead, so then the zombies start to pass them and continue down the race path, but then the guy who was off to himself gets up and starts walking against the crowd towards the other two and is talking. I cringe because surely the zombies don't talk and will recognize that as a human trait and attack them, but the the other two get up and walk all normally and begin to talk. I am stunned, and then this blueish zombie guy in a torn business suit walks up to my visual and gives me the deepest look and it expresses sorrow, I am shocked, and I am feeling empathy, then the zombie begins to speak, a bit slurred at first, he begins to tell me his life story and he seems saddened by it, I notice it's only his life story since being a zombie, it's as if he doesn't remember from before when he was a human.
    4. 9 Sep: Marathon and a camp

      by , 09-09-2011 at 08:16 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream lucid false awakening


      Bank sale
      With my mom on an auction of a bank. I buy a share, because it is so cheap. I'm imagining becoming rich with it, but someone tells me it is more likely to devalue than otherwise, shattering my optimistic feeling.


      On a room full of people. I become lucid but I struggle very hard to remember tasks to complete. Every time I focus on what I had planned, I feel lucidity fading. I move on to another dream in which I'm on a really dark bedroom, making out with some guy, but the dream is a bit unpleasant. It becomes early morning and I go to the window and see people running a marathon on the street. It is sponsored by a known bottled water company. My cell phone rings on the background and I get lucid as I recall the instructions I had received from a guy in RL to notice colors, textures, sounds, smells, etc, on dreams and since sound is one thing I rarely notice, I decided to play with it. I answered the phone, curious to see if I could really hear someone talking on the other side and I could. It was a lady asking to speak with some boy I don't know. But I turn around and he is there. He is fat. I hand him the phone. I think about doing something more with the LD. I try to teleport to Denn, but it fails and I almost wake up. My lucidity fades a bit and I just stay around this dream. I go outside to see the marathon. No longer lucid, I follow the people who walk at the end of the race after the athletes and I talk to some of them. Then I see a horrible scene with two stray dogs, who look more like a bag of bones and open flesh. I want to take them to the vet. People on the street tell me they are very sick for many years and no cure is possible, but people feed them and they are happy together, supporting each other. I want to give them something to eat, but I have nothing. So I regurgitate a placenta-like discussing stuff and at least one of the dogs comes to sniff it. But he doesn't seem very interested.


      On a sort of holiday camp with children and adults. it's a celebration day and everyone is very busy and excited. I'm just trying to figure out my role in it. I see some cute kittens hidden under a table, I try to play with them, but they run away. I then see some friends who are all fascinated by a tiny little camel that appeared on the site. It is hardly taller than 20 cms. I say something like "I've seen really tiny ponies before, but this camel is just ridiculously small."
      I notice a kid who's taking pictures of me obsessively and I ask him to stop. I ask for his camera to delete the pictures he took without my permission, but I realize he has a crush on me, which I find sweet, so I decide to leave at least a couple of pics on the memory card. His mom appears out of nowhere and doesn't know why I'm holding the camera, so she is very obnoxious, accusing me with her eyes of trying to steal it from the kid. Nasty broad.
      Then some native americans appear on a stage, performing songs and dances. They invite people from the audience to join and before they drag me along, I move on to a nearby swimming pool with water slides. I decide to have a bit of fun on the slides.


      Updated 09-24-2011 at 09:51 AM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid
    5. Marathon on Bridge.

      by , 06-21-2011 at 06:08 AM

      Type: Regular Dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      Another marathon dream. No I have never run a marathon or even jogged. Not sure what the subconscious is trying to say yet.

      I was outside on a road with car speeding by, the road was just were it was going to start being a bridge of a good size going over a wide turbulent river. There were a group of people hanging around looking cold in the winter wind. I wasn't cold at all but was wondering why these people were standing around if it was so cold.

      A woman about 43 years old looking like the typical housewife, white, brown hair above the shoulder, overly caffeinated. Then out of the blue she yelled,
      "HI EVERYONE! I'm glad your all here! OK lets get our marathon on!"

      I knew I could run across a medium length bridge it might take me 10 or 15 minutes, no big deal.

      Then the pack of people I was in started running up stares up on to the arch of the bridge that the cables hang off of! There was a platform we all gathered on before we ran across the arch single file. We ran to one side and came back but I was not hardly lucid at all and is quite fuzzy but when I came back I longed for the platform so much I started to get some of my lucidity back.

      I lunged for the handrail on the platform, it was so high up are these people crazy!? And there was no safety harness! I saw some old timer running and he looked unconcerned so I let the concern go.

      We then were back at a work room where we were making some kind of arts and decorations for our parade. I gethered some arts stuff randomly and stood there, with a small pile of arts and craft stuff, thinking how I had absolutely no idea what I was doing.

      I woke and grumbled "marathon dream."
      What are you trying to tell me subconscious?

      Click image for larger version. 

Name:	bridgeclimb.jpg 
Views:	43 
Size:	17.4 KB 
ID:	2289
      Why calmly climb a bridge when you can run haphazardly over it?
      Tags: bridge, marathon
      memorable , non-lucid
    6. Russian Donor and Marathon

      by , 06-18-2011 at 04:28 AM

      My words in blue
      Other peoples in green

      I had another dream mentioning a country, Russia.

      Type: Regular Dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Gonna start using this, I think I got it from Puffin, great idea.

      I was working for a charity at a carnival and we were selling carnival food (popcorn, cotton candy, etc) for our charity which was some kind of help for little children who are sick. I was the one out in the crowd trying to convince people to donate. A couple came up to me the woman was in a white fuax fur coat and she had platinum hair. She said "Hello" in a thick Russian accent and the man behind her said also in a thick Russian accent, something like "I have a check for you." I looked at it and could clearly make out the numbers 15,000 and then saw the bank stamp mark on it which lets you know the moneys in the bank, I was happy to get such a good donation.

      I yelled back at our helpers and a few of the customers getting stuff at our stand, "Hey everybody I got a check for fifteen thousand dollars!"
      They all cheered!

      (So much for not being able to read small numbers in a dream, that could have given me a clue.)

      Type: Regular Dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I was walking around an outdoor market and saw an old man running, I felt he was running in a marathon. I knew I could beat him and started running too right through the market! I blew past gramps and still had no tiredness at all, it was like I wasn't even running! I thought, with no tiredness, I have real potential in this sport! I came to a rest stop station which was a tall food cart with all kinds of water bottles and stuff for the runners it was on a corner of stalls in this outdoor market. The guy watching over the cart and working for the race promoters, gave me a water bottle.

      "Thanks" I said and took a sip.

      He nodded his head and thought that was all I should get.
      I asked 'why' in my thoughts and his thoughts told me 'You need to sign the clip board.'

      I took the clipboard and looked at it and asked in my thoughts what this did?

      "You sign for the items you want to see at the next rest station."

      I was not sure what this was all about so I just signed my name and started running. Just then the old dude walked up seemingly not in any rush at all.

      I ran till I was near a pond and saw another food cart. The guy minding the cart handed me the bottle of water and a white towel. His thoughts indicated that I had signed for these things at the last station, I played along but found I was not tired at all nor thirsty! I dabbed my head with the towel a bit and put the stuff back on the rack.

      Then I walked over to look into the pond which had a lot of dead brown vegetation in it sticking way up out of the water and koi were in the water swimming around. It was like a lake in a desert.

      "I'm not interested in this race, maybe I'll finish running it some other time."

      Woke up for the day.

      (that was an odd marathon but still the organizing of the things you got are actually better than anything I have ever seen in waking life!)
      Tags: marathon, russia
      non-lucid , memorable
    7. marathon woman and zookeeper; water ride and Disney ride

      by , 02-23-2011 at 12:45 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      An old, black woman was running something like a marathon. The woman was overweight. She wore a brightly colored (orange?) skirt and a red t-shirt. She was really having a tough time running the race, but she kept at it.

      At the halfway point, everybody took a break. They sat down in a huge, crowded area of folding chairs. I saw a close-up, like video, of the woman as she stopped at the halfway point. I could tell she was exhausted. When she sat, I could see that she was afraid she wouldn't be able to get up.

      The old woman was now back on the road, getting ready to run again. There were other people out on or near the road, but the woman seemed like the only one who was actually getting ready to run again. She looked afraid, like she didn't think she could make it.

      I went up to the woman. I patted her left arm and told her that she could make it, that all she had to do was keep up her confidence. This seemed to cheer the woman up. I now started running.

      At some point I and a few other racers were in a room like an indoor area at a zoo. We had to cross some zigzag maze-line made out of metal poles and wooden handrails. I jumped up in the air and flew over the maze-line, touching down to and bouncing back off of the handrails with my (right?) hand occasionally.

      The end of the maze-line was the exit to the room. There was a lot of sunlight coming through the doorway. I saw it as if I were flying toward it from a stomach-down position only a few inches above the floor. The doorway wasn't too far from the start of the line. The line just worked itself through the back of the room and then back toward the front.

      As I approached the exit, I kind of lost myself again and passively saw another man getting through the line by running through it. I then tried to imagine how the old woman would get through this line in her tired condition.

      I now had a weird vision of some man standing in the air, up above the line. He was some kind of zookeeper. He had been taking care of some kind of animal, which may actually have been a little, blonde, white boy. But the boy was also some delicate kind of monkey-like animal.

      The man had taken care of the little creature by giving him human books and games to stimulate his mind. But this zookeeper had had to leave the zoo. The next zookeeper just thought of these creatures as animals. So he gave the little creature only toy's you'd give to monkeys. The little creature lost interest in everything and soon died.

      Dream #2

      I was standing out in some area like a seal habitat at a zoo, with a big pool and a stage made to look like a rocky landscape. But this whole area was like a line for a water ride at some theme park.

      I was video-taping everything, including the water hitting my feet, to prove somehow that this was actually a good water ride. In the distance, under an arch of fake rocks, I saw waves rise up and crash together.

      I was then in a big room like a museum. An older man was giving a group of little kids some kind of tour. Apparently this was some kind of museum about old amusement park rides.

      I wandered off by myself and found myself between two rows of mirrors. The mirrors all faced me. They had holographic images on them. I suddenly recognized them as images from the Disneyland haunted house ride. I waited for some face to pop up and surprise me in the hologram. But I also wondered why Disney had taken down the haunted house ride. That was a really fun ride.

      Suddenly a face popped up on a mirror and said "boo!" I acted scared, and I did a fake scream, which sounded a lot more weak and frightened than I'd intended. I looked over and saw that I'd gotten the kids' attention.

      I looked back at the mirrors. A lot of faces were now popping up. The designs on the mirrors were also a lot clearer. One image looked like river stones, except fleshy, like organs.

      At some point a little girl from the group came over to make sure I wasn't really scared. I knelt or reclined and held the girl with my left arm. We watched the mirrors together.