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    1. Fire trucks DEILD Chain

      by , 06-12-2014 at 01:36 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      06/10/14 I have no idea why I decided to see how good I could get at summoning fire trucks, but mid LD I got that in my head. It seemed like a very specific use of summoning and also a large colorful object to summon. I succeeded in bringing a fairly old fashioned one into the dream, when a stupid dog in the apartment above started making noise. I woke, but used DEILD to get another LD going. I started over and summoned a brighter colored fire truck, but the dog was howling and woke me again.
      The final time I got creaive and decided the dog howling was just the sound of the fire truck (another DEILD). I made it appear down the street and come towards me. I was very lucid and in good control this time, so I decided the truck would be driven (the second driver, up top) by a sexy woman. This worked well. The truck pulled up and was modern and bright. It looked great.
      I appeared up on top near the woman and started steerig the back half as the truck sped along around corners. I had the sexy woman cuddle up close and act sexy.
      Pretty odd goal to randomly pick, but the final version was sweet and lots of fun.
    2. The Snow (lucid)

      by , 06-12-2014 at 01:35 AM
      I wake up from my usual night's sleep in order to go to the restroom. Don't recall my dreams. When I get back, I settle in, noting in my mind that this would be a good time for a lucid attempt, and then I allow myself to drift off.

      One of the ways I initiate lucid dreaming is visualization. My particular mode is exploring an environment in my head, in detail. I know I'm entering the dream when the environment becomes easier to explore and more unpredictable. Sometimes there is a sense of "breaking the tension" and moving into lucidity. Sometimes it's more gentle. Sometimes I feel like things are still fuzzy and don't get the clarity I want. Like all lucid techniques, it's a mixed bag.

      I grab onto the first location that drifts into my mind - an old apartment I used to live in. I am outside on the front lawn. I walk down the lawn and across the street and head for a stream that is on the other side of the complex. It is lined on either side by thick trees that were simply never knocked down by the developer.

      When I reach the stream, I begin my explorations. I decide to do something I did there a lot as a child - look for rocks that would look good once they had been through a rock tumbler. I pick up a few rocks and examine them, but don't see anything I like. I continue walking down the stream, splashing my feet in the water.

      The stream becomes larger and deeper. I have reached a part of the stream that no longer looks familiar.
      I note that my visualization has become more intense. I walk from the center of the stream to the bank on the side, which has become muddy. As I continue walking, the stream becomes deeper and more turbulent, and has cut deeper into the banks. The banks have gone from the soft dark brown of midwestern soil to a burnt sienna color, and are gaining more of a texture of clay. If anybody has been to Georgia, they may know the color of soil I'm talking about.

      The stream has become closer to a river. I imagine that a "duck" style vehicle could probably float down it now. For some reason, a roller coaster is now running along the side of the bank, but it isn't full scale. I take note of it. I try to assess my dream state, but it still feels "thin". There's not really much clarity, and I feel like trying to exert direct influence right now may cause it to fall apart.

      The roller coaster has disappeared. I now see a pristine snow drift and a snow-covered hill leading upward from the river bank. I decide to see where the snow leads.

      I begin walking through the snowy area. The snow becomes deeper, and as I continue forward, I start having trouble walking through it. I am heading up a steep hill, struggling through the snow. I look up the hill, and realize it leads up a mountain. I look down and I can see the path I've made through the snow. The stream is nowhere in sight - I'm now on a mountain in a mountain range. This is the tallest mountain. It's daytime, and the sky is very blue against the sparkling white snow.

      I decide to continue heading upward to see what is up there. The sky becomes darker. The snow is almost up to my chest, and the way up is still very steep. I have no climbing equipment, so I flounder and climb the best I can. At this point, I feel like I am "deep" enough in the dream to start changing things, but I'm genuinely curious as to where this all leads.

      Upward, in the distance, wind is picking snow up off the drifts and driving it in swirls across the mountainside. Through the wind and snow, nestled under a massive overhang in the rock of the mountain, I see... a fortress? Castle? It's made of stone. There are no lights; even though it is aesthetically beautiful, in a cold way, all of the openings look defense-oriented - places for archers or people with spears. The only place I see a dim light is what I assume is the entrance.

      I reach the door. There is a flat area of stone that forms sort of a "landing", a level area carved out of the rock and laid with decorative stonework. A large, wooden door leads to what I assume is the interior of the fortress. The aesthetic is quite Gothic (but think of something in the style of Rheinstein Castle, not something like Cologne Cathedral). There are lights on either sides of the door, but interestingly, they seem more like gaslights than torches. The wood is stained a warm brown color and the fittings look like they are made of bronze.

      There is a lever to open the door in front of it. I ponder how that really isn't very, you know, secure, but I get the feeling that not everybody is actually able to pull it. Only certain people can. I pull it with no problem, though. The door opens.

      I walk into a gallery with an extremely high ceiling. There are massive chandeliers lit with huge candles, I count about 8 of them, and each one looks like it is the size of a small room. They look a little... Victorian. The whole thing seems cathedral-esque, but when I examine the gallery, I see that there are actually walkways high up on either side where archers could perch. Anybody trying to march through here could be easily sniped.

      I'm not sure what I'm expecting. There are 2 doors at the very end of the gallery. The one to the right is open, and in the room there is a small screen, and it seems to be a bedroom of some sort, which I think is kind of weird. Then I realize it's a place for guards to rest, where they could easily access the gallery, so this might be an area that also leads to barracks. I still think it's a really weird layout. I go through the door that is right in front of me, though.

      It leads to a dark room with stone walls and outlets to a hallway on either side. I'm not sure what I expected, but it wasn't this. The scenery still feels blurry and not 100% real, which is also a bit frustrating.

      I walk through the door directly across me. I am in another room with high ceilings and a large chandelier. Things are getting blurry and kind of falling apart. The architecture is getting weird and I feel like it's getting "wrong". I begin to feel frustrated. I'm still trying to look for a throne room, or something, but I keep encountering weird rooms like this that just don't seem to fit the layout right. I'm looking for a dream character of any sort of significance, at this point, since I haven't really seen anybody.

      There's another screen with someone behind it... I look around for a person. I'm actually looking around for what my dreamscape would consider to be the "leader" of this place, but instead, a woman who looks like a nanny appears. I don't know what small children she'd be minding, I assumed the ones of the head of the castle. At the time, I assumed there would be some, but now that I think about it there don't seem to be any. I think they might be around, but I don't see any. I should have talked to her, and asked what was up, but I didn't. I have an irritating tendency to stay silent during these dreams.

      I can't get the DC I want to appear. I wake up.

      The castle is cool, though. Once I've been to a dream-location, it seems like it can be a little easier getting there again (cottage is still hard, though). I wish I had spent more time examining individual parts of the fortress, rather than just pressing onward. If I end up there again, I probably will.
      non-lucid , lucid
    3. 5/20/2014

      by , 06-12-2014 at 01:28 AM
      I was walking through a New Mexican village in the middle of nowhere with my vest, belt, and Remington 700. People were giving me looks and I was looking for a bathroom. I came upon one of the three bathrooms in the village and there was a line of people waiting to use them. After standing for a while, Warner appeared and started joking around, making people laugh. He recognized me and we started talking about me moving out into a place in the middle of nowhere, and how peaceful it is. Amy was there also. Everyone cleared out and I went into a house full of girls to use their bathroom. All of them left and I got on their couch, which was also a toilet. I leave but return because I forgot to flush. All this time I'm aware of my rifle. I exit and look around. The view changes and I see a beautiful mountain range. I get in my car and drive around, checking out the houses in the village and think "Must suck to be the UPS guy that delivers out here"
      I'm suddenly in a UPS facility being welcomed by a good looking skinny guy with greying hair. He gives me and a bunch of other people welcome gifts and takes us around. I see the girl who, when I saw delivering in Santa Fe, I thought was cute run up to her driver, who was a female. We kept walking and I asked if Mark that worked in Los Lunas was still here. The man said yeah and I asked to be put with him next week since it was the last week of something. The man said "Yeah I will" and I got excited. We entered a facility and I saw Antoinette. She was waiting for a door to close before she pushed the button for the lift we were on to go up. She was complaining about her supervisors, saying "Yeah I sometimes see their stinkin' heads looking at me making sure I wait till the damn doors open" I recognized her voice and called her, saying hi. I told her I'd tell her I had a dream about her next time I saw her. We had to go through a very hard obstacle course that was high up. One girl failed and they were gonna make her do it again. I thought the obstacle course was really hard, even for a person who knew parkour. I jumped on a mini trampoline and my ankle got caught in a hole. I got up and someone behind me said, "Careful, we live in NM and have the ability to swallow brain power..." meaning that most people don't know how to think properly and it doesn't really matter if we wait. I laughed and woke up laughing.
    4. 5/18/2014

      by , 06-12-2014 at 01:15 AM
      False Awakening

      I was at work with C. Williams, Fabian, and Rafe. We had a busy day and I was the runner. We stopped a few places and then at an Albertsons. As I'm walking out, I start arguing with a black guy, He pulls out a little revolver on me and I put my hands up. He gets close enough for me to grab the gun and I grab it, trying to keep the gun away from pointing at me. I eventually let go and pull out my pistol and shoot rounds at him. He runs into the Albertsons and I run after him. When I enter, I reload. I chase the man through the iles and eventually come face-to-face with him. I take out my pepper spray and spray him. I close my eyes and yell, expecting me to have to come in contact with the spray. I open my eyes and find out I didn't so I keep spraying him and eventually tackle him to the ground and get him ready to be handcuffed. Chris Williams is next to me and I yell "I need cuffs!" A cop comes up and helps me cuff him. I wake up start writing down my dream. Then I really wake up.
    5. Soa

      by , 06-12-2014 at 12:59 AM (balban's Dream Journal)
      I was in a bar surrounded by bikers. They were all upset and yelling with violent excitement. I was concerned being around them. One of them charged up to me, screaming, "They killed our Prez! What are you going to do about it?!"

      "Me," I said, really nervous now that someone had acknowledged me.

      "Yeah! You're our Prez now," he said emphatically.

      I started wondering how I could have been made their "prez". I wasn't a biker, yet something compelled me to try and calm these guys down. I raised my arms in an attempt to hush them. The room slowly quieted and I started talking, though I have no idea what I said. I am sure it was massively inspirational, since all eyes were attentively on me as I spoke. I was walking about the room and through the crowd. I believe I was trying to convince them that running around, all half cocked, was a bad idea. What I do remember saying is that we needed to know for sure what had happened. I could tell that only half of the bikers were with me and the other half were glaring at me as if they wanted to kick my ass.

      As I was talking, I walked up to a window and looked outside. There were people, seemed like tourists, walking passed the windows. One of the bikers grabbed me and forced me away from the window. He scolded me, yelling that my standing by a window is basically death. It kind of made me sad that this was now my life, but I felt a sense of responsibility for these guys.

      Updated 06-20-2014 at 05:34 PM by 69350

    6. 5/18/2014

      by , 06-12-2014 at 12:55 AM

      I was in class taking a history test and using the text book as aid. I decided to go home so I got in my car and was on a small road with sand all over; it was a typical New Mexican road. There were a lot of cops around pulling people over. I was behind a girl and saw her smiling at me. She had short reddish hair with really nice teeth. I came to a stop and suddenly the cops turn on their lights and start speeding off. I pull forward and get on the right lane, then making a right and following a dirt road to my house. The song "Lalala" was playing on the radio. I notice my house, which is different from the one I lived in. It sort of looked like the house I lived in with L. Hernandez. I notice my phone on the counter and wonder how it's there if I used it a while ago. I ask "Am I dreaming?" and count my fingers. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. I put my hand down and then snap and become lucid.

      I feel happy and look around. I tell myself "Explore, explore" so I walk around. I'm walking with a limp and see a mirror. Looking into the mirror, I see my reflection. I'm wearing a white with red shirt that's ripped on my shoulders. I look pretty buff. I walk into a room that has a drier, washer, and fridge. As I open the fridge, I say "Mashed potatoes!", but find no mashed potatoes in the fridge. I close the fridge and enter another room. I see 2 baskets full of mashed potatoes that have the same texture as bread. I grab one and dip it in a pot of gravy that's right next to me. I take a bite and say "Mmmmm" as I'm chewing. It tasted like mashed potatoes. I start walking out of the house and I say "I'm dreaming, "I'm dreaming", to increase lucidity. I walk out into a patio and notice my dream ending.
    7. 5/17/2014

      by , 06-12-2014 at 12:41 AM
      I dreamt that I had bought a car and I took it to a mechanic to install spoilers and a speaker system. When they got done, I found out that they did something to the car so that people could open my hood with their radios. I spent my whole dream looking for the mechanics so they could reverse what they did.
      Tags: car, searching
      dream fragment
    8. 5/16/2014

      by , 06-12-2014 at 12:40 AM
      I was at boxing in a gym that was in a school. Everybody started hitting me and a little girl grabbed my back. I grab the little girl and slam her to the floor, which makes everybody step back. They're all surprised at what I did so the next day I know everyone is mad at me and want to fight. I go into the male locker and tell people that it was an accident, that she grabbed my back and I reacted. I also said that if they wanted to fight me, 1v1 or even 1v2, I'd be there. Rosales and a few other people where there and they told me to make a statement so I grabbed pieces of paper that were ripped and tried writing 10/17 on it but it was very hard to do.

      I was playing counter strike but with magical characters and powers. Mine was able to heal, become invisible, and was a girl. Since my team had lost the match, we were put into a survival type game with monsters. The objective was to escape without being spotted. The first monster was a big boulder thing that could run real fast. He was coming after me but I evaded him. I grouped up with my team and kept moving. We went through a crowd of people of people that were turning into zombies but when we saw enemies behind them, we ran the other way. My team ran off without me and I had to catch up. We made it into a room where prisoners were kept in cells. I became invisible a few times to help me avoid anemies and we were almost out of the room when we saw a tank guarding the exit. I tried going around him but he almost noticed me and started patrolling. I had a plan to distract him and turn invisible but my team went back and used another route. I was mad and was about to go when I heard my team get in trouble. There was only a girl and a guy left and tey took a wrong turn, making them appear in the exit of the room I was in, with the tank. I heard gunfire and saw the guy get killed by some hovering robots, which ended our game. Everyone said good game and I decided to stop playing and woke up.

      I was in an ocean as a pirate. The ocean levels had risen and we were in a war against humans that turned into underwater creatures. My cousin was there and he knew when the creatures would raid and attack us and told us how to avoid them. The biggest concern was preventing the underwater humans from getting phones, so they couldn't call their families on the surface. We got raided and there was fire and explosions everywhere, we even lost a phone. Me and a Princess drifted off for hours until a friendly ship spotted us. We came upon an old temple which was half covered by water because of the rise. I entered it and began solving puzzles. Then, once I solved the puzzles, the temple release a little hovering ball that had eyes and could talk. He was my guide in the temple. I ended up getting captured by a monster but convinced it to let me go.


      I was at a house and in front of it, ther was a pool surrounded by more houses. Some guy was getting bullied and so I went to help him. Whe nI went back to my house, a big black dude rang the doorbell and asked to see my grandma. I told him "She's not here; what do you want?" He told me "I'm here for secret shit" I replied "We don't got no weed." He started getting mad but eventually left. I found out he was on trial for raping and killing his 2 year old daughter. I had my pistol and decided if he came back I wouldn't chance anything and I would shoot him. My p229 kept jamming and the first round looked weird so did one of the magazines.
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