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    1. Hell Nah; Divergent, or I love you, my subC!

      , 11-29-2016 at 03:50 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Had 2 awesome dreams. LOVE YOU my most awesome subC!

      Dream day before yesterday:

      Before 2:26 am. Bed around 8-9 pm.

      I am in a highrise building, in someones apartment. 2 kids are laying down at the window. Bottom part of the window is the type when you pull on the handles in upper corners with both hands, the top of the window tilts inward.

      Nothing is happening until I think that it could be dangerous. That's when the girl kinda partially rolls out the window. Another female in the room rushes to her and as she slides down on the floor to her, she body slams her and pushes her even more out. Now I'm holding the girl only by her hair when her hands lose grip on the window edge and I watch her fall for what seems like 100 stories to the ground.

      Normally I get a gut wrenching feeling when someone or I get too close to the window and I think they may fall. But this time I felt bed, but not overwhelmingly. I had the feeling that this is more of a "letting go of a bad idea, or a current situation" rather than someone being in danger.

      Dream remembered at 2:26 am
      I am slowly walking with the crowds through some attraction park, like a brewery. We get to a point with signs pointing to being an audience in a Talk Show in the left and right for the tour. I walk to the right.

      Someone ahead of me is shooting people. We all start to rush in another direction. Cops are blocking our way, questioning if the shooting we report is for real. I turn different way and I'm making my way through other people in this corridor that's outside, with concrete walls on two sides. I come to a narrow doorway. I see another shooter pointing his shotgun at me. I yell "shooter"and I lay down by the left wall, trying to cover myself out of the view.

      But another guy holding the torch walk slowly towards me and lights my shirt on fire. I play dead hoping he leaves before I get seriously hurt. But he moves the torch to my head and lights my hair on fire. I start to feel the pain. When he moves the torch to my torso again, I grab his stick and his arm and I beat him to the ground.

      People around me get upset that I beat him. But after I wake up I'm feeling great for protecting myself and not letting this a-hole hurt me. I know my subC is awesome and it had helped me out of the pickle many times in non-lucids and lucids alike. And this time was no different. Thank you!!!

      Dream last night. Divergent, slave, spoil of war.

      I'm in a tall house, looking out the windows. We are under attack by some mysterious creatures. When we get outside, they attack us. They look like guinea pigs : ) We pick them up, they roll up and we roll them away from us. So adorable.

      Same large group of us is now walking away. A woman comes to me and whispers in my ear, that she is taking me as her bed mate and companion. I'm shocked but go along with it, thinking how is this even a thing? But I had a feeling from the beginning that I belong to someone or some group, like in Divergent. (finally a Divergent inspired dream. Somehow that movie really really made an impression on me and I'm fascinated by it)

      We are walking towards their place of hiding. Among some ruins, we have to cross a sinking floor. So we are filling it with rocks and spreading some sheets on the ground to make it stop from sinking like quick sand.

      As we first entered the complex, everybody was cautious and quiet. Something was coming but I didn't know what. They told me monkeys will attack us if we don't stay calm. Everybody got a piece of fried chicken to calm the monkeys down with it. I take a bit out of mine and I tell a monkey that's starting to look at me menacingly to "stop". And it does. I feel powerful. But as a slave or captured person. This woman comes to me and again whispers to me that I am hers for a bed and for life.

      Walking through some old stone steps, old walls and doors. Come to a row of doors, ours is #28. I read the numbers but they stop at #26. Not sure where to go.

      Then we go to mingle with others, like a party after some action. Matt Damon walks in and everybody knows him He is part of our group. I think I remember using my phone camera.
      Tags: subc, war
      non-lucid , memorable
    2. [28-11-2016: Nothing]

      by , 11-28-2016 at 10:43 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Nothing recalled, though I remember I had a dream and feel that it was an awesome one.
      side notes
    3. Neptune

      by , 11-28-2016 at 10:39 PM (Journeys through Spacetime)
      I am in an orchestra I play in.

      I run outside onto my back lawn and people say 'Look!'
      I look upwards at the night sky and see Neptune and a bright blue star.
      I realise I am dreaming. People say 'Why lucid dream when this is here?'
      I sight Mars and terraform it.

      It looks like Earth.

      Then I was in an intergalactic conference about how humans on different planets had evolved so much they were different species. Should breeding be allowed?

      The result was me waking up.

      Updated 12-04-2016 at 11:19 PM by 91855

      lucid , memorable
    4. The island of bees

      by , 11-28-2016 at 10:32 PM (Journals From The Void)
      A fun little dream about resolving the conflicts of an island of bees. Also, couldn't be on recently due to family stuff.
      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      It starts off with me and a group of friends sailing, when we see an island with orange pillars. We decide to check it out, and land at the shore. When we were closer, it was obvious that the pillars were giant honeycombs, arranged in the shape of a maze. Just off the shore, there are giant rocks.

      A bee flies by, before noticing me.

      "Intruders!" It shouted.

      A cloud of bees formed. Instead of sailing away like smart people, we ran through the honeycombs. We paid no mind to the walls, running through them, breaking them. After running for a while, we fell off a sudden cliff. The bees were no longer pursuing us, and no one had been injured.

      Night fell. We lit a campfire and chatted for a while. The scene shifts. A blue bee appears in front of me. It began to speak.

      "Hello, would you mind helping us defeat our enemies?"

      The scene shifts. We're back at the shore, but the honeycombs are turning blue. We had succeeded in helping the blue bees defeat the normal bees. We leave the island, bidding farewell to the blue bees.

      I wake up.
      Tags: bees, island
      non-lucid , memorable
    5. Horror Game

      by , 11-28-2016 at 04:56 PM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      My recall wasn't so great today, mostly because I was too tired in the morning to care about dream recall.

      I was drowning in a river at night, I had to drop my backpack and my valuables as I swam out. Fortunately, I still had my debit card with me as I bought new clothes so that I don't die from hypothermia in the winter. I was in a city that I never lived in. I returned to my home, which was in a condominium, on the seventh floor.

      My dream transitioned. I was hanging out with my dad and we had a gaming console, and he was playing a horror game on it (my dad doesn't game) and he got up to go to the toilet during a cutscene, and then the monster started going after the character so I had to take control of run around in circle in a dark house, because I didn't know the context of what I was supposed to do. The monster looked like a muscular necromorph.
    6. Andy Griffith show set w/ Ron Howard

      by , 11-28-2016 at 04:17 PM
      I was in what looked like a library room where there are card catalogs & a desk. But then it turns out to be a tv set for the Andy Griffith show. I notice Ron Howard who plays Olpie but he is a kid like he was on the show way back then. So I realize that I am back in time & become lucid. I'm excited & telling him that he is going to be famous & that when he grows up he will be a producer & director. We are walking around & I'm trying to figure out how long ago it really was & I tell him that I know about this because I live in the future about 50 years from this time. I was laughing to myself because I'm trying to do math in a lucid dream. It was mostly tricky because when the show aired it was ahead of when the time of the show was set in. The set was really cool but I lost my lucidity & just woke up.
    7. fuck it

      by , 11-28-2016 at 04:03 PM
      fuck this last dream. Entirely fever dream and filled with chinese statistics and strange business ideas that did not mount up to anything.
    8. Bummer

      by , 11-28-2016 at 03:09 PM
      Feeling a bit disappointed after the weekends dream yoga workshop. It wasn't really what I had expected and I have gotten my cold back. Have had a cold on and off for three weeks now! One really good thing about the workshop was that I met an old friend I haven't seen in years. She is really into lucid dreaming and she told me a lot of inspirational stuff. Anyway I wasn't lucid last night and I actually had a nightmare. A friend of a friend had been in my apartement and put up hidden traps and he had put poison in the food to try and kill me. I was schocked and didn't understand why since we never even had an argument. Woke up feeling quite low.
    9. Nov/28/2016

      by , 11-28-2016 at 02:54 PM

      Updated 10-17-2017 at 12:31 AM by 92153

      non-lucid , nightmare
    10. Egg of Power

      by , 11-28-2016 at 08:03 AM (Journeys through Spacetime)
      I run through a building holding a golden egg shaped objected. It fires a laser out the top. I am being chased by my duplicates. I find a door. It slides open when I fire the laser. I then shut it with the laser. However after that my egg stops working. People try to convince me to sell it to them. I refuse. I end up crying.

      Updated 12-05-2016 at 04:23 AM by 91855

      Tags: door, egg, laser, magic, running
    11. Pizza Hut & Radio Contest

      by , 11-28-2016 at 01:45 AM
      D1: I was being talked down to by some old boss of mine & I'm working for a Pizza Hut, lol. He wanted me to replace someone at one of the branches. But Mike didn't approve of this change, yet I was going anyway for some reason. I couldn't find anything to wear because apparently I was in some kind of job way above the employees at the actual restaurant. I had also worked there before at some previous time yet I kept driving around & couldn't find the branch.... Meesha Cat woke me up.

      D2: I used to rent a house a long long time ago IRL from a local Radio Talk Show Host named Hank Rotten Jr. In my dream I was looking all over town for specific ingredients from Hank to make a Chinese dish to win a radio contest.
    12. #219: Jungle

      by , 11-28-2016 at 12:38 AM
      I'm doing a trek through.. the jungle? I expected a short walk, but we're actually exploring a path that takes us quite far. I have my earphones with me because I wasn't even expecting walking more than a minute or so. This trek came as a surprise. The earplugs are dangling from my neck. I'm considering the internal damage this will do to the wire.

      We end up at what seems to be an university. Pretty much everything is about to close. Even the exits. We meet some new people there and the 5 of us decide to sit down at a table with an L shaped couch, the kind you find in the cafeteria. Pretty much everyone has their phones out. I have someone else's phone, because I want to show something to another person. There's a woman a few metres away from us. She is talking in English with the accent of a French speaker.
    13. 2017-11-27

      by , 11-27-2016 at 08:38 PM
      a long night of dreaming, many wakings.

      + [semi-lucid] pseudo-wild, talking to my teammates telling them we should communicate only through telepathy, but once I say that I can't hear anything, even my own thoughts.

      + tennis, followed by a woman running through town throwing stones through store windows

      + in nature (on the Serengeti? Africa-like) I see an SUV parked in "my spot" [FALSE] by the tree, but it's also up to its windows deep in water. Very strange beasts emerge from the brush, shoot things at us?

      + [tiny lucid?] watch a strange ship thing with a Whiskey (?) advertisement on it shoot its top colors part into the sky far faster than waking physics would allow, causing me to do several nose pinch RCs, the results are ambiguous (sort of can, sort of can't breathe), I'm amazing following the rocket thing shooting across the sky.

      + wow! gorillas racing on jet skis, lookitthat! Zipping around town, see the odd house, talk to some guys about the fault line in town, I saw a fault line running through that house! A guy comes with a huge maul and stakes a large garbage can into the ground, then takes the maul and starts shaping/cutting some tall tree and I'm dodging to get out of the way of the chunks falling down.

      My son S2 comes to me with weed-bloodshot-eyes and I yell at him for getting high and slap him and he runs away I run after him I feel guilty about doing that and force my way into his room not letting him slam the door on me, he makes an excuse like "all of America's wars" and I say that's a lame excuse.

      + at the buffet? My friend is only ordering rock lobster, that will be expensive. It's sort of a large circular lobster and he's using a hand-crank lobster cracker. Then I'm helping him get at the meat in these large circular lobster cross sections, digging the meat way out from deep inside.
    14. Alan Hale Jr. vs. Bill Murray (a fully decoded adventure)

      by , 11-27-2016 at 05:27 PM
      Morning of November 27, 2016. Sunday.

      I become aware of exploring isolated areas in my pretense as a biologist who works for the government. (This pretense is based on non-lucid dream control, as there is no lucidity, only the knowledge of making and controlling my world and my experiences.) I find myself on this journey with growing curiosity. I intend to remain friendly, enjoying new depths of exploration.

      In late morning, I wander into a dense cypress swamp of which has the appearance of the beautiful area I lived in in Florida when very young. There is an old wooden building on the bank of a river. An old unfamiliar black male lives here. I explain to him that I am getting samples of the water as well as samples of the flora and soil. He is cheerfully friendly, unsuspicious of me. Before I leave, I explain to him that our world is badly polluted, which surprises and concerns him. I pretend to conspiratorially catch myself in this “accidental” revelation and “stop myself from saying more”. (Non-lucid dream control is like simultaneously being an actor and director of a movie, with staunch pretense in scenarios, yet with no in-dream recall of what a dream is.)

      I soon find myself in Australia, without contemplating that one cannot quickly walk from Florida to inland Australia (and I do not recall teleporting). There is an unknown female who runs a refuge for wild animals in an isolated area. I explain the nature of my work to her as I conduct tests on several kangaroos that had been standing in a circle.

      I next find myself in an unknown man’s house. He has at least one son and daughter, both young. I apologize for my intrusion and explain that I am continuing to another location that can only be reached by way of a hidden door in his house. He trusts me and he and his children follow me into the area. It is a large bunker that had been built by the government. There is a laboratory and supposedly (at first) enough food to last for weeks. I look at the contents of a box of cereal. The multicolored cereal is unusual in appearance but tastes sweet. It resembles twigs of various colors with blue honeycomb-like football-shaped pieces.

      I look outside through large windows and see what I first think is Sydney Harbour. However, what I first perceive as the Sydney Opera House changes ambiguously into a lighthouse and then a hotel. I see several children, mostly boys, climbing over rocks on the shore, in front of the windows of the bunker. Even though the area appears to be open at this point (without an outer wall on this side of the bunker), I reason that it is a holographic projection that looks and feels like rocks but only from the outside (similar to the scene from “Star Trek: Insurrection”). As I am leaving, I look back and see the unknown man and his kids looking in cabinets under the laboratory counter. I now see that they are empty (even though they seemed full previously). I see that the man and his son are amused that the government apparently does not have the resources to stock this supposedly important bunker with weapons, laboratory equipment, or additional food and supplies. I do not feel embarrassment or concerned as I am on my way elsewhere.

      I next find myself in an unknown region near the ocean. I am with an unfamiliar male in our task force. We supposedly have a large motor yacht with a lot of special equipment. We are going to conduct tests on ocean life, including plankton. However, as I illogically set about to push what first seems like a large motor yacht into the water, it becomes a small skiff with no outboard. It quickly starts to sink. This annoys me and I try again by non-lucidly resetting my dream. I make at least three attempts, but I become frustrated. My pretense is no longer viable to non-lucidly continue my dream.

      The ocean begins to lower and starts to become the tiled floor of my Cubitis bedroom (where I have not been since 1978). My task force partner points out that they are making a movie of us, but our roles are being played by Bill Murray (as he appeared in “Ghostbusters”) and Alan Hale Jr. (as he appeared on “Gilligan’s Island”). They are fighting and rolling around under a bed and biting each other on the ear. This is supposed to be comedic and relevant to the movie’s plot. I wake as I am looking under the bed watching them bang their heads together. (There is a sense of bilocation; of being outside on a beach and within my Cubitis bedroom at the same time. As such, the area under my bed also has a vague essence of being under a low-set boardwalk.)

      Features and events of this long intriguing dream explained here:

      Dreaming process autosymbolism defined by:

      Unconsciousness personified as black male living by the river.

      Glymphatic system and immune system integratingly personified as my subconscious self (validated by the references to the river, government, pollution, and biology).

      Subliminal thread of my wife Zsuzsanna as unknown female at the animal refuge.

      Subliminal thread of my conscious self identity as man with children.

      Non-lucid dream control personified as Alan Hale Jr.

      Liminal space divider rendered as enigmatic window of bunker and shoreline simultaneously. (This is autosymbolism for my dream self’s subliminal recognition of the outside world of which is not aware of the existence of my dream self.)

      Waking process autosymbolism defined by:

      Preconscious personified as Bill Murray.

      Water lowering waking symbolism (very common).

      RAS modulation rendered as Alan Hale Jr. vs. Bill Murray. (Non-lucid dream control and otherwise sustained dream continuity modulated by consciousness reinitiation. Bill Murray is a regulatory “ghostbuster” modulating the illusion of the dream state by way of biological necessity to wake from the dream state.)

      Correlation of physicality as shrinking and sinking boat. (All primary singular vehicles; boats, cars, airplanes, etc. often represent correlation of physicality, in this case representing the potential “sinking” of my body into deeper sleep and thus of which is immediately followed by autosymbolic RAS modulation as the preconscious waking process.)

      Correlation of cortex activity as shoreline (liminal space divider) transmuting to “return” to bedroom (subliminal to liminal awareness of being asleep). I have always typified this element as a dream state indicator, as it is a literal factor, not autosymbolic.

      Liminal vestibular system correlation as ear biting.

      Abridgement and simplification for the casual reader on Thursday, 7 June 2018. Feel free to let me know when there is a dream thread or detail in an entry of mine of which you cannot correlate the autosymbolism’s cause or meaning. Thank you for reading. I wish you well.

      Updated 11-20-2018 at 03:50 PM by 1390

    15. Chillin with Tonka

      by , 11-27-2016 at 05:15 PM (AndresLD's (somewhat) Crazy Dream Adventures)


      I woke up 5.5 hours into my sleep. I stayed up for 35 minutes then went back to bed and tried MILD/WILD. I had a hard time keeping awareness and eventually decided to just try to catch the moment I fall asleep (Catch the Butterfly/Free-Falling WILD, etc.) like I used to 4 years ago. Eventually I fell asleep but didn't retain awareness.

      I was in the dining room with my mom. I got up and walked towards the kitchen. Fiona was wagging her tail, Tonka lifted his head and looked at me. I was a little confused. I then realized Tonka was dead, so this was a dream. I turned around and told my mom I was dreaming! The dream destabilized and I was back in my bedroom. I did a RC and stabilized for a bit by rubbing my hands. I went downstairs, my head felt a bit heavy. I assumed it was night time due to it being dark. I made it a bit brighter and saw Tonka walking towards me. I lied on the the floor with him and he licked my face all over, like when he used to when we hadn't seen each other in a while. I pet him, hugged him, kissed him. His fur was damp and smelled of shampoo as if we had just showered him. He let me know (without talking) that he missed us. I wanted to get to the Deku Tree. I walked to the door and called him, he came over but he didn't want to step out. I tried pushing him but he wouldn't come out of the house.

      I had a few FAs in which I tried to manipulate the dream through a computer program, and was able to communicate with Carolina through telepathy.

      I then had a FA in which my RC failed and I continued on with a non-LD.

      It is nice seeing Tonka in my dreams, and he's starting to be somewhat of an obvious dreamsign for me. When we were putting him to sleep, as I lied next to him hugging him, I whispered in his ear "see you in my dreams", and so far we've been keeping that promise. I wonder why he never wants to leave home; it could be that that's what I remember of him during his last month of life where he preferred to stay home sleeping instead of going out for walks. Or, if you want a more spiritual approach, it could be that his soul is at home and does not want to leave. Either way, I need to start giving more priority to my other goals. I could try to summon him outside of home and see if that works.
      Tags: dog
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