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    1. Another lucid success, DILD!

      by , 07-25-2018 at 05:03 PM (Exterminate)
      My memory is failing me this morning. I remember a few dream fragments, but the full contexts are forgotten. Let's start with the interesting one.

      My family were all doing some sort of secret mission, and I decided to sneak into the van they were driving. Sadly I got caught and they treated me like a stranger and threw me out. I found myself at a gas station in the middle of nowhere, in a snowstorm. I felt something wasn't right. I was so sure this was real, but it just didn't seem like a normal situation I'd found myself in. I did a nose plug reality check, and sure enough I could breathe normally. I was shocked honestly. I have never had a lucid dream hit me this hard, but I just stood there for a bit taking in the scenery. It wasn't much to look at, but I was watching the beautiful snow all around, feeling the cold temperature of it all. I noted how vivid and real it was, and then I decided I wanted to get out of there and go to my dream hub. I walked forward a bit and then reached for the sky. I wanted to fly there this time. I started flying into the sky at what felt like a decent speed...until I looked down and realized I had gone only a few feet and was going very slow. I fell back to the ground and the dream ended.

      I had another dream that took place at the dream hub, but I didn't actually take notice of where I was. I was in a heated argument with a grouchy neighbor. He was very conservative, but very anti-trump. He was arguing something about tulpas and how demonic they are, and I tried explaining how they have nothing to do with magic or witchcraft. Tulpas are basically glorified imaginary friends. Anyway, I recall 2 or 3 vague arguments, but another thing that happened with him was a wooden fence between my house and his. I noticed it was on fire for whatever reason, and though I was trying to extinguish the flames, he thought I caused the fire.
      Tags: cold, fire, snow
      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid
    2. A fucking phoenix

      by , 07-25-2018 at 03:41 PM
      After waking up from the dream I instantly remembered a conversation I had with a dude that told me that he had remembered all of his past life’s, he said he had awoken from his amnesia and that he lived in Jupiter.
      He told me that our imagination wasn’t really an “imagination” it was memories from our past lives, so everything we saw in our creative minds were events we lived in previous minds, what this means is that our scariest monsters that we have ever thought of really do exist.

      Back to the dream:
I’m at a mountain (I’m thinking the Himalayas for some reason). I’m near a hotel that’s located on one of the mountains, I came to this place to meet a guy that had domesticated a very rare eagle. He said that the eagle was the most expensive to have and keep in the world. I saw the eagle, it was white and could move its neck like an owl. The eagle behaved like a dog, it would play fetch with me, I really liked the eagle, it was kind and playful. I played with the eagle for a while, tossing a stick so it could go catch it on the ground (it would hop on its two legs to get the stick and bring it back). Then I decided to throw the stick off the mountain, with a lot of strength I tossed it and the eagle immediately flew at a very high speed and gave it back to me.

      I was completely amazed and enthusiastic about the eagle, I started talking with the trainer, I was asking him how he trained the bird and where could I get one… We are having a conversation when all of the sudden I see 2 big wings in front of me.

      I was sitting down, in the position I was in I could not see the body of the animal but the wings were huge, I got really scared. I looked at the trainer and he was as shocked as me. He said:
“I have never seen anything like it, what is it?”
      I was feeling scared but curious, I stood up and saw the face and body of the bird.

      The body of the bird and all the way to his head was a little more taller than me, I would say 1.9meters. The bird looked young, it looked like it was still growing, not and adult yet. The color of its feathers were beautiful. It was all very purple, dark purple with red, mostly dark purple. The dark purple really opened my eyes, I was amazed with this bird, I was thinking about it and all I could think of was the pokemon Moltres. I told the trainer:
“Yooo, it fucking moltres!”
He didn’t say anything.
      His head had like a little bun of feathers on top, like the one moltres has (I googled and a phoenix is also drawn with this particular aspect).

      The wings were very big, but when we started to inspect the bird we noticed he was malnourished (he looked anorexic), we could see his bones and almost his skeleton behind his feathers. The bird looked in pain and I felt he didn’t have any more energy to fly, I quickly told him to bring food. We ran inside the hotel, got some food but we were very afraid to get near the bird, we didn’t know if the bird could spit fire and burn us or how could it react (it was a legit question).

      We threw the food from inside the cabin of the hotel, I remember the bird started eating all of it and the dream ends.
      Tags: phoenix
      non-lucid , memorable
    3. An Unwarranted Treasure Hunt

      by , 07-25-2018 at 01:25 PM
      Morning of July 25, 2018. Wednesday.

      Dream #: 18,846-05. Reading time: 1 min 20 sec.

      In the morning, Zsuzsanna received a message about a contest from an unknown sender, but I am wary. Although it seems like a legitimate competition at first, it turns out that a gangster had buried a jewelry box near our house (that in my dream is first a variation of the Loomis Street house and near the southwest corner, though the sidewalk is not present.)

      Eventually, several unfamiliar men are near our house. They look for their buried jewelry box for the valuable items inside. I see them as intruders and realize at this point that it is not a legitimate contest, but that unknown men were using an area of our yard to hide their loot from other criminals.

      I hit two of them with shovels, but I think they might have guns. I want to protect my family, but there is no logic in not letting them get what they want and leave without bothering us, so I wait. My family remains inside our house during this time. Eventually, the gangsters are no longer present.

      Our house changes into a version of our present home. Two female police officers are in our kitchen. Each of them is wearing a blue bikini and a black trench coat, which makes me think they may not be real police officers.

      I go outside to see them digging in two areas of our backyard. There is a police car parked there, and that could mean they are real police officers. I ask them if they are real cops. One of them looks at me with an annoying glance, saying that people only use the word “cop” on the Internet. I remain unsure if they are real officers, but I slowly wake as it now seems as if they are gardening rather than looking for loot.

      When I was in middle school, a female bus driver, as my schoolmates were boarding, was angry upon hearing someone say “cop.” She said people should not say “cop,” because it was disrespectful.

      Updated 07-28-2019 at 06:27 AM by 1390

    4. Dream - An Incredible Encounter & Two Hostile Dogs

      by , 07-25-2018 at 01:22 PM
      Date of Dream: WED 25 JUL - 2018

      Dream No. 382 - Separated Sections

      Dream 382 A - An Incredible Encounter
      I don’t remember much about this dream. From where I do remember, I was in at my own house and some family friends were coming over. I forgot what our family specifically did with them though. From what I can recall, it felt like this event was actually taking place in waking life. I can’t recall anything else about this scene.

      Where I was next was some unknown area. Something terrible was happening but once again, I have forgotten the details. The Parr family from the Incredibles were actually there in the dream. My first encounter was with Dash holding the baby but nothing significant must have happened as I don’t remember it too well. Then there was violent who was actually being violent but once again, I forgot what she specifically did.

      Something happened and she came out of her state of hypnosis, then talking to me. Elastigirl was the next one to try and attack me but just before she able to have me, I brought her out of her hypnosis. And there was Mr. Incredible who I remember really well and he looked absolutely nasty. He gave me this very violent look and eventually, he lashed out at me, about to grab me and attempt to choke me to death. Elastigirl intervened and Mr. Incredible was brought out of his hypnosis. That’s all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream 382 B - Two Hostile Dogs
      I don’t remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was at my old house but a sub-scene was playing in the background. It was a combination of my year 6 teacher as well as a year 12 maths teacher teaching maths. The year 6 teacher was trying to teach linear relations via the curriculum of the year 12 teacher but he didn’t like the method and so tried to make the subject really babyish and worthless. I can’t remember what else happened in that sub-scene.

      For the next scene, I was walking around the neighbourhood of my current house. I was walking down the hill after the primary school when I saw two dogs half way down but before I could change direction, these two dogs came for me and were mauling me at the scene. In a distress, I cried out for Dreamy WB, calling not only by her first name, but her last name as well and everything in-between while trying to survive amongst the brutal force of the dogs. Eventually, Dreamy WB heard me and she came to the rescue, her appearance in the default Oktoberfest outfit. Now this is interesting; the dream changed it to play from her perspective. So the following part of the dream recap will be written from her perspective:

      I came to the sight and indeed I saw Karla being attacked by these two vicious German Shepherd dogs. So off I went to try and break the fight up and free Karla but god, one of these dogs puts me in a body-lock! I’m a dream guide, I should be invincible right? I actually thought I was going to die this time and so I reached an arm out to try and smack the dog. The dog didn’t react and Karla was about to be ripped to shreds; I had to act fast. So I decide to do something that nobody has ever seen before. I stretched my head, detaching it from my body as I elongated my neck and I bit the dog on the leg.

      Once Dreamy WB bit the dog on the leg, it squealed and then ran off, the other dog dropping me and then following. After that happened, the dream shifted back from Dreamy WB’s perspective to mine and I continued home. That’s all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream Tasks
      - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? Partially)
      - Have Dreamy WB or Murray go to console an upset dream character (Achieved? No)
      - In case of extended absences with Dreamy WB, train Murray on how to provide in-dream discipline to unruly parents (Achieved? No)

      - Start the dream off with Dreamy WB already present (Achieved? No)

      Dream 382: Results (Competition #5)

      382 A

      Competition Night: 24
      Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
      Dream Guide: None
      Emergency Team: None
      Eligible For Competition Points: Yes

      382 B
      Competition Night: 24
      Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
      Dream Guide: Dreamy WB
      Emergency Team: None
      Eligible For Competition Points: Yes

      Points For This Entry: 6.0
      Calculation Details:
      - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0)
      - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0)
      - Summon A Dream Guide (1.0)
      - Help someone in need (1.0)
      - Old Personal Goal: What visible powers can Dreamy WB unleash? ---> She pretty much replicated Elastigirl to get that dog off her (2.0)

      + Previous Total: 115.0
      Total Accumulated Points: 121.0

      Dream 382 B was a nice surprise after another dry spell. It was a super impressive experience to actually witness the dream from Dreamy WB's perspective. I literally felt that as I was moving as her, it felt more smooth where as I'm more "enthusiastic" and jolty; it felt like she was walking but at the same time, floating towards the dogs. Also, when her arm was stretched to smack the dog, it was actually the correct skin colour as well. When it came to making the facial expressions, they felt like they were naturally hers as well. Also, when she bit the dog's leg, it didn't taste yuck... Her tongue didn't touch the leg, only her teeth did; it felt like all bone and no flesh. She didn't speak during any of the scene.

      Updated 08-18-2018 at 12:41 PM by 93119

      non-lucid , memorable
    5. vii.

      by , 07-25-2018 at 09:08 AM
      Non-dream stuff: Just some non-lucid fragments; initially tried to force recall, which I know not to do, so I quickly stopped trying to remember hard and got up and made tea.

      Fragment 1:

      I remember being outdoors, and this was near the end of a dream sequence; there was grass and a dirt path, and along the dirt path was a concrete cylindrical shape jutting out, it was a sewer entrance, as it had a massive brown-looking lid on top. I was showing it to someone, I think my partner, and said something like "... and this is where we went in.", in reference to something that happened before in the dream. I remember it might have been day time but it was dark, I think the weather was overcast.

      Fragment 2:

      I remember yeast, of the same type used in baking; I remember seeing it, but that's about it.

      Fragment 3:

      I remember being in a dropship of some kind. I think this fragment was actually from before Fragment 1.

      • The sewer lid and concrete structure were reminiscent of what they're like in my native country.,
      • The first dream sequence was actually very long, but I managed to forget most of it somehow. I think my intention to make note of dreams in the morning is being neglected, i.e. I need to start setting this intention before bed.
    6. Russiname

      by , 07-25-2018 at 08:45 AM
      The place that I'm in somehow seems to be a bit of a combination of Russia and Suriname. At some point I've been given a story about a man and his son. It's a type of homework: I need to summarise what happened to them to show my understanding. The story is in English. My understanding of the story is limited though, because it starts in the middle of something.

      At some point I'm still sitting somewhere outside, writing down the story. It's already starting to get dark. I can hear fireworks coming from my left, somewhere in the distance. I also hear some boys approaching. I'm concerned about my safety now. Suddenly several boys pass me. It turns out they are really young boys, perhaps age 9 or so. No need to be concerned. One of them asks me when I'm going back. I tell him that I'll go back (to my country) on Tuesday. He says it's a pity. It sends me into a laughing fit.
      Tags: russia, suriname
    7. Another New Way of Making Music

      by , 07-25-2018 at 08:03 AM
      Morning of July 25, 2018. Wednesday.

      Reading time: 1 min 25 sec. Readability score: 64.

      Throughout my life, I have had numerous dreams in which I produced music using a surreal method. Some that were significantly more abstract involved my body becoming different musical notes in a series as I remained in bed.

      In this dream, I have a setup where I make music videos for people based on video content they give me or notes on where to find the content. I produce this music by using a machine that looks like a filing cabinet.

      I am creating three different tracks (two of which are similar), but two have minimal content and are only eight bars in length. I focus mostly on a reggae track that only has a kick, high hat, and a horn. The horn motif is mostly the same note, but with different duration. I am contemplating the addition of a snare, but I do not get around to adding one.

      I arrange the music with each note of each instrument serving as a folder in the filing cabinet drawer. The rendering of the music begins from the front of the filing cabinet drawer. The lowest frequency of each beat is first in each sequence. The usage of timing and rhythm (implying sheet music format) involves reading each note from the bottom of each beat section (that the high hat indicates), moving up. For example, there would be a kick “folder,” followed by a few horn “folders,” followed by several high hat “folders.” It does not sound like a recording I have heard in waking life.

      Before I wake, I am seemingly adding sixty-fourth “notes” between a few others that are probably eighths. However, I am likely adding sixteenths amidst eighths instead as I am not thinking clearly. I assume that because each folder features a couple of straight parallel indentations on each side, above where it folds. That would logically make it a sixteenth note. (A sixty-fourth note would have four such indentations.)

      Curiously, my method of the folder placement in the drawer seems correct, although it would be difficult in reality. I do not see any sheet music to aid in the validation of the arrangement.

      Updated 07-25-2018 at 08:43 AM by 1390
