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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. old school frag

      by , 12-20-2012 at 06:50 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I was using a really old computer that had DOS only, and I was on DV. I was either DJing or commenting on something, I'm not totally sure.
      Tags: computer, dv*
      dream fragment
    2. Dream Bits: Trains, Tower Rides at the BPM and Security among others

      by , 12-20-2012 at 04:17 AM
      [Several days of dream fragments]

      12-19-2012 -- Somehow at a train crossing with the usual fast moving trains coming out of nowhere and having to watch out for them. They are moving so fast and causing so much wind or displacement of air that large (couple/three inches thick, couple feet long) icicles are forming. I break one off, and start to eat it, until I glance at it and discover it is kind of dirty, at which point I drop it.

      I get a phone call from Pat Q, but it is a wrong number ... she wasn't meaning to call me. [I think this came from recent bogus e-mail from her that was some scammer using her name.] We kind of discuss Disney for a couple of minutes before I run off.

      I soon find myself on a miniature golf course, perhaps the one from the country club dream a night or two ago. I don't get to see much of the course, but I do spot what is almost a sort of pinewood derby track on the first hole. To get on the course, you don't hit the ball with a club, but place it on one of the four slots and let it roll down. Once it hits the course, you start playing normally.

      Meanwhile, I find a bee buzzing very loudly in my ear, and feel it on the back of my neck. It is driving me crazy, but I can't reach it to get rid of it, and when I am hoping somebody else will, the kid who is going to do so doesn't seem to be paying too close of attention, so I am afraid he is going to get me stung.

      Soon we are in a penthouse apartment where the kid lives with his family, and he is turning into a superhero, perhaps something Spider-Man-ish. He wants to go out and fight crime, but his parents won't let him. We're out on the roof, but there is electrified barbed wire all around to keep us there. But he finds a bit that is pulled up a little, and he has enough room to jump through, so he does.

      I head back inside, wander around the house a bit, and end up sitting closer than I might feel comfortable to his very attractive mother, before I finally wake up.


      12-18-2012 -- Wandering around on foot in the Casselberry area, more or less on 17-92, heading north toward 436 (an area I have been in two or three dreams, recently. No idea why). There's a slight bit of hassle with some cops, but not much. Generally, they are just keeping an eye on people.

      Somehow I am looking for something or going somewhere, and I end up on little back streets in the area, or even just walking between buildings. I find myself walking past some homeless people who are sick, and talking about problems with getting their benefits and things, and staying out of the way of the police.

      Somehow I get involved with a sort of treasure hunt that involves finding and reaching several somewhat creepy clowns. [No, for anybody reading this, not all clowns are creepy. But these were.] I see the first at the side of the road, and the second in a building that may have something to do with a pawn shop or a loan shark. The third I find standing in front of an auto dealership with a sign urging people to go in and check out the deals.

      So I go in to see the clown, but since I forget to tell the clown that I am here to see her, not the dealership, I think she kind of wonders why I am following her. I'm trying to get close so I can talk to her, while she is walking across the dealership to get back to her street.


      12-17-2012 -- This starts off in a familiar-seeming area that I don't actually recognize, that may be part church, part office. Running around, setting up some sort of business, and trying to avoid trouble. Think there is something about my dad being around, and perhaps Dale. Meeting with some sort of pastor, and avoiding trouble with a televangelist, perhaps. Somehow we drive away to avoid problems, and end up at the Buena Park Mall.

      Somehow they've redone the mall big-time, and it is now huge. We're wandering through the food court, which seems to be on the roof of the 39 story building, so it is a very huge mall, indeed. We've passed up the food and stuff, and out on the edge of the roof they've got an amusement park ride which is kind of a cross between the parachute drop, a freefall attraction, and a swing ride. The center is perhaps twice as big as Knott's parachute tower, and it is also 39 stories tall, so at the top of this thing, you are 78 stories in the air.

      There are no parachutes, instead there is a circle of seats facing out around the tower, and they shoot up into the air. But once they get up to the top, they swing out as individual swings as the whole thing spins around. This thing is so tall, I am thinking you are going to be able to see forever from up here! I have to ride this thing! Dale, on the other hand, is scared of heights, and has no plans to get near it.

      I have no money, but I am pushing my way through the queue area, convinced I will find a way to ride this. Oddly enough, though Dale is afraid of heights, being on the roof of the building doesn't scare him at all. I don't manage to get in, but it turns out the entire line area also goes up, kind of like a very, very large Sky Cabin, so Dale and I both get a very high view of the city, even though I don't get to swing on the swings! Very fun dream, if a little short.


      12-17-2012 -- Starts as a very familiar-seeming live action version of Runescape that I've been involved in during several recent dreams. I am in the Morytania area where the ectovial teleports me, where I seem to be doing both a lot of plant harvesting, and hunting penguins. (I think either a bush or a crate this time, but I am not sure.)

      Somehow I find myself wandering off into a nearby chapel to recharge my prayer, but it turns into Pine Castle UMC, where they are singing. The song is a bit of a cross between the very staccato arrangement of the 23rd Psalm, and the Thou, O Lord song, being repeated enough that when I eventually wake, it is with that music in my mind. Somehow the song is seeming very prophetic today, and as we listen to it, Kevin B. is making some sort of prophecy about eating ice cream instead of the bowl with meats and vegetables that he is holding.

      It seems to kind of be working, as the bowl is turning into a bowl of ice cream ... but flavored like the meats and vegetables that were already in it. Very odd. He shakes his head like it isn't very good, yet he keeps eating it!

      We're in a car driving home from the church to street where the Morans used to live, while Kevin follows on a motorcycle, still eating the ice cream. In the car, I am petting a cat which is either entirely or mostly black, probably based on Carolyn's cats. Eventually we stop in the middle of an intersection in the housing development, and start unpacking the very full car. My suitcase gets run over, but no damage is done to it. I want to be angry at the guy, but since we're in the middle of the street, I can't.

      By this point the person driving is half Kevin's father Paul, and half Pat M. He's pulling out the stuff belonging to other people, and yet keeps putting my stuff back in the thing. In the dream, at this point, I have no car, so I ask him if he is giving the car to me, which would be really cool. He tells me he isn't sure. He says he was going to give it to me, but the prophecy song really makes him question that, so he just doesn't know.


      12-16-2012 -- Kind of sharing or visiting a hotel room with my brother Keith, and then, soon enough, with my brother and his wife. There are some big dogs running around. One is black, another is gray, and seems to be a Great Dane. Take a nap on the couch for a bit, and soon my sister shows up, as well. I have a bottle of lemonade without a cap on it, and somehow my sister knocks it off the table, but I manage to catch it before it can spill.

      Melody and Tracey don't seem to be getting along, and are doing gymnastics at one another, trying to show each other up. Things like cartwheels and back-flips and the like, all in kind of revealing clothes, which just isn't right, since they are my relatives. Just very odd stuff.


      12-15-2012 -- Am working a security shift somewhere that seems to be a bit of a cross between TAMS and 3M. I start out working in a guard shack in the driveway, controlling entry, but it is near the end of a shift, I think, and another officer is about to come in and take over. The person who shows up seems to be a bit of a cross between John C. from 3M and Bonnie's 'cousin' Rob. He is complaining about my uniform not being perfect, and my report not being done.

      By this point the guard shack has turned into a control tower kind of like at OPC, and he has exited the building to go unlock a gate. I follow him for a few seconds before deciding to return to the tower, but I find the entrance is now a very rickety ladder that I just can't climb safely. No way. It wouldn't support my weight. Rather than change back to the proper entrance, he decides to have them get rid of me, instead, which really, really annoys me.
    3. Tues Dec 18 (12:10-10:48)

      by , 12-19-2012 at 06:43 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      • I'm singing an improvised melody, trying to incorporate some fast scales as a unifying motive. One of the scales works really well, ending up on the right note at just the right time. But the next one is rather less smooth, and I stop my improvisation with a rueful grin and an apology to my listeners.
      • A man suddenly stops talking to do a strange pose: some kind of contorted lunge. While posing, he's a naked woman.
      Tags: music, nudity
      dream fragment
    4. The Possessed Cooking Thermometer?

      by , 12-19-2012 at 05:18 PM
      I cant really recall a lot of this dream, because I woke up and thought I didn't have a dream until I remember this after getting off the phone with whoever it was that woke me.

      I am in bed, in a different style apartment then the one I live in. Everything is slick and black, reminds me of one of those example apartments you get shown when renting. (although they never actually look that nice) There is a short little statute with glowing red eyes sitting on the counter in the kitchen. A friend of mine is there, I never actually see his face, but I know it is a guy and he is familiar to me. He stands next to the statue all night and just stares at it. The next morning a cooking show is going on in the kitchen. The woman who is teaching it is a blonde I had never seen before. She is running around the kitchen cooking what I believe to be some kind of roast bird. The friend is now following her every command, and paying the statue no mind. Taking it upon myself to destroy the statue, I grab it and smash it on the ground. Inside is a cooking thermometer. The ones that you stick in your meat to tell what the internal temperature is. She grabs it and then try's to stab me with the thermometer...Now I am on a balcony of sorts, one side has slides going down a couple floors and you can see kids playing. The other side has glass doors leading into someones home. I have no clue where I am or any of the people surrounding me. In my hand is a rather tall slender bag of weed. This should have signaled a dream, because I have never smoked weed. I then go on to tell the people around me how I miss smoking. (I recently quit smoking cigarettes and fell of the wagon two days ago) They tell me to be quiet because people can hear me. A group of kids comes up to us and begins trying to buy the weed. I tell them I will give them my contact information and I will call them at an appropriate time. I take out my iphone, but the UI is completely different, it doesn't look like my iphone at all. There are no apps, and there is this scrolly bar at the top that keeps telling me I am late for a meeting. (Also should have noticed this was a dream at this point as well) I give the kids a wrong number which is very similar to my real number. The group of people I was with go and sit back down and then I wake up.
    5. Boring long LD and weird dream

      , 12-19-2012 at 01:47 PM
      I go to bed at 22.00 pm with an extra strong melatonin supplement and an aspirin (500 mg). I ran 3 miles that evening like always. I take a Temazepam (20 mg) at 23.00 pm.

      I walk around town, I see a car. For some odd reason I feel I need to check reality. So I look at my fingers, and see, I have 6! I stabilize, because I used to forget stabilizing a lot and I would wake up or have a very weak dream. I decide I want to go to the moon, so I do that. It is very dark there and it gives me the creeps, so instead I decide I want to go somewhere serene, perhaps a nice field with some water. I try to make a scenery, but fail the first time. It is a boring, cold, wet little park in the middle of town. I try again, and there it is, a beautiful place, with flowers and a river flowing gently through it. It is warm and nice, a perfect place to meditate. I decide to meditate, and for some reason my body flies up in the air while I am lying down. I decide that it's normal, because I am dreaming and these things happen in even the most stable dreams. I keep meditating for a while because I was tired, even too tired to do much while SLEEPING, I know it sounds odd, and I also thought it was kinda weird to be honest. I decide I want to take a walk, at the time I felt the lucidity slipping and my control getting even shakier than it was before. For some odd reason there is an ugly, rusty, old, blue car standing in my scenery. I want to get rid of it because it is ugly. I try to make it disappear, but I only succeed in cramming it into a sort of wrinkled lump of iron. I get frustrated and feel the vividity slipping FAST now, I try to stabilize, but it is too late.
      I wake up. It is 5.30 am.

      I'm standing in line for a doctor's appointment with my friend/sort-of-complicated-person. The assistant at the desk picks up a strange looking, khaki trench coat and a grey scarf, and says they used to belong to Hitler. My friend puts it on and it changes colour to red and becomes longer. I say he looks like a vampire and that it looks cool. Never once do I find the situation odd in any way.
      My alarm goes off and I wake up. It is 7.00 am.

      Something about being pregnant and trying to get an abortion, but the fetus surviving. Presumingly right before waking or just after falling asleep.

      The dream that turned lucid was surprisingly normal, almost exactly like real life. The non-lucid dreams were much weirder and more random.
    6. Light array highway

      by , 12-19-2012 at 10:01 AM

      Updated 02-11-2013 at 05:39 AM by 59674 (yep)

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. The Samurai Prince VS. The Mole Man

      by , 12-19-2012 at 03:04 AM
      I have been dreaming for sometime, a battle with a swordsman and a bikini clad cowgirl (like from DOA) have made that very clear. I am walking down a street, a little girl dressed in dark blue komino is walking beside me. I say something to her and she vanishes. Walking up to a building I see two guards. One suddenly raises a hand towards me as in a stop motion, I cut him down, the other is stabbed through the chest from behind. The little girl walks out the door. We do not go inside though. I continue walking down the street and am directed by a guard down a side path. I am told that the most powerful swords are made from the special red and brown nuts found in this forest. There is said to be a legendary green nut that grows deep underground that is said to make the most powerful swords. I begin to go into this cave alone. The girl will not follow me, I have the strangest feeling she is family. Walking deeper into the cave, I notice weird spike like roots growing from the ceiling. Walking further a voice speaks, enter the mole man. As I continue on the voice tells me, "Go back, no one shall have the sacred nut." I do not question him, I continue forward. The tunnel begins to get smaller, forcing me to crawl in a prone position. Moving further through the tunnel it begins to vibrate, the mole man erupts from the side of the tunnel and I awaken.
    8. frag for the day

      by , 12-18-2012 at 05:32 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      All I remember was arguing with my sister. She was saying something about not using her car, and I didn't care because I have my own. Then I went into another room and pissed in the clothes hamper.
      Tags: wtf
      dream fragment
    9. Dream Fragment #1

      by , 12-18-2012 at 10:01 AM
      I remember being in an office with lots of computers and old CRT monitors. I was in a meeting and left back to my office where I saw my real-life boss who was sharing the office with me in a cramped tiny room. A co-worker walked in and I started explaining to him how I should start using some of the monitors lying around to dual screen my computer, and then he asked whats the point and all I kept saying is I would have more desktop space to work on.

      Thats all I remember, although I do want to note that at one point in time I clearly remember 3 old dusty black CRT monitors sitting above my desk on a small platform and they had incredible detail.
    10. Dreamland: Crawlspace at Grandmas

      by , 12-18-2012 at 08:26 AM
      A small but important dream I had within the last week. It was vivid enough to remember with certainty, but I only recall a tiny fragment:

      I'm standing in my Grandmothers hallway with my first cousin Matthew (a cousin from the other side of the family). He is a full grown adult and looks matured. He also looks like he survived a war. His childhood friend is with us, he is also a full grown adult, and I mention this because I never saw them as adults.

      Matthew shows me the hallway has a trapdoor in the side, leading to a part of the house that does not exist in waking life. It looks scary, and we are forced to crawl through a corridor fit for an animal.

      There is a green light, and a red light in the hall. It widens into a traditional sized hallway blocked by a door. I notice the paint is badly chipped and looks hyper realistic. Chained up in front of a wooden door is a zombie Doberman-pincher straight out of Resident Evil. Matt's friend reacts with serious intensity, raises a 12-gauge shotgun and points it at the undead dog. I remember thinking I should have a shotgun too...

      --I woke up.

      After this dream, I suddenly remembered how many dreams I've had in this hallway. Scores that I didn't recall at any point in the past two years. This could be the first hallway I had nightmares about. It was always poorly light.. The attic from this house appear in two other dreams posted at Dreamviews.

      Related Dreams:
      Zombie Trophy & Costco Housing
      100-Dreams Blog: Zombie [Tag]

      Updated 12-18-2012 at 08:54 AM by 32174

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    11. 12/17/12 Starting up the DJ for the break to bring back to school

      by , 12-18-2012 at 05:48 AM (Doctor's Dreams)
      Inception Trampoline Portal Thing

      The farthest back I can remember this dream is that I'm in the left back seat of my mom's suv. There was a second steering wheel on the back of the driver's seat chair and for some reason that was the one that I had to use to drive the car I was in. Apparently the one in the front was used to control via radio another car that I had to move around earlier in the dream. I think the car that it might've controlled was a small sporty audi (which for in the dream I called a BMW). In hindsight the body of the car reminds me more of a jaguar car than an audi but it had the four rings symbol. Anyways, I was in the back of my house so using the strange second steering, I backed out of the driveway.

      While I was backing out I watched a scruffy homeless(y) white guy with long dirty blonde hair in a beanie go into the audi and drive it away. I had a feeling that that was bad but it didn't shake me too much. I continued on my way and drove about 20 ft until I noticed a large group of musicians, mostly string players walking towards my neighbor's house. I immediately knew who they were, they were musicians from a summer program that I was a part of even though the faces were mostly students from my college. I drove to the house they were talking to and fro from and found my neighbors. In the dream they were a wealthy white couple with straight light brown hair, late 20s to early 30s and they were dressed up for something. I got the feeling that it was a funeral except everyone seemed happy and the wife was in a red dress. My mom was there too but she wasn't dressed up. They saw me, said hi, and I brought up the black "BMW" that I saw being stolen and the wife started yelling crying and screaming. It was apparently their car. I left and drove a lot more with my friend peter and it got dark out.

      I found myself in some strange building, high ceilings with wooden rafters. It was a little more than dimly lit and a lot of things were painted red. There were two rooms next to each other, both about 30 yards long and 7ish yards deep, maybe 10 yards high. idk why I counted it in yards…one room had a bunch of twin beds and the other room I don't remember as well but that's where the story continues. There was a strange dark lanky figure that was holding open a portal. I think my ex was there and she was explaining to me that it was some type of portal of dreams that you go into and experience some sort of interesting dream dark something…I don't really remember the explanation. Me being up for most things, I said that I was down and, laying on my back I wiggled backwards into the hole and there was no floor supporting me on the other side. I fell into darkness for about 10 seconds then into another large room with the same low light and red paint. I landed on a trampoline and started bouncing around. I looked around and it seemed that this was all that was in the room so I was very confused that the hole of darkness only had a strange trampoline in it. I was jumping up and down really high, high enough that I could grab onto the ceiling's rafters (note I didn't notice that there was no hole that I could've from). Eventually after about a minute or so of bouncing I fell of the trampoline but instead of hitting floor I fell into another realm of darkness. In this darkness I had visions of myself with my arms amputated past the elbows. After a while of this weirdness I fell into another room with a trampoline. This all repeated itself again into another room with a trampoline.

      At this point I realized that the point of the portal, or at least my fate in dealing with it, was to be stuck in this loop going on and on forever, falling off the trampoline, through darkness, and onto another trampoline in a room with no source for me to enter through. Obviously I wasn't happy about this so I crouched down and did what I could to "wake up" which eventually worked. I woke up in the room stated above with a bunch of beds. My friend's were shaking me and when I got up they told me that I was in Kate's bed (dunno which kate, I assume Kate M). As they pulled me away, I noticed that I slobbered a little on the pillow so I wiped it off so no one else would see it. We were walking to the other room and the passage between the two had a bunch of mirrors. I saw one mirror where I had the amputated arms and I freaked out. I looked at my own arms and they were normal and when i looked back again to the mirrors, everything was normal.
    12. Supernatural - Fragment

      by , 12-17-2012 at 11:12 PM
      I was dozing off and thinking about an episode of Supernatural I'd just watched. I see Sam walk into a house to investigate something, and I clearly see the door swing open and the layout of the kitchen. Then I am startled awake, and I realize the thought crossing my mind briefly became a dream.
      Tags: supernatural
      dream fragment
    13. December 15-17th Dream Fragments

      by , 12-17-2012 at 08:05 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      Threw a party at my house. Same cop that arrested me irl was at the door questioning me. I outwitted him this time and he had no rights to enter my house where there were lots of people so he left.

      I was in school trying to go upstairs but kept walking into active classrooms and everyone was laughing. Was trying to go to a chemistry exam review but never got there which frustrated me. Also something about getting information off of someone's phone in my driveway and they showed up.
      Tags: frags
      dream fragment
    14. #7-#10

      by , 12-17-2012 at 07:01 AM
      still havent had a lucid dream yet but i was pretty close i would like comments on these for any tips or things that seem to point out in each dream that i can remember.

      •not as much of a memory here but this dream i was building a house (minecraft style) and digging underground for whatever reason. i think jackson (i3unney) was there building to and digging underground he was again screwing up what i was trying to do. i did look around and see that there was diamond ore everywhere though which was cool. the digging was in my backyard here but at the end it looked like sand had fallen down and pisssed me off so i saved and exited so i woke up

      •I don’t remember the dream or what was going on. The only part I remember was in some class I was toward the back and on the projector was this dick wrapped up at the tip. Then showed another picture of a tiny tip with a fat dick and the tip was apparently done with surgery to have a face just like the person. (yea weird... lol)

      12-15-12 (my almost lucid dream)
      •I cant remember what my dream was before this but I woke up. Didn’t look at the time and went back to sleep. I was at school around lunch in school and we were going to the commons. This one kid was following me thinking I was Michael. Not sure if Michael was the name he was thinking but the face of Michael was there. I found Michael and pointed to him saying this was Michael. The kid kept following me and then I decided to fight him. Kicked at him. He tried to roundhouse kick but missed every time. I eventually punched him down on the ground. Kicked n punched him more. Somehow while I was his head was white with a bald spot. But the kid was black with pedo glasses. The fight everythin was hard to move like slow motion. I know that when this happens its a dream and I asked myself is this a dream but I didn’t respond to myself. I was outside the first doors of the school so I went through the office and out into the commons with cayden as we walked away. I heard people arguing about something and that’s what woke me up, it was my parents.

      12-16-12 (4 dream night!)
      •My dream was this big area. This guy was really rich nd I think he was a killer. He had this underground area and as long as I did wat he said I would be fine. I tried my best and did wat he said and it was kinda fun. I was like the next person in crime for him. For some reason where were windows at the end where there wasn’t before. Now people were running for their life and I was getting drunk out of nowhere. Everyone was at his places going through it but I had left. I looked on the gta map to see that. But I left and went over to some gaming area. The other place I went to was this old bathroom type thing. Small toilet and room. I started to shit really bad and was (mocking myself?) then started throwing up the shit. Not fun. Last place I was at I think was the arcade.

      This was I think in a cabin like house. I was with these 2 girls very young and one had very small boobs and the other just starting. I don’t remember conversations but I do remember at some point they were both naked lurering me into the room they were in and I was feeling their soft boobs. After a bit the one with boobs I think left and the other girl with no boobs was playing a game and had underwear on. So I pulled them down and she spread her legs while she was playing a game so I was rubbing her pussy. After a bit I think I fucked them both. The feeling of the one girls boobs were really really soft though and seemed so real even though they were small. The other girl who I was rubbing also felt really real during the whole thing never even asked myself if I was dreaming.

      Las one I was in a type of cabin again but it was alaina and someone else. There was a crossbow for whatever reason and the school wasn’t far away. It was going to start soon and I wanted to leave cuz I knew where this was going. Eventually I hid in the closet trying to get away and got to the front door and they started to stare at me so I gave in, came up to them and I think I grabbed her boobs and again, fucked her.

      last part of dreams i had my shirt off and jade was taking pictures of me. it bugged me so i took out my phone and started taking pictgures of her. she was in the bathroom then i did again got some without her shirt and open legs. she was crying to mom so i took my memory card and plugged it into computer to save before she made me delete. woke up before it loaded on my computer
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. Meteor Shower

      by , 12-17-2012 at 04:54 AM
      Dreamed that I was with my girlfriend and we were watching a meteor shower.