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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. Reading With My Eyes Shut

      by , 02-22-2011 at 12:54 PM (Reading With My Eyes Shut)
      My Notes

      The first dream began outside my friend's old house. I'm at the bottom of the hill, when I find an old and very rusty watch. It had a small key with it that went into the back. I bring it home and try to unlock it. It doesn't unlock, so I jam a screwdriver into the back.
      I'm at school, outside my lockers again. The watch looks different. It now is shiny, and it glows. I show everyone how it has strange little mechanicals under the glass. I drop the key somewhere and can't find it. I look up to find my teacher, Mr T, passing it to me with a grin on his face.
      I'm in a new building I've never been in before, still with the watch. It now has a large wide-screen on it which has a red button on it to the left. I press it to see what it does. Two people pop up on the screen, kissing. I then realise it's a porno button. "That's odd," I think, and do the nose-plug RC. For a moment, everything is in third person and I'm watching myself do the RC. The first few times my hands slip, but then I get it right, and I become lucid. Although I was lucid, it was a very low level of lucidity.
      I turn around and see a window the size of the wall. The sky is completely blue, and there's a great big beach-city below me. I'm at least 100 floors up. I turn back around and see two people. One dares me to jump off. I say I'll parachute down. I think the dream ended either then and there, or a few moments later just as I jumped.

      Second dream (this was one of those dreams that made no sense whatsoever): I'm in my bedroom. In my cupboard I have lots of board games in a black vertical board game rack. I really loved owning them all. A black tower, the same height and diameter as my board game stack, appears in the middle of my room. I'm concerned that it's going to replace my board games.

      Third dream:I'm in my bed, but I'm in the top bunk instead of the bottom. I become lucid straight away. The first thing I notice is how dark it is (darkness is much more scary in dreams I think). I close my eyes and expect it to be day when I open them. This doesn't work. I try a second time and notice the the wall to my right has a very feint glow, but still there was no real light, so I decide to just leave it there.
      I run out of my room, reminding myself to stay lucid. I run into the front room. My older brother is sitting in the main chair. I manage to say "Hi," before the dream ends.

      Fourth dream: I'm on a computer, sitting next to some guy I don't know. I show him someone's youtube account. I notice that page has 31 dislikes. I didn't know you could even dislike a channel. I find out that I had accidentally gone into my channel. I notice he writes down my username. Embarrassed about him going on my channel, I contemplate deleting it.

      Fifth dream (only a fragment): I see nothing but a page of a book. I know that my eyes are closed. I try to read it, but it eventually gets harder and harder to read. As I read it out loud, I notice that I'm barely paying attention to what I'm reading and won't remember it.
      This may not have been a dream, but me seeing HI in a daze, just after waking up. It was most likely a dream though.

      Sixth dream(also a fragment): I'm at the Year 9 Centre at my school. Some girl walks past with dark green hair. A person tells me how green is now an official hair colour now. What she meant by that was: people can now be born with green hair and have it in there genes. Even though it's different, I like the new colour.

      Seventh dream:I'm in third person, watching two young Asian girls walk around an abandoned dock. The eldest one walks inside the building, which had walls that appeared to be made of a bright wood, and finds a switched-on laptop. She goes further down and discovers two more switched-on laptops. For some reason this gives her the impression that the owners of the laptops must be in danger, and she panics. They both climb the roof and start yelling and waving to a boat in the distance.

      Eighth and final dream: I'm inside... somewhere. Two people are standing next to a narrow tunnel that goes up on a 45ish degree angle. One of them keeps throwing little stones up it. He says it's to distract someone who wants to steal an important orange stone. I remember thinking to myself how, in this strange and big world, police would never know how to deal with this, and these guys are right to deal with the situation themselves.
      I climb the narrow tunnel. At the top is a dark blue ocean at night. There's a lone wooden boat with only one man on it. He looks a little bit like a demon. I get on board and wrestle him into a headlock. One of the guys instructed I drown him. For a moment, he turns into a purple book. He's now in his true form: a young looking man with blond hair, and light-brown body hair. He looks just like one of those half animal half human anime drawings you see all over the internet. I finally get him in a headlock and put my hand over his mouth. I see by the look on his face, he's no longer an evil person, just scared looking. As I have him in the headlock, I can feel all over my body his warmth. It was equivalent to leaning against your partner, only dream-amplified. Straight away I feel connected to him, then I feel sorry for him, as I now have to drown him.
      I pull himself and I overboard. I watch him closely. I can't let him go till I know he's lost conscientiousness. I begin to struggle to hold my breath. I try to distract myself from the need to breath, and then I wake up.

      Eight dreams... New personal record?

      Updated 02-22-2011 at 01:02 PM by 25794

      side notes , lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment
    2. Dream Avatar Technique

      by , 02-22-2011 at 12:53 AM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Before bed I took a vitamin b supplement, as well as some vitamin b-6.

      Dream Avatar Technique
      I am walking from my car to the university in Cleveland where I take classes. I am following a girl who is talking on her cell phone. Even though I am following her, I can see her face. I look at this for a while, as she is nice looking and since she is turned away from me she won't be able to see me. I wonder how this can be, since I can see her face. I then realize it is because she is walking while turned a little to the side, moving forward with her head turned so as to see me.

      False awakening (?) I continue walking, and thinking about the dream I had "last night". Then I realize that I haven't done an reality check yet today.
      I question whether or not I am dreaming, and find that I am dreaming. When I realize this, the dream begins to fade, and I either drift into waking state and then WILD back to the dream, or hang on even though things black out a bit. It isn't so much a matter of stabilizing the dream now, it is just that the dream is more like a daydream, or I am only half asleep. I remember something I read somewhere about trying to identify with your body in the dream. I attempt to do so.

      I am still walking to class. I reach the building, and find myself outside the building and walking next to some large stone pillars. The girl is still with me.

      "Transport yourself to your dream body", she says. I know that she means another DC, which represents myself. I also know that this DC is Monk (the detective. I have dreamed a couple of times now that I am Monk. It is kind of a dreamsign.)

      "How am I supposed to find him? There are so many people, and he could be anywhere." I say.

      "It's your dream," says the girl. "Put him where you want him to be."

      I imagine Monk around the next pillar. Sure enough, when I reach the pillar, he is standing there. He is around the corner of the building, standing still in the street as though he is examining something. I approach him, and study him for a moment. In doing so, I assume a Monk-like attitude. Then I turn around and walk backwards so that I am standing in the exact same spot as him, facing the same direction. This is not hard to do, as Monk and I are one and the same anyway, just in two different places. Then I will myself to take his place.

      Suddenly, everything becomes vivid. It is amazingly vivid, as I have often seen people describe their LD's. I look up at the sky, and see how vibrant and real the color is. Everything around me seems so real, and there is none of that "tunnel vision" that I often get in lucid dreams. Along with this comes a sense of exhilliration.

      "Wow!" I shout with amazemet, "This is really vivid!" A guy walking by me in a suit and carrying a briefcase looks over at me, a little startled and amused. "Sorry," I say.

      It is so vivid that I begin to wonder if I am really dreaming. I know that I am, but it all seems so realistic. I do a "finger through hand" and "nose pinch" reality check. Niether of them work, as RC's don't seem to work anymore in my dreams. Still, I know that I am dreaming, even though there is a tiny doubt in the back of my mind (small enough of a doubt for me to still consider this to be lucid).

      Intoxicated with the exhilliration that seems to have come with the vividness of the dream, I race up a set of stairs on my right. There are lots of people around, but I don't care. I run about about 3 or 4 flights of stairs, and pause at the top.

      "Paging Dr. S____," I hear a voice saying over a PA system. I begin to get confused now, thinking that I am supposed to be a doctor but at the same time thinking it is a dream. I know in order to perform surgery I need my backpack, which I left down on the street. "Even if I am dreaming" I think, "I don't want to take the chance of not responding to this page". I turn to go back down the steps, and
      open my eyes to find myself in bed.

      At this point I look at the clock and realize it is past 9:00 am, and I had an engagement this morning. I feel like I could have returned to the dream, but I had to get up. I did a few RC's, but I was awake.
      Tags: college, monk
      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    3. Visiting friends in another dimension

      by , 02-21-2011 at 10:10 PM
      Dream Lucid Partially lucid False Awakening.

      Note: I'm not sure how to categorize this dream. I felt fully conscious, but I didn't think of it as a dream. I thought of it as another reality. So I'll just categorize it as partially lucid.

      Feb. 21, '11: I had been dropped off at home by somebody. (there had been more to the dream before this part) The house was my old childhood home. I went outside to look for my neighbor's house, and see what he was doing, but his house wasn't there.
      My house was attached to a school. There was a picnic table out front, with lots of people around.

      I realized that I was not in my regular reality (partially lucid). I walked along a sidewalk with other students. There was some kind of object I picked up (?).
      I met a girl, we walked together. She was kind of short, maybe wore glasses and a head covering. She had darkish skin. We were friends, possibly more.
      I told her she could have sent me a message (to my world) to let me know she was going to bring me here, so I would expect it.
      She said she did. I laughed, remembering a person who had said something to me that didn't make sense.
      I said the message had been too subtle, or vague.
      She seemed surprised by this.
      I explained that people in my world are not taught how to recognize signs and messages from other worlds, or dimensions.
      We were in a place kind of like India. I asked her where we were. She said "San," spelled either SAN or SAHN. Then we kissed and parted ways.

      Then I met my cat, Wilton. In that dimension he was intelligent and could talk. He use to live with me, in my world, but had moved to the other dimension and had been living there for a while. I was visiting him.
      He had his own business. He rented a room inside a larger building. There was a sign over the door with a stylized painting of a cat on it, and it said he was something like a private investigator, exterminator. Mostly he caught mice.
      His business was on the first floor. there was no furniture, only a carpet. Wilton lived on the second floor, in a small apartment above the business. There was a narrow staircase to his apartment.
      He had a huge bed, the size of two large beds put together, but no other furniture that I saw. I found a stack of papers, some with doodles on them, by me. there were little cartoon doodles of the girl I saw earlier
      (maybe to help me remember her?)
      I woke up, aware of my body in bed. Without getting up, started writing the word "San," and "Sahn," and one other variant. Then I pinched my nose and breathed and I realized I was still dreaming.
      I stood up from bed in Wilton's apartment. I asked if it was morning there. I felt like the moment I was awake in my world when I was sleeping in the other dimension.
      Wilton and I went into his bathroom. He had a small plastic toilet. I emptied it and washed it in the sink. I saw that he drank water from a small plastic trashcan. I told him he needed a bowl and I would get him one.

      Updated 02-21-2011 at 10:14 PM by 36900

      Tags: dimension
      false awakening , memorable
    4. Lucid Pigs

      by , 02-21-2011 at 08:28 PM
      1. I'm in an apartment that I don't recognize. I know that for some reason I have to get all the way across town very soon. I have a large beer that I am trying to finish as quickly as possible. There are large bowls of ramen noodles. Someone makes a toast and they say that it is for "the most boring man in the world".

      2. I'm going to class. I don't recognize the setting of the classroom. I sit down at a desk away from most of the people in the room, because I do not know anyone. We have to watch a video, but from where I am sitting, I can not see at all. Some of the dream characters notice this and beckon me over. I grab my bag and I sit at a table full of DCs. The instructor hands out some papers. I look up and notice that the instructor is my old boss. This confuses me for a minute. "But I was fired... Wasn't I?" I ask. He doesn't seem to know what I am talking about.
      I look down at the papers that he has handed out. The heading of the text starts moving in a psychedelic way. This should have been a dream sign, but instead I think that I am having an acid flashback or something. I hear someone laugh, and I look up to see a girl about my own age with dark skin, dark hair, and grey eyes. She is smiling and laughing at me. "I know that look." She says and winks.
      We talk for a while, and when I look back on it now, it seems like she was trying to hint to me that I was dreaming. She tells me that her name is Zenia or something similar. I also talked with a few other DCs but none of them are quite as memorable.
      I go outside for a cigarette, even though I have quit in real life. I run into a friend of mine, and we wander for a bit and end up in some strange mall. I realize that we will probably get in trouble for smoking in the mall so I suggest that we head back the way we came. We pass by the class again and Zenia and her group of friends are still hanging out outside. I go over and say goodbye to them, then I run back to my friend and continue on our walk.
      We turn down one street and come across a family of wild pigs, inexplicably living in the town. The babies are very cute. When they see us, they run out into the street, and my friend and I desperately try to save them from being hit by passing cars. I grab one and it struggles to get away from me, and even tries to bite me. I run and put it down on the other side of a nearby fence. As I am running around to try and save the others, I realize how absurd the whole situation is. I think that I must be dreaming. As soon as I have this revelation, the dream starts to fade. I get down on my knees and feel the ground. At first it feels like concrete, and I breathe a sigh of relief. Then it starts to feel soft like the sheets on my bed. I start to worry that I am waking up. Suddenly it feels like I am standing on my bed in the dark, holding the headboard for support. I can't figure out if this is really happening or not, or if this is part of the dream.

      It was part of the dream, as I got rid of my headboard several weeks ago. Another lucid though! Even though I'm still having trouble making them last, the fact that they seem to be becoming more frequent is encouraging.
    5. false awakenings

      by , 02-21-2011 at 04:33 PM
      I had a few more FA's than this, probably 6 total. These are just the significant ones.

      I'm taking pictures in a field. There's a white house up ahead. I'm with a girl, she's my friend.
      The scene changes somewhere along the line to my grandparent's yard. I'm still taking pictures. My dogs are there, but they look like puppies. I take a picture of them.
      I walk around to take more pictures. I walk up the driveway and I step in some dog shit. I look down. "At least it I'm not wearing my good shoes." I say to my friend. I look down. I'm wearing my Doc Martens. The bottoms look like my tennis shoes. I rub my feet in the grass. I look down at the bottom of my shoes, there isn't anything on it. "That worked well." I say

      I wake up in my bed. I go downstairs. My grandma's visiting.
      "Where's Cathy?" I say. She's supposed to take me to lab today.
      "She got malaria." my mom says
      "Ohh. Mosquito bite? I saw her get bit by one, it must have been that."
      I want to show my grandma the awesome pictures I took (they really were awesome in the previous dream). I go upstairs to get my camera. It's on the floor of my bedroom. I go to grab it.

      I wake up in my bed and try to get up. I'm floating. I float downstairs and out the door, but it's hard to control. I keep rubbing my hands together, which helps a little but not a lot. Strange, it has always worked to stabilize dreams for me. It's daytime outside. I see my neighbor across the street, Eric, who is always in his yard in my dream. I've never talked to him before this.
      "Hey, Eric!" I yell
      "Yeah?" he says. He sounds closer than he seems to be in the dream.
      "Can you come help me out?"
      "Sure." he says. He seems pretty friendly.

      He walks over to me and grabs my hand (I'm still floating). I'm wearing gloves. I take them off. He starts to pull me across the yard.
      "Eric, are you my dream guide?" I say
      "Nope." he says
      "Can you take me to him?" I say
      "Yep, he's your friend. That's where I'm taking you."
      "So.. how are you?" I say trying to make small talk. He looks at me with a blank expression.
      "...how are you?" I say again, slower this time
      "Oh. I'm alright." He says. Apparently he isn't a very intelligent DC. I see the shadow of a figure in my garage. I assume that this is my dream guide.
      the dream fades and I wake up in my bed.

      I lay in my bed for a minute. My cat is next to me. My sister walks by in the hallway. I look at the wall in front of me. There's some blue writing on it. I look at the writing and try to read it, it keeps changing. I become lucid. I try to walk out my door again, but I'm having issues. My vision is pretty blurry. I go downstairs and my vision melts to black.

      I wake up in my bed. I look at my surroundings. There's a Winnie the Pooh poster on the wall. I definitely don't have one of those.. I become lucid. I walk out my door. As I'm getting downstairs, yet again my vision starts acting up again. As I get to the front door, I say to myself "When I step outside this door, everything will be clear." It works. I see Eric out in his yard again. He starts to walk over. He's wearing a black masquerade type mask and a brown shirt with what looks like a wolf and something else, maybe a wizard? idk.
      "Nice shirt, Eric." I say
      "Oh, thanks." he says.
      "Yeah, it looks pretty badass. Will you help me find my dream guide again?"
      "Sure, I just have to finish up with what I'm doing." He walks past my house. I'm not going to wait for him. The dream fades.

      I wake up in my bed. I do a reality check. This time, it's real life.
      lucid , false awakening
    6. Maybe a FA where I was lucid for a moment.

      by , 02-20-2011 at 04:46 PM
      When its weekend I go to sleep at very late times, and I cant recall my dreams as well as during the week. So I tried KingYoshis WILD technique in the morning and before I went to sleep.
      Im not quite sure did it work or was it DILD, because my recall sucked this morning, but I remember that at one point I had a FA. I remember that I woke up but there was something strange going on and then I really woke up.......

      Going to try the technique again tonight..........
    7. University

      by , 02-20-2011 at 11:40 AM (Sehnsucht)
      It's early in the morning, I am at my old house with my family. It's the first day for me to go to University, I ask my brother which time it is, and then run to the busstation across the street. I run to the lesson room, I make it barely in time. I sit down, a few seconds later one of my friends arrives (he's known for being always on time despite being late). The lesson starts, looks like it is maths. The teacher was female with brown hair, we first did some simple eqations.
      I don't remember the whole dream, I know it was long, only a few fragments remain from now, I'll try to order them chronologically.

      At lunch break I think about YuGiOh, and remember that I have a circle-like stoneplate with an eye on my forehead, I run outside and try to find someone to keep it for me. I see several teachers from my old school, but give the stoneplate to my university math teacher. Coming back to the lesson room, I notice another student, a girl I know from school.

      I go to the University the next day too, this time I am late. I sit next to a person who I know from my job, he wasn't there the first day.

      I carry our maths teacher around on my shoulders, other teachers ask me what's going on. I bring her to our lesson room, let her down, and take a seat, running on desks to it. The female student looks weird at me.

      I wake up at what seems to be the biological section, I am in a big glass cage, with a sleeping aligator and a big corncob lying on it. I think "what have I drunk last night", and leave to glass cage.

      I am in a sports class, we are going to play soccer with 2 students from another class, I know the both from elementary school.
      non-lucid , false awakening
    8. First Lucid Dream Ever! :D

      by , 02-20-2011 at 03:11 AM (Trial and Error)
      This whole adventure stared with a normal dream that I can't remember the details of, and lead into a false awakening.

      I woke up the same place I had fallen asleep, on the couch, to my roommates L and S and S's family getting home from the Chinese New Year Parade. I turn to tell S my dream, but in stead she mocks me for falling asleep instead of doing my homework. I told her I didn't plan to sleep for long, and she asked when the paper was due on the story I was reading. I told her there was no such paper, I just had to read the story. She gave me the face of "sure there is no paper" and began to walk away. I decided to write my dream into my dream journal and that reminded me to do a reality check.

      I pinched my nose shut, closed my mouth and was able to take a full breath. "Oh my God! I am dreaming" I say with excitement. For awhile I was just nerding out that I knew I was dreaming and the dream began to shift. I looked through the house and saw sections missing. Not like the walls just weren't there, but a loss of detail in the dream. I if I had painted white over it with photoshop. Not many of the things in the room were retaining their detail. I thought it might be because I was not able to retain all the information within my conscious mind.

      I began to wonder what I should do. I could do anything. I turn to see my roommates S and M on the couch. I turn to M and say "hi" in a silly way. (It almost a ritual irl to keep saying it over and over each time getting more silly) She turns and looks at me with a blank, neutral stare. Clearly not interested in socially interacting with me. I am not phased (for I am used to that irl) I say hi again in an even more ridiculous way. She smiles and says hi back, waving in a cute way. I start to tell her that I am in a dream. I decided not to try and convince her she is not in a dream, I just feel like I needed to tell someone . I open my mouth to speak, and words come out in a soft raspy whisper. It was very similar to loosing your voice. I thought of a speech from a brain scientist I say on TED.com where she has a stroke and is analyzing herself from the inside out. There is a particular part where she is unable to understand language that reminded me of it. (which I found interesting upon awakening that I was drawing from my rl memories) I try to talk a bit longer and words become a bit clearer, but I decide to move on to try other things before my dream collapses.

      I turn to see M's computer in the living room. It is playing mabinogi (her fav MMO RPG) by itself. I think, that maybe she is just set on follow, since we have made the mistake before, but at a closer look it is actually fighting and wining. After deciding that that was awesome I step away from the screen to find that nearly the entire living room has disappeared. I feel exhausted, and I begin to have trouble focusing my eyes. I decide to concentrate, and begin to think of what everything looks like so that nothing collapses. It did not take long for me to feel back to normal and for the house to be restored. I again decide to move on.

      As if to answer the question of what to do next I begin to float in the middle of the room. I smile, totally thrilled, because that is the main reason lucid dreaming is appealing to me, flying. I continue to float until I bump lightly into the ceiling. I giggle at the amateur nature of my flying, but decide to try anyway. I open the window, and begin to soar into the peaceful, foggy city of San Francisco. I almost start to cry I am so happy. I am lead into another false awakening.

      I wake up on the couch again to everyone coming home and I begin to tell S about my lucid dream. She does not seem as excited as I expected, but I am having trouble telling the story because I am super hot and fumbling over my words. I feel sick and she seems to think I am also. She makes the comment that if I ever think she looks like she might be sick it is because I am sick. I remember saying that earlier (not irl) and realize I must be running a fever. I am unable to move most of my body very far, so I ask her to help me up. She grabs my hand and pulls me to a sitting position, but I only fall back down again because I can not keep my body erect. I try to get off the couch, only to sort of slither with my blankets onto the floor. I still can't move. S then asks me bout my lucid dream. I tell her about how I did a reality check. I actually went through the motions, but purposely left space so that I could really breathe. (I wish I hadn't because then I would have known that I was dreaming ). After I explain about how the world was not there, it seemed like it had been photoshoped away, she begins to say how I am sick because I am working to much, and how I need to slow down, yada yada yada. I begin to defend myself and wake up on the couch.

      I do a reality check immediately to find I am awake.
    9. UFOs and Lucids

      by , 02-20-2011 at 03:03 AM (Lynn's Lucids)
      No, it wasn't scary but I do remember seeing a yellow spacecraft. It had magnets to get cars with. I was confused because I wondered why every car that it passed didn't go up there with it. It was pretty much a dark dream.
      I then dreamed of flying and having se...a wonderful time with some cute guys, and girls!? I know that's weird.
      I flew with rocket boots, that were white and blue. I flew so far that I "escaped from the dream" and went to an all dark place, and I expierenced the sensation of flying, with endless possiblilties. I asked for my dream guide, because I recalled my dream goals. "Dream guide!" I sort of commanded, but I saw a man with a coat covering his face, well imagined him from another dream. I thought Allison was my dream guide, but I guess this one was. He didn't come meet me yet, I guess I am not ready to meet him, or that wasn't really my dream guide. I noticed, two DCs tried to stop me from having a certian "thing" with these other cute dudes, but I told them to backoff, because it was a dream and I didn't care about them. I have been more violent with my DCs lately because they annoy me with their concerns over the fake world. In a pervious lucid, a dumb Monkey/sheep thing was driving a car and used its powers to become bigger and defeat me. "I don't think so! You can't beat ME in dreamworld!" I said as I increased in size, so huged that I broke out of my dream and entered SP. (I must've been REALLY angry.) It was the weirded SP ever. Back to the weird dream, I was so used to being lucid, I just did "whatever."
      I had another lucid when I slept with a guy in a weird stall. It was fun lol! idk why my dreams have been about that, lately, it's not like it's even my Dream Goal!!
      So I have had alot of lucids in the past few days, and they're all weird. It might be the fruit I'm eating? Also, the Lion King song "I Just Can't Wait to be King" was stuck in my head, so that might've come up in the dream. And in my lucid dream, I dreamt I was having a lucid dream, but I went in the dream and knew I was dreaming. It was like a false awakening, I was highly aware.
    10. Nothing Special.

      by , 02-19-2011 at 08:06 PM (LUCIDMAX's max lucids!)
      'Chuzzy.', said a voice. Being the light sleep I have been getting recently, my eyes snapped open. Who said that? I sleep alone in my bedroom, and wasn't my family supposed to be in Dubai? Then..?
      My eyes dart wildly in search of the owner of that voice. While that word may sound funny, the dry raspy voice that said it most definitely was not. I noticed something. I couldn't move. Sleep paralysis? WHAT THE FU--
      The door to my room gets ripped apart. Who's there?
      No one.
      I get that 'feeling' that someone's in the room. Not necessarily human.
      Something dawns upon me.

      I MUST BE DRUNK! YEAH! That's gotta be it! (Mind you the total alcohol consumption in my entire life will amount to no more than 5 sips.) Man, one hellova party last night. Haha, he smacked his head good. With that thought, I fall peacefully back to sleep, kicking myself when I woke up.

      **Sorry for the quality and content, but, I need sometime to get back into the form I used to be in.
      lucid , false awakening
    11. 2011-02-18.2 | nonlucid

      by , 02-19-2011 at 04:33 PM (Short Stories with Tragic Endings)
      I am in a chair in in dark room that looks like a common room or something. I am sitting there under
      covers, going to sleep I guess, but my eyes are open. I see some guy I don't know walk by and go out
      the door. I look over at the TV ( CRT ) which has suddenly turned on and it is as if it is angled away from
      me. The screen is the glitchy purple color an lcd gets when viewed from an angle. The tv is slowly turning
      toward me and finally the color resolves. I think it is "That 70's Show". I wake up. It is dark and in my dorm
      at college. I should have realized that I have been sleeping in for a while now and it should be light but I
      didn't. I wake up, without moving, I think about the dream and decide not to write it down. Instead, I
      decide to try WILDing. I remain still and the sleep paralysis comes instantly. I feel immense pressure practically
      contorting my body. I feel like one of those mutating creatures from horror movies. My foot is on the edge
      of the bed and slips off, the "transition" dies down a bit but when my foot stops it continues again. I think,
      "It was not this intense the first time." then it stops. I think, maybe I've entered a dream? No, no I haven't.
      I get angry with myself
      and wake up for real. I decide, a false awakening would be a good thing to
      put in my dream journal

      Updated 02-24-2011 at 02:58 PM by 41067

      non-lucid , false awakening
    12. I never thought I'd ride a moped

      by , 02-19-2011 at 01:05 PM

      I am in my hometown and for some reason I'm riding a moped. I remember driving it one way up the dual carriageway but my recall is poor until my return trip. On the way back down there are some features of an american highway, concrete boundaries are on each side before the big roundabout and the traffic is much more frantic than usual. I accellerate onto the roundabout with too much speed and almost come off the road due to one of the lanes abruptly ending. I managed to stay on however and check my speed which is shown on a cross between an egg timer and a milk carton. It shows that I'm doing 50 and gaining speed fast. I try to slow down a bit but even when coasting my speed doesn't seem to be affected. On the way back down I realise there are police in front of me and that I'm reaching well over 80. Applying the brakes doesn't work but luckily I manage to naturally slow down to 50 when I reach them, assuming that the relaxed speed would draw little attention to me. I'm then aware that I've overtaken them and that a truck which was accompanying us (I have no idea why I know it's "us") is having trouble sneaking past the police, we're worried that they'll realise we gave two women a lift on the back of the mopeds earlier and arrest us. Luckily it overtakes them on the inside and somehow gets past. We're watching from the roadside. Dream ends.

      I wake up in my room at night with overwhelming fear. I have no idea why but jump up immediately and RC. My finger works its way through my hand with some effort but I am unconvinced so only become semi lucid. There is a child standing by my window and this scares me further. I run over to her and shake her, asking who she is. Upon closer inspection she is my ex's younger sister and I calm down. But then I get a bad feeling about downstairs. I open my door (which has become cupboard doors) and look down to see a baby at the bottom. Again I am inexplicably afraid of this and shout at it to go. I close the doors and open them again, repeating this shout several times. Finally I open the door and bang against the wood to scare the child off, this almost works as it backs away for an instant but I decide to escape anyway.

      I am tempted to fly jump out of my window but due to the unconvincing reality check I try hovering first, this works so I fly straight through the window, ignoring the glass. As I fly around the edge of my house I realise that the imminent danger is gone and that I should ground the dream. I closely inspect the bricks but stupidly focus on the silence of the night, this brings the ringing of my real life ears into focus and the dream collapses instantly.

      I recall a few more interesting scenarios throughout the night.

      I definitely remember having quite a detailed dream but don't record it as I attempt to DEILD or WILD. I cannot remember the main events but remember speaking to my Mum in it.

      I also remember nearly becoming lucid and frantically rubbing my hands together to bring everything into focus, I think this didn't work unless it was a prelude to the above lucid dream.

      In the last hour or so of my sleep I started telling myself "lucid dream" over and over again. I started visualising different dream scenarios and these become vivid to the point where they were no longer visualisations, yet I didn't feel I was asleep either and could have easily stopped thinking of them.

      EDIT: I think one of my vivid visualisations involved somebody cleaning a table with a spray on cleaner, the thing which prevented this from becoming a full on dream is that my finger started twitching in real life, as if I was doing the spraying myself. This made a scratching sound on my duvet and I woke up.

      Overall then a pretty successful night, I seem to be making quite a bit of progress and I put some of this down to the fact that I'm now home and therefore can get a good nights sleep and a lie in. Absolutely gutted that I broke the lucid dream, but knew this would happen at some point as I remember reading about it happening to someone else so it lingered on my mind.

      Interestingly I knew I'd LD last night because I'm home, and I know I will again tonight. I just feel strongly that practicing in such a challenging environment at Uni will make it so much easier when I'm relaxed at home.

      Updated 02-19-2011 at 01:13 PM by 41400 (increased recall)

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , dream fragment
    13. An RC DReam but not an RC

      by , 02-18-2011 at 07:28 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Dream in black and white
      Personal interest level: 5
      I had a false awakening. I saw myself in bed trying to sleep (not astral projection). I was thinking I needed to go back to sleep to have a lucid dream.

      Personal interest level: 7
      I dreamed I looked at my hand to do a reality check and counted eleven fingers on one hand. One finger was sticking out of one of my middle fingers.

      This was not a reality check. I dreamed of what I've been thinking about for the last three days. The finger sticking out of one of my other fingers was straight from an explanation I read on DV about why looking at your hand is a good reality check. It was pure suggestion.

      So, I count eleven fingers and don't even think that is weird enough to go lucid. I know that doing a reality check is a good idea even though it didn't register in this dream, but how frustrating is that?

      Personal interest level: 8
      Later I had another sex dream. I was doing something nice (O.S.) for someone else this time. A car pulled up. It was the owner of the house. I ran upstairs to get my clothes on. I had trouble getting my pants on.

      Personal interest level: 3
      Later still I had a dream that I was at my old high school. It had 5 stories or more. I was friendly with someone one grade higher than me which surprised me in my dream.

      I ended up looking for a bathroom that I could not find. I looked down halls until I was at a lower grade from elementary school. I saw the kids doing more juvenile learning and turned around to go back.

      I ended up seeing stairs to the school that were falling apart a little. It became a job I was on. The stairs needed to be repaired. I took on a helper and somehow made him cry about the job which he didn't really understand. I started apologizing and patting his leg like I do my own little boy. The kid wore kacky (sp) pants. He finally felt better.

      The End
      non-lucid , false awakening
    14. An Eye To Watch Over

      by , 02-17-2011 at 02:03 PM (Raspberry's Second Life)
      I slept a lot again so it was jumpy. Had another FA.

      Awake Non-lucid Semi-Lucid

      I get up. I'm in my room. A FA? I'm not sure, usually I'm sure I'm dreaming, but my room is totally normal looking. Still, I have a feeling...

      I get up, it's very dark as usual. I plug my nose. Am I breathing or not? For some reason it's hard to tell. I push my finger into my hand, but I can't see properly because it's so dark. I walk over to the light switch and push it, but nothing happens. I still feel wary, so I look down at my fingers. I have eight on my left hand. The fingers are unnaturally thin, and the nails very long. I'm dreaming.

      Then I woke up, grrr....

      I'm outside, again. I wonder around the small park, which is outside of my old house. It's twilight again. The suns rays are golden and warm, but there are only a few hours of daylight left. I look to the sky.

      There's a giant eye in the clouds, fixed on me. I don't like it. I have the feeling that I need to do something. The eye is a force, and when there is a force, there is an opposite.
      (I was reading this in The Hero of Ages book last night before I went to bed. Guess it played into my dreams) What is the opposite? Well if the Eye is bad, then there must be a force out in the sky which is good.

      I remain sitting, pondering. Am I all that human? No... I have something that I don't know of... It pops into my head by the other force (Preservation, the Eye is Ruin) that I have the Dragon Spirit! I see it, a ghost of a little red, green and black dragon beside me. But soon it disappears. Can I harness these powers?

      [Dreamskip] I'm in my local Asda supermarket. It's very crowded. How can I find my powers here? There are stairs that lead to a second floor. There isn't usually a second floor. Curiously, I go up. The room is very small, and there's a trail of blue oil. With a lot of effort, I manage to clear up the oil using my thoughts. There's a guy there who frowns at me, but says nothing.

      [Dreamskip] I can fly. But someone's grabbed me. The man from Asda! He grips me as we fall, clouds flying past. How far are we? We're falling at a terrifying speed. I manage to loosen his grip and send myself upwards. He grabs me again, too tightly, and drags me down again. Eventually we land on a ledge in an old town. Before he can pick himself up, I run.

      I run out of town, into a flat kind of field. I can't see to the other side. There are several layers of what look like translucent green nets hanging down, one after the other. They're alive, sent by the Eye to capture me. But I have powers now! They are very difficult to control but I try.

      The wind stirs the nets. They blow upwards, and as they do, I duck at super-human speed under one. I continue to do this until I am past them all. I think I am safe, until a net, no, tassles, slowly drift from the sky. The curl around like mist, wrapping itself around me. In fact, there is mist now. I get it off me, grabbing what I came for, which happens to be a small pile of red grapes.

      [Dreamskip] I'm back in the park, with my grapes. Feeling a sense of satisfaction at my achievement, I throw grapes into the air and catch them in my mouth. I look back towards the Eye, which is still there.

      I'm more curious than frightned now. I jump into a very high tree, and then into the clouds themselves. There are other people there. I now see that it is not an eye, but a face. The face smirks at me. He shows us a pool in the clouds. He says that the one who wills their dragon to push the kayak in there will win.

      This will be easy. I look to the boy next to me. He is weak, scared. Ruin favored me! My dragon appears again. "Push" I think to it. Nothing happens. I think again. I try to send my thoughts to my dragon. Nothing happens. The kayak begins to move slightly. I see it is the boys dragon next to me. Aggressive now, I push all of my will to my dragon. The kayak soars forward, and the evil Man in the sky smiles eerily down at me.
      non-lucid , false awakening
    15. Dild

      by , 02-17-2011 at 01:44 AM
      Normal means I don't know I am dreaming
      Bold means I am lucid

      I wake up in my bedroom and as usual I try to put my hand through the wall. It doesn't work and I get up to look at my digital clock. I looked but yet couldn't make out the time. I tried rubbing my eyes to get more clarity and still couldn't make it out. I got out of bed and walked over, still not making out the time. I thought I must just be drowsy. I turned around to go back to bed when I noticed something very strange. My floor was had grass coming out of it and I know I'm dreaming. I know that I need to remain calm as I let the dream take me. I saw my window turn into a staircase and all the pictures moving on the wall. I take a deep breath and smell the air. Stupid move.

      Then I wake up for real and I am glad for making progress. I had two glasses of orange juice and grapes at night so maybe that helped.
      false awakening
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