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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. 12/20/2010 - Interrogation & False Awakening

      by , 12-21-2010 at 12:53 AM
      12/20/2010 - Interrogation

      I dreamed that I was in a location in India (reminded me of the locale from Assassin's Creed, the original, after I woke up). I was in robes and entered a courtyard by myself. There was a woman here who I was supposed to capture and interrogate. As no one was around, I chased her through the pavilion and caught her. I dragged her back to the courtyard and began interrogating her. There was an individual helping me who I couldn't see his face, but I remember him using an odd mallet and water to get information from her.

      She told us where we could find the target that we were looking to assassinate. Midway through the conversation, the locale faded out and I woke up.

      12/20/2010 - False Awakening

      I woke up in my room to a false awakening. I got up and walked around my house. I met with one of my Brothers in the house, who went on to talk about the previous night and how impressed he was at my tolerance from the night. I was a bit confused and surprised by what he was saying. I woke again in my bed.
      non-lucid , false awakening
    2. On a train, then an FA

      by , 12-20-2010 at 11:32 PM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I was with my mum on a train. I had lots of stuff to carry, so when our stop came, my mum got off, but I had to pick up all my stuff. I missed the stop because I took too long, but it didn't matter because apparently this has happened before, so I would just get off at the next stop.
      I got off, but then I got lost at the train station.

      I had a false awakening. I was talking to my sister and said that the last thing I remember was being at a train station, so how did I end up in my bedroom? I was wondering about this for the whole FA.
      Tags: train
      non-lucid , false awakening
    3. Dec18th Fighting, Flying, and Mirrors

      by , 12-18-2010 at 09:25 PM
      Its been awhile since I've written in this things, I blame finals (which are now over woohoo!)

      I only really remember my last dream of the night. The world was like minecraft, really blocky with high terrain relief but the branches of trees were actually branches and not blocks. I had just stolen a diamond nugget and a diamond bar from a DC who had created a house in this area. I was running and he was chasing me. I found a hut and tried to hide inside but he came in and we began to fight. My blows were so slow and weak that he just laughed them off. That was when I thought of how ridiculous the situation was, that my fists were traveling through the air so slowly, and became lucid. Ignoring everything else, I immedietly took a knee and examined my hand to simultaneously RC and stabilize the dream. It worked... to a point. The dream seemed very unstable, and fearful of losing it while I was just trying to stabilize it, I got up and started looking around for things to do. I was pretty excited, but didn't destabilize the dream further from that! Now at this point the dream actually faded to blackness and I opened on RL eye. I was on my side in my room. I was initially disappointed but then realized that I could still move around my dream body. I shut my eyes again and began rubbing my still functional dream hands together. I pictured a rolling desert hill scene and it appeared in my mind's eye like a postcard, lots of blackness around it. I took my dream body and ran forward leaping into the frame. And just like that, I was flying. Some machine was flying ahead of me. I jerked my arms forward to boost forward, did barrel rolls, skimmed the desert surface. It was amazing. The dream again began to collapse around me. I allowed it to. Once again I was in my room, but it again didn't feel right. The lighting was nighttime and not morning which it had been a few minutes ago. I leaped out of bed and noticed a few DC's milling about in my room. Yup, definitely still in a dream.

      I was so stoked, I actually noticed the large mirror in my room and decided to take a look in it. I was a little surprised at what I saw, just a clear, slightly older version of me. My hair was longer and I had a few scars, but besides that, it was me. No horrible nether monsters, or blurry image. Turning around I decided to summon a DC. And that I did, a very cute pink haired girl (I didn't explicitly imagine anyone in particular but that's how it happened). She got out of the capsule that had appeared in my when I summoned her... and she promptly climbed into my bed. There was another chatterbox DC in my bed who wouldn't shut her mouth so I tried out a technique to make her disappear. I stood at a distance and used my hands to cover her from my field of vision. When I removed my hands, she was gone. Store! I climbed into my bed with the summoned DC girl and we just kinda lay there, her in my arms a few minutes. It was pretty cool but I could feel the dream destabilizing further. My vision blackened and my RL eyes opened with me in my RL bed. No need for a reality check, this was real.

      I wasn't even disappointed waking up! That was my longest and most productive LD to date! I spent a few minutes to recall my experience and then jumped on here to share.

      Without the need to read this entire post here's a synopsis of what i accomplished in lucid state:
      Flying, looking in a mirror, summoning a DC, concious RL to LD transition, making an unwanted DC disapear
    4. Fragment - Zzz... I'm Late...

      by , 12-17-2010 at 09:46 PM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This was a false awakening. I woke up in my bed, not lifting my head up more than a few inches. It was dark in the bedroom, and I couldn't see anything but the faint outlines of my wooden dresser and night table. There was a slight light bluish wash over the room that came from a small rectangular window above my bed, but this didn't make the location any lighter.

      I looked at my alarm clock, rather groggily. The glowing red numbers read 7:40, which was much later than I normally wake up.

      "Crap... I'm late for school... Why didn't my alarm clock go off...?"

      I just shrugged it off and put my head down into the pillow again, closing my eyes.

      Within moments I woke up for real, and this time the clock read 6:15.

      Updated 05-16-2023 at 08:37 PM by 28408

      non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
    5. First Full Dream!! Plus lame false awakening, and resulting fragment.

      by , 12-17-2010 at 07:30 PM
      I was a senator, or congressman, like Tom Hanks in that movie about the middle east. There was a woman who talked to me. I had a meeting on a plane. Also there were cookies there.

      I woke up from the dream. I remembered to lay in bed and run the dream through my head backwards. I remembered every detail. I was very proud. After I made sure I had it fixed in my head. I wrote it down in my notebook. I peed and then went back to sleep.

      I really woke up. Still had to pee. Said WTF to myself. Looked in my dream journal..... Nothing. F@#K. Although as I was being pissed off about this fact, another dream just sort of floated up into my consciousness:

      I had just finished watching a play with my girlfriend. I don't remember the play, perhaps there wasn't one. We went up on the stage to help clean up. There was a sort of shack built in the middle and we went inside. Inside it was large and very bright, even though it should have been dark. There was a very deep shaft with a ladder and lots of pipes and such. I went down the ladder a ways, but it was a very very tight fit. My girlfriend came to the top of the shaft and said "look what I found!" It was an arm sized bit of handrail made out of a brassy coppery metal. It looked nothing like part of a handrail, but that's what we knew it was. It was shaped vaguely like a J with two tails, and tapered ends. We thought it was the best discovery ever. Since I couldn't fit to get to the bottom of the ladder, she asked if I thought I could throw the junk we were cleaning up down to the bottom, where she would take care of it. I threw a piece down, and it bounced off of a few pipes and the wall, so I was concerned that I would have a hard time being accurate with the throwing, and she wouldn't be able to catch the stuff.
    6. First Lucid Dream

      by , 12-17-2010 at 03:30 PM
      First Lucid Dream (WILD)


      I was in bed trying to lucid dream (WILD/DIELD) when my mom outside kept calling my name. I got the impression that my dog ran out of the house into the rain and we needed to look for him. The dog had somehow escaped out of the bedroom and out the front door when my dad entered. Frusterated I didn't respond. (Partly because I wanted to stay in bed since it was nighttime) Eventually though I got up to find my dog inside the house. I asked my Mom why she woke me up and she said look how fun he's having with his new toy. I pick my dog up and grin as my sister tries to pet him but me keeping him out of the distance. Eventually I let him down. I walk into the master room with him running in and I see a second dog! I could tell this one was a girl or something. Anyways, it was playing with the toy and my Dog came out, stared at it and the second dog dropped the dog and layed down. My dog played with the toy. Now I try to grab the toy but my dog jumps up on the bed as he isn't suppose to and I tell my mom to push him off while trying to grab the toy. He falls off still having a grip on it until I yank it up making him lose the grip. He lays down like the second dog when I stare at him and I smile tossing it back down and walking back to my bedroom. In bed I attempt my WILD again. I was biking with my friends down a hill then up a hilly sidewalk. I already knew I was it was a dream since I had been here in my other WILD attempts (In the same night) My friends were talking about some bicycle show and then some laptop show. Ignoring them I get off the bike at the apogee of the sidewalk at some checkpoint station. I walk to out and turn around and trace my hands along the door handles. (The kind you push on) Being careful to avoid having too much attention on one thing which I believe your not to do, I examined different objects. Walking out ahead (The checkpoint was just before the corner of an intersection of the city) I was in the corner of the sidewalk thinking my friends went down the theater stairs in front but at the same time I thought they could've turned right. Anyways, ignoring that, I look up at the moon which was descending pretty fast. I take my left hand and make a circle with my pointer finger and my thumb, circle it around the moon, and try to pull it down to the other side of Earth to make it day time. Instead, it turns into a scary spherical robot with missles. (Huge!) It shoots missles at me and I get scared. So I go back to the checkpoint doors, close my eyes, and will myself to wake up.

      Upon waking up, I realized that the first part of the dream was a False Awakening. (Atleast it led to a lucid dream) Hope to do more Reality Checks
      lucid , false awakening
    7. Museum and Poker

      by , 12-16-2010 at 05:59 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      My parents and I are at the Cincinnati Museum Center taking in an exhibit on history. Multiple periods are contrasted, from ancient Assyrian engravings to the civil rights struggles in America. The exhibit proper ends with a model of a very pretty African-American girl in pearls and a cocktail dress getting lynched... then opens into a gift shop. People are sitting on benches in the shop with laptops, playing poker on Pokerstars.net. My mom comments on this as rather silly, then goes to discuss some business about layaway.

      Poker serves as a transition point to an outdoors scene, where I sit down to a large ring game of Holdem. My mom insists on joining me, and initially the other players are fine with it. However, she is slow at playing and screws up her deal of Omaha when it comes around to her. The game goes back to Holdem and I get AK in the hole. My mom goes all-in, and I look at my cards again (which have become AA, so missed reality check) and call. Other players are disgusted with me for some reason...

      I false awaken into my room at home, then go downstairs. My brother and his friend are there and report also dreaming about poker. With some questioning I find that they shared my dream, varying in minor details. I freak out about this and wake up.
    8. Space Busses

      by , 12-16-2010 at 05:09 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Space Busses (DILD)


      Three dreams for the 14th.


      I was in a hotel and lucidity triggered. I double checked with my hand and I had six fingers. My level of lucidity was low, the dream quality was not very intense. I decided to jump out of the window, but I was not very sure if it was the right thing. I checked my hand again and counted the fingers. I decided to jump out the window.

      It was day outside and very sunny. I wanted to go at high speed, head first into the ground to increase quality. Quality increased a little and I started to fly, but my lucidity was not great. I started to feel double consciousness as my wife was moving in bed.

      I was in space and I wanted to Astral Project. I was floating in the middle of space and I saw a few school busses in the middle of space. I landed on one of them and tried to fall on my back. The dream vanished.

      I was in a different scenery. Stewie from Family Guy had an Astral Double. He was freaking out as he though he died. I had a FA in my room and my wife was in the bathroom.
      lucid , false awakening
    9. Ben Singing?!

      by , 12-14-2010 at 09:59 PM
      Ok...this dream made me go, "what??" when I woke up:

      I was just in my room, looking around. Then I looked at my computer, I think, and there was a Skillet video on (go figure) and Ben Kasica, in the background, was kindof singing. I couldn't hear him, but I could see his lips forming the words (which I found really cute cause he never sings. Plus he's cute anyways! LOL). Then suddenly, I was there, in concert, and I saw Ben. I heard him singing,( and heck, he's got a good singing voice in my dreams) and I looked at him all freaked out. I guess he didn't notice that I saw him, and heard him, singing because he just kept singing with the others. Then he looked my way I guess and saw me watching him. Be blushed but still sang. I just started screaming "Oh my gosh, Ben, I <3 u!!!" cause I'd scream that at a concert. He kept staring at me and singing. I think it was "Whispers in the Dark", my favorite song. He smiled after a while and started to sing again. The dream went fuzzy after that and I think I woke up (at like 1:30am -_-) pretty weird eh?

      Then after I fell back asleep I had a "false-awakening":

      I was in my bed and I heard my phone alarm going off. I checked the time and it said 4:30am. Then I laid back down and stared, next thing I knew, my actual alarm woke me up for real(it was actually 3:40am)

      I could have kicked myself after that...-_-
    10. department store dresses; naked on the stairs, lucid and sightless; replacement interview

      by , 12-14-2010 at 01:26 PM
      Good morning, everybody. I think these dreams are both influenced by other dreams I've read on this site.

      Dream #1

      I was in a department store. The light was somewhat grey and dim. I walked to my right, into an area with a lot of dresses for little girls.

      I walked past one long rack of dresses. The dresses were all shimmery. Most of them had one single color, like purple or pink. Some may even have had pointy, brimless "princess" hats (which now remind me more of the I Dream of Genie headdress).

      All these dresses were supposed to be long on little girls. I assumed they'd hardly even fit onto my body. But for some reason I was still thinking of trying these things on.

      I walked between two long racks of dresses. Some of these dresses seemed to have black velvet tops and gold skirts.

      As I walked along, two or three tall, young, black men came walking from the other direction. The men were all dressed in shiny, satiny outfits that looked like jester outfits. The front guy may have been wearing sunglasses.

      I scooted out of the way a little bit. When I did so, so did the guys. I excused myself and said sorry. The front guy said, "No problem, no problem."

      I now found myself out in a wider area of the store. I was trying to figure out whether I wanted to go back to the dresses or go somewhere else.

      Dream #2

      I was possibly somewhere like a room in a library. I was probably with a group of peers, which was probably led by an older, tall, balding "teacher" figure with grey hair, glasses, jeans, and a denim shirt.

      At some point I realized I wasn't wearing any pants or underwear. I was just wearing a big button-up shirt. I knew I needed to get fully dressed.

      I walked out into a large stairwell like a big, open stairwell at a museum. I knew I was on the third floor and I needed to get down to the first floor. There were people on the stairs and on the floors between the stairs, walking in and out from exhibits. I had told myself I would run down the back stairwell. But I now realized I was going down the main stairway.

      I thought for a moment I could keep going. I thought the shirt was long enough that nobody would see I was wearing no underwear. But then I saw that people had noticed I was wearing no pants and underwear. I was embarrassed. I hurried at the next landing to a doorway to the back stairwell.

      I ran past a couple people and into the smaller stairwell, which was more like a fire escape stairwell. I was all alone. I started speeding down the stairs, almost flying down them, taking a lot of steps at once.

      I went too fast and found that I had gone too far down. I was in an area full of white-painted pipes. The area was huge and well lit, and the pipes were all so neatly arranged, like bookshelves in a library.

      I felt way out of place down here (although my state of undress didn't seem to bother me anymore). I knew I needed to get up to the correct floor. I imagined workers finding me and trying to do something bad to me.

      I now imagined (???) a tall, black man in a beige denim jacket and black sunglasses standing before me at the bottom of the staircase. My view panned through the aisles of white pipes which also seemed to be decorated with white Christmas lights.

      I imagined myself asking the imaginary man a weird question, like which way was the way out. I imagined the man first telling me something weird, like telling me how to get to the position in the basement where the exit would actually be on the first floor. I even imagined a huge painting, like a huge equestrian painting that might be seen in the lobby of an art museum.

      I then imagined, as my view panned through an area of white pipes lit almost entirely by tons and tons of white Christmas lights, that the man asked me something, like he was asking me on a date (???). I imagined that just around the corner from this area there was something like a themed food court, all done up in a confectionery style, like old merry-go-rounds.

      I thought that if this guy wanted to go have all this fun at "the festival," I'd have to get money from an ATM. I could hear Mexican music, like Mariachi music, playing somewhere.

      I found myself in a place like the parking lot of a shopping plaza from when I was a kid. The shopping plaza had a number of large stores, like a big clothing store, a big grocery store, and a big bookstore. It was night, and the light was deep blue, with all the lights in the shopping plaza turned off. But I still saw the lights, felt the warmth, and heard the music of the festival somewhere.

      I walked around trying to figure out where the festival was. I felt like I had woken from a dream. I may have been trying to convince myself that the music and light had only been in my dream, and that I was now just having trace memories of that stuff.

      But, I told myself, I'm still dreaming! There's no way I could be just walking around here right now. This is a dream, too.

      Realizing this was a dream, I felt a lot more clarity. The sky may have even gotten a bit lighter.

      I decided to turn around and look for the festival. But as soon as I turned around, everything went black, like I had closed my eyes. I tried to "open my eyes" and see again. But I couldn't. I walked around. I felt and heard myself walking. I even continued hearing the music. I even had some idea of where I was in the parking lot. But I couldn't see anything.

      Dream #3

      I was in "my office," which was larger than my office, much more like an office floor for a larger company.

      I got up from a cubicle when I heard that a couple of women were getting ready to interview a man for a position. I felt like they were interviewing a replacement for my position.

      I walked a little ways, then looked through what seems to have been the underside of a large semi-truck's trailer, to the elevator bank at the front of the office floor.

      I could see the interviewee in my mind's eye. He was a little kid, maybe 10 or 11 years old, dressed in a nice suit. One of the women interviewing him was a stout, Hispanic woman with short, black hair.

      I heard from somebody nearby that my boss was getting fired, and that the person was interviewing to become my boss' replacement. That was a relief for me, considering I had been thinking all this time that I was going to get fired. I only hoped that management would decide to keep me after firing my boss.

      I may have thought about the complications for this actually being possible. Maybe the man already had somebody like me on his team. So maybe he'd just bring that other person over from whatever company he was coming from. I also thought that it might not be worth it to work for this guy, anyway. Maybe he would just turn out to be a jerk.
    11. Romance with the neighbour

      by , 12-14-2010 at 12:13 PM
      non-dream - non-lucid - lucid

      14/12/10 I was in a series of dreams involving a lot of family at some sort of party. However the main plot of the storyline was me first of all ignoring a beautiful young woman's approach. This woman turned out to be my neighbour and some woman told me off for leaving her hanging there, considering the fact that I had been playing up to something more. I ended up walking to her door, my heart pounding and at the time I did not know if I would have the courage to knock. I hoped she would come out of the door before I had to and I got lucky. I mumbled something about how nervous I felt and she invited me in.

      Throughout the dreams we end up dating and although we make out a lot and she continue to agree to my my sexual approaches we never get to actually do it. And although I never stop to think about the fact that I am dreaming, in the dreams I remember being really frustrated about the fact that I awake before we get to do anything. Her kiss felt amazing and I even remember running my finger under the edge of her underwear, feeling faint hairs growing back after a shave.

      Reflection: Although the dreams themselves remain unfulfilled it seemed like I was learning a lesson. A lesson on how to combat a stupid amount of shyness I feel when approaching women. Lets see how it pans out.
    12. 14.14.10, non-lucid first level and lucid-ish second level

      by , 12-14-2010 at 09:15 AM
      Has simply trying to do something about my subconscious visitors done the trick? Also, Inception mind-screwed me quite nicely. Loving it.

      The first thing I remember was the second level of the dream. I was dreamscaping, doing a favor for the landlord of an apartment building that was a strange hybrid of the house where I grew up and the apartment building where I live now. I never manage to dream about any building where I actually live, if I do I know it's an OBE. Hasn't happened for some time, though.

      I can't remember what the second level was, but it dealt with my old dollhouse (Haha, Christopher Nolan!) and I was wrapping metallic gold thread around something, like a small spool or something but it felt like a craft of some kind. I think the small something was soft.

      I was lucid on a certain level, that the second level was a dream. A phone call woke me to the first level, which was not lucid. I vaguely remember returning to the second level, because I remember playing out some of the cliches of Inception (How did I get here???). But the phone turned out to be my Dad calling to say "Hello." We chatted about what was going on, I told him about the favor, and I mentioned that I smelled an odd kind of smoke. Dad became Overprotective Dad, getting all skittish that something was wrong. I told him that it was probably just the heater (apparently, this smell was normal?) and that any tenant could fix it so the handyman neighbor would probably be down soon to deal with it.

      I got off the phone and wandered downstairs to find the landlord (who was somehow Willem Dafoe...) talking with the handyman neighbor who doesn't exist IRL. I mentioned quietly that the favor was done, and the neighbor said that something was very wrong with the heater. Dafoe made a crack that he wasn't getting much of his investment back on THIS building and left without doing anything. I made a comment about him being a slumlord, and woke up.

      This time I was so confused at the first level being a dream that IRL I started checking for oddities. Pinch hurts, and I'm in my own apartment, though I always think that I'm in my own home so I COULD be wrong. And Hubby's here, more evidence that I'm awake. I even broke my first rule of surreality by looking into a mirror and a dark window. Freddy Kreuger's not there. I still haven't looked too closely at the TV, though. No nerve.
    13. Night of 12/12 - Hello again

      by , 12-13-2010 at 08:08 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      It has been a while since I wrote something in my DJ.
      Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to post something and in addition, I had not enough sleep during the last month.

      But this is changing again. Next week, the courses are free thank God (or better: thank the government). So I will have enough sleep to practice again the whole lucid thing.

      Well last night:

      I was really exhausted because I studied all the evening long until 11p.m. I went to bed and I want to relax a bit. I instantly felt how heavy my body was. It remembered me instantly of the very beginning of sleep paralyses.
      Exactly in this moment, I hear strange noises witch remind me of the sound of a fridge. It came to me in waves. I relaxed even more and I had the feeling that I was floating in the air, raising and sinking through my room. It felt very cool and didn't scared me at all, because I knew it was only in my head.
      After 5 minutes or so, I tried to move in thoughts my body. I managed to move my fingers and my hands a bit. I wondered if I was already in some dream or if the sleep paralyses had already gone away.
      I want to open my eyes, but I realize that my eyes are already open. It's bright in my room, but I see things blurry. My vision clears up and I realize that I'm lying in my bed. I know that I'm dreaming. I want to get up to leave my bed and to explore my dreamworld. But for some reason, I wasn't able to move. I thought:
      - Damn! I feel that my real bod. I have to try moving a bit and not to think about my real body.
      I slowly moved my fingers but suddenly, out of no-where ......

      ..... A DC appears in front of me! He's sitting on my chest! That's why I'm not able to move!

      I shouted:
      - Go out!
      HIs answer:
      - No, your chest is comfortable!

      I awake. I'm pissed turn to the left side of my bed and fall back to sleep again.
    14. First and second WILDs (in one night!)

      by , 12-12-2010 at 09:22 PM
      non-dream non-lucid lucid

      Last night I went to bed a little bit late, but I decided to try to WILD or DEILD, depending on whether I moved or not. I kept my alarm set to its normal time (6:00) in case I fell asleep and never got a chance to try WILDing. I woke up at some point and used pain (hand under body) as an anchor. I woke up in my room, knowing I was in a dream because of the way it felt. I tried to make the light turn on by telling myself that I had a motion sensitive light and then waving my arm around (I thought of this archetype last week) but it didn't work. I did a reality check to make sure I was dreaming. Palm check was normal, but nose pinch failed. I tried messing with my brother, but he didn't react at all whatsoever, he acted like he was dead.

      That's all I remember of this dream. I almost didn't remember it, but after I had woken up I decided to try WILDing again, and after I went to the bathroom I remembered it. I tried WILDing for a while, but I couldn't fall back asleep with the pain anchor. Eventually my alarm clock rang, but I was already awake when it rang. I figured the sun would come up soon, so I put on a cover for my eyes and used it as an anchor as well. I have a hard time remembering some of the next dream, but I do remember it to be fairly vivid. I woke up having a false awakening, though not in my room. I soon realized with a nose pinch RC that it was a dream. The palm check RC still worked, so apparently it isn't an accurate RC for me. I started looking around, without stabilizing unfortunately. I was in a colorful room without any doors. There was a slide hole though, and some other exit. I went into the slide thing and told it to go to a certain person's house. Two of my friends appeared on the slide with me. There were a lot of different pathways, though I seemed to have some control over them. I think I lost a lot of lucidity while going down this slide. I reached into my friend's shirt pocket to take something out of it, but I can't remember what. I turned my head up a little quickly and found myself in the same bed that I had woken up in in my dream, and "waking up" as if I had moved too quickly in my dream and woken up because of it (this has happened to me before).

      I was disappointed because of it, but I did a RC, and after a few seconds, realized that the nose pinch RC had failed. This made me happy. I looked and found the other passageway out of the room and went in it. (There may have been some dream here that I don't remember, but maybe not.) I appeared at a staircase. I went up, but these strange tiny colorful walking fairy-like women (I have no idea how else to describe them) shooed me off, and for some reason I went back down the stairs. I started thinking about fuzzy billiard balls, and like before, I turned my head too quickly, and it felt like I had woken up from a dream. I was standing up in a store-like place though, and I saw two or three of my friends from school. I was dissapointed that it ended again of course, but I quickly considered the possibility that I was dreaming. I palm RCed and nose pinch RCed. The palm RC still didn't fail despite the fact that I was in a dream. I though for a second, and tried pushing my finger through my cheek rather than my palm. This RC actually worked, and it felt rather odd too, with my finger through my cheek and then touching my thumb out my mouth.

      I woke up for real after this. I knew it was real because of the way it felt. However, know that dreams are sometimes as vivid as real life I RCed just in case.
      lucid , false awakening
    15. Friday night, the night of dreams

      by , 12-11-2010 at 03:35 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Very low recall during the week. Didn't get more than 5-7 hours of sleep each day. Had a fragment about candy yesterday, but I cba to write it down. Last night night was a night filled with long dreams. I always seem to dream alot on Friday nights. Must be because of sleep deprivity during the week, making it a long REM-rebound.

      11.20: Bedtime

      05.45: 20 minutes WBTB

      07.30: Ignoring girls
      I'm with my dad in a car. We're driving from work, and we're going to visit a friend of his. We stop at a garage and he gets out, and starts talking with his friend. A girl gets in the car and tries to start a conversation with me. I ignore her and keep on reading my book. My dad gets in the car again and off we go. After a while we arrive at a house, and we all enter. I sit down in a couch and continue to read my book. Anothe girl shows up and I keep on ignoring them, being kind of a prick.

      They want to play some games, and I look up. "What kind of games?" I ask. "Well, Tekken would be fun" one of them says. "On Xbox?" I ask. "Yeah ofcourse, the newest version" this sparks my interest and I put the book away. My cellphone starts ringing, and I pick up. It's Monica on the other end and she's very upset. She keeps yelling at me, telling me I'm being unfaithful or whatever. She hangs up before I get a chance to say anything, and I just shrug it off. I laugh a bit while telling the girls it was my GF and she's freaking out for no reason.

      Dream skip. I'm with Monica and we're standing on the sidewalk next to a park. She hands me all kinds of berries and tells me to eat them. "You'll get lucid easier if you do!" I spot a large blue one which looks like a large blueberry. I put them all in my mouth and chew on them. It tastes just like blueberries, and I have to spit several times to get rid of the harder parts. She smiles at me and walks up the road along the park. I take out a branch of Mugwort and eat it aswell. I throw the stalk in the bushes.

      08.00: At work MILD
      I'm with Björn at work. We're at a new construction site, located ontop of a hill, overlooking a river. There's a big scaffold in the middle made out of wood. I spot a pair of noise canceling headphones on a plank sticking out. Björn heads up the scaffold and greets with a guy there. I follow. Apparently we're trying to score some weed. "Sorry, I ain't got any at the moment" he tells us. I walk back down a bit disappointed, but realise we need a backpack! There is none around, but I spot one up in a tree closer to the river's edge.

      "Hey! There's one" I tell Björn, and we head for it. "Haha! They've set up a trap for us" he tells me. I can see several lines going from the tree, anchored in the ground. Björn grabs one and starts pulling. Half of the tree starts falling, and hits the water. The "weed guy" jumps in, trying to get the bag before it vanishes. He appears a few seconds later, holding another black back. "Hey, look what I found!" he exclaims. The water looks very inviting, and just as I think about jumping in. Björn rushes past me and jumps off the edge.

      It's perhaps eight meters down to the water, and he hits the weeds. "Oh shit! Björn! Are you okay?" I yell. He starts swimming under the water, without replying. I take a big breath and jump off the edge. I close my eyes as I fall, and the fall is longer than it should have been. It takes a few seconds before I hit the surface, and I start swimming.
      I turn lucid. I can feel the warm water, but it doesn't really feel right. My legs feels weird. "Hmm... Perhaps I should try to walk on it instead?" I ask myself. The dream starts to fade.

      I can feel my body in bed. "Alright, time to lie still and ignore the spasms" I think, and lie completely still, trying to DEILD. The feeling of my arms and hands being twisted in horrible spasms come a second later. I ignore them. The left side of my neck starts twitching violently. I can't really sleep on my right side, as it usually does this. I figure it's actually doing it for real, so I decide to give up the DEILD.

      I wake up, my mom's there for some reason. "Aw crap mom! I was just having a lucid dream..."

      08.00: Björn's family
      I'm with Björn once again. We're having some kind of store together, and his family is there. I'm not sure what it was all about, but he doesn't really like me seeing his private life. We're walking towards his place, and he's got his daughter in a wagon. The handle is made for two people, and he gives room for me to help him push it. We say some nerdy phrase from an old cartoon or whatever as we go up a small hill. At the door, I tell him that his daughter is sleeping. I know she isn't, but she's pretending to do it. She opens her eyes and tells me she was just pretending.

      We walk in the house. Björn tells her she has to get ready for bed. "Dad, can we pee at the same time?" she asks him in a very adult-like voice. "It's been ages since we did so! Like two days" I wonder how the hell they're going to manage that. I wait in the living room. Suddenly I wonder what I would do if there would be a naked woman bending over in the next room. A very strong image of a naked womanl comes up in my head.
      I wake up with a jolt coming from down below. Luckily it was just being activated, but still amazing!

      9.30: Fragment
      My brother Morgan asks me alot of questions about my computer. What kind it is, how good it is etc. "Is my computer good enough for Call of Duty Black Ops?" he asks me. I tell him it's not.

      11.00: Awesome LARP
      I'm leaning against a wall, waiting for my turn on the LARP game going on to my left. It's a huge pit with different trenches, buildings and hills. A girl to my right is playing with a white mini helicopter. I take a look at what I'm holding. It's my weapons pack, and I open it up. There's a small black mini helicopter in there. I start playing around with it, trying to fly over people's heads. It keeps hitting me in the face, and it's almost impossible to control. I put it away, and grab my weapon. The ongoing game is about to end, and I can see several people in orange and purple clothing. The orange team is winning. A few asians are doing backflips.

      The arena is cleared and it's my group's turn. A gong sounds and I jump the low wall lining the edge. I hit my crotch on it, but luckily it doesn't hurt at all. People scatter everywhere and I head for the nearest trench. The ground consists of dirt and the buildings are made out of wood. Everything's supposed to look like the medieval ages or something earlier. I enter the nearest building. Once inside, I spot another entrance, a table and a candle holder. My pulse is very high, and I can hear my own breathing. I try to relax, and draw my weapon. A matress.

      "What the?" I think as I inspect the piece of matress. I figure it's for diverting attacks, and that I have to kick people to "kill" them. I jump up on a table and sits there for a minute or so. I realise that this is probably the worst place to sit. No one shows up, and so I leave the building. I run along a road, seeing no one. Two purple dressed people appear ahead. I have to think for a while before I realise they're my team mates. I run up to them.

      Everything changes from 1st person to 3rd. We all run along a road, leading up in the mountains. The grass is green and it's not cold at all. The two guys both have horses, and I try to keep up with them. Just as I think they're going to disappear, a few more people appear. We all stop and talk for a while. I get on my mount, and ride ahead. This time I pull out my real weapon. A black, plastic scimitar. A few of the new guys have improved mounts, large fairytale creatures. I guess they have leveled up or something.

      11.00: Fragments
      *Someone comments on me having eleven dreams in one night. "That is insane" they say. Like I'm some kind of legend in real life.

      *I watch myself in 3rd person. I stand on a hill in the sun. Between two huge skyscrapers. My back is more muscular than it should be, and I've got a tan. Also I'm covered in oil. The view changes to 1st person. I notice that I have a pair of black speedos on.

      12.00: Playing ping pong
      I'm about to enter an elevator. Monica tells me she wants to show me what she used to do for her ex. I get in and go to the next floor. She took the stairs. That's it. I get in again, and go to the top floor. There's a few pool tables there, and my friends G and Felix are there. We wait for our turn to play ping pong. Two guys are playing against eachother on two of the pooltables. I wonder why they don't use a real ping pong table. A few minutes pass, and we're just watching them.

      They're done and asks if anyone wants to play. Felix tells them we want to, and they give us their stuff. I spot the original table and net next to a large bookshelf, and I tell them to go get it while I take a piss. I head for the elevator and go down a few floors. I enter my friend Henrik's friend Ted's appartment. There's a white drawer with a TV on it. I open one of the doors, and is about to pee in it. "Wait a second, why don't I just pee at the toilet?" I ask myself. I get ouf of his room, and enter the toilet instead. I start peeing.

      Amount of sleep: 11 hours

      Supplements before bed: 2 x Omega-3, 1 x Lucid Dreamer at WBTB

      That's it! Sweet. Next time I'm going to DEILD. I HAVE to think about doing a RC. This is like the third time I get a FA and I'm sick of not being able to remain conscious. Also the twitching of the neck was on the left side. It's supposed to be on the right, and so it's a new SP sign!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 12-11-2010 at 03:43 PM by 36346

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
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