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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. Lucid #26 at home

      by , 03-28-2012 at 11:49 PM
      Non-Drean/Comments Dream Lucid


      I get up from bed and go to the bathroom. I look at the mirror. I don't wear a shirt and I notice several random hairy spots on my body... "Wtf? I need to shave that!". I turn around and then I notice I have no hair on my belly... I pinch my nose and breathe. Here comes my regural dizziness... I have thought that the fact that I take deep breaths when I do the nose RC, can maybe affect the way I breathe with my waking body and so this causes me to wake up most times... So holding my nose, I take some normal breaths. I sit in the bath tab and close my eyes, because I get too dizzy. After a while I get up and open my eyes. I felt the dream fading. My sight was really dark and I could only see a very small area... I take off my glasses... I didn't even know I had them on, it just felt it would work and it did... I can see clearly now. I look at the mirror again and I look excactly the way I look in real life. I was just curious. I go downstairs. The dream was so clear, I even remember each step I took. I reach the living room. My brother comes in front of me and stares at me and my parents are sitting in the table. I see a meatball on the floor. I look at them and decide to make sure this is a dream, before I try to do something crazy. After RCing again, I raise my hand in a really wizzard-like way, towards the meatball and I levitate it! Then our dog comes to my mothers legs. I now raise both of my hands and I levitate the dog!!! MUAHAHA My parents start laughing. After that I levitate a piece of paper in front of my mother who seems to be really entertained by that. She laughs and asks me how I do it. I smile and the dream fades
      lucid , false awakening
    2. Night 19

      by , 03-28-2012 at 09:14 PM (GeOh's Dream Journal)
      Lucid Dream
      False Awakening

      Night 19

      Yay, I had a great Lucid Dream this morning! I had ND's last night also, but I forgot them , if I remember them later I will update my post.

      I. I had a FA where I got up and got on my computer, strangely it was night time and I did a RC and I realized it was indeed a FA. I was on my PC and I fell through the floor, if anyone has ever played counter-strike, when you are spectating and you can go out of the map, it looked exactly like that. I woke up and I was laying in bed, I am not sure if I was actually awake or still sleeping, I might of been in SP because I could not move and the colors I usually see when I close my eyes were a lot more wild. Then bam, I fell back into the dream where I was at my PC again, and did another RC to confirm that I was indeed dreaming. So far all of my FA's fade once I become lucid, so I was just trying to stabilize my dream, I rubbed my hands together and it worked. I tried to stand up from my chair, but the wheels were not moving and I kind of tripped over it, I thought I was going to wake up as that happened but I didn't! It is dark, it is defiantly night time, and I walk out of my room into the hall where I see one of my cats laying on the ground . As I got closer she got up and ran right into my room, knowing it was a dream I was trying to see if I could talk to her, but she ran right past me and climbed up to the highest shelf in my room (she has never climbed up there in RL). I just ignored it and walked out further into the hall, I was thinking I was just going to explore but I wanted to try summoning again now that I read tutorials on how, it did not work . I tried holding my hand out behind me and tried to picture the person grabbing it, but got nothing, I then tried to picture them in my room and when I walked in I got nothing again. I gave up as I didn't want to spend my entire time trying, so I walked into my parents room where there were 3 women on their bed, they looked like sisters, and 1-2 men. The women all had dark brown/black hair, similar faces, black top/white skirts, and they were all staring at me as I entered the room. I remember the feeling of * maybe I should not be here* but I continued in anyways. The first woman who was sitting/laying on-top of one of the men looked at me and said something like "look at him, he has emotion." while motioning to the man she was sitting on. I look at the man and he is just blankly staring at me like a zombie, I was confused as he had absolute no emotion. I walked to the front of the bed so I would be standing in front of them all, I remember asking them if I could talk with them, but as soon as I did the dream started to fade. As the dream is fading, one of them says "Sure, but remember to try spinning around." and another one said "Well, he is already feeling his surrounding very well." when I look down and my hands are feeling the bed frame. When they said this I was like, oh yeah, lets try to stabilize the dream and started spinning while rubbing my hands together, it worked and the dream became clear again. It became even more vivid than before as I look down at my arms/hands in awe at how real everything is, I even noticed I had goosebumps on my arms. I turn to look at them and one of them turns into a man, and he runs out of the room, and down the stairs. I went after him and when I reached the top of the stairs I noticed 2 cars out the window on the street, I thought about trying to fly, but got distracted at how dark it was down stairs, there were no lights on at all. I decided to try to turn the lights on from where I was, it wasn't working at first but then I did an arm motion upwards and said all the lights would turn on and they actually did! After the lights turned on the 2 cars on the street took off (I don't know what that was all about lol). There was still a dark part of the room I noticed and I tried to send out a magic light from my hands, on the second try a light came out of my hands but it didn't move, it just stayed right in front of me. I tried to get it to move it I did not work. At this point I forgot about the person I was chasing and turned around when I started to notice that the dream was fading again and there was this message I could see in front of my eyes, it was like a transparent grey box with a yellow bar/text. The messages were like random stats of myself, there are only 2 I remember "Dream Stability" and something like "Yesterday's Calories". There were a lot of other ones that I can not remember, but as I was rubbing my hands to try to get the the dream clearer, the Dream Stability panel's bar started going up, and when I would stop it would go down. I was trying to rub my hands faster and faster as the bar was trying to fight its way up, but it was right around here when the dream ended.

      Anyone experience something like that at the end? And do you think that those women were DG's? Those were the first DC's that actually helped me in anyway relating to my lucidity.

      Oh, and another note is that the dream lasted around 19 min. I remember waking up before this dream and looking at the clock and it said 1:00PM, and when I woke up it was 1:19PM.

      Updated 03-28-2012 at 09:34 PM by 53635

      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    3. Flying with Ghosts and a False Awakening

      by , 03-28-2012 at 11:12 AM
      The third lucid dream since starting the journal. Again, I seem to be lucid straight from the beginning. Before going to bed I was thinking I’m going to just lose consciousness just for a while and become conscious in a dream.

      I'm flying trough the sky somewhere where the lowest clouds would be. I'm clearly aware that I'm dreaming. The sky is clear and I can see the ground very well. There are lakes and rivers and hills. I fly over a haunted house and take a closer look. There is a ghost flying around the house. The ghost decides to follow me. I get a little scared because the ghost my catch up with me and I don't know what would happen then. So I turn up and the ghost just passes by.

      I continue up to the sky, wanting to go to space. I seem to approach some kind of a limit and the dream shifts. I'm in the bedroom. I'm still flying, and I try going trough the roof, but cannot.

      I'm in my bed now. It's very realistic, I can feel the blanket and everything. I feel hot. The scene flickers a bit and I see some hallucinations. I, maybe correctly, identify them as hypnagogic hallucinations, but fail to realize that I cannot be awake. I see images floating in the room, pictures of things. There is a grill in the bedroom, and the cover part starts moving, flying in the air and making a sound. I'm getting a little scared, this is not really supposed to happen when I'm awake.

      My wife wakes up and I ask my her if she sees these things. She says that she doesn't. I figure it's going to pass sooner or later, and it's not really dangerous. My phone rings and there is a message on the screen. "My husband left me." It's some relative, and it's actually a conference call with some other relatives listening as well, as she's explaining the situation. My wife is on her phone and she gives me a knowing look. She's talking with the husband.

      I notice it's not really late, not even midnight yet. So I listen for a while.

      I wake up for real and do a reality check this time.

      Updated 03-29-2012 at 08:35 AM by 52410

      Tags: ceiling, flying, ghost
      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    4. The parabolic park

      by , 03-28-2012 at 08:08 AM (Mysterious Mynds)
      Last night, I tried a WILD (3rd day trying them) about 6hours after i went to sleep. As I was laying there I had a false awakening, but I hadn't realised yet, so I took off my mask and did hand RC and noticed I had 6 fingers on one hand, I knew that I was LDing now and was ready to see what was outside my room. I had expected a field, but when I opened my door, the sun shone in and I stepped out into a park.

      I took a few steps out and observed. I had walked out of a toilet building and there was a huge slope directly infront of it, which sloped back up, it kind of reminded me of a parabola. There was no cement anywhere and the whole park was surrounded by a line of trees which I couldn't see past.

      I walked around and noitced a white BMW car parked on the other side of me. I walked over and noticed some DC I had seen before. I opened the door and they stepped out and I asked, "How are you two then? Haven't seen you for awhile"
      They smiled and 'Bryce' said "I'm happy that your dreaming now"
      I tried to summon an apple but couldnt and when I looked back at the car there was a family inside, not noticing us and just looking forward.

      I went to the front of the car and saw that there was a man and a woman, both relatives to me, and in the back seats sat their children. They ignored us and 'Harold' (I gave these names to my DCs) started to climb onto the roof. I wasn't really sure what he was doing but I 'felt' like the family inside the car were calling the police... Sure enough the police came and I ran out past the tree line.

      The setting changed completely, I was now in a suburb which strongly represented one I knew in real life. I ran down the street and turned left into Ada Avenue, which was a dead end, the next street up was also a dead end, which made me realise all the avenues were dead ends. I kept going up the street and got to a lane which I ran up. I began to walk now and tried to stablilize the dream. There was a small tree in the middle of the path that had a very smooth feel but rough appearance. There was fences either side of me and one fence in particular caught my eye as I walked past. I had seen it before! This struck up a lot of excitment because I had seen this fence in another dream. I climbed the fence and saw the house, recognising it instantly. I noticed a large deformed man was sleeping inside and next to him was a BMX bike. I really wanted the bike it looked so cool so I hopped over.

      For some reason the man inside woke up and started to 'creep' outside to me. I knew he was going to kill me so I ran to the front of the house. I tried to open the door but it was locked, and when I turned around he was standing there. I was so scared of what he was going to do that I woke up
    5. 3/25/12

      by , 03-28-2012 at 06:47 AM (Dreamscapes)
      Was at the beach with Leo and Dina. Dina and I were playing soccer and I was way better then her. She was complaining about her birth control.*

      I was at some festival flying on a mount. Everyone was cheering and wondering how I got my mount to the festival. I flew around or a while. Somehow I got my head trapped in a noose by a bad guy and almost hung. I escaped and barley made it out. Leo and I were trying to relax but zombies were everywhere. We ended up in some green field where a guy was spanking his dog preparing it for dog fights. I was getting angry at him and told him I would kill him if he abused the dog*

      Started with me riding in a car with a couple people. They didn't know who I was but were taking me home. I got naked and wrapped myself with a blanket and was telling them prophesies. I got out and said goodbye. Later there was a giant scheme where aliens were gonna take over the world. The aliens had us all group together in a giant room. There were several levels *to the building. I somehow got special powers and was going through the levels killing All of them. At one point I escaped with Dustin to get water and food. We were on our way to my house and I noticed that the clouds were moving extremely fast. I though about how crazy that was told Dustin about it. He agreed. We realized baron was still at the alien place and we had to rush back to get him. I ha some gold hair and could shoot rays of energy out of my hands.*

      A girl goes to visit her family up north a little. She meets them there with a fairly large family for a gathering. They have fun the first night and do family stuff. The parents sleep and the kids play their little games all night. Throwing balls and what not. She goes to bed. Her room has a giant Amy view of the stars and so beautiful as she sleeps. The sun comes up. They are driving to an event and she tells her had that she entered him in some contest and he won. The dad is happy but wants to know how she did it. She doesn't tell but is glad to see her dad happy. Somehow they find out she had to work to get him this award and he gets angry and disappointed. They go to some car dealership and find out she worked on the car and get upset with her. It's like everything she does is wrong. She cries *and runs away to her favorite spot in her old family town. It's a little cliff outlook with a view of the stars. How the stars and the night sky bring her comfort. She cries and cries she can't help it. The family comes looking for her. After a search they find her and bring her home. Not the home at the family town but where she lives now. Just her mom and dad and her go. There is a violin playing sad soft music. The mom and dad walk around at night the dad holding their sleeping daughter and are amazed at the beauty of the sky there. There are northern lights and a sky that is filled with stars. The dad speaks to the wife in an almost echoing tone that is overlapped with his daughters voice. I forgot what beauty there is here. The sky is so beautiful and we would follow the northern lights during summer rides. You know sometimes I get so caught up in human things to remember what we are truly here for. Please *don't let me ever forget. To enjoy such beauty and not to get sucked up like I can. The movie ended and I was with Dustin and Kara. It was the first move Dustin ever saw. I was shocked for some reason at the beauty of this move and I cried and cried and cried. I couldn't stop. There was something about it that hit me. I woke crying. *

      Looked at my plants. An one has a face it. I knew I was dreaming. The people were working on the yards downstairs and I lived with mother an father. I knew I had to wake soon so I did what I could. The first time I jumped off my balcony and ran super speed. That's was super fun. I did that for a little. Then I had a fa. I has to struggle a little I get out of body but after a little I did. I went down and my feet were In the mud. It felt good on my feet and I like fact that I didn't have to clean myself. This time I was gonna fly. I kept falling flat of my face getting mud all over me. I thought it was funny.*
    6. 3/26-27/2012

      by , 03-27-2012 at 09:45 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Challenge Course Level 1

      I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Since it is the middle of the night, I think it is probably a good idea to do a reality check. I plug my nose, and find that I can still breathe. I pinch my nose harder to be sure, but since I can still breathe I realize that I am dreaming.

      I look at myself in the mirror for some reason (I don't exactly remember what the mirror had to do with it) then I go out into the sunroom. It is now daytime, and I think of what I should do. First, I try to summon monsters to fight, but nothing happens. I try this once or twice with no luck, and then walk into the kitchen. I remember the challenge course, and realize that this is a great opportunity to try it. I try to create the first chamber around me, and end up using a technique of walking out of the kitchen into the pantry, but with the idea that the next room will be the first chamber of the course. At the same time, I seem to be a little outside of the dream, because I can imagine my surroundings a bit more freely (at the cost of some vividness of the dream).

      I find myself in the chamber, but already standing on the ledge that is supposed to be high up above me. The chamber is like a large cavern, possibly with water and plants but at least very much like a cave in nature. Across the cave from me on the wall is the door to the next chamber. It it smallish, and square, more like a large window. It is also higher up on the wall than I imagined, and already opened. Around here I either wake up or lose lucidity.

      Boats and Computers

      I am driving somewhere at night. I have to park my car some distance from where I am staying, and walk along a partially wooded path. I start down the path, but then I realize that I could just as easily be driving my car down this dark path. I turn around and head back to the car, just making it as I hear some voices nearby...

      ...Somehow I find myself on a boat, in some marshy area. There are places where there is open water, and I am discussing how the boat is built so that one can use it even in the shallow, overgrown areas. In one area I stop to fish...

      ...Somehow I find myself in a store, and my father is looking at computers. He either wants to buy one, or wants to find a good video game to play. This becomes more involved, but I don't remember all of the details.
    7. 3-27-12, Lucid :)

      by , 03-27-2012 at 05:26 PM
      Going to do this a bit backwards and write the last dream of the night first since it was my lucid and my memory wasn't great last night. I had migraines and trouble sleeping, so I had aleve and benedryl in my system, generally mucking up any chance I had of remembering the stuff from the first part of the night.

      Dream Four: I'm at Walmart with my husband and my daughter. We're looking for that paper for preschoolers with the ABCs printed on it that you trace to learn how to draw your letters. For some reason we're looking in the pharmacy. We keep finding loose single sheets in the bins, and even a book that's been broken and ripped, but we can't find anything new and still in the package. I recall there being some stationary around the Electronics department so I tell my husband we should go back there and look. He grabs my hand and we start walking towards the electronics department. I think he's pulling the buggy with his other hand, then realize I don't hear my daughter and look back to see he's not. I freak out that he left her, and he says he'll go back and get her he's sorry, and to just go ahead and go look for the paper. I agree, and then walk towards electronics. I walk past the toy department and see my son with my mom picking out a toy, but keep walking on a mission. I find the paper, and then my husband and mom both show up with the kids in tow. Then either time skips or I'm missing the events, but the next thing I can remember I'm getting my Daughter out of the car. I'm in a garage, and our car is a black SUV. I set my daughter down and realize somethings off. I don't drive a black SUV, and we don't have a garage. I call out for my husband to get over here quick! He asks what's wrong, and I tell him, "This is a dream! I'm dreaming, or we're dreaming. I'm lucid!" I'm practically jumping with excitement. He shakes his head and just looks totally confused, so I just tell him to watch the kids. For some reason, after my daughter being lost earlier in the dream I just can't stand the idea of walking away from them even though I know they're only dream characters. I run out across the yard and onto the road. I notice that our house isn't even on our road anymore, instead it's about ten minutes away in the fields next to Drum's (a local restaurant). I want to fly, so I try hopping, skipping, and jumping, with no luck. I'm annoyed, but think it's ok, if I can't do one thing, I'll try something else! I think to myself, I'm going to pull a magic wand out of my pocket and then I won't have to worry about things not working, because I'll have magic! But there's nothing in my pockets I get this bright idea that I'm going to go into the house and get my daughter's toy magic wand, that'll work just as well in a dream. I go inside, and into the bedroom. I notice that the room is an exact mirror image of my room in waking life. I find it cool how everything is exactly opposite of usual. Then I feel fuzzy headed and think, "Crap! I'm waking up!" but then when I blink my eyes and "wake up" I realize I'm not in bed, I'm on the floor. I think for a moment that I must have fallen out of bed, but then I realize I can feel carpet on my cheek, and my house has hardwood floors. I'm still dreaming! I get up and the room has made a 3/4 turn shift so everything is the wrong way, but I don't much care, I've already marveled over the room, I just want to go do something cool! I grab the toy magic wand off the bookshelf, then head back outside. My husband is still in the garage with the kids, and I tell him again that I'm dreaming, and he still seems confused. I shrug and go back out to the road. The house is in a different spot again, but I don't pay much attention to it. Instead I decide that my belief in this being a dream is just not strong enough to let me do what I want, so I'm going to prove to myself it's a dream and push it to the extreme. I lay down in the road in front of a Semi. I close my eyes and listen to it getting closer and closer, waiting for it to hit me, but knowing it wouldn't. I look up a few times, and the truck never gets any closer, even though it appears to be moving. I decide to try now to bring something into the dream. Knowing a wand didn't work, I try bringing in Renji from Bleach by visualizing since I had accidentally brought him into my last lucid that way. I figure if I can do it on accident so easily, I shouldn't have any problem doing it on purpose. Fail I get up and go back inside remembering that I was going to get a toy wand earlier. I walk into the room, grab the toy wand off the books shelf, then walk towards the door and start feel fuzzy headed again. CRAP! I wake up, once again on the floor, this time though I know it's another false awakening because I feel for the carpet right away. Unfortunately, I don't have the wand anymore, instead I'm holding one of those Sugar crystal formations on a stick.

      I decide to go with it, the dreams jumping around so much, rather than fight it and wake up frustrated I'll just do what I can with what I'm given. I take my magic rock candy outside, but drop it in the grass as soon as I step off the porch. I shrug, and pick it up telling myself, "This is a dream, there's no dirt on this thing!" then I take a bite, so at least I can be happy that I've tasted food for the first time in a lucid if I wake up without having done anything else. It tasted like grass... then when I told myself over and over that no grass was on it because this is a dream, the grass taste went away and it tasted awesome, just like the real thing I take a moment to look at the road again. This time, instead of being in the middle of a pale green and yellow field with a straight road in front of us, the house is sitting on a hill with the darkest lushest grass I've ever seen, and the road zig zags in front of the house. Sort of like an s curve in the road, only with sharp corners instead of curves. I set off down the road to my left, suddenly thinking I've accomplished something cool, I ate in a lucid, so now I'm going to go looking for K since it's been a long time since I've done that or even seen him for sure in a non lucid. I notice some teenage kids in the road across the street from the house, so I start by asking them if they know K and can take me to him. One kid grins all creepy like the Cheshire cat, and he tells me his older brother knows K and could take me to him, I just have to come inside and wait for his brother to get home. His creepy unnatural smile bugs me, so I refuse saying I'll wait outside. He tells me that if I don't go inside his brother can't take me. I tell him thanks, if his brother changes his mind I'll be up the road, but I'm not stupid enough to go inside. Then I start thinking to myself that maybe I could get my husband to take me to him since hes a dream character too and in previous dreams he's known who K was. Then I decide that it's probably not a good idea, seeing as how K's been my love interest in many a dreams, and just because he was friend with K in one dream, doesn't mean his dream character is going to be happy to take his wife to find another man, lol. So instead I keep walking and thinking. Hm, I read a post about controlling your lucids like a video game, and I carrying my 3DS around with me everywhere, maybe I could use that somehow? I pull it out of my pocket with no problems (In waking life, I always carry it in my bag, it's way too big to fit in my pants pockets. I envy how guys pants have so many big pockets to carry stuff in!) then I open it up, and look for a lucid dream game. No luck. But then I realize if I'm in a dream, maybe I can send a message to K with the swap note app and it'll go to whatever electronic devices his dream self may be carrying. As I walk I open up swap note, but don't recognize anyone on my friends list. Then I realize, no wonder, I'm logged in as my daughters Mii! So, I log off and log in as my Mii (you really can't do that on a 3DS, there's no log ins or log outs, lol) then I scroll on my friends list with this idea of what I think K's Mii might look like. I don't see a Mii with the hair I thought his should have on it, but I do see one with a really odd hairstyle that I've never seen on a Mii before and decide that has to be K because it sticks out so much and is so different from all the others. I've only met K in dreams, and he always sticks out. He doesn't feel empty like other Dream Characters, instead he actually has an energy like feel, like real people in real life do. I start to send a message to that Mii, but I find that there's already a message written to him, and assume it's from a previous dream, maybe when I was non lucid I tried this before. The note tells him where I am, but it's the wrong place, so I'm trying to erase it to write the correct place and I can not get it to erase. I'm surprisingly laid back in my dreams, and when it doesn't work the way I want to, I decide to find a way around it. I'm going to send a message to someone else and ask them to forward it to him. I find a random Mii, a female, and send her a message that I'm looking for K and to please have him get in touch with me. Then My 3DS turns into a phone, and it's ringing. I put it up to my ear and it's the girl I had messaged. I'm still walking down the road and am coming up on a house i lived in about 6 years ago, and the girl starts going off on me. She's telling me that I need to leave K alone, that he's working really hard to take care of his family and he's under a lot of stress right now, the last thing he needs is me expecting him to take care of me too. I'm both hurt and pissed by her statements, and I storm towards (and eventually inside) the house I used to live in while I fuss right back at her. I try to defend myself by saying I understand he has his own things to do, and I don't want him to have to take care of me. I just want to see him, and if he's trying to take care of a family, I'd like to help him. Then I hang up on the girl because she just keeps going on and on, and I get the impression that she's trying to get me out of the picture because she's hung up on him too, lol. I'm inside my old house, and I am walking around inside it looking for K.
      My lucidity is slipping, but I don't notice it, instead I just accept the dream fact that this house is now home to a bunch of squatters with no where else to live. I think that if K is struggling to take care of a family (not sure if this point if we're talking wife and kids family, or brothers and sisters family, lol) that he's likely to be somewhere like this. I walk out the back door, and see some people, but none of them are K so I just wave and keep looking around. I go to the front yard and up the driveway, then I see a black SUV driving up the road. I walk up to the road where the SUV has stopped. A guy with blond hair, but short cut and his face looks failure but is definitely not K, gets out. An older woman walks off the porch and up to the SUV. She starts laying into the guy, telling him he has no right to be here. Somehow K comes up, and I ask if the guys knows him. The woman says she's K's mom, and that the guy is his older brother that she kicked out of the house at the age of 5. I'm shocked she'd do that to her kid, but she starts saying he was always surrounded by women, even pregnant ones, and she was sick of all the hussies around her house. The guy is trying to defend himself saying she's crazy and off her rocker and he did no such thing, she just makes this shit up to justify what a bitch she is. I'm just like, "Wow, age 5?! How is that even possible?!" Then I decide this conversation is none of my business even if they do know K, they're not going to take me to him if they're fighting. I turn around and start walking back down the driveway towards the house hoping I'll find some other clue to K's whereabouts. I notice there are tents going down the driveway, and some people poke their heads out and wave at me. I smile and wave back, but then wake up. I didn't open my eyes and hope to fall back asleep and do a DEILD but I'm too excited about the fact that I was lucid and actually did stuff that I couldn't fall back asleep. I tried getting up and going to the bathroom then laying back down, no luck. I spent about 45 minutes trying to fall back asleep before giving up and coming in here to type all that out, lol.

      Dream Three: I dreamed that I'm watching from third person as a man (whom I understand in the dream to be myself) is shot by another man in the back and killed. Then I spend most of the dream watching as the other man claims that I was trying to kill him so he killed me first. Some people can see my ghost and I tell them what really happened, but then some police see my ghost and try to arrest me. I wonder what it's like for a ghost in jail, because a ghost has no life to end a life sentence, I'd be there for eternity, and I don't like that idea.

      Dream Two: My notes say Skylanders, so I must have dreamed of that game.

      Dream One: My notes say "Another" which is an Anime on Crunchy Roll right now. I just finished it yesterday, and it was REALLY good but since it was Horror and pretty disturbing, I'm glad I didn't remember this dream after resting the whole night, lol. I figured I'd dream of it because it was on my mind a lot and I wanted to re-watch it and see all the little Clues I missed the first time around.

      Updated 03-27-2012 at 07:17 PM by 53224

      non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment , lucid
    8. 03.01.12 (2:00am)

      by , 03-27-2012 at 03:24 AM
      • True Blood Dream
      • 2 FA's about waking up and writing in my DJ
      • A tall, blonde girl has a crush on Noelle. The blonde girl and I are walkign outside a house. We both hear Noelle's voice from outside. She is immediately excited just from hearing Noelle's voice and wants to go inside. When we go inside, she starts trying to flirt with Noelle. I grab Noelle and start kissing her to show the girl that we are together. Noelle, a little embaressed and oblivious to the other girl's attraction, pulls away.
        Later, Noelle and I are in a bedroom together and I tell her that it hurt me when I was kissing her and she pulled away.
      • I awake in a bed, well a mattress on a floor. As I drowsily open my eyes, I see a chicken walking around my room. Unsure of where I am, I start calling first for my Mom, then my sister, then Noelle. Noelle comes in and I ask her why there is a chicken in my room. More chickens start coming in the house as well as cats, and one small rat. I go outside and there are lots of chickens there as well. I am afraid that one will peck me. As soon as I feel this fear, one charges at me, attempting to peck me. I leap in the air and land balancing on top of a pole, ninja style.
      • I am at a bank negotiating a loan. I explain to the banker that my bank is Citibank and is located in California. He takes me to another banker, but suddenly we are in the food court at a mall. His large bank-like desk is located in the middle of the food court. I tell him as well that my bank is located in California. On his desk are many tiny hats made of straw. Each hat has a country or state on it Since I lived in Cali, he tells me I have to wear the Cali hat. He gives me a little hat to wear that has a picture of a palm tree and the California Bear on it. I put on the hat and walk into the mall's food court. I walk up to a table and start talking to the people there, only to realize that I am wearing just a t-shirt and underwear. I realize that I am in a dream, but am not fully lucid. I decide I want to change my clothes and remember some tips from DV on dream control. I walk into the bathroom and take off my clothes. I decide I want to wear a blue halter maxi dress. I reach behind my neck like I am tying material and create the top of my dress. I guide my hands down my body and as I do, little blue particles come emanate from my hand and materialize into a dress.
      • I am following two people up a maze-like series of metal stairs and elevators. I got the sense that there has been some sort of apocalypse or disaster and they are leading me to safety. The pair is dressed in black and grey punk clothes and are both wearing hoods so that I cannot see their faces. They are connected in some way, but I am not sure if it is as brother and sister or as lovers. There are running faster than humanly possible. If I concentrate on them, I can run just as fast as they are with ease; if I look away, I immediately slow down. I look away and start to fall behind and loose them. I ask if they are trying to outrun me. They say no, they are trying to help me. They lead me up a final set of stairs then disappear into a crowd of people. A few minuets later, a large white man approaches me, trying to hit on me and puts his arms around me aggressively. I start pushing him away. Another man, a large black man wearing a cool jacket, tells him to leave me alone. The white guy leaves. I thank the black man and compliment him on his jacket.
      • Something about my sister and pink cupcakes.
      • Matt S and I are in a large thrift store. We are in some kind of Project Runway type challenge. We are given a rack of clothes that we have to deconstruct and use to make a new outfit. We do this for Matt, then realize that we have to make on for me also. We start mine, but realize the group next to us is doing something similar, so change our plans. This cause us to not finish on time. We have to show an audience our outfits next. I don't realize it at the time, but the clothes are constantly changing through the whole dream.
    9. 25/03/2012 - FOUR LD's!

      by , 03-26-2012 at 02:19 PM
      This was a really long and interesting night for me. I went to bed late and quite tired, so I couldn't think of anything related to lucid dreaming, which just made me fall asleep. I only remember now short fragments of my dreams:

      1. Me staying in my classroom. About half of my class was there, along with a brother of an old friend of mine and an old classmate of mine, both of which weren't supposed to be there. The desks were arranged in a weird manner and they seemed to have round edges (while in reality they are just rectangular benches). A classmate of mine was sitting in my seat and he told me that about half the class wanted to go on a specific trip, but I knew that was untrue because most of them felt forced to go, being afraid of the teachers.

      2. I was walking with my girlfriend, and we were going towards some sort of family party (with my family). As we were almost there, my phone rang, and it was my girlfriend. It felt really strange that she was right next to me, and I was also talking on the phone with her (the person near me wasn't actually talking on the phone, so basically I was interacting with some clones or something), and I was wondering whether she was jealous because I talked to this clone of hers at the same time.
      When we got there I saw an older person whom I don't know that was really drunk and he said he was just "enjoying the moment while it lasted". I felt quite embarassed.

      3. The next thing I know I was in some sort of ghetto-ish area. It was very dimly lit, quite dirty, and there was really no one around. It slightly resembled something you can see in a Fallout game. I realised that something was wrong,and that I had no idea how I gotten there, so I told myself I must have been dreaming. I looked at my arm and two of my fingers were flashing (appearing and disappearing). I realised it was a dream, and I knew that the first thing I had to do was calm myself down and stabilize. Still, I had absolutely NO control on it, and my body started flying upwards. As I saw the whole area under me, the lights became really brighter and I woke up (in paralysis, seeing a skeleton sitting on top of me. More on this here.

      After I got out of paralysis, I turned around in my bed and went to sleep again, hoping I would sleep quietly until morning.
      The next thing I know, I'm somewhere in my town, close to a shopping mall and I spontaneously realise that I'm dreaming. I hold my nose and I can easily breathe through it, and once again I know that I HAVE to stabilize and calm down, but my body instantly starts flying upwards. The lights get too bright, I blink repeatedly in my dream and wake up (not paralyzed, this time).

      This exact dream happens again two more times, each time in a different area of my town, and with a different RC in them. In my first one I somewhere in my neighbourhood, and I looked at my hand and saw 6 fingers, so I knew I was dreaming. Instantly, the same thing happened again, I flied upwards and woke up.

      Then, for the third time, I get a very similar dream (in another part of town, close to a school). This time I see my fingers flashing again, I get lucid, start flying,and wake up.

      I really hope I'll be able to control everything better from now on...
    10. Night 16

      by , 03-25-2012 at 09:08 PM (GeOh's Dream Journal)
      Normal Dream
      False Awakening

      Night 16

      I. It is night and I am outside with my brother and this person I do not recognize. We were doing something, it is one of my earlier dreams so it is pretty unclear, but it had something to do with money. I remember this person was trying to scam us, or something along those lines, when we were not going to give him our money. We ended up going into our garage and locking the door behind us, but the locks were faulty and kept coming undone when the person was hitting the door. We go out and confront him and he is mad, and all I remember doing is pushing him and he tripped to the ground, after that the dream fades.

      II. This is another one that I am having a hard time remembering all of the details. I am in the small city part of where I live, and I am at the main intersection at night, but it was like it was part of a movie or something. Looking around everything seemed to be destroyed, like a war has been taking place, and there was a big group of people that I joined which looked like soldiers. All of a sudden I look up at the sky and it was like the sky from Halo, how you can see the entire ring up in the sky. At this point it was really vivid and I almost became lucid because I kept asking myself, "How could this be real?", but before I actually realized it was a dream a huge explosion took place. Everyone started panicking and running everywhere, this caused me to stop the questioning and start running. I found myself entering this bomb shelter like latch, but it actually took me to a sewer, and suddenly two of my friends I knew from school were with me. We go through a gate where there is a zombie that we kill, so now it is actually a zombie pandemic lol, and then we ran into this room we found. It was like a bed room, at first we were looking for supplies, but there were beds there and we just started to chill there, this is when the dream ends.

      III. I am walking with my two brothers and my father down one of my back dirt roads heading back to our house. The road goes through a forest and small river and when we go over the bridge I notice that there is actually a panther in the woods walking towards us, he came right up to us and we didn't want to do anything to make him attack us so we are trying to stay calm for the hope that he leaves. He was first attracted to my brothers snack he was eating, so my brother threw it into the woods and the panther went to eat it. We jogged up the road a little ways away from him, but as soon as he we done eating he ran back to us, he wasn't aggressive in any way so we just stayed calm and were hoping he would just leave. I remember he started licking my hands, he was really nice and friendly but again we were still timid around him, and then we stared walking back to our neighborhood. A school bus actually comes up to us and opens the door, I think the driver was trying to help us, but we were not paying much attention and he drove away lol. We get to our neighborhood when some kids came up to us, we were telling them to leave in case he started attacking us, but they were not leaving. I then remember telling my brother to go get his car so we can lure him away while we are in a car, so we can drive away once he got back into the woods. While we were discussing it, animal control came and then they used some spray that knocked the panther out so they can take it away from here, I asked them not to kill it as I love animals and they said they would not. This is the time that I woke up.

      IV. I had a false awakening where I got up and got on my computer, I did a reality check and realized it was indeed a FA, but the dream faded right after.
      non-lucid , false awakening
    11. 3-24-12 Catching up on the weeks missed sleep!

      by , 03-24-2012 at 06:21 PM
      Dream One: I was in Kid Icarus (bought the game yesterday, and it was awesome enough to leave a good impression in my dreams, lol) Only instead of talking to the goddess Petulena (I could be wrong about that name, my brains still fuzzy) I was walking to a god, who talked like Yoda! lol He was telling me what to do, like teaching me how to fight with my new weapons.

      Dream Two: My husband was offered a promotion, but to get it he'd have to go over seas and install cable in England or something. He was calling me on the phone to tell me this so I could think about it before he got home and we could discuss and decide that night. He needed an answer by the next day for work. I was both excited and upset. I was excited thinking that it'd be nice to have time to myself like when his work sent him to DC for a few months. At the same time though, I know it'll upset my kids and I think I'll probably miss him too. I also think it's really selfish of me to want him to go so I can have time to myself, when it'd probably make him very sad and homesick to go so far away. I think I called my best friend to talk to her about it, but then I woke up.

      Dream Three: I'm supposed to be baby sitting my brother's new pet snake. In real life the snake is only a couple feet long and only and inch or two wide. In this dream, the snake was HUGE, several feet and at least as big around as my wrist. It's head alone as the size of my fist (bad comparison, my hands are small. It was about as big as a bottle of Mio water flavoring, just a bit bigger!) We had built a big cage for it similar to our cat cages out of wood and chicken wire. The Snake however, managed to somehow push the staples out of the chicken wires and was escaping the cage! I was freaking out! But I managed to get the snake back inside by luring it with a mouse or something, then hammered the staples back in and all was well, so we decided to get in the car and visit my brother. He was at some sort of school, and we were going to have lunch with him. Only, when we got to the school, we were late and the class was returning to the classroom. Suddenly it was a Sunday school class and they wanted us to all pray. I pretended, but I'm not really into the praying and god thing, so I mostly just ignored everything. Then we left, and I had to walk through a library to get home. There was a guy sitting in the library leaning back in his chair blocking the way. He said something to me when I wanted to get by, but I can't remember what it was. I just remember thinking he was smug and arrogant, in a bad boys are attractive kind of way, lol. That's all I can remember of that dream, but I think it continued a bit longer.

      Dream Four/Five: These may have been separate dreams, but I'm pretty sure they're the same dream, so this is how I'm labeling them, lol. The dream starts out on a racetrack. It looks like a country drag strip. Not something like over commercialized and on tv, but something that the local community built out of concrete. I'm with a group of people, and there's a guy there that seems special to me. It's the end of the day and a storm is coming, everyone's calling it quits and we're going to find shelter. I tell the guy I'll see him again later, and reluctantly leave. The wind picks up, and I'm being blown back as I walk forwards into the woods. Some girls walk by and tell me to take off my jacket, the wind is catching it and that's what's throwing me back. I feel like these girls are somehow only half real, and like I'm superior to them, like I have some sort of special control of this world. I take my jacket off and hold it in a ball and get into the woods. I pass a small cottage house that looks like a strawberry. It's really old though, like some sort of play house in an abandoned theme park. I think to myself that's one of our houses, and I haven't been here to see these people in years. Another twenty feet there is a house inside a tree, similar to Twilight Sparkles house (or the Bernstein bears house if you've read those books as a kid). I instantly recognize this as the place where we all slept (whoever we all were) and I walk in. I think the place looks abandoned and wonder if anyone will stay here with me, or if I will be alone. I notice a tiny room to the right, maybe ten feet by ten feet with a three foot closet. I walk in and think this is my room. I remember a bunch of girls sleeping in the big room together, but this room was mine. I was special somehow, more powerful. Inside the room, I feel like it's bigger than it used to be. I ask myself out loud, "has this room always been so big?" and a girl walks up behind me. She laughs like I'm being ridiculous and tells me that "he" made it bigger when I left hoping that I'd come back one day. Then she tells me they are so glad I'm here because they really did need my power to help defeat the darkness. Then she goes to the end of the room where there's a window, and starts saying that "Gladis" missed me too. Then I realize there's light coming from the window, and it's dry, when it's actually raining outside. The window isn't a window at all, it's a built in terrarium with a giant snake in it. At least this snake isn't orange and black like my brothers snake, it was just a big boa so it was less scary. AT the same time, I'm thinking the snake is mad at me because I've been gone so long, and I tell the girl not to drag it out, it'll probably be aggressive towards me. The girl tells me I'm being silly, and pulls the snake out anyways. I walk out of the room, scared, and notice a nail on the wall in the big room, beside the door of my room. There are several necklaces hanging on it. I recognize them as tokens of my friendship with some of the other girls from this house. I briefly wonder to myself how a dream can replicate them so well. So I was vaguely aware that I was dreaming, but not enough to control or do anything. Then someone walks up behind me and acts like a snake biting my arm. I jump, but then realize it was a gold statue of some sort she pinched me with. I tell her not to scare me like that, and she laughs good naturally like it's all in fun. Then more girls are showing up. One asks me if I've got a crush on anyone new, typical girl stuff I guess. I find myself lonely at this question though, I think that Vesta should be here (not the goddess, lol. Not sure how to describe him, but this Vesta is a panther that can take human form I've seen in dreams, but before I met him in dreams I "felt" him like a ghost or something. I really can't explain without sounding crazy, ha ha!) I wonder if he'll be here, apparently in the dream I knew that the person who built this place, who made the special room for me, was him. I walk into the room and touch the walls, feeling soothing but lonely energy from them (like when you listen to a slow song when your lonely, it makes you feel better, even while it makes you feel lonelier) This is where I either woke up for real, or had a false awakening. The only thing I can remember is being in the Camaro with my husband and kids. I'm hearing a mans voice talking about reckless drivers, maybe on the radio, and My husband is driving recklessly. I fuss at my husband and he keeps driving like and idiot telling me he's driving fine! Then he almost hits a building! I'm like, "C! Your going to run into that building!!!" and he stops just in time then says, "Huh, this is my brothers shop. Lets stop in and say hi!" I tell him I just want to go to the hotel so I can go to sleep, he can come back after we get the kids to bed. He shrugs and says ok, then turns around and the hotel is behind us right beside the shop. We go into our room, and it's really ritzy. I find myself blown away by all the mirrors and crystal and glass in the room. I really want to go back to sleep so I can return to the tree house and see Vesta because it's been so long since I've seen him. My kids go to a little room in our suit to go to bed on their own (this never happens, they always have to have us in the room before they go to sleep, lol) and I think before I go to bed I'm going to put on some pretty smelling lotion so that when I see Vesta I'll smell pretty for him. My husband says he's going to leave to see his brother, and I can't get rid of him fast enough! I look out the window and notice it's getting dark as he's leaving. Then I see some coplayers dressed as Celty from Durarara!! and I jump up to run out the door my husband just left. I step out onto the side walk and scream, "CELTY!" the girls all stop and walk back to me and I'm wanting to get a picture, but I realize I don't have my camera and there's another girl who jumps up and starts interviewing the girls before I can even ask. I'm frustrated, and turn to walk back to the room so I can just go to sleep already and see Vesta, but then I freaking wake up for real, lol.
      non-lucid , false awakening
    12. 23/03/2012 - really good experience!

      by , 03-24-2012 at 01:03 PM
      I went to bed kind of late last night, after more than a few hours of gaming, do I think it affected my sleep quite a bit. I had planned a WBTB attempt so I set up an alarm clock for 5:30 AM but when it rang and I woke up I couldn't remember a thing. I got out of bed, got a drink of water and went back to try WILDing.

      It didn't quite work out, as I couldn't focus and switch off at all, so I decided I would just get my last 2 hours of sleep normally. When I managed to fall asleep I started a long chain of dreams.

      Firstly, I was at my old school with a couple of my friends. We were on the football field, but doing math homework for some unknown reason. A few minutes into this, I saw a few people that looked like junkies approach one of my friends. I pulled him out of the Nyah just as they lunged for him, then started running away.

      My dream then changed. I found myself visiting a friend. We talked a bit about games and about the math homework from earlier, but now I realize that the inside of his house looked just like my girlfriend's apartment, not like his house. His mother called him for a few minutes, and I thought it was time to leave by now so I went to the door too. When I got out I reached his courtyard (which, actually, looked just like my courtyard) and saw the garage door open . There were about 10 tall, fat men with large beards and moustaches, working on a strange metal machinery. I also saw a few of my friends there, and greeted them but it was all too strange so I left that place.

      Then my dream changed again. I was in my high school's grounds, wearing only my underwear, and running towards the exit. Then I noticed that no one was looking at me, which was strange, so I thought that this might be a dream. I decided to do a reality check. I looked at my hand and one of my fingers was only half the size of the others. This made me become lucid, but I was too excited and I forgot about stabilizing my dream or trying to control it. Lucidity felt really good, and it was like all of my senses had evolved and it was all brighter, more vivid, more realistic. I then told myself "Screw this! It's a dream, I can fly!" and I started running towards the sports field and then I jumped. I started flying upwards very quickly, and saw the whole city née beneath my eyes. This gave me a phenomenal sense of freedom, and a physical sensation that I have never experienced before. It was simply AMAZING! Unfortunately, it only lasted 2-3 seconds, after which I had a false awakening. I didn't RC so I couldn't know it was another dream, but I was really excited that I managed to get a LD and that it felt so good. I woke up for real quickly after.
    13. Bleeding Effect

      by , 03-23-2012 at 05:40 PM (DC's Dream Journal)
      I had a really scary FA, where I was really awake, and I could see things! I'm in a room that isnt my own (i didnt notice until later) this ghoulish figure was moaning and leaned over like a slouch. His eyes glowing slightly greenish yellow.. He kinda looked like my brother. Anyway the First time i noticed him i told him to go away, he did - then he'd keep coming back... I could barely say "go away" I managed to get my leg out of my bed to kick him. My foot hit the wall and i hurt my foot - that was when the dream was replaced by my real room..

      Getting shivers just writing this! Was this some sort of hallucination?
    14. Learning to Fly!

      by , 03-23-2012 at 12:10 PM
      WILD Attempt: I had woken up around 2 if I remember correctly, and decided it was a good time to try a WILD. After about 3 minutes, my body was thrown under a big tingling sensation. My eyelids turned purple, and I saw a man walking towards me. I was scared, so I stopped not wanting to get old hag syndrome, but decided to keep going. It was too late, and he disappeared. I tried again. I was thrown under the same sensation, but it stopped shortly after, and sometime later fell asleep.

      I was in my room, at my computer chair. I knew I was dreaming but I wasn't lucid. I said to myself, "If I were to do a reality check now, it would work and I would become lucid." I didn't. Sometime later, either a false awakening or I was warped, I was in my school. I was near my locker when I became fully lucid. I was excited, this kind of vividness hasn't happened in about two months. I immediately wanted to fly. I was in the hallway with a bunch of other students, it must of been passing time. To my biggest fear, I was losing the dream shortly after it began! I panicked. I sat down in the hall instantly and tried observing myself as well as I could. I tried to shout something like "Keep lucidity!" But I choked and nothing came out. I observed the people around me. I'm pretty sure the person looking at me was Haven. I managed to maintain. I was still in the dream, and I was no longer losing it.

      I now wanted to achieve my goal, which was to fly. I went to the end of the hall way, all of the students had gone by now except a few who were watching me. I jumped. I was amazed. I didn't fly, but I jumped really high and came down much slower than gravity would allow me to I kept trying it, trying different flying techniques but I just couldn't get them to work. All I would do was jump in the air fairly high, but that was it. I managed to find a tall building (no longer at my school now, just roaming around) and jumped to the top of it (there were convenient ledges) I more so walked off than jumped. I was falling, slower than normal but still fast enough to fatally injure me. The dream became third person. I smacked the ground and bounced back up about 6 feet. I walked away It wasn't long after that when I woke up.
    15. 3-22-12, Sooooooooo close to lucids

      by , 03-22-2012 at 06:07 PM
      Dream One: I'm in Walmart shopping the clearance racks. I'm so happy because I find a really cute velvet feeling dress for my daughter with Mickey Mouse on it, for a dollar! I'm thinking this is too good to be true, look at the tag again carefully and it's $5, but that's still crazy cheap so I toss it in my cart. My daughter is so happy! Then she sees a Mickey Mouse Bikini and wants it, but it's way to big for her and the only one they have left so I have to tell her no. Then I think to myself while I'm shopping clearance, I need to look for some tights in a size 5 for her to wear in the winter next year since winter stuff should be priced to move right now. I grab a couple pairs and I am so happy with my haul! Then I wake up... at the house I lived in 5 years ago! I don't notice anything is off though, so I go to the bathroom, then on my way back to bed my husband's in the hall and I start to tell him about the dream I just woke up from where I bought our daughter all this stuff. Half way into the story, I realize wait... this is the wrong house! I'm STILL dreaming! I get excited because I'm lucid! My husband tells me to come back to bed, and I decide since I'm lucid I'm going to fly down the hall since I really would like to try flying. I starts o jump into the air, but I find that I can't move at all. It's like my entire body is shut down and I can't move. I freak out a bit, and try to wake myself up. I wake up, thinking everything's ok I'm going to give it another shot at going to sleep and getting lucid. I open my eyes and briefly note that I'm laying in the hallway on the floor. I think I must have slept walked or something to be laying in the same spot I was standing in the dream. Then my daughter wakes me up and I realize it had all been false awakenings! Guess I need to start doing those reality checks when I wake up!

      Dream Two: I'm in a run down mountain like town. I briefly think it's Shelby (where the Hunger Games was filmed) because I'm thinking I'm supposed to meet a friend who I know that lives there. But really the area looks more like the mountains, like somewhere near Ap or in WV like where some of my family lives. I'm walking down some stairs, pass a building that seems to be a single room school house. There's a package in the door way of the school, I check, but it's not for me. I'm hungry so I go inside this little cafe to the right. It's really fancy inside, I ask for a menu, and it's all expensive food and apparently it's all hunger games themed food so it seems really simple and not filling. Definitely not worth what they're charging. I take a to go menu and leave to look for a Mcdonalds. There's really nothing much in this place, and I recall my friends boyfriend telling me they filmed Hunger Games there because it was such a dreary depressing place. I turn around and walk back the way I came. I go back up the stairs and look out over the town from the more elevated path. Nothing. I'm pretty bored, and hungry. I decide to try walking the street again to see if I might have missed a good place to eat. I reach the bottom of the stairs and see a house door open. There's a woman standing there with someone that has a face that looks like it's made of tree bark and a BIG nose with something bushy and green on the end. The woman is saying, "It looks like your turning into an Ent! Mommy loves Ents, but they're not very cute are they?" I think this is really odd and try to shake off the feeling that something's not right here by walking past the school house again. The package is different. Whats going on?! My son wakes me up, lol. I think I was close to getting lucid again, but I'll never know now! ha ha

      Dream Three: My son is wanting to take my husband and I downstairs to play Mario. I follow him, and think to myself wow, I didn't realize the basement looked like this! Then he's showing us how this Mario game is like virtual reality, and he has portals all over the basement where we can actually jump into levels. My husband tries to jump into one, but it doesn't let him through. My son says that's the Halloween level, we can only go in on Halloween! I'm really blown away by this basement, and think to myself why are we worrying about finishing off the basement when it's already so freaking nice? Lets just move in now! Then I realize that my kids are already living in one room of the basement in a futon style bunk bed. I explore a bit and find stairs that lead to a sub basement, and then I find two preschool classrooms and for some reason just assume they're for church or something and wonder why we're letting them hold Sunday school in the basement. Man, my dream self was dense last night! I find some of my Grandma's family sitting in one of the sub basements. I walk in, they all say hey, but they're in a heated discussion about something and mostly ignore my presence after that. I listen in, and hear the words lucid dreaming. I jump excitedly and say, "Hey! I know about lucid dreaming!" One of my great aunts asks me, "Oh really? can you tell us more about it? I saw this picture on Facebook about it, and I'm really curious but none of us really knows what it is. Is it some sort of drug trip or something?" I tell her it's not a drug trip or anything, it's just when you fall asleep, you realize your dreaming and you can control what's going on in the dream! Then I say I've been reading about it every day for the last month, and have actually managed to get lucid three times! My other great aunt says, "Oh really? Now I'm interested throw me a bone here. What can you do when your lucid?" and leans forwards. I look at her, and for a moment I'm confused, that great aunt died a couple years ago. Then I just shrug it off and think to myself she's not dead yet, but we know she is dieing from cancer. -_- I tell her about my first lucid since I had really good control, and the other two are pretty disappointing in terms of control. Then the first great aunt says, "Well, all this is just too complicated for me, lets talk about something else." I feel a bit dejected because I think she's pretty much dismissing me as well. I walk back into my son's room, and notice a clear plastic bag that says "Skylanders" on it. I pick it up, and apparently it's the 3DS version of the game. The package is empty, but I see the portal on the night stand and know we didn't lose it. Then I realize I can just take all the advertising and cardboard out of the bag, and it's just a clear bag that says Skylanders, it would make the perfect carrying case for all his little figurines. I tear out the card board and start to carry it to the trash, but on my way I notice my daughter has a bottle of water and she knocks it over on the carpet. next to where my mom is sitting on the floor. I shout to mom to watch out, she's about to get wet! Then I'm upset because the water is making such a big mess and I can't believe that little bottle had so much water in it! Then my daughter wakes me up again.
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