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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. 1/6/11 Project Sanctuary...?

      by , 01-06-2011 at 05:06 PM
      Project Sanctuary...? (Non-lucid)


      Now this one was weird. It was basically a False Awakening. I was laying in bed and I decide to try the whole Project Sanctuary thing. (To sum it up in a sentence, it's trying to have vivid, dream-like visualization while you're awake.) Two times I get kinda close trying to pull a scene together, but my head kinda vibrates and snaps me out of it. The third time I succeed, though, and I am in a forest with a big truck or SUV. This was a pretty hazy dream overall, I kinda hovered around the area as the truck moved around, then I floated higher in the air. I thought of going into space and closed my eyes, but when I opened them I woke up.

      Now... do I count this as lucid? I was aware that whatever I experienced wasn't real, but I was convinced this was because I was visualizing in waking life, not because I was dreaming. It's kind of a weird one...
      false awakening
    2. D'ni and The Dukes

      by , 01-06-2011 at 05:04 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Finally! New content!

      I am playing Myst Uru. At the same time, it is real life. It begins to rain in the Cavern (from here on out I will write as though everyone knows what I'm talking about, even though they probably don't). Apparently, it has rained in the cavern on previous occasions, but this is a hard rain. More like a storm. And it continues for quite a while. Suddenly, a Bahro swoops down out of the sky and attacks two fellow explorers. They are killed. Then, while the rest of us continue to contemplate this, the Bahro return and kill three more exlporers. Everyone goes into a panic! I run towards the Hall of Kings, hoping to hide in the shelter. I know this is a little futile, but it is better than being out in the open.

      Other explorers had been chatting, even when the first Bahro attack happened, but now they too begin to realize that something different is happening. By this time, I make it to a flea market someone has set up outside the entrance to the Hall of Kings (obviously not there in real life, another one of my dreamsigns). I decide to try and hide among the clutter. All the while, the rainstorm continues.

      The Dukes

      I am with my family at Lake Erie. My father and brother take our 14 ft aluminum boat out, even though there seems to be a storm (maybe this is part of the above dream). My mother and I go out on a small inflatable raft not much bigger. As she starts the outboard motor we have fixed to this raft, I look back at my father and brother, a little worried. The waves are really big. Then our own motor revs up, and we are zipping along top speed through the storm.

      We come to a cove, full of dead trees and debris. I warn my mother to slow up a bit, but she doesn't want to. Then we go over a large tree, and come down on the other side with a noticeable crash. We keep going a bit longer, but I can feel the air leaving our raft. We have been punctured.

      Mom steers us to shore, and gets out. However, before I can get out the raft sinks. All of this occurs within seconds, before I have a chance to put on my life jacket. Fortunately, I am somehow able to climb from the bottom of the lake up to the shore.

      Standing on the shore, I see two people chasing after us. It is Boss Hogg and Roscoe P. Coltrane. I now find that I am one of the Dukes of Hazzard (I used to dream this all the time. I don't know why). Bo, Luke, and I run up the shore, until we cross into Canada. Boss and Roscoe catch up, but I warn them not to come any farther.

      "Not unless you can extradite us," I say.
      "Roscoe, arrest them anyway!" Boss orders. "They don't need to be extradited from Canada!"
      "You'd better not," I warn, "Unless you want to be in a lot of trouble."

      Boss Hogg seems to fall for the bluff, but Bo and Luke and I decide we had better seek asylum from the "Governor". We walk to the governor's office from where we are, to find that the governor is none other that Huey Hogg, Boss Hogg's nephew. We speak to him through a small window, and explain our case.

      "Suppose you started out in another country," I say. "In, to be exact Hazzard County. That's in - wait a minute, what state is that in. Hmm, Wyoming? No, it has to border Canada."
      "Hazzard County's in [Wisconsin?]" says Huey, "and don't you forget it!" (I don't know why I couldn't remember Hazzard County is supposed to be in Georgia)

      The dream gets a little off track here. Bo and Luke and I have to wait outside a while in folding chairs, and then Bo and Luke go into a warehouse to check on some illegal activity while I act as lookout. As I'm sitting there, I see a "Journey Cloth" (from Uru) on the wall of the warehouse in front of me. Even in this dream, the Journey Cloth seems so wildly out of place that I blink and rub my eyes. Then I get up closer to it, finding out that it is in actuality only a metal cover to something.

      I sit back down, and look at a television. The Dukes of Hazzard are on. Not only that, but the episode playing happens to be the one I am living out right now. The episode seems to be a condensed version of the "real" thing, so I see the ending on TV before it happens. I suddenly realize what I am supposed to be doing.

      At that moment, Boss Hogg and Roscoe show up. I have a vague impression that it is a little odd that I should be here with these people at all, but shrug it off. Then Boss and Roscoe disappear, and it's night. I know that Bo and Luke will get into trouble in the warehouse and I am supposed to rescue them. I try to run, but obviously that doesn't work. I walk down to the warehouse and see a dark van show up. A few hoodlums get out and enter the warehouse. It is some smuggling racket run either by Boss or Huey. I enter the warehouse behind them, knowing I have to warn some people inside. I am forgetting who at this point, other than Bo and/or Luke. I see some guy who winks and gives me a thumbs up. Thinking this must be a signal, I say "we've gotta warn Bo and Luke and get out of here!". He nods, and says he will.

      Talking about my dream (lucid, sort of)

      I "wake up" from the Dukes dream, and decide to post my dream journal on Dreamviews. While I'm typing, I question reality and discover I am dreaming. I have a hard time holding onto this, though. I try various things to anchor myself, but it doesn't help too much.

      New Job

      I get a new job, working for a rotund and rather gruff man. He is not exactly mean, but when he gives me a vague job to do and says to have it done by tomorrow I get a little nervous. The job involved copying text from greeting cards, but I don't know how or what to copy the text to.

      On the positive side, my job seems to involve working with a beautiful nude model. I don't have any idea why, but I have her pose while I take a photograph. Then, working together, we use a computer to copy text from the greeting card onto the scene she was poing in front of. Then we put her picture in front of the text.

      We realize that we can't see the text now. I make a text box on her torso (now it is partly on the computer and partly in real life). The text box is too small. I try to resize it by hand. Now it is big enough, but it covers too much of the model. I reposition it a little so it only covers her stomach area. Then I accidentally do something, and it resizes the model. Now she is really skinny and out of proportion. Fortunately it is not too hard to reset this.

      Now one greeting card is finished. I still have a whole stack to do "by 3:00 tomorrow afternoon". Well, at least I know how to do them now.
    3. 1/6/2010 - Rather Large Update

      by , 01-06-2011 at 11:08 AM
      My internet at my house has been out for a couple days, as people weren't around to pay their bills. Therefore, this is going to be a pretty long update - 5 updates since the last time I updated!

      12/26/2010 - First Person Shooter and Real Time Strategy

      I was on a space station. I entered a large room and picked up a couple weapons (one of them was a gun like the ripper in Unreal Tournament). I entered a large chamber that was open to space. I recall looking up and seeing a number of stars and the planet that the space station was rotating around. I saw a large creature that was channeling what I can only assume was the power to destroy our galaxy. Needless to say, I engaged it.

      Since we were open to space, there was little gravity, so I was able to flip around all of the elevated floating platforms in the area. I began flipping about, him remaining stationary while shooting beams of energy while I was firing my Ripper. Sadly, they were ineffective. I switched to another weapon to continue shooting him, but there was a tingling sensation as his channeling began to become powerful. I could feel the hairs on my arms begin to stand on end.

      I landed on a platform high up, and spherical orbs of light inside a ring began to converge on the center of the platform. I knew it was too late. The disks circled the platform..the orbs shot out and then converged. There was an ear-deafening boom...and the galaxy was gone. I woke up.

      12/28/2010 - Helping a Brother

      I returned home again, and sadly my dream recall suffered, as I was sleeping on my house couch again.

      I remembered that Eric had asked me a few nights before to wake him up and make sure that he went to the airport to pick up his girlfriend. I assisted him in waking up and helped him get all of his stuff together. I then woke up, realizing that this was a false awakening.

      1/2/2011 - Dream Fragments - Free-running and Lightsaber Duel

      I had two dream fragments this night. I know that in my 3rd dream of the night, there was a lightsaber duel, but I can't recall specifics. I also recall that I was free-running around an Arabic city in my 4th dream.

      1/4/2011 - Zombies (again)

      I was traveling through an abandoned city with James, Lane, Shane, and I. Lane was wielding double pistols. I was carrying something tech related, but I didn't actually have weapons (bad call, I know). James was decked out in odd vagabond clothes and double Uzis. Shane had a shotgun and a metal bat.

      We fought our way to a safe room that was in a room high up in an apartment complex. It looked like a hotel room, however. There was a device outside the room that apparently controlled the heat exhaust for the entire building. I was concerned with the level of energy that the building was putting off, and realized that if I were to change the settings, we could conserve energy - but make ourselves more visible to zombies (apparently they have heat vision in this dream). The setting I picked helped us save energy. However, a zombie ran up the fire escape to confront us. I ran inside.

      I slammed the door behind me with the zombie's upper torso and arm stuck in the doorway. I shouted at Shane to come over, who readies his bat and bashed the zombie's head in when I opened the door. Lane and James then ran out of the room upstairs in order to apparently take care of more zombies. Shane shotgunned the zombie's lower jaw off.

      I changed the setting on the device, and once I had changed it James and Lane returned. Lane was bloody and said that he had been bitten. I saw his inventory with 17 bullets in his double pistols. We yelled at my brother to make sure that he wasn't bitten either. Lane hands me his pistols and takes off his arm guard. I wake up to a text message.

      1/5/2011 - Australia

      My dream started with an intricate flyover of the white, sandy beaches of Australia. We (myself and I'm not sure who else) were having a good time on the beach. We talked about all of the animals there and I recall looking down in the water and vividly seeing an eel that I walked across in order to not get shocked. I wanted to take pictures, but I forgot my camera back with my family. I was really devastated. I started to call my mother in order to ask where the camera was when I woke up.

      I stood up and glanced around. I then made my way to my computer tower to look for my camera. I realized that it didn't make much sense for me to look for the camera and I did a reality check, but it was just me sleep walking.

      Tonight I'm going to try to record three dreams and attempt to wake up enough to WILD during that third dream cycle. We'll have to see how it goes. This next weekend is going to be stressful, as I'm going to be doing conferences and retreats, so I might not write in my journal for a couple days!
    4. The Warrior

      by , 01-06-2011 at 04:36 AM (Visions of the night)

      Last night I had this intense experience.. This time I noted it inside of my phone.. I was tired last night and went to bed.. quiet night and I fell asleep.. for some reason I woke up.. or so I thought I did.. don't know but opened my eyes to see someone over me as if ready to lunge towards me.. what I saw was a warrior over me.. I saw he was sleeveless and had a worn leather like breast plate on.. His hair was over his face since he was looking down and had a sword on one hand I felt the cold dark air felt warm .. I immediately started screaming and kicking.. I look again and see it was gone.. so here I am sitting up waving my arms in bed.. I had texted my bf and fell back to sleep.. so he shows me the text he got when he came in.. it said
      " I just work up screaning.. weird".

      Same exact spelling .. I was trying to say " i just woke up screaming but that is what I texted to him..lol..

      Weird dream..

      A warrior
    5. Dreaming in dreams

      , 01-06-2011 at 02:23 AM
      I suppose I better start this now, since I can't remember most dreams after a day (Surprised I could remember this one after 2), and this one was rather interesting.
      Also note that this was as closely accurate as I can remember

      I appeared in the mall, or more accurately put, a mall. From what I remember, I walked around, then ran into two guys. One stuck out in particular, the other really just followed him around. For whatever reason, we just stuck around each other. I just continued doing what I had done at the beginning, walking around the mall, only having the two boy around.

      Then we walk through a large, sliding glass door, which leads to a peaceful landscape: a pond, numerous tiny hills that looked about 8 feet high, and each hill had the exact same tree on the top of it, all aligned straightly. I walk up about 10 feet away from the pond shore, when the 'leader' of the two boys I met earlier starts getting angry. He starts shouting something that I couldn't quite make out. His structure grew largely, until he towered an extra two feet higher than normal. This was scary, considering this boy had been about 6 feet tall already. But as he grew taller, the other boy got shorter and fatter, and a pair of smooth sun glasses appeared on his face. He then started to back off.

      The larger boy now had a large knife, and grabbed me. He made very large cuts down my upper arms, and other places I can't quite remember. I remember the pain being unbearable. And suddenly, I woke up.

      This could've been another great opportunity for me to realize my dreaming state, because my basement room was filled with lots of natural lighting. I suppose the reason I didn't notice is that things were MUCH more detailed than earlier, balancing the unnatural with the normal. I was determined I must have been dreaming, but when I looked at my arms, the two cuts were still there. I started freaking out, wondering how my mom would react. I continued to get out of bed, opened my room door, then ran up the stairs. This is when I woke up for real.

      Looking back on the dream, I remember the "original" dream to be very detailed in everything but the two boys. I distinctly remember the tall one to be wearing red, but other than that, I could never really interpret a real face, except the sunglasses scene I suppose.
      I think the sunglasses could've been relating to something with a drawing I drew earlier (I'll post later).
    6. Gaming theme

      by , 01-05-2011 at 04:08 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Got another lucid last night, but it was so short! I lost my lucidity and the dream continued on. Could have been a very cool one though. Anyways, the "2011 Dream Recall Challenge" has really spurred my recall it seems. I know it's because I've been sleeping so much, but it makes me more motivated.

      03.30: Sleep

      08.00: LAN
      I'm at a large LAN party. My friends are at their computers and there are a few more guys there. We're all about to play some game like Civilization but two of the computers have frozen. I take a look at one of them. "Can't you just tab out?" I ask. Obviously it's just the screen that has frozen. "No, it's a virus" one of them tells me. I sigh and tell everyone to start the game. "Alright, the challenge is to build a penis shaped village" I say and laugh. No one seems to find this weird at all... They all start building the tip of the thing on a mountain with buildings that are all shadows. I spot someone doing it wrong. "No! You need to make it more round, and don't build across like that" I instruct.

      08.00: Fragment
      *I'm running around in a town similar to those of Assassins Creed. I see my character in third person and I'm being chased. More than ten people show up and I try to escape them by dodging to the left and right. They are too many though and they soon catch me. They beat the living shit out of me with sticks while I stand up and I fall down all limp and bloody.

      08.00-08.30: WBTB

      9.30: Counter strike MILD
      I'm with my friend Eric. We're playing Counter Strike and it's in first person mode. We buy all our weapons and our team takes the elevator down a level. We take the other one but we go up instead of down. I realise I'm dreaming. I stop the elevator and tell Eric we're not going up. I push the button to go down again. "Don't do anything, the elevator is tricky in dreams" I tell him as I hope the elevator won't get stuck. It feels smaller and I touch all the walls with my hands to stabilize. The elevator isn't going fast but after a while we reach the first floor again and we get out. I look around and spot a dark door and try to open it.

      I lose my lucidity. We break down the door and end up in a huge, dusky warehouse. There's old stuff lying around everywhere and I tell Eric he needs to equip his gun. I give him a bag with an MP5 in it. He won't take it. "Fuck's sake! Take the damn gun!" I tell him angrily and shove it into his arms. I give him two clips of ammo aswell. My brother Martin and two of his friends are in that warehouse I see. They start shooting at us with BB guns. Eric starts shooting back and I keep close. We walk through the place.

      I throw a pair of protective eye wear to him. I run away from the battle to a table. I need to fill my clips with bullets and gas. I spot my friend Henrik next to me. "If you shoot me I'll fucking punch you in the face" I tell him. He tells me he won't as he's shooting Eric instead. Everyone laughs as Eric goes down. "We are using sour cream as a propellant" Henrik tells me.

      10.45: FA
      I wake up and look at my clock. "14.15" It's almost dark outside. "Oh shit... I'm exhausted and it's already this late..." I think.

      10.45: Blind date dinner
      I'm at my friend G's house. Eric is there and he's preparing food for our date with two girls. I'm supposed to be a wingman or something I guess. The grill looks awesome, on it are two skewers filled with juicy meat and vegetables. One is already lying on a plate on the table. I grab a fork and knife and cuts a piece.

      "It's a bit too rare for me" I say as it's almost red in the middle. Eric hands me a small cracker with roe on it. I eat it and comment on how unmanly it is. He hands me another small dish, it's cucumber with some kind of dressing on top. They both taste nice though.

      The dream skips. I'm sitting at the table now with G's sister infront of me, and Eric on my side. We're waiting for the girls to arrive. Two girls show up all of a sudden. "I guess I should introduce myself" I say and start to rise. "That's not them, those are Sandra's friends" Eric tells me. I sit back down.

      "What if they are too hot? I've already got a girlfriend, that might suck" I think for myself. Two girls enter the front door and from where I am, they look to be very hot. One's got a white dress with a nice cleavage. I start eating food. Before they sit down I have almost finished my plate. I've got my headphones on one ear and Eric tells me to greet the girls. I look up and to my relief, they are not good looking at all. One of them even has a baby on her hip. I barely say hi.

      12.15: Bastard
      I'm in a car with my dad. It seems as if we're driving Monica's car. The small red car is having some engine problems it seems as it splutters and shakes. The car dies and we get out. The house we stopped at was apparently one we had to do something in. We enter the house without taking our shoes off, a crazy woman greets us. She hands my dad half a bun and takes a bite off another one, which she hands me. My mom starts complaining about how disgusting it is to wear shoes indoors. I get out of the house and sit down at a swing. Some black haired boy is there and apparently there's something wrong with him. He's a bastard and my brother. I feel guilty for some reason. We talk some, but I can't remember about what.

      13.30: Porno
      I'm walking down the road outside of my appartment. Monica's with me and her friend Emo. I start talking about some porno I want to remember. Apparently I know the names of all the different porn actors and I name them all. Monica seems to recognise the names and tells me what kind of movie it is. I leave my computer headphones in the snow next to the road and Emo unlocks her bike. She hadn't really locked it, just put a metal bar through the tires.

      13.30: Wtf
      I'm sitting at my computer and Monica's in the shower. I can hear someone moaning and I realise it's coming from the shower. I walk to the door and sneak a peak through the crack. I can see Monica behind the curtains and she's touching herself. I walk back to the computer and I notice she's been on a forum. "Weird dildo's" the topic says. I scroll down and spot a fleshy one with tentacles sticking out in all directions. A superman dildo is just below it. "Uhm okay" is all I manage to say.

      13.30: Fragment
      *I'm squeezing two pimples. They are very deep ones.

      13.30: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 9½ hours

      Supplements before bed: 200 ml applejuice, 2 x Omega-3

      That's it! MILD is working great for me atm. I've had intentions of becoming lucid and lucidity I achieved! I might try to get up earlier tomorrow to rebound my REM for friday morning, last "dream day" of my vacation. Will use galantamine to try to induce a lucid then.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 01-05-2011 at 05:44 PM by 36346

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
    7. In which I succeed at changing the environment and fail at other dream powers.

      by , 01-05-2011 at 07:50 AM (The Lab Notebook)
      Non-lucid, 'Video-game-controller mode' [see side notes], Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      My dad and I are on a bicycle ride together. I've just checked out a thick paperback book from the library, and it's in the rack on the back of my bicycle.

      I'm outside a movie theater in Florida, with my mom. Directly across from the entrance to the theater is a small kiosk where you can get drinks in plastic cups. She and I get some drinks from it for the whole family.

      False awakening in my current real room. I hear the sounds of people shouting something about a surfer dude, and decide to follow the shouting out to the creek, but decide not to wake my parents. As I'm walking out of the house, I see that there's a bunch of writing in thick, black letters on the back wall of the dining room, as well as several papers with more writing on them taped to that wall.

      I'm entering an upstairs apartment. My uncle is there.

      I'm walking past a junior high school. I see a large group of kids in PE uniforms setting off on a run around the perimeter of the school.

      I continue walking, and my route takes me along the street in my old neighborhood that goes around the edge of the park. I'm going in the direction of House #2. I turn around and see a tiny, cartoon kid with a BB gun standing behind me on the sidewalk. I'm a little worried that he's going to shoot me with the BB gun, but in the end, I ignore him and continue walking.

      I reach House #2. In the garage, floating vertically in midair, is a menu of choices, like on a DVD. They say something like 'imaginary ideal' and 'reality'
      [I think; I don't really remember.] I select the former first, and find myself standing in my bedroom at House #2. The room is arranged the way it was in reality, but everything in it is completely white. [I really wouldn't call that design choice 'ideal.' However, when I lived there in reality, almost everything in that room really was white, and I was pretty happy living there.] I return to the menu, and this time, I select 'reality.' After making this selection, I find myself back in the same bedroom. It's still arranged the way it was in reality, only now the bed has a green bedspread with flowers, kind of like the one I have right now in reality [which I bought when we moved to House #3], except that the pattern is bigger and bolder.

      I look out the window of my room and see a wide view of rolling grassland, with a lot of people walking around all over the place. There's only sunlight shining on one small, roughly circular section of the scene, though; the rest is in shadow. I speak aloud to the scene, saying something to the effect of, “It should be sunny all over the whole scene!” The sunlight spreads to cover the whole scene.

      The scene shifts without my noticing it. The window of my room is now a doorway that opens onto a scene of an arctic landscape, with a wide, shallow pool of water in it.
      [An aside: After all those times I complained last month about the lack of snow in my dreamworld, I finally had a dream with snow in it, and not only did I completely fail to remember that I was supposed to make a snowball and hit somebody with it, but that Task of the Month is over now, anyway! Argh.] I walk out into the scene. From the far side of the pool, I step into the water, trying to walk on it, but I quickly give up the attempt because I get scared away by an orca and a walrus approaching me through the water. I walk back out. I then get the impression that they weren't really threatening me, after all. I go back toward the house. My mom is standing outside the doorway, and I tell her she can watch me do this if she wants to. I start walking back toward the pool of water again, concentrating on continuing to walk forward, straight into the pool, while believing that the surface of it will be just as solid to me as the ground is. It doesn't work; I end up standing ankle-deep in the shallow water again. [That's all I remember.]

      Side notes:
      I'm really not sure for how much of the above sequence of events I was actually asleep and dreaming, and for how much of it I was awake and actively using my regular old imagination. I felt like I was doing the latter for at least part of it, hence the green text, which I always use to indicate a sort of half-awake, half-dream state where I know that I'm using my imagination like a video-game controller to control what happens. The division between green and purple text (indicating a lucid dream) is mostly an arbitrary guess. Then again, I was definitely aware that I was dreaming by the end, so it's entirely possible that I really was dreaming the entire time, and that's what dream control feels like. If so, that's really cool! I really advanced a lot in the area of dream control last night. I will have to experiment with this further.

      I'm mildly annoyed, but not at all surprised, to discover that verbal commands work really well to control my dreams. As much as I love Inception and would love to be able to alter the dreamscape just by thinking about what I want to happen, that idea is relatively new to me. I've been a Star Trek fan for years, so it's not surprising that the older and better-entrenched idea that one can change one's surrounding environment by giving verbal commands, like they do when using the holodeck on Star Trek: TNG and later series, would take precedence over the newer idea that one can change one's surrounding environment just by thinking about it. Now that I know what works for me, though, I guess I'll go along with it.
    8. Missed lucids

      by , 01-04-2011 at 04:45 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Had the same strong intentions of becoming lucid last night as I did yesterday, and it kinda worked. I rememeber waking up and I had the memory of having a nice lucid, but not a single memory of the dream itself! I was kinda mad at myself for forgetting as I usually have good recall. Anyways, the rest is below.

      01.45: Bedtime

      08.05: Fragment
      *I'm sucking on a few Omega-3 pills. They are sweet.

      08.05-09.00: WBTB

      10.45: DEILD
      I'm lying in a bed. My friend Eric's on the bed next to me and we're talking about work. "I refuse to let our friendship come between work, this career is too important for me" I say and I'm crying for some reason. He notices it and smiles at me mockingly, like I'm a child or something. I get up and walk towards a few computers. My friend Henrik is sitting at one and he's playing WoW. I am about to go to my computer when I notice that the character is moving on its own.

      I realise I'm dreaming but I start to feel my body instantly. I end up in SP and I can feel my arms twitching and spasming. I relax and try to enter the dream again. I can hear newspapers flapping and the wind is picking up. "I am wearing earplugs, that's just the SP" I tell myself. I open my eyes in a very bright room. I'm on the matress on the floor next to the computers. I try to sit up but it's so hard work! I relax as I do a situp in slowmotion. "Need to stabilize the dream" I think and put my hand up to my face.

      I realise my real eyes are open and I'm lying down in my real bed. My hand isn't really there, it's on the side. "Damn!" I think and don't realise it's just a very realistic FA.

      10.45: Playing tag at the supermarket
      I'm at the local supermarket with my brother Martin. We're playing tag or something similar and I've just lost him by running around like crazy. I intend to fool him and I pick up my cellphone. "If I turn on a ringtone and place it on the toilet, he'll be fooled" I think as I bring up the song I want. I put the phone on the toilet and leave the door open just a little bit and run away quickly before he shows up. Martin shows up after a few isles and he tackles me. "You're it!" he tells me and runs away.

      I realise I've got no shirt on and my work helmet is on my head. People all around are watching and I kinda feel guilty as I don't act responsible at all. Apparently I'm an employee. I spot my friend G. He's smoking a cigarette and seems to enjoy it alot. Some other people are also smoking next to him and I realise there are alot of people coming from somewhere. Some guy is handing out bags with supplies to the newcommers.

      10.45: White dog
      I'm standing on a porch overlooking a backyard. My family is there with me and we're all watching their dogs run around and play. I don't recognise one of the dogs, a white husky-looking one. It growls at me and I back away. They continue on playing and I ask my dad about the dog. "Oh, we're just watching it for some neighbours" he tells me. The dog growls at me once again. My family goes out on the grass and leaves me with the white demon dog. It starts going towards me, growling. I can see its fur trembling, kinda like a cat's. "Hey dad! Tie this dog up will you?" I tell him. He takes the dog and ties it to a grey plastic seat.

      10.45: It's a trap!
      I'm some kind of detective and I've got a partner. We enter a very old looking house. I take the stairs down to the room below. I enter a room and it's filled with strange gadgets, small pictures and old stuff. I pick up a picture and look at it. Suddenly I get a creepy feeling, the house is way too quiet. "Oh shit, it's a trap!" I think and run out of the room and up the stairs. A young girl is standing in the hallway and asks me what's wrong. I don't buy it and throw her to the side. A woman comes out of a room just as I run past it and tells me I shouldn't leave. I run as fast as I can towards the porch door. I slam the door open and throw myself over the edge. I fall in the dark for a while.

      10.45: Aunt and uncle
      I'm at some relative gathering. My uncle and my aunt is there. I greet my aunt, she kisses me on the cheek then looks at me in a weird way. "You need to shave" she tells me. I touch my chin and tell her I will soon. Monica tells me she wants to go home and I ask her if she's had anything to eat. "No... I'm not sure I'll like it" she tells me. I take a look at the food offered. It's some kind of sausage stew with pasta. She takes a plate and pours some on the plate with a plastic dishwashing brush.

      12.15: Flying
      I'm in a barn with some other guy. We're looking at a small propeller plane. I read the instructions. "If the propellers stop working, you can do this to keep the plane going" it says and I can see a picture of a man making the plane fly with bicycle paddles. We go in the plane and fly around over the woods. The dream skips. I'm standing next to a lake now. The plane is gone but who needs a plane when you can fly yourself! I fly around the lake a couple of times before I go down on the water and skate on it for a while. The person I'm with wants to learn aswell. I grab him/her and try to fly. I've got a safety belt holding us together, but it makes it all harder. We manage to fly a little bit.

      14.00: WoW
      I'm playing World of Warcraft. There's a huge fight and I'm playing my warrior. It's going very well for my team and I'm charging all over the place. My friend Jonas shows up all of a sudden. I enter the game and we talk as we're dueling. "So, how are you?" I ask him and kick him in the stomach. He grunts in pain as he explains how his stomach had a hole in it, and that he started burning from the inside. I kick him in the solar plexus and he can't breathe. We fight for a while longer, I land one more kick on his neck.

      14.00: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 11 hours

      Supplements before bed: 200 ml applejuice, 2 x Omega-3, same at WBTB

      That's it! I am so frustrated! I must have been lucid while flying around, I clearly remember the feeling of lucidity and freedom. I almost always realise I'm dreaming when I am flying, but I don't have much recall of that dream as I didn't wake up at 12.15 to write it down. Anyways, a successful DEILD is always something!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
    9. I walked through a wall while lucid! Woohoo! (Night of December 21-22)

      by , 01-04-2011 at 07:32 AM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      [This is a catch-up post. This dream is from the night of December 21-22, 2010.]

      I'm at a ticket booth in a train station, trying to buy a round-trip train ticket from home to L.A., where I plan to spend the day. The train ticket costs $35 and change; when I receive my ticket, it's a plastic card with my picture on it.

      I'm at a desk at a music studio, explaining that I'm there because I want to record a demo. The lady at the desk doesn't want to accept a demo from me, until I mention that it's for a contest. She takes out the CD she has of demos for the contest, puts it in her computer to see how much space is left, and sees that there's enough space on it for one more song: six minutes. She tells me I'm lucky, because I'll be the last person to enter a song in the contest.

      I'm standing outside some building
      [the music studio? I'm not sure; I get the impression this may have been a different scene], near the side door, waiting to get in to do something. I realize I'm dreaming and turn away from the door, looking at the other buildings on the street around it. Again, the scene looks just as sharp and vivid as reality. I hesitate for a moment, deciding whether to go along with the dream plot or go off and do my own thing. I choose the latter and take off, flying away. All it takes is an act of thought and willpower and a very slight push off the ground with my legs and feet. I have no problem taking off, but I immediately find myself being pushed backward again, unable to fly forward. Then I realize that it's only the wind pushing me in a particular direction, and if I let it carry me instead of trying to fight it, I'll have an easier time of flying. So I let the wind push me along, and it is, indeed, much easier.

      I'm flying over a town. I remark aloud, “And, of course, it's another beautiful, perfect, sunny day here in the dreamverse!” I'm complaining again about the lack of snow.

      While flying, I happen to pass over the backyard of a gray building that might be an older apartment building, and I spot two duplicates of myself there. I land in the backyard to get a closer look, but I don't want them to see me, so I try to will myself to be invisible to them. I can't tell whether or not it works.

      I wake up in my bed. I'm a little disappointed to be waking up so soon from a lucid dream. I can clearly see a single eyelash moving back and forth in front of one of my eyes as I open and close them. I'm lying on my right side. Looking across the room from this position, I can see my closet. I think, I can't see the closet when I'm lying on my right side in bed in the room I have now. This is my room in House #1. I'm still dreaming! This is just a false awakening!

      So I walk out into the living room of House #1. I look around to see if there's anyone else around, but there isn't; I'm all alone in the house. Since there's no one around to see me do it, I decide to try to walk through a wall. The wall I choose this time is the one directly to the right of the front door (as I'm facing the front door from inside the house). This wall separates the living room from the kitchen.
      [This is exactly how that house is laid out in reality, too.] I say to myself, “I'm going to walk through this wall,” and start walking through it. It's not completely solid to me, but I do feel a slight resistance at first. I continue pressing forward, and feel something hard, but thin (like a very thin sheet of balsa wood) break under the pressure my body is exerting. I continue walking, and end up on the other side of the wall, standing in the kitchen. Looking back, I see that on this side, the section of wall I've just walked through is blank except for a couple of metal panels with doors in them, like the kind that cover circuit-breaker boxes. [In the real-life House #1, there are kitchen counters and cabinets attached to that section of wall. Go figure.] Said metal panels are on a flap of drywall that is now sticking out from the wall at an angle, like a door. My passage through the wall has left a big, rough-edged rectangular hole in the drywall, the same height as I am. I can see the inside of the wall, and how thick it is, because the hole goes all the way through. This wasn't what I had been expecting to happen, but nonetheless, I say aloud, “Hell yeah! I did it! I just walked through a wall!” I'm pretty proud of myself. [Actually, that does make sense. I've had enough experience helping to build houses and doing home improvement projects in real life that I have a very detailed and complete schema for what the inside of a wall is like. I'm not surprised that when I said, “I want to walk through a wall!”, my mind answered, “okay, but you know that means breaking a hole in the drywall.” Interestingly, though, there were no studs to be seen in the dream.]

      After that, I go out onto the street that House #1 is on. I climb up on top of a car that is parked on the street in front of my house, just because I can do so with almost no effort (unlike in reality,) but I don't start flying again. I just climb down the other side and walk along the streets of my neighborhood, which are also laid out just like they are in reality. The dream starts to fade, but I focus my vision and attention on the environment around me, and successfully bring it back into focus. Then, off in the distance, I see several tall, scary-looking metal structures rising up above the houses. They're as tall and narrow as construction cranes, but they aren't construction cranes. I'm frightened, so I run off and hide in a nearby public restroom.

      [At this point, the dream transitioned from a lucid dream to a long, elaborate non-lucid dream that I don't remember much of now, so I'll summarize:] I'm watching a sci-fi story unfold from third-person perspective, like watching a movie. In it, people are punished for using long words. My dad is one of the people being punished.

      When I woke up, I discovered that I actually had managed to fall asleep while lying on my right side in reality, corresponding to my position in my false awakening. I also realized: It's my dream. I don't have to be scared of anything I see in a dream - I can make it go away, by ignoring it, if nothing else. I can also transition to new scenes at will, and could find some snow that way. I just need to learn that these things are true.

      Side notes:

      I had this dream the night after I had had a small, private celebration of lucid dreaming, as I'd announced in this thread. I was so proud of myself that I'd not only had a lucid dream that night, but had accomplished one of my lucid goals in it!

      Updated 01-04-2011 at 07:36 AM by 37356 (revising a paragraph)

      memorable , side notes , lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    10. 10/22/10

      by , 01-03-2011 at 11:32 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)

      1- Conspiracy
      I am walking around the karate place, which seems to have been expanded into a store. For some reason, headphones are blaring Within Temptation songs into my ears. I think it's rude to wear headphones in public, so I'm trying to figure out why I'm doing so. Suddenly a man taps me on the shoulders. I take the headphones off, but I still hear the music (I have it playing in real life.) I struggle to hear his question.

      "Can you show me where the flats are?" he asks. As if I work here... and what the heck are flats?

      I look to the front desk, where Anna (the receptionist/secretary) is standing. Pointing to her, I say, "Anna would know better than I would." He walks off.

      I see my Papa leading my brother into a long hallway with many doors. Curious, I secretly follow them. They stop in a room at the end of the hallway, but I can't get close enough to see without being noticed.

      When I leave the hallway, I am now in my house. I find a hole in the wall that allows me to see into the room where my brother is. He is in a room with a bunch of sickly old men, all of whom are sleeping in recliners. Weird...

      *lapse in memory, but I get knocked out somehow*

      "Waking up" in my bed, I am determined to find out what is going on. I had overheard Papa telling my brother something rather disturbing, but it hadn't made sense. Apparently I had been attacked... but I'm having problems recollecting the situation.

      I leave my room and ask my mom what's going on. She is evasive. My brother gives me a look and says, "I'll tell you later."

      My mom suddenly gets angry and says,"There is nothing secret in this house!"

      But there is. A winged bringer of death has been going around killing people, and I KNOW that it involves that secret hallway somehow.

      There is a cut scene of my dream father getting attacked by this thing. I fear he is dead, but when I reach him, he spits up water and sits up. Alive. We find out that the death-bringer is someone that we had trusted, who had clearly betrayed us.

      This man begins attacking us. Realizing I'm dreaming, I tell my dad to run. I can handle this.

      He is easy enough to fight, especially using my awesome karate moves. Maybe this will help me get better in real life... But he calls reinforcements: several zombies, a goat demon, and some other creatures. I run inside and use the screen door as both a shield and a weapon, ramming it into the zombies and then kicking them down the porch steps. After I beat the final zombie off the porch, the goat demon exclaims, "You killed her!"

      "Uh, she's a zombie."

      He breaks into the house, so I run out, taking my chances with the other creatures. I fight them for a few minutes, but then a strange man wearing a backpack says he's going to open his pack, revealing "the truth." One of my allies tells me to run, so I take the advice. I don't get very far, however, before I feel someone grab ahold of my back. "Let go!" I shout. Then I realize The Truth. No longer am I running; instead, I'm GROWING out of the strange man's back, and I suddenly have spider-like legs coming out of my body.

      I let out a bloodcurdling scream (even though I know I'm dreaming)
      and I end up having another false awakening.

      This time I'm in a hospital, and the strange backpack man is standing over me with a video camera. "How would you like to be in my new reality show?" he asks me playfully.

      I scowl at him. "I'd hate it. Almost as much as I hate you."

      "Now, now, I'm sure you don't mean that." I hear a threat in his words. If I don't do what he says, I'll be growing out of his back again... The thought is not pleasant.

      "Fine! What do you want me to do?"

      He makes a fool out of me, telling me to do all sorts of stupid and random things, like making silly faces at the camera. I am furious, but I have no choice but to comply.
    11. Nightmares and fake awakenings

      by , 01-02-2011 at 09:32 AM
      Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Im not sure in which order I saw these, but I think they went something like this:

      1. I had a FA. I walked out of my room, but then it turned into a nightmare (like my FAs allways do). And like allways it was about my parent/s trying to kill me. This time I was given two ways to die, other one was cooking me (how pleasant). Fortunatly I allways get lucid in FAs, but unfortunatly my dream control is pretty near 0. Im not sure what happened next, but I remember hiding in darkness/smoke that suddenly filled the room.

      2. I think this was the part where I had about 5-7 FAs in a row (frustrating) before i woke up.

      3. I were in my school, but the teachers were unfamiliar (someone explained that it was another school that looked like ours). We watched a film that was about some sailors going on an island (at least I think it was an island) where some men had been murdered in the forest, but the people living in a village didnt know about it because the governant didnt want anyone to know about it. But the sailors heard about it from the kids in the village and thats all I can recall (movie plot worth an Oscar). I felt really tired, so I tried to sleep all the time.

      4. I was going to store with a scooter, but for some reason I started going back home before I reach the store. I come to a street where i think my home is (it isnt) and at the end of the road there is an replica of my grandparents house and yard. I accidently fall on top of my grandparents dog and two (dead)cats and they start chasing me (that "dead" means that the cats are dead in real life).I close myself into a closet and realise im dreaming. I try to teleport somewhere else and kinda succeed, but instead of getting somewhere else my dream changes and I lose lucidity.

      5.I saw an sloth chasing a grasshopper in somekind of white box (like universe would be nothing but flat, white floor as far as eye can see) then they both fell out of the box and then it changed to some kind of game where you had to activate "soul totems". Soon after that I woke up.
    12. Dec 31

      by , 12-31-2010 at 04:58 PM (Doctor's Dreams)
      Starting Fires, Fighting Madoff

      This dream starts with a false awakening. I woke up and I was on a dark colored, probably black, boxy couch. I looked around and I was in a very modern looking room. The color scheme was black and dark browns. There were panels that it looked like people dressed behind but the panels were hiding other couches. I saw on of my friends, Nikki, being followed around by two other girls. They were all laughing and looking at something attached to her foot. There was a chain attached to her black skinny jean and that chain was dragging behind it a metal match box looking thing. Every step she took it made sparks fly from the floor that it scratched. I asked her about it but I got little answer. Apparently this thing was new for everyone. Other people came out from behind the panels tried it on and danced and skipped with it. One guy ran and then did a sliding tackle, causing sparks to fly up like a dragon tail behind him. Nikki put it back on and started going around with it. She walked too close to one of the many couches and it lit aflame. Fortunately there were several fire extinguishers all around the place. Soon this became sport: setting things aflame then blowing it out. Some how this transitioned to several people, including myself, sitting in stations to blow out the flames where ever people started them up. At some point, it became apparent that we were in a war with a famous talk show host that had committed many crimes, including money laundering. My mind had instantly named him, Bernie Madoff. My ex, Olivia, put it on, caught something on fire and then we couldn't get it out. Me and my cousin, george, escaped and he gave me a small automatic rifle with a voice command grenade launcher. We headed down the hill and some zombie slaves of Madoff came towards us. I was able to shoot them in the head. We came next to a tree and I climbed it. George taught me how to use the grenade launcher. There was a switch on the nuzzle that would either turn the safety on or the grenade launcher, depending on which way you pushed, and once fired, you had to yell explode for it to go off. As a test I shot one right to the bottom of the tree I was at, where my cousin and Olivia were at and I yelled "Explode". I thought about what I was doing but it hit me right after I yelled so I jumped down right into the explosion. Lucky, there was no friendly fire in this dream so everyone was still alive. I then peppered the field of on coming zombies and then yelled explode. It was good.
    13. WHERE'S YOUR HEAD AT?: 30/ 12/ 2010/-15th Lucid

      by , 12-30-2010 at 03:15 PM (Adventures of a 21st Century Dreamer)
      Where's your head at?- (youtube.com/watch?v=8md51JnCNFQ)

      Had a wbtb this morning, which felt different from the others. Sleep paralysis came and went, but the hallucinations were odd. It was like my body was a puppet, being moved around by an amateur puppeteer. This messed with my transition routine, because it led to me opening my eyes prematurely and seeing my body lying there motionless.

      I tried again, this time I was a little bit more patient. when the puppeteer moved my body and raised my right hand( like I was in class or something), I focussed. I imagined walking from one end of my room to the other, paying attention to tactile sensations in particular. I felt my couch, or imagined what that felt like. Then I was on my bed again, I knew this was a false awakening. I reality checked, using the nose pinch and it worked. I was now lucid. I remembered my current goal, to ask my subconscious something and get a verbal response. I rubbed my hands and calmed down, being aware of everything but not focussing on one thing. this works best for me, suddenly things were vivid.

      I did a little dance/jumped around. I looked to my right and my laptop was mounted to the wall, no keyboard just the screen. There was a desk, with an old desk-top computer and my phone on it (there's no desk or desk-top in my room). I didn't know what to ask, so I asked my subconscious to play a song. The screen on the desk-top switched to you-tube, there was only one song on the list "The instrumental, by Lupe fiasco". I didn't click on it, I wanted to see if it would play by itself. Suddenly my laptop shows a video of the guy from scrubs, playing with a guitar. I turn back to the desk-top and try to type in something into the search box, but the keys turn into a calender with pictures. I give up, and turn away from the desk-top...then out of nowhere through unseen speakers....

      AT,WHERE'S YOUR HEAD AT?.......starts playing. I drop to the floor with uncontrolled laughter while singing along. someone turns the volume down, and a video starts playing on the laptop. Its of two guys on motorcycles somewhere, but they seem to be looking at me. I look out my window, its a sunny day and I feel like driving. (yes plane-airman..wanted to drive instead of fly)

      I look back at the laptop "can you give me a Bugatti Veyron?" I ask. One of the guys in the video answers " yes, I can.......but not right now". I start laughing again, that's cool. Something tells me the dream is about to end, as if on cue my dad and sister burst into my room making a lot of noise. I'm smiling "welcome to my dream", I say as the dream fades and I wake up.


      well, I guess the subconscious can talk to you. On to the next goal, to ask for him/it? to tell me each time I'm dreaming..'(hopefully he wont refuse)

      Wbtb seems to be working for me every-time I set a genuine intention to try it, I have had 15 lucids and so far its : Dilds-4, Wbtb-11...once I increase my awareness hopefully I can become lucid almost each night not just each morning...like some people on here

      Updated 12-30-2010 at 04:25 PM by 40241

      lucid , false awakening , memorable , side notes
    14. 2/6 Tue: Many Hazy Dreams and Two Short Lucids

      by , 12-29-2010 at 09:42 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      0537: Prepare for sleep with games. Dreams get wiped.

      The Beach at Night
      Method WILD
      Lucidity D
      Vividness C
      Control C
      0618: I visualize a sunny beach, but instead I find myself on a beach in the very dark of night. Nonetheless, there are many people around, laying as if to sunbathe. I am laying down as if sleeping. A girl walks up to me and greets me. She extends her hand to help me stand up. She has short black hair. I can barely make out her other features in the darkness. She leads me down the beach toward the water. We hop over a man laying on his back.

      We get near the water and I notice the water and sand. The sand isn't smooth. It's clumpy, like a stampede of horses just trampled through. The attention to detail improves my lucidity a bit. I turn to look at the girl and realize how pretty she is. I pull her in close and kiss her. Then I say confidently and excited: "Let's go in the water!" Now I lead her by the hand a few steps into the water. Then I say, "No wait, let's go ON the water!" I start running on the water's surface, pulling her along. She's a bit scared but also excited. I feel the wind on my face as we go faster and faster. I say "We can go anywhere we want. And we can go as fast as we want!"

      We are zooming along the water, parallel to the coastline. We are approaching a city in the distance. A collection of twinkling lights and buildings barely visible in the darkness. I jump off the water and soar into the city, landing on a street surrounded by tall buildings. I look around. The girl is gone. Whoops. End.

      0729: Person talking about dreams. In body. Other person gets trapped in dream. ... we are OK.

      Work and Games
      0757: Menial tasks at work. Patching and doing regression tests. Playing the game. Zombies in a dark room. Playing another game. Humans sieging an elven city. They reach the queen's chamber and challenge her army to a final battle.

      Game with Trippy Time
      Method DILD (absurdity)
      0815: Playing a FPS game with Hugh. He takes the lead and I follow. We are walking down a hilly city street. We reach an intersection and I look left. I see a bunch of enemies. We all turn to shoot. I only have a pistol. I fire fire shots at a guy at point blank range. But the world seems to freeze. Then it unfreezes and the five shots all go at once.

      Then suddenly I seem to be on an acid trip. I see swirling colors and symbols of drugs and poison.
      I notice this is all so strange and become lucid. Then immediately a false awakening. It's dark and I'm in my own room. I'm confused and disoriented. End.

      One last dream in here but I didn't write down. It was long. Babysitting for some rich family. Then going to a bar near a beach. Tornado warning coming in from the water. Helicopters somehow fly over the tornado and weaken it. Order drinks at the bar. See the pretty young girl I was supposed to be babysitting. She's been following me.

      Updated 12-29-2010 at 09:46 PM by 35793

      false awakening , dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid
    15. Dream about waking up

      by , 12-29-2010 at 09:14 PM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      This was quite an interesting experience. I remember waking up and having difficulty recalling what was I dreaming about. Though remember writing down one or two words. One of them had something to do with soldiers of warriors. Then I went to sleep for a little longer in hope to be able to get back to the dream and being able to remember more later. When I woke up, the page in my notebook was plain, with no words written. I must have been dreaming about it then. Strange.
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