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    1. Yay.

      by , 08-27-2018 at 09:46 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Backstory: I ordered a dybbuk box from ebay, and also some free holy oil from a church that claims to have a bible that leaks the oil by itself. I am now only waiting the oil in the mail. Also day after I messaged Jamie for real after several years. Still haven't gotten any response.


      I was in a giant antique looking store. There big sections, and I walked through a few until I realized it was a musical instrument shop. I immediately went to the keyboard section. I walked up to a funny looking soundboard from a keyboard and somehow pulled the keyboard to me and it almost crushed me. It seemed to be a piano with a retractable keyboard....

      Dream skips to outside and Jamie is with me, but can't remember if she was in the shop with me. She was starting to tell me she played keyboard or currently plays it... something like that. I say something about what I like to play on the keyboard. She responds to what I am saying but her words get jumbled up. I ask her to repeat what she said. She starts again but she can't speak properly. I am realizing she is having one of those dreams where you have trouble speaking like I used to get. Then she vanishes as if she had woken up. I wake up soon after.

      Inside a house.

      As I'm drifting off I briefly enter a dream where Jamie is walking past me, we are in a living room with dark lighting.


      First I'm standing in a house. The dream had been going on for quite some time but I can't recall the details. I'm in front of a couch where Jamie is sitting and she is smiling at me. My dad is next to her and has his arm around her... I'm thinking why would she allow such a thing to happen? I conclude she is perhaps unaware of what is happening and has her attention solely focused on me.

      Dream speeds up. I'm alone in the basement living room now and a dybbuk box opens by itself on the floor and a black and white picture of a boy standing in front of a house flies out of the box and onto a wall. Then a ghost boy emerges from the wall.

      I fall into sleep paralysis right away and can feel a dark presence. I can't move anything right then but I'm not worried and I know how to get out of it. I focus on the dark presence trying to enter into me by spinning the vibrations faster and again I see the picture against the wall of the boy. I am unsure of what I am trying to accomplish here so I begin praying to Jesus to get me out of this state. For a few seconds I can't seem to move any limbs but then I break free and wake up


      Dream of getting the oil that I ordered for free. Instead of being in a vial, which is what I expected. It was in a large Jar. I pondered what to use it for. People said it heals the sick cancer even. Some said it had even restored marriages, relationships and friendships. I suddenly had an idea of what to use it for.

      Oil again

      Dream I came home and my aunt had a package for me. It was the oil. She asked what it was for. I explained it to her and then I woke up
      The only other dream i had was sex related and it was very intense.

      Updated 10-17-2018 at 03:16 AM by 6012

      nightmare , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment , side notes , lucid
    2. Three heavy dreams

      by , 08-27-2018 at 02:21 PM
      A dying land...

      I was going to check out a place but first I needed to go there by car and then switch to a cable railway. But on the way I was being chased by a dog. It tried to bite me, I told the car to go faster even thought it went a bit slow when going over the hills. The landscape looked like it was dead, all the plants, grass and trees all looked brown and boring. No leaves no nothing. I tried to push away the dog and told the car to go even faster and so it did. But soon there was a cat as well... and soon more animals to follow. When I came to the cable railway I met another person who told me that it was almost near impossible to go to another isle. I didn't listen and went anyway. Soon the cable railway was supposed to go into a tunnel but it was blocked with mud underneath a tree. I tried to dig my way in there but soon the animals would appear and I panicked. I closed my eyes and was hoping I would wake up.

      Unpopular foster kid

      I was in a foster home with my sisters. There were other children as well. One of them mention an amusment park which of course my little sister wanted to go to as soon as she heard about it. Before checking my wallet I told her that we could go, she was really excited but I noticed that we didn't have enough money for us both. So half way there I turned back and asked for money but no one wanted to lend me so I entered the toilet. I was in there for quite some time before going out. When I walked out from the foster home I noticed it had gotten dark and I was no longer in need of sunglasses. On my way back to the other children, they came one by one and told me that I was way to late and it was my fault that they never got to the amusment park. My little sister cried and told me she hated me and she even refused to talk to me. She disappeared into the mists.

      Famous Woman Killed

      I was walking on a beach when people caught my attention. They were looking at the birds, holding there wings and trying to make them run away from. The ocean instead. I kept on walking and soon I found a ring. It was really pretty with blue stones on it. I put the ring in a blue high heeled shoe. Then I found a pink, green and so on rings and shoes that I did the same with. I soon realized that it was a crime scene. I found out that the woman was blonde because of the hair samples on the weapon and basically everywhere. There were also shoes and clothes of a man laying in the sand.
      I figured that the woman and the man had a drink of wine because of the bottle laying in the sand. They had a quite romantic evening because of all the candles. It went wrong somewhere when the man, probably drunk, went all insane and killed her. But when I told my theory for the policeman he started to yell at me and threw the wineglass on me. Scared, I walked away and went to the victim’s house. She was a very famous woman and film director. She had made at least 30 movies were all women were strong and independent. She was truly loved by many women but hated by men. I searched through her house and found bees. I ran outside with the bees in a box and left them outside. Then I just ran away.

      Updated 08-27-2018 at 02:25 PM by 95361 (Fixed spelling errors)

      non-lucid , nightmare
    3. The Shadow Court

      by , 08-27-2018 at 12:56 PM
      The Shadow Court

      I was walking in something that seemed like an abandoned graveyard in the middle of a forest. I felt drawn to an old looking house with many small windows. When I came closer to it, I noticed big shadow figures looking like a weird combination of many different animals. They seemed to talk to either other before they turned to look at me. I was being led to the door of the house. Before I opened the door I saw a note that was from Baekhyun, but I didn't have the time to read it since the shadows wanted me to go in. Inside they all showed me something really scary on the wall. They couldn't talk but instead they made a shadowplay. I remember that I glanced over to the windows and wanted to go outside but I was forced to be there since I was accused for something but I'm not sure for what reason.

      Note: Baekhyun is a Kpop star, he is an EXO member.

      Updated 08-27-2018 at 01:00 PM by 95361 (Fixed spelling errors)

      non-lucid , nightmare
    4. Intruders + Control Your Fear

      by , 08-24-2018 at 12:00 PM (Letaali's Dream Journal)
      I decided before sleeping that one of my goals is to learn to control fear. I've struggled with it in lucid dreams. Ask and you will receive...

      I falsely awaken to hear two guys moving in the apartment. They are moving towards my room. I feel fear. I want to get up and defend myself, but my body is paralyzed. I see the rest of the dream in 3rd person as I fight the paralysis, but simply cannot move. I struggle to the point of waking up.

      Control Your Fear
      I'm a researcher and studying how small animals deal with all kinds of stressful situations. I handle many dead rodents. We basically torture them. I don't feel like I belong there, I don't agree with any of it.

      Scene changes a bit, now we are studying the same thing with human prisoners. One of them has secretly been eating burnt wood, chewing it into a strange paste that he has made into some kind of armor. He seems to also be immune to electricity. Our weapons don't shock him when he eventually escapes.

      Scene changes. I'm in my parents' place, but the house has many more corridors and rooms. One room in the center is different. It's built for food storage I guess, but it's relatively empty. Monsters start appearing from that room. These demons are large, pale, winged humanoids. Their arms and legs are extremely long and skinny. Their fingers are sharp and long claws. They have no eyes.

      I spend a week fighting them. I lock the storage room's door the first time I see one inside, but these demons haunt me no matter what. When I close my eyes, they are waiting. I assumed they come from my dreams, but eventually they start appearing when I'm awake. One day I kill one of the monsters and leave it in the storage room. Moments later I open the door and right at the door, towering over me is another one. I stare at it and tell myself it's not real. I swipe at it with my hand, imagining it to be like a mirage that would vanish. It takes effort, but I manage to make that one disappear with willpower.

      I'm sleeping in my parents' bedroom to keep them safe. They can't see the monsters. It's night and my dad wakes up. He asks me about these monsters. I tell him that I've been fighting them for a week and how they appear. One of them appears over the bed and floats slowly towards me. I wait. The demon hovers right in front of me and nothing else happens. I fear this is a bad choice, but I decide to let it be. I touch the demon's face with my hand. Dream ends.
    5. no.

      by , 08-24-2018 at 03:17 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Dreams over the past few weeks.

      Jamie dreams have all been short and not very active:

      Black space

      I'm Standing in a black space with her and we are both smiling.


      Chatting with Jamie over facebook. We both keep saying something about next week we both seem to be really excited about it.

      Long drop off from the dreams, about a week or more.


      2 fragments

      First one me and Jamie are walking down a street at night time. Second one, she is working with me at mcdonald's and asks the cooker to put down more reg meat.

      This morning:


      Jamie comes up to me and says, " this is us." and shows me a kids drawing of her and me dead with x's over our eyes like we just committed suicide. I'm like, "Um, no!" and I give her a picture of us hugging instead.

      Switches to another scene of a cinematic shot of ambulances pulling up to a house. Then I'm looking through Jamie's eyes and I'm on a stretcher looking at the men wheeling me into the ambulance... Cryptic.

      Other dreams:


      I was in some big university with some people. It was very crowded and I was lost walking the corridors. Some SJW looking girl and her friend were with me and they kept telling me I was going the wrong way.

      I left them and walked into a shower room. In the shower room were a bunch of gay guys wearing fishnets with their goods hanging out. Became lucid here and decided to leave right away. I backtracked a lot and got lost again trying to get out of the university. I found a landing with several staircases going in different directions. I went up the middle one and found a hallway which led to a door outside.

      Outside I flew up to get a better view of the area. The building itself was wooden and looked centuries old. I landed on the ceiling that looked abandoned and wandered inside somewhere. I wanted to try teleportation again. I thought of Jamie and wandered through a few doors. She was nowhere but I saw a hole in the floor to small to fit through. I jumped up and tried to use the hole as a portal. When I tried that the dream ended.

      Not again

      I was flying through a dream portal and landed in a dream with C. "not you again," I said to her and woke myself up from the dream.


      A dream of walking through a vacation resort with a different C. Can't remember much details.

      Strange place

      I was in a grassy field by a large wooden structure shaped kind of like a bowl. I jumped on it and Saw Bjork there. She said we had to get away from the bad man. I looked and saw a throne. I ran to it and seen a scary guy sitting on it wearing a metal mask. He was holding a metal spear.

      Family trip

      I was in a strange place with my dad, my brother and his girlfriend. There was a big chute or slide I had to go down but was too afraid because it was a snow slope at the other end. I wasn't even dressed so I told them I had to find a snow suit. I found a large blanket and wrapped myself in it. I woke up before I could go down the chute.

      Updated 10-17-2018 at 03:18 AM by 6012

      Tags: björk, chelsea, jamie
      non-lucid , nightmare , dream fragment , lucid
    6. Transforming Devil

      by , 08-22-2018 at 08:43 AM
      I close my eyes then start moving lucidly around my surrounding then I fall to my knees holding my stomach then grip the ground bashing the floor I scream I start to fall from the heavens then I wake up in lucidity murdering every virtual opponent I start crying as my tears start to fall I start transforming god starts worshipping me trying to banish me out of heaven until I see her again then I start moving slowly I bend down on one knee then lounge forward screaming I wake up laying in bed in darkness I close my eyes tighter my eye lids start to fall then I'm flying in the heavens looking at a vast eternity I see puppets and angels getting murder In my sight the there jus subconscious being I don't know if they really have a consciousness then I wake standing in mid air falling from my chest start bleeding then I'm falling in the ocean as I get buried under water in the ocean I wake up I close my eyes tighter then I'm in a seem less adventure where I'm in a burning forest where I stand in the wake of others persecuting me until I sleep again
    7. Chased

      by , 08-21-2018 at 04:04 PM

      I was at a welcome-party were all my old classmates were. I knew who they were but they didn’t know me. I realized it was before we met... they thought that I was being weird and scary since I knew all kinds of things about them that I couldn’t possible have known.

      I was calling my dad but he didn’t answer the phone. I wanted someone to pick me up but no one did. It was so frustrating and stressful. It felt like if no one would come... I would end up being in deep shit. I was soon chased by guards from this welcome-party and fell and hit my head. I woke up in a strange place what looked like an reception. The receptionist wanted to talk with me so I did. She was all sweet and flirty st first but then when she saw my passport and got some info from me she grew cold. It made me worried. I tried to ran away. Taking a flight but the airplane crashed. I tried to escape these people that were chasing me again. I soon found an abonded house and hided on the roof. But the roof was in two pieces and two other women were hiding there as well. I jumped over to their side and stayed there. The guards didn’t find me.

      Note: The dream was really hard to follow since everything happened so fast.

      Updated 08-21-2018 at 04:17 PM by 95361

      Tags: chased
    8. Freaky Storm Tempest

      by , 08-20-2018 at 11:15 AM (Nef's dream journal)
      This morning I dreamt that there were freaky storms and tornados going over my house.
      It all started when I looked out the window in the living room due to the loud noises outside. I saw that pretty much the whole street except the buildings were flying in a linear matter right , there was a rainstorm and the wind was so strong that we panicked that this is the end for us. It was surreal, things went flying in a linear manner , not like in a real storm where things fall apart and fly everywhere, it was weird, and scary.
      Then we went out at a point , now there was no wind no storm, things were a bit damaged around me but it didnt seem to be a full on annihilation of the street. Then I started to hear the noises again, it was tornados. one touched down nearby so fast and then passed by us so fast it gave out a machinery sound. Then another came and another came, I almost got caught up in one.
    9. Terrifying sea creature, almost got raped again, battle royal

      by , 08-15-2018 at 03:27 PM (Exterminate)
      Alright I have had enough of these dreams where I almost get molested by creepy dudes. Is it a subconscious fear I have now? I wonder where the hell it came from because I want it gone.

      I was on a lake/ocean in a boat/vehicle. A family member was with me, but then they left for some reason. They said they'd be back soon, but as I was waiting I heard a very disturbing sound beneath me. It sounded like the growl of a large and ancient beast. It sounded similar to this one, with the reverberating breathing. It was loud and made me scared to my core. Anyway, just after I heard the sound the car bumped up a bit. And again it happened. Suddenly the vehicle capsizes. I had opened the window a bit earlier to try to see what had made that noise, but now that I was capsizing I tried to roll the window up but I didn't have enough time. I saw the water coming closer and I took a deep breath. I then fell into the water and dove as far as I could to try to avoid the beast from below. I was not fast enough, and it bit off my leg at the knee. It then circled back and swallowed the rest of me whole. I tried to grab hold of it's mouth just before it swallowed me just so I could know what it was that killed me. It had a long pointed snout and reminded me of a shark. I woke up likely in sleep paralysis. My whole body felt constricted and I thought I was actually dead for a second.

      There was more to this one, but basically me and brother were in the middle of nowhere with a semitruck. There was just desert all around. While he wasn't looking I threw gas on everything and then lit the truck and ran for my life. The thing went off like a nuclear bomb. I expected the mushroom cloud and the heat and stuff, but didn't anticipate the flying debris. I just kept running to avoid being chunked down by the flying pieces. It was truly a sight to behold.

      My brother driving me through a town I didn't recognize. It was a large city and reminded me of Vegas. It was at night and I saw several fireworks displays going off. As we drove down some winding highways at a decent speed I took in the sights of the various light shows and suddenly my brother tells me to hold on to something. I look forward at the road and it has a large gap with the street continuing after a few feet. We keep our speed and fall right through the hole and find ourselves doing some weird roller coaster of a track designed just for this. It takes the speed and weight of the vehicle and as long as you keep the pedal to the metal, then you will complete the track without injury. This thing was wild. It had loop-de-loops, jumps, falls, the works. I saw a smaller car that failed the loop and ended upside down and crashing to the ground. I felt very scared that our car may end up the same. I got mad at Kris for taking me here, and he said he brings many people here and that it is one of the best attractions in town.

      I was playing a battle royal sort of game, with gameplay like fistful of frags (Played the game for hours yesterday). Each game was 100 players. There were several weapons you could use and they were all pretty good. It was so satisfying getting 6+ kills in a row. I was able to escape large groups of people by floating above. I remembered this technique from my past as I could hold my breath and it allows me to fly higher. The group of 5 said I was cheating because they only had melee weapons and couldn't reach me. I said they were cheating for being in such a large group, and that there was no way I could beat all of them when they're grouped like that. I played a few rounds of this. Out of maybe 4 rounds I came in first twice. I recall the last time I played it the remaining 2 enemies besides me were Conan O'Brian and Stephen Colbert. Conan was weaponless and wasn't actually playing. I managed to get Stephen Colbert, but it wasn't easy. I had to attack his head and he kept using a hood to conceal where I could attack. I eventually pinned him to the ground and sliced open his neck. Brutal.

      I was at a hotel trying to mind my own business but the people behind and in front of me pressed so close against me they forced me to follow them. I wanted to just leave them alone, but it seemed they were doing this on purpose. I noted the guy behind me was wearing skin tight latex. Not the black kind, but it was red and white. They got me to a floor with nobody around and a guy tried to pull a gun on me while the latex guy advanced toward me and tried to sexually assault me. I fended them off and ran up the stairs as fast as I could. As I rounded a clearing the guy was rounding the clearing in the stairs just below. This continued for 2-3 floors until I stopped and waited for him to catch up. Just as he was about to come into view I swung around the corner and knocked him down the stairs and kept running until the dream ended.
    10. Why did I die?

      by , 08-12-2018 at 08:53 PM
      Two dreams

      My dad, brother and my foster-brother said that men are better than women on everything. My sister and I got very upset but didn’t had a chance to tell them off. So I poked my brother with a stick in his stomach and yelled: ”Too bad it wasn’t a harpoon!” Everybody laughed and my sister told me I had a sassy comeback as always. Then we tried to do everything to prove the guys wrong.

      I was in Italy, just paying a visit to my old school there from when I studied abroad. I had a looong conversation with the principle who asked me questions... strangly in english but I liked it. We had a really good time. She asked me what I wanted to do with my life and I was thinking really hard to come up with a good answer.
      The principle wanted me to come back, but not sure how tho. She was talking and talking and talking. I realized that I no longer really knew where I was. Wasn’t it a part of my own hometown just right outside the window? I wanted to end the conversation but principle seemed so determinded to keep talking about things I could do if I wanted to stay there, Which I didn’t want.
      She wanted me to dye my hair blonde but I didn’t want that. She took me outside to a balcoony and asked me if there were any guys I would like to date but as soon as I looked. I only saw guys that I already knew. Some even from kindergarden. I refused and told her that I already knew these guys and didn’t want anything to do with them. She became very angry and headed inside again. It was time for her to have a lesson. So I decided to run with my old friend’s younger brother, who I never really spoke to.
      We quickly ran away from the school and tried to get to a bus stop. Suddenly I could hear the principle’s vocie behind me. She was furious!
      I wasn’t far from the bus stop when I stopped running and looked back. The young brother was gone but the principal stood there instead, looking at me with sadness in her eyes. First I thought she was going to beg me not to go but what she told me made me go insane. The younger brother was hit by a bus... the very same bus we were supposed to take to get away from this place. I ran away from the bus stop and kept going until I was hit myself by a car.

      Suddenly spirits appeared on the streets, singing and laughing. But not I, because I cried. I covered my face with the hands and cried as loudly as I could. Until I heard my mother’s voice. She wanted someone to hold the dogs’ leashes and take them to a field. I gladly took the dogs over there and found three presents for each pet. The cat wasn’t there tho. I opened the first gift. It was a perfume bottle... MY perfume. I glanced at my dog that was sitting down and paying attention to the bottle. I realized that I had chose the wrong path and cried because I wasn’t there for my dog anymore. I could not pet him, feed him or talk to him. He couldn’t even see me! I couldn’t help but to cry even harder. I just wanted it to be a dream.
    11. My lucid self is so dumb.

      by , 08-10-2018 at 03:10 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Short lucid

      Was at Jamie's house and she had some friends there. Found that boring but became lucid somehow. I wandered to a table to try time dilation. Started counting the spaces between my fingers with one eye closed left to right. everytime i went left again I had more fingers to count. by 20 20 the dream just faded out.


      I remember chasing after Jamie after we had some huge fight of which or what about I don't remember. I finally caught up with her on some street, she eventually turned around and we both started apologizing. I gave her a hug and she felt so real. "I love you." I said to her then I woke up.

      Secret room

      Was in my inner world house. Somehow I had learned of a secret room in my house between some walls. I was in a kitchen part and looking at the walls trying to find it. I saw a vent there near the ceiling and tried to climb to it. I couldn't. A man was there, who I think was Data offered me a boost up. I went up and peered in the vent, there was nothing there but black. I told Data i couldn't get in. He lifted up the ceiling and I jumped down the other side.

      Inside was what looked like a giant storage room with random boxes and clothes all over the place. I wonder if Asuka had stored things here herself. I just leafed through things until the dream was over.


      I found myself wandering a street lucid. There seemed to be no transition from the last dream. I wandered for a bit but things started getting darker. I remember Mzzck once made a lucid longer by trying to eat a tree. I didn't see no trees but I found a telephone pole and teleported to it and began trying to eat it. It did taste kind of like a tree and I did smell pine. The act engaged so many different senses it kept me in the dream.

      After a bite or two I found myself wandering by a house that seemed familiar. I went into the driveway and decided to try time dilation again. I placed my hand on the ground. closed one eye and counted spaces between my fingers. Every time i went back left to right I had another hand. I managed to count to 40 before my vision began to distort too much so I Jumped up to escape the distortions. I didn't get very far, so I immediately tried again and flew up past the roof. I saw a woman get out of the house and i landed near her. I asked her if she knew where I could find Jamie and I said her last name. The woman said she did and would give me a ride.

      We got into her car and I briefly wondered if I should bother wearing a seat belt in this dream. We pulled away and a few moments later she pulled over and a midget got into the car. That wasn't Jamie... So I waited longer.

      Suddenly, a woman with long brown hair was suddenly sitting in the backseat out of nowhere. Looking back I'm positive it was Jamie. She startled me and also resembled S. I said she scared the shit out of me and why was she here ( i was still convinced she was S)? Jamie got mad and said she teleported in here to find me. Then she vanished either waking up or teleporting away. The woman's car stopped again and another midget got in. Flustered, I left the car.

      I still wanted to look for Jamie even though she had just been there. I began walking across a field toward some plaza calling out her name where it looked like there was fast food and shops. But as I got closer the businesses changed and seemed further away.

      Wound up going into some abandoned house. Went upstairs and looked around a bit. When I went back to the stairs a man wandered in followed by a weird creature trying to make itself look like an asian girl. I didn't walk but sort of hopped behind him. This freaked me out. So I teleported to the man and killed him with a knife I seemed to get out of nowhere. I turned to the creature and stabbed it's coat but the knife went through. It fell on the ground. I pulled off the coat and underneath was just a broom handle with a wooden head with fake hair. I wondered if the man was using magic to make it seem like he had a companion. My vision got all watery as it does when lucids end and so it ended.

      Updated 10-17-2018 at 03:19 AM by 6012

      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    12. 5 dreams, 5 adventures

      by , 08-08-2018 at 03:28 PM

      A fox followed me around on a playground. It kind of scared me since it seemed to be magical. Kitsune.

      Had an animation project that I needed to do. I was really proud of my work and had even made a doll. Suddenly after been working so hard I found another doll on a table. It looked sad. I picked it up and looked around. The owner soon came out from the toilet and spoke to everyone in norweigen. I was the only one who did understand since I was the only one who could speak both english and swedish. So I translated it and she was sent home.

      There was a classreunion with my very old class. It was interesting to meet all the old students and to see what they have been up to.

      There was a king that wanted to have a child but all his wives died within a year so he was constantly getting married. Soon there wasn’t many options left and his latest wife asked me if I wanted to marry him. I told her that I would think about it. But first I needed to find out who tried to poison all the poor queens and why!

      I was being chased by a large hunter. He also had some weird creature as a hunting pet. They called me bunny and was desperatly trying to shoot me! They didn’t succeed! I hit the hunter in the head so many times he just fell to the floor and didn’t wake up. The weird hunting pet turned into a baby.

      Updated 08-08-2018 at 05:50 PM by 95361 (Fixed spelling errors)

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    13. Day 176: Genie-Pad

      by , 08-07-2018 at 08:26 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Fell asleep at: 11:30 PM

      Woke up at: 7:40 AM

      Dream 111: Hitchhiker's Guide For Getting Whatever You Want

      Nighttime; Grandma's house. A raging party is going on outside. I'm in the living room, watching Spanish television, thinking to myself "Wow, Latino TV is lewd as hell. There are also a lot of clowns." Then I pull a tablet out of my pocket which resembles the Guide from the Hitchhiker's Guide, though a yellow one and slightly extended. It has three LED lights on the side, red, green, and yellow.

      It turns out to be a genie in a bottle, so to speak. And as is turns out, the three lights stand for something. Red is for 'Evil', Yellow is 'Neutral', and Green is 'Helpful'. Under the Red section one of the wishes is 'Create a clone and kill it/Create life then kill it'. I decide to use the machine to stop the party outside. Everyone leaves but they leave all their trash on the patio. Then the dream ended.

      Dream 112: Not Really The Last of Us

      The dream starts with a zombie covered in some dark green goo--which I presume is the cause of the apocalypse--chasing down a woman in her house. It pins her down on the floor and bites her ear off. I see the lights flickering on and off in the house.

      Now suddenly in the house, I bolt it and run away as fast as I can from the goopy monstrocity.
      Then the dream ended.
    14. Freaky-deaky psycho dad

      by , 08-07-2018 at 05:02 PM (Awake to take in the view...)
      So my family in general is pretty cool. I get along with them fine for the most part, and none of them are psycho in any way. :p

      But last night I had this crazy nightmare that my dad was trying to imprison us and a bunch of other people, most of them strangers, in our house. I think he was going to kill us too or something. When he was half asleep, or drugged, or something, we were able to control him, so we instructed him to move the people out of our house, and we were planning to get out of there too before I woke up.

      He was deranged. Weird look in his eyes too. It was pretty freaky-deaky for sure. o____o

      Am I more prone to nightmares than the average person, or do most people experience this?
    15. The realest dream ever

      by , 08-07-2018 at 11:12 AM
      The dream starts off I am in my bed asleep when I hear a gunshot. I jump out of bed and go to the window and in the parkinglot of the apartment complex are about 8 dudes with guns. I hit the floor, crawled back to where my closet was and broke out ol painless. The tactical model 500 12 gauge. I racked a shell and swung open the window blinds and fired 7 rounds through the windows at the guys with guns and blew open just about everything around them and me. I ducked back and went for my shell belt that holds the extra rounds and now when I tried to reload, the shells would not fit. Panic begins, real panic and fear. My ammo doesn't work and the rest of the bad guys are entering the apartment looking for me. I step out and try a gun takeaway from one of them and get shot in the chest. It hurt and burned....really bad, I kept fighting and turned the gun around and shot the guy in the face with it. Then I sat down because I am bleeding everywhere. I thought it was real, it felt like dying. When I died I woke up and it was hard to breathe. I just sat up in bed and was like, holy crap that was a dream? Oh my god!
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