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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. 4-1-2012 Best recall all week

      by , 04-01-2012 at 05:47 PM
      Dream One: I'm staying with an older couple, like they've taken me under their wing when I was in a tight spot or something. I'm going out for the day, so I've just left the house and am walking down the street. I come to a stop sign and three guys in their early twenties step around the corner and start acting like they're going to hit me. One pushes me back and another one steps behind me so I fall back into him. He pushes me forwards again and I lose my balance and hit the ground. Just then a hooded figure comes up from behind the second guy, picks him up and throws him into the other two. They fall over, and then scramble to their feet and run away. I look up to see Altair (of course I did, doesn't everyone dream of that game after playing it? lol) has rescued me. He thrusts out his hand and I take it and let him pull me to my feet. I'm sure there was some sort of conversation here, but since its the first dream of the night I can't much remember it. I just remember wanting to see what was under his hood (So far in the game, I've yet to get a good look at his face, and its driving me nuts, ha ha) He lowers his hood, and he looks like Caspian (Ben Barnes) from the second Narnia Movie. I take him back to the house with the old couple, and they agree to let him stay there because apparently he has no where else to stay while he's in town. I decide that I need to go buy some protective jewelry like this is some sort of real life RPG. I remember being in the store and buying a random pack, then I remember sitting on my bed in this old couples house dumping the contents of my bag in a box to craft my protective jewelry. I notice the room is a very bare room, with grey walls, black linoleum floor, my twin sized bed against the right wall and another bed against the left wall. There's a night stand with a lamp on it between the two beds against the far wall, so you can't reach it from laying in either. When I dump my pouch into the box, all the beads and pendants that fall out are Hello Kitty. I laugh to myself and think I'll feel so tough wearing this :/ but that my daughter would love it. I start to string the pendants and beads onto some wire, and Altair/Caspian walks in and sits down on the bed on the other wall. This establishes to me in the dream that the other bed is his. He's cleaning a blade or something, then my memory skips to being outside. There's snow on the ground, and there's a black Dog that looks like a Husky with me. He has a green eye and a blue eye, and in my dream I think he either is Caspian/Altair or has some sort of strong connection to him. We're playing in the snow, tug of war with a stick, the dog chasing me and knocking me playfully to the ground to lick my face, then making a snow angel while the dog wags it's tail and makes a "tail angel". Then I remember something I needed from inside, and we stop playing to go inside and get it. When I walk into our room, I notice there are all kinds of things tucked under Altair/Caspian's mattress, so much it's poking out all around the bed. I laugh to myself that the things aren't hidden well and as an assassin he should do better! I reach under my own mattress and pull out a substitute Soul Reaper combat pass. I tuck it into my pocket then start walking out of the house. The dog follows me, but when I get down the road a ways, it's no longer there, instead the guy from the "present day" part of assassins creed is following me. (If they've mentioned his name in the game already, I didn't hear it over my loud kids) The road gets rougher and rougher the farther I walk, until it looks like something out of an apocalypse movie. I notice steam coming from a crater in the road, and rush over to it. Inside the crater is water in a huge golden basin, and I immediately recognize it as a "goddess Spring" (from Kid Icarus) The guy behind me is asking me what I'm talking about, and I tell him that the spring will heal us and I climb in fully clothed. From my seat in the spring, I can see a ruined city and wonder if we we will strong enough to stop whatever caused this destruction. This is about the last point I can remember of this dream. Not sure if I woke up then or just forgot the rest. I woke from this dream around 3 am.

      Dream Two: I'm at my dead Grandfather's house. There are a lot of other people there whom I don't recognize from real life but my dream self recognized them as "the forum" which forum, I don't know! I lurk on 5 different ones on a daily basis, lol. I'm behind the shed, and I walk out from behind it and I see all kinds of large rectangular things laying on the ground. I recognize these as threads, and start wandering around to read them. I come across one in front of Grandpa's Shop that's titled "How big is your Dragon?" and I see lots of pictures of dragons, but then I also see people are treating it like a big penis joke and everyone's trying to one up each others "dragon" and that the dragons actually look like the Chinese style dragons with long snake like bodies, not European dragons with big round bodies. A man comes up to me and I'm laughing at this thread, so he reads over my shoulder. He tells me he's a mod, and had forgotten all about this thread, he was glad he had noticed someone looking at it so he could reminisce. Then he asks me how many pages the thread was now, and we start to check. We are astounded to find the thread is now 140 pages long. He laughs and says that the thread was a lot more active than he thought! Then he picks it up and starts shaking it like a rug. He tells me he has to keep the forums clean. Then I wake up and it's around 5:30, lol.

      Dream Three: My daughter wakes up and wants to go into the living room. I'm still sleepy, so I get up with her to see if Grandma is in the living room. If she is, I plan to let my daughter watch TV in the living room with her and just go back to bed. When I get in the living room, the neighbors daughter is in the living room, as are two other little girls probably around 6 or 7.My grandma says she's babysitting them (my grandma hates those kids, so in hind sight that should have really made me lucid -_-) I accept this, and just tell my daughter to be good for Grandma and go back to bed. I think I woke up around 7:30 with this one.

      Dream Four: I'm at a radio Station. There's a really nice DJ, and a really snobby jerk. The nice DJ has long frizzy black hair and a thin sunken face, he's not attractive physically, but his personality more than makes up for it and I find him attractive. The jerk looks like Jonah Hill, lol. The jerk is making some sort of bull shit rules that aren't fair, though I can't remember what they are off the top of my head. Apparently he can get away with it because he's the son of the radio station owner. Everyone is upset, and he's laughing about his total power over the place. I run off and find the nice dj. I'm crying, and he asks what's wrong. I tell him what a jerk the other guy is being, and ask him to do something about it because he has a lot of sway with the station. He doesn't really want to, but another guy walks up then and tells him He'll give him some Peanut Butter and Jelly cookies if he'll help the station out. The guy seems to really like the peanut butter and jelly cookies (and in the dream they're shaped like peanuts and have jelly sandwiched between two of them) because he is swayed by these cookies. We walk back into the room with the jerk DJ, and the nice DJ starts giving a speech about letting shit slide, and how you can't be so strict. Then, he surprises everyone by admitting that he is also the son of the radio station owner and that if his brother doesn't lay off, he will talk to their father and get the whole mess straightened out. Everyone cheers, then people start talking about nice things the radio station can do to help people. One woman stands up, and starts talking about winning a fight against breast cancer, but losing a breast in the process. She asks if the radio station can help her raise the money to buy a prosthesis. The Nice DJ tells her that he makes props and costume pieces for Cosplay, and could easily make her a realistic boob if she'd like. She starts crying tears of happiness, and I wake up and it's about 9.

      Dream Five: My husband and I are in a used book store of some sort. There's a table with a lot of older books on it. I see a couple of smaller books on a shelf beside it that are old Sailor Moon merch. One's an art book, the other is some sort of cards set with the sailor scouts as the king/queen/jack/aces/joker. We ask the lady behind the table how much the books are, and she says $90 for the ones on the table. I'm disheartened, but my husband tells her we were asking about the books on the shelf beside the table, and she says those are only between $4-$6. I'm really happy they're so cheap, and my husband buys me both Sailor Moon books. We spend the rest of the dream pouring over them and talking about watching Sailor moon as kids and explaining to the Book seller who Sailor Moon is. Wake up from this one about 10:15.

      I decided to include the times I woke up from these as a reference so I can look back and see if there's a pattern to my dream content and when the best time for me to dream is. It also gives a pretty good idea of my sleep pattern. Last night I went to sleep about 1:00 am
    2. Climbing a Cliff with my Dream Guide 03.11.12

      by , 04-01-2012 at 05:16 PM
      Climbing on a Cliff with My Dream Guide
      I am climbing up a sheer cliff. My Dream Guide is next to me teaching me how to climb up it. I come to a point where I can't go any further and feel like I am about to fall. He shows me how to climb back down, then find a different path to go up. Suddenly, I feel a snake wrap around my leg and bite me. I start freaking out, but my DG tells me not to worry, because I am in control.

      I am putting on a play about juice and fruit. Gavin, Desiree, and my sis are there. Gavin has on a funny Peter Pan style cap and is doing a twirly dance.
      Tags: dream guide
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Meeting my Dream Guide and Flying with Dakinis 03.04.12 (5:30am)

      by , 04-01-2012 at 05:05 PM

      • I have a threesome in a jacuzzi
      • Noelle and I are living in a house with a bunch of guys. They are eating and there are dirty socks on the table. I ask them to take their socks off the table.
        Later, the guys put on a show for us where they are all wearing these large afros.

      Meeting my Dream Guide
      I am at a dreamer's school. I am semi-lucid. I know it is a dream, but don't have complete control. The teacher is an old man with leathery, brown skin. The are other beings with me in the class that resemble humans, but with blue skin. (Looking back, I believe these are Dakinis). I missed the class on Tibetan Dream Yoga. Although I missed the class, my teacher provides me with a strange hat that will aid me in Tibetan Dream Yoga techniques. I tell him I don't deserve this since I wasn't even in the class. He responds that he knows I have the most potential and wants em to wear the hat. He places this strange hat on my head. It seems to be made of brass wires. It sits ontop a piece of the top of my head and circles my face, clasping under my chin. Immediately, my head feels heavy and starts to fall fackwards. I am sitting in lotus position on the gorund and start slowly rotating. I have a sense that I am about to "apprehend the dream". I see the dream dissolving away. A bright, white light starts emanating from my third eye and engulfing everything. I can see and feel my body dissolving away, each part of me slowly wisps away like dust. I am left no body, no dreamscape, no thoughts even, just pure awareness in a white void.

      Flying with Dakinis
      I am with the Blue Dakinis from the previous dream. I am semi-lucid in this dream as well. We are flying on a platform, possibly a magic carpet. I am able to direct the carpet with my energy.

      More Fragments
      • I am in a house full of people. Many of teh people there are other lucid dreamers. There are two women there who want to learn to lucid dream. I get a bad feeling about them and feel they want to learn for malicious reasons. I use my energy to send them nightmares next time they sleep.
      • Someone gives me Radiohead tickets.
      • I am testing out my newly repaired car, driving down a long, windy road. It is a road I know, but everything looks totally different.

      Updated 04-04-2012 at 04:37 AM by 20972

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Shower, Desserts, Stitch, Medicine, Kaomea Search, Embarrassment, Back-stabbing, Aly MSN, Crown

      by , 04-01-2012 at 04:54 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Shower, Desserts, Stitch, Medicine, Kaomea Search, Embarrassment, Back-stabbing, Aly MSN, Crown


      Dream 1: Shower in Bedroom

      I was showering in a bedroom in a house that looks familiar to me, except that the shower literally was in the bathroom.

      What I mean by that is that there's shower head on top of a bedroom ceiling spraying water for me to take a shower. Even though there are people around me, I don't really mind being naked getting myself wet and clean for some odd reason.

      There's this Asian woman I believe who is coming in, and it looks like my father is helping her check the house out. My mother was there too, should've done a RC there, anyway, the Asian woman was kind of cute.

      She's wearing a white dress shirt along with a black or grey business shirt. Her hair is pure black, and her skin done is brown, but only slightly.

      While I'm showering, there's this guy that looks like R, a friend of my father, who is next to me. I don't really pay too much attention to him, since I'm still showering. My mother, who somehow is still in this dream, was saying something to my father that he could turn off the T.V. with the remote.

      I make a hand motion to her to make her stop, because the T.V. isn't really bothering whatever he's doing, but she's not seeing anything I'm doing, so instead of feeling awkward, I stood still for a while, and then went back to showering myself.

      The dream shifts to where I'm outside now, and I see the same Asian woman inside riding a Jeep or some variant of it. Apparently, she's a real estate agent, because I see "For Lease" signs in the trunk of the vehicle.

      The vehicle had tinted windows, but it was late afternoon, so the glare from the sun helped with seeing through things. I believe she's parking to go to another house.

      That's all I remember for that one.

      Dream 2: Desserts, Desserts, Desserts!

      Now that I recall this dream, I do remember Alyzarin telling me something about Cheesecake Factory one time, and how she went there, oh well, I didn't see anyone familiar or anything like that
      I'm going inside a store that makes cakes, pastries and all sorts of deserts. I head to the left, and I see cheesecake, and they have.....


      I go get a knife, and the samples are in bite size squares. I was confused if it was sharp cheddar cheese since it did look slightly orange, but I stack them laterally on the knife.

      Someone tells me that I shouldn't go overboard with the amount, but they said it in a joking manner.

      I start to eat these bite size pieces, but I don't recall tasting anything.

      Dream 3: Creature Looks like Stitch From Lilo & Stitch

      Lol, before I tell this dream, when I saw Stitch, and wake up to recall this, I automatically thought, HAWAII!!! Kaomeaaaaaaa!

      I'm in a cave, it has a mystical feel to it. There's water pouring, and I believe the sound is associating with the online alarm site I had playing of "Water" to help me sleep (like using a white noise).

      The area that I'm in, it was like a natural spiraling path going downwards. What I mean is that there's this huge vertical rock in the middle, and there's rock plates forming together to make a spiral around it as surface to walk on

      The best example I can use for this is that it was similar to the environment that Emil went to in Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of a New world where he was close to the final fight against Alice and that lover of hers, Decus. (The area is the
      Ginnungagaap I think, yeah, I know long word, I had to google that myself, even though I beat the game several times xD)

      The atmosphere was calm, tranquil, and it felt so empty. I see a creature, who has various shades of blue along with a very short composition. It looked like Stitch from the show "Lilo & Stitch," but it was so weird looking that using Stitch as an example is the best way I can try and describe.

      I think it had tentacles on its face, but that's something I'm still not sure on. Apparently, someone tells me that I have to go to it when I want to get something changed. I don't know what exactly, maybe a change like body change, or maybe a change in emotion, I wasn't given much insight.

      I do go towards the creature, and I do it slowly, it turns around, but I still can't make a good facial description of it.

      I can't remember too much on what happens next.

      Dream 4: Medicine?

      This dream seems to be me in a stop animation production scene, because the only things I saw were hands popping out of random small doors near the floor, probably to help with concealing human involvement.

      The hand is doing random things from throwing objects, or placing something in the middle.

      The flooring a gray and there's white lights on top, your usual long and vertical white lighting placed laterally on the ceiling.

      I think I kick around a few objects and continue moving forward somewhere. Then I see a sign that says Medicine, but in horrible spelling, like "Medisone" or "Medicoone," somewhere around those words.

      Then when I'm past this area, I look back and there's this random person sitting down. I've seen this person in my dreams, but it was a loooooooooooong time ago, and he's just sitting there doing something. Then he tries to throw objects at me, ranging from green pencils or pens.

      I dodge all of them, and I'm using the door in front of me to deflect most of them anyway. I grab a pencil/pen, and throw it back at him, and we continue doing this for a while until I got bored and left.

      At least it wasn't Kaomea throwing a pair of scissors at me. I'm joking Kaomea!!!!!

      Dream 5: I will find you Kaomea....

      After moving around to my sides a little bit from the WBTB time finishing from me recalling the previous 4 dreams, I feel this sensation that I'm being elevated, or that my body is getting more lighter.

      I've had times where I felt I would lose connection with this sensation, but I just kept still to finally arrive somewhere. I knew I had to have been unconscious for a while, but the Rain music that was continuously playing for a while helped with awareness.

      I wake up, I already know that I'm dreaming because I felt the sensation of going into the dreaming plane. I wake up in a random house.

      It was a small bedroom, and I look a window to see that it's close to raining outside, I feel like I'm in a basement because the window was one of those where you have to peek a little higher to see what's going on ground level.

      I look at the T.V. that's nearby me, and I'm seeing the Saving and Loading Screen for Resident Evil 4. There's nobody playing it at all, so I just watch in curiosity to see if this automatic movement of the game activating would give me a message.

      When the game finally loads, I see Albert Wesker, and soon I realize it's the Mercenaries mini-game that is being activated by itself. I try to look at the white font text on the screen to see if the T.V. was trying to give me a message.

      The first set of white font text while Albert Wesker is busy shooting Las Plagas enemies seems to appear in Spanish, and I couldn't understand anything from that.

      The next sets that I recall seemed to be making fun of how Albert Wesker's intentions in ruling the world someday with non-zombie invasions.

      (Because in Resident Evil 4, Las Plagas did not make the host into a zombie, it just controlled them and made them look like they were like zombies with red eyes and everything, but they still kept they're human traits. The only think that would be different is that they looked a little bit more darker).

      After a few seconds of watching Albert Wesker shooting, I get out of the bedroom, then I find myself in the small hallway in my apartment. It was dark, but looking ahead I could see that the blinds near the front entrance where glowing a little bit with light. It was a gray light, and I knew it had to be raining or something.

      Before I advanced any further, I stay within the exit to my bedroom, and was close to a few light switches. I didn't notice it at first but the light switches were on the right instead of the left like they were in waking life.

      Since walls where narrow in this hallway, it was enough for me to tempt myself to jump, and spread my legs mid-air to rest on my back on the right wall.

      Basically I had one feet that stayed in place on the right side, and extended my other leg to left side. It felt kind of weird for me to do this, I think I even managed to stick to the ceiling looking down on the floor!

      But that moment lasted for a few seconds, and I'm back to resting my back on the wall with my feet helping me stay off the ground.

      I take my right arm and move down a little bit to feel for any light switches, I try to turn both of them on, nothing.

      "Right," I told myself.

      (I said that in one word because it validated that I was dreaming because the light switches didn't turn on).

      I felt the dream starting to fade, and I forgot to do a stabilization technique, and got out of tune with my dream body for a few seconds.

      I find myself back in waking life for a few seconds, but I didn't move or anything, I just see the back of my eyes are gray and has that type of gray mystical field of vision that's wavy and everything, and then I get back into the dream. (DEILD)

      I put myself down back to ground level, and as I'm getting closer and closer to the door to get out of my apartment, I believe I check the blinds first before I go in blind faith of where the door will take me.

      I see it's just like a replica of my apartment, so I go outside, but not all the way. I feel something to the right side of me, like one of those one strapped bags, but it felt like my laptop case to the right side of me.

      I didn't pay attention to it too much.

      It was still raining, and I knew this was because of the "Rain" setting I had on the Online Alarm clock to play was white noise in waking life.

      I told myself with confidence, "I will find you Kaomea....."

      Since I knew I was near my apartment environment, and since I don't have that much power to just summon up a portal or something and go to Hawaii or even the Alaskan beach shared dreaming location we set up, I decided I should at least use my ability to run fast.

      I prepare myself to run, but before I could even feel the sensation of the rain hitting my skin, the dream fades again.

      I wake up again, but I still keep my eyes closed. Since I'm in the intermediate state with being half-awake, half-asleep, I categorized this dream with "Resident Evil 4" in my head, because of what I was doing watching the T.V. in the dream.

      I relied on that categorization to help with the potential DEILD I could have, but I ended up being unconscious for the next few sets of dreams.

      Dream 6: Embarrassment

      The dream starts off to where I'm hanging out with a girl I never hanged out with before, I don't even know why I didn't do a RC, because I haven't been with someone to hang out with for a long time.

      She looks a lot like Chelsea, one of my group partners in my first Biochemistry course when we had to do a presentation on a certain drug.

      I'm not going to say what exactly just to remain slightly anonymous from her.

      Chelsea is wearing a light blue shirt, and is wearing dark blue sports shirts. After walking around with her for a while, she tells me while smiling,

      "Hey, instead of me and you going to a hotel together, I think it's best if I go back to my dorm room."

      You.............did.....not....just.....tell....me ....THAT....in front...of these.........people!!!

      Since we were near a small crowd of people, (I realized I was inside of the Hookah station, or something like it. It's bar near a few fast food areas, don't let the name fool you.

      The reason why I'm presuming I was in the bar is because when I was looking at Chelsea, I looked outside with my peripheral vision, and saw the narrow street lanes, and it had to be outside near college main and the intersection).

      A couple of guys made the "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh" sound and laughed a little bit after Chelsea told me this.

      I don't know why she would tell me this, or what the hell we could be doing for her to say that we should basically go back to where we live.

      To save myself from embarrassment, I told her,

      "Yeah, I have to go to a tutor at 7PM."

      She acknowledges it, and we go our separate ways. I don't pay attention to where she's headed, she most likely vanish because I doubt that was the real Chelsea.

      I leave the bar, and the dream environment is a little different, I go to my right and move forward, then I find myself stuck between a lady trying to move her car out of a parking spot, and it was really narrow that I was forced to wait for her.

      Her car was green, and pretty generic in its composition, and she's moving the car slowly because there's two more vehicles to the sides that are too close to her car. It ends up causing a dent on the front side of her vehicle, but she doesn't seem to care.

      By this time, I couldn't tell if I was still stuck when she was backing up, I probably just stoon on top of one vehicle to see how this woman is going to back up without damaging the other vehicles.

      Dream 7: Back-stabbing

      I'm in a dark area, seems like your classic creepy mansion. The room I'm in had a fancy carpet in the middle with some fancy stuff and bookshelves surrounding it.

      I find myself being shifted to another environment, and it looks like I'm outside of the mansion or castle or whatever, and it's still night time.

      I realize my back is being braced against a huge column, and my perspective is a little weird for a moment.

      Imagine bracing yourself behind a wall, you can't really see much behind you unless you do some peeking to the left and right, but for me, it was like I was staring at myself bracing against the wall.

      There's this huge Black dude in a Black long jacket. It looked like the Black dude from one of those Resident Evil movies, but that's just using a general comparison.

      He's guarding the area in the middle of the 4 columns placed in a square formation. And he's looking at the area I'm hiding in, but he doesn't know that I'm there. Oh, and he has a really huge freaking weapon, like a really huge Shotgun.

      All that he's doing is turning his body right or left, and when he does that, I peek in the opposite direction. I waited for a while to advance, but it seems instead of shifting to the right (he just shifted to the left), he takes another shift to the left.


      BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! The shot literally demolishes the whole column I'm next to.

      I barely dodge the shot by taking a small dive to the ground when he finds me out, and I try to hide to the column to the left of me, but that would be useless since he's already found me out.

      The dream resets to me bracing against the column again, and I knew the guy would to those random formations where he shifts his body to the same direction twice.

      I still was detected by him, but instead of trying to fight him I told him,

      "Look, I already know I can't defeat you, that's impossible right now, can you at least show me who is your leader?"

      Without even answering, the leader shows up out of a dark area. He looks like Steve Carell with glasses on.

      Now that I'm awake recalling this, you have to be freaking kidding me....LOL...so much for looking like a fearless leader.

      He doesn't say a lot in this dream, I'm just explaining why I'm here.

      I tell him that I wanted to be part of his group, because I have intel from an enemy of his who thinks that I'm only working for him, and told him that I would be back-stabbing the other leader, which is Steve Carell.

      He doesn't really take it too seriously, since I am working for him, but I didn't tell him that I'm only helping both sides for my own benefit, but I don't know for what though.

      He talks, but it's like he's saying random shit to make it look like he understands me. He starts pointing at something like he's comprehending what I'm saying, but I just ...I just... lol, really?!!?

      This guy is a leader??????

      To be honest, if I was lucid, I would've just woken up from this fail leader. It's not Steve Carell that I was disappointed in, it was just that when I barely dodge a shotgun shot from some tall Black dude, you'd think that their leader would be a little MORE bad-ass than that?

      Not the glasses man, not the glasses, it doesn't help with your "evil" visage.

      Dream 8: Alyzarin

      I wake up (FA), and I go to my laptop, and I go on MSN, and find that Alyzarin is online. (She's going somewhere at the moment, so she couldn't have been online, but I guess I was too excited to tell her what happened lol).

      We chat around a little bit, and I forgot most of what we were talking about.

      Dream 9: Crown

      I believe I'm Link (this is just a video game simulation most likely), but just a weird version of him. He's like a variant of Windwaker's Link and other Links I'm presuming, can't remember exactly on his facial structure.

      The dream is pretty vivid, but I didn't really pay too much attention to the environment, except for the fact that it seemed I was in a city that was in the sky (Skyward sword association probably, but I never played it).

      Someone awards me with a golden crown, I didn't really think of it as anything useful, but the text below (like you would see when you get an item from a chest or person) said that wearing this crown allows you to double the speed for you to use an item or a weapon.

      I just run around like a dimwit, trying to test out this crown I'm wearing, and there are command prompts on what actions can help you use it's function. I saw the Wii remote animations on the top screen while playing the game.

      Don't remember much after I recall myself dashing like crazy in a random area of this sky city.

      Dang it! Again with these False Awakenings!!

      I wanted to take another attempt to sleep again, but it's 10:24 AM right now GMT -5:00, so I might as well put this as an entry now.

      Damn it, I was lucid, had the intention to find Kaomea, but forgot to do stabilization techniques.

      But again the lucid dream was vivid and looked stable, I just don't understand why the dream started to fade. Maybe it was from adrenaline, but I didn't feel any kind of rush, the least I felt was just anticipation of find her.

      Well, no use complaining about it now...it's already done and gone.

    5. Philosophical Chat

      by , 04-01-2012 at 04:11 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      I had various dreams last night, but I forgot all of them except for this one, which I think I had right before I finally woke up.
      I was in my friend's house for some reason. I didn't know which friend it was, however. Apparently I was staying at this house for a sleepover. Suddenly, I wanted to go to my friend, Aaron's house instead. I looked up at my friend's parents, and asked, "Can I go to Aaron's house?"
      "But why?" they asked.
      "I figured I'd spend an equal amount of time here and there as well. We haven't visited each other in a while, so..."
      "What about Logan?" they asked.

      Ah. Okay. So this was Logan's house.
      "What about him?" I inquired.
      Logan's mom frowned. "Tell us about him."
      It's too bad my dream self didn't notice how odd this statement was.
      "Well, he's a great guy, I mean, he's pretty religious too. Does all this stuff for his church, the youth group, things like that."
      All of a sudden, Logan's sister walked in, hands on her hips. She looked angry.
      Something weird about this whole thing was that I've never actually met Logan's family up close in real life, I've only heard about them. So I'm assuming how they looked in the dream wasn't true.
      She glared. For the next 5 or so minutes, she lectured me on how people should act in the world, and how they could make their lives better. I took it all in, and it was actually quite useful advice. Afterwards, time seemed to fly, and Logan's sister and I were watching some anime. I then decided to finally go to Aaron's house, and got a glass of water before I did.
      Then the dream ended. I'm pretty dismayed I didn't remember the whole talk Logan's sister had with me, because I vaguely remember that what she said was actually pretty true and useful advice.
      non-lucid , memorable
    6. "You may keep it, but make it stronger."

      by , 04-01-2012 at 02:52 PM (Chronicles of the Cosmos)
      So, last night I dreamt that I was at my parent's place, laying on my back on the ground in their backyard, looking up at the stars at night. There was this one extremely bright star that was shining radiantly to the northwest. Then I heard a voice and it said "You may keep it, but make it stronger." I'm not really sure what to make of that. Dreams are weird.

      Updated 04-14-2012 at 02:55 PM by 53119

    7. 4/1/12 To the death!

      by , 04-01-2012 at 02:03 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      I remember being at my school. I was outside, along with everyone. There was a small tent arena thing outside where our courtyard was supposed to be. I walked inside and found half the school running around inside the perimeter of the tent.

      A woman walked around carrying a small green scanner.
      “Ticket?” she asked me.
      I looked at her scanner. “Um,” I hesitated. “I don’t have one.”
      She sighed. Annoyed, she said to me, “You need to get a ticket at the front lobby. Go. Now.”

      I quickly rushed out of there, and headed back inside the school. Heading to the front lobby, I looked around. I only saw these weird boxes full of frozen food and pictures on them. Confused, I went and asked the secretary where I could find the tickets. He was talking to a family when I came in, and looked a bit annoyed when I said,

      “Where are the tickets?”
      He sighed, and pointed. “Right over there. In the middle.”

      That didn’t solve my problem. I walked back out over to the table where the frozen food was. My English teacher just happened to walk by. She was strict so I was afraid to ask her. I did anyways, and she angrily pulled out a box of tickets in the back. “Here.” She said.

      I took one, and ran back outside. I entered the arena, but instead of running around in circles, people were fighting. There weren’t as many people here as there was earlier. I learned that as many fights you do, or what you do in that fight, affect how much percentage you get on your ticket. And that percentage affects your test scores or something.

      I walked around the arena, looking at who was fighting. Two people that didn’t look familiar, both drew fists. Then they started swinging at each other.

      It was my turn. More people started to empty out of the arena. I was paired up against a guy with blonde hair, who looked like he was in the band One Direction. No one was supervising the fights, so we just sat there, gaining percentage by doing nothing. We talked while doing it, and even pushed and lightly punched each other to speed up the process.

      Eventually, I heard the people around us starting to count down. “10, 9, 8…”
      I ran to the ticket lady, and handed her my ticket. She scanned it, and said, “Thank you.”

      The dream sped forward. I was in the mall, walking down the wide hallway surveying the stores. I looked into the window of a particular store. I saw the same blonde haired boy. He smiled at me, and waved. I smiled back.

      Feeling all warm and fuzzy inside, I kept walking and went to the sunglasses store. One of the employees kept trying to set me up with different sunglasses, but I just told her I wanted to look.

      Then the dream ended.
    8. Epic dream

      by , 04-01-2012 at 09:36 AM
      I remember being in this huge Castle and being a Knight and i see my uncle here i rush to him and he tells me that my brother is trapped inside the dungeon and i should go and rescue him.He leads me to a room with four walls, he mutters some words and a opening appears in the wall of the room we go through it and come across a Big Hall after walking to the end of the Hall i see a door blocked with wood he tears off some of it and creates some room for me to get in.I go inside it and find myself on some stairs, When i look down i see my brother injured and surrounded my wolves and dogs, i also heard noises of slashes and screams, as i got there i saw my brother lying on the ground.I came back out of the small opening to ask my uncle for help but saw that the wear wolves were already there.. As it was day now they were in human form because i had somehow spend a whole night in the dungeon.A fight began and i killed all of them but the most superior as i was about to strike him with my sword my uncle blocked my sword with his hand, his hand drenched in blood.After that the were wolf attacked me several times i blocked with my hand, which was now also covered in blood after that my uncle intervened and i woke up from the shock of it and i saw my hand there was a scar there probably from turning while asleep but it was right there where i thought i had blocked the wolf's fangs and my back hurted like hell.
      non-lucid , memorable
    9. Late from My Wedding and in a Museum

      by , 04-01-2012 at 07:15 AM

      I’m checking that everything is ready for my wedding the next day. We have a rehearsal in a moment. Everything seems ready and I head towards the church, on the other side of a park. When I’m almost there someone comes to tell me that the wedding is already today and I need to get dressed. We don’t have much time and I say I might need some more help. Some random male guest who happens to be there volunteers.

      We go back to the building where the party will be but it’s already locked. We go to the other side and I climb the fire escape and go trough a hatch. It’s very small, I can fit trough it but it takes some time. In the meantime the others figure out a way to get in and are putting things ready. I get in.


      I’m in some kind of a museum in an old building with a group of people. Apparently some of us are really interested in the place and some of us, including me, are completely bored. I think the scenery on the third floor could be good and decide to check it out with another person. There are some paintings in the second floor.

      When I get to the third floor I realize I’m afraid of heights and the floor is very thin. It makes a “thud” sound on every step. It also starts waving and moving. I notice many people are moving around on their knees. I do the same.

      A girl who was in the group is standing near the side of the roof. She’s speaking with two others on the ground. We decide to join them downstairs and I go down to the second floor and leave the building. Somehow I’m on the other side of the street from the building I just exited. There’s a tram line on the street and I need to evade them when I cross the street.
    10. Wandering around school

      by , 04-01-2012 at 06:58 AM
      Nondream - Lucid - Nonlucid

      I still have alot of work to do with my recall.. Its still been wayyyy too long since I had an LD..
      Its also becoming increasingly more and more obvious that schools are definitely one of my dream signs.

      We are at my highschool, I go downstairs and find some of my friends playing football, I go down to join them. When I get down they are now playing basketball, I play anyways.

      We then for some reason decide to walk to another local highschool. We start walking, and somehow the two schools are connected.

      As we are walking the school looks very different, there are many more buildings. As we are still walking I also go inside some of the rooms to check out what's inside.

      We finally get to the other school and it is huge. There is a huge walkway at the entrance lined by trees on both sides. It looks very fancy. We also see a sign that says lunch is only 75 cents.. We can't believe how cheap it is. We are all messing around, but I get nervous me might get into trouble with their football team.

      As we keep walking we run into another friend of ours. He's skating, and wearing a really fancy suit under a jacket. We're all excited to see him, and we ask him what it's like being a student here, and he says it's awesome.

      I wake up around here
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. House Arrest, Sylar (Heroes), weird animals and more

      by , 04-01-2012 at 05:07 AM
      So my dream starts off at Walmart (Thing about my dreams is that i have many "Dream Locations" When I'm at Walmart in my dreams it's always the same over sized Walmart) Anyway, everything is normal until this evil dude come's from nowhere with a black sword. I here a voice and it's generic like and says "You must take the sword. You are the chosen one." In front of me is a golden silver sword stuck in the ground. The sword is between me and the evil dude( He is about 17 and wearing all black. He has black hair and brown eyes) I run at the sword and everything goes into slow motion. I grab the sword and pull it from the ground. The second i pulled it from the ground i saw a smile cross the guys face and I knew I had made a mistake. He then swung out with his sword in a sweeping motion. This created a wave that knocked me back and threw me into the shelves behind me, but it didn't stop there. The one slash cut into the ground and roof destroying any thing in it's path. It brought up a giant wave of smoke and debris. I couldn't see anything but i could feel the earth quaking under my feet. Then all the smoke cleared and i did a 360 but the guy couldn't be found anywhere. I stand up and apparently am uninjured. Then I notice i crowd is forming around me and they do not look happy. I then realize I'm standing right smack where all the damage begins and...I'm still hold the sword. I begin to see why all the people are giving me bad looks. I start to try and explain but no one will here me and next thing i know i'm in court

      The court is basically The People Vs Me and i lose. the judge lets me of easy for some reason and i get house arrest until "He sees fit" I go home which is just like my house only the furniture is different and my room is weird( Of course i don't think so until i wake up) I have a huge bathroom all too myself and i have a roommate and apparently I'm rich and half a lot of stuff. The scene reminds me of something out of a Miyazaki movie. The room looks bright and happy with bright colored clothes everywhere( My roommate is a designer or something) Me bed is round and has lots of quilts on it and is surrounded buy wall dividers. It looks quite cozy. Anyway my parents are pissed and they don't believe me about not destroying Walmart. They, along with my roommate, go some where and I end up alone in the house i cannot leave. I'm not even allowed to go in the yard.

      So I'm siting in my room and looking out the window. I see this gigantic hole or cave in the ground. on the inside walls of the hole are thousands of smaller holes. Inside each of the smaller holes are bird nests. The birds are all different shapes, sizes and colors. There are even rainbow colored ones. The whole time I'm thinking " I remember that being there" But at the same time I'm so entranced but how beautiful they are to care. Then I see these big trucks pull up and guys come out and start spraying this purple smoke into the hole. Al the birds start freaking out and i think they are killing them. I can't sit there and watch this so even though I'm not allowed to I jump up and run outside. I yell at them to stop and they give my funny looks and explain they are only trying to get the birds out because the hole is going to collapse. Feeling stupid I head back inside. I get to the back door and see that right beside it is a large aquarium. In this tank is strange looking frogs and turtles of odd color. I was thinking out loud and said "How weird.." One of the turtle turned to me and replied "HOW RUDE!" I was like I turned to go the other way forgetting i was trying to go back inside and saw this black car pull up. Some how I knew whoever was inside was here because I had left the house. I step for and start to say it was all a misunderstanding but stop mid-sentence when I see that the man getting out of the car is none-other than Sylar (From the show Heroes).

      First if you don't know who Sylar is then go watch Heroes, He is my favorite bad guy other than Freddy Krueger ( I'm not including Anime villains ) until then the small explanation is he has super powers and he kills people
      Second I completely froze when i saw him but only for a moment then turned and rad inside utterly scared for my life. I slam the door behind me and run and hide in the bathroom and lock the door. There is a little slit in the door that you can slide open and see out side for some unknown reason. I look through and watch as my back door flys off it's hinges and hit the wall. The only though that runs through my mind at this point is "shit shit shit Shit Shit SHIT SHIT SHIT" Then he turns and looks straight at the bathroom door and i slam the slit door I'm looking through shut and back way too fast tripping and falling to the ground. The door to the bathroom moves but won't open because it's locked then the door is busted in half. I watch in shock and Sylar enters the room. Then I jump up and run for the window hope to escape but Sylar is to fast and grabs the back of my shirt and throws me to the ground HARD. This knocks the breath out of me and a struggle to get to my feet but he kicks me back down. Using his ability to move things with his mind he flips me and makes it were i can't move and smiles saying "I would say any last words but you don't get any...goodbye" He raises his hand in the oh to familiar motion about to finish me off ( In the show he slices the tops of people heads off with his power by pointing and making a slicing motion) I slam my eyes shut.

      That were I wake up...guess i died.
    12. Airports, Sadie's ghost and travelling with Kali

      by , 04-01-2012 at 03:10 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      I am heading towards an airport with the sister and brother-in-law for a good friend of mine, as well as my at Kali in a small animal carrier. We are on a small charter plane and it is full of people but everyone besides one man and us is elderly. Someone says something about not telling customs where we are going and to say that we are travelling with the elderly people as relatives. For some reason we fear being turned bak if the security and customs people at the airport learn why we are really travelling (which was a really mundane reason in the dream but I forget the reason now.)

      We get to the air port and my friend's sister and husband and I are seperated and I panick because I do not know what time to catch the next fight or where, because they have the ticket. I eventually figure out that I have to go to a nearby town, callled Pickwick in the dream, to catch the connecting flight, but in the partking lot of the airport I am currently in, my cat deficates all over her carrier and I have no where to clean it and I cannot catch a cab because of it.

      I eventually ditch the carrier itself, clean off my cat and place her in my carry-on bag (in which she sleeps peacefully) and I run into the man who I met on the charter plane who was not elderly, just as security comes to check our ID and bags. Not having my bording pass (it is with the people I got seperated from) the man I don't know takes me in his arms and tells me to say that I am his fiancee. He tells me his name is Anthony. Some how this is enough to convince the security guards and they let us through the gates and out of the airport, where Anthony and I catch a bus to Pickwick, where our next plane await. I meet up withmy friend's sister and brother-in-law when we get to that town's airport, though Anthony disappears and I do not see him join us on our connecting flight, which makes me sad.

      We far in the south in our destination (Florida?) walking through a forest of some kind. I want to say it was a bamboo forest, but I am not sure. Most of the trees were tall and narrow anyway and the shrubs were short and thin branched and few had any leaves. There wer many tourists on the path of varying age and we all walking in one direction on the winding path. The path passed a large circular pond that was dried up and in a bush near the edge of the pond I saw a dog laying on it's back.

      When I got closer I saw that it was my dog Sadie who died years ago. I looked at her chest and saw her breathing, but I knew in the dream that she was dead, especially since branches of the bush she was laying on protrouded from various parts of her body, including her mouth, as if her body had been laying there for a long time and the bush just grow through it. She was not in pain or distress and I could sense she had appeared to me for a reason but I could not figure out why, though I did take this chance to say goodbye to her properly, since I did not get to do so in waking life when she passed away.

      The tour group is moving on a head of me and I do not want to be left behind so I run to catch up but I stop and glance one more time at Sadie when I am at the other side of the pond. Her body has turned to a wooden log and her limbs and tails knarled branches, and I feel a sense of relief, like I know she has finally moved on and her body had returned to the earth.

      I catch up to the tour group and they are staring at a large pit filled with alligators. I panick because I realize at this point that me cat Kali had been following me like a dog and I haven't seen her for a while. Now that I know there are alligators in the forest I am afraid for her safety. I search everywhere, even go back to Sadie's pond, but I cannot find Kali anywhere. Later I find her near the rental car that the people I am travelling with have.

      On our flight back to Pickwick, I see Anthony on our plane but he does not talk or even look at me, like we never met before and he does not recognize me. Back at Pickwick we find out our luggage has gone to the airport we first landed at near the start of the dream. While there I try to retrieve my cat's original carrier, but not only has it not been cleaned yet but someone has broken it down into little peices. While the large commerical jet that took us to Florida had no problem with my cat Kali travelling in my carry-on bag, the small charter plane that is supposed to take us home will not let me board until my cat is in a proper carrier. They do agree to wait for me however and the rest of the passengers get grumpy and upset with me because they have to wait while I find a new carrier for Kali.

      I cannot remember any more of this dream.
    13. Egyptian Ghosts Know How To Be Chill

      by , 04-01-2012 at 12:57 AM
      Me and my friend Charles are in an Ancient Egyptian building. It was a diner back when they lived there. The walls were white and pieces of it were crumbling down. There is also a library on the other side of the wall. A ghost now lives there. She is searching and waiting for her deceased significant other to arrive. Me and Charles think it's a good idea to mess with her. We run around, past tables and then hide when she turns around. She doesn't see us and then she asks "what is that". I go and then charles goes. We do this several times then go to the part where the library is. She saw us but she was cool with it. We leave and go into the bustling city of Modern day Egypt. Buses traveling and cars zoom by. I find myself in a tourist building with my family.
      Tags: chillax, egypt, ghost
    14. Halloween Death Match

      by , 04-01-2012 at 12:27 AM (Dreamsphere (Return to the Chaos))
      The setting is my high school, and there is an event taking place at night for Halloween. The boys have all engaged in a competition while donning Halloween costumes. The costumes however are known to take control of the person wearing them, transforming them into insane wild men, and the competition has become a death match. We roam the school grounds and fight the people in other teams, some of which have guns. I go to a room and see a friend of mine being chased by two figures who I notice to be almost completely taken over by the costumes. I am able to hide from them but when my friend runs towards me, the two see and begin chasing me too. I escape, but soon find that my mask is beginning to disintegrate along with the skin off my face. I look around and see the same thing happening to others.
    15. Night 22 - Fantastic Night!

      by , 03-31-2012 at 10:29 PM (GeOh's Dream Journal)
      Normal Dream
      Lucid Dream

      Night 22

      This Lucid Dream was the best one I had yet, and one of the most amazing dreams I have ever had, it was really fun . I did not reread them to make fixes so if I messed up some spelling or wording, I'm sorry .

      I. I was at my grandfathers house, in his driveway next to his porch, I think my mom was showing someone the house who was interested in buying it. I remember seeing big long works of art like hung up on the railings, they were huge wooden carvings which theme was Christianity. I remember seeing Jesus Christ carved in holding his hands up in a cupping motion holding a star. I am not a christian, but my grandfather was a very peaceful one. I remember my mom walked past me and said “God is merciful. He does forgive you for you sins.” directly to me, and then I woke up.

      II. I am taking part in a civil war or something, it was taking place around my house, it was red vs blue just like a video game, but it was real. It wasn't like a modern war, we had old guns that each shot needed to be loaded. I remember walking with a group of men, we were on the blue side, and we come across a small group of red men, we were like 20 feet apart when both of the groups line up in a line. This was a very very scary feeling, being on the front line ready to engage the enemy knowing you might actually die in a matter of moments. It felt so real, I was so scared as both of our captains were yelling "Positions!" i was on the front line and we lay to the ground, "Aim!" my heart was pounding, in a matter of seconds I could be dead, "Fire!". The next thing you hear are gunshots from both sides, I was still alive, but I was frantically trying to grab a bullet out of my pocket to lead my next shot, I get it in and shoot, I see people people falling to the ground with gunshot wounds. I could not get my gun loaded for a third time, so I put my head down and closed my eyes and bullets were flying past me, I just sat there trying to figure out if I was dead or alive. I did not know if I was just so scared I couldn't open my eyes, or I was dead and everything was just black. I have been into situations like this before, and just like those times my dream rewinds to a part at which I am safe, this time I am looking out a my window and see my brother get shot and killed. I remember crying with a friend of mine, I put down my gun and walk out to the other armies captain, I just tell him straight up that I don't want any trouble i just want to ask if I can get my brothers body and bury it myself. He said something like "You have guts coming over here, but yeah, I will allow you to get your brothers body.". I thank him and I noticed that they already buried all of the fallen soldiers, so I am looking around trying to find where they buried him. I could not find him and went back to my side where it was being taken over, so me and my friend just decide it is time to run, we run and run while explosions are happening. The dream ends right around here.

      III. I am going to separate this one into parts because it will be easier for me writing it I feel. It is a really long read .

      -I am in my middle school basketball court with my class, we were all shooting hoops when my arm was really weak, I could not throw the ball at all. I was really frustrated, but the class ends and while we are walking away I am just thinking “this is crazy, almost like a dream”, at this point I was like “wait, oh wow, this is a dream!” as I say looking around. My dream wasn't fading, but it wasn't as vivid as it could be, so I yell “Increase awareness! Increase lucidity!” and it actually worked a little! At this point I am excited as I never really had a good lucid dream at school, they have usually been taking place in my house, so this was a good change. I had a lot of confidence so I looked up to the basketball rim and raised my arm up and started levitating towards it, I slammed the ball in the net, I never really tried to fly or levitate yet in a dream so it was great when it worked first time. I look at my classmates to see their reaction to this, they noticed by didn't really care that I was levitating lol.

      - So after I have just became lucid, I just wanted to explore this world, so I walk out and I am in my middle school entrance, and there are huge windows to the outside world, it was a bright sunny day out which kinda surprised me, I thought it was going to be night like most of my dreams. A part of me wanted to go out and walk around outside, but I decided to stay and walk around the school. So I start walking down the hall and I was now with someone I knew from school, S, so we are talking about something (can't remember) when we get to a class room, she was wanting to play like some sort of hockey game and we sit down and she turns into this strange tv/robot lol, it was a good thing because at this point I think I was falling back into a ND, but after that happened I sat up and continued to explore remembering it was a dream. When I left the class, it felt like I was in a maze, there were dozens of doors, and I could not find the way out, it was like a school/hospital because there was a middle desk with a nurse/teacher sitting behind it. I go to open a door, I think it was an exit, and she says something to me to help me, I forgot what it was, but I was like “oh yeah, thanks!” as my subconscious just helped me again retain lucidity.

      - So I walk back out into the hall, and it was like a school merged with a mall now, there were a lot of people just walking around and going about their business. I walk to this entrance to what looked like a huge restaurant, the lady at the front gave me this flyer that was purple and white, I had a very hard time reading it as the words were changing, at first it said something about Taco Bell, but then they changes to something else. So then I just left and continued on, I walk out into the hall where a friend of mince came up to me and I knew right there that he wants to help me and he wasn't an ordinary DC. We were talking when I ask
      “Do you think you could come back and help me become lucid in future dreams?”
      He looked at me and said “Umm, sure, we are all just an effect anyway.”
      I wanted to make sure he understood what I said so I was like “So you can?”.
      He replied “Yeah, but there are some who still do not trust you, but I do not see any problem with it, just don't hurt anyone or do anything stupid”
      At this point I was like hmm, some people don't trust me? But I remember saying thanks and continuing on with him.

      - This part is crazy, but kind of hilarious, so as we were walking we get into this huge open areas, kind of like a mall cafeteria and Morgan Freeman comes up to me. All of these people who have came up to me have been helping me, he starts talking about the dream and our current location, it was like so strange, and he also said how some people here still did not trust me. So we are talking and then he was like, “Watch out, he comes Santa Claus.” I was like “What?” and I turn and look and here is some long bearded man dressed up like Santa coming right at us, he grabs some dude right beside us and I was thinking this was a dream so I raised my hand and made gun noises hoping a gun would appear in my hand, but it did not work. That is when Morgan Freeman pulls my arm down and says that I did it wrong, that if I wanted to do that I needed picture what happens before it actually happens. I thanked him and was like, “oh, alright.”, and I remember just leaving that area right after as I really didn't want to get into all of this craziness, so I walked off to go explore. I was back at my middle school and it felt like I was trapped there, I found myself at the start of the dream where I was outside of the gym, so I turn and walk through the school, but I found myself at the gym entrance once again, I was like stop trolling me dream lol.

      -So I walk out into the hall again where I see a ton of people just sitting around, I remember pointing at each one I recognized from RL, and was saying “I know you, I know you, I know you...” to each one. There was one person who replied and said “I know you too.”, and I continue to do this and I walk into a room, and it was actually my living room now, I recognize someone I knew from school, and looks to another DC and says “I do not trust this guy.” I was tired of hearing how people did not trust me so I look at him and say “Alright, why do you not trust me then?”
      He said something like, “Because you are now knowledgeable on how to do this.” I knew he was referring to Lucid Dreaming.
      I reply kind of laughing “Wait, so you don't trust me because I now know how to come here.” or something like that.
      It looks like he doesn't know just what to say, and he said something like “Well.. Kinda.”

      -Alright, now at this point I felt like the dream was going to end soon since it felt like I was in there forever, so I realized I was back at my house I wanted to do one more thing, walk through the closet mirror in my room . I walk out to the bottom of my stairs and I was like, I should fly up the stairs so I tried to fly like before, but it did not work this time around , so I just walked up the stairs. I seen my cat on the ground and I walked right past her to my room. I get in front of my mirror and look at my reflection, I have heard you can look really strange and I did, my face was like changing shapes and my body was twitching really fast. I then try to stick my hand through the mirror but it did not work, so I put my face up to the mirror and it still did not work, I was upset it was not working so I decided to try to punch and shatter the mirror to see what would happen. I hit the mirror really hard twice and it would not break, so I shoved my face back into it and I actually went through! It felt cold like a liquid, and it was so strange, everything was black and white and the landscape was of myself, like my nose and my cheek were like mountains. That is when I realized I was in SP in my bed and my eye was open looking down at my face, I could not move and everything was still in black and white. I wanted to get out of SP so I forced myself up and it worked, I got out of my bed excited at the dream I just had and I stood up and did a RC and realized that this was a FA. As soon as I realized it was a FA, I woke up in my real bed.

      I am still shocked at how long that LD was, I hope I continue to have LD's every other day!
      memorable , lucid , non-lucid