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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Dream fragments from this morning

      by , 06-18-2012 at 10:38 AM
      So I believe that dream starts up with me waking up and hurrying to some kind of school. There's a big room (classroom?) with a big table and when you're seated you have one person on each side of you and someone right across the table. I start massaging my temples since I have migraine (which could be because of the fact that I didn't study for the test). Weird thing is that it is an art school, so I don't really get what should have been studied. My classmates start patting me on the back and comforting me, saying that it's okay. Both the migraine and the fact that I didn't study.

      ...and so the teacher enters and she focuses her attention on me as she hands out the papers. I don't know why, I just know that she does. She has red hair, a knitted pink/red blouse and a white top. I believe she had beige khaki pants.

      Later on I'm walking through the halls of the school, which looks like an abanded waterfront warehouse, except there are paintings and art projects high and low. The lighting is dingy and damp, the only light reaching me is from the windows that are a few meters over me, just under the roof. I see a television screen and there's thist artist being interviewed (or maybe he's doing some kind of monologue). Lars Vilks, the artist behind the Muhammed charicatures, crosses my mind. It looks like him and they're both named Lars, but in my mind I know that "he is like Lars Vilks, but another Lars". The feeling was very surreal...

      At this point the dream goes very fragmental and I can't be sure about the connection between these parts, although there is a small link in recurring dream characters, although they just appear as shadows and the general feeling in all these parts are the same.

      We're out biking and I am on my sisters bike (I don't know how it looks or anything). I'm with a famous TV duo from sweden; Filip och Fredrik. We're on this trail in the woods and in front me is this guy with red hair and dreads... He looks like a crust punk with a smallbrimmed cap, camo-cargo-pants and a black hoodie with some kind of DIY-print on the back. I feel that I'm holding the tempo back by not passing him and I start going by him. // CUT //
      We're out on an asphalt road, still in the woods. We're talking and their rapport amazes me. Somehow I'm clued to that one of them, Filip, is an alcoholic and that he can't drink without becoming a total asshole... And that is exactly what happens; he becomes unbearably annoying. In reality however, I think it's the other way around, that Fredrik becomes an asshole when he's drunk.

      However, we arrive at our destination, which is my sisters apartment where I am suppoed to leave her bike. Her place is a mix between where she actually lives and where an old friend of mine used to live (we're not friends anymore and he haven't lived there for years). Somewhere between arriving to this house and being on the asphalt road in the woods I sense, more than see, the image of my khaki-wearing teacher.

      I think the last part of the dream was my sister being angry with me because I hadn't told her that I was out biking with Filip and Fredrik.
    2. The last dream of this morning - Running late to see Bruce Springsteen

      by , 06-18-2012 at 09:49 AM
      As this dream begins I'm not really sure where we are, but I do believe we are at my fathers fiancees place. It's me, the mother of my children and my soon-to-be-roommate. There are other people there, some of whom I do believe I've met in previous dreams. There's a total of five or six people in the apartment.

      The room in which we are at the moment is scarcely decorated. There are blinds covering the window, white walls and a bed with white sheets. There's a TV turned on and a nintendo 64 connected to it. Me and the mother of my children always do a battle royale when there's a N64 present and we do this now to. My soon-to-be-roommate joins in, and as usual he is not competitive while me and the mother of my children and I are competitive to the point where we might just get into a fist fight.

      At this point I start to realize that we should get ready for going off to the concert, but the mother of my children and my soon-to-be-roommate kept playing video games. Since I am the kind of person who just puts on my shoes and I'm ready to go anywhere, I started exploring the apartment (which wasn't really my fathers fiancees, even if that was what it felt like). Then my phone rings and it is my father who is going to pick us up, since the concert is in 30 minutes and it takes about an hour (!) to get there. And so, I put my shoes on and tell everybody to get going and I myself run out the door.

      I stand outside the apartmentbuilding for quite a while waiting for the mother of my children, but she is taking alot of time getting ready. I call her to see what's up and when she answers the phone she tells me she is trying on outfits. I tell her that we need to get going and in my mind I just know that we're gonna miss "Born to run", which is probably on of the Boss' best songs.

      Somehow I end up in a cab. Or a bus, but when I arrive at my destination it's a cab. Although I do remember the bus seats from my hometowns public transport in the dream. Anyhow... We're going through this huge system of roads, with tunnels, bridge, ramps and what have you, and I don't really consider it. I have my favorite cap on (which is now lost) and my wallet in my backpocket. I put the wallet on the seat, right next to me, since it's uncomfortable in my back pocket. I also take my cap off.
      In a turn that is tunneled I see a really weird car. It's only got two wheels and it seems like it has disintegrated through rust. The driver is holding a wheel, and there's no motor hood, no roof and almost no body at all, just the skeleton of the car... Except that you can see where the rust has eaten it. For some reason that's the car I end up in when we reach the destination, which is an underground parking garage. When I'm about to pay the driver, I realize my wallet is missing. Ofcourse it fell out while lying on the seat, since there was no doors or walls to keep it inside the car(!).

      Updated 06-18-2012 at 10:01 AM by 55638 (Categories)

      non-lucid , memorable
    3. The Purple Cape Man

      by , 06-18-2012 at 09:25 AM (Dreamy Notes)

      The Purple Cape Man
      We all have to have that one person you never see before in your life end up in a dream. Most of the time we don't remember them but i remember this character clearly.
      He wore a large black and purple cape, much like Dracula from those vampire movies with the long popped collar.
      He had long black hair and he looked pale, though not at all vampiric... he had an English accent.. from the UK.
      And what was weird is that he ended up in my Dream Mansion, i was wondering around and out of nowhere, he held me captive in my own kitchen explaining how he will destroy my House.
      He was obviously evil somewhat and hated me.
      That was just another dream fragment from The Dream Mansion dreams i had.
    4. First Scary Experience

      by , 06-18-2012 at 08:28 AM
      Thoughts = Blue Dreaming State = Red Awake = Black

      I went to sleep at about 12:15 a.m. Just before I went to sleep I drank some apple juice, which helps getting lucid.
      I can't really remember my first dreams, but about 2 hours after I went to sleep I think I got into a sort of sleep paralasis. [COLOR="red"]Everthing turned black, and to "options" appeared. I could choose the top one, which said follow me, and the bottom one was like an old theater screen with some zombies walking against something. I wasn't quite sure which way to choose, but I knew I had to follow so that I could explore my own mind, though I still don't know what it's telling me at this point. A red text appeared and told me to go with the zombie one, which I then of course did. Everything turned black but I knew I was still moving forward. I thought to myself, shouldn't there be some weird stuff my mind is telling me? So all sorts of random stuff appeared. I summoned a button that could get me the hell out of there is shit went down. I knew that I was getting closer to the target and thing got really uncomfortable so I pressed the button .
      I woke up a bit scared but of course also happy, because I hadn't been able to lucis in about a week. I remembered a funny vid on yt, where ppl dressed up as zombies and pranked ppl. So I thought of that so I could calm myself, and then I went back to sleep.

    5. When Your Worst Nightmare Arrives

      by , 06-18-2012 at 07:32 AM (Dreamy Notes)
      Everyone has their own fears... well my greatest fear is the grudge. If i see her, i start to panic, breathe really fast, and start crying... yes I'm a little girl when it comes to the grudge but i try my best not to think of her. But i just remembered a dream fragment from THE DREAM MANSION, my house where i live in my dreams... i was having multiple dreams in that mansion. Well i remember walking around when i see her.. right front of me, right away i start to panic and i think okay just think of something different... focus... make her go away. And she disappeared, that was what scared me out of my sleep. I hope not to see her EVER AGAIN.
    6. Prior Dream : Zombies

      by , 06-18-2012 at 07:07 AM (Dreamy Notes)
      This is a past dream i had long ago,
      I was in a city, looked much like New York.
      Everything was destroyed and smoking, a complete disaster, i see zombies feeding on people and what not.
      After observing the place for a minute, i realize.. i have a gun in my hand, my clothes ripped up, dirty, tattered.. my arms scratched, no memory of how that happened.
      A zombie sees me and tackles me but i grab him and throw him aside, then shoot him. Another zombie runs towards me, and i aim my gun at him, he quickly knocks it out of my hand and i fall down, the zombie gets on me and tries eating my face but i held him back like leonidas did to that big Persian in 300. As he tried biting my face off, i yelled and that was the end of the dream, VERY SHORT, SLIGHTLY BADASS, A BIT SCARY.
    7. Woody Allen's Assistant

      by , 06-18-2012 at 04:24 AM (Dreamsphere (Return to the Chaos))
      Woody Allen is filming his new movie, Zelig, yet is so neurotic and socially incompetent that he has hired me to assist him in the project. I am however a mirror image of Woody Allen, in both appearance and mentality. He is not yet a famous director and is living in a small stone brick house with an entrance that is so small you have to lie down and crawl through. During the filming process, I overhear him say that he would love to visit Paris and would film a movie there as an excuse to go. I begin to laugh as I know that in the future he admittedly directs Midnight in Paris for that reason.
    8. 6/17/12 Friday, Saturday, Sunday

      by , 06-18-2012 at 01:32 AM
      I don't remember these dreams very well anymore, gonna try to journal right when I wake up.

      Dream 1
      My mom had some book that she was burning. It spawned these golden frogs that I think had chocolate inside of them. If you killed them, you got blocks of Minecraft wood.

      Dream 2
      Something about cars

      Dream 3
      I remember I was trying to find my new High School bus, and I started talking to some school friends, I think Mr Chopra was there. (see Dream 4) I'm confused about what actually happened in this dream, because this was a waking life event, and I had a dream version of it too, so I don't know what happened in waking life and what happened in the dream.

      Dream 4
      I'm in Mr Chopra's class (8th grade math teacher) and he's giving us some strange problems
    9. The Red Brick Building

      by , 06-18-2012 at 12:56 AM
      I'm living in an older apartment building with red brick walls. In the other room, my roommate is holding a baby. I spot a pacifier sitting on the floor and give it to the roommate, who announces that she is going to get it steam-cleaned. In the meantime, she makes me hold the baby. The poor thing seems to be in a lot of discomfort and keeps squirming. As soon as my roommate returns with the pacifier, the baby drops off to sleep. I'm a little relieved to hand him over.

      Two old friends drop by, but I'm reluctant to let them leave. I know that I'm going to need them as an alibi. Sure enough, just as I plead with my friends to stay, the police show up a bit too early for their cue. Good thing I knew they were coming! But how did I know? My roommate and I must have put together some sort of plot that I'm carrying out alone.

      There's a man who joins us who thinks he can help me. He looks a little bit like Lou Diamond Phillips. He thinks he can find evidence by demolishing the red brick walls around my bathroom. It doesn't seem like any great loss, since the bathroom is so large with an odd layout. It actually has three showers stalls at right angles, but we don't need quite that many. As he starts tearing out the brick wall, I can see the sidewalk outside. Pretty soon, the opening is wide enough to walk out onto the street.

      I woke up briefly, then managed to re-enter the dream.

      I'm on that same street. Instead of apartments, there's a building holding a coffee shop, a resale store, and an empty storefront between them. I seem to own the coffee shop. A suspicious-looking man enters and wonder what happened to the old shop. I tell him that I bought it and reopened it. He asks if he can still get number 17 from the old menu. I have no idea what that is, so I give him a new menu. He keeps asking for #17 with a wink. Eventually, I realize that the old shop was a front for a brothel and he's asking for a woman. I hustle him out the door.

      It's nighttime outside and the stars are out. I look at the sky for a little while, though I can't identify any particular constellation. It's almost as if someone covered the world with a piece of blue velvet and poked holes at random to represent the stars.

      When I head back into the building, something feels different. I go into the resale shop where I know I have friends working, but they don't seem to know me. It seems that while I was outside, I went back in time by two years -- taking me to a point before I had met them. I wonder if I should take the same path or do something entirely different with this second chance.
    10. Intense back pain in dream

      by , 06-18-2012 at 12:55 AM (Sea of the Unconscious)
      It was recommended to me to have a second spinal fusion. I went along with it because I thought it would help. I was in first grade, but I was around 18 years old—as were all the other students.

      Despite just having surgery, I was not experiencing any pain. I was hardly participating in the class, and considered using my recent surgery as an excuse. As class went on, my level of discomfort and pain increased. I was about to leave the class when my fiancée showed up. She hugged me from behind, and became extremely irritable and scolded her for touching my back. She hugged me again more gently, but still touched my back, thus causing me pain. We hung out in the classroom, no longer paying attention to the teacher. We rummaged around the teacher’s desk, and asked the teacher if she had an audio jack in her computer. I decided to introduce my fiancée to my teacher, but forgot her name. Mrs. White introduced herself instead. Yet again my back was in great pain.

      During lunch, a colleague of Mrs. White’s visited the classroom, and performed some magic. He took several objects, and summoned the same objects from the past. For example, if the object was created in 2000, he would have summoned it from 2000, when it was brand new.

      The scene changed, and I was the passenger in a car. The pain was overwhelming. I laid down as best I could in the back seat, resting my head on my fiancée’s lap. I was almost crying from the pain by the end of the dream.
    11. Playing with a 3 dimensional Box

      by , 06-18-2012 at 12:18 AM (It's all about Awareness.)
      Well the dream started off with me sitting at a Desk being in a office type room. Here is a image of what it may look like.

      I am inside the building just minding my own business, all of the sudden I was playing around with some plastic box. It looked kind of futuristic. I was wondering what to do with the box. First thing I was doing was I was playing around with the box and it looked 3 dimensional. I was trying to figure out how to use it and it began to do some different things, when I was messing with it a logo appeared in the box. I saw a logo going really far away inside the box so I could barely see it. So I was thinking this was a next generation of computers. It was like a computer case made out of plastic that can do all sorts of things. It looked kinda like this but it was alittle bigger, kinda like the size of a PC Monitor or a TV.

      I was messing around with it again and suddenly it said Dreamviews on the logo. I was thinking for a moment, well that was odd. Then suddenly I heard peoples voices coming from out side, they were coming in the room. One of the ladies walked in and said, "Sorry you have to leave, I am busy with a client right now so you must go" And I was wondering what she meant by "Client" And I saw a girl walking in with her, And the dream ended.
    12. Anti-Excitement

      by , 06-17-2012 at 11:52 PM
      This is my first Dream Journal i've written down
      I start off the dream at a Fun Zone/ Airport type setting. I found myself in a "party" type section of the area, with me was 2 younger black girls. I assumed they were sisters. We were talking and I found that whenever I got excited about something I kept passing out, kind of like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0h2nleWTwI the narcoleptic dog! No matter how hard I tried I kept falling down "asleep". Then the girl's father showed up and they encouraged me to stay awake. No matter how hard I fought, I couldn't do it. He began chasing me around the table that was in the center of the room and I would sprint, pass out, sprint.

      I am aware that I repress emotions, but this dream may give me new insight. Maybe I repress emotions to avoid the disappointments I had as a child. Whatever the reason, there's my first DJ!
    13. (06-16-12) Inception at it's finest.

      by , 06-17-2012 at 10:36 PM
      I don't really remember the beginning of my dream, but it began with me, and the characters from an anime expediting on something. I don't really remember. I was tired, so I went to sleep. I subsided into my dreamscape and I knew I was dreaming off the bat, because I began flying all of a sudden. I didn't do much in that dream, except explore, I was lucid. Then I woke up, told the characters that I had a lucid dream. That dream wasn't lucid. Some people died due to causes, such as falling down a really long ladder, drowning, etc. I went to sleep again, and it was also lucid. I woke up, and tried to breathe whilst holding my nose. I was dreaming. I was outside of a house. I went inside and it was a mess. There was a woman there. I guess she was supposed to be my 'mom' in the dream. She got mad at me. There were chairs broken, windows cracked. The reason for this was that there were four girls in there, at the time I wasn't lucid dreaming, who got mad at me. I stormed out of the house and didn't return until that time. I waved my arms. "CLEAN UP!" I shouted, all the mess disappeared. This part I had trouble with. Our neighbor was selling his car for $500. I didn't have $500. I went back inside and tried to spawn $500. No luck. I was waving my hand at a table, shouting "500 DOLLARS!" and it didn't work. I tried to focus, and think very hard. "Spawn 500 dollars." Didn't work. I think after that I woke up. Wait! I woke up again? I had a false awakening. I got up, walked out into the living room, and woke up again. This time, I was awake for sure.

      Updated 06-17-2012 at 10:38 PM by 50577 (Forgot date.)

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    14. 14.06.2012 - 5 x Non lucid dreams

      by , 06-17-2012 at 09:27 PM
      Date: 14/06/2012
      Place: Friend's bed
      Time of getting into bed: 00.00

      Dream 1 - Non lucid
      We (me and partner) are going through a McDonalds drive through over and over again. Under our car seats are small kittens that are very cute.

      Dream 2 - Non lucid
      My sister is modeling dresses on a cruise ship. I am joining in but only because I know she will be angry if I don't, and I really don't want to do it. The dresses are bad taste and there are people watching. There are piles of clothing everywhere, my back is very sweaty I notice. A plastic pirate ship style toy boat is large enough for me to climb in, which makes it move in a very trippy way. I am then in the toilets squeezing into a dress way too small for me, there are people waiting to use the toilet but I am holding them all up. An old school friend passes by and says hi, I say hi back and they leave. Someone gives me some cheap, hotel style conditioner for my hair.

      Dream 3 - Non lucid
      There is a small, dead scorpion on my pillow. I am saving it to put in my ear later. I change my mind and decide to throw it away, in case it stings me.

      Dream 4 - Non lucid
      I am throwing plastic arrows, but I have no bow.

      Dream 5 - Non lucid
      I am in a beach style place, and smoking. I throw my cigarette butts on the floor into the sand so someone provides a very tall, green plastic cocktail glass to use as an ashtray. There are no more seats for me to sit on so I sit on a plastic, kids toy car. I am now crying (not sure why) but the car is comfortable.

      I do not smoke anymore (quit sometime ago)
      I have not seen the visiting school friend for around 10 years.
      My star sign is Scorpio.
    15. Fragment, hot air balloon, hungry chickens and cats

      by , 06-17-2012 at 07:41 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      1. "Her sales and her unibrow are nowhere near where they need to be." Had a feeling of watching TV. Was thinking of Jess and the coffee shop.

      *I woke up and drank cold coffee and went back to bed.

      2. I am in a hot air balloon. There is an old crazy looking man. He has long gray hair and looks like the actor that played Gandolf. His hair is wild and wind sept. It is very windy. We are very high up. I see gray mountains in the distance. Suddenly the wind blow the opposite direction. The old man becomes excited and says "There it is!" I have the feeling like we made it past a certain threshold and it would be easy from there.

      *I was trying to WILD and fell into non lucid sleep

      3. I am at my wifes grandparents house. They haven't lived there in a long time. I look inside but it turns into my mother-in-laws house. I see parts that is half torn down. I think we should rebuild this house and move in. I walk outside and notice the door was unlocked and I never used a key. I leave it unlocked. I see some chickens and they are so hungry they are like swarming me and begging for food. I think, "Oh crap no one has fed them all this time!" So I quickly find so feed and a feeder and fill it up and then I sprinkle some on the ground so they will have pleanty. I then go into a shed and find a paper bag. I has some more feed but it is like moist clumps. That when the 4 or 5 cats attack me and latch onto the bag and my arm. I am amused but I try to shake them off. They wont come off and one is latched to my forearm. It doesn't hurt but I am getting mad now. I step out of the shed and spin in a circle and fling the bag and cats into the air with all my might. The cats go spinning and flying far into the sky and out of sight. I laugh.
      non-lucid , dream fragment