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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Texting 3-2

      by , 04-08-2011 at 02:48 AM
      Okay, this dream was just really, really simple. My POV was that of the screen of an iPhone.iPod, on the texting app. I don't know if it would be considered lucid, because although I was aware, the only control I had was of what I responded. Basically it was me texting something else. Here was the conversation. it was really short.

      Them: (actually, I don;t recall their first post, though it was something nonsensical).
      Me: wut?
      Them: UUU
      Me: huh?
      Them: lol awkward
      Me: do i know u?

      And that was it. Perfectly realistic format, just kinda...random...

      Eh, I'm gonna file it under lucid unless anyone tells me otherwise...

      So I'd guess that'd be #1. Yay!
      lucid , non-lucid
    2. weird wig store on beach with star fireflies...

      by , 04-07-2011 at 11:02 PM
      I had this dream acouple days ago...I was walking down a walkway between all kinds of multi-story buildings, there were beach chairs and tables and umbrellas packed into this walkway, i had to weave around constantly to get around all of the stuff, and i was having a conversation in my mind with some unknown male voice about my planned move to Ireland to start a tech company...???? In reality, i hav eno such plans, although i'd love to live in ireland...as I am walking and making my way through the masses of furniture, this strange guy comes up to me, he resembles Jeff Daniels in dumb and dumber, and says to me, "If you bought that store it would look like this" and he turned and walked into a building behind him, and into a small store that was right outside the main entrance. I followed him in and it was kind of sparse, there as an empty glass case, some weird strips of leather(at least i hope it was leather) hanging on the walls, and a fireplace on the opposite wall, strange pictures that changed everytime i looked at them, like half finished artwork or something, i noticed there were no employees and said we'd better leave. I walked out and he came out the door and said "the next time i come to your store i'll be wearing a wig" and he pulled off a wig that was an exact duplicate of his real hair...i followed him back into the store and told himto put it back, he put the wig inside this werid, round cage looking thing, when he did, i noticed there was a string attached to the top of the cage thing and it started flying up into the air, it was being pulled into the wall above the door, when it got to the wall, the alarm went off and the door closed and locked us in...i panicked and started trying to twistthe doorknob off, the doorknob sun freely but the door didnt open.....he stood there laughing and joking about how we were going to be sea mates when this was over..???? he said "dont worry, i'll share the palm tree!" i noticed a door in the back corner that wasnt there before and noticedit wasnt shut all they way, so i pulled on it and it opened...it was the bathroom.....i noticed another door and opened it and realized it wasa backroom of some sort, i ran through the door and closed it behind me and locked it...i went through another door in the back and the back wall was floor to ceiling mirror...and there was a hologram of Michael jackson in it..or on it, that looked like he was dancing as i went passed it, but he stopped when i stopped...i went out a door that led me to the front of the building and the cops were there trying to talk the guy out while a whole boatoad of little kids were running around in circles all around the cops...i started as calmly as i could along the front of the building and around the back...i started running across a grassy field in the back of the building and there were a bunch of kids with jars of fireflies standing around making nursery rhymes about friday the 13th movies...i dont remember any rhymes in particular...as i ran through patches of thick grass, clouds of super bright star shaped fireflies flew up around me blinding me briefly...i finally made it to a road and started running alng a very skinny along the road, all the while going over in my head how the cops were going to know i was in that store..fingerprints etc...i came to a strange park like place with a big sign above the entrance tha read "KILLING CAMELOT" i stopped to look at the sign and decide if i was going to go in...i had a feeling i needed to be there...when i woke up...
    3. Running from police

      by , 04-07-2011 at 09:34 PM
      I was this kid I know, Steve Loreo, running from the cops (I ran by about 20 of them without them knowing it was me they were looking for). it started on my college lacrosse field through the woods to a new place with janitors, cement paths, and rustic looking stairs and steps. I had to run backwards on the hot pavement to help melt the soles of my shoes for some reason. Pete Postlethwaith, the guy who played Hitler in that recent movie, was following me around, trying to find me. We robbed a bank together. His persuit of me was narrated, almost movie-like inside my head. I was sweating and stabbed some guy in the back with a throwing knife. then met up with Pete, he told me the story.

      Feelings included being extremely anxious, scared, and an adrenaline rush feeling.
      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Telekinetic

      by , 04-07-2011 at 07:01 PM (My Second Life)
      I was standing in a store with my brother, He was in line to buy something. The lady behind the till was wearing glasses and talking to another man. I had a thought that I must be dreaming and became lucid. I used my telekinesis and flipped her glasses onto his face. They were both surprised and confused at the same time. While I was laughing my brother turns around and says did you do that ? I tell him ya and he starts to laugh. As we get up to the till my dream is getting less vivid, so I rub my hands together and feel the texture. I tell the guy behind the till to light the lighter thats next to him and spray the febreeze airsol can on my hands. He thinks im insane but does it anyway. Everything becomes clear as i feel the heat on my hands after he was done he is amazed that i have no burns to my hands. After my brother is done purchasing, three teenagers walk in with all black clothing on. They lock the sliding door thats connecting to the mall I have no idea what they're doing. I see some guns in a locked cabinet on the back wall of the store. I Float up and go behind the locked showcase and grabbed a shotgun, They were laughing but now they stopped seeing I have a firearm. It was really tough to cock the shotgun there was a lot of tension. I shoot one of the guys in the face and what came out of the gun was little black beads that stuck to his face. He takes a step back and looks at his friends, I toss my shotgun to my brother and float behind the cabinet again and grabbed another shotgun. We start blasting the beads all over them. Shortly after they ran away and I floated through the locked door to the mall to explore. I seen an old friend Christina talking to one of her friends. I was calling at her but she was ignoring me cause she was in a deep convo. I swing the shotgun and smash a window to the jewlery store and a security gaurd starts running at me saying "Stop theif". I start passing through the floor to escape but he is doing the same shooting at me with his pistol. Shortly after the dream faded.

      In my next dream I was walking down an isle with board games on the shelves. Down from me I seen Angelina Jolie and Orlando Bloom talk about which game they should get for a gift. As I walk past them I keep my head high confident that I was just as important than them. Soon Angelina walks past me to go check out something in the electronic area. Orlando sat down on a chair, my brother stopped to talk to him telling him his favorite movies he starred it. I Tap his shoulder as I walk by and telling him "you're the man" he smiles and thanks me. As Im walking backwards I see Riannah and I wave at her, she smiles and mouths the words hello while waving back. Soon this dream ended.

      In my final dream I was at this futuristic city everything was shiney and metal. As im walking around theres a crowd of people cheering for me almost like im a super hero. I see some cute girls and I go and say hello. There was this one guy next to them asking me "Did you bring us money " I told him no, go get a job. The whole crowd laughed at the man. Next thing I know I was in a dome room with a big intrument in the center which looked like a telescope. The scientists told me to enter it and I would be able to go back home. I look at him and think I don't want to go home and I lift the machine with my telekinetic power and smashed it. The men in the room all yelled at me what are you doing ?! I then flew through the wall behind me. Soon night came and I was standing on a balcony with a robot and some other superhero's. The robot shot a lazer into a satalite dish and one superhero's jumped into it disappearing. Two other superhero's did the same and finally it was my turn to go home. I jumped into the laser and woke up in my bed.
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. April 6 2011: Semi-Lucid; Voldemort VS Rasengan!

      by , 04-07-2011 at 04:39 PM (The path to Lucid Mastery)
      Non-Lucid, Semi-Lucid

      The dream I had last night was really weird and it almost resulted in a LD! The only reason it didn't was because the situation at the moment I realised I was dreaming was very threatening, so I forgot to do a RC and stabilize my dream.

      When the dream started, I was staning in my backyard on a sunny day. Then, my mom called me to get something (I don't recall what it was) from our shed. So I went into the shed and started looking around, but when I looked under the couch I noticed our Hippogriff (from Harry Potter) was gone. I hurried out of the shed and told my two youngest little brothers (I've got three) our Hippogriff was gone. They said they would try and find him and left the backyard, only to return moments later with a half-eaten head of a bull and a young but apparently unharmed (besides being dead) deer. This startled me and I told them to put it back where they got it as the smell might attract the now loose Hippogriff, which might be dangerous.

      Then my mom came outside to see what all the commotion was about (my little brothers had already left). So I told her about the Hippogriff. It seemed to scare her a lot that our Hippogriff had escaped, while I wasn't that worried at all. I told her to calm down; the Ministry (as in the Ministry of Magic) would capture the Hippogriff and erase our memories. I was just toying with the idea of blinking when they'd cast the amnesia spell to negate it when several hooded people appeared out of thin air.

      There where about seven of them. They were all pretty short, about a head shorter than I am (I am around 1.8 metres tall). I couldn't see the faces of six of them, as they had black cloaks with hoods over their heads, concealing their faces. The one in the front, the seventh, did have his face uncovered. It was Voldemort and the other six were Death Eaters. Voldemort didn't say a word but walked straight past us with his Death Eaters until he was standing next to our house and then he turned around. I was really scared and my mom was making squeaky sounds, as if she tried screaming but couldn't. I was afraid Voldemort could attack at any moment and was about to run away when I realised that I shouldn't be afraid in a dream.

      Now I realised I was dreaming and I didn't have to be afraid anymore so I charged at Voldemort without doing a RC or stabilizing the dream first. The running was rather sluggish, but it didn't matter since Voldemort didn't move at all. I crossed the final bit of distance between us and punched him in the face with my right fist. When I made contact Voldemort simply disappeared and the death eaters around started running away, still not talking and not even trying to fight back.

      I figured I'd better use some more agressive methods so I summoned a Rasengan (from Naruto) in my right hand and smashed the closest Death Eater in his side with it. The effect wasn't what I expected; lighting came off on impact as if I'd used a Chidori instead and the Death Eater didn't appear to be very harmed besides staggering a little bit. I turned around and saw Voldemort again, now facing me instead of running away like his Death Eaters. I ran at him again, this time not sluggish and tried punching him again, but he dodged me and tried punching me himself, only just missing me. Then I summoned another Rasengan to my right hand and hit Voldemort straight in the face with it, which caused him and to disappear along with his Death Eaters.

      I then walked inside to go to the toilet and as I was entering the bathroom
      I had a False Awakening. I was really excited so I got out of bed and ran downstairs where my mom was already having breakfast. I told her what had happened and then the dream ended.

      I didn't wake up for the rest of the night (nor did I recall any other dreams). When my alarm went off I sat up in my bed and tried to recall any dreams when this one came back to me and I wrote it in my DJ. I'm really excited about my nearly successful DILD and I hope I'll have my first full DILD soon!
    6. Trying to Get to Teraluna, The Villian at Work, and More

      by , 04-07-2011 at 04:23 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid - AP

      I was at work. It was daytime. There was a customer in there being a giant douchebag to everyone. He turned out to be some super villian, kind of like The Penguin in Batman. I was trying to ignore his antics, when I spotted him trying to pick a fight with another customer by the door. I yelled
      "Hey! HEY!"
      He, and everyone else in the shop, got silent and stared at me. I continued to yell
      "We don't treat each other like that here. If you're going to, then you can get the fuck out!"
      I turned around and walked away, fuming. My voice had sounded a little hoarse, but I think he (and everyone else) got the point. People started clapping and cheering.

      Then, I turned around, and the guy was vomitting on the carpet. He was doing it to be a douchebag again. He acted like he was actually sick. His vomit was green and vile-looking. I gagged.

      Then, I saw one of my friends, Katie, walking in the parking lot towards the shop. She looked happy, and was walking a little dog. I turned to whoever I was standing next to and said
      "How much you wanna bet Katie's gonna see that and throw up?"
      Katie came in, saw the vomit on the carpet, and she gagged.

      Then I remember talking to someone about how the villian was my neighbor, and my dad was a villian too, but he acted normal. It was weird. I talked about him going over to talk to the neighbor, and acting all normal about it, as if I didn't know what was going on.

      Then, I felt myself transition into another dream. I then knew it was a dream. I was in the bonus room of my house, and decided to take charge of the dream, and try to get to Teraluna. I rubbed my hands together, and the dream got more vivid. I had never tried that before in a dream. I asked my dream guide, whom I still have yet to meet, to help me get to Teraluna. I started drawing a portal with my finger in midair. The edges didn't meet, so I had to fix it so the edges met. I tried to walk through it, and it got dark for a minute, but I was still in my house.

      I then decided to try creating a portal on the wall. I thought that may be a bit easier. I drew a portal with my fingers, and touched it, concentrating on where I wanted to go. The portal rippled, then glowed with a white light. When the light disappeared, the portal was a golden door with intricate patterns carved into it. In the very middle, there was an eye. It looked like a real eye. I would compare it to a glass eye set in the middle of the door. I touched the top left corner of the door and concentrated on where I wanted to go. I then touched the eye.

      The door didn't open, but I was then in the catacombs of some ancient Egytptian structure. There were other people there too, running around. There was also fast, Egyptian-style music playing. It was slmost kind of video game-esque.

      Well, it's not Teraluna, but I decided to explore anyway. The room was dimly lit by torches on the wall. I ran through the bottom of this catacombs, and decided I needed to look the part. I looked down, and was wearing sandals on my feet, and Egyptian robes fluttered as I ran. Too awesome, I thought. Too awesome. I tried to enlongate my hair by feeling the ends and trying to imagine more hair, but for some reason, I couldn't do that.

      I then remember seeing msyelf in a mirror. My robes were red and off-white. They were very flowy. I thought that was really neat, and I started to dance. I danced for a little bit, then decided to keep going.

      I then remember being on a different floor of this catacombs-type place. I was looking over a balcony that went to the bottom floor. Things were a little more well-lit. On the bottom floor, I could see Chinese acrobats making a human pyramid. The floor down there was white. I decided to float down to the bottom. I felt like I was getting closer to my goal.

      Then, I was standing in front of another door. I started to feel myself wake up. I did not want to, so I started to imagine myself on a beach on Teraluna, with the ocean spray in my face. Everything was black, as I felt the sensations I was imagining. I tried to open my eyes, but my real eyes started to open instead. I quickly shut them, and was then in small room with royal blue-tiled walls that had black markings in the middle of the tiles. It had tall ceilings. I saw a Coke machine on the left wall. Strange.

      In the middle of the room stood Hyu. I walked up to him and gave him a hug. I looked at his face. It was so detailed. I looked into his eyes, and they were a very clear blue, almost turquoise. I started to see the glare in the corner of my vision, indicating that I was going to wake up. I did not want to again, and refused to by covering up the eye that the glare was coming from. The glare went away, and I was fully immersed in the dream again.
      "You smell spooky"., said Hyu.
      I told him that made sense, since I had been in the ancient Egyptian place. We continued to hug.
      "Don't go nattin' on me.", he said, whatever that meant. I understood it to mean "Don't kiss me,"or something. I laughed and said he didn't have to worry about that. I was just happy to see him.

      Then, I awoke. I could still feel us hugging.


      I remember being at my old piano teacher's house. I then remember seeing some weird interstate exits, but they were only smaller, artistic models of them. They looked like slides with moving conveyer belts, and some blocks randomly placed on them. 2 girls slid down them, and hurt themselves as they hit the blocks that were in the middle of them.

      I then remember seeing some old warehouse behind Goody's (clothes store). It was being advertised as a great place for kids to have birthday parties at, becuase you could put anything you wanted in them. I saw a skateboard ramp in there, and some arcade games.

      Then, I walked around and saw my old friend, Alex, laying on a couch. he was wearing a grey sweat suit. I asked him if he was ok, and he said he had been sick. I told him to feel better, but instead of calling him Alex, I called him Dawson. I didn't realize my mistake until later, and I texted him and told him I was sorry for calling him the wrong name.

      Then, I woke up in a car. I looked at my phone. it was it was 4 o'clock pm. I knew I was dreraming, because that was ridiculous. I got out of the car, and was in a city that was overlooked by hills. I approached a female DC who was walking down the street. I asked her a question, and she started to answer. Unfortunately, during her answer I woke up.

      I quickly went back to sleep and re-entered the dream. I was still with the DC. Everything was black and white at first, then filled with color. I told the DC I was sorry, I was back, and she could continue talking. I remember flying at some point.

      Then, I got distracted and lost lucidity and did who knows what till I woke up.

      Updated 04-07-2011 at 04:48 PM by 32059

      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    7. 6 April 2011

      by , 04-07-2011 at 02:22 PM
      Sorry for this being late

      I was in the basement with my dad, watching a movie on TV. The movie took place in Japan. The scene was in some sort of clinic for children who were critically ill with some unknown disease. A mother was holding a small girl. She was dressed in strange garb (like from Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol). She was shivering, staring out into blank space. A nurse wrapped the girl in a thin pink blanket, but she started shivering more violently. The nurse said, "I can't do this anymore" and fell. Her face turned gray. An (unseen) person took the nurse's cornias and sewed them onto the eyes of a home-made stuffed animal.
    8. Thanks to my thirst!

      by , 04-07-2011 at 12:48 PM
      Non-dream | Dream


      Lately, I've been having lots of fun on Gmod since I bought it. It's such a nice game .
      I can really thank my nightly thirst. I waked up thirsty in the middle of the night and used this as a way to recall the dream I had just done.


      As the dream starts, I find my way out of a water-tunnel (did I get out of the sewers? Looks like I did). I notice I'm actually following Milla Jovovich. Then we sit near the exit (of the tunnel). I ask her to show me some special effects. She then spawns two canon-guns and shoots two big canons. They explode in the water and spread a huge smoke over it. The smoke quickly moves towards us but doesn't affect us. Then, Milla notices there's a kind of old, rusty, messy motor deep in the water. We dive and swim down to reach the motor. Milla sticks a little tube to it (just looks like an AA battery). She tells me: "That was my objective".

      Then I wake up and this allows me to remember the dream. I get myself a drink.

      Then, I spawn in an Exeter-like street. At the end of the street is a huge fence, but it is perfectly organized (perpendicular, etc.). It covers a school. I turn left, go forwards and enter the school. I'm directly on the playground. On the right is the "high" side, and on the left the "down" side. There's a huge rectangle triangle coming out from the high side and that blends in the down side. Some pupils are playing -- my age, but I don't know 'em --. Somehow, a little button spawns on the top of the triangle (it exactly is Gmod's Advanced Pod Controller) and some wires get connected to it.

      This was where my dream stopped, and I woke up.

      Side notes:
      I somehow knew I'd be thirsty during the night, since I often have to wake up and drink a bit. However this time I used it as a way to recall my dream, which is a pretty nice method. I'll look forwards to make it happen again.
    9. Special Chocolate...4/7/11(Early Morning)

      by , 04-07-2011 at 12:11 PM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      NOTE: I probably could've done a DEILD last night. But I was a fucktard and jolted up again when I awoke. I guess I need more practice.

      Ah, sure is some kickass weather! I start off in a very warm place. I'm on a boat with three other dudes. We're sailing on a clear-blue lake. The drifty wind makes the warm air feel especially well. It's so nice to get outside and boat around. It was a clear day too. Seagulls up high, and not one damn cloud in sight(just wish it was really that nice where I live in waking life ). Soon, our fun comes to an end. We go back harbor and park the boat. Damn, it was like paradise out there. So, at that point, I decide to go home. I get home, and I get an ice-cold glass of milk. As I drink it, my Dad walks in. He says he's going out, so draughts of trouble. I say okay. At that point, he leaves. So, now it's mine turn to go out. After I finish my milk, I leave. Soon, I reach an alleyway party. There are many people here. I see one girl, and she says that she has a special recipe for chocolate, and she made it. She holds out a big platter of the chocolates. I decide to have one myself. I take one off the platter. I eat it. Holy shit, that was good(I didn't actually taste it). In fact, it was so good I...POP! My eyes widen. Did I...? Everyone now points and laughs. I look down, and I see the Eiffel Tower sticking out of my pants. Oh fuck! That chocolate was so good, it gave me a boner! What the fuck?! I'm a bit embarrassed, and pissed off. I say angrily to guy, that he should try it. Laughing, he says okay. He takes a chocolate, and eats it. He's still giggling, when the smirk is wiped right off of his face. He now has a boner too! Awkward! At this point(LOL, point), I walk away. While walking away, I see the three guys who I was on the boat with earlier. The three of them are trudging around like retards. They're drunk! At that point, I awake.
    10. reticent boss and outdoor cafe; girls at cafe

      by , 04-07-2011 at 11:45 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was at my office, sitting in my cubicle. My boss came up from behind me on my left side and asked me whether I had finished some work for him.

      Apparently I was looking at some kind of online newspaper which had a photo on it depicting the Acts of the Apostles. My boss had wanted me to do some research on that book in the Bible, apparently.

      I probably had not read the Acts of the Apostles. I might not even have quite understood what he'd wanted me to do. But he was disappointed in me. He kind of smirked at me and went into his office.

      I kind of thought everything through and realized that my boss actually hadn't told me anything he'd wanted me to do. Why should he act mad at me? So I decided to go to his office and tell him that.

      I went to my boss' office just as he was about to leave for some business trip. There was a short, pale man with pale blonde hair standing before my boss' office. The man was interviewing as a replacement for me. He was in a suit and he carried a briefcase. He wore glasses.

      My boss had walked to the printer and was now walking toward and then past his office. I followed him all the way. We both seemed to have ignored the guy being interviewed.

      I kept yelling at my boss, trying to get him to pay attention to me. But he just gave me this stone face, with eyes belying the fact that he was having a lot of fun watching me be so upset. We actually got into an elevator and went down to the first floor.

      I yelled at my boss that if he wanted me to do something, he needed to tell me to do it instead of just assuming I could read his mind. He couldn't get mad at me for the fact that he never spoke to me.

      The elevator doors opened. My boss walked out, still completely disregarding me. We were walking through an unfamiliar, but kind of nice, elevator bank. I got right in front of my boss and flipped him off, right to his face, right in front of his eyes. For some reason, the image reminded me of candle images reflected in eyeglasses.

      My boss kept smirking and ignoring me. I thought, Geez! The only time I do something like this is when I'm drunk!

      My boss was gone, and I was back in the elevator. As the elevator doors opened, I thought how it might be nice to do something like break my boss' leg. I had an image in my head of somebody's lower leg being broken.

      I walked out of the elevator and into what was apparently an outdoor cafe. It was a blue night. There were tables everywhere. There was a makeshift barista counter at the back end. That was the only thing lit. Everything else was dark.

      I saw some of my friends from college. They were talking and laughing about something like anime or j-pop. For some reason, I flew up into the air. As I did, I heard my friend B talking about a specific song.

      I flew sharply up into the air and then turned and flew sharply back downward. I heard B singing a song. At first I didn't think he was singing the actual words. I thought he was just joking. But then I realized he was singing the actual Japanese words. I was pretty impressed!

      I kept flying around. I flew at a level not too far above all the people in the cafe. I may just have been floating around, listening to everybody's conversations and having my own thoughts.

      Dream #2

      I was in a cafe I go to a lot, sitting on a couch. A pretty, blonde girl sat on the couch, at the other end. She may have seemed to be a little attracted to me. But I didn't worry about it, and I just did my own thing.

      Then a pretty, black girl sat at a table near the couch. She seemed to want to sit on the couch. There was one more space left open, so I tried to make it clear with my body language that she could sit there.

      The black girl sat on the couch. I noticed her knee-length skirt was really pretty. It was a nice shade of yellow, with some kind of quaint, pink embroidery on the lower right corner.

      The girl moved all the way over to the blonde girl's part of the couch. The two shifted around so that they were resting their backs agaist the armrest of the couch. They stretched out their legs and began snuggling a bit. It was almost like they were in bed together.

      The two girls started talking about something, some class or something. The blonde girl, sitting on the outer side, dropped a big textbook onto the floor. I somehow realized that the girls had wanted me to think they were both alone, so I'd try to pick one of them up, and then they'd reveal they were actually together to taunt me. But I hadn't tried to pick either of them up, so I wasn't really worried about it.
    11. 07/04/11 - Few dreams

      by , 04-07-2011 at 11:02 AM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Headache, sore throat, mucus. Having a cold is never fun, and not only does it make your waking time a little more sucky, it affects your dreaming.

      23.00: Sleep

      09.00: Fragments
      *I'm with my family on an island. The place is in the middle of a small bay, and I can see large expensive houses all around us. I figure it must be a place rich people has their vacations. I try to get out of the wet clothes I've got on. A kajak shows up and I recognise the guy in it. Apparently there were more than one guy as four other exists the boat. I start stirring in a big cooking cauldron with a wooden spoon. I accidentaly drop a silver ring in there and I quickly pick it up again. "That's disgusting" some guy tells me. I drop it in there on purpose again and this time I'm actually having a hard time finding it. I grab a spoonful and throw it up on the table. The ring has been found once again!

      *I'm with my family again and we're going to visit some really old people. "Show them respect" my dad warns us. Apparently they're very strict. We walk into their house and head up some stairs. I realise my shoes are leaving a muddy footprint. Oh damn, they're going to scold me. My brother sits down in a sofa and turns on the TV. I check out the interior and everything seems to be made out of old, dark wood. It's polished and looks great, a piano and a large desk. "That's the desk from our cabin in northern Sweden" my mom tells me. "How did it end up here?" I ask. "Denise" she tells me. I start asking Denise who. It takes a while before I find out it's a girl who used to live with us, even though I knew it was her all along.

      *I'm watching my brother and his friend do an IQ test. It's a game I realise and I also remember my brother taking it before. He's way ahead of everyone. "You've done this before" I tell him. He doesn't consider it cheating really.

      09.00: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 10 hours

      Supplements: None

      That's it! I'll try to RC as much as possible today. Hopefully I can get lucid tonight and make a portal, going to the Ninja World!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    12. Bad Company

      by , 04-07-2011 at 10:55 AM (Just Dreaming)

      The dream starts off by me spawning in a forest. As I look around, I realize that I'm at Isla Inocentes (my favorite map from Battlefield Bad Company 2)- only the color of the area seems to be more of a green color, compared to the fall look of the map. I realize now how detailed this dream was. I think it might have something to do with me starting ADA a few days ago- although I never really did any exercises for it yet- I was planning on starting over the weekend.The area that they spawned me at is on top of that hill before the last base in Rush Mode. I hear some tanks rumbling off in the background, so I go and investigate by walking straight down the road. There is a T-90 right there just looking at me. I look down at my hands and I'm holding a RPG, so I bring it up and hip fire it at the tank. I hit the tank right in the treads, but it doesnt seem to do anything. I quickly run into a building on the left hand side- so the tank cant get a clear shot at me. I stay in the building just for a second- and I run out the front of the building and see an infantry tank (i'm blanking on the name right now :S).

      I jump inside of the tank, just like you would in the real game, and start to take fire at the back of the tank. I notice its doing a lot of damage on the T-90 and right as I think that it starts to back up extremely fast.
      I dont really remember much of the chase- but I remember where we end up. We end up somewhere in Laguna Presa. The tank starts to slow down as it reaches some port by the sea. I take aim at it and destroy it.

      Isla Inocents: (from the game)

      Laguna Presa: (from the game)

      Updated 04-07-2011 at 10:58 AM by 43975

      Tags: bfbc2, detailed, tanks
      non-lucid , memorable
    13. I assassinate the assassin, find some flowers and catch a ghost

      by , 04-07-2011 at 08:40 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      I assassinate the assassin, find some flowers and catch a ghost (DILD)


      I was going to a big building that had a bar on the top of it. I needed to go to that bar to complete a compliance audit. That building was well populated with assassins. I was worried that some assassin would spawn from somewhere to try to kill me. The cash I was going to receive was worth the risk. I told to myself that I was good at sensing energies, so I would be able to detect the assassin before he stabbed on my back.

      I entered an elevator. All walls were made out of steel. It was a very old school elevator. The ceiling of the elevator was like a regular home, white ceiling. There was a small hole on the ceiling, but it was just a few inches wide.

      I started to realize that an assassin could get through the hole and I was trapped in the elevator. I realized as it was a dream, the assassin could shrink and then grow back. I told to myself to not think in an assassin otherwise, one would probably spawn. I tried to focus in reaching the top floor.

      The elevator's door opened and I had a big bar in front of me as I was expecting. It was as big as a cinema. Where the screen was supposed to be, there was the actual bartender with the drinks. All the remaining area, had cinema seats. I was going to seat next to a guy. The place was pretty crowded. I could see a couple of 40'' TVs that where showing a Boxing fight. When I was about to seat down, a guy told me, "Don't seat here or he will get mad" I realized it might be the seat of a mob or something. I sat somewhere else. I took a few photos and tried to leave.

      A guy told me that if an assassin would spot me leaving while the boxing fight did not end, he was going to kill me. I left the area and there was no elevator. I started to walk down the stairs. The entire building was made out of iron. I found a room that looked alike some storage room. I helped the guy with a few boxes and left.

      I was now at the street. I saw an assassin who looked pissed at me. I told the assassin I just needed to wait for a friend. He told me to wait there and not leave. The assassin ran to a far away car, so I decided to run like ever and get the hell out of there. The assassin spotted me and he outran me. He had a sword on his hand and started to hit me with it. I felt like he was cutting my neck, but it did not hurt.

      I had one of my huge knives from work (for Serrano Ham) and one tiny (for the machengo cheeses) I decided to keep hidden the big knife. I fought the assassin with the little knife. The assassin got confused for a second and I stabbed him with the big knife. I repeated several times until the assassin was no more.

      I saw a few more people running at me. I was worried they would be more assassins. I started to walk home as I did not remember where my car was. I crossed a forest, a river and I got to the Hwy 805. I felt I was far from home, but I had no other chance but walk. I attempted to fly with success. I found funny I could fly in waking life.

      For some reason, I re-spawned at the top of a huge building. The sky was very blue and the building was huge.
      I turned lucid because I realized that I got there magically. I jumped out of the building and started to fly to make it stable. However, the dream was pretty good and I remembered I needed to find a bouquet of flowers. I saw a few of them by the windows of the building, so I picked up one. It had mainly roses and some weird brown flowers. Basic completed. I took flight again and threw the flowers away.

      While I was enjoying the flight, I lost vision. I could feel the wind on my face, the sound of the freeway (wtf) and the smell of the sea. I suddenly felt double consciousness and started to wake up. I increased the speed of the flight and entered the ocean. After a while, I decided to exit the ocean. I had my vision back.

      It was night now and I was flying over a huge town. All the building where very tall and the imaginary was very dark. There was no moon. I could hear some crowded city noises from the far distance. I enjoyed the tranquility of the sky at night. Suddenly, I saw something over a building, shaped like the Empire State. There was a human shape, but about 8 feet tall and with more than one arm. It was invisible but I could see the imaginary blurry behind it.

      I saw this thing was eating souls of some sort. I realized it was a ghost. He was pulling stuff from the Empire State Building, but it was like ghostly stuff, because the building itself never became damaged. I felt he was a threat so I wanted to capture it. I also remembered it was the advanced task of the month.

      I decided to crease a PSI Ball. I was sure that as I was dreaming, I could make it visible. I did within seconds. A second later, the ghost was surrounded by my PSI Ball and it was trapped. I made the PSI Ball smaller. I could see how the ghost was also smaller, trying to get out without success. I made it vanish.

      I lost lucidity at some point and I decided to go to a beach. I saw some wild animals that were attacking humans. I saw a couple of wild-boards, a tiger and a walrus walking (wtf!!) I also got to some tiny boat that I owned in the dream, but it was rocking extremely hard. Harder that if there was an earthquake. The sea was nuts.

      Something else happened with me and a copy of me that was like a sculpture of ice.
    14. Nightmare: Terror Garden

      by , 04-07-2011 at 08:14 AM
      This dream occurred about 90-minutes after going to bed in the first REM stage. I took a liquid gel multivitamin and 500mg of B5 before bed.

      My GF and I were playing a cooperative video game. I remember fighting a giant turtle like monster and she was getting overwhelmed and overly excited playing it. The visuals were very 3D, even holographic, and her character was able to paint cross-hairs on the beast. (There was no fear attached to this part of the dream.)

      We decided to go out. It was nighttime outside and all the street lamps were off. My GF was suddenly afraid. The darkness was making me apprehensive too which is not normal. I went to close my car door and it wouldn't shut. I moved the seat belt a little thinking it was caught. Then slammed the door even harder, but it bounced even more.

      I looked down at the frame and discovered my wallet and cell phone were lodged there. I figured my phone was broke, but for some reason I didn't want to stay in my drive for another moment. I slammed my car into reverse, in a maneuver to shut the door finally using a hard left spin.

      We jammed down my darkened block and near the end on the right hand side standing in front of a car was a cowering German Shepard dog. It was crouched, and it was trembling with fear wetting the street in front of the curb with urine. This was a big healthy looking animal, scared out of its wits.

      We drove further and came to near to the spot of my last posted dream Neighborhood: Magic Garden. Standing in the middle of the road was deranged looking huge Rottweiler dog. It was starring me down hard. I rolled down the window this time to attempt to lighten the atmosphere with puppy talk. It just rolled its head, looking at me dead in the eyes with barely contained hostility.

      We drove past and reached the exact spot of my last posted dream Neighborhood: Magic Garden There, kitty-corner to where the magic garden had been was a decimated house with the entire front end smashed wide open. I could see a couple inside. Dead. Nude. Frozen in positions of absolute horror on their sofa.

      Turning down that street and driving further, the entire block was covered with thick green moss, huge fallen trees, and ripped apart houses. I could hear a massive number of frogs in the distance.

      --At this point I whimpered out loud and it woke me up. My heart was racing, I was terrified, and I could still hear the din of hoards of frogs in the distance... The sound faded and it merged with my air filter which was set on low.

      I don't have time to post my next dream from last night, it was much more terrifying and extremely realistic.

      Updated 04-07-2011 at 08:20 AM by 32174

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    15. Three short dreams

      by , 04-07-2011 at 05:43 AM
      The first dream was about a pinball machine and I just watched the ball move. The second was I was boxing with a statue. The third was that it the clown was chasing my friend