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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Third Post | August 9th | Non-Lucid | Two Dreams!

      by , 08-09-2010 at 05:55 PM
      The first night I have had more then one dream in one night!

      1)I am in walmart in downtown puyallup with nicole mattson, hannah heien, james woods, and two mexicans. Everyone is buying tons of food. After we all go shopping for a while we get to the ice cream section. It takes me like 5 minutes to pick out what i want for ice cream. Once i get all my food in a cart which is a massive amount i go to the check out line and i am with hannah. Once we scan all our food the walmart lady asks if we have a reward card thing and hannah is like oooh ya i got one and starts to put her number into the rewards thing. Once she puts her number in this narrarator lady says that the number has been banned from walmart and every item scanned on the big screen computer said denied on it then all the items instantly went back to the isles they were when we got there and i started screaming at hannah. Once i get the 4 most importing items back from where i found them i bought them without hannahs number and i was all good. I went behind walmart into the secret section and found james and the mexicans chillin back there and we got into the car and i was behind shotgun and we were going home now. For some reason we took the freeway. We were coming just up the puyallup valley and all the light were green but we took a right turn to go down the freeway and everyone asked him why he did that and he said because he thinks its faster. There actually was a underground secret shortcut that comes out from behind landcastle into forest crown which was pretty sick. The mexicans drop us off and the dream ended.

      2)I was on the side of meridian riding something that looked like hiat the pushing wheelchair thing but it was more like a wheelchair and had one training wheel thing on the right side like motorcycles have their extra seat on the side. While i was going down meridian I was going through all the red stop hands and cars were honking at me like no other. I could randomly go from street to side walk with no ramps or change to hiat. When i was done riding hiat i was at a playground with james and two stunt boys, but not the mexicans. We were doing stunt jumps off the playground and one of the two boys told james to do a butt bomb off the top of the playset. James agreed and I watched him in slow motion just get hammered by the ground when he hit the sand which most likely wasnt as soft as he predicted.
      Tags: connor, funny, lucid, non
    2. Second Dream | August 8th | Non-Lucid

      by , 08-09-2010 at 05:52 PM
      This is my second post.

      I was living in the city, basically in the middle of puyallup. My friend has a massive house that i could go in basically whenever I wanted. Just outside of the city there was a vast desert where if you got in the senses of any of the creatures out there you were basically dead. Me and my friends would be hanging out in the hot tub in the hub of puyallup. While in the hot tub it was like a sex party in that private club. Two people would get out of the hot tub just to have sex in front of people. I rode a motorcycle around town which i used to leave that place after i got bored. I was going home on the vast desert and when i almost got inside our house i looked back and saw a bunch of clothes goblin type men in cars coming to kill me. I went to around the 6th floor and pulled out the barrett 50. cal that a mounted next to the window barrell sticking out and I opened the window. The goblins woulld pull up in their cars about 500 feet from my house and would get out then start running towards the house. When the goblins would leave the car I would snipe them as quickly as possible like quick scoping. I felt like i was in some flash game guarding the main point from all the intruders coming to try and destroy it, although i never got to upgrade my guns or anything which was the only difference between flash games and the disturbing killing i had to make myself do. One of my friends came over and said he was going to remodel the house and i was like what why? He said he was going to put some see through solar panel in an empty room with a 45 degree angled roof for some unkown reason. While he was putting it on i went back into the city and got into the hot tub and watched some more sex. We drank a bunch of alcohol while in the jacuzzi and i got drunk as no other.
      Tags: connor, funny, lucid, non
    3. First Post | August 7th | First Dream

      by , 08-09-2010 at 05:49 PM
      This is the first dream that I remembered for a while so I figured I would start posting my dreams here for fun.

      I was in a secret agents society. Half the time it was snowy and half the time it was warm and i was usually there at night time. At snowy time I would bring James to the agents society that was behind rodgers. There was a massive cliff that james and me and lots of other people would jump off of cause there was lots of padded bed things at the bottem, just like in afgan. There was a place where they would recruit hot girls to dance in their main facility place. The girls were standing there naked and they all had nice butts. This one girl had hair that was 14 feet long and I was playing with it across the room and were flirting. After I left there I was slowly getting let back in to the orginazation. The two main people I hung out with were two people in higher command then me that were in their 20's. Whem I talked to them they were always togeather and when i talked to them I always had my bike. Whenever I rode my bike I practiced nose wheelies. One day I was walking and talking with them going downhill toward the afgan jump and they were walking to have sex, i found this out while doing a roundabout in a random unknown coldasack. I was going to go after them but i told them good luck and rode up the massive hill to the top. Later that day I saw Jonathen in the newspaper which i'm gessing for the reason of everyone knowing that him and had his girlfriend had sex in the middle of the orginazation. Later one day I had to ride home, i was standing on top of the hill ride night to rodgers, the orginization and i was just sitting there thinking. Like I knew the dream was gonna end right after that moment. I started to ride down the hill and do some nose wheelies and woke up.
      Tags: connor, funny, lucid, non
    4. attractive girl

      by , 08-09-2010 at 04:52 PM
      This is my first dream journal on here.

      I dreamt that for some reason, I decided to go back to my high school just for the hell of it. Irl, I recently got suspended from my college because my gpa sucks, so I think that has something to do with it.
      I walked around the halls for a bit, looking at all the people, glad that none of the people I used to know were there, so I could go unnoticed. Then, someone I did recognize appeared, I think I turned around and walked back in a hurry and left out the side door and proceeded to walk home.
      I came across a group of people and I think this is when I met the girl. We ended up back at my room at my mom's house, just hanging out. I guess my friend, who is also recently single irl, came over. He was like talking to her about stuff, probably trying to get her into him, but apparently she was already into me because when she left the room for whatever reason, he said something like "looks like you actually got her first" or something. He was talking to her about how she could get me to like her.

      I was feeling really glad, because I could finally move on from my ex, who I'm still best friends with irl, in fact she was staying over when I had this dream. I'm pretty sure that's why I had this dream.

      Updated 08-09-2010 at 05:04 PM by 34884

    5. More delayed dream recall

      by , 08-09-2010 at 03:02 PM (The Mind is Power; My Dream Journal)
      So I'm driving up to Sterling to see a movie. With my mom, I guess. And for some reason a few other friends are there: Lawrence, Austin, maybe Chris. We get to the theater and I don't even sit near my mom. It's a war movie, I think. Afterwords as we are filing out of the theater my mom comes jogging over to me and I go to give her a hug to say thanks for coming and goodnight. She asks if I want to go grab some dinner though. I can tell she wants to just to prolong our time together. I tell her that I can't because it's getting late. So she's sort of disappointed but she leaves anyways.

      Then for some reason I suggest going to grab dinner to my friends. They don't really want to go but for whatever reason they say "Yeah, OK." Lawrence is reluctant but eventually caves and Austin seems gung ho to do it. So we split up to our respective cars and decide to meet at a restaurant. I get to the restaurant and realize that I'm still waiting for them. I don't know how I know but suddenly I realize that Lawrence got into a car wreck. And that the police officer on the scene took his sweet time taking Lawrence to the hospital, on purpose. And I'm furious that the man would risk my friends life just to be an asshole.
      For some reason I'm pulling into a Wal Mart parking lot. I'm about to hop outta my car and run inside, to buy an ethernet cable of course, when I realize that I forgot the power cable to my laptop at work. I'm instantly annoyed (I'm super paranoid about doing this, in real life) and measure what I should do. Should I run back to work real quick? Leave it there until tomorrow? So I decide to run into Wal Mart real quick and THEN head back and get the power cable. I'm miffed but I go inside anyways and start making my way towards the cables. I hear over the intercom: "Is it OK to still sell it? Do I really have to buy it?" And I pass this guy in the pencil/paper aisle who was actually doodling on all of the sketch paper. And some Wal Mart employee was telling him he can't do that and he has to buy it. As the two guys are talkign I quietly pull out an eraser and start erasing all of his doodles. I remember thinking that I'm helping them but I realize I'm not erasing the doodles 100% so it probably doesn't matter.

      And then I'm at the cable aisle. There's a heavier fellow there, obviously an employee--he is dressed in a blue button up and jeans and has a name tag on and is also balding, and a woman. The woman is looking for some sort of cable that has spider mite protection inside of it. For whatever reason the employee asks me if a certain product will work for her and I say, "Yeah, it sure looks like it." As if the item even exists. And then I ask the employee if he has ethernet cables and he rolls his eyes as if that's a stupid question and says, "Yeah."
      I woke up this morning and walked around for a few minutes and could not remember a single dream or even a fragment and then suddenly the above all came flooding back into me.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Eggs

      by , 08-09-2010 at 02:05 PM
      By*myself on a farm. Whistle for horse? dog? It was shifting between my dog and a horse. Walking through a barn with a series of stalls. It was like a maze. The dog/ horse always tagging along but having trouble because of all the doors. *Gotta feed animals. Trouble with shoes. felt like Ag class. There where chickens. Eggs all messed up. Some baby ducks in there. One chick sitting on an egg. Others helped because it was too small to cover the egg. I was going to gather eggs but that egg feels heavy. I put it back thinking it will hatch soon. So many eggs ruined. I saw boiled yolks and torn egg whites everywhere. The duck posing as a chicken was eating the eggs. I wake up. **
    7. Wave 11: Three is better then two / Chicken Galore

      by , 08-09-2010 at 01:37 PM (The Meerkat's Lair)
      This night my streak came up from 3 dreams to 6 dreams in a row. Had I taken the time to write them in the middle of the night, they prob would be more detailed.

      Dream 1: Phillippe shows me a big garage door in the middle of the school yard. Its a secret door noone can open until a certain class but we manage to open it and see there are chickens inside and also a weapon. Im scared, because I know we could get caught. We promise to not tell anyone.

      Dream 2: I am at home with my friends. I explain to them and to my mom about the door. There is a big chunk missing here, and I just cant find it. I think I run in a big busy street, I show a pokewalker to someone and I talk about how the weapon is only for girls. There was also vampires and bats in it at some point, since I remember very well a single image in my head.. All I know is that at the end Julien comes to me when im playing a Mario game (Sunshine?). It is on pause. He picks a controller and I explain him how to run, jump and such. The level is some kind of Bowser level. I jump over electric rays connected through balls.

      Dream 3: Now it is time for the famous class in wich they show the chickens. It is very rainy and dark outside. Phil talks to me about how he paid a dealer to open the door. Im like: What?! You paid a dealer?
      Our teacher is a big black woman that is similar to Dr Bailey (Grey's Anatomy). Before going inside the school, she looks at me with a suspicious look. Im freaking out. Were busted I tell him. He answers everything is fine, he planned it all. When the class starts, she comes to us and we form a circle around her. She asks Olivier(black), who is apparently with us, how to kill a superhero. He answers correctly and pulls out a color code paper out of his jacket. The teacher takes it and thanks the guy. Then an another dude who is a chicken pro comes in to help Bailey with the chickens. We go open the doors and a ton of chickens rushes out.

      The guy talks about how if they stay there too long, they could die. So I help him take the chickens out but he tells me we have to get them IN. I look around and see tons of chickens in cages. Some of them also wear scarfes.
    8. 08/08 Donkey Stilts, Rachel Green and Motorbike Suitcases

      by , 08-09-2010 at 12:28 PM
      Comment Dream Lucid

      Managed to get more sleep last night and I'm definitely getting closer to LDing. Last night I had a familar feeling:

      When I first joined DV in 2008 I was experiencing low levels of lucidity (see DJ archive). For example, something would happen in a dream that seemed hyper real or wasn't quite right and a disembodied feeling in the back of my mind would flag it up. In the dream this usually translated as, "Huh, that's strange" but I'd just carry on. It got to the point where it felt like there were two of me dreaming: the one in the dream/behind the camera and the one behind all that watching from afar. A nagging feeling crept into most dreams that all was not quite right. Eventually this came through as full LDs (as brief as they were).

      08/08 Donkey Stilts and Rachel Green

      I'm zach braff. I'm working in the same office as Rachel Green (Jennifer Anniston, though this was specifically Rachel Green). The office itself is tall and imposing, I don't remember ever seeing the ceiling. It's filled with files and old desks. It looks like an office would look in the film Se7en. Dark green chairs and that washed out grey brown of old wood. There's an almost sepia tint to the place.

      Myself and an unseen other are trying to usurp Green, doing our best to make her loook bad and get her sacked. Flagging up any mistakes in her work to our manager (what an arsehole). One specific mistake she made was her failing to capitalise the word which in a report, which doesn't make sense but hey - dream.

      If I can succeed in getting her job my pay will bump up to 140 (I assume that's 140k, but in the dream I only said 140)

      [Fragment missing]

      Next thing I know I'm zach again, this time with Dr Cox from Scrubs. We're in a tall city that feels like NYC, the buildings all have the distinctive architechture a brit associatesd with the place. Stone, very rectangular, lots of ledges, zig zag fire escapes and AC units bolted to the outsides of buildings and of course, steam pouring out of vents everywhere. It's late dusk, the colours in this dream are even more washed out, like colour photo that's sunbleached close to sepia. The air feels heavy, really heavy. (I'm starting to notice these as potential dream signs: heavy air and distinct colour palletes)

      We're some 10 stories high, stood on a 10x6 sheet of wood with stilts. There's a donkey on its back tied to the board. From each corner pieces of 2x4 meet in the middle forming a roof-like structure on the board. Myself and Dr Cox are stood on either side as counter balances to each other.

      I feel like the stilts are attached to my legs as we walk this bizarre contraption across the city. We hold onto incredibly long guide poles resting between the roofs of buildings seom 200 metres apart. They're not attached to the stilts by anything more than the two of us holding on.

      Inevitably we fall from the platform, spiralling round and down. Rather than yelling and panicking we calmly tell each other to grab this ledge, turn that way, try the next one. (In the back of mind something isn't right. IT's the fact that the camera has moved quite far away to take in the action, but our voices are still heard as though right next to me, as though badly dubbed. This is the disembodied second dreamer I was talking about).

      When we do grab a ledge, hanging off a small spire on a slanting roof we'#re fine, then suddenly realise how stupid that was and start yelling at each other. We calm down and start to look for something else.

      #2 Motorbike Suitcases

      I'm myself again, stood in Valencia with Rachel Green, it's an overcast evening. Recalls a bit sketchy but I do remember the air seemed to have grown heavier with each dream and the sky hung low with heavy clouds. The streets are filled with architecture from Medieval to Roman to Modernisme, all very European (you know I'm not really into architecture as a hobby but my dreams always have a very distinctive style relevant to the dream. I'm learning quite a bit in trying to describe the style in my DJ). The colours seem even more washed out than previous dreams, mainly differing shades of brown.

      We're walking near an open cobbled square with our cigarettes not quite sure if we're in the right time zone. All around us people are putting away there belingings in hatches beneath the street. Certain parts of the cobbles open up into vault like hatches, either swinging upwards or revealing a set of steps down to a shallow recess. They're everywhere, filled with shelves. Some have futuristic concoels, others are simply ornate lock and key systems.

      We approach the traffic lights when the sky cracks with thunder, the air pressing in all around us, electric. Rachel dashes across the street just before the traffic lights change back and I'm left waiting. I pull out my cigarettes, a brand of American Spirit Menthols I've never seen before, the pack dark blue. The filters are filled with large uniform holes, each pumping out smoke like a miniature factory. The camera zooms into high defition macro shots making the disembodied me yell something's wrong (for those who don't smoke, quite a few cigarette tabs are perforated to varying degrees to cool the smoke down and make it less harsh. I always cover them up personally which is a bit of a pain when you do come across them). As I light it I feel like The Shit - superpowered, and I stride across the street.

      On the other side I need to look for some underwear, but we don't have suitcases full of clothes, instead we have motorbikes.

      The engine block has been taken out and replaced with well crafted rigid plastic compartments that sit flush to the frame. As I shuffle through the angular compartments the air feels heavy, really heavy.

      Updated 08-09-2010 at 12:32 PM by 19709

    9. Last 2 nights 4 LD's!!!

      by , 08-09-2010 at 12:14 PM (scumpy's journey to lucidity...)
      I''l put the dreams from the last 2 nights in the same entry


      can't remember why but I looked at my left hand and I had too many fingers, failed a nose RC then checked my hand again - still manky, became lucid. Was in a room which was supposed to be my parents it was very dark. I touched the cupbords and whatever else I could reach to stabilize the dream, it worked. I left the room and was in G's house I walked to the playroom but didn't see anyone, I walked back towards G's room to see if B was there as I approached the room the dream faded.

      Later that night I had a non-lucid dream in the same house, this time there were lots of DC's including a beautiful woman who was totally into me. I felt like I was cheating by being with here and tried to hide what we were up to. We kissed in the playroom and them made plans to meet in G's bedroom, she wanted me to stay another day but I said no. I went through the kitchen on the way to G's room and B was making breakfast in the kitchen. Eventually I'm in G's room with the woman and we have sex, B is there and she is giving me instructions - LOL

      Nap: I'm travelling in Africa and am in charge of some teams, Dad and me split the teams mixing them. S was there.


      We're visiting houses from a news story? We go into a house that I know in the dream world it is a very poor area, the house has yellow and blue walls. We're invited to sit down and I notice 2 of those buzzy magnet things on a table. I remember someone mentioning them in the inception totem thread and realize im dreaming. Do a hand RC and fail but know I'm dreaming so I do a nose RC and I can breathe. I touch some things to stabilize and walk toward the kitchen where the old lady host went. As I get to the kitchen I start loosing the dream, in desperation I close my eyes and spin and fall, I get up in the living room again and head toward the kitchen the dream fades again this time I can't stabilize it .

      Later I'm fetching L from school but the building is different as I get to the gate I realize this is a dream, I RC and become Lucid. I touch the gate to stabilize. I go into the classroom but there are no DC's. I decide to walk through the door to transition to somewhere else, I walk through the door without opening it and simply am outside the school. K is sitting outside and I decide to see what kissing feels like. I put my hands through here hair to help stabilize and kiss her. It feels ok - not amazing. I loose the dream - probably because I closed my eyes.

      I lie dead still after waking and slide back into the dream, this time I'm fetching P. I'm lucid from the beginning but loose the dream waking up after a few seconds .

      fragments: Africa again, S is there, Trip to Russian or Turkey?

      Updated 08-10-2010 at 03:52 PM by 34248

      side notes , lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    10. catchup DJ from the last week

      by , 08-09-2010 at 11:51 AM (scumpy's journey to lucidity...)
      I've been writing my dreams down but haven't been updating here so here goes.


      something about a juvenile prison, that is just a deterrent and me and some other DC's trying to escape over the roof.

      Hectic meeting with some people I work with about some stuff that they are doing wrong, everything comes out into the open and they both admit to wrong doing. One of them admits to having an a affair.

      Can't remember the significance of the rest of my notes:
      D watering his plants
      neighbors flat - holiday
      railing kid safe
      gay guy
      talk to guy about flat windows


      Long dream about moving into a flat in Pretoria. C doesn't like the courtyard I'm explaining that the plants have just been planted and they need to grow, it's like a formal garden with hedges. The flat is in a really nice building and we can afford it but we're looking for a cheper place that's just as nice.
      There is a strange bouncy walkway with red carpets, I think CT is there.
      Later F and some others are sitting at chairs in the courtyard i go and talk to them.
      Later there is a swimming pool in the courtyard and I'm swimming, staying underwater for very long periods. Suddenly theres acid in the water and it burns me. I get out and the burns continue to get worse E is in the dream at some stage.

      notes that don't make sense:
      flyers for church
      bikes, new tire
      watering grass

      Later I'm chasing something with the help of a bloodhound


      Playing golf with K at Unicorn golf club

      I'm at a mall with T and W. We are in the part of the mall that is only used by employees. It turns into a factory/mall, we are spies. We are running away and someone goes through a "baggage slot". At some point we're in a bathroom and I p on T - LOL

      Also at some point in the mall we are comedians and we are ripping on a group of people for coming to do something lame - to do with strangling a lady, only thats not a bad thing and the lady doesn't mind. I tell the group that they should "not be themselves" this was apparently a witty diss.


      I'm teaching people about a healing technique which has to do about the other universe (too much fringe )

      In a hotel room with sex stuff going on, S and V are involved as well as K. K tries to make a fool out of me. There is lots of alcohol involved.


      Was in my old SL house with C and P can't remember if L was there. Played on the giant rock with P.
      Tried to stop C from seeing me in the photos inside the house.

      Nap: Parrot with a broken beek and metal prosthetic. Golf club Dad and L are there. Pool with Alex, Andre and Ant - LOL
    11. Dream about dreaming

      by , 08-09-2010 at 11:21 AM

      Had something to do with dreaming itself...


      This was right on the edge of my mind as I woke up. I tried to hang onto it, pull it back into consciousness. Felt so close... but faded away.
      Tags: dreaming
    12. Lanna working at Big W

      , 08-09-2010 at 09:58 AM
      Lanna was working at Big W (a retail store) and she was working every weeknight. I was there and there was this guy in the line and he looked pretty bogan. Someone (I think Lanna) gave me this mobile phone and I answered it and there was this woman on the phone that said "can you please give this phone to Darren (? I think that was his name, the bogan guy). If he wants to talk to me, get the phone again after he finishes, but if he doesn't want to talk to me, you can just let him have the phone". So I told him that there were people on the phone that wanted to talk to him and at first he said "No" and refused to take the call, but then he thought about it for a while and I put the phone to his ear and he took it. Somehow it was to do with reconciling with his parents. I was happy that he was listening to them. So I stuck around for the conversation to end. I think the girl that gave me the phone was thankful for what I had done.

      Lanna was telling me that on a Monday the managers at Big W would give people socks if they were wearing flimsy footwear. I thought, "why not take advantage of this every Monday and get free socks every Monday? ", but then I saw one of the managers and she looked like she would be annoyed if you were to do such a thing.

      There was another part that had gas cylinders with graffiti or something. I think this girl I knew from primary school, Chrissy, was there.

      And in another part, I exited some building and I landed on this street. It looked like typical suburbia, with all the houses made of brick and looking pretty much the same. I recalll thinking that I didn't like it. I can't remember what I was doing there, but there were some strong winds that were preventing me from walking. I kept walking down this road entered some room. It looked like a "common room" for the suburb. Pretty cool, I thought. It was a large hall-type room and there was a door that led to a bathroom and a reception area near the entrance. There was some guy at the reception desk. I went to the bathroom and the floor was a bit icky, but other than that it was in good condition. Kinda surprising given that it was a public venue. Near the reception desk there was a donation box for people that wanted to make donations to improving the room.
      And then in some part there was a stereo in the room, and I thought of how I would plug my electric guitar into a radio transmitter and then I could play it through the stereo.

      And lastly there was another part where James and Diwei were going overseas. We were at the airport and at the X-ray machine place. All our (or their, I am not sure if I was going with them or not) stuff was scattered on the conveyer belt thingies. We all had to lie down on the conveyer belt and go through for a body check.
    13. 9-8-2010 | Guitars, Ghosts and a Zip-archive

      by , 08-09-2010 at 09:36 AM (~ Frishert's Dream Chronicles ~)
      Comment Dream Lucid Dream

      Yesterday my recall sucked, today it blew me out of the water. I remembered up to 4 dreams (fragments). No lucids though, but I don't care (more or less ;p). This is progress anyway. Here goes:

      I'm at a seminar of my old guitar teacher. He invited a couple of his best students to record a DVD with him and learn a couple of songs and techniques along the way. We all had to follow a certain course in which we could choose between two songs, play one of them and when we did so correctly we could move on to the next two songs. For some reason, he had decided to visualize the course outline like this, with two piramids:

      We all started out on the right and could choose between song 1 and 2. Then you move up to 3 and 4, 5 and 6, and so on and so forth. I first tried song 2. It was an acoustic guitar song accompanied by me singing (song doesn't actually exist). My performance wasn't actually that bad, but the intonation of my voice dropped a bit at the end. I knew that, because halfway the performance I transferred to another version of me listening in the audience. Because my intonation dropped, the teacher said it wasn't good enough and I decided to go for song 1 anyway: Heart's Crazy on You.


      In my second dream I stood behind the counter at a restaurant and I was supposed to pass out french fries to anyone who would want to have them. A gorgeous lady walked up to me. Red dress and lipstick, dark hair, big brown eyes. Stunning. I looked her in her eyes and repeated a mantra in my head. I remember kicking myself in the head (figuratively ;p) because it should've been "I am lucid dreaming", but I kept repeating "Don't pay attention to the floor". Weird. To make matters worse, the lady was apparently a psychic and able to read my mind. She asked my why she shouldn't pay attention to the floor and I told her the floor was dangerous because of its colour (I genuinely believed that, though). I gave the woman her fries and she went away. And I didn't become lucid.


      I was waiting at a hatch with my instructor. We're in an old building made of metal and steel, rust and algae are running up the walls. It smells a bit. The instructor tells me that at the other side of the hatch are ghosts. It's the garbage dump of wherever we are and the ghosts are attracted to the trash we dump there daily. I have to go in though, so the instructor gives me some pills that are to make sure the ghosts don't come for me as soon as I enter, they apparently love human meat. The pills only work for a given amound of time, though.
      I take some pills and climb through the hatch. The other side looks just as metallic and rusty as where I just was. I can indeed see some zombie-like figures wandering about, but they don't come after me. Whew. Time to go search for what I am initially here for: a lost Zelda II cartridge. After I've looked around I was able to find only a couple of cartridges with parts of the game on it, but not in it's entirety. I remember that was obvious, because the cartridge had been split up in several parts, because it was just like a zip-archive.


      In my last dream I found myself again at the garbage dump. This time I was much deeper in, together with someone else. This part of the dump looked like an old, neglected city, but still as rusty as ever. We were in trouble. The pills would almost lose their effect and to top it all: Voldemort was coming for us. We hide, but Voldemort still manages to find us and kills my friend. He doesn't even look like Voldemort, by the way; glasses, brown scruffish hair and a bordeaured polo shirt.

      Obviously I am more than happy with this amount of recall . I do wonder where my mind gets all the references from though. I haven't read HP in 3 years now and never even played Zelda II O_o
    14. 08/07/10 The Dark Crystal

      by , 08-09-2010 at 03:46 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      I was in the mall, I was looking for some piece of jewelry that would help me have a source of dark energy IWL since that is where I really need more help keeping myself stable and under control. I have a stone that holds some, but I was thinking I should find something better. As I walked through the mall I looked at all of the various stores, clothing stores, toy stores, video game stores… the video game store almost got me distracted but I spotted a gift shop at the last minute and went there instead.

      The clerk inside was a shady looking person that looked like the kind of person who would be selling dark energy, but he turned out to be merely stupid, not evil. I asked if they had jewelry, and he kept trying to show me shirts with fake gems studded all over them. I specified that I wanted earrings, bracelets, necklaces… he took me to more shirts, he didn't seem to be getting the picture at all. After giving a brief look around the store I left quickly as the man continued talking behind me, saying something about the bathroom and a low flow toilet that kept the water clean with sanitation crystals so it could be used several times before being disposed of… um… I hadn't said anything about a toilet…

      I continued walking through the mall for a while longer, I was beginning to think I would never find what I was looking for, so I went to a restaurant and ordered a soda. I had some more money, and I wanted something to eat, I felt I should buy something healthy… a salad… but I wanted something fattening… donuts or a hamburger… so I balanced it out. I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich with lettuce, tomato, and a few other vegetables on it, but then I went ahead and cheated by ordering one donut. I walked down the main path in the mall, eating and drinking as I went, for some reason fumbling with my sandwich, soda, and donut instead of just sitting down to eat… I finally decided I had to sit down to eat, found a bench, and sat down while I continued to eat. It was all tasty, I finished and took a deep breath, I was still disappointed to not have found any jewelry. Then I saw what I was looking for.

      I walked across the main corridor to a jewelry store which had been right there in front of my face the whole time I had been eating. I looked at the jewelry in the cases, some of it was pretty, some of it was butt ugly, but then I saw gems that looked like they could hold dark energy. I asked the salesman about those, he said they were black diamonds, which I have never even heard of let alone owned. Since they were diamonds, they were very expensive, and I couldn't afford any of it. I was so disappointed. The salesman seemed to look down on me for not being able to afford the diamonds, he mocked me, but his mocking turned out to be helpful. He said that cheap people like myself should stay down at the other shop where they sell only the crappiest jewelry to the lowest class of people. Hearing there was another store, I wasn't even mad at the insult, I thanked him, which drew a confused look, and headed in the direction he had pointed.

      I moved down the main corridor of the mall until I found the shop the jewelry salesman had indicated, then I went inside. This store was actually selling a lot of things, and there were two levels to it, it did seem to be more of a gift shop than a jewelry store. I went upstairs to the jewelry display. The first thing I noticed was some smoky quartz earrings that were a very reasonable price. I would prefer not to get earrings, though, since I usually can't wear them for long without having my earlobes get irritated and itchy. I wanted something I can wear all the time. I looked for a bracelet, since I already have a pendent as well, but there was very little selection. I found a couple of bracelets, they were plastic pieces of crap, didn't have any gems in them, not even fake ones. I spotted a couple of stones that got my attention, there were two black stones sitting on the counter that were sparkling vaguely, I instantly knew those would be perfect.

      I asked the clerk if they had any bracelets or other jewelry with that kind of stone in it. He said no. I asked if one of those could be made into a piece of jewelry. He said no, they're not for sale. He seemed rather rude. He turned and walked away without another word. Without thinking about it much, I pocketed one of the two stones and left the store quickly.

      I was back in the main corridor of the mall, I felt the stone in my pocket and I could already feel its dark energy, it felt good. I thought I had better leave before someone came after me, so I looked for the nearest exit. When I got outside I realized that since I had come out the wrong door I didn't know where I had parked. It was dark out, many of the parking lot lights were out, but I had to find my car. I looked around the parking lot a while until I finally spotted my car. I was almost to my car when I woke.
    15. Desperator

      by , 08-09-2010 at 02:51 AM
      I remember a name or alias "Desperator" ( I have no idea what this means, desperate maybe? googled. Close to the Spanish word despertar meaning wake up. Coincidence?)

      I was in the living room. My parents were there. I got upset. I realized I wanted to stay. I opened an album put the pages were blank. I knew what was missing. It was her. I cried til I woke up.