• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. Riding in the dark

      by , 01-20-2016 at 12:00 PM
      I Walked past my friends house with a shopping trolley. He had his uncle steve over, his uncles car (a green picasso) was parked diagonally into the verge. {friend} was sat on the drive with his back against the wall, talkin to him as i walked past. I looked out across the fields opposite. It was a lovely sunny day with bright green fields of many different shades. The closest field was laid out almost like a running track. I had a flashback of them building this field before in an earlier dream sequence. I remember thinking it looked like a cool place to go and have a walk but felt that if i climbed over thd gate i would be seen and get in trouble. The field was on quite a steep hill and was very picturesque. I then saw a car coming from the direction of the school. It became dark and the car headlights were very bright. My shopping trolley turned into a bicycle. I decided to see how fast i could go.
      I was Riding up and down the road on my dream bike in pitch black i had a motorbike helmet on and couldnt see very well through the visor. I had no lights and was riding in pitch black most of the time.
      Every time a car came i scrambled to the side of the road, dragging my feet along to find the curb.
      As i passed the playing field i noticed there were kids inside, i saw thier bikes all lent up against the verge with massive wheels. I passed them and peddled faster and faster towards the bridge. I was getting scared that i would hit something as i couldmt see anything. As i approached the bridge i saw headlights coming towards me. I put my feet down to find the side of the road but couldnt seem to. I also couldnt slow down. I knew i had no lights and that the oncoming vehicle wouldnt see me so i decided to pull in just before the bridge. I miscalculated and slammed into the brick side of the bridge sideways stoppin me instanty. As i did so, i saw a lorry pulling out of A house driveway indicating and driving towards me. I managed to get clear of the road. Then i realised i was on my motorbike but instead of having a headlight i had my head torch on. After the lorry passed I rode up the bridge and realised it was daylight at the top. I looked over my shoulder and it was pitch black. I thought it'd be fun to ride from day into night so i went on to get a run up... End rem cycle.
      Tags: non lucid
    2. TOTM done:)

      , 01-20-2016 at 10:46 AM
      I went home by car and noticed that there were a lot of snow. I turned to another street and found myself in unknown place. I went into a shop, and when leaving ,remembered about LD, count fingers and remembered about the TOTM. I went to the shop once more and took a book from the shelf. The name was in big letters. Something like SOOSAN. But in russian. I looked at it onse more. It was SAANSOS. funny. I put the book and went out. I had to find a DC to make him fly. First creature i met was a small white dog. I made him fly, but from the second attempt. Then put it on the earth. Some old woman came to me and asked some money for the food for dog. I had nothing in pockets, but imaging, that i had money in rucsack. I opened rucsack and found enough money and gave it to the old woman. Then i desided to do TOTY and turn into the dragon. I had a nice plan in RLife how to do it, but i forgot about it and flew, and tried to turn into a dragon flying. I failed and had a false awaking. My sister and her hustband were in my room. Then i woke up in real.
      lucid , task of the month
    3. DJ#64: Dream about Dreamviews

      by , 01-20-2016 at 10:17 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      I am still on holiday but this dream was too good to not write up, though I really should have got lucid.
      Dream 1: I was on a plane working as a flight attendant along with another guy and girl. We took off and after we served tge people I relaxed st the back with the other two and chatted. I fell asleep and then woke up to us just about landing in a city at nighttime. It also happened to be 4th of July, So there were fireworks going off over the pier as we lanted. I walked outside in the cold and caught a bus.
      There was a jump to the next day where I was waiting near a tram stop near a bunch of other people. I started eavesdropping on them and found out they were talking about lucid dreaming. One of them told the rest to give him their workbooks and he would organise them while they travelled. As they were about to leave, on a hunch I went up and asked them if they knew about the site dreamviews, and they all smiled and nodded saying that they were actualy all PART of dreamviews. I got very excited and asked if I could come with them, and they agreed.
      So it came to be that I was sat in the front of a large car, with FryingMan driving and OpheliaBlue in the seat behind the driver,along with a few other members in the back. In shotgun I was squished next to, for some reason, Sargon of Akkad. Everyone was laughing and talking as we drove along, and I pointed out how weird it was to sit on the right side and not be driving as we drive on the left side of the road in Australia. Eventually Sargon called out for food, so we drove to a pizza shop. OpheliaBlue casually mentioned that it was next to a Dreamviews shop, so while the others went and got pizza I walked into the Dreamviews shop. Inside there were 3 girls working with a few Dreamviews banners on the white walls and some shelves with stuff on it. The shop was like a cross between a pharmacy and a fashion store. I wandered into the store a bit, then asked one of the girls "Is this the Dreamviews store?" to which she responded yes. I whispered that this was a dream come true and ran manically around the store looking at things before realizing I had to go, sprinting back outside and yelling that I would be back. I jumped into the car just as they were about to leave, Sargon handing me a slice of pizza and saying they thought I had run off. The dream started to fade just as I was gaining a bit of lucidity.
      Fragment: A group of nomadic settler tribes forming civilizations and building towns, just like an age of empires or civ game.
      Tags: non - lucid
      memorable , non-lucid
    4. 2016-01-20 LD#167 ToTM gravity change DC; epics: the house/soccer field, houses/woman/train; more

      by , 01-20-2016 at 09:48 AM
      Another "ANA" like night. This time influenced by Jamie Alexander's ebooks: "Lucid Dreaming on Command" and "Meditation For Lucid Dreaming". The main thing about his approach is to focus your awareness in your head, forget your body, and "go deeper, let go." I choose his recommendation to focus awareness on HI.

      I felt this is a lot like what dolphin does, staring at the back of his eyelids and waiting for FAs/dreams to appear.

      The first half of the night seemed to take forever before dreams began. I may have been aware in NREM because at one point I moved on to my back and when I felt entirely aware, my wife told me that I was snoring which woke me up and I thought that was strange because I hadn't felt that I was snoring.

      I kept trying to fall asleep to watching my HI and letting go/relaxing. Then the dreams started. Ordering not clear.

      + I'm on my way to get lunch, maybe I'll get pad thai. I encounter a (Round Table?) pizza place and go in, I'd love me some Kind Arthur Supreme! They have a buffet lunch going. I'm skeptical because I want the KAS, but I head that way. "Don't worry, " the cooks say, "we've made plenty of pizza for the buffet." I indeed see large circular clear containers full of pizzas stacked one on top of another.

      + semi-epic?
      I'm watching some presentation. A woman is talking about a piece of real-estate. She's trying to conceal her location, i see location on address on street, I know where this is [false]. House is large, 3 rich families live there. Look for a long time at the column marking the left front corner of the property, it's being reconstructed/rebuild? Around right front corner to side, the buildings are huge, right now just construction skeletons with girders. They're like 100 yards long, the size of a football field, what would be in there, a gym?
      Then my team is playing on the ground level under the construction, it's a soccer field. I stand back and watch for a while, we're scoring goals, they're making good kicks, too. Then I run forwards and start participating. It's not all that easy for me to run, like I'm overweight. We make a run for the goal, and I try to kick but my kick is weak, it's not a soccer ball but instead some small colorful triangle things (paper?). I kick to my teammate, and we make 3 goals like that in a row with me assisting. At one point the goalie is grad school classmate KA, then he's on my team and we're scoring a goal together.

      Enter a restaurant with my team. We're seated at a table. 3 out of 4 of my teammates are overweight.

      + semi-epic
      I'm walking among and looking closely at suburban houses. I recommended a painter to some friends and I'm looking at the results [false]. I observe the colors: deep, grayish blue main building, sometimes an odd variant of raspberry/mauve, very dreamy colors. These painters always do a great and careful job. I'm in the carport of one such house and notice that they've painted the foundation a different color (this one is the blue/gray house with a reddish/pink foundation). They've painted a slightly uneven line between the house and the foundation, but that is because the foundation is bumpy concrete so the uneven line blends in to the texture of the house.

      I pull myself up to look over the the roof and get a quick glimpse in a neighboring yard of a large fluffy dog.

      I then climb fully on to the roof and launch into the air and fly. I gain some altitude, to avoid the dog in the next yard. The dog is barking/jumping at me as I fly over. The dog jumps at me and falls off the roof into the garden. I'm hovering/circling about 30-40 feet in the air, a girl is walking below me, she has notes for me, she's upset about the dog falling off the ceiling. There are letters stuffed in between the pages of books. The girl is my daughter?

      Down on the ground I enter the house. There is a woman and a boy there seated at a table. I get a close up view of her right eye. It is strange. She has parallel vertical age lines above and below her eye on her forehead and her cheek:


      I think this is unattractive. Then I notice her skin on her shoulder and chest. It is exposed (no shirt) and colored reddish-orange and of a very strange texture: the skin is pulled and cut into regular rectangular arrays of flaps about 1/8inch wide that stick up in the air about 1/4 inch. Her entire upper body is covered with these arrays of skin flaps. I notice a wrinkly nipple. The whole thing is a very odd and fairly repulsive sight.

      Our team push starts a train. push hard, run to catch it, jump on. The woman train inspector may catch us. We've been riding around like this for a long time (is the track circular, how can we do that?) Uh oh here comes a end-of-track barrier, we're going fast, brace for impact, we plow through the barrier with no problems, and land in a cushion zone made for cases like this, with large slats of wood and piles of sand. There is a house for sale beyond this area?

      Something odd like a guy opening his mouth around the for-sale sign (?) and indicating that the other guys should stick in their (ahem)s? It's a joke.

      + traveling through town, looking for ice cream/yogurt, some places catch my attention, I go into one. At the counter/register there is a light on the left that indicates you can place an ice cream order, and on the right that you can place a yogurt order. The ice cream light goes off and I try to communicate with the servers but they speak a different language. I go walking around the large store. I see people sitting in booths. Up ahead there are some large, fat, nudist women (lesbians?) sitting in a hallway booth. I walk by them trying to avoid looking at them. Around a corner there is a large room off to the side, with a male rock band and some female groupies.

      + (f) I follow into my jr hs best friend DD's house, his father is there, we're there with friends, we start discussing world history. Something about my dad? Sewer pipe exits? Every fifth pipe has elevated salt levels? I feel my skin peeling off of my foot from the high salt levels?

      + (f) I realize that I've lost my toilet seat shaped pillow for the night, they have reclaimed them. I need to pay for another one before they're all gone. I get one(?) and return inside to the equipment rack?

      + (f) exchange of candy. I wanted M&Ms I leave the area and check the (gas pumps?) the attendants/adult, guards are there but they don't bother me, I have a bag of candy, I turn around and re-enter the area

      + LD#167 ToTM advanced II (change gravity for a DC)
      I look up into the sky and I see some puffy things like giant cotton swab puffs, and to the right a giant advertisement for a chocolate bar with many little bits of chocolate strewn around, I think "this is a dream-like sky, because only in dreams do you get particles like that in the sky". I do a nose pinch and am confused that I can breathe. That gets my attention, I try again and I can breathe. What? Oh! I run forwards and take a leap off of the road over a big drop with a small thought of "is this a bad idea?" but I fly and I'm firmly lucid now. I'm near a major university and think "I'm going to go mess with the students!" The thought of ToTM Advanced II (change gravity for a DC) enters my head. Down on the sidewalk below I see people, I choose a group of 3 walking together, 2 guys and a girl. I point my finger at the girl (who's standing on the right end of the 3 walking together), and will gravity to reverse for her so she falls into the sky. And indeed, she flies up high into the sky, 60 feet or so, when I un-reverse gravity for her and fly to catch her in my arms. Her head is to my left, feet the right. Her face is turned away from me. I turn her towards me, hoping/expecting to see a young/pretty college girl. She seems to be and I immediately kiss her. She's confused and I explain (punctuated by a few more short kisses) that I made a tiny modification of the space/time continuum around her, but that for her it probably felt like a large change. I ask her where she wants to go: New York? Europe? To the <rock band name forgotten> concert in Austrailia [false]? "Oh, the concert!" she answers. Darn, I think, I didn't really want to go to the concert. At this point there's a strange transition and we're outside a secret restaurant in Iran, and I'm now a small, dark-skinned, dark-haired local boy speaking through another local boy through a guy who works in the restaurant, explaining to the girl that I don't speak (Iranian?). The implication is that we're stuck in this situation (she accessed my dream power somehow to make this change?)... and then I wake up.
    5. #72: Class / FA

      by , 01-20-2016 at 09:26 AM
      I went to bed between 23:30 and 00:00. I woke up around 08:00. It's now 09:00. I wrote down some keywords for every dream.

      I'm sitting in a well-lit classroom, not very big. The lecturer standing in front of the class is my thesis supervisor. There are quite a number of people, though I can only recall 3 of them specifically. I think the class was conducted in English at first, but Kristen switches over to Dutch to talk about a specific issue that concerns only 4 of the people in this room, including me. One of the people who it concerns doesn't speak Dutch though. Kristen rambles on for a while and asks the opinion of the other 2 Dutch speakers involved (i.e. me as well). I briefly give my opinion and then state that this discussion might best be saved for later. I look at my supervisor and I see a small sign of approval. I say something to the person seated to the right of me. Something about that Kristen probably is insecure and that's the reason she is like this. I can hear the other Dutch person saying the same thing.


      I'm not sure where I am. I am holding my phone in my hands. I'm on whatsapp, talking to a classmate. I tell her that I had a dream and now I need to type it out to not look like an idiot. Damnit I don't wanna type it all out. I can't just give keywords either, cause then she won't understand.

      » Something about me scanning banana's the way you would do in the supermarket...

      » I'm in the same classroom again. I'm sitting somewhere on the left side. It's my birthday and people start to sing for me. Someone poors me a very sizeable beer.

      » My little brother says something along the lines of "ok yes, sorry, I deal drugs". A bit later on my mom allows him to leave the house. I can't believe he's just allowed to leave and that he's not grounded.

      » All I can remember from this one is that I'm talking with my mom in our local language.

      » I'm showing an awesome lamp that I own to my classmate. It's a white, battery charged lamp. There are multiple openings to charge it from. I notice a big red switch on it I've never seen before. You have to turn the switch. I do so and the brightness of the lamp changes. Sweet! This is exactly what I had been missing from my lamp. The price of the lamp is pretty high though.
    6. Photographs that Won't Last (DILD)

      by , 01-20-2016 at 08:53 AM
      Train—open—more and more crowded—trying to stay secure.

      Earlier, plane—everyone had kissed the screen, identical lip print.

      Bangkok—know the route from having taken many times.

      Scenery from the train amazing, began photographing—tall earthy brown cliffs on the right; later on the left forest, enormous trees, figures of other beings like bas-relief in bark, then we were zooming through a city on the water, buildings alternating from Renaissance to modern faux-vernacular shopping plaza style.

      Reminded myself to actually look at the photos after I took them, because when I woke up, they would be unlikely to still be on the camera. Some were amazing, and I was sorry they wouldn't last. Others not so great—we were moving fast, and I couldn't always capture the best angle.

      "This is the clearest dream I've had in a long time." Happy because for a while dreams have been distant and dim, frustrating. How did I accomplish this? All I could think was that I had finally wanted it enough. But how did I get lucid? Thought back and tried to remember the moment—this actually destabilized the dream and began waking process, but it was gradual enough that I could think back a bit first—realized there was no "aha!" moment, the lucidity had dawned gradually, probably because it was right before I'd been planning to get up anyway—only genuinely lucid for those last few moments when I started thinking critically about the pictures and the dream itself. At the time, though, I felt not an alteration of circumstance, but a sense of continuity with what had gone before. To be aware that you are dreaming is not unusual; to be aware that you are aware that you are dreaming is to be lucid.

      Was the lucidity that which allowed me to appreciate and experience the clarity of the dream? But an appreciation must have preceded lucidity because that's what prompted me to start taking the pictures, before I realized they wouldn't last. And even after I knew they would not persist—I couldn't help hoping that this time would be different from all the others, this time they might cross over, through some miracle.
    7. 1/19/16 - Competition Night 9 (2016 Lucid #8, #9)

      by , 01-20-2016 at 04:54 AM
      Combining my night’s dreams and my nap’s dreams.

      I win a helicopter in some sweepstakes. I‘m going to go show my roommate, but I forget where I parked it.

      I’m in some video game with three of my friends. There’s these cool buttons that you can find throughout the game, that give you a ton of XP if you press them really fast. Unfortunately, I didn’t know about how you were supposed to press them really fast, so I only got 1 XP each time. Somehow we get on the subject of lucid dreaming, and I even tell them about DreamViews.

      Woke up here, went to class, came back and napped during my 4 hour break.

      I’m at my church, playing piano for the service. We’re playing some song I had never heard before, but I was sightreading the sheet music pretty well. There’s a nasty key change where it goes from C Major to C# Major, so I lose my place and just drop out. The worship leader glares at me for dropping out, but continues to sing. I listen to the lyrics a bit as the dream starts to destabilize, and they mention something about mango. I suddenly remember talking to AstralMango in IRC and DreamViews in general, so I become lucid - about 2 seconds before I wake up.

      I laid still and managed to DEILD into another dream. I start out standing on top of my bed. For some reason the only thing I think of is to put on some armor, and as I think about this, two metal things extend from my arms and cover my hands and forearms. They’re fairly blocky, kinda like something out of Minecraft, but I feel strangely powerful while wearing them. I test them out by jumping from my bed and pounding my fist into the ground. It makes a loud thud and cracks the floor around me. Huh, I still think I can do better. Let’s bring all 3 floors of this building down. I jump again, and land even harder, pushing through the floor until I go through both stories beneath me. The rest of the building kind of crumbles away, as I walk off towards the nearest parking lot.

      There’s these weird creatures walking around, that look like creepers from Minecraft with broccoli for heads. I suddenly realize that I now have a rifle in my hands, so I try to take out a few of them with my gun. Some of them have more than one broccoli head, so I have to shoot all of them to kill them. This continues for a few minutes, until I am interrupted by the sound of my alarm.

      1 Fragment - 0.5 pts
      2 Non-lucids - 2 pts
      DILD - 10 pts
      Super Strength - 5 pts
      Lucid Chain - 2 pts

      Night 9 Total - 19.5 pts
    8. Night of January 18 2015

      by , 01-20-2016 at 02:27 AM (My paranoid adventure into the mind.)
      Yeah, I've been pretty disconnected with lucid dreaming in general. At this point I can't promise anything, but I hope to have more entries available. On a side note, I had a nice WILD tonight. I feel confident that if I can WBTB and WILD every night, I could have lucids every night!

      Besides that, I didn't remember any other dreams...

      Failed Powers

      I'm awake in my bed. I get ready to start WILD and, like usual, paralysis comes in a matter of seconds. Only auditory hallucinations, which I can't seem to remember, come and it all goes silent. At first, I'm sitting there thinking about when the visual hallucinations which create the dream will come, but I realize the dream may have already started. I get up, do an RC and find I'm in a dream! Strangely enough, this is where my memory of the dream is blurry, as I can't remember which RC I did, or if I even did an RC in the first place. Details become so bright in the dream, and when I start to make my way out the door of my room, I remember the tips to remember your waking life memories and it all comes flowing in. I decide to go in my sister's room, and I find her lying down on her back smiling. She doesn't even blink or move in my presence, and I saw her face being so detailed and accurate. I motion my hand over to her face to get a feel for it, but she kicks me away. I get a bit more aggressive now and start to get in a position to lie on top of her, and I try my earlier move again but she again reacts the same way. I decide to leave her. Yet another blurry part until I reach outside. I see most of my family and I believe I greet them? I'm not sure. I head outside and recall wanting to summon up my tulpa. I tried summoning a door to find her but that failed and the area was so detailed that I could even see that blotch of colour that you see when you focus really hard. I started to lose lucidity at this point. Out on the street I was on, people from both sides started walking towards me, and if I recall correctly the scene sorta looked like it was morphing into a school setting with lockers (but hadn't completely changed into it). To prove to myself to be completely sure I was dreaming, I tried launching a fireball at one of the people, but to no avail again. I then woke up quickly before I had the chance to chain it. Or the dream just went on non-lucid, and I can't remember it.

      When I woke up that morning, I asked my tulpa about it and she was sleeping at the time. Heh..
    9. Early Dream Recall

      by , 01-20-2016 at 01:39 AM (My Dream Journal)
      These are my earliest dream recalls I can remember. They were from back in kindergarten.
      My class was taking a field trip to a muesuem that cars were driving through. A little bit later we were walking in the streets of a city. I remember seeing a cat trap with a man trapped inside. It was Sam, the kindergarten helper at school. He was begging for help, but none of us would help him.
      The other dream was more vivid, and probably the most scary dream I have ever had in my life. (I don't get nightmares, or just don't remember them.) I was at one of those hotel pools, standing on the edge of the pool. There was a man on the other side of the pool, only he was more like a pirate. He was not exactly a person, more like a picture on the wall. He began talking to me. "I bet I could smile and scare you with it."
      I replied, "I don't think so."
      He then swooped over to me and smiled. It was a scary smile, that's all I remember. I then fell into the pool and tried to swim out, but I couldn't figure out which way was up or down. I was trapped.
      I think this next part was from the same night as the last dream, but not completely sure.
      I was half at a carnival, half at my house on the driveway. The pirate man came up to me and grabbed me. I tried to scream, but couldn't.
      Tags: pirate, pool
    10. 19/01/2016

      by , 01-20-2016 at 12:54 AM (LucasPotter's DJ)
      I had a stupid LD this afternoon.

      I was running away from someone/something (?) when I got surrounded by some dudes at this farm.

      I realised it was a dream, but it had been such a stressful one that I simply told myself to wake up. It didn't work, and the dude in front of me raised his gun at me. I sighed and did this:

      I started "shooting" everybody until they were all dead. Then I told myself again to wake up and it worked.

      What a waste.
    11. Iowa Trip Fragments

      by , 01-20-2016 at 12:31 AM (My Dream Journal)
      My family and I are going on one of our trips to Iowa. We're on a dock on a lake, just sitting there and enjoying ourselves. Then my mom comes and tells us that someone had been shot at just now. We are all very surprised and interested.
      We are still on the Iowa trip, this time on an off ramp on a Freeway. We stop at a Pick 'n save parking lot to go to use the bathrooms. All of us get out of the car, and when we walk in, I remember seeing a sort of pharmacy place on the left. My sister and I walk to the back of the store, into the girl's bathroom. It is not a normal bathroom, though. It is a sort of hallway, and the way to lock it is by pressing down a switch in replacement of the doorknob. I hear my sister leaving when, you know, I'm doing my stuff, and I yell to her something about CDs and disks.
      Ok, STILL in Iowa, same trip except for just with me, my brother and my dad. We are driving around in a small town, looking for a Pizza Ranch to go to.
      Stilllll in Iowa. My mom and I are on a beach, and I'm attempting to do handstands. It then transforms into my yard, and we are having a snowball fight. I remember noticing that half of the yard didn't even have snow. RC (I wish.)
      Stilllll in Iowa. I walk into a hotel room and see two maids there. That's all I remember.
      There was something else I remember. It was something about a man who is strong. I THINK it was my Uncle, not completely sure.
    12. Diz dream was pretty nutz

      by , 01-19-2016 at 11:21 PM (Dreamerino Journalino Ginino Sanino Manino Lucidinos in my Journalino Cappuccino Expressivo Crescendo Penguino Languini Amigo Panini Kapparino Lollerino Trollerino Rhinorino Hornerino Adventurino's Ferrarini Pepperoni Mozzarello Spiceroni Ninõ Casinõ)
      This way a few months to a year ago. Maybe more than a year? I'm not sure.

      This entire dream was quite vivid and colorful. Even moreso than real life. You know how animated movies are more colorful and pretty than real life, right? This dream was that way, at least the way I remember it.

      Chased by Alto and Bianco Angelo. Or maybe only a Bianco Angelo. It was throwing spears at me and i was dodging them while flying. I think they looked like Credo's spears but I'm not sure. *Now... Some stuff happened but I forgot what. Then I started flying really high and it started zooming out and there was a village or multiple villages and I was still going higher. Then I left this place and landed somewhere else.

      [URL="http://pre03.deviantart.net/9ad2/th/pre/f/2013/012/8/6/dmc4__angelo_credo_by_salliby-d5r8mjn.jpg"]Picture of Credo (in demon form) [/URL]
      [URL="http://orig04.deviantart.net/b5c0/f/2014/228/6/a/alto_angelo_by_dumbass333-d7vg9vs.jpg"]Picture of Alto Angelo[/URL]

      In a garden I think? I'm pretty sure. I ate some fruit from a plant or tree, even when I woke up I didn't remember what it looked like. But it was fresh and juicy and very tasty. Even better than a real life juicy and fresh fruit. Then there was a gate (wooden? the memory is so vague it almost feels like I am randomly guessing) and either beyond it or before it were 2 people. I think we became friends right here, I don't think we were friends before. It was a boy and a girl. They weren't siblings nor bf and gf. I don't know if they were friends before this.

      So then we had to get away from something, I don't remember what. Or maybe we didn't have to get away and I just wanted to fly. There was a carriage and I decided to let the carriage roll off whatever thing this garden was on, because it was like a like a cliff, and have my new friends hang on to me while I flew. So we did that and I either couldn't fly up because they were too heavy or I didnt want to, but I was controlling the flight downwards after we jumped off this edge off the carriage. It was like we were in between cliffs of mountains, because the way down seemed endless and there were huge rock walls around us.

      So we were falling down (but the fall was slowed because i was still using some power to fly) and occasionally I just barely dodged horizontal poles/lines/things that were just sitting there. After a bit of falling there was something sticking out of the rock wall (I think it is called a ledge) and there were people on it. There was also a little bar selling things food/drinks. So I landed there with some difficulty.

      The people here were able to fly and some were expert fliers. [SPOILER=Not flyers xD]The importance of grammer![/SPOILER]

      And I think I asked someone to teach me and he pointed to a teacher and I asked him. He either didn't respond or said no, I think. I bought something, but I may also have given him the food to get him to teach me. Then I embraced my friends and I think the dream ended as I was embracing them. At least I hope it did, that would be quite nice :)

      I woke up feeling happy, because I loved having friends and I was excited about seeing them again (in the future). I still might, since I journaled this and won't forget it anymore. I was also happy because that's what happens when you wake up from a cool dream, right?

      tags: friends. flying. vivid. colorful. ate fruit. Credo. Alto Angelo.

      Updated 01-19-2016 at 11:24 PM by 61041

      lucid , memorable
    13. meh.

      by , 01-19-2016 at 11:14 PM (Here be dragons)
      Same good old anxiety dream I have before any exam. Cant wake up, wake up to late, train is late, bus is late, bla bla bla.
    14. A Lucid dream That Keeps Happening.

      by , 01-19-2016 at 09:07 PM
      Hello everyone. im new here and i have a question about this lucid dream. i took lsd on saturday the 17th of janurary 2016. everytime i try to go to sleep, i have this same dream

      its a dream where i can see myself laying down with my eyes open and i cant move or say anything. im just standing there looking at myself, and i know im dreaming

      i can tell thats its a dream but i dont know how to controll anything in my dream. and i know when you lucid dream you should be able to controll your dream.

      this has happended 4 times now. im not sure what message this dream is trying to tell me. but i have a feeling its not something good. and when i wake up from this

      dream i dont feel like a got any sleep. and i have this sharp pain in my neck and shoulders. im not sure whats going on but i need to figure this out.
    15. 2016-01-19 big night of lots of dreams

      by , 01-19-2016 at 07:23 PM
      big night last night, long sleep, tons of dreams

      + I'm standing near a tall, wide, jutting granite cliff extending up from me, I stand back and take several landscape shots of the cliff with my phone's camera while thinking about it

      + sexy time with genital-free "girl", she turns into my wife, we go to play tennis

      + following my mom up stairs to a doctor's office where they're drinking and having snacks, I meet another my mom coming down the stairs.

      + I need to test a gun out to see if it will fire, I try to hide it by leaning it up against the curb, then I put my backpack in front of it

      + I'm working in a newsroom, I'm the junior "filler" journalist, the editors lay out a page and tell me how many inches my article must fill

      + in my ex-GF's apartment, her two male friends then arrive, she tells me "you can leave if you want to," one of the guys is talking about his marketing plan

      + in a strange stairwell, I encounter a young girl, then her brother and mother, they're talking in a language I do not understand, then I find the apartment I was looking for

      + a prisoner is sentenced but tries to escape, he jumps in the river and tries to swim to freedom, but he's swarmed with guards and captured.