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    1. the light abyss

      by , 04-09-2021 at 06:01 AM
      i was sleep for about 2 hours then a bunch of dead zombies started running after there siblings then a branch on a tree falls over then cuts two picking up bags at the store when i pick up the bag there was a girl in front of me and her clothes were made out of the stuff i bought with glad bags then i suddenly see light while people around me were trap in darkness
      Tags: astral plane
    2. Futuristic Planes and Airports

      by , 04-09-2021 at 03:17 AM
      I'm at an airport some time in the future. I'm either leaving home or taking a long trip alone. I say goodbye to my mother and talk to her for a little bit regarding my trip, but I don't remember the exact details of what was said.
      I get on the plane (which is much larger inside than a plane of the current year). The seats are more like bus seats and there is a row in the middle of the plane and not just the two sides like a normal plane. The row in the middle of the plane are like bench seats and this is where I sit down. A women approaches me. She appears to be more than a flight attendant. She examines people's paperwork to verify that they are allowed to travel. I show her my papers and she examines some of her own as well. Clearly, she is not 100% satisfied, but does not outright deny me either. Strangely, she rubs the end of her papers up against my arm forcefully. At first I thought it was an accident, but it was pretty clearly intentional. I get a paper cut on my arm from them. It starts bleeding. I'm like, "Jesus, what are you doing?" She gives no response and begins walking away. I did not get kicked off the plane however.
      The plane starts taxiing very quickly; much quicker than a current plane. It seems as if airports in the future take up a substantial part of the city. It's almost like some of the roads in the city are designed for airplane taxiing. As we are traveling through the city, we approach an underpass. The distance between the support beams of the underpass is pretty narrow, yet we fit through it just fine. I am kind of perplexed because I did not see the outside of the plane before getting on. Unlike current airports, you do not see the plane waiting for you through a window or something. It was just a hallway to get on. I ask the dude sitting next to me how it managed to fit under. He acts a bit arrogant and surprised that I didn't know. He explains that the wings on this plane are situated above and below the plane, making a shape like this:
      \   /
       \ /
       / \
      A normal plane for reference (cause the text mode is not clear):

      It's sort of like a rocket shape instead of a plane. I wonder if a plane like this would work IRL?

      Of course the "O" is the center tube of the plane and is much bigger than this drawing, but I had to make it with text. As he is explaining, I remember, oh yeah, it is like that. We continue taxiing around. We never actually take off and it's pretty clear that this is not always used as a plane, but occasionally just used as a fast mode of ground transportation. I manage to miss my stop for some reason. When I tell the woman that I did, she's clearly even more annoyed with me than before. She says, "there's no way we are going back and you're going to have to get off at the next stop." The next stop is very far away from my destination, so I'm pretty upset, but there's not much I can do except try to find another plane back. This is all I can remember. I then wake up.

      Updated 04-09-2021 at 03:22 AM by 59279 (text format not square)

    3. ccxlvii. Space combat, Swamp trials

      by , 04-08-2021 at 11:14 AM
      8th April 2021


      (chronology unknown)

      I'm in a ship in space. There's a Freelancer feel to things but things look more realistic. I'm flying with two escorts through some kind of debris field and when we encounter some hostiles I shoot one of my wingmen by accident at one point. My ship has enough firepower that it's pretty much a one-shot kill and a message comes up and tells me I have failed the mission. I can't understand it because the wingmen were not marked as mission-critical.

      I click retry or something but then I'm doing different things. Vague recall of a more normal Freelancer sequence where I'm in an Eagle and using Salamanca weapons. Intense manoeuvring.

      Some other sequence. Also in a game of some kind? Doing some kind of time-trial thing and there's a score multiplier that goes up to x30. It works like the DOOM arcade trials in a sense but the game itself is a mix of RoR2 and something else, having a more crude feel to it. There's a swampy area I go through and maybe some kind of ancient temple. The ambience seems a bit grungy and not particularly bright.

      Another thing, relating to the space bit. I am in some kind of station, it's advanced. There's a lot of green and black and I think there are many enemies. My relative power level to theirs is massively superior but it still takes a little bit of time to clear enemies. I'm trying to get to an access or lift perhaps. The area has a very open-design kind of look and is like some kind of massive sci-fi raid dungeon.
    4. 4/6/21 - The Reoccuring environment

      by , 04-07-2021 at 02:43 PM
      Yesterday's dream (I forgot to log) was quite shattered, I remembered being in my old elementary school's cafeteria, and a subway (not the restaurant lol). I also remember seeing this one room that I have seen in a lot of my other dreams, it looks like an additional office in my cousin's closet in his office in his house. I'll just put a quick graphic to show what it's like. My first (two) lucid dreams! Very, very strange!-reoccuring.jpg
    5. We Aren't the Romans

      by , 04-07-2021 at 08:32 AM (The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy)
      I had a dream where my school was having some sort of dance/meetup thing and we all had to chip in with music we liked or thought would fit. the playlist was almost done when I had the amazing idea to get we are the romans by botch in the playlist, although the album took the form of a circular, messy roll of paper for some reason.

      The second part was an adventure time episode. Finn and jake were in their house, which was much larger and looked a lot different. Finn was telling Jake about how they were best friends and that they needed to look for something. As the searching continued, the thing that finn was looking for got more suspicious and his behavior became more selfish and greedy until it was revealed through a shape shifting malfunction that it wasn't finn, but a small, anthropomorphic bat/elflike creature. For whatever reason, he had to stay with them until later that night.

      Jake was cooking something outside and playing music while wearing some kind of mask while the body of finn they recovered laid on the ground wrapped in a pink cloth. The elf creature tells finn that he's fully recovered. Finn is ecstatic and gets up, revealing that he was made entirely of candy, although his green peppermint legs couldn't support him at all, so he fell over. Jake scolded the elf.
    6. Very low recall

      by , 04-05-2021 at 09:53 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Someone was driving me out some where. We were leaving a large american city. there were mountains nearby and we truned onto a winding road. We entered a cave and my vision zoomed out to 3rd person. The caves had large rock spikes in it. Each cavern was a large roomconnected by a tunnel to identical rooms. Eventually the car fell through the floor into a similar cavern. Hordes of creatures were running by. Kind of reminds me of stephen king's the gunslinger where he is in the cave with slow mutants.


      2 dreams last night back to back. first one I barely recall, in an office building or something and Jamie seemingly distant. Next dream was of her in her car smiling at me. That's good I guess.
    7. Landscape created in front of me. Restaurant.

      by , 04-05-2021 at 11:03 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm imagining a landscape. It is becoming more and more real. Snowy trees are created in front of me and the ground is like that of a forest. There are some houses present too. I am afraid that I might wake up if I try to reach my hand forward and that my real hand will grab my quilt. After some time I am certain it is a dream and I try to create my arm so that I can reach forward. I see my hand and I'm happy that it's a dream. The dream becomes unstable and I am not able to stay in it.

      Notes: I think that I entered the dream as it was created. It was a memorable experience either way.

      I'm at a restaurant with some people. There is a table 5 meters in front of me where a lightly dressed girl is waiting for a very big guy. She is doing some kind of gesture to him and he walks to her. New fragment. It's christmas and a lot of people are in a small room waiting for presents. Everyone is going to get one present each. I get some kind of white electronic device shaped like an L. A woman really wants my present and tries to convince me that she should have it. She bothers me for quite some time until the dream ends.
      non-lucid , lucid
    8. "The Themepark", and a study of reacurrring dream elements

      by , 04-04-2021 at 03:04 PM
      Today, I had a dream about visiting 'Legoland' (as well as some other places I recall less). Usually when I visit themeparks in my dreams, they're nothing like the places they are in the waking world. Like a lot of recurring public elements in ordinary dreams, (towns, cities, malls, parks, county shows), they are expansive, fluctuating, and labarynthine, being able to be openly drived through; in this case, as a life-scale model city of what appeared to me somewhere in denmark, possibly, as there was a lot of 'bauhaus'-style modernist architecture, which I think my brain associates with some form of danish city.
      There was also the "minecraft house", which was a scale minecraft location made out of giant, custom lego pieces. Eventually, after a misunderstanding with my mother accidentally picking me up (I realised it was a multi-day trip and asked to be put back).
      Eventually, there was a small market in a special event inside the themepark, and there was a reacurring DC in the form of the "Bodybuilder Baker", he was actually a strongman, and decided to go into backing polish/hungarian "Kolács" cakes, also known as "Kołak" cakes in Poland. These cakes were most similar to the Eccles Cake, with a fondant topping. The dream instantly ended when I tried to pass through a clone of me.

      Earlier in the dream, I remember being in some kind of future where magic is commonplace as a means to do things. I remember I had to find a specific grave in a cemetery, and there was a helper computer system that could be summoned at will. Eventually I found the grave, and released the world I was in was a Final Fantasy world, and this was a realm within it close to the afterlife, and I could contact different characters from all across that franchise that have been killed off.
    9. ccxlvi. Backwards ride, Last settlement

      by , 04-04-2021 at 03:01 PM
      3rd April 2021

      Some in-line thoughts and notes.


      I am in a car with H. We are driving down a hilly area. I'm sitting facing the back of the car, but I'm in the copilot seat next to H who is at the driver's seat. The steering is not on the side it should be. It's sunny and I can see sharp shadows from the sunlight. H doesn't seem to b ewearing sunglasses or straining despite direct sunlight in his eyes.

      Behind us, or in front of me, I see a teal van coming down the same road. As they get close I see through our windows it's an old man and his young daughter. They are somewhat playfully fighting over the wheel but it concerns me. It's not somethign to fool around with, I feel. And I fear they may collide with us as they are going past us.

      There's a transition but I don't become aware of it in the dream. I am now walking towards a table which seems to be part of an esplanade on a plaza. It's in a tight spot between two buildings with white painted render.

      H is sitting down at the table and I take the seat directly in front of him. Adjoining our table is another table. Sat to my right, is the girl from before. I try to tell her something about some dangers? And then, before I talk about the whole steering thing, H tells me not to bother and I realise at this point that I have no memory of the last few minutes.

      I think I ask about what happened but don't get a clear answer and now the father is also coming back and sitting in front of his daughter at the table. We each have a meal, but oddly enough I don't pay any attention to mine.

      Before all this. Me and H are in a town. It's dark and night time. Can't see too well except for some faint light at the edge of street light fall-off, away from where we are. We are going back to the car but H can't remember where it is exactly, but I did know exactly where it was. The car was like dad's car?

      Before that, not sure what the place is anymore. Looking through a cabinet of some sort. There are drawing pads and other things. Me and H talk, they apparently belong to a childhood friend of his, called Tania. I ask what kind of things she drew? He tells me that when they played in the garden she would pretend to have superpowers she'd imagined/come up with and she drew some furry characters, in answer to my question. I vaguely recall seeing one or two drawings, focusing on faces and muzzles.


      Before the other dream, before the first morning awakening. Something in a town, medieval-like but also old home like? There's a WoW feel. My old best friend, D is present in the dream somehow and we talk or something. There's something about T3 gear and tanking. I can't remember anything else but even writing about this made me feel nostalgic for some reason, not just for the game but for this friend too.

      4th April 2021

      Scraps and fragment:

      Dream recall mostly faded and no notes taken. I remember at the end of one dream, I realised faintly that I was dreaming and so it was time to wake up or something. There was a hazard situation? But I'm not sure in what context now.

      I had a very long dream sequence. In the dream I am in a dark land. I think it was brighter before, but it was night time and I am in some countryside area. In the distance I see burning towns and things like that. The path I am walking along is patrolled by demons accompanied by a dog-like creature on a chain lead. I am able to use some sort of invisibility ability, every twelve seconds or so. It lasts just long enough that I can hide in a corner and when they go past me, I use the ability to make sure they can't see me. I feel like there's some kind of spotlight on the three of us.

      The dog senses me on some level but they leave and my invisibility fades and I move along. There are other patrols and so instead of continuing down this road going downhill I instead take an uphill fork in the road, which is narrower and seemingly goes unpatrolled. I don't feel any negative emotions, but I suppose I just feel neutral about everything.

      Transition? I am at a town of some sort. It's seemingly the last surviving settlement in this area. At some point I see the settlement from an RTS-like point of view. There are many sub-cultures in this town, who are seemingly self-segregating in cultural terms. But I also remember going into shops and talking to people. Life seems normal and there is a modern feel to most things. There were many little plots involving interaction with others in this dream but I don't recall any in enough to detail to remember any of them fully.
    10. Hiding in pantry.

      by , 04-04-2021 at 12:25 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm hiding in the pantry downstairs. I see the intruder through the door. The intruder open the door and I am pushed to the side. The intruder walks in to the kitchen again and I see that it is Hugh from class. They are pouring out honey in a big circular glass container. I to that later in the dream too.
      Tags: food, hiding, home
    11. 4 Apr: Underground fascist world, elevator and mountain adventures

      by , 04-04-2021 at 11:34 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      People live in underground tunnels and different communities occupy different zones and compete among themselves. There isn't an open war, but there is a feeling of war. No one enters the other community's space but when outside there are no rules. I had to be outside for some reason and was chased by some dudes. I escaped in time to the tunnels and once I crossed the entrance they respect the limit and just stay outside, taunting me to come out.
      We are run by nazi like leaders and everybody lives in fear and we can't trust no one. I have a girl friend who just recently fell in love with a guy and vice versa. He is staying at her place and he found some really old stuff she had forgotten under some bed sheets in a chest. She wasn't hiding them or anything, just forgot of their existence and they are now considered forbidden items. She tells me she fears for her life, because there is a chance he denounced her for it.
      There is an Ikea like factory, which is the sole source of income for much of the people of my community. Without it, they'd starve, but the workplace is a constant climate of terror. I do not work there, but I am passing by at one of their workshops, for some reason and they make me line up with the workers, who are terrified. One of the big nazi bosses is there today and he claims someone did something wrong and asks for a certain number of people to come forward and admit to the wrong doing or they'll have to fire random people until someone admits to the error. People are hesitant. No one wants to admit guilt and they know they might even die if they piss off the bosses, but losing the job also means an almost certain slow death. Still, a couple of people move forward, but not enough to reach the quota of people they say they were looking for. But today they are feeling generous, so they fire those people and just demand the rest of the employees to watch some extremely boring brainwashing film for hours.
      I try to sneak out with the ones that were fired, but a supervisor who found some pencil that is supposed to be over some furniture in the expo area, asks me to put it back and he is extremely detailed that it has to be put in a certain way on a certain piece of mahogany furniture and nowhere else. He'll now if I put it somewhere else and threatens me with severe punishment. So I need to go in and cross the workshop where the workers are watching the stupid film. But I cannot, in any way, disrupt it or bring attention to me, as I risk being killed for doing so. So I find myself stuck in the middle of it, moving one baby step at a time, trying to blend in, so that I can put back the stupid pencil in its designated place.

      Me and Riverstone live in an apartment building. Our apartment has a balcony that is falling apart. It has cracks that are getting bigger every day and one day as I am outside watching the cracks on a pillar underneath it, the whole thing breaks down and drags a whole wall with it down a hill on the back of the building, into a parking lot. No persons get hurt and it seems like it didn't even hit cars, but actually it scraped a van a little bit. The kid who owns the van comes by and is very upset, not angry just shaken. He is imagining how he could be there a second earlier and be hit by the debris. He wants me to hug him. I feel weird about it but I do and he cries on my arms. Meanwhile the whole neighborhood is assessing the damages. The building seems stable.
      Later, inside, I pick up my cat Cuscus which appeared on the hallway for some reason. and take him to the elevator with me, alongside some neighbor. I push the button to 4th floor and while riding the elevator I remember the recurring nightmares I used to have with the elevator never stopping and I see it about to happen again as we reach 5th floor instead of stopping at the 4th. But I reject the nightmare and the elevator stops at the 5th floor. Then I take the stairs down to the 4th. I am surprised by small beautiful golden statues of different Buddhas placed in the handrail down the stairs. I am sure Riverstone put them there but I wonder what the neighbors will say. Also feel like they'll end up being stolen, so I take one with me to go ask him what was he thinking.

      I feel like a tourist in some Portuguese village in the mountains. I am walking up towards the village center and I am being harassed by two African men. I think one is trying to rob my bag by having the other one distracting me, but I may be wrong. Anyway, I feel uncomfortable so I fly up and land on the church terrace that oversees the village center. Lots of tourists, including a dutch couple who is sunbathing fully naked, lying down in the church terrace, with something covering their genitals, like their hats or so. There is a restaurant and snack-bar and I go in looking for a snack, but food is really expensive, their signature dish is some mix of seafood that costs a fortune, like hundred euros a person. And the snack bar on the other hand is at the very back of the place and looks pitiful, dark and unwelcoming, So I decide to give up on this one and instead I find a very cute place run by Koreans. An old Korean lady sells beverages and snacks at her own porch, which has a beautiful view to the mountains. Her daughter introduces herself, her name sounded like Jane Over, which I find amusing. She is a lawyer or something, and apparently rich as she is picked up by an helicopter. I continue my adventure by not going back to the village but hiking down a hill leading me to a river valley. At a point, the helicopter passes by, really low and hovers and turns around without them noticing I am on the hill and I am almost cut by the blades on its tail. I escape into an excavated rock, where I stay until they are gone. From there I look up to the higher mountain around and I see something that I'd like to try. There is an hanger inside the mountain from where comes a kind of tobogan slide that goes downhill. From inside the hangar come large transparent spheres, like zorbs, for people to go downhill. But the zorbs are not of the kind that send people tumbling down uncontrollably, but more like the vehicles from the Jurassic World. I find a dirt road leading upwards and I take it. Then it spreads out in 3 paths and I am not sure which to take, but go for one that is sided by fences. It is getting darker and the wind starts blowing heavily with icy air that freezes my bones, so I just want to go back to the village. I spot a black dog ahead on the road looking at me and then he runs away. I keep going and find a couple gates, a bunch of dogs behind them and a small path leading to a house. I am cautious about getting on that road between all those dogs, not sure if they can get lose or not, so I just wait there observing if the dogs are friendly. They are, but still I keep my distances. Two old ladies come out, they look alike, probably sisters. They ask if I need help, but not very happy to see me. I say I am a bit lost and looking for a way to go back to the village. They reply with a bit of contempt that I won't get there this way and there is no way from here that would eventually take me there except all the way down from I came from. I say that's a pity but thank them for the help. They ask me where I am from and I tell them. One of them seems to be thinking for a while and then asks me how is my dog and I am surprised by that. I say I don't have one but 5 and also 4 cats, but she hints that she recognized me from years ago and that then I had only one dog. I don't remember her at all but she is right about the dog.

      Updated 04-06-2021 at 12:44 PM by 34880

    12. Losing competition. Politics. Buying. Tricked.

      by , 04-03-2021 at 08:21 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm in the park next to Hemmakväll and look at some video tape from the same place. A person in the video from my class takes some yellow baseball bat looking sticks and puts them under the feet as the person tries to climb a stair. It is very hard but I don't see they do it, only as they start to climb and disappear. It is my turn on the tape and I fail too. Wencai has two golf clubs and walks on them instead. He succeeds. I feel defeated.

      I'm listening to Stefan Löfven and Jimmy Åkesson. Löfven sympathizes with Åkesson and dad talks about politics and has the tone when he thinks I am wrong about something. Åkesson walks up and talks but all the people in the crowd dislike him.

      I'm at Lidle and I pick an orange juice box from a shelf.

      I'm walking to the chair in the TV-room and suddenly wake up. I am very confused because I think that I was just to sit down but now I lie in my bed.

      Notes: It may have been a FA but I don't think so.

      Updated 04-03-2021 at 08:23 PM by 97565

    13. 3 Apr: Chased by evil, abandoned palace, werewolf at a village, nudist swimming pool

      by , 04-03-2021 at 01:34 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Very long dream inspired by Doctor Sleep, which I had watched. Long chase by evil beings. Can't remember details but there were several of us in a building and several of them and I am the last survivor. I escape through an elevator to a basement with access to outside. Turns out there is still a friend of mine alive, she kinda reminds me of Zilla but it's not exactly her. We devise a plan to attract the monsters and kill them in some accident. We need to pull them into our minds and make them go from one to the other to confuse them. We create a loop of events in which to trap them. I start. My eyes turn white, I levitate in the air and visualize the events. It all works out but me and my friend find ourselves also trapped in the loop and we panic for a bit. Then we manage to get out.

      It's night, full moon, sky very clear. I am at some place looking through the window and see a most weird thing in the sky, like a cloud formation that looks like some object entered the atmosphere by crossing a portal. I try to photograph it but I need to get in a weird position or the image becomes all distorted. There is only a tiny window of an angle in which it is visible and still I am having trouble capturing it. I fall on the ground and eventually give up. But I go outside to see it live and also just enjoy the full moon. I go for a walk and find an abandoned palace and then bring my mom and friends there. Mom is happy to see someone dumped a lot of the fancy furniture and objects near the entrance gate and suggests coming later to take some things away. We are in love with a marble fountain, she says I must take it to my farm, but it weighs tons and I have no clue how to take it. We try removing pieces one by one, but it is mostly one piece about 5 mts long by 2 meters high.
      Then I am at a rural village early morning. It is very peaceful until strange things start happening. We hear a strange chilling scream of an animal and then several animals running in panic towards a road. Nobody knows what it is, but I think of a werewolf attack. Then some old lady comes outside from a house, acting like a zombie, carrying a kid of 2 or 3 years old in her arms and throws the kid in the trash bin. We are shocked and while one goes pick up the baby, we go ask her why she did it. She looks like a zombie and says her daughter is dead, no point in keeping the kid as he will only attract the devil and be taken away, like it happened to the other one. Meanwhile, we feel like the monster is coming in our direction and we are preparing ourselves to face it.

      Again trying to get away from some evil, I walk into what seems an empty modern building. At the staircase I wonder if I should be going up or down and I chose down. I go down two floors and encounter a couple of housekeeping workers with their trolleys going inside a service elevator. I decide to join them and go wherever they are going. They go up. Then they start making out passionately and undressing each other, despite my presence. They are overweight and not at all attractive but I still get a bit turned on and think "should I join?", but nah... I go out when the elevator stops and I go around a corner and see a reception desk and a long line of very attractive people. Ask what it is this place and it is a public swimming pool. I think that's exactly what I'd like right now, a plunge in a relaxing pool but the line is so long. They tell me not to worry with the line though, because they are all there just to pick up a token or whatever from the receptionist and immediately go to the locker rooms. I follow them but when I undress I realize I don't have a swimming suit or a towel, so I head to the reception fully naked to ask if they rent some. They mock me saying I should have brought my own towel, but about the swimming suit not to worry about because this is a nudist pool. I'm like "Ooooh!" and then look forward to see all those gorgeous guys naked in a pool.
      I have plans to turn it into something even more interesting. When I get to the entrance, a bunch of naked people are stuck there and I am told some dude got in with a girl against her will and locked the door behind, so the mood is not cool. They are trying to figure out what to do, negotiating with the dude and I feel like maybe I should just go full lucid and move on and so something useful but instead I wake up.
    14. 4/2/21 - Lightsabers and Moons

      by , 04-02-2021 at 12:25 PM
      Dream 1: In the dream I gathered a bunch of my friends and we went to go eat somewhere. I then remember walking into a building and it was like a star wars ship, we saw a ball in the middle of the room that allowed us to get a lightsaber and change our colors for it. I then remember going back to my house (I think it was my house, can't remember.) and someone was messing with the moon's size somehow. I then remember controlling an MQ-1 Predator drone then I was launching missiles at my friends as a joke? They didn't get hurt though.

      Dream 2: I went to my aunt's house and she helped me with homework it seemed. That was it.
    15. 2 Apr: Selling something to gangsters, safe house, chased by a dinosaur

      by , 04-02-2021 at 11:30 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am with Gerard Butler and a team, reminds me the movie Rocknrolla, but also some hints of Ocean's 11. I am carrying something valuable we have to try to sell or deliver safely to some bad dudes. We arrive at some posh restaurant/bar and meet some gangsters. The deal is off and we decide to leave, but we are aware that they'll chase us and try to steal it. So we separate in smaller groups and pass the bags back and forth between us, to confuse them if they are watching, so they don't know who's got the thing now. I am the one still carrying it though. I go through a train station and Gerard is staying close behind. At some point we bump into each other and he takes it over.
      We then have to meet at a safe house and it is a really cozy wood chalet of some nice Swiss lady. My friend Tânia is there, sitting in the living room reading a book or magazine. The house is very nice, very luminous, except when we go up some stairs that lead to the attic, which are a bit darker. I go up just out of curiosity and I trip in some gadget the owner has put on the stairs, supposedly to help people hold on and not fall down the stairs, but for me it has the opposite effect. She says she will consider removing it.
      I go back down to the living room and accept Tânia's suggestion to read, so I grab a couple outdated magazines from a rack on the wall. Tânia says "don't read that, it is so old" but I don't understand her point. The mags are from 2009 but seem interesting nonetheless. One has some article about the communist party and she says about that "you should read this book instead" and hands me some philosophy book in french.
      The others arrive and there is like a discussion about sleeping arrangements. Some complain about not having a bathroom near their bedroom and I go check and they actually have a toilet in the bathroom, but behind some curtains and they just covered it up with a wood board and are using it as a table to put their bags on. They say they are aware of it, but they don't feel there is enough privacy to use it. I get it, I try to use it and I don't feel so comfortable with just the curtains, but there will only be guys in this room, why are they being such pussies about it?
      Anyway, later I am watching a documentary about a baby lion mauled by a big lion and the lioness trying to revive the baby. It is heartbreaking, but the worst is that the baby is still alive just severely injured and then the lioness gets hurt defending him and we have to watch them both slowly dying. I just can't take it. I switch to a documentary about dinosaurs but it happens the exactly same thing. A baby T-rex is mauled by a bigger dinosaur and then his bigger brother comes to the rescue and also gets hurt and they almost die but find the strength to drag themselves away, looking for safety, and it is just painful to watch.
      I then meet my mom and walk her home and while we are at the bottom of the ramp that goes to her building, the two hurt dinosaurs appear at the end of the street walking slowly and I tell her the story to explain where they come from. I don't find weird that they just materialized from a tv show. What I say to mom is that they will attract bigger predators and we should get away from them for safety reasons. Right away, some other carnivore comes out from the corner neighbors' yard and tries to hunt those dinos. But then he sees us instead and finds us a more attractive prey. I tell mom to run up the ramp. We pull each other and we manage to escape. Fortunately, someone had left the door open and we just go right in and close it. The dinosaur sees us behind the glass door and leaves frustrated. Then I notice two travel bags outside on the street, unattended and I tell mom we should bring it inside because certainly someone forgot it there and might be stolen or destroyed by the dinosaurs. We quickly open the door and bring them inside. One is empty and the other has some papers and a few objects. A neighbor comes by and asks if we are traveling. We explain these were outside and we brought them inside to protect them until the owner shows up. Then a second neighbor arrives and claims its theirs and that he was preparing to take it to his car and thanks us for our concern, but I feel he is slightly upset that we picked it up and looked inside, like not sure of what our intentions were.