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    1. No snakes: This time my dream was straightforward

      by , 07-10-2013 at 02:53 PM

      First if all, I thank everyone for their comments. Superman1, you have given me much food for thought.

      I had another dream, the third in this series, I think, last week. I dreamed that I was back in my Samaritan friend's home in Holon. It was Saturday, i.e. the Sabbath for both Jews & Samaritans. The young Samaritan that we spoke to back on April 23, on Mt. Gerizim, at their Passover offering, was also there. (see my first journal entry). My younger friend welcomed me, like he expected to see me. I asked him how Sabbath morning prayers were (the main Samaritan Sabbath morning prayer service begins well before dawn); he clapped me on the shoulder and asked me when I would join them. Gaaaah...

      Their Passover offering on Mt. Gerizim next year will be in the very late afternoon/evening/early nightfall on Sunday, April 13. Our (Jewish) Passover begins exactly 24 hours later. (Sometimes our calendars jibe, like next year, and sometimes they don't, like this year). Unless we are prepared very early, well in advance, it will be virtually impossible to go back to Mt. Gerizim & watch the ceremony. This might actually be a good thing because I don't know if I could stand it. I would want to be with them too much. There is something authentic about them, I think. If it weren't for the scandal it would cause to my family, I think I would approach thjem with a view towards adopting their version of our faith (as I'll put it) now. But I love my family (wife & 2 boys) more than anything and can't, and won't, do this to them, not now anyway.

      We spent last Sabbath, after my latest dream, with relatives we haven't see in a while. I talked about the Samaritans to my cousin (a grandmother of 11) with such (obvious, to her) enthusiasm that she said I would make a good Samaritan, that I should convert. (Note to self: Be careful when you talk about Samaritans!)

    2. In-Dream WILD (Micro)

      by , 07-10-2013 at 12:18 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      I was fooled by a very convincing FA and felt the urge to pee. I peed for a very long time and felt sleepy. I closed my eyes a few times and felt random thoughts like I was falling asleep right there. I open my eye and see some random thing on the floor in the darkness. I feel horny and tell myself that if I can get lucid I'll have lucid sex. I finish up and lay back down to WILD.

      Instantly I hear loud music. It sounds churchy but I think it must have been a Mumford and Sons song. I try to change it to a 90's alternative song and it slowly morphs into something odd. I realize I am wasting time with this and start thinking about transitioning. I get the spins and feel like I roll into the floor but once I noted this I was back in bed. I know I am close so I think of goals. I want to punch George Bush instead of lucid sex. I feel like I lied to myself at this point. Then, its like my SubC gets mad at me and I wake up. I do a nose plug to be sure.
      Tags: coffee, taurine
    3. 10th July 2013 Fragments

      by , 07-10-2013 at 12:00 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's nap.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      There was some talk and then i was looking in window and there was pigeon going inside other pigeon somehow and they transformed into some bigger abomination of pigeon.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      There was something about small red dragon.

      Dream 3(fragment):
      It's fragment from probably yesterday, recalled it only after nap.

      I was in bathroom and toilet was clogged up with some magazines apparently.
    4. 10/07/13 - tattoos & halloween, fight with mom, apartment landscape

      by , 07-10-2013 at 11:47 AM (vignettes from a different world)
      i had a dream early in the night but i don't remember it at all. i will edit this if i recall any details.

      later i am in the dining room of the townhouse. various people are here. i have gotten 7 or 8 identical tattoos on my hip. they are tiny outlines of men. i colour them in with a pink marker to make it look like they're naked. a girl laughs and asks me if it's my halloween costume. suddenly i realize that it is halloween. i want candy but i do not have a costume so i go to my room and find a pair of bunny ears. i put them on and leave the house (it is night) but i only get a few steps before realizing i've forgotten to get something to hold the candy. i go back inside the house. there's a long segment here that i don't remember much of. all i remember is that i was carrying a purple nightgown with bleach stains and i saw an identical nightgown on a shelf, which creeped me out a little, and people were discussing times? i went upstairs to get a pillowcase but for some reason went into the bathroom instead. i heard someone talking about slenderman downstairs. then i entered my room. i grabbed a pillowcase and put on a glove shaped like a bunny's paw. the dream ends here.

      around 9 am i had the following dream: i am visiting my mother in an unfamiliar house. we get into an argument, the details of which are a little personal and so won't be posted here. i end up screaming at her, throwing a stack of paper in her face and leaving.

      edit: remembered another part of the last dream. this occurred prior to the argument. my father and i were in an apartment with white walls; a lot of stuff was made of wood. the room was filled with blue light. there were parts coming out of the walls that created steep hills and inclines and we were trying to climb on top of them. at the same time that these represented parts of the room they also represented a landscape and at times they would become much larger in scale and look, for lack of a better description, like real-life video game platforms; at one point there was an elaborate gothic church on top of one. yet they were still components of the apartment.

      comment: these simultaneous perceptions feature commonly in my dreams and often make it difficult to write down an accurate description. the best way i can describe it is that they add layers of depth to the dream world.. that is to say a table in a dream is not just a table; it may occasionally be perceived as an object that is functionally or structurally related (eg a chair because it's used for dining, a dog because it has four legs and is brown) or, if not fully perceived this way these sorts of associations will persist at a subconscious level and colour the dream experience. the mechanism behind this, i think, is an intensification of associative thought. i have experienced similar perceptions in waking life w/ the use of marijuana.

      Updated 07-10-2013 at 02:47 PM by 61860

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Ghosts

      by , 07-10-2013 at 11:04 AM
      My mom had died. I did not initially have an emotional reaction to this (shock?). I didn't like that so I forced myself to cry until I actually felt grief. When I paused for a breath I heard sobbing behind me. I went over to the stairs (house I grew up in) and she is sitting on them - looking like she did when we lived there. Something about the emotions I felt at her passing made her solid to me. I gave her a huge hug. We talked a little and she started to fade but I used some sort of mental trick to stabilize her. I got an email telling me an ex had died. I told my mom to tell him he is a douche when she saw him. There were people over. me adjusting the temperature - was too hot ((likely rl temp registering)). There were a bunch of old ladies in the living room doing some sort of craft. My mom was trying to do whatever craft it was with them. She aged her face at some point - made it super wrinkly - like 80 or so. I was asking a friend(a) (who was now the dead person instead of my mom) if he had seen the way to move on. He told me he had. That it was a doorway in his (my old room) room. It had a red heart or red figure of a woman (can't quite remember) on it. To entice him? I told him all they needed was techno music playing behind it. He laughed.

      ((remembering now something else. A... feeling/sensation - possibly from a different one where I kept dying? a sensation of holding on to my essence, my self as I went through these transformations. I would intentionally kill myself and come through the other side intact. I think the dead people in this dream might have briefly made me remember that sensation while in this dream))
    6. Vivid dream.Yes :3

      by , 07-10-2013 at 10:54 AM
      [COLOR="#800080"]The dream started in a pretty cool house with many decorations (mostly flowers) it was very shiny inside and there was a hole in the wall and outside was a guy with a child and they were laughing and joking on a very nice grass(in the same time I was on the couch inside with my friend) and then,outside,Appeared a guy with some nice black hairstyle and he didn't talked but he gave his phone to my friends (it was a red-black old phone) and then I ran home crying for some reason and I looked in the mirror doing my hair and shiz then someone rang at my door and I ran to see who it was but it was nobody so I got out in the hall and saw a kind of white paper and on it was written "I'm sorry" Then I wondered who wrote that,then I ran in the house again then my friend ring at the door and she said sorry then she invited me to her house which house was exactly near mine and I got in and there was her sister,her mother and that boy wearing some white socks and looking at me all weird.We gone to a theme park,and we got on a kind of rollercoaster and then when we finished the first round the boy and my friend jumped away and I stayed for one more round then I got off.One thing I also remember is me walking near a lot of people wearing white and pink clothes being all sad going to a church,and my friend was holding that boy's hand.[/COLOR]

      Fragment: [COLOR="#800080"]I remember that I can't close a door and That I pull some blonde guy's hair (It was in my house)[/COLOR]

      Updated 08-06-2013 at 06:15 PM by 61851

    7. Introduction and first lucid dream

      by , 07-10-2013 at 10:29 AM
      This DJ Entry is a duplicate of this post. I wanted to post in in my DJ to give me motivation to write my dreams here, but as it contains some questions and other informations, I thought posting it in the forum would be more appropriate.
      Sorry to the admin and moderators if it's a problem, and feel free to edit/delete it if needed.



      This will be my first journal entry, so let me introduce myself and my little experience first.
      As you can read in my introduction post, I first signed-up on this website in 2008, short after discovering Lucid Dreaming ! This idea seemed incredible and awesome to me, so I read a lot about it. But unfortunately, I wasn't enough commited to it, and with studies and other things, I rapidly stopped practicing.

      Since then I once had a lucid dream without even trying, were I understood I was dreaming because I was driving a "bumper car" on a road (I noticed "wait... it can't work, there is no electricity... Hey, but it must be a dream"), but I got so excited that I woke up after a few seconds !

      And last week, as I had a little spare time alone, I thought about Lucid Dreaming and Dreamviews (thanks DV for wishing me my birthday since then, helped me remember this forum ). So I decided to come back, and this time, to be FULLY COMMITED. I started reading some tutorials as I forgot almost everything I read about it back in 2008, but I only read basic ones. [Next thing I will read is the KingYoshi's ADA tutorial, and the long "Naiya's DILD & WILD secrets", that both seem great ways to begin my journey in the dream world ]

      Enough history :p ! Now, to the real deal :
      During the night of Sunday to Monday, after only three days wandering on DV and on the chat, I had another completely unvoluntary LD (by unvoluntary I mean I did not do any RC as I didn't start practicing it, nor pronounced a mantra etc.) ! So I thought the best thing would be to begin a Dream Journal to help me improve my Dream Recall, and get some feedback and advices about my journey through lucidity.

      I will try to keep a color-code for my DJ :
      - blue will be a normal dream
      - green will be lucid moments
      - red will be dream thoughts, like thoughts that helped becoming lucid, or problems and remarks

      My first LD

      Let's start with my first lucid dream of my DK :

      As it's been two days I had this dream, I must say I don't really remember how it started, nor I remembered it well when I woke up this night. But I will try to retranscript what I noted on my cellphone (in an attempt to remember it later) :
      I think the dream is pretty mixed-up, as I noted that I dreamt about playing video-games with my brother and some friends, then I was in a restaurant, trying to find somewhere to relieve my bladder, and ended up peeing on a restaurant-table (WTF ? O_o), but got caught and had to clean it up.
      The next thing I remember is that I was in my old High School trying to find the exit, and it was night and completely DARK. When I got to the exit, I was on a lawn, but couldn't see anything because it was completely black, and I lost something [my phone I think]. But I couldn't see anything, so I slipt my hand in my backpocket to retrieve my phone, and used the camera light as a torch to search the lawn... and... surprise, I found a cellphone. But before I picked it up, I noticed another one on the ground... and another one just beside it. I began picking phones, and finding more and more phones. Even a tablet ! I thought "yeah, I'm rich now .
      Then I noticed a particuliar phone, my girlfriend's one. And the same just beside, and a third time... and... this is when I thought "Wait, I can't find the same phone model 4 times on the ground. Nor can I find so many phones. So... SO THIS IS A DREAM. Oh my god it's a lucid dream, again [again because I remembered having one, once]. I looked around me, and it was no longer night. I could see that I was now in my mom's house garden, just by a birch tree. It was not really clear and vivid but I noticed some details, like this tree and some plants, the house behind etc.
      I got really excited, like the first time, so I said to myself "Let's find something cool to do, before I wake up. QUICK ! THINK !"
      But I didn't read any good informations on what to do to keep lucidity and stay calm the first time, so the first thing that came to my mind "Let's try to fly". I didn't know how to achieve this, so I just tried to jump as hard as I could. [at this moment I was under the birch, so not really handy]. So I jumped and concentrated a lot ! I did not fly, but I was able to feel myself levitating in the air, like I was able to fight gravity ! It was exciting but there was a problem, like I lost sensation... and suddenly everything became blurry and darker... and I woke up a second later, disappointed that It didn't lasted more !

      Needless to say, what woke me was an urge to pee, so I woke up, went to the toilet, and started noting what I remembered on my cellphone. I was disappointed but happy at the same time, as I wasn't expecting a LD so "soon" ! And even if I made a very long Journal Entry, the lucid part of the dream only lasted a few seconds, I'd say 10 or 20 seconds, barely longer than the first time.

      Conclusion and questions

      The reason I made this post so long is I could have some advices on where to begin looking on this forum to start, what techniques or tutorials or DV Academy courses to follow (I'm thinking about taking a look at gad's DILD classes).
      If anybody here has an advice on what I could do to take advantage of this kind of lucidity (I didn't do any RC but noticed strange things. I'm a very pragmatic and scientific person, so if something is "unexplainable", it's not reality ^^. But this kind of lucidity only happned twice), or what I should do to notice I'm dreaming more often. And more importantly, how I could make it lasts and not wake up after 10 seconds

      Last but not least, thank you to the people in the Dreamviews IRC chat, and especially gab who told me "reading DV is a very good LDing tool on its own". I guess she was right
      lucid , side notes
    8. Lucid Dreams - Flight over Forest, Trip to France & The Colorful Objects

      by , 07-10-2013 at 10:14 AM
      I remember being in my living room with my Brother and my Father. We were talking about something. I knew I was dreaming at the start of the dream but didn't bother to do an RC until a bit later. I said to my brother that this is a dream. His response was with anger, so I said I was joking. I think I may have done an RC at this point. I could feel a lot of control over the dream now. The meditation I've being doing has definitely helped me maintain concentration in the dream and stay lucid for longer. I walked into my garden and started to hover upon the grass. I was gradually lifting up, higher and higher. Until I had full control over the flight, I flew over my garden and had a wonderful view of beautiful scenery. I was flying over a colorful forest and saw lovely autumn trees, I saw someone I knew smiling at me while I looked over the beautiful land.. It was truly wonderful. The dream faded away.

      I was with my Mother and we were walking down a road, trying to find this Ferry that would take us to France. We were going to go for a day trip there. I lost her so I had to find my own way there. I then remember having to jump onto the Ferry. It was risky but I made it. I went down to the second floor and this is I think were I came to a realization that this was a dream. However, I wanted to carry on with the flow of the dream. My family were together and happy, I hadn't been told much just that we were going to France for a day and that we were going to a restaurant first. The ferry came onto ground and was going through a car park, I was kind of confused so I asked aren't we on a boat? I can't remember the answer though, but we pulled up in front of 'France'. We got out into this car park, apparently the restaurant was in this mall that was close by. We walked towards it. When we got there it was nothing like I expected, I remember seeing McDonalds being spelled differently and on the other side was this 'restaurant'. It was more of a fast food venue. We walked inside and it looked very common. We sat down and I don't remember much more after that other than being back in the Ferry and looking at a leaflet about travelling to new york.

      The next thing I remember is being in some town. I saw some of my friends also. I became aware I was dreaming. I remember showing my friends a magic trick. There was this object which I threw at them, then made it disappear. I continued throwing it around the place and making it disappear. They seemed amazed, but not that amazed as I thought they would be. So I tried something else, I walked over to this glass window that had items on show on the other side. I changed the color of these in the click of my fingers. They seemed to think it was cool. So I asked them to give me a color, I remember them saying "Nutella" so I thought of it and changed it to that color. I then remember doing an RC. The dream then shortly ended.

      Fragment that I don't know which dream they belong too:

      I was back at school, in the ICT building. I was with 2 friend's.

      Updated 07-10-2013 at 10:21 AM by 55198

      Tags: lucid dream
      lucid , non-lucid
    9. No no no no no no

      by , 07-10-2013 at 09:16 AM (Welcome to my dreams!)
      1. [Semi-Lucid]
      I'm laying in bed with no covers over me and completely naked, my friend (Nathan) is sat at the side of me in his wheelchair, {I thought to myself, shit I'm naked he's gonna see everything}.
      Nathen then turned, stood up (He cant stand IWL and I knew that while in the dream), he then leaned over and started tickling me, (I felt uncomfortable and embarrassed but not as much as I would have been IWL as if my emotions where numbed) I got annoyed so he stopped and sat back down. He then started touching my penis which actually woke me up.

      I was going to facetime Alex so all 3 of us could talk with my iPhone.
      Me & Nathan had a small fight, some pinching & nail stabbing.

      Notable Items & People:


      Was in bed and got told to sit on the edge of the bed.

      Notable Items & People:
      Mum, Person, Window ledge, Bed blanket, my knees
      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid
    10. July 10

      by , 07-10-2013 at 08:37 AM
      f - I'm cooking something with beans I think
      dream fragment
    11. July 10

      by , 07-10-2013 at 08:36 AM
      WBTB - breakfast - 3 hours awake - MILD

      Attempt to have sex wtih N.

      Appartement. I'm standing on a small open passage from the bedroom to the living room probably. I looks like a student flat. There is a sleeping boy in the bed. I call another guy to tell him if he could asks my ex.exGF N. let she comes to me. After a while she comes. I say to her that I have my iphone frozen because of her number and I want to delete it. She tell me that I do this stuff on purpose every time. I stand infront of her and I look into her eyes. She is beautiful. I think I miss her a bit. She looks at me and say: "Your head is somehow getting bigger" What? I do RC with my wach. Time is 10:33, look away - time 10:34, look away and now the time is 10:40. Oh I'm dreaming! I look at her and I definitely wanna have sex with her. I tell her go to bed and take off your clothes. She goes. I try to stabilize dream by rubbing my hands and shouting STABILIZE DRAEM! Dream is very vivid now. I do half spinning technique to be really sure. Now I cannot wake up I think. Everything is really stable and the room is very colorfull. This is my dream and I'm in control of it I say to myself. I watch her naked in bed. There is this sleeping guy, but he is in the other corner of the big bed, so it's okay . I stand beside the bed infront of her. She takes off my pants and I start having oral sex. After 2 sec awakening. Damn!!!
    12. 30 Days of SSILD - Day 14

      by , 07-10-2013 at 01:27 AM
      So I've decided to do a 30-day challenge of using the SSILD technique. I have experimented with the technique before with somewhat mixed success. So this time I'm going to use nothing but SSILD for the next 30 days and record how many LD's and FA's I get. So here we go:

      Day 14

      (I missed two days, one because I got up really early and one because I went to bed really late.)

      Went to bed a little after 1, got up at 5:45, and went back to sleep at 6:00. I woke up at about 9:30. There was one lucid dream followed by a non-lucid, but since I had to be at work at 10:45, I didn't have time to write them down or type them out. And since I just got off work, this is the first chance I've had - 10 hours after I woke up. In other words, I don't remember a lot of the dreams.

      1. I was at some party at this big house. I only remember two scenes. In one, I was in this bathroom covered only by a towel. I looked at where I thought the mirror was, and there were two girls looking towards me from the other side of this apparently long bathroom. I wrapped the towel tighter, making sure to cover my, um, private parts... The second scene was my friend opening this refrigerator completely full of Caprisun. Somehow that made me lucid. I didn't try to do anything right off the bat. I just wanted to become more lucid, so I tried doing RC's and focusing on my senses. Unfortunately, I either woke up, had an FA, or the dream went black.

      2. I was at my good ol' grocery store that is in every dream that I have, except this time it looked different. The aisles and departments were in the same general area and format, but the ceiling and walls were really high, like at Home Depot, and the aisles and speedways were really wide, like at Walmart. It was closing time and I was supposed to mop, but I also had to take back one of the electric handicapped shopping carts. I dragged the mop head behind me as I drove down each aisle with the cart.

      Day 14: LD - 1, FA - 0
      TOTAL: LD - 9, FA - 8

      Updated 07-10-2013 at 01:30 AM by 63804

    13. Excruciating Pain

      by , 07-09-2013 at 11:24 PM
      I was at a park where some sort of event was going on. I remember watching this huge mechanical cheetah move around.

      Then it started. That pain I occasionally get when dreaming. It is centered in the back of my head/top of my neck. I started to panic. I ran up to a man that looked like an official at the event. I told him about my pain. He reached around and started rubbing his finger on the back side of my head where the pain was. This was a huge mistake. every time he ran his finger over the spot, my body tensed and stiffened with pain. The pain was so excruciating I couldn't speak to tell him to stop. Finally I managed to whisper out the word, "Stop."

      As soon as I did this I slowly started to awaken. The pain lingered. I reached up with my hand (but now realize it was still my dream hand) and touched the spot. There was a soft lump, like a vein or nerve was pushing out from my head. I tried to wake up faster. I knew from past experience that the pain went away when I was fully awake.

      It seemed to take forever, but finally the pain was gone, and I was lying in bed so thankful to finally be pain free.

      I have always wondered about this phenomenon. It happens regularly, but not too often (maybe once a year). The pain is always the same intense pain in the same place. But it always goes away when I awaken.
      Tags: pain
    14. 9th July 2013 Military video games

      by , 07-09-2013 at 10:32 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1:

      I was in some militaristic video game, at first WW2 themed but later a bit more modern/futuristic. There was story about some countries that were not on war for a good while, but then one decided to start attacking the city. I apparently just arrived to that city which was getting invaded by enemies and had to retreat from a whole horde of them, allies were holding them off but only long enough for me to ask some people and figure out best way to retreat. I was going through a few cobble streets then into some alley, then arriving into some fence maze. I had to find way through and dodge some enemy squads and an helicopter, getting hit some times and losing HP, in the end i had only 19 left. Eventually allied chinook arrived, i got in and we took off. Then we had to fight enemy chinook and that other helicopter that was attacking me whole time, but soon we managed to fly out of city and end the mission.

      Dream 2:

      I was in some rich home place and i had multiple brothers and sisters, one of which was some kind of a prince. We were talking about some stuff then i went searching something in internet and there was some gaming site with red-dark visual theme, full of elitists. I thought that i should take a vacation on some island or something.
      Then i went to play some RTS video game with one of brothers. It started with two cities, mine's and his, and we had to mine resources and advance through tech tree. We had forcefields that acted like ones from AI War and lost of various buildings, and we were pretty near each other. I was scouting the map also with some units, also the units were created part by part, with some choices in chassis, armor, weapons and such. I started slowly attacking with a few tanks, draining his forcefields, but then suddenly he started spamming his tanks and doing massive attack, almost breaking my main forcefield and destroying bunch of stuff. At the last second i made special unit as my 'hero' unit, which used resources each shot and his shots could 'eat' enemy shots which turned into resources, and also it was very powerful, and with lots of enemies making shots it turned them into enough resources to cover the requirement per shot. It would have been good but i misclicked and turned my hero unit into some weird brown creature that spawned on the other side on the map. Enemy was out of resources tho, as he stopped making tanks, so i was fine.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was playing some FPS where i with some group had to hunt down some people from some gaming company that was really bad. We were traveling around some roads.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      There was some anime, group of people were exploring forest and there was some group of enemies. They started the fight but then enemies were blasted with blue blast from out of sight.
    15. Lucid (DILD) - " Mansion" - 9/7/2013

      by , 07-09-2013 at 10:32 PM

      I'm coming out of some college building with my friends, we stop to wait from the rest of them in the meantime i look to a glass and i see my reflexion, I'm normal but my hair is bigger and I have reamers in my ears.

      After this I'm sitting on some grids, all my classmates are there, we are talking about our grades and two colleagues say they had 13.8 in a test to what i reply that I had 13.2 in the same test.

      In the next stage of the dream I'm in a mansion, I'm just looking around, suddenly I have the feeling that my crush is about to get in so hide myself in the stairwell, she goes up the stairs and she starts opening doors like she is looking for something.

      I climb the stairs and i see she is in a room, the door is opened, I walk in quietly and i try to scare her with a BOOOH. She doesn't even blink, we both sit on the bed and she says:
      -" We need to talk things through!"
      I'm really happy for this but this is too good to be true so i reply:
      -" I can't, because this is a dream!" ... then I think " WHAT ? WAIT A MINUTE"... I do the nose plug RC and I can breath through.

      The girl standing in front of me is now a different one, the dream starts fading so I scream and it works for some seconds but then it starts to fade again, I scream again and the girl starts screaming too and I wake up.

      Now this is the really weird/awesome/scary part when i wake up i hear someone laughing behind me and I assume is my little brother laughing at me because I was screaming, I open my eyes and a see a old man sitting on my room's chair, is a old fat man, dressed in a black suit with a white shirt. Now i Know that you are probably thinking I was having a false awakening, well I was not!!! The old man disappeared after 5 seconds and I did a RC , I was awake.

      This was really weird because I never heard about nothing like this, this doesn't fit into any category I know, I was scared as shit.
      memorable , side notes , lucid , non-lucid