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    1. test

      by , 12-03-2012 at 10:56 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
    2. First lucid

      by , 12-03-2012 at 10:45 PM
      I started flying and then I fell.
    3. First WILD-Very Vivid, very weird.

      by , 12-03-2012 at 10:26 PM
      Hey guys, so first off, I want to say that I've had about 5 LDs, but I've unfortunately only written about one. I will definitely start wrtiting in here more often. Also, I want to say that I have good dream recall now, so I can remember dreams almost every night. Alright, so here I go. This morning, I woke up and didn't move. I didn't have any dreams (I don't think) and I was probably mostly asleep when I just briefly thought about LDing (I didn't even plan on LDing) when instantly, my body started vibratingand I couldn't move. It felt like my foot was asleep, except on my whole body. I couldn't mistake that it was SP. I closed my eyes so I wouldn't see any hallucinations. Here's the weird part: When I opened my eyes, I was in a dark field, even though I was still in SP. I closed my eyes, and almost instantly, I was thrust into a LD. When I opened my eyes, it was dark, and I was in my front yard (We live in the middle of the woods). There was a man standing next to me in a wrestling mask (could he be my Dream Guide??) And he was telling me to vote on something. Let me just say, everything was more vivid then life, and I could FEEL the weather (it was freezing.) I told the man (I was lucid) that if I was voting, I wanted to use the electronic voting booth. The only reason I was doing this was to practice summoning. Instantly when I looked over, there was a bright voting booth. When I looked towards my house, I could see my dad sitting in a chair at the door. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine downtown Atlanta (I live in Georgia.) Nothing showed up. I walked inside, and my dad was talking about the weather to my mom. I asked him if he would drive me to Atlanta. He said yes, and when I looked out into the front yard, in between the woods were semi trucks like a truck stop, and a plane was landing overhead. The lights were more vivid than real life. It was Atlanta in the woods! There was a parking lot on the side of our house, and he said we would take the big bus (we don't have a bus). We got in and the whole place was red, with TVs for windows. He said that when he got on his phone, the bus ride would intensify, and then I woke up.
    4. First nightmare lucid dream

      by , 12-03-2012 at 09:05 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      Of all the times I've had a lucid dream, this one was actually induced by a nightmare. I'll start from the regular dream first.

      I was at my grandmother's house with my sister (Eva) and we were playing some video game system in the backyard on a projection screen. For some reason, there was a piano in view 10 yards in front of where we were playing. While we were playing some game, an unknown being had struck three chords on the piano. My first thought that it was a ghost because Eva and I have had a paranormal experience where a piano has played on its own. I tell her "turn off the game don't acknowledge it at all let's just go to the porch." So it was like we hadn't heard the noise but we put our heads down as we walk to the porch where there are other people talking about what had just happened.

      At this point I am spooked and am only thinking about ghosts. I walk inside to find I'm in my living room by myself. My family owns this big clanky television that has a glare when it is off, so I walk up to the screen and all of the sudden I see a black shadow of a person behind me in the reflection. I scream and turn around to find I'm now lucid because I think that there's no way this could happen. I scream and run around the black shadow as I look at my hands and realize how vivid they are. Outside is now my actual backyard and I run around to the side of my house where my drive way is and I run up it. My only intention was to get away from the shadow, so now I have nothing to do as my dream starts to fade. It turns to black but I can tell I'm still in some dream state.After that I woke up panting in the dark. One of my problems is that there are plenty of times when I'm in this state of darkness but still dreaming, and I just need to find a way to visualize the next place to go with the next dream.

      Updated 09-29-2015 at 10:35 PM by 59595

      nightmare , lucid
    5. All is not lost

      by , 12-03-2012 at 09:04 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      First dream...either I'm watching a movie, in it or just the perspective keeps changing. This takes place like 20 years after DC gets decimated by some alien attack. These aliens basically look like us if we didn't have skin. They possessed this power to transform us into them, and I guess we were some of the last few remaining people. Some sort of way, the humans and aliens came to a truce, but right when the humans were least expecting it, the aliens started invading the last human town.

      I get out of my bead and head to the living room. I plan on visiting Kaomea, so I decided to use my new teleport technique (taught by some crazy DC a while ago). I went up to a wall, and opened up a portal, and climbed through it. The weird part about it was I saw some guy on the other side, with like a dragon on his chest....and the guy looked like me.

      Anyways, I get through to the other side, and I'm totally not where I wanted to be. I'm in an underground cavern...walls are red, floors are red....molten lava is everywhere. This is either hell or something similar. All these monsters started coming at me, and then the cavalry arrived. Thor, a valkarie, Conan, and the Green Lantern showed up. We started handing out ass whoopings throughout the dream. I don't know exactly how the fighting was (because this happened hours ago) but I do remember Thor tried a synergy attack and it backfired. Giant golems appeared, and started fighting some of the monsters, before the part of the cliff they were standing on gave way. We had even less room to fight, and I guess all of the monsters could fly like nothing. Eventually Thor used his magic on Conan's sword and it grew ten times it's size and he ended up killing everything.
    6. (30nov) women issues

      by , 12-03-2012 at 08:50 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm hanging out with this one girl. Brunette, small, and would be average looking, but she makes up for it with deep brown eyes, and pure sexuality. There's another guy who doesn't really know what's going on, and we're just all sort of there chilling. What I mean by not knowing what's up is she's sitting in my lap wearing a skirt with no panties, and is pulling me out from my pants. All while we're having this conversation with this other guy who's drinking. A good song starts playing, and she forces me inside her, and starts moving. We both move with the music, and I'm trying my hardest not to just get totally erratic. We're whispering in each others ears about how good it feels while constantly daring each each other to grind harder. Then her BF walks in. He doesn't seem to mind that she's in my lap, but I stop gyrating. She's sitting down all the way on it while talking to him, and as soon as he left, we both continued and came. I straightened out all of my stuff, and I really didn't know what to say after that, other than ask her if we could do that again some time soon...like in a few minutes, because I was almost ready to go again.....then the dream faded.

      I'm in a hotel room..there's some redhead with me. Absolutely astounding. Super long natural coloured hair to her feet, alabaster skin, freckles green eyes, the works. I don't know that I'm with her in that way, because I really don't know what's going on. She tells me about the party I was at....and I'm not sure how she knows. Then she gets furiously upset with me. She says I was with her at the party. I'm thinking "no that was totally a brunette chick", but I don't let her know that, but it still doesn't matter. She's mad at me for pretending like nothing happened. She runs into the bathroom, starts calling me a bitch, whore, pussy, you name it. I'm trying my hardest to keep my temper, while trying to calm things down, but soon I get angry. I told her that I wanted to be with her and all that jazz, and "bitch" kept coming out of every other sentence, so I ran to the door, and broke it in two with three hammer fists, and she's like "hit me", "do it". I said "I'm not that kind of guy, but you have to listen to me, I want to be with you". D and some other girl comes in, and pulls me away from her, and the red haired girl storms out. The other girl asks me what happened, and I finally calm down and started explaining. I told her everything, and got really emotional...like on the verge of tears because the one girl I was with in forever had left me that quickly. I stopped and held it in, and said "I'm over it". Then she started coming on to me. We were talking about business and pleasure, and I told her we would definitely have to meet up again. She was a brunette, with a tight green shirt, and blue jeans....possibly Puerto Rican....we left....

      And I'm at another get together with D, JH and some other people. I'm telling the story about all the craziness that's been going on, when the cops show up. JH finds some powder that someone left, and get this, he smells it to check if it's coke! I said "damn! fucking taste it, don't smell the shit!". Cops getting in closer....one comes up and questions me, while everyone else sort of leaves except D and JH. She asks me if I knew some guy...and I told her no. She tells me he's some sort of athlete, and I'm like okay". Then she says in a really deep voice "well people say I sound like him". I told her, "no, unless you try to like you just did". Then this flood of people started walking in from all directions. I weaved through the crowds while the cops practically got engulfed by the entrapment of people. I headed down a few halls, and met up with D again...we were both smiling that we made it out of there. He said JH had took another direction, but we were going to meet up with him. We were both hungry so we headed to a lunch room, and all those people were in line.

      Then I'm talking with D again, and he's telling me how he had sex with J....I'm happy, because one of us needed to do it.

      running out of time...but there's this crazy batman dream that I had. I was robin....throwing batrangs...presidents wife, knocking people out....crowd going crazy....batmobile....hopefully I can remember this when I get back to it.
      Tags: batman, party, robin, sex, women
      non-lucid , memorable
    7. Deild

      by , 12-03-2012 at 08:34 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I get out of my bed, it's dark. I think that it's possibly reality....I turned on the light (ceiling fan that I don't own IRL turns on) and it it stayed dark....bingo. I double check by trying a little TK on my way out of the house, but nothing special. I get outside, and it's day time. I jumped up, and glided towards the ground. My brother was there, and he asked me how to fly. Now get this....my normal method of flying is sheer will. The way I explained it to him was pretty awesome though. "I jumped up and told him to let the breeze carry you." It was so easy...it was like everything was auto pushing me exactly where I needed to go. Then I told him I had to leave because I needed to find you and I think I knew exactly where.

      There was a river with a water fall, and I headed straight for it. I flew down and it lead to another one, and another one, and finally this Indian bath area. Everyone is wearing white robes, and it looks kinda like a scene from slum dog millionaires. All the people are friendly, and I head out of the water....but guess what....there's a party going on in the back.

      I head back there through a narrow corridor, and it's happening on at least two or three floors. Some guys are discussing their game plans to hook up with these women, but I think they're short a guy, so they tell me to come with them. We head up a floor and meet up with them, and they all start walking upstairs. I hung back, and they all went to the third floor. Then all the other girls just showed up on the second...they gave those other guys the slip. So the four girls decided we'd head outside, and we're at this courtyard, and people are wearing prom dresses and crap. They really like me and think I'm cool, and simultaneously the blonde DC (could have been HER) right next me and I say "Have you guys ever had a three way kiss?". I tried my hardest not to blurt out "knock on wood" and act silly. The other three girls say "no". I said now was the perfect time to make history.

      So we all got in close and made out in one tight circle. Then one of the girls wanted to record it on her phone, so we did it again several more times. The End.

      Updated 12-03-2012 at 08:48 PM by 10773

    8. Tulpa 1

      by , 12-03-2012 at 07:15 PM
      Woke 3pm no dream 3:10 rembered non lucid dream.

      second half of drram found Buckhello. (My Tulpa)

      was going on bus with a mum with 2 or 3 chidren. got off bus with them and short walk to their house in quiet outer suburb.

      next it was chidrens bath and bed time..

      I got into a large metal bath with the 10 year old boy. i was fully dressed. bath water was almost cold. I rubed my trouser legs to wash trousers and me at same time.

      then I eas out of bath wet, and cold but dried quick. Talking to 10 year old.

      It was bedtime. Dry but fully clothed I get to sleep on matress on floor sharing with the mum and dad.

      Cant sleep. roll onto floor get up and go oitside.

      people are comming on front lawn as if waiting to catch an early bus to school and work in city or town a long way away..

      a young plump aboriginal mum holding hands with her children sits down on the grass.

      I notice the scenery is lovely.

      the weather is changind.

      very low clouds the size of a mans fist appear, travelling hesitatingly towarde us.

      An old wise woman standing on the porch says "get inside quickly the dust bunnies are comming." She meant those small low clouds are dangerous.

      I ran around the back of the house to come in. when the small low flying clouds hit they solidified. they becam like styropfoam and grew.

      Inside I found my mouse Buckhelow on the floor and picked him up. He wa happy and it.felt nice to.have him walking and snugling on my sholder.

      I tell the family I will never take him back to the pet shop ever again.

      Buckhello seems a bit slow and I realze he hasnt eaten since I saw him last and hes weak from hunger.

      I put him on a table with dog kibble. he picks up some kibble in his.cute little hands and eats.

      I think its too dry so I gently pick him up and he runs onto my shouder and we go looking for nicer food. then he is walking all the way down my clothes to the floor. He never done that befor.

      I gently pick him up. He seems to be so hungry he might be starving to death.

      The table now has big fish steaks on it.

      I put Buckhellow on it and first he bites and swallows a lot of big fish stakes.

      Then, full of energy, he tackles some thing different. its a dead large snake. he bites and is.pulling at tough snake skin. he likes snake. then he likes and swallows more big fish stakes

      He is lying down sleepily again but this time he is.not weak from starvation he is sleepy with satisfaction.

      I put him on my safe shoulder and he snuggles up to my neck for a snooze.

      when I remember this dream 10-15 minutes after waking I realize that I was looking at Youtubes yesterday of mice. I saw two distressing Youtubes. One was the comical Matagascar one wher a shark chases Mort on land to eat him. the other was a white mouse being crushed and swallowed by a pet snake.

      In the dream I witness my dream tupla mouse Buckhellow biting and pulling at a dead snake's skin then eating some of that snake and also swallowing big fish steak (probably shark).

      Wow! what a dream.

      bloody long dream for me too.

      to recap:

      I think I was taken by bus to a house in the outer suburbs near beautiful country side by a family.

      I got to know the family a bit, had a.bath and went to bed with them (fully clothed).

      Went to sleep. Woke up. Rolled out of bed. Went outside, it was still dark, so very early morning.

      Watched as people came to wait for buss.to take them to school or work. weather changed it was getting light and I noticed nice country scenery.

      Wise old woman warned me to get indoors because the low flying clouds the size of a.mans fist were dangerouse (storm) dust bunnies. (I think this dream character needed to guide me into the house where my Tulpa awaited).

      I go inside and meet my Tulpa, Buckhellow.

      He needs to eat. He needs to eat what tried to kill and eat him (from the Youtubes I saw yesterday).

      Here is the link to where the discriptive Youtube are. I am not oncluding the one where a pet snake crushes and swallows a cute white mouse.

      Deam Lesson (กกก)

      I think I need to be more carefull of what I do with my waking life now that I have "Tulpa". (!!!)

      Posts 15 and 16.
    9. Mon Dec 3 (11:24-8:46)

      by , 12-03-2012 at 05:04 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Giant Spiders

      I'm playing a hard HOMM3 scenario. I decide to put in a cheat code and skip to the end of the scenario, just to see what it's like. I'm moved to the end of a dungeon, where I get the key that unlocks the way to the final boss. Then I exit the cave, emerging to a darkened portion of the overworld map that I've never seen before. To the north, past some mountains, a giant pair of red eyes is moving around. The final boss must be a giant spider; I've fought these before. I look for a passage through the mountains. Then somehow the light improves and I can see the rest of the spider's body. Well, not all of it; it doesn't all fit on the screen. This spider is much bigger than the ones I've fought before. Even though this is only a game, I feel a distinct sense of fear. Suddenly I don't want to find a passage through the mountains; I start looking around the rest of the nearby map area instead. As I do, suddenly I see motion to the east. Panning over, I see a new spider, a blue one, almost as big as the other. It's looking for me, and it will get here in moments. I run away.

      • granola bar
      • Due to an accident, I smell totally rancid.
      • Someone is commenting on a picture of religious protesters. One of the protesters is holding a life-sized caricature of a naked man with a sign hanging from his erection. I think maybe the man is supposed to be Romney.
      • I have to shave my beard. It's kind of a shame, because it's a full beard about an inch long and it goes well with my longer hair. [IRL: I can't grow a full beard.]
    10. Sun Dec 2 (11:24-8:39)

      by , 12-03-2012 at 05:02 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Mom's Army

      My mom is an evil wizard. We would be able to deal with that, but apparently she is somehow using her powers to give similar powers to other people as well. I discover this when I overhear some men talking about how they're on their way to a ceremony gain those powers and join her army. They say that she's planning to convert one percent of the world's population, then stop, allowing them to rule over the rest of humanity. This is bad news for me and the rest of my family.

      Cruelty to Animals

      A woman from the housing system has taken my family's dog for a walk while we're on a camping trip. While most everyone else is distracted, I see the woman use the shock collar to zap the dog for absolutely no reason. This makes me very angry, and I immediately report the event to my dad.

      • bugs being scary
      • "fly -- over [illegible] northern realms"
      • orchestra audition
    11. philanthropist

      by , 12-03-2012 at 04:06 PM
      i took some train with cody and yu yu and it ended up going across the golden gate and al sorts of beautiful scenes through the city . however it was headingg away from our destination. apparently i was on cocaine and at that point i was looking to try whatever so i was asking for shrrms. this of course was all after i had been rejected from some class by lil wayne and a strict aristocratic family.

      this train if i try to describe it started out huge and then y the end dodf it we were all in the small sorta intertube raft in a big line of intertube rafts and the train was no more. it flew over the city and we had to hang on tight and i pointed out we were headed wrong direction. cody jerry andyuu and i were like fuck and we ended up going over all the water and the high buildings and just swimming.y my sis was there sow we jus took the train back home. and we found a cabin and ate hella cereal
    12. Green Skin and Singer

      by , 12-03-2012 at 03:41 PM
      First Dream:
      I was a girl that looked a lot like Saoirse Ronan,I had some disease,and my biology teacher was a doctor here,and said he could cure me,giving me hope and such.We were in a open field area with a huge machine,I was pulled by this machine and though "I hope everything goes right" and then when I realized,I had green skin,the doctor was deeply sorry,but I didn't thought it was bad.I saw some glimpses of my life with green skin,I looked happy.

      Second Dream:
      I was a singer,I was in the bathroom with my manager,she asked me if I travel by my own,I said I was scared of driving on the road,and since my friend is also just a girl(me and this girl were 19) I said I always travel with my father as the driver.We had a laugh,and the dream was over.

      None lucid,sadly.
    13. Duel with Julia

      by , 12-03-2012 at 02:26 PM (Darkness Beyond Time)
      I was in front of my university. It was crowded with people. For some reason I had sword with me. I approached some girl and asked for a duel. My condition was that I go out with her if I win. She accepted. I took some fighting stance and suddenly she started to run away. I chased after her and when I caught her she took her sword and told that we can fight now. She won me with one hit and told me that she didn't want to defeat me in front of other people so that's why she ran away. Her name was Julia.
    14. The Dogs [03.12.2012]

      by , 12-03-2012 at 11:54 AM
      Midnight, my house. I was going to the bottom floor, but two shetland sheepdogs blocked the stairs (My dog is one.). My presence angered one of them, so I left.

      Some time later, I found a "PetFinder" program. Its icon was a silhouette of a cat with yellow, cat-like eyes. I thought it scanned the entire house and showed the animals in it. Once I opened it, it said to pick a color. I thought it meant the pet's color, while our dog has multiple colors.

      During day, I asked someone about all of this. Since he was confused, I asked him if the dog is dead. His answer was "yes".

      Updated 09-01-2014 at 04:58 PM by 59394 (Translated to english)

      nightmare , non-lucid
    15. Gig confusion

      by , 12-03-2012 at 10:49 AM

      I think I was in a local village where Chawner, Charlie, Leo etc. live, chilling with my friends. There was a school concert going on at my secondary school, however it was more like a gig for the teenagers. My old band used to play all the gigs, and we suddenly thought it would be a good idea to ask to play in our new band at the gig. I think that this sudden spur of the moment idea came from the other day, when on a spur of the moment Richard (our bassist) told a promoter we could play at his gig, even though we were simply not ready. I was rushing about trying to get hold of people and organize lifts to college (even though the gig was at school!! RC POTENTIAL!!!!) however I was getting no texts back, which was stressing me out. In the end, my Mum was picking me up, yet Chawner picked us up in a big black 4by4 car!! (once again, RC POTENTIAL!) In the back of the car was Marko, and I had shotgun. All I really remember from here is me telling the lads that I was nearly there at college, and them telling me in return that they delayed the gig for us to play, but it was too ambitious and the crowd were starting to get agitated so we had to stop. When he said this I imagined the school hall as the NME tent at reading festival, (RC POTENTIAL)which has actually come up in my dreams before. I was disappointed we weren't doing the set, however although I thought it was the evening, I actually think it was during my friday long free, so all it meant was that I was getting to college earlier so that I could do revision. Cool!
