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    1. Nap

      by , 09-06-2012 at 10:21 PM
      Took a nap after school and had a very weird occurrence of dreams, I for some reason was going to this hated family house that lives far away. Their family ended up actually being pretty chill, but they must have had some sort of cult going on I was unaware of. I hung out with the three sons of the family and we just hung out for a bit before going into another room with the daughters or female members of the household. There was some really pale blue eyed girl with a ton of freckles who my dream self thought was hot for some reason. We drink some koolaid (srs lol). Then next thing I iknow we are walking down this very muddy road hillside, I pick up the freckled girl playfully for a bit. We stop somewhere to set up camp, and then we all start throwing mud at eachother. For some reason I had night vision goggles on. Then I'm at home again, And I decide that it must of been some sort of dream I think? and I call my dad and ask what time I should head into boston to watch the redsox game.
    2. Fun & Games!

      by , 09-06-2012 at 10:07 PM
      This morning's dream was really a lot of fun! First I dreamed that I had mastered the art of telekinesis. I could move objects without touching them. Specifically, if I concentrated hard enough, I could make a red thermos leap into my hands from about a foot or so away. I kept doing it over and over. It was so much fun. I couldn't wait to show others my new skill. On one practice try, I had to admit that it did look like a spirit was picking up the thermos and tossing it to me. That kind of made me nervous. I didn't want people to think there was something satanic about my new talent. I hoped there wasn't!

      Then the dream switched and I bumped into Mark Hamill. I think we were in a store. He was very funny and friendly.

      Then I dreamed that I was shopping in a second-hand store. I was looking for a certain type of skirt, short but with layers of ruffled fabric. This particular store didn't have any skirts like that. I did find a cool dress in a gorgeous fabric. It was a lightweight, satiny material in a sort of cream color, but as the material moved it looked green and gold too. It was a halter style dress with a really short skirt. A friend said the dress was too revealing. I said I would buy it if it fit. I tried wrapping it around me, but it was too small. A friend from school, Olivia, was interested in the dress so I gave it to her to buy. I thought she was going to get it, but then she changed her mind! I kept searching the racks, but didn't find anything else as good as that dress. I walked round and round the same racks looking for a skirt I liked and couldn't find one. I was still shopping when I woke up!
    3. 6 Sep 2012 - Good Start

      by , 09-06-2012 at 08:57 PM (Extra Lives)
      Dream 1. I was at the house my family used to own on 142 N______. I was in a relationship with S again and it wasn't working out...again. (Even in dreams....)
      We were unhappy, or she was or I was, I can't remember. She was storing her things in thegarage preparing to move out. It was night time and possibly raining.
      My parents and J were coming home and I was embarrassed that they were going to see the poor state of my relationship.

      Dream 2. (That's right! 2 in 1 night.) I had an old white VW Beetle that got stolen from a super shady grassy hotel parking lot. I knew one of the guys that worked in the hotel and I went inside to explain what had happened.
      Outside the front door, there was a smoldering fire pit, and sticking out of the pit was a charred human leg. I was disgusted, but I chalked it up to the work of drugged out homeless nearby and ignored it so I wouldn't
      be the next target.
      Also, outside the hotel people were smoking cigarettes and their second-hand smoke was getting into my lungs and making it hard for me to breathe. I was breathing out thick rivers of smoke, like I had been smoking hookah.

      The color Orange denotes things that could have made me aware that I was dreaming. Need to perform more reality checks during my days.
    4. Short LD, Rollecoaster

      by , 09-06-2012 at 08:10 PM (Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming)

      Dream 1

      In this dream I was on holiday and France. I walked through this park with a few swings with my brother and sister. I kept walking untill I was outside this pub called 'No Name.' This pub I was seeing was the back entrance to a pub I went in with my brother on my real holiday. I said 'Wait a minute, this is the pub what was in Turkey but we are in France!' They both looked at me weird. I said 'its because we are in a lucid dream,' they were going 'no its not, you say this all the time.' In RL when practicing awareness I say out loud to them 'this could all be a dream.' Anyway, I thought I'd prove to them it was a LD, I said' follow me' we started walking and I explained 'when we walk round this corner where the swings were earlier, there will be a big bouncy castle.' Then when we walked round the corner there was a bouncy castle. They started running to go onto it, I shouted 'TOLD YOU IT WAS A LUCID DREAM!' I thought I may as well go on it while its here, so i ran on it and bounced a bit. However I wasn't bouncing for long before I tripped over then closed my eyes and woke up!

      Dream 2

      I was at a theme park with my dad, sister and brother. I bought a 'Sun Newspaper' and I think a tea or coffee. Not too sure which. But I had 50p change which I slipped in my pocket. I went on this rollercoaster with my family and it was blue, similar to one which I had been on before. While going round I was trying to hold this tea in my lap. So I was kind of leaning to the left, this was hurting my back. We then went to go up and over for a loop the loop part. The 50p in my pocket from earlier started to slip out and there was 2 people on the ground catching money what was falling out of peoples pockets. They shouted 'Oh look, here comes a 50p!' We done the loop the loop and I could see my 50p it was a grey blob flying down. The 2 people ran over and collected the 50p. Then next thing I am in a hall and there is this rat on a scooter and big cheese everywhere. My sister goes to me 'you know the app rat on a scooter I like, yes, well this is based on that' I thought that was pretty cool. It was the last thing I remember.
    5. Galleon, River Song, Store, Cinderella's Step-family

      by , 09-06-2012 at 06:52 PM
      I had two dreams last night that I think I had before. But anyway.

      In the first dream I was on what appeared to be an old fashioned ship..I think one that was called a Galleon.

      It was a sunny day with no clouds in sight. I was talking to one of the crew members and he mentioned "Below deck" wasn't what I would think it would be. I go down there and I seem to have appeared..in something out of Doctor Who. There was underground chambers and from what I could tell, the chambers' walls had Greek writing on them. I go back up and continue talking to the man. He mentions that a former crew mate got lost down there and she still hasn't been found. I go back down and for some reason..something has happened and I as an Onlooker see a chase going on and at least one person is wearing an outfit similar to the one Rory wore in Season 1,&3 of Smith's DW and well somehow I ended up in a tent..which appeared to have someone who liked identical to River Song and she appeared to be under a magical memory charm and then a toy phone like one I used to play with appeared ( I would post a picture of the phone if I could find one..but i can't..its was a pink phone with a glass round dial). I start to use it then the dream changed

      The 2nd dream I was hiding from someone (don't know who) and I was in a store..it was a combo of shoe and clothing store. I was hiding behind a clothes rack and also behind the little seat thing you sit on at a shoes store. Well when I was in the store..which I could see through the front of the store and 3 people walked past and they seemd to have stepped right out of the movie Cinderella (they were the step mom, and sisters). A man who's black hair was tied into a ponytail at the back of his head..he said that I couldn't hide where I was for much longer and said to trust him..but I didn't know whether or not to do so. I did and the next thing I knew I believed..I was a frog in a forest. End of dream.
    6. vent sneaking and hidden city

      by , 09-06-2012 at 05:54 PM
      I was at my cousins work (I think) which was in some big office building type place. Someone we were with said we had to sneak through the vents into some control room to stop them from doing something bad. I was kind of worried the vents wouldn't be strong enough to hold me, but we eventually crawled through them to the room.

      My family just bought a new house, and my room was a cave. There was a big African-American basketball player looking guy with us for some reason. Him and I were sitting at the kitchen table and we happened to bring up marijuana in our conversation. He cautiously asked me if I smoked or knew how to get any. I said I've smoked before. We went into my room that was a cave and tried to fix his bong that was broken with scotch tape. It didn't work. I noticed a narrow opening high up that went around my whole cave room just below the ceiling. We wondered what was up there, so I managed to climb up to it. It just lead to more space, so we decided to walk through it. It lead to a whole cave city, it seemed really secret and anciently significant. There was a pizza shop there that advertised a pizza flavor in the window named after my dad and I, because apparently he used to be of significance to the town. I felt like I just discovered something profound about myself and my family, not knowing about my dad before. We eventually left and turned into Finn and Jake from adventure time. I was Fin but had the morphing powers of Jake. I felt really happy, like I could finally move on with my life for some reason and kept morphing into a giant Finn and back while we were walking back to my new house. This creepy, dark figure standing on the sidewalk noticed us and started following us :disconcerted:. I woke up.
    7. A lucid escape...

      by , 09-06-2012 at 05:17 PM
      My lucid dreaming abilities are finally returning to me!

      Last night I had 2 Lucids, or more accurately, 1 lucid and a re-entry.

      The first Dream I remember wasn't a lucid, and only involved me conversing with random people I haven't spoken to in years.

      The second Dream I remember involved me helping some people escape from a Russian prison, including children. We moved as a group towards a fence that had been previously loosened by someone... I forcibly opened it further allowing several small children to pass through it. As soon as all the chillin were through, I opened the gate further and squeezed through myself. I remember feeling others trying to force their way past me while I was trying to get through. On the other side of the gate, we came to the walkway that lead to the main gate and out of the prison. As we walked towards the gate, ever so carefully, I noticed a group of guards walking together in our direction. Before they could notice us we all tried to hide. This was difficult to do being that we were on the main path. I found a small part of the building that protruded out from the rest and hid there, hoping they would pass right by me.

      No one else was able to find an adequate hiding spot so they tried to go back through the gate from which we came. Lucky for me, the guards noticed this and focused their attention on the others, passing right by me. There was nothing I could do from inside this place, so I began to move towards the front gate again. As I approached it, I noticed two more guards manning this position. Neither of the guards were facing me so I began to speed up towards them before they turned around. As I reached them I broke into a full run, arms extended outward like a T, and clotheslined both of them just as they turned to see me. I grabbed a set of keys off one of them and proceeded into the building in front of me.

      The inside of this building reminded me of a Walgreens, except they had four sets of locked doors keeping me from escaping. Or so they thought... I didn't see anyone inside so I found the correct key (which was oddly shaped, and obviously unique) and began opening the first door. This triggered something and brought guards to me. No alarm was sounded so I guess they had just seen me. This is the part where, in a movie, the intense music would begin as I opened the first door and closed it just as they had reached me. These guys obviously have keys too, so I couldn't waste any time getting the next door open. I fumbled with the keys and opened the next door just as they opened the first, and again narrowly escaped for a moment longer. With only two doors to go, I didn't bother to close the third, I just opened it and moved immediately to the last. As I'm leaving the compound, one of the guards catches up to me and begins throwing punches. This guard is huge, I'm talkin like a 250 lb Samoan dude. The thing is, as he's throwing punches at me he's making sound effects! Like the way children do when they play fight. He also wasn't throwing them full speed, it was more like he was trying to make it SEEM like he was punching me, for the benefit of any guards that were watching. I just looked at him, bewildered. This is when he tells me to run, and I realize that I must be Dreaming...

      At that moment I feel the familiar sense of awe at being lucid. I also notice there is a female guard behind me. I immediately tell her to change into Jessica . It worked beautifully this time as her hair and facial features simply morphed into my desired woman. I close my distance to her and turn to the Samoan dude, telling him to dissappear. He did. I begin kissing her and anticipating an awesome session of nookie when the Dream fades to black and I wake up.

      Crap! Again! This time I told myself I was going to go right back in there and get what I wanted from her. I fall asleep and end up back in the damn compound! This time there is no Samoan dude, just a smaller guard who is acting like I'm his prisoner, but treating me like I'm not going to escape. He's just walking around, talking about god knows what when I noticed the keys on the counter. I think to myself that if he doesn't notice them, imma grab them and jet. As soon as he turned his back to me, I did just that. Once again unlocking all the doors and reaching the outside world. This time there were people outside, civilians by the looks of them. The outside more resembled a Walgreens parking lot than it did the first time around. I again found a close by female and willed her to change into Jessica (damn I love that woman) only this time, she didn't co operate. She morphed into a woman that was part Jess and part DC. I instinctively tried something I've never tried before. This is similar to when people pretend to squish someones head from across the room with their fingers, an optical illusion. I placed my hands in a triangle, palms faced out, over her hair and part of her face. I then performed a downward arch motion, revealing red hair and a stunningly familiar face. I approached her and she changed back!? She then walked past me and joined a group of DCs as they began to walk away from me. I shouted at them "Hey!", and they all turned to look at me, completely in sync like the way Agents move in the matrix movies. When they faced me I verbally told them that one of them needed to change into Jessica, and one stepped forward. I took her hand and the rest walked away. I again did the triangle hand trick and my beautiful Jessica returned to me. I was mesmerized by her gorgeous eyes as she asked my what I wanted her to do.. I told her I wanted her to blow me. Yes that's how I said it. The whole time I'm interacting with her she has the biggest smile on her face, like she couldn't be happier to see me. We started making out again and after a short while I began to undo her button down shirt. As I reach the last few buttons I rip the shirt open, revealing a perfect set of breasts being held prisoner by a lacy pink bra. It was at this point she slowly crouched to her knees, keeping eye contact with me the whole time and never ceasing to smile. As she wrapped her luscious lips around mini me, my Dream faded to black once more and I awoke for the final time. Once again, my lucid Dream was cut short due to an excess of heat in the room. In other words, my blankets had made me too hot and my body woke me up, Dammit!

      I hope you have enjoyed reading this. This will not be the last time I write of my exploits with Jessica () as I intend to go all the way with her, and I won't move on to my next objective until I complete this one. I believe these Dreams up my lucid count to the double digits now, and about 3 for the past week. My skill is increasing, however slowly.
      lucid , memorable
    8. 9/6/2012 - They Forgot Us

      by , 09-06-2012 at 04:56 PM (The Medium)
      Waking Thoughts/Dream/Lucid

      Before bed, I really concentrated on a mantra, " I will wake up after every dream, and remember it with clarity." This has worked well in the past when I first started to try lucid dreaming, and seems to have worked again. I remember I did wake up more than twice, but did not write down anything other than two vivid dreams.

      There was a timer. Quietly counting down day by day. Anybody who came across it really did not know what it means. For as long as they can remember, or so a random dream character told me, this terraformed moon is all they have known. I look up into the sky and can see Earth. But it looks strange. Almost dead. The dream character was telling me that this was an old government project. Sending people to the moon to terraform it that is. As to why they needed it livable was beyond me, but I have a feeling that something bad happened. Looking out at the horizon, I can see a brilliant fiery sunset. The dream begins to fade as I wake up in my bed around 03:42. I quickly jot down what I have seen and heard. That dream was fairly short, but extremely vivid.

      I go back to sleep and wake up around 07:40ish. Another quick, pointless work dream. Nothing really exciting to post here, but I need to post as much as possible.
      My bro and I are at work. We are headed out to where our manager needs us. It's outside by a bunch of makeshift storage areas. Things do look a bit bigger though. Like higher stacked shelves and a almost two story building. The only thing remarkable is a song I was letting my brother listen to. Can't remember what it was though.
      Tags: non-lucid, vivid
    9. "On My Own"

      by , 09-06-2012 at 04:48 PM
      I only remember fragments of this dream.
      Firstly, all of the people in my dorm hallway were living in a house, and I remember the feeling of pining for Ryan's attention, but he was only interested in Audrey.
      I also remember walking alone at night in a neighborhood in Utah, going to my old house and talking to the woman who lives there now. I feel like I was looking for my brother Garrett. I didn't like talking to the woman because I feel like she stole our house and my old life.
      Then I went to the movies with my family and my floor. Well, it was either/or because they kept switching. We were seeing Wizard of Oz, and of course we got there hella early to see the Cinemark First Look shit that my dad always likes to see.
      I thought I would have to go to the bathroom a lot during the movie, so I went before and met this weird, scary lady who was super judgmental of everyone. I feel like she was Judgement personified. She would look at someone and immediately decide who they were and what they liked and what was happening in their lives. Pretty much, totally judging a book by its cover. She was judging Lauren, my roommate, but Lauren was standing up for herself. I felt weak because I knew if she were to judge me out loud I couldn't stand up for myself.
      Then we went back to the dorm and I just remember singing "On My Own" from Les Mis and having fun belting it out.

      Mostly, I think this relates to the resentments I wrote about last night right before bed. I wrote about two Mormons, one was my ex boyfriend and the other was his mom. I constantly felt judged by them solely because I wasn't what THEY wanted, i.e. a mormon. I felt less than them and like I couldn't stand up to them. I didn't think I was good enough for them because I didn't have their same spiritual beliefs. As a consequence, I judged their religious views really harshly, and they are currently two of my greatest resentments.
      Tags: judgement
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Tea Store Sex

      by , 09-06-2012 at 04:31 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Tea Store Sex

      I was in a store that sold tea. It had a very open floor-plan. There were a few tables set up with teas and information. I thought I didn't need anything because I know a little about tea, but then I thought that this would be the perfect place to learn more about tea, and maybe to pick up a nice one.

      I asked if they had any information on tea. I asked about information on ECGC's, and the corrected myself as the salesman corrected me, "EGCG."

      There were women everywhere. I realized I was dreaming. Time to pick one out and go to work.

      I liked the little oriental number. I thought about undoing my pants, but I ddn't want any trouble, and my lucid's have been short lately, so I figured I'd just cop a feel.

      I put my hand down her shirt, and of course her shirt is now a turtleneck. I fought my way under it and felt her titty. I didn't really feel it., but I was cupping her breast.

      I moved my hand down her pants. I felt her lace panties, moved down, and kind of felt her hair. I put my middle finger in her vagina. She was a little dry, so I took it slow. I pushed in a little at a time and finally pushed it in all the way. Yea!

      Then I started kissing her. It was delicious. I sucked her tongue as she pulled it out of my mouth. Her tongue became very long. I enjoyed it as she pulled her long tongue slowly out of my mouth.

      She had a pretty vagina, but eventually I think I

      lost lucidity. She moved away from me. I said, "OK, just wait a minute. I held her and asked, "If this is my dream, why don't you want to?" I forgot what she said.

      I then saw a man taking pictures of an oil spot in a parking lot, and I was looking for an old Lincoln I used to own.

      The End
      Tags: oriental, sex, store, tea
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    11. A very strang semi lucid dream

      by , 09-06-2012 at 04:19 PM
      the first part of this dream consisted of me and a bunch of friends hanging out at my house. i believe it was alec eckman kyle merrigan jake steenvorde at some point all kinda just chillen. we went to the park over at the rec center and had a fun day playing in the park. some little kid tried to tackle my ankle.

      * when we went back to my house everyone was talking about going out that night and i wanted to also. aleck asked if i would be okay since i am sober and they all drink, i saiid impatiently of course il be fine.*

      The dream then swtitched and iwas like in a dry ruinious play with millions of people. there was a man who would reach into a bowl filled with blood and pull out a scrappy bunch of meet that had been soaking in there. apparenty that was the signal for everyone to go crazy and *people just started dancing and yelling and causing all sorts of chaos. i remember at some point in the sandey deserted place playing soccer with some kid and being with Patrick. he said he wouldnt leave me here to diel*

      as i traveled on the train i got the niccce roll out bed and i sat there was the train moved i went to sleep in the dream and had a dream within a dream. *i then started thinking about walking towards a small shopping plazza and seieng a place that said "boy who have like sexual problesS" go in this store but dont be afraid. i dont kkow why i went in but i did and the man tried to hold me hostage in the store so *i bolted. turns out he is the devil and was really acrobatic. he chased meo n top of roofs on the ground any where u cud think of. *eventually iran home but he had my number and he took me to hell with him. in hell there was a game being played by all sorts of fuzzey creatures (humans dressed in mascot like costumes) they were alll trying to kill eachother the whole time. *i had some sort of like asian catana sword with 8 bladse and killed a couple people but was eventually had ty the zomies. so hell became like a fucked up video game and i just killed peopole and kept responpawning. thats preyy much it i woke up abruptly and felt very tired.

      Also i learned that i was semi lucid when the man was chasing me cause i thought to myself "it doesnt matter where i run because this is a dream" it didnt rejister though, good job though matt cause it shows your awarness is growing
    12. Zelda Again

      by , 09-06-2012 at 02:39 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I was playing some sort of Zelda game. For some reason, I was playing as Zelda instead of Link, who wasn't even there. For some other reason, Zelda could fly, though not very well. I spent most of the time trying to fly up to this random floating platform.

      At one point, I heard the music that plays in Spirit Tracks when Dark Trains are nearby. I turned around and saw a Dark Train behind me, but I wasn't worried about it because I knew it couldn't go off the tracks (besides, I was in the air). Later, I saw two more on a separate part of the tracks (and the music was playing again). One of them looked a bit like Thomas the Tank Engine. It looked like it was going to crash into the one in front of it.

      In the next dream, I was at home. I can't remember what I was doing, though.

      I woke up from that, then went back to sleep. This time, I was in a large room that was kind of like the lodge we stayed in for the Camporee, except more square. I looked up at the clock and saw there was half an hour until whatever we were doing next, so I decided to get my laptop to update my DJ. Then, Jonathan, a boy from my church, warned me not to take too long because using a computer for too long is bad for you.
    13. Cutting Belly Buttons, and Flooding the Bathroom

      by , 09-06-2012 at 02:18 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was outside, I want to say I had been on some kind of mission. I was at the end of it, and the last thing I had to do was make a cut on some thin film of skin that was supposedly covering the bottom of my belly button...? I saw an example play out in front of me, and of course, there was blood. There were two ways you could do this, I don't remember the first, but the second was just simply using the scalpel to make the cut. They were illustrated by these icons in my vision, kind of like a video game screen. I didn't want to do it. I was too much of a chicken for the pain and the blood. I had gotten all the way there, and now, I was too afraid of a little cut.


      This one is kind of jumbled...let's see if I can make sense out of it.

      I feel like I was living in an apartment. I remember it being nighttime outside. I was supposed to be meeting with my friend Samira (whom in waking life I only know via the internet) for some reason. Apparently, we hung out a lot.

      Then, I was going to get in the shower. I turned it on, and the shower head was messed up, so if the curtain wasn't all the way closed, water would get all over the floor. Well, water got all over the floor, semi-flooding the bathroom and soaking the small, white Mickey Mouse towel placed by the tub for one's feet when they got out of the shower. I think the towel was supposed to be Samira's. I started trying to clean it up with another towel. I picked up Samira's Mickey Mouse towel, and it was absolutely sopping wet. I remember talking to Samira about the towel, but she wasn't there. I guess it was kind of telepathically? I'm not sure. She laughed and said not to worry about it. We talked about other things as I got in the shower, but I can't remember what.

      One of my neighbors was someone I know from the internet as well, but it was someone I don't talk to at all anymore, someone I'm not particularly fond of. Let's call him Sam.

      I remember all the talks and stuff with Samira, who in the dream I called something else, something that started with a K, like Kera or or something like that, being very pleasant.
    14. Parties, Invasion, and Beaches

      by , 09-06-2012 at 01:40 PM
      The first dream started at a friends house (a house that does not exist in real life as far as I know). My friends and I were all watching movies in the basement. Suddenly there was a loud commotion from outside, and it turns out an army was marching through the streets. There were explosions sounding all around us. Then we saw a tank pull up in front of the house, and it turned it's barrel towards us and fired. The force of the shockwave sent us flying backwards, and the shell had blown a hole in the back wall. We climbed out through the hole and ran. Eventually we came upon a tree line, and we went through it.

      On the other side was the cornfield behind my dad's house, but it looked like a beach, having sand all the way across it and water crashing on both ends. There were other people there, I want to say "natives" because they had straw huts. They were skimboarding, and I asked if I could try, but I kinda sucked at it.

      The next dream I remember is kinda the same. We were all at my dad's house, and then we decided to go into the basement and watch movies. One of my friends complained about the carpet, and how there used to be a different one the last time they were there, so I went upstairs to fetch the other one.

      And then I woke up.
    15. Locker Combination, Alyzarin's Skirt (SDE Day 23)

      by , 09-06-2012 at 01:15 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Locker Combination (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside the locker room of the athletics room in Cy-Lakes, the flooring was light gray, most of the gates to enter the sections of the lockers were open, and there was enough light to see most of them. I go to the tennis locker section, go back to my old locker, but I can't remember exactly where, only knowing that it was on the top section of lockers. Oh, and they were all red, just like in waking life, and had the small holes on top outside, and on the sides in the inside as well.

      Without even thinking too much, I twist and turned the the combo lock for 24-16-21, because it felt familiar to me that this was it. It opens with ease, and I take out all of the equipment from racquets to other small things with me. There's a guy on my left, fairly short, barely 5 feet tall, let's call him "Mo." Mo was wearing a light brown jacket, some kind of light dark colored shirt, and regular pants.

      I believed he asked me if he could have the racquet that was in my locker room, and I quickly told him, "No."

      I told him I can make more money trying to sell than to give it to him. As I'm closing the locker, he tells me he has a job. I ask him to be more specific, and he decalred that it was giving out hotdogs somewhere, and I think he said they were free

      Alyzarin's Skirt (Non-lucid)


      All I remember was walking with Alyssa, and she's wearing a white tank top and a dark blue skirt. The environment is sort of dull, gray skies, a slightly misty atmosphere. I think I was directing her to somewhere, but I don't know where exactly.

      I just recall us walking down a black road near a bridge of dull colors probably ranging from gray to turquoise.

      Updated 09-06-2012 at 01:18 PM by 47756
