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    1. Computer Making a Sound

      by , 03-01-2012 at 08:27 AM

      I’m in my room. My family is in the house but I’m upset for some reason. It might be that they are not eating the food I made. I’m playing some game on my bed. Y comes in to bring me a drink. He puts the bottle on the bed and I say that if he puts it there it will spill. He does and it spills. I put it on the floor.


      I’m in a large building, probably a university. I find my way trough the hallways to the other side, where there is a seminar, I guess. I have my computer with me and it starts making a sound. I can’t make it stop and don’t want to go to the seminar with it disturbing everybody, so I go take it back to my room.
    2. Houses

      by , 03-01-2012 at 04:55 AM
      I was in Toronto with N, but it was like we were in a game. It didn't look like any part of Toronto I've been to, but I knew it was. We split up to go on different routes, and we had to break into people's houses to find certain things. Sometimes there would be someone home when I started opening the door, and I had to run away, weaving through backyards and side-streets. It was a lot of fun. It was also very pretty everywhere I went; it was in the afternoon which was warm and sunny with an orangey glow, and all the houses and yards were beautiful and huge. I wish I could remember more.
    3. King Of The Jungle

      by , 03-01-2012 at 04:15 AM
      Urgh, I'm so fried right now. -.-;; I ended up drinking again last night with my friend M, I really need to take a break now.... But anyway, I had one dream, and it ended with what may be a false awakening, but honestly I'm starting to think I may have actually woken up but just been hallucinating for a minute before my brain fully woke up. Before I went back to sleep again after that (though I don't remember any more dreams) I was able to make myself hallucinate some things by focusing on them so I'm pretty sure this was the case, actually.

      #1 - King Of The Jungle [Non-Lucid]

      The first thing I remember is trying to follow M to some strip mall restaurant, but on the way there there was a large space between the two of us and a bunch of old guys kept walking in my way really slowly and annoyingly. But I finally got there and ran into C, a kid I haven't seen since right after high school, but who I've known since the day care I went to before I started elementary school. I think I got caught up with him a little while we were standing in line waiting for food, but then it jumped forward to me being in the jungle. I got stuck in some kind of loop here.... I would wander through the jungle a bit until I ran into King Kong () And there would be some big smoke explosion or something (it's really hard to remember) that would make it hard to see him, and I'd walk off on some path extending directly outward in the direction he was facing. After a while the path would curve to the right and I'd just continue down it. Then it would start over again, and it happened at least three or four times, possibly more. I remember telling myself that this was just part of my daily routine, it was what I did every day before lunch. So on the last time I exit the foresty area and end up in a big open meadow. And I get a text from Linkzelda41! I don't remember the exact wording of the first couple texts, but he invites me to go to lunch with him and OpheliaBlue. I think to myself that I just came from eating with OpheliaBlue, but I could eat again. I ask him what they're getting and he responds with "It's a Mediterranean cuisine." I text back "Mmm. Where at?", but after that the dream ended.

      Here's where the false awakening/hallucinations thing happened.... I woke up in M's apartment, sleeping on the couch. This was all EXTREMELY vivid. Way more vivid than any false awakening I've ever had, it was basically exactly like real life. Every single detail was correct, despite the fact that it was only my second time ever being there and my first time ever being there in the morning. When I actually fully woke up, the lighting coming in through the windows and everything was still exactly the same, and there was no lapse in consciousness between this part and when I was awake, it just switched. So I'm pretty sure I just physically woke up but was still dreaming.... Anyway, so I woke up. M was walking around the apartment holding a Gatorade bottle filled with what looked like marinara or pizza sauce. She looked at me and said "Hey, you up?" to which I looked around slowly and then responded with "I think I'm awake...." Though, this is also a sign for me because I've never noticed anything was up in a false awakening before, even the incredibly bizarre ones. So she holds out the bottle to me and says "At least we've got mozzarella wine! " I looked at her confused and she started talking about how she'd gone to a class already (she had class in a few hours) and some guy kept farting the whole time, and the other people in the class were picking on him and calling him some mean nickname, though I don't remember what it was. I laid my head back down on the pillow and closed my eyes while saying "That's rude." :< M hesitates for a second and then says "What?" and I open my eyes ready to say that I was talking about how they were making fun of the guy, but when I do she's not there. Everything else is the same. And I realize that I'm awake. o_o
    4. Some old dreams

      by , 03-01-2012 at 03:56 AM (Taffy's Sweet Dreams)
      I was graduating so I was in the gym. There were chairs set up in rows and some had labels telling us where to sit. My dad gave me my suit and I went to get changed. After I got changed I went to the bathroom and went back. My brother was standing in the hallway, and someone was talking to him. He said that my brother may or may not have passed, so he had to see when we got our diplomas.
      I was upstairs at dads. I walked downstairs to the middle floor and saw that my brother was playing banjo-kazooie. He told me he beat the entire game already, even though he just started it. I asked him if it was really that easy, since the second one was really long. He said it was. Then I played for a little bit.
      I was in a building, sitting in a pipe with the top half cut off on the ceiling. There were lots of pipes lined up, with other people approximately my age sitting with me. Below was a stage of some sort, with a group of people standing there. They did some sort of... I don't want to say "dance," it was more of a gesture that was like "we're watching you." Then someone else came on the stage and the group stepped down. It was an old man. He signaled for someone, and the guy climbed up and grabbed a woman's baby. He walked back over to the stage and gave it to the man. The woman was pleading for the people to give her baby back. When the old man got ahold of the child, he killed it, right then and there. I'm not sure why. Then a kid was taken, about 12 years old. They did something to him, but I couldn't tell what. He returned as some sort of zombie. A faceless being, with red parts on his skin, and no hair. He wasn't wearing any clothes or even acting for himself. He just stood there.

      I hopped across the pipes to get a better view, climbing over the rails to sit in the pipe third closest to the stage. I still couldn't tell what was going on, though. I don't remember if I was panicking or not. Then we were all given jobs. The whole place was like some kind of labor camp, but it looked like a literal summer camp. I had to be a lifeguard by the pool. To get there I had to swim across a lake. On the way to the lake i saw a group of those who were turned into those things. There was one man at the head of the pack with a scythe. One fell behind and the man sliced him with the huge scythe, which made me flinch and turn away. I started to swim across the lake. When I got there I met someone who called himself Tommy Pickles. He was the original lifeguard who I was going to replace. We talked for a bit and he explained his job so that I knew what to do. However, there wasn't anyone in the pool, and I doubted that there ever would be.
      I was late for chemistry class so I ran to the library, which was where class was being held that day. When I got there I realized I didn't get my textbook from my locker. We had a sub that day so I asked him if I could go get it. He told me no, but let me borrow one from the shelf. We were taking a test in the textbook, but the page it was on was missing in my textbook and the ones that others borrowed. The sub said "oh well." I found a sheet with the test on it, and all of the questions were not chemistry related at all. They were about random things like games, manga, etc.
    5. Galaxy Quest

      by , 03-01-2012 at 03:13 AM
      Had two lucid dreams this morning. A la my last lucid, I wanted music for my FLIGHT TO SPACE. Succeeded in getting music to play, didn't succeed in getting to space.
    6. Crow dream

      by , 03-01-2012 at 03:11 AM
      So lately I've been feeding the crows in my neighborhood unsalted peanuts from my rooftop. They're social and incredibly intelligent, probably my favorite extant species. And that's why I made it my dream goal to become one.

      The dream started out non-lucid, and I won't describe most of it. Eventually I went in search of a public restroom. I'm walking down State St. and into a bar, everyone cheers when I enter (though I can tell they're not cheering for me, just cheering their beverages, probably to a sports game or a wedding or something). The women's restroom is on a platform, high above. I climb up to get to it, and suddenly the platform starts tilting. I don't want to get hurt by the fall, so I simply will myself to float as the rest of the platform toppled. Surprised that it worked, I realize that I must be dreaming.

      Instantly, I am teleported to my rooftop. It's night, just like the earlier portion of my dream, and I can see twenty crows in the trees and on neighboring roofs, cawing for me (in my previous lucid, a dream character recommended that "having the crows transform me" would be easier than transforming myself). The transformation is instant, and seamless. The song Dragonfly by My Brightest Diamond starts playing as I take off. Following the flock through their dips and turns through the city buildings is as easy as keeping my avian eyes on them. As the song ends, so does the flight. I fly through my window and into my room and transform back into a human. A crow has followed me, though, and is panicking in this strange environment (and since I'm no longer a crow). The crow turns into a quaker parrot (same species as my pet, who was also there), and my pet quaker is highly curious about him. It still isn't calm, though...

      I wake up~
    7. Pokemon extreme lake dream

      by , 03-01-2012 at 02:26 AM
      Since i havent journaled in a while and i was on the pc id decide id do it.
      So i was in a lake with some friends apparently and we were all chilling when all of a sudden my friends like get on a chopper and so on gets on and the chopper starts circling around the lake and so i ask my other friend "when is he gonna jump" and he says "soon i guess" so then the chopper gets really close to the lake and he jumps off, and i think another friend jumped as well. Then i go to the lake bank and pokemon sea creatures come up, its weird cause ive only played pokemon once in my life so they come up and there really realistic and very vivid and so were getting ready to feed them bread so they come up and get really real then i throw bread at them and then more stuff happends but i cant remember.
    8. Goin' to Mexico

      by , 03-01-2012 at 01:13 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I was in Mexico. I was moving there. At first there was some problem, but then it seemed to be working out OK.

      I ran through some mud that went up my ankle a little higher than ankle socks. Then I was spitting mud out of my mouth. I kept spitting out more and more.

      Eventually I was in a building trying to get out. Twice I ended up looking into someone's hotel room, but it was as though everything was connected, so I just passed their room that I was half way in, as I was trying to find an exit.

      A couple times I wondered why I was in Mexico in the first place.
    9. Incredibly funny dream this morning.

      by , 03-01-2012 at 12:49 AM (Chronicles of the Cosmos)
      I woke up around 2 or 3 A.M. this morning, got something to drink, and went back to bed. I laid down and closed my eyes for just a few seconds. I was not even asleep.

      Then, all of a sudden, I'm watching a dream where Super-Man (in his Super-Man attire) walks into a Pizza Hut, stops right as he steps into the place, uses his super speed to create strong wind currents which in turn creates chaos with paper flying all over the place and people screaming, then he stops right at the counter, spins and transforms into a cartoon version of Ted Williams who is known as the "homeless man with a golden voice, lol." And he's just standing there grinning and looking at the Pizza Hut girl who is looking back at him in utter disbelief. Her partner is also stunned and is staring at the guy with her mouth wide open.

      I immediately burst out laughing in bed... It was the strangest thing I've ever seen and it was freakishly funny to me.

      Updated 04-14-2012 at 03:38 PM by 53119

      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    10. Dream about a car accident.

      by , 03-01-2012 at 12:17 AM (Chronicles of the Cosmos)
      I had this dream sometime last year I believe. I'm up in the air looking down at a car accident scene that involved me (I'm sure). I don't think I had an actual body but I crossed my arms and watched for a few seconds. Then, I looked up as I turned around and ascended into the sky and the dream ended right there.

      Updated 04-14-2012 at 04:19 PM by 53119

      memorable , non-lucid
    11. Free bird!

      by , 02-29-2012 at 09:42 PM

      DILD + DEILD

      The dream started during a gym class at my old church gymnasium. We were playing basketball and there were a bunch of games going on concurrently. My team is doing well. I am contributing more than my real life white-ass self would. We are up by 4 and the ball gets thrown out of bounds to some people who are watching another game. Mattie catches it and gives it right back to the other team for a break away. I thought that was bogus, but I had confidence that we would win. There are a few seconds left and we call a time out. I practice lay ups off the backboard during the TO. None of them go in. The play starts back up and I am in the middle. They have some weird zone where there are 2 people vertically in the paint and 3 spread around the outside. I am the only one in the middle so the two people switch off on me. I duck out to the corner so the outside guy has to cover me. I dip right back in and they don't switch back. I get the ball with a lay up chance. Because I missed like 5 during the TO, I pull up for a 3 ft. jumper. It goes in and we are now up 4 and the game is clinched.

      As the game ends, everyone is gathering by the door. I am shaking hands with some people we played with. Iman (guy from my high school class who now plays on the knicks) is there and doing some trick dunks. He runs up to the hoop and jumps completely on top of it! He stands on the rim for a second and comes back down. He does this like 4 more times. I try to text Will to tell him what is going on, but I am struggling with my phone. Will then happens to show up and we head downstairs together. There is a table of cookies for some other people and I snatch a white chocolate one. It is big, fairly soft, and delicious. Will heads back to grab another and I head outside alone.

      I become lucid and look around. To the left there are two towers, and one is a giant yellow water slide. That seems like fun. I fly over to it and land on the ground. There is no water running. I fly to the top and go down anyway. It is really dusty and has like a 20 ft. drop onto the ground. It was still pretty cool. I turn back the way I came and start flying. I have good horizontal momentum so I fly really low to the ground. I am a few feet above the ground and cruising. Eventually I land in the grass on my stomach and it all goes black.

      I focus on the tactile sensation of the grass on my face and I stay in the dream. I regain vision and take off again. To get speed, it feels like I am drawing the world under me more than actually accelerating. I still have trouble turning so I land and walk around a corner. There is a giant field with some frosty mountains in the distance. I want to go to a city. Looking for a way to teleport, I see a small crate door next to me. I go inside and try to imagine hearing city noises outside. I end up in the same place. Things go dark again and I wake up.


      I am back in the field, and I decide I want to go to the frozen tundra ahead. I try teleporting again by spinning. At first I spin like 5 times and try to blur my vision while imagine seeing white. This didn't work. I also tried one quick spin and that failed. Finally, I just take off and fly over there.

      I land in an area with a bunch of boulders randomly laying around. There is another LDer, and he is helping this one bird escape another predatory bird. The predator looks like an osprey. I join in and try to help. Eventually I grab the smaller bird and run inside this stable-like building. The bird at some point becomes one of those flat, native american drums in my hand. It has dangling beads like those toys you spin in your hands to beat a small drum. The building is full of small, enclosed areas that have sliding wooden doors. I run into one and quickly run back out, closing the door behind me. This confuses the osprey for a moment and gives me some time.

      I get on top of the small enclosures and keep running. The other LDer tells me to fly out of here. I respond, "I can't fly inside!" I hop across each enclosure and make it back to the front door. I look to the sky and take off. Now the bird/drum has become a diet coke can . The other LDer tells me I need to let him release his ice power (or something like that). As his says this, I feel an energy come from the can. It is now pulling me in the air and I get tremendous speed before instantly stopping. I hover and turn around, aiming the can back at the building. A giant energy blast goes off and eliminates any danger.

      The dream ends
    12. Baby Dream

      by , 02-29-2012 at 06:46 PM
      I had a very powerful baby dream last night. I don't remember a lot of details. But I do remember I had this baby girl who was about 4-5 months old. She was so wonderful and adorable and I felt this overwhelming love for her. I remember just being in awe that I was this little girl's mom. It was amazing. At the same time I seemed to have this faint feeling that this wasn't going to last (but not enough to lead to lucidity). I remember being at my sister's place sitting on her couch holding the baby. I also remember seeing a baby swing in one of her rooms and being excited to put my baby in the swing. I also remember thinking, "I really need to buy some baby stuff."

      I know this dream was inspired by being with two friends last evening and their babies which were both around 4 months old.
      Tags: baby, celia, sister
    13. 02/28/12 WILD Hawaii Revisited.

      by , 02-29-2012 at 06:44 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      LD16 since 02-17-12: A great WILD with shape change and my first walk on water! This was my third WILD attempt of the night and follows the LD15 about 4 hours later, when I had just over 8 hours sleep. It took about 20 minutes to get to a LD state. Many of my WILDs start with dark colors and limited visuals that then improve as I go. I went through a long stabalizing ritual. I examined each major joint and moved them all around until I clearly had a dream body. I realized the scenery was just blurry colorful surfaces and that I should pick a place to be. I could not think clearly enough to come up with anything new, so I decide to do The Kona Resort again. It took about 3 minutes of picturing each part of the scene for it to develop into a cohesive playground for me. I was not happy at first with the clarity of things so I decided to try a new stablizing trick. I watched each hand as I slowly climbed an invisible ladder. I got a deeper clarity from doing this and decided to back flip into the pool. I repeat the process one more time.
      I decided I should try to accomplish a goal. I have been trying to have a vivid sense of smell lately, but so far have failed. I imagined that the luau must be taking place and the buffet line should offer many things to smell. I went down it and had little luck tasting or smelling the 4 items I sampled. The Lohee Salmon and lemon cake did have reasonable tastes but no smells. I pictured that the hula show would be going on. When I got to the stage 3 lovely women were performing. I got up on stage and ran my hands all over the middle one (and maybe did more, I'll never tell.) Her hair felt amazing. I tried to smell her hair and got a hint of sent.
      I tried shape shifting into an eagle. This is only the second time I have done this where I realy felt like I image a bird would. It was much easier this time and I beat my wings and lifted off. I stabalized in the air examining and flexing my talons. I experimented with soaring, then after a few minutes went and landed by the pool again. I became human again.
      I still want to smell something so I remember I thought a lotus flower would work best. The hotel has a nice pond by the pool so I imagined it would be growing there. It was not there at first, so I kept turning and looking until I found it. I picked one and could not smell it, darn. I thought maybe I will give the flower to the luau girl I pictured last time. That made me think of the minor Dream Task of Febuary. I turned it into a valentine's card which took a minute to get a clear red heart card. She was sitting at the tables and when I gave it to her, she gave me a big hug. I did smell a hint of perfume on her.
      I had her sit on my lap facing me and levitated up above the trees. I decide to change the scene abit. I looked for a nice boat and found one out to sea. I took us there and noticed she was still holding a big red heart shaped valentine's card. How cute. I played around with the speed boat for about 5 minutes racing around and taking sharp turns. Then I decided to try something new. I wanted to walk on water. I went to the edge and assured myself I could do it. This is new to my brain so it fought me on this. I walked out and for about 3 minutes struggled with the water feeling like wet sponge and trying to not sink into it. Then I realised my brain would need an exuse why I could walk on water. I decided that the sea must be covered with a layer of plastic, kind of like a water bed. That worked and I was bobbing up and down on the waves. I walked across the water back to shore.
      I did not know what to do, so I spent about 15 minutes between playing with the hula girl(blush), trying to smell food, and creating more details like butterflies in the air. I actually did smell the food this time, but not vividely. At this time I became aware that my body had to use the bathroom, so I decided to go ahead and wake up. Duration~40 minutes.
    14. 2-29-12 Long Dreams

      by , 02-29-2012 at 06:38 PM
      I only had three dreams that I can remember last night, but they were all fairly long, so I'm going to blame it on all the cold medicine making me sleep longer without waking up every couple hours or so, lol.

      Dream One: My husband and I are at home hanging out with the oldest neighborhood kids. This should have been a glaring clue I was dreaming.We used to hang out with them a lot last year, then they got into drugs and smoking and I didn't want that around my little kids, so we purposely avoid going out side to play when they are around. The house was also different. It was still the same property, obviously, but the basement was gone, and the house was on stilts like you see that the beach. We were under the house leaning back against the columns as the little kids played in the front yard. I can't remember what we were chatting about. A girl walks up, and the oldest kid introduces her as his girl friend, and they all say they're going to go to the woods now that she's here. We say goodbye, have fun, and wave. Then we call our kids into the house telling them they need a nap before tonight, but don't specify what's going on at night. We go inside, and go upstairs, apparently we have just finished off the second level (in reality we're trying to finish off the basement and make it a living space) and our bedroom is on the second level. When we get upstairs and I am very unhappy to find the house wobbles on it's stilts. I spread my legs and lean from side to side and the house seems to lean from side to side with me. My husband assures me it's safe, that it's just caused by the stilts. I tell him I won't be able to sleep if it keeps moving, and he tells me that I should think of it as being rocked to sleep by the house. I lay down with my daughter and my husband lays down with our little boy trying to get them to nap. We're all in the same room, my kids are scared to have a room of their own, so their beds are in our bedroom. Shortly after we lay down, my daughter is asleep, so I stand up and walk over to the window to see how dark it is. I look out the window and it's bright and sunny still, but I see two sailor scouts, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune, standing on the street looking up at the house. Normally these are my two favorite sailor moon characters, but in this dream seeing them gave me a bad feeling and I rushed to the bed and grabbed my daughter shouting to my husband the sailor scouts are here. He grabs my son, and suddenly the two scouts teleport into the room. Sailor Neptune stands in front of me, and Uranus in front of my husband. Neptune tells me to give her my daughter and there will be no fighting, I tell her hell no, and then I transform into a sailor scout. She attacks me with a water attack, and I absorb it because I am scout with water powers too. Beside me, Uranus is attacking my husband with a fire attack, but he's turned into sailor mars (which in hindsight is a HILARIOUS event!) and absorbed her fire as well. Neptune sneers, the teleports out as an escape with uranus copying her exactly. We don't pursue them, we're just glad that the kids are safe. I notice it's getting dark, so I tell the kids it's time to go trick or treat. They don't seem phased at all by the attack. Before we can leave, I get a phone call. I answer it and it's my Friend N telling me that she called about the empty room we had available, and she's really excited about moving in with us. She says the new house she found was great, but knowing that she'd be living with good friends with kids her daughters age for her to play with was even better. Then she tells me she's moving into room 208, and I look down the stairs at the room door and suddenly remember that only the even numbered rooms of the house are finished (My house rooms aren't numbered, this is just strange dream logic, lol) I tell her I can't wait for the move in, but I have to go because we were heading out to go trick or treating. She Says ok, and we hang up. I carry my daughter outside, she's apparently already in her costume, but my husband has to put my son in his. I get outside and think I forgot my costume! Then realize I don't have one! I run back inside scrambling to find something that could be a costume, and settle on a suede coat with a fuzzy collar and fuzzy stuff around the ends of the sleeves. My best friend A calls it my "Penny Lane" coat (from the movie Almost Famous) and so I grab some round pink sunglasses and look in the mirror. My hair is long, like past my shoulders long, so I really do resemble her and I am satisfied. I walk outside with my daughter again, and my husband and son are with us this time. The drive way is three times it's normal length , and my car is in the middle, so it takes us a moment to get to it. Then Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus appear on the road again. I think to myself why did I even bother with this costume when I could have transformed into a sailor scout for my costume?! I throw off the coat and transform anticipating another attack. Then I wake up.

      Dream Two: I'm at the store with my grandma. She's looking at calendars. It's really strange, they're all already open and hanging from the shelf on the current month. She has her glasses on and she's getting up close to them to see better, with her hand on a buggy. I'm bored so I'm just kind of walking around the aisle looking at random stuff, when I nearly step on a kid. I apologize for not looking where I was going, but it turns out to be one of the neighbors kids (not one of the ones from the first dream though). He's saying he made some thank you cards for granny since she's been driving him to school, and I tell him she's busy looking at calendars but I'll give it to her. He thanks me, but follows me over to her. I hang the cards up on the store shelf for some dumb reason. He tells me that they're for granny, don't lose them. I told him I put them there so when she'd look up she'd see them and be surprised. He's happy with this answer. Then grandma looks up and sees them. She asks whats this, and I tell her the kid next door made them for her. She's happy, and wants to thank him, but I notice he's suddenly not there! We decide to check out and go home so she can thank him, but as soon as we get to the registers we can see out the stores big glass doors and there's a crazy storm going on out side. We decide to stay in the store rather than risk being blown away as we're seeing cars being blown in the parking lot! We walk to the side of the store, and there's another, smaller glass door. I see the neighbors other, younger, kid standing in a trailer door about ten feet from the glass door. The wind is blowing the door and his clothes and he looks scared. I open the glass door and yell at him to get back inside the trailer before he's blown away. He says he can't, he has to get inside the store where his mom and brother are. I curse under my breath, then decide I'm going to have to help the kid because if I don't he's stupid enough to try to make it through that storm and over here by himself. I start out in the wind, being pelted with cold rain and stung by the wind, then I wake up.

      Dream Three: This was the longest dream, but hardest to remember since the kids woke me up and I didn't have a chance to "dwell" on it before I woke up. I was at an anime convention. I had just walked into the building from the third floor. Apparently it was a four story building, and the biggest convention I'd ever seen. There were lots of young adults and teens and even some tweens leaning on the walls and sitting in the floors doing various things (looking at pictures, playing video games, talking, eating, etc) I look around, and am nervous because I'm by myself and I don't know anyone. I'm a very shy person. I hear someone say this floor is the lounge floor for hanging out, the next floor down is the library where you can read manga and watch anime, and the bottom floor is the panel floor where you can participate in panels. I don't hear what the floor upstairs is. I decide to head down to the panel floor and find out what kind of panels there are. I spend a good five minutes trying to make my way through the halls and down the stairs. When I arrive on the panel floor, a girl with blond hair probably in her early teens grabs my arm and says, "You look like your here alone, mind doing and interview with me?" and I'm like, um sure, that's fine. Then I notice there's a really skinny guy around her age with super short dishwater blond hair with her. Apparently he's also doing the same interview. The girl walks in front of us and she's pointing to things and asking us our opinions. I feel silly and out of place because many of the questions she asks us I have no clue about. My answers are like, "Well I don't know, I've never played that game/seen that show/read that manga" I feel very uncomfortable, and suddenly a man who looks about my age with a buzz cut grabs the girls arm and says, "Hey kid! I told you to stop wandering around in the panel rooms with these stupid interviews. It's disruptive!" the girl hits the floor crying. The man tells me and the other kid to get lost. The girl disappears. I leave, but the other kid starts following me. I start to tell him to tail someone else, I don't really want to baby sit, when he starts crying that he can't believe it's his first convention and he's already in trouble. He flat out breaks down bawling. I tell him to relax, that the guy was just mad because the girl was interrupting his panel (it had been some sort of figure painting crafty panel) and the guys says, "Really? are you sure?!" and I'm like yeah, don't worry about it, your not in trouble! Unfortunately, comforting him makes him even more determined to follow me around. I'm annoyed, but figure there's nothing I can do now, so I just decide to try and see the upstairs floor since I hadn't seen it yet, and maybe I'd lose the kid in the crowd. The floor plan of the building keeps changing, but I don't recognize it as a dream, instead I get frustrated because I keep getting lost. On the plus side, I think I have lost the kid. Finally I make it to a room with lots of video games and arcade machines. This is the fourth floor! I'm happy to be on the fourth floor and see a convention staff member nearby. I ask him what there was to do on this floor besides video games, and he tells me there's a fort to climb and points to the right. I thank him, realizing he's the same guy who fussed earlier at the interviewer, but he was really nice so I was right he wasn't mad. I make my way to this fort and think, WOW! How cool! It'll be like being a kid again! Its made of climbing walls and ladders and cargo nets, and there's a room at the top with a slide. I make it halfway up and realize that the kid is following me again. Beyond that, he's actually climbing faster than me and if soon right beside me. He tells me I'm slower than I look, and I tell him it's because I'm ten years older than he is. He says I don't look that old, he thought he was older than me, and I glare at him (In waking life this is often a problem, people think I'm 14 and I'm actually in my mids 20s. I still get asked for my drivers license at some gas stations b/c they think I'm underage and stolen my parents car! At my husbands grandmothers funeral, several extended family thought I was my husbands daughter... we're only a couple years apart in age, so that was a trip!) Then the kid gets the idea that he's pissed me off and climbs up the net faster than me, and offers a hand down to help me up. I tell him I can do it myself and I really don't need a kid to help me, then go on to say he's annoying and I want him to just get lost already. He frowns like I hurt his feelings, but then the net slips and suddenly falls five feet. I hit the plastic slide beneath the net and freak out, "What happened?!" the kid apologizes saying he accidentally knocked it lose. I'm very super pissed and annoyed now. I tell him to fix it and he says he can't figure out how. I turn to go back down the way I'd climbed up, and a couple of girls are climbing up. I tell them the kid broke it and it's no use. They whine about how unfair it is, not helping my mood. Then my kids woke me up.
    15. 02/28/12 WILD Crowded Room

      by , 02-29-2012 at 05:48 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      LD15: As an experiment for another thread I tried 3 wilds through the night to see how much difference various amounts of sleep would make. The first attempt was right when I started the nights sleep. I got to see some colors, but failed to WILD. The second attempt was at 4 hours sleep. I started picturing my right hand. I would count to five on the fingers putting one up at a time. Evenentually I slipped into a LD. Everything was black except the part of my body I looked at. I went through an elabrate stabilizing routine for about 2 minutes. When I looked around I was in a small room holding a flask of clear liquid. The resolution was poor and the images were dark. The beaker may contain alcohol? Maybe I will taste it. It falls and I rush to clean it up for a second. Then I think, 'this is a dream, don't bother cleaning.' When I look up the small room is crowded with people. Resolution has improved. The people start to jossle around and push, kind of mosh like. I float up above them and yell 'stop'.
      I have a false awakening. I am at my Dad's when I was working for him years ago. He want's me to get up and work. I tell him I am trying to LD and he needs to leave me alone, his wife joins in bad mouthing me. I appear infront of a gas station and stab a knife through a pepsi bottle. Wait, this is a dream. I am lucid again. I have to calm myself down, I am still angery. I go inside then come back out and then I loose all recall. Duration~5 minutes