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    1. Night of Saturday 4/6/24 (Comp Night 9)

      by , 04-08-2024 at 02:12 AM (Dreamlog)
      I'm on a hockey team and I know I am the worst player.
      My hockey stick wont stay together. There is some mechanism to put it together that I can't get my mind around.
      There is a warmup the team is doing that required eggs.
      My entire carton was busted, eggs cracked and leaking inside.
      Then the was an issue with my skates. The coach had to ask another player to help me.
      I feel useless and like a burden.
      We eventually make it to the pre-game huddle.
      The coach calls me out for my bad mobility on the ice.
      According to him, I struggle to turn around and keep my balance while doing so. I know it is true.
      I contemplate leaving the team so that I don't drag the team down anymore.
      Maybe I will practice on my own to reach base level, return, and get my honor back.
      I wake up feeling defeated.

      Updated 04-08-2024 at 03:10 AM by 99808

      nightmare , non-lucid
    2. ccclxxxii. The abandoned compound with strange animals and gems, New developments behind home

      by , 05-09-2022 at 11:20 AM
      2022 May 3rd


      I'm somewhere with H, at or near some kind of compound. His dad or a friend of his dad's is around too. There's something about precious stones in the compound, they spawn at random and in areas inhabited by some unusual creatures. It's not a nature reserve or anything like that, it's more like it's been abandoned despite still being apparently owned by someone. One of these strange creatures is a cat thing, the size of a dog and with more legs. It wants scratches but I'm wary of it, as it also wants to escape if given a chance, so I'm mindful about the door and my position. I consider that these animals may all be dangerous.

      I find one of the stones nearby and I leave. I somehow know it's worth 100K or so. I tell H and I feel proud and relieved, since it will be a huge help to us. I think to myself that we should make sure people aren't needlessly making this place known publicly or we won't even get a chance to get some more stones when we need the money.

      Later, a group of people who had also been getting gemstones is near an exit area. One of the people in the group is D, old school friend. Most of them seem a bit greedy, having hoarded many stones, rather than just getting one or two. I say to them that I can't see why they can't be more reasonable, and that I would always try to compromise when possible.

      (recall gap)

      Some other bit, also in some complex?

      2022 May 4th


      (Left recall a bit late)

      I'm at home with H. We go into the kitchen to do something. We're naked? I open the blinds and see a bunch of the neighbourhood kids out the back, some on the walls, others in the yard itself. (Quick note, this actually happened four days later, on the 8th)

      We motion from inside for them to get out and such, and then we go out a side door from the kitchen to the back, where the heart should have been. I lose track of H. In the yard, I see that some of the kids look a bit miserable, they're stuck in here by accident and I now feel sorry for them, and less upset about the fact they're here.

      Then, the back wall changes when I'm not paying attention. It's a cut-down wooden fence and I see loads of people around, playing around, having BBQs and so on. To my right, I see that we're on a sort of large plateau area and there are new apartment buildings in this area, some still being built. About twenty story high each. One has a green-ish and white colour scheme going. It's no wonder there are so many people here, I now feel. I feel annoyed and get into a sort of argument with a random woman, I think she was someone from school. As a character, I express confusion at all this and feel neglected. I ask why they built all this, why didn't the local authority let us know about any of it? And so on. I get unsatisfactory replies and just feel more and more frustrated.

      Later. At a supermarket inside a larger mall. (Like one in A but bigger) Initially I'm with H but then we split up because I need to go swap some pasta cheese ice cream thing. It looks like it has a blue cheese in it. Then, that woman from before again, she shows me some chocolate ice cream like knock-off Magnums. I try a sample or something, and so does she.
    3. Dream - No Show Girl & The Dirty Dog Man

      by , 07-27-2017 at 12:14 PM
      Date of Dream: THU 20 JUL - 2017

      Dream No. 157 - Separated Sections

      Dream 157 A - No Show Girl
      At the start of the dream, I was in this this random place when I bumped into IH and as we were talking, I mentioned something about WB. IH told me that WB was planning to drop psychology in year 12 so she would have one less subject to do. IH then said that she was meeting up with WB at Waverley Gardens and that I should come along too... I got really excited that I could finally get to see her. When I got to Waverley Gardens in the dream, it looked completely different than it does in real life. At one point, I did see NK coming out of a store but I didn't say anything to her. I eventually came across the central area of the shopping centre where I saw IH. SW came there but WB never showed up and that made me really disappointed as I suddenly realised she was never going to come. That's all in regards to this dream.

      Dream 157 B - The Dirty Dog Man
      The dream took place in this random school where an announcement of this random guy on the premises was made. He came as he wanted details for some dirty deed. We had to pretend like we didn't know what he wanted or we'd become his new target. I was eventually in this room and saw the guy face to face. I then wrote down my name and phone number on a piece of paper and gave it to him. In then later saw the guy in the yard but didn't pay attention to him as per the requirements but when his shadow was close enough to me, I had no other choice but to acknowledge his existence. I then handed him the slip of paper and he said, “Good. Now, just bring your dog in next week and we'll keep him locked up on the property”. I started crying because I just came to the realisation that he wanted to steal all these dogs. I then woke up.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None

      Updated 07-27-2017 at 12:33 PM by 93119

      Tags: crying, dog, girls, man, shops, upset
    4. Dream - Say No To Depression

      by , 07-12-2017 at 07:59 AM
      Date of Dream: WED 5 JUL - 2017

      Dream No. 147 - Say No To Depression

      The first scene showed me in this Minecraft simulation, I was actually in the world of Minecraft! There I saw Cortex as well but don't remember exactly what he was doing. What I do remember is that I let people stay in my house that I had built.

      The dream then skipped to me and my dad who were the cast members for the current series of this TV show which apparently, the director said, was going to be 30 episodes in this series. The objective was for me and my dad each to come up with 3 new tactics to remember things... Each week, it would alternate between us... So one week it would be me and then the other week it would be him, it's like we were almost in competition with each other.

      I originally thought that my dad and I were actually going to appear on the show but instead, we had to speak to a script and it was going to be incorporated into an animated cartoon of some sort. I do remember one of the scripts. My dad started off by saying “drag me” and then I said “clean me” and then he said something else and again, I said “clean me”. I came up with this tactic on how to remember how many metres in 4 kms, it was so witty but I've completely forgotten it! Eventually, my mum and brother got involved in the show as well.

      Then the dream scene was at Waverley Gardens shopping centre, in the Reject Shop. There was this old lady that kept following me around and I didn't like it. The old lady only left me alone when I had found my family members at the end of the aisles. Something then slipped out of my mouth that I was buying something for LB and that's when my mum gave me a death-like stare. I quickly covered that statement up by saying something like “oh no, I said I was actually getting that for myself”.

      The dream then skipped over to a random parking lot. Nearby, my brother approached me and he was really upset. He said he had to see the boss of the TV program in person and that's not a good thing. Then when he left, this car pulled up and out got this boy called James, apparently Ms A was his mum. We are on top, in the parking lot, when he tells me things like how he hates his life and how is really considering going into all these drugs. All of a sudden I start crying and begging James not to do these things. I remember saying something like “there's the pain you're in now but what about the pain that others will be in when you're not here?”. Someone was coming and so I hurries James out of the parking lot. I then woke up.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - Chilling Out (Have conversations with 3 DCs)
      >> Spoke with NNs mum at their front door about calling NN for the pencil (Dream No. 131)
      >> Spoke with EL, NBr and WB about looking for Dreamy WB (Dream No. 142)
      >> Tried to talk James out of taking drugs and committing suicide (Dream No. 147)
    5. #261 - My kid got upset / The Matrix

      by , 08-11-2016 at 08:25 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream 1 - My kid got upset
      I'm in Mitre 10 Mega, my friend works here and I think I was visiting him. My daughter is in a pram and she is resting, I see my friend and we start chatting. Some people try to get past him and since he's a klutz he ends up stumbling over his words and himself, he knocks the pram I think which sets my daughter off screaming and crying like he had just hurt her really badly. I get angry at my friend and punch him in the face, knocking him to the ground. I go to get my daughter and look after her, cradling her to make sure she's ok while making soothing hushing sounds. This dream was really stressful, when I woke up I was really hot which is why I had the nightmare... I always have nightmares when I'm too hot at night >_<

      Dream 2 - The Matrix
      This dream was pretty cool towards the end.. I'm both watching and participating in the movie 'The Matrix'. Though the scenes don't resemble anything in the movie really. First off I'm in a kitchen, it's almost like a dinner party with the people around in nice dresses and clothes. There's an evil lady that enters the kitchen, she's the big bad boss or something.

      I'm now in a room, kneeling on a mat like in traditional Japan with a small wooden table in front of me, separating me and my friend Daniel. It's dark with the only light seeming to be a dark blue that looks like it's given off from a static TV, though I can't see any. Next thing I know we're watching the Matrix again and there's a fight scene, though I am the person fighting... We enter a special electronic futuristic dojo, like some kind of Tron biker race meets X-Men training simulator type room with just me and this dude facing off. We attack each other doing crazy bad ass flips with inhuman capabilities, like there's no gravity or something.
    6. #190 - Treehouse / Han Solo / School mischief / Geology math

      by , 01-18-2016 at 03:31 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream 1 - Treehouse
      I remember it was night time and I was in this tree village place where people liked to build houses in trees. There was a gondola that led up into the trees and I think my brother was with me, he was making a house I think. Later on we ended up on a bus that was going through the city during day time.

      Dream 2 - Han Solo
      nREM type dream where I was imagining some star wars related stuff. There was a conversation with Han Solo and I remember seeing the Millenium Falcon flying around in space

      Dream 3 - School Mischief
      I remember that I wasn't wearing correct uniform or something, I was standing next to my friend Sorabh (who I haven't seen in like 5 years) and we were at the base of a cliff. There was some activity involved where you had to rock climb I think as I remember him holding onto a rope. My mum looks over the edge down at us and we both get in trouble. We walk up to meet her and she rants off at me. I get all angry and just explode a series of words about how I'm dealing with shit and she lets me off. I walk off and I get a slight smile tweaking at the edge of my face, I felt like I knew I would be let off if I said that stuff. I see Sorabh again and he's grinning a 'Whoa dude' face at me

      Dream 4 - Geology math
      In a classroom with desks, we have to do a sheet of homework but I haven't bothered doing it. Hmm maybe we can just do it in class to help with study? It's not due for a week I think. I talk to the guy next to me about this and we sort of team up. There's a bunch of really buff dudes walking past, I remember them from earlier as the gym junkies, they're carrying sacks of potatoes. I remember from earlier on that they were eating some nice looking potatoes too, they must be restocking for dinner later.
    7. Cut up birth certificate

      by , 10-05-2013 at 07:19 AM
      In my dream I found what looked like pieces of scrap paper near the printer in our home office. I looked and they were pieces of copies of my family's birth certificates with highlighted notes on the back on sections of information that we still needed to provide. I recognized my mother in law's hand writing. I "remembered" that she was doing some project for us that required paper work with birth certificates.

      That's when I noticed the "original" white out on my certificate. I got upset and told my husband "Your mother cut up the only original copy of my birth certificate." Him "No she didn't." Me "Yes, she did. Look at the white out." Him "Well, this is their fault." Me "What?" And that's when I woke up.

      Notes: My birth certificate does not have any white out on it. My mother in law would not make such a mistake as to cut it up. I have not given her any such project, and she is currently in another state where she lives. I would not recognize my mother in law's handwriting by site. Whose fault was it supposed to be at the end there??
    8. 7/3/13 - Insomnia

      by , 07-03-2013 at 10:44 AM
      I don't know if I slept last night. I've been having trouble with sleep for a while. I've tried drinking milk for the tryptophan, but it doesn't seem to affect me much.

      During the schoolyear, I only got 4+ hours of sleep a night. Could it be that my body is so used to running on that that getting proper amounts of sleep is "overwhelming" it?

      I also think excitement and enthusiasm play a part.
      side notes
    9. Computer Making a Sound

      by , 03-01-2012 at 08:27 AM

      I’m in my room. My family is in the house but I’m upset for some reason. It might be that they are not eating the food I made. I’m playing some game on my bed. Y comes in to bring me a drink. He puts the bottle on the bed and I say that if he puts it there it will spill. He does and it spills. I put it on the floor.


      I’m in a large building, probably a university. I find my way trough the hallways to the other side, where there is a seminar, I guess. I have my computer with me and it starts making a sound. I can’t make it stop and don’t want to go to the seminar with it disturbing everybody, so I go take it back to my room.