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    1. Speech and Debate

      by , 03-02-2012 at 01:04 PM
      Short fragment. I remember being at a speech and debate tournament. Right after the first round, the time was 11:50 PM. I panicked because it was so late. And we still had another round to do. It was surprisingly only a little dark outside. There was this platform suspended in the air to get to the second round. We had to walk out and turn on the first staircase. I went to the second to see if my mum was here. I was told to go back to the first staircase. I accidentally went up the second one. D:
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. 3/2/12 Fragment: A Moving Kingdom

      by , 03-02-2012 at 12:59 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      I was standing in a hallway facing 2 doors and an archway to another hallway. Just at that time, a woman came out of the leftmost door and walked into the middle. People followed behind her dressed in medieval clothing. She shouted, "Okay, party's over!" All of the people dressed up walked to the right door with sad looks on their faces.
      Tags: hallway
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. a funny plane and a funny mouth

      by , 03-02-2012 at 08:30 AM
      I remembered 2 dreams last night. In the first dream, there is a father and a daughter, and I am observing them. They are brunettes, the daughter is in her 20s I would guess and the father appears in his 50s or 60s. He is very tall and thin, and has a receding hair line. It is the daughter's birthday, and for her birthday the father has a special surprise. He says he is going to take her somewhere and show her what her present is. He leads her into a miniature passenger airplane. It is unlike a normal plane in that it is very tall and wide, but also very short. The passenger area, which is empty, is a big dome and it has a bench on the side and a big circular thing in the middle but I am unsure what the thing is for, just that it is not for the passengers. The daughter and father are in the cockpit and the father is flying the plane, they go over the ocean to some other country, and the daughter is very excited to go there and enjoys the ride very much. Along the way, the father asks her what she thinks of the plane. She is smart and notices several safety flaws in the design, and says that the plane is not designed to last and will probably malfunction after only a few flights. The father is upset by this news as the plane was her gift. He says as much and she seems a bit upset by the news, since she really needed a regular car to get around, she says it won't be any good for this and so the father says he will try and return the airplane. They fly back home and the father goes to a shop, it's dirty and small much like a mechanic's shop and he finds a short man, with short black hair and tells him that the airplane is not working well and that it did not go very far, the man replies that he saw the tracker going over California so surely it must have been working just fine. The daughter walks in and mentions the country they went to, which only makes the father's case worse of course, so he is unable to return the plane.

      In the other dream, I am looking into my mouth, from the perspective of the back of my mouth (as though I had eyes back in my throat). I examine a spot that is bothering me on the left side and I find some bright green film growing on my gumline, I am able to move the tissue to see more deeply and I find even more green film along the bottom of my mouth. I then notice some bright blue film in the front left side of my mouth also growing, this is covering a lot of my gums and teeth and I realize that the entire side of my mouth is completely covered in either blue or green. When I see this I decide i need to see a dentist immediately. Shortly after this, I wake up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. CURSON frag

      by , 03-02-2012 at 07:21 AM (The Nomad Chronicles)

      I am in a great cavern riding around an abyss screaming at demon worshippers. I am riding on Jo, my astral pet, a great black beast. I have the head of a lion, and Psyborg, the Horn of Curson, and my Whipsnake.
    5. stuck in the portal

      , 03-02-2012 at 06:08 AM
      I just tried to move into the room with the paintings to make the task, made the portal, jump, i'v just a bit to see a room, but my legs stuk in the portal((((
    6. Asian style hotels, Broken Snowboards and "Candy Rooms"

      by , 03-02-2012 at 03:19 AM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      I haven't logged anything in my online DJ so I figured it was about time

      I was in some large, Asian-themed, hotel type building. There were a lot of beds spread around the rooms and they were all just mattresses on the floor, some with short legs but others with none at all. I was walking around the rooms which were separated by thin, wood walls with a distinct Asian style to them. There were sliding doors on either side of the walls and they were held open the entire time. There were a few people in the beds but more were empty than filled. I walked through one of the doorways and into the next room which was filled with my friends from our local ski/snowboard club. I leaned over to one of the beds and picked up my snowboard. I looked at the base and noticed there were a lot of scratches and dings in it but nothing major.

      Then I looked at the tip which was completely disfigured. It was completely bent and torn to all hell, completely unrepairable. I looked at it a little disgruntled but figured I could fix it. I grabbed the tip and started bending it back and forth to try and get rid of some of the dings. Even though it was completely ruined I was convinced I could fix it so I kept bending it and eventually it got almost straight and flat but was still rather wavy. I figured it was good enough and set the board down and got in one of the beds. I fell asleep

      I was in a mall-type structure with a large amount of other people. After walking through it for a minute I was certain is was indeed a shopping mall. I had overheard some other people talking about a "candy room" which piqued my interest. I started to walk around the top floor (2nd) of the mall looking in all the shops and stores looking for this "candy room." I'm not normally a huge fan of candy and prefer chocolate over it anyway, but this really got me interested for some reason. I made a complete circle on the second floor and, after not finding anything, went back down to the first floor using one of the elevators. Once there I got out and turned to the left and ended up sitting on a bench outside what seemed like a salon. It reminded me of a haircut place combined with bed bath & beyond.

      I looked at the entrance from the bench and noticed a fair amount of children coming out, most around the age of 12 or so and they all seemed intoxicated. They were leaning on each other, talking and laughing, slurring their words, and nearly falling over. I believed this to be the doing of the candy and got up walking into the store. In the back I saw another kid walk towards a hallway with a mirror at the end. I followed him and once I got to the back of the store by the mirror I noticed it was a hall of mirrors. I could see the kid running through each mirror but it was rather dark and hard to make out details. There was an opening to the left and I walked through it only to be stopped the little kid. He gave me a funny look and just walked past me and out of the store.

      I continued through the hall of mirrors and it seemed to be a straight hallway with no corners or anything. When I got to the end I turned to the left and noticed a stairway. I went up the stairs and they ended in a small room with translucent windows looking out into the rest of the mall. There was my friend Bruce sitting on a couch around a table along with another kid whom I did not recognize. There was a small end table in the middle with a box of chocolates on it. Bruce and the other kid were occasionally taking one and eating it, talking about something I could not hear. I walked over to them and Bruce greeted me warmly while the other kid just sat there looking at me, but not giving me any mean look.

      I sat down and after a minute or so an older person came in through the door right next to the windows. He looked to be about 30 and had a 5 O'clock shadow despite it being only about noon. He came in and handed a packet of papers to the other kid I did not know. He proceeded to give us some sort of ultimatum but I can't remember any of what he said.

      The next thing I knew I was on the stage in our school auditorium with the entire cast of the musical currently in production at our school (I play in the pit). My friend Bryce (not Bruce) was there as well as many others, about 40, and we were all facing the audience as if we had just finished a show with people bowing and whatnot, but there was nobody in the audience. I then noticed the same end table in the middle of the stage with a pizza box on it. I walked over to it and opened the box only to find a fresh pepperoni pizza in it! I grabbed a piece and took a bite. Not bad! I turned to Bryce and told him he should get some. I turned around to look at the box again and he grabbed a piece though there were 3-4 pieces missing but I didn't really care about it.
      My recall kind of sputtered out here and I'm not sure if the dream ended or I just forgot the rest but I definitely don't remember anything else
    7. Fly-by Bombing

      by , 03-02-2012 at 03:17 AM
      This one happened a couple days ago, haven't bothered myself to come write it down here until just now.

      Anyways, I don't remember all of this one. There a bits and pieces in between, like for some reason I'm at a convention of some sort in a university in my city with one of my parents. Though the rest is rather blurry up until the end of the dream

      We're leaving the convention and walking along the outer wall around to the back of the university. My father is talking with my mom about something and then, I guess my mom is watching the news, tells us to be careful as there was someone who was killed by a car swerving off the road straight into the concrete wall of the university near where we were walking.
      It's around here I remember teleporting to my house (though, it seems nobody was able to notice me, like I was invisible to them) and see the wreck on the news. They give their goodbyes and me and my father keep walking when we come across the crash site. There was really no noticable difference about the area, you probably wouldn't even know a car had crashed there if we weren't just told about it.
      Standing in this area, there's about 9-12 people standing in front of a slightly risen walkway along the edge of the wall, these people were standing, looking away from this area, with there heads down. They were wearing formal clothing and there were flowers on the ground. As my father and I walked by on this risen walkway, we stopped and gave our condolences. We decide to get onto ground level so we could be at eye-level with these people ( me jumping over the guard rail on the walkway, my father walking down the walkway fully and walking over )
      Just as my father is about to talk some more, there's a noticably loud rumble of a plane. We all look up and notice a black jet, flying very low. I start to walk backwards pretty quickly still watching the jet and finally decide to turn my back and run to hide under the risen walkway ( The opening here just big enough to crawl under and bring your legs close to your chest.
      Just as I get myself settled under here, we all notice the plane drop a bomb from it, which plants itself firmly into the ground. The bomb didn't seem to react to this, as the plane was probably too close, but just as I heard my father start to say "What the sh-" The bomb then explodes, though all I see is dust, coming towards me.
      I remember from here I started to think "Is this really real? This seems like a dream" At this moment I had my eyes closed and when I opened them, I noticed a lot of dust covering the area.
      A couple seconds here and I woke up. Not sure if I woke up because of starting to become lucid or what though.
    8. Something Sci-Fi Related

      by , 03-02-2012 at 02:06 AM
      Can't say I remember much. I haven't for a while. There was a spaceship, and some sort of lounge or living room that had dark lights in it, but nothing really sticks out. I'll have better recall tonight more than likely. I'm also reading a book on lucid dreaming, so hopefully I can pull out useful advice and techniques from it.
    9. Drag Race

      by , 03-01-2012 at 09:38 PM
      I borrow my friend Paul's cadillac cts-v, and I drive out of his neighborhood completely in reverse...but it isn't his real neighborhood because I remember it taking quite a long time to get out. Once out on the main road I call my little brother, who somehow has a brand new dodge challenger, and tell him that I have the cadillac and we should race. Immediately after I get off the phone I see him in front of me, behind a semi truck. I floor it, knowing he would see me, and he does, but as he speeds up around the semi he clips the back end and has a horrible wreck, I believe he flipped multiple times. At some point in the crash the challenger changes back to his real car, a mustang. I remember being extremely worried, but as soon as I started to worry I saw him standing next to the car, totally unharmed. The police arrive and somehow search his car, which I remember being flattened. They find a brick of hash in his car! I sit in the police car with the cop and my brother, having a friendly conversation about something or other, and the cop ends up taking us to Wendys. We all got the law enforcement discount.
    10. Moving Too Fast, Losing Control

      by , 03-01-2012 at 07:24 PM
      #1 - Moving Too Fast [Non-Lucid]

      This dream was fairly long, but I really only remember the stuff that happened near the end. I remember that my dad's car had been rigged to explode and some guy had the detonator to set it off whenever he pleased, but we had removed it from our parking lot so we weren't worried. And yes - I said parking lot. We were living in some big fancy house that I'm totally unfamiliar with, but I could see through the window out back to where we had our own tiny parking lot with five or six cars parked in it. Clearly we were well off in this dream! I went into one of the bedrooms and saw a lot of random people, mostly people from my high school but other people too, just hanging around a TV which a bunch of game systems connected to it. I sat down and joined them, and we were testing some new device that lets you play Xbox 360 games on any system. (But with what purpose? ) It stopped working properly when we tried to use it with a Dreamcast, though. I don't remember what I said next, but this one girl, C, that I've known since elementary school decided to take my idea and make an X-rated video game with it. I remember them discussing briefly how it needed to be virtual reality, and I believe I saw an image of a naked woman in front of me, but then they started talking about how they would need to sacrifice a large number of some small animal to make it happen. Someone who I didn't quite recognize at first (and may have just been really hazy in general) gets up and says they refuse to take part in that, and left the room. I just stared in the direction he left in for a minute, and then I thought to myself, hold on, was that Linkzelda41!? So I got up and followed him out of the room.

      Here you go, Link.... Make of this what you will. When I walked outside, the scene changed to a school I'm not familiar with, but it was fairly wide-open. There was a large crowd of people and I saw Link way up ahead, and I tried to catch up to him but he was moving too fast for me, he kept getting further away and there were constantly people getting in my way, and since I was non-lucid after a while they caused me to get distracted. I eventually lost track of Link so my brain invented a new problem for me, the fact that I was about to be late to class. I ran into some other people I knew from high school in the hallway (though I don't remember who) and we walked past what looked like it was about to turn into a fight, but everyone there started singing Christmas songs instead. I started telling people about the porn video game that was being made by this guy, J, despite the fact that he wasn't even there, and then I went off to find my class. I wasn't able to though, I just got really anxious about it until I woke up. :T

      Fragment - "Man of Shred, infinite theory". That's what I wrote in my phone when I woke up. Hmmm....

      #2 - Losing Control [DILD]

      I was in high school and I went to see an old teacher (not one that I actually had, or even exists) that a younger friend now had and liked but he turned out to be totally senile. :< That part of the dream is pretty hazy. I see a beautiful girl walk by and feel a crush coming on, and I'm like damn it, I shouldn't have come back to high school. >:T I left out the front door and a crowd of people followed me and I can't remember how, but somehow I was proving something to someone. I think the whole crowd of people was following me to my car, followed by this girl M who's in a lot of my dreams lately (but not the same one that I got drunk with from the last entry, I should come up with a better naming system...), and she was wearing braces though I don't think I ever actually saw her with any. Suddenly I became lucid, I think seeing M might have tipped me off to the fact that I was dreaming. I turned around and started walking backward so I could see the crowd, but the dream started fading. I said "Come on, people, let's stay lucid now!" and it came back. But I let my stupid emotions from the non-lucid seep into me and still felt some lovey feelings, so I grabbed M and tried to give her a kiss, but she backed off a little and then her lips vanished. o_o She also gained some freckles she definitely didn't have before.... After that, the dream ended.

      Updated 03-01-2012 at 07:28 PM by 50803

      lucid , non-lucid
    11. 02/29/12 I Must be a Shadow WILD

      by , 03-01-2012 at 06:51 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      LD17: There were some good parts, but the visual part of the dream kept fading in and out. I could feel myself interacting some times and some of the time I was just able to watch. I think it was a nice enough LD just one with disapointing graphics and sections I could not influence. I had tried to WILD 4 times last night. Maybe my brain is worn out from all the recent LDs. The 4th and final attempt kind of worked, but I was still a tiny bit awake I think, I kept hearng noises that must have been from the waking world.
      It took a freakin hour to get to where I had little awareness of my body. I could see all the hypnogogic colors and feel crazy dream randomness. I had a very hard time being able to see my hands. They would form and then dissolve. The more I tried the closer I would come to waking. That is why I titled the dream this way. I guess I was a shadow person or something.
      I kept hearing a crow somewhere. It was so loud I knew it must be a real crow. I tried to counter this by believing I was in a desert and it was part of the dream. I did see a desert landscape. The crow just blended into the dream as a background noise. I could feel a dream body and move my arms and legs. I decided to try and throw rocks as a stablizing technique. I would look down and see a rock, but when I picked it up my body would just be a black blur. I could sometimes see fingers, but they would blur out to black again. It felt just like I was picking up rocks and throwing them, and I could see the rocks fling out into the desert. I did this about 10 times, sometimes big rocks using both hands. I tried walking, and it was clumsy. Again, I could feel my body but the visual effect was all dark and blurred. I decided to climb a cliff wall slowly and really picture each action, hoping this would stablize me. I could somewhat vividly feel the cliff and both arms and legs. It felt very much like rock climbing, but I still looked like a vague shadow person with no detail. I came to the top and hauled myself up. The imagery kept getting to be more hypnogogic randomness than anything else and if I tried too hard to affect it I would feel at risk of waking.
      At that point I decided to convince myself I was still lying on the top of the cliff, and just needed to take a break. I told myself the colors and patterns were the sky I was staring up at in the desert. That subtle attempt at control did turn the H.Is into cloud like masses and things that could be stars or what not. I had to keep telling myself "I am dreaming" I kept my brain from loosing lucidity by thinking what goals I had set for myself before bed. I had wanted 1)to go to the moon and watch the earth rise. 2)throw fireballs from my hands. 3)shoot lightning from my hands. The HIs calmed down and looked like a night sky finally. I tried to get an image of the moon to appear. It would not. I considered convincing myself I was already on the moon, but decided the goal was to go to the moon, why cheat. I tried to reform a body and had about the same shadow effect. I got up and squatted watching the landscape and sky from the cliff top. I was hoping to see the moon. I saw some clouds that were lit up, so decided I should assume the moon was behind them and get moving again.
      I had a random thought that I could transform into a dragon and fly there. It only took about a minute and I stablized again by examining the new body. Oddly I could see more of the dragon body than I had of my human body. It still was kind of a shadow dragon though. I flew up trying to really feel like I was a dragon. I could feel the powerful hind legs and wings, but trying to feel all the parts at once was not happening. I stretched the long body and could move the tail. I realized the head would be on a long neck and could crane around to look at the rest of me. I felt myself having the massive jaws and snake like neck, but trying to turn it back on myself was not working well. Maybe just a little too strange. During the flight a loud rumbling noise happened and I realised someone was warming up a car outside my house. I flew into hypnogogic patterns and lost all aspects of the dream. I convinced myself it was not a car, but the noise a big dragon would make while breathing. Eventually the dream faded back into my mind and I decided that I must be almost to the moon. I was coming up on the ground ahead. I flew around the landscape which was largely in black and white trying to think what the moon should look like. I imagined craters. Sometimes the landscape would look right with craters and often the craters would just be round glowing spots. I decided to try and breath fire. It did work and was cool, but was in very low definition, not like I picture a dragon would feel if it were real. I landed.
      I was supposed to watch the Earth rise, so why not watch it in a dragons body? I tried to assume it was about to happen to no effect. I tried to picture a globe and flew off into a barely lucid state of swirling colors and shapes for about two minutes, the shapes kept becoming spheres and reminded me about the dream. I became lucid again but was no longer on the moon.
      I just kept seeing flashes of daily life dream stuff but could only watch, not interact or control. After about a minute of this I kept reaching up to open a stove and realized I had a dream body again. I pulled myself from the randon images and walked out the wall. I focused on seeing myself in my front yard and that is where I ended up. I remebered the other two goals. I kept creating balls of fire in my hands and throwing them. At first they rolled slowly along like a bowling ball. I pictured a tree and it appeared. I throw a few balls of fire at it and it finally catches on fire. The images were still very shadowy but much improved from before. I tried shooting lightning into the sky. It was pretty easy and massive amounts of lightning filled the sky. At that point I suddenly woke up. Duration ~20 minutes
    12. The great flood of dream bay

      by , 03-01-2012 at 06:39 PM (Dreams from the northern)
      29th of February
      28th LD

      I was watching a movie, which was like The Exorcist. But saw something weird about this, and there I go I'm lucid. Did noseplug RC and it worked. So I hanged around my house for a while, doing nothing special. Suddenly the dream scene changed to a forest near a bay. If you have played Spore, it was a Spore like forest. So I walked towards a desert, which was near a city. On the end of the forest, I suddenly got an idea: A flood. So I faced towards the sea, imagining there would be a huge wave. A wave came, but I wasn't impressed, it wasn't big enough!!! This time it might have gotten a little out of control. A wave started forming, but it didn't move forward. The huge wave just kept getting bigger!!! It started forming a dome over the area. But half over the area, I panicked and the huge halfdome of water came crashing down from the sky. I covered my head, then a big splash of refreshing water hit me. After I opened my eyes the whole place was underwater. Started climbing a tree and doing some puzzle, suddenly woke up.

      One of the best lucids I've had.
      Tags: flood, lucid
      lucid , memorable
    13. 3-1-12, Almost lucid between a lot of non lucids

      by , 03-01-2012 at 05:45 PM
      I can't remember very well today because I didn't have time to lay in bed and remember my dreams. There's a good chance I'll remember more later if something familiar hits me, that usually happens on days like this, lol. But I was soooo happy to nearly have a lucid in the middle of all of it!

      Dream One: Can't remember much detail, but the gist of it was that one of my mom's dogs bit someone and we were freaking out worried about it. I'm pretty sure there were lots of I told you sos coming from me in this dream, lol.

      Dream Two: I dreamed I was at a craft store and I told my husband I wanted to go ahead and get my tattoo now and stop waiting for my BFF. (We're supposed to have matching heart tattoos, she had hers done where she lives but wants me to wait until she comes down to get mine done so we're together for at least one of them) I decide I don't want to get the heart for my first, I want something that means something big for me, not just follow your heart. I decide I want some symbol and in the dream it means something, like that I am something or I have some power or belong to some club or religion or something. I find two stickers that I can combine to make the design I want. One is a star burst inside a diamond shape, the other is a man who looks kind of like Jesus, but not on a cross or anything... though the feet look funny like he's standing on his tippy toes with his knees bent or he's laying down. Looking back now that I am fully awake for the morning, I think it might have been my brains representation of a God (I'm not monotheistic, and while I believe in multiple gods and goddesses, I don't believe in them as all powerful beings either, I'm skipping the explanation and just saying it could have been any god, I don't know which and I don't think it's overly important here, lol) We leave the craft store with the stickers I've found, and walk next door to a Tattoo parlor. It seems like we're in a real mall, not a strip mall, though I've never seen a mall with a craft store and tattoo parlor before, I'm sure one exists somewhere, lol. There's a guy probably in his late twenties in a black button up shirt and black jeans, he's on the heavy side of average and he's got spiked hair and a carefully cut beard that makes a line all along his jawline before becoming a goatee or something on his chin. He's the tattoo artist, and he listens to me about my tattoo, then takes the two stickers and says It'll be no problem. I sit down in a chair like a dentists chair or something so it's more like laying back. I pull up my shirt, and for some reason decide to get the tattoo on the fattest part of my stomach where all my stretchmarks are, an area I usually try NOT to show, lol. I close my eyes and the guy starts to draw on me with something, but I can't see it. I'm thinking he's just making a stencil or something to go over with the tattoo needle, but then I realize it stings a bit. Not like hurts, just stings like a fresh scratch you get wet. I ask him if it's supposed to sting or if I'm having an allergic reaction to the ink pen he's using, and he tells me it's the tattoo needle and it's supposed to hurt. I nearly freak out, "Your not drawing it first?! Your just going to try to draw it the first time in permanent ink on my skin?! what if you mess up? You can't fix it!" He tells me to chill, that he always does it this way, and then he has me look at it. I look down and it doesn't look bad actually, but it's unfinished and instead of having the man inside the diamond he's beside it. I actually think it looks ok this way, but it's not what I wanted so I'm a bit sad. He tells me there are unfinished parts because they're too small and easy to mess up, he's going to draw those in first then go over them with the tattoo machine. I say ok, and my husband says something and leaves the room. Then the guy asks me if I want to surprise my husband, and I'm like how? He draws a line from my tattoo in progress down, and suddenly I realize my pants are unbuttoned and I'm not wearing under wear! He draws the line to right where my panties would cover and says, "We'll put two eyes, and a mouth here!" and draws a smiley face with it's tongue sticking out . I'm way uncomfortable now, and I'm like, Thanks, but no thanks. I had to work like hell to convince him to let me get this tattoo, he won't be happy for me to get another one without asking, especially in such a private place. He shurgs and says ok, then goes back to work with my tattoo. I notice that the head of the man is right where my belly wrinkles when I sit down and wonder if it'll mess up the tattoo that my skin wrinkles there and if it will look bad. I wake up, and oddly enough my skin feels irritated like it did in the dream. I actually feel my belly to make sure there's no tattoo there in the dark, lol. Then I wonder what the tattoo was and hope it was nothing bad or scary!

      Dream Three (Almost lucid!): I dream that I'm outside on some stone path in front of a cute little building that looks like it should be in a painting. There are stairs on the path leading down to the left if I'm facing the building. I have a pillow and a blanket. I lay my pillow at the top of the stairs, and lay down in the middle of the path, I'm determined to have a lucid dream! Looking back, the fact that I was dreaming made this all the more funny but frustrating! I close my eyes and wait a bit, then in the black I start to see cherry trees and hear this harp sound like when the sims are Woohooing in the sims 3 game I get so excited that I wake back up on the path. I get mad thinking I was almost in a dream, actually lucid for a change! I close my eyes to try again and almost immediately the harp continues and I see the trees waving in the breeze. I think, Yes! I'm lucid! then I wake up to the path world again because someone is calling me in it. I stand up and look in the window. There's someone in the house I'm sleeping in front of. I wake up for real.

      Dream Four: I'm walking into an auditorium with a very large group of people. I'm second in line. There's a guy in front of me, He feels familiar and very safe in the dream, but I don't know who he is. He has blond hair that almost reaches his shoulders and a baseball cap on (facing the right way! I hate when people wear them backwards!) as well as an old brown leather/suede jacket. Looking back, I'm almost positive it was K because this seems to be a recurring theme in my K dreams lately, where I don't know who he is until I realize it's a dream. I can't be 100% sure because I was never lucid to confirm it. I walk past him so I can sit beside him, but he grabs my arm and pulls me down to sit in his lap. I giggle and feel really flirty for a moment, but then my best friend A sits behind us and motions to the empty seat beside her. She says something about how bad it'll look if I spend the entire awards ceremony in his lap and how I'm supposed to be classier than that. I think she's right, I'm way too old to be acting like a teenager and sitting in a guys lap at a formal event! He makes a disappointed noise, but the seat I was going to sit in beside him is now full and I have no choice but to sit behind him with A. I sit next to her, and the awards ceremony begins. They announce an award and A and the guy and some other people around us get up to go accept it. A tells me I need to go get my award, but I am too nervous and feel like I didn't do anything to deserve it so I just stay where I'm at. They all go on stage and get pink bags with like beach towels and flip flops or something in them. Then they announce another award and a lady gets up to accept it. Her left eye is closed and bent at a crooked angle. She talks about how happy she is that she was able to receive this award, especially after the accident that took her eye. It's a really moving and heartwarming moment. this is all I can remember of that dream.

      Dream Five: I'm at a cafe in the mall. There's a girl behind the counter with short hair like mine, only her hair is straight where mine is curly. She's talking to me excitedly about something, and I'm waiting for her shift to be over so we can hang out. A guy comes up, and I feel a very family like feeling, like I know his mom and he feels like one of my kids. I feel like time has flown by is this teenager relieving this girls is one of my friends kids, I must be getting old! The girl disappears in the back to get her stuff, and the guy and I talk about something. I think it's about the economy or something. I feel like I can remember when this kid was in diapers, and just totally blown away by time flying and him talking to me about the economy like an adult! The girl comes out of the back, and her hair is curly like mine now! I think wow, she looks just like me! Then I wake up. I'm pretty sure this dream was brought about b/c my son's birthday is today. It feels like just yesterday I gave birth to him, and now he's old enough to start school! Crazyness! The girl in my dream might have been my daughter, hence why she'd have looked like me. I think I was dreaming like fifteen years in the future when they're old enough to have jobs! lol

      Dream Six (Fragments): In this dream I was a manager or something for a hotel chain or something. Sorry for all the "somethings" but this is really fuzzy. There was a girl who the company suspected of doing something wrong, and so I was sent in undercover to test her and if she failed the test she was going to be fired. I pretended to be a customer and she didn't know me, so she did what ever wrong, and failed the test. I had to fire her and felt bad about it. At some point, either arriving there or leaving there, I was in a red expensive car, (maybe a corvette?) talking on a cell phone. I remember my earrings being huge gaudy dangling things that clicked against the phone when I moved my head and my nails were really long and fake and bright red. I think I had on a bright red pencil skirt and business suit type jacket that didn't cover my boobs properly and my hair was bleached and had way too much hair spray in it. That was the most memorable part because in real life I'm really low maintenance, I don't even paint my nails let alone wear fake ones. As for hair and all, I brush my hair and put a bandanna on it so you can't see the curls sticking out all over the place and I wear jeans and tank tops or thermal shirts. For me, Dressing up is a nice shirt and red tinted chap stick with some gloss, lol.

      Updated 03-02-2012 at 08:55 PM by 53224

    14. Finding Alyzarin's Garden, False Awakenings, School with setting of a Mall

      by , 03-01-2012 at 01:42 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)

      Dream 1: Finding Alyzarin's Garden, False Awakenings, School with setting of a Mall(WILD)
      I woke up after 3-4 hours of sleep, went on Dream Views to see some things for a while, convinced myself that I will meet the location for me and Alyzarin to interact with one another in our shared dreaming.

      I intended to just do a MILD with a visualization of our location that we picked, but I ended up doing a WILD instead. I was laying in bed for a while, counting in my head, thinking that everything was taking too long, but it all happened within an hour.

      I keep laying down, saying that I will become lucid, and decided to lose consciousness like in Spyguy's guide on retaining consciousness and losing it, while knowing that you already have the awareness, and that you are willing to give it up. So thanks a lot on the tip Spyguy! This really helped! I actually told myself silent that I would lose consciousness for a while, and go back to remembering to do a MILD that ended up being a WILD

      This dream mostly consisted of False Awakenenings, and the last one, I thought was real because I felt I couldn't breathe through my nose when I did an RC, and the ones before, I had to double check.

      Again, I was fooled by my mind because I really thought it was the end lol when I opened my apartment door to check outside. But damn, this thing is getting REALLY easy to do now. After rolling back and forth on the bed for a while to find a good position, I finally got that "pull" sensation in a WILD combined with random images.

      Anyway, I lay down and toss and turn for a while, and after doing that, I leaned my head to the left sleeping, and I started to
      see random images flash, and I see a speedometer that has a green aura to it, and it is rapidly increase, I remain calm and let the images come to me while seeing this speedometer.

      one question. one answer.-speedometerledpics003a.jpg

      Then the vibrations started to stop, and I'm still laying in bed.
      Then I asked if I am dreaming while keeping my eyes closed.

      I do a nose plug RC to check if I can still breathe, and become lucid. I am being very careful at this point, keeping my eyes closed and just feeling myself walk. Then I'm convinced that I'm really dreaming, but I still keep my eyes closed a little bit.

      I tried to put my hands out, in hopes that I could see Alyzarin's energy in front of me. From what I remembered before opening my eyes, I saw a red and orange type of energy, I felt like something was forming, but my eyes opened.

      I do a few nose plug RCs, and then I go near this door in my altered apartment complex. I tell myself that before I open this door, I believe I said that I will meet at the garden that me and Alyzarin planned to meet. I really convince myself that this will happen because of personal reasons that me and Alyzarin have.

      I open the door quickly without hesitation, and I put my feet on some blue painted ground I believe. It looks like it's probably around 10 AM or close to noon in this dream, even though I had this dream around 4AM-5:15 AM or so.

      There's this huge backyard, it is mostly just grass. There are brown fences that border it, and a few plots of plants on the sides of the backyard.

      one question. one answer.-backyard2.jpg

      I'm still quite in a rush here, and then I see someone on the other side of the long and brown picket fence, and it looks like it's an older lady.

      I forgot what exactly I asked her, but she said something related to Alyzarin most likely since my mentality in this dream is shifted towards her, so I just let the feelings operate without question. The words that I could pick up from this older female DC on the other side was talking about Alyzarin's mother and father.

      I believe she said that Alyzarin's father wouldn't mind if me and her met, but her mother would be concerned.

      To me, this was funny, since I usually think that the father would be more overprotective of their daughters and mothers would be overprotective of their sons, but I didn't let the thought linger in my mind for too long, it was just something natural in me that occurred less than a nanosecond.

      I turn my back to the door again, and I swore I saw a black and white cat somewhere looking at me passively, it was just sitting very comfortably with it's legs spread open while leaning on its side somewhere, probably on a table or eye-level since I didn't really look down much in this dream.

      It also looked like it was going to sleep, or maybe it was just being aware of my presence. I think it was just being chilled and everything, and looking at me just to make sure I wouldn't make a sudden move at it.
      (I find that behavior a lot in cats, can't really describe it, it's like they try to look chilled and relax, but are ready to get the heck out when something rapid happens that scares them).

      I'm still barely inside this room when I turn back to the open door again. I think I saw some Rice Krispies on a table somewhere for a while before having the dream fade out on me.

      I'm somewhere, I don't know where the hell I am, but I think I woke up again somewhere, so another false awakening. I do another nose plug RC (lol I'm actually doing RCs frequently for once).

      I knew I was dreaming, but RCing just verified that I can still be free to do what I can do.

      I decided that since I'm lucid again, and that I encountered being in her garden, I figured I used a technique to instantly flash there.
      (I'm not sure if it really was her garden/backyard, but I guess it's up to her to see this and verify if the details I saw relates to her place).

      I'm outside somewhere, it looks like my college, but it's so mixed with so many other things that it feels almost like one of those malls that have that city feel to it.

      I tried doing the Flying Thunder God Technique, since I already made a mental mark of how Alyzarin's Garden might look like. (though I should've used a physical object and place it in a certain spot to actually stay true to the technique...eh oh well).

      This is what I mean by Flying Thunder God Technique:


      Or you could watch this video of it :

      I running really really fast, and I barely feel any kind burden or pain on my legs, and I was glad that I could finally run fast without worrying about stabilizing before I do so.

      I look at the location in front of me, and I try to prepare to do the transport technique by opening and widening my eyes, trying to feel how it would feel like to pop into the garden again.

      But I failed, so instead of worrying about it, I keep up my momentum and run around this compact city that had a mix of my University's brick wall setting along with some elements I wasn't too sure of.

      I believe I did another stabilization technique by rubbing my hands, and telling myself that I am dreaming to prevent becoming non-lucid.

      I see all sorts of DCs, some where familiar, some were not, but I didn't really care since I wanted to find Alyzarin.
      (I remember in a dream she had where she was in a school that had the setting of a mall I believe, and this environment looked almost like that, at least what my perception of what she thinks of it would be).

      I don't know why, but I feel like I'm rushing myself in this dream, but I am having amazing control in stabilizing it despite my abnormal speed and sporadic nature. I was jumping from one point to another, and I believe I jumped on the side of a bus that looks like the ones at my University.

      I think where it was headed, being on the side of it was not a good thing since it was close to the walls of the building, and I didn't want to come in contact and get my body grazed with the brick layering of this environment.

      I think I also saw some random meeting of DCs, and one Caucasian guy told another Black guy a joke on something that had a hint of racism, but not enough to be concerned about since the guy was really just joking. I think I heard the number '89' or something like that.

      I quickly ignore that event, and I forget what I did after that.

      I phased out most likely in the dream.

      I wake up again and find myself near the door to leave my apartment. I check outside to see how the weather would feel like. I did another Nose plug RC, but it didn't work for me, but that was because I didn't try to breath hard enough.

      And instead of doing other RCs, I just assume I'm back in waking life and was disappointed.

      It's morning time outside the area, with the sky still being a little gray. I close the door and after a while, I wake up.

      GOD DANG IT LOL!!! I could've had another lucid if I just breath hard enough with the nose plug RC.

      I hope Alyzarin will see this (she probably will), and I hope that the details I described about your place might be accurate, especially with the cat and the Rice Krispies, and an old lady that lives to the right or left of you (depending on where the backdoor is to your house).

      Now I sound like a creeper, but whatever, we agreed to find each other, so no worries.

      Updated 03-03-2012 at 06:43 PM by 47756

      false awakening , memorable , lucid
    15. GTA4 and School

      by , 03-01-2012 at 01:18 PM
      This was a rather long dream so I'll start from where I remember. I don't remember what room I was in or where I was at, but I was playing GTA4 with my brother. I was driving a weird looking boat. It was then that I purposely "exploited" a glitch where if I angle the boat right, I could fly. I got really, really high up in the air. My brother then pressed a button on my controller (that I couldn't see, it was one of those video game dreams where your vision is the entirety of the screen) and I lept from the boat. My character fell from the boat and finally splat on the ground. Somewhere after this, I become lucid.

      Sometime later in the dream, I'm walking around. Now I was in the game, and it was first person. For the most part, it was in a version of my school. I found a really big "car" It was a double decker, and where the second floor started were a single yellow and blue line striped around it. I had an urge to go take it, but it started to drive away. I ran into the street (which was apparently and enlarged version of a hallway at my school) and I stopped a car. Inside was my friend Joey. I told him I needed the car now. He asks why? I said I really need it there is a double decker that's driving away! My other friend Nathan was now beside the car and he tells Joey "Put both hands up inside the car if you will let him have it" He does, but this is taking way to long, I thought, so I started running.

      I was running unusually fast. I turned left at the end of the hall (which was connected to another hall now) but I couldn't see the car. I kept running when I'm hit from behind. It was my friend Joey trying to help me get the car. He said something like "Get in!" and I replied "Well now I can't, both of my legs are broken" He was pushing me, my legs under the car and I was sliding on my knees. There is another gap here.

      The last part of my dream, I was in front of my schools Jr. High office. The dream started to fade. I paniced and tried to think of something to keep me in longer. I quickly rubbed my hands together and pulled them close to my face. It worked. I turned away to walk on when I was kicked out of the dream.

      Now the strange part... I woke up. I was on my back. You see, I NEVER EVER sleep on my back, unless I'm attempting a WILD. I guess I could have rolled on my back subconsciously, but that hasn't ever happened to me as long as I can remember.