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    1. 26/11/11 - Inducing one for a change

      by , 11-26-2011 at 03:49 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Slept for a long time this morning and had plenty of dreams. Had a couple of beers the night before which must have resulted in me having some REM rebound. Got lucid but struggled to remain in the dream.

      00.00: Sleep

      12.30: Dreams and fragments
      *I'm standing on a dock, fishing. The lure I'm using is copper and is great for pike. My dad shows up behind me as I cast. "Getting anything?" he asks me. "Not yet" I tell him. I can feel something tugging at the line and I start to reel it in. I spot a big silvery fish in the water. "Whoah!" I say and pull it up to the dock. I grab the fish and put it on the dock, it's a very big salmon. I decide to let him go. A I catch yet another salmon, this one even bigger but once again I let him go. All of a sudden I can feel a big jerk. I spot the fish surfacing and it's enormous. I get a big scared as I pull it up to the dock. It doesn't give much of a fight but it's still heavy.

      "Can I just grab him in the gills?" I ask my dad. He nods and I do. It's the biggest cod I've ever seen. "This one's a keeper" my dad says and brings out a knife. I sit ontop of it as he stabs it in the head, killing it instantly. What a rush! I realise that fishing with a rod is not as effective as a net. I find some net lying around and jump into the water. I swim across the lake with a friend of mine, we're going to place the net across the lake.

      *I'm in darkness, just beyond SP. I start imagining a scene and an alley appears infront of me. It's pretty narrow, with cobble stones under my feet. I start going down the alley, taking a few turns here and there. 'Having a gang fight here would be cool' I visualize a few shots going off. A sharp right turn is coming up. The wall gets smattered with bullets. I stop and head back the way I came, entering a door on the side. It leads into another alley with a few people in it. They're all black and wearing blue sport shirts. 'I guess I'm with the Crips.' They're shooting at some people further down the alley.

      I decide to take them down. 'Fighting like Wolverine would be cool.' I run towards the group of people. They all shoot at me but I ignore the bullets and deflect some with my hands. With a closed fist I punch each and everyone once in the chest, piercing them with invisible claws. They all fall down but I don't stop. I keep on running through the alley, touching the walls. After a while I can hear my laboured breathing. 'I guess I'm fully in the dream now.' I enter a corridor which leads into a big hall of pillars.

      Two guys are talking up ahead. I imagine having a gun tucked into my pants at my back. I grab it and pull it out. It's a glock. I shoot them both, one of them dying but the other one doesn't go down. All of a sudden he's telling me to follow him. I grab the dead guy's jacket. It's white as snow. "Come on! We gotta hurry!" he tells me. I pull the jacket off and put it on. We start running down the hall, it's pretty big with a circular shape. The unknown guy runs ahead of me and keeps disappearing behind pillars. 'Focus! Gotta remain in the dream.' I worry about the dream coming to an end. However it doesn't, atleast not for a minute or so. We continue down the hall and it keeps changing each time we arrive at the same place we were at in the beginning. It's like we're going back in time, pretty awesome.

      *I'm playing the new COD game and my friend G is there. I take out a few guys with sniper. He starts whining about who's played the most. We check replays of all the maps recently played and draw the conclusion that he's been playing more. I play another game with a big shipwreck in the middle of the map. I get up on the ship and inspect it.

      *I'm at a dinner with my cousins all around. I get into an argument with my sister about something ridiculous. She leaves the table for a while and my mom asks me why I always have to get into an argument with her. I explain that she's the one who starts them. I eat some toast and start talking to my aunt. Her son is about to get a spanking. "This is embarrassing" she says and covers her face. "Meh, don't worry about it" I tell her.

      *My brother Morgan is wearing a Darth Vader costume. He's missing the helmet though and he asks me if we should get going soon. I guess we're going to a costume party or something.

      12.30: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 12½ hours

      Supplements: None

      That's it! I haven't felt like taking any supplements lately, atleast not until I've had a proper lucid off them. I think that lucid was just that, and I think I'm gonna take some G+C tomorrow morning. Perhaps finally achieving my task of finding my dream weapon and smash things with it.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      Tags: fight, guns
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Musical Tubing (fragment)

      by , 11-26-2011 at 03:27 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: November 26, 2011 – 8:00AM (USA Eastern)

      I am cutting some bright copper tubing into various lengths, than standing all of the pieces in buckets. When I touch the cutter against the tubing, it plays a musical note and the frequency is adjustable by moving the cutter along the tubing. While watching a guitar tuner, I align the cutter with the desired note, then squeeze and cut the tubing.
      Tags: music
    3. Buying a GM Product?!

      by , 11-26-2011 at 03:26 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: November 25, 2011 – 8:00AM (USA Eastern)

      I am negotiating a used vehicle purchase from the farmer up the road from my house. He is selling a friend's work van, a GMC cargo van with ladder racks and utility shelves inside. He also has an older Ford 4x4 pickup for sale, but for some reason the van seems more interesting.

      He insists that I ride with him to plot out a test-drive path through one of his fields. I get into a small 4x4 pickup with him and we ride off into a field. He blasts through a relatively flat field and says, “This can be a highway test drive.” When we get to the end of the field, he drives up over a couple of dirt hills, then turns around and heads for a large dirt mound. We follow a well carved trail over the mound and through several mud holes. As we're climbing a steep slope at a lateral angle, he says, “This can be the off-road testing area.”

      Once we get back to the van, I look it over closely. There are large adhesive signs on the sides that peel off with little effort. I get into the driver seat and look at the dashboard. It has a huge array of control knobs and dials, much like an airplane cockpit. I get out, thinking that this thing is way more complicated that it needs to be. I shut the driver door and walk around to the passenger side. When I open the door, the dashboard has the standard controls and a regular steering wheel on it. I say to myself, “That's more like it...” just before waking up.

      After waking, I am a bit mad that I didn't notice the sign. Also, I would NEVER buy or own a GM or Chevrolet product.
    4. diseased man; brother's rocket-cam

      by , 11-26-2011 at 02:58 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was watching some kind of documentary or TV show about a man who had some kind of really bad disease. But I was also, somehow, in the scene, helping the man. The man's disease may have been terminal.

      The man was really overweight. He had dark olive colored skin. He wore a running cap and a white, long-sleeved shirt. The man and I may have hugged or something like that. The man seemed to be really grateful that I had been helping him.

      There was another scene that I'm pretty sure I wasn't in. It was more like watching a TV show. The man was standing outside, embracing a girl with his right arm. The girl was probably the man's daughter. The man and daughter were surrounded by news reporters.

      The man mentioned something about his appearance. It looked awkward somehow. This was, the man explained, because he was going through sex-change therapy. The chemicals he was taking were giving him a more "feminine" appearance.

      I wondered why the hell this guy was taking chemical sex-change therapy at this time. He was apparently dying from a disease. Plus, he had to take all kinds of chemicals in hopes of getting rid of this disease. Now he was taking chemicals for a sex change? It seemed like too much for his body.

      Dream #2

      I was in a living room with my brother. We were probably watching TV. I was laying on the floor. My brother sat on the couch.

      My brother told me, "Sit up and give me the device."

      As if I had no will of my own, I sat up, as if to get my brother the device he'd mentioned. My brother seemed to gloat about this. He knew he had the power to control people's minds and actions.

      I told myself my brother wasn't really controlling me, and that I would get him the device, just to show that I liked my brother and I wanted to help him.

      The device was up on the top of the entertainment center in which the TV sat. It may have been just to the right of a VCR or a DVD player.

      The device was some sort of rocket shaped like a stick. But its propulsion mechanism wasn't an explosive. It was like a clear lens that used some kind of electronic process.

      My brother had attached a camcorder to the rocket. He was going to film what the rocket did. The rocket and the camera together looked like a bottle rocket.

      The rocket was made only for destructive purposes. I knew that my brother's first use of this rocket was going to be to crash it into the face of some woman on a TV news program.

      In my mind's eye I saw the rocket crash into the newswoman's face. The rocket may have lodged itself pretty deeply into the newswoman's head. It had to be pulled out. When the rocket was pulled out, I may have seen a view of the newswoman's mutilated face.
    5. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 11-26-2011 at 10:50 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      New Terms (WILD)

      New deal: you continue to protect her, but she gets to go wherever she likes and do whatever she likes. In addition, I’m no longer subservient to you or anybody else, and in return I’ll try my best not to kill you.

      Waking up, in my bed at home, though I know I’m actually on campus. I hear music playing outside. People laughing.

      As I get up, I see her at the foot of the bed, simple, flowing, white dress, knowing eyes, and beautifully styled, brown, shoulder length hair.

      “Mae?” I ask, just to be sure.

      “Of course. Come one, let’s go downstairs.”

      I extend my hand, and she takes it, giving me an anchor to the dream, as we walk down the stairs, out to the deck, into the cool night air. The hearty laughter of my father reaches me, and I know I’m entertaining guests.

      I stop when I sense it. Something isn’t right.

      Mae continues onwards.

      “There’s some people here tonight.”

      “Who?” I ask, suspicously.

      “You’re mother, you’re father, and. . . Hades.” she states it in a hushed tone, as if knowing the distress it would bring me.

      But instead, I grow cold, determined, as I move down, to the lower deck, previously obscured from view by a white, decorated, awning. The hot-tub gone, a long circle of comfortable chairs has replaced it. Mae takes a seat near the god himself, whose blue flaming hair and cartoonish appearance I can’t help smirking at. There are two open chairs, one between Mae and that slime-bag, the other next to my father.

      “Ahh, good to see you. Please come have a seat.”

      Grinning, he motions to the chair next to him. I take a seat next to my father, and make myself comfortable. The grin fades from his face, and the conversation starts to pick up again. I teleport to the chair next to Hades, making the point that I’m very much in control of the situation.

      “Why are you here?” I demand.

      “To make sure you understand the terms of our new agreement.”

      “What? I thought part of that was everything goes back to the way it was and I never have to deal with you again.”

      “No. . . That’s not the case. See, I’m here to remind you that we can still work with one another.”

      I see a few cats in the yard.

      “How’s Kaomea?” I ask casually.

      He goes silent, as I effortlessly summon death and wipe one of the cats from existence. I turn my attention back to him.

      “I take it these aren’t real?”

      “What?” he looks at me like I’m crazy, then realizes I’m talking about the cat, “Yours is the only realm that names those things.”

      “So, no, then?”

      “What do you think?”

      “I wonder what would happen if I did that to you.”

      The dreams starts to waver, and I reach my hand out, placing it over the god’s head, using his blue flaming hair to anchor me in the dream, letting him know exactly where he stands.

      He, and all his lackiess, stand up and start moving back into the house.

      “I think we’ll be going now,” he states, trying to retain his composure.

      The dream is still falling around me; the only one left on the deck besides myself is Mae. She approaches me, when I see someone watching us from the neighbor’s deck, about one-hundred yards away.

      “Who’s that?” I ask Mae, pointing in the direction of the newcomer.

      “Her? I’m not sure.”

      I teleport up to her and Mae is quick to follow.

      “Who are you?”

      She straightens her posture, “Me? Just a princess.”

      “Pfft, yeah, alright. Now, get the hell out of here.”

      “Is there a problem?” She asks snottily.

      Mae interjects, “You. You’re the problem, and I’m tired of your kind oppressing people like him!”

      It looks like the two are about to rip each other apart, so I step in, “Woah, Mae. As much as I’d like to see how you fight, this is my problem, I’ll deal with it.”

      “Fine. . .” Mae moves backward.

      The dream shifts, as the fight ensues. I find myself inexplicably in front of a monitor, the self-proclaimed princess on the other side. Odd, but I don’t care.

      Drawing a blade from my side, I immediately know how useless it will be, so I hurl at her, looking down, finding my true sword just at my feet.

      I draw it and see my foe, through the screen, transformed, grotesque, surrounded by purple energy tendrils in the form of snakes. She lashes one out at me, locking my weapon in place.


      Unphased, I imbue my blade with screaming lightning and instantly cut her tendril.

      Pointing my katana, I try something new, “Chidori Stream,” and jets of razor sharp lightning fire from the tip of my sword as I slash her in half. Then in quarters; then eighths.

      Nearly dead now, in some sort of half-defeated limbo, I try something else on her. Striking with an open palm thrust, I exclaim “Hadoken!”

      A burst of blue energy erupts from my palm, immediately exploding in a blast of smoke and blood, blowing her into oblivion.

      The woman gone, the dream shifts back, and Mae is there, floating at my side. Unmoved by my display of power. . .

      Updated 11-26-2011 at 10:55 AM by 25167

      lucid , memorable
    6. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 11-26-2011 at 10:48 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Initiate (Parts 1 and 2) (DILD)

      There’s so many of us.

      But still plenty of room to fight.

      One at a time, they all have to fall, else I’ll be the one to go down.

      Still, I can’t help enjoying the thrill of battle as I face my first opponent, a looming giant of a man, with sad, soulful eyes and the strength of a monster. With one hand he’s able to catch my true blade and hold it firm even as I charge it with screaming, vibrating, blue energy.

      “I’m impressed. You should be in pieces by now. . .”

      Time moves forward, as do my battles. The refined, razor sharp steel of my pure white, twisted-dragon-hilt katana, reduced to a blunt club against these foes. Tearing down my Vizard mask, with every strike I release a torrent of black energy, tinted red by my gleeful fury. Teleporting in and out, around my final enemy, I brutal beat him down with one wicked slash after another, into the ground, into darkness. *

      It’s over. Three of us are left standing, all of us drenched in blood. I realize we’re the same, though our methods may be different, and it makes me sick.

      “I’m done with this,” I say to them.

      “Done with what?” One of them asks, suspicion and paranoia in his eyes.

      “This,” I motion to the battleground around us, coated in warm blood and the bodies of countless slain warriors.

      Walking off, I catch one of them say, “And you call yourself an eight!”

      “I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about.” I comment back, not even bothering to look.

      Daffodil is her name. A beautiful golden retriever, my new friend. We had spent so much time together, bonding, all in preparation for this moment, as I stand before an invisible committee.

      Crouching down, stroking the top of her head to the flowing golden fur on the back of her neck, I do it quickly. My knife enters her throat cleanly, and I slide it through quickly, smoothly, minimizing her pain. But as she lies there on ground, bleeding out, I see I’ve missed the jugular. I correct my mistake immediately, ending her quiet whines, her suffering, my first task.

      Now create yourself a human DC, and do the same. I hear his sick voice in my head.

      No, that’s stupid. I have no issue killing illusions of my own creation.

      You will do it, or you’ll fail. Him again.

      But it’s pointless.

      Then you fail.

      . . . Fine. But I do it my way. . .

      Calling out, almost immediately, I find myself a DC. A young boy named Jerry.

      “Do you like baseball, Jerry?” I inquire.

      “I sure do, mister,” he replies hesitantly.

      “I’ve got a friend who’s really into baseball. Excellent pitcher; throws a pitch the Japanese call The Great Equalizer. . .”

      And just like that we’ve formed a bond, Jerry and I. We walk for a bit, before I tell him I’ve got something to show him.

      “What’s that, mister?”

      I can hear he’s nervous as I draw my knife, the one I’d used a short time ago.

      “This is my knife. Nice, isn’t it?

      “What do you use that for?”

      “Oh, killing, mostly.”

      He steps back, fear on his face, and I know how much this is going to suck for both of us. So, with a flash, I activate my Geass, imprinting my will over his own. Now all Jerry wants, with his entire being, is to die by my hand. So I oblige, placing my hand on his shoulder and slashing open his throat. To quicken things, I drive my blade into his stomach and drive it upwards, destroying his heart, without breaking any bones.

      He’s dead before he hits the ground.

      Things begin to fade. . .

      Creative. His voice, sickeningly friendly, breaks the silence, keeps me tied to the dream.

      He was just an illusion. I told you already, killing DCs is meaningless.

      Really? Then I suppose you wouldn’t have any trouble killing a DC of your mother? I can almost see his twisted grin.


      To prove a point, I whip up a DC who looks just like my mother, cut her throat like the others, hit her onto the ground, and stomp her skull into bits, her brain into mush.

      I feel no remorse.

      You have issues. He seems stunned and taken aback.

      Like I said. Just a DC.
    7. The Wonders of Living in a City

      by , 11-26-2011 at 09:39 AM
      I am working with a guy to unclog toilets. The plunger isn't working well. Also ew.

      We were tricked by some evil guy. We're working as a team trying to disable a bunch of atom bombs in the middle of a large city. There are dozens of video game cartridge shaped bombs (like the oooold Atari 7800 ones) covering the outside of a large metallic cube, which is taller than I am. I try taking the bombs off one by one, but there are just too many, and we are almost out of time. I drop a bunch of the bombs in the bay, but it's not good enough.

      I'm waiting at the train station, but the 'train' is just a single carriage with a seat on top that could hold two. I get on and hold tight to the handles. The rail is like in Minecraft and has glitches. The track goes through a solid block. I jump off, but the cart goes through. I manage to get back on afterwards.

      For some reason, I'm off the train before quite reaching the station. It's a major station, and there are a lot of lines crossing and going different directions. I try to navigate through to the right train and have to cross tracks. I get stuck between two tracks, with two trains going by me at the same time. Scary.

      At the station, I'm looking through the shop to buy something to make me feel better. My parents are there. They think I want them to pay. I really don't, and I feel guilty anyway.

      I get on another train. This one is a real train, but it's an old style, and there are tables and chairs like at a restaurant instead of proper seating. I remember something about an odd device. I sit in one of the chairs and drink from a glass of water (wait a second, was this someone else's glass? ick). I look out the window. A bunch of people made really impressive Minecraft-ish structures in real life. I stare and stare as the train passes by them. There are so many, so beautiful, so impressive. How could they accomplish so much in just 6 years?
    8. 11/25/2011 - 1) "Parenting Fail", 2) "Blown Out of the Sky"

      by , 11-26-2011 at 08:23 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream One
      "Parenting Fail"

      I was at a party with a bunch of people. Everyone was smoking out of these massive hookahs, and just kind of lounging around the house. There were like a dozen or so adults, and maybe 2 or 3 kids running around. I kept looking at these kids, a bit agitated that their parents would let them roam the house with all of these activities going on. At one point, one of the kids was just sitting in a big group of smoking adults, just staring at the hookah while someone was taking a hit, with this big look of 'wooooow, what is thaaat?' on his face. I just kind of sat there and watched, shaking my head.

      Later, one of the girls was dancing around the room all provocatively to the music. She moved up to one of the toddlers and started dancing and grinding on him like he was some dude in the club. She even dropped down low and pulled him to her, planting a pretty filthy-looking kiss dead on his lips. She then pulled away and continued on dancing around the room, while the kid just stood there with this dumbfounded-toddler look on his face. I was pretty much just mentally facepalming at the whole ordeal.

      Dream Two
      "Blown out of the Sky"

      I was lying down, naked, in an enclosed area. Another body - petite; also naked - was sleeping on top of my chest. I could already tell it was a female, and she was lying face down with her cheek practically nuzzled into my neck. I don't remember the dialogue, but I heard a male voice, outside of the enclosure, telling me that it was TW (an extremely attractive friend of mine, IRL) and she had some kind of medical condition, where if she laid on her back for too long, she would stop breathing and die. She had apparently just rolled over, on her stomach, on top of me, and so the voice told me that I had to keep her there, asleep, so that she would neither wake up nor roll back over onto her back, where she would be in danger of suffocating. I had no idea what we were even doing, lying in this chamber together, but the feeling of having here there with me was just amazing. I was just loving it. I'd always had a thing for TW, and to have her lying here on top of me was just Heaven. She shuffled softly against me, and I put a hand dow onto her lower back, feeling her soft flesh rise and fall with another breath, confirming that she was breathing well and ok to be in this position. (With the lighting and everything, it felt like the final scene in The Fifth Element, where Corbin and Leeloo are in the rejuvination chamber.)

      The dream skipped ahead, and TW and I were then sitting on an airplane together. We had gotten word (over the intercom, I believe), that we were under attack from rocket fire. No sooner did we get this warning, than a rocket slammed into the far section of the plane, causing a huge explosion. The far side of the plane (which I'm guessing was the front, because we were facing that way) tore right off of the rest of the aircraft, leaving a gaping hole, through which people and chairs began streaming out of the plane, into the night sky. We could only brace against each other and watch scores of people rip away from us - flinging out to God knows where - while we, still buckled into our seats - spiraled sickeningly toward a ground that we could not see. (My notes say something about making a deal with someone, which I don't really remember the details of, but I believe it had something to do with the attack on the plane.)

      Soon, we were pulling ourselves out of the wreckage, having landed on some remote island somewhere. I don't remember the actual impact, though. (It all seemed very Lost-like.) The plane was in ruins, but there were still a few survivors. Someone, who I believe might have been the pilot (even though he should have been torn away from us, with the rest of the plane), came onto the intercom, and apologized for the rough landing, but said that 'at least it was better than the last time'...whatever that meant.

      We were then out in the wilderness, somewhere, and we ran across a group of bandits who held us up (presumably, the ones who shot us down). They seemed pretty primative, but they had weapons, and we didn't, so they began to take hostages. Once one of them got me in a chokehold, and I began to panic a bit, I also began to realize that I was dreaming. I held up one fist in front of me, and tried to make a large blade grow out of my knuckles. It didn't work, though, and I just could not get the weapon to materialize. Instead, I pointed to another one of the bandits, and made a 'flicking' gesture with my hand, as if I was brushing dust off of an old countertop. The man I was looking at promptly exploded and disappeared into thin air. The rest of the bandits stared at me in shock, and began to fall back. The one who'd once had a hold of me quickly let me go. Now content with the upper-hand, I let out a huge 'Shout' (taking a cue from Skyrim) and unleashed a nice shockwave of sound, which blew some of the bandits backward. I could see the shockwave roll across the high grass and a nearby river bed, blasting into a patch of trees in the distance, where a grizzly bear had been standing. The husky bear reeled from the sound wave and turned tail to run away.

      Quite satisfied with this, I went to turn my attention back to the bandits and saw that there was something coming, from off to one side. It was very large and moving over the river, but there was really nothing that we could identify - because of the wanton splashes of water, shrouding the large, dark figure. At first, I thought it was a giant alligator - with a body some 15ft in diameter. But, when it got close enough to cease run/stomping through the water, its true form was revealed. It was a dragon - a pretty badass dragon, actually; all jagged, bony features and dark, nearly-black scales. It stopped in front of us, staring directly into my face, and had a short conversation with me, referring to me as the 'Dragonborn' (which is the nickname given to the lead character in Skyrim, which I have been playing lately, of course). I remember that it had the deep voice of the huge first dragon that I encountered in Skyrim, but I don't remember the conversation that we had.

      Shortly after this, I was walking through a field, along with TW. I took a moment to look at my hands, trying to ground myself into the dream a bit. My left hand looked fine, but I noticed that my right hand was missing two fingers and the thumb, bony stumps left where the fingers should be. Again, my memory skips ahead a little while. We were then in a more urban area, and a group of thugs pulled up in a caravan of jeeps and SUVs. There were a few more people in my group, now, than when it was just TW and I. They held us all at gunpoint, and the leader had this weird-looking gun that looked like it had 100 taser barbs, ready to fire. From the hardcore look of the weapon, though, it looked like the barbs would do a lot more than just send a couple of 1000 volts through someone. Still lucid, though, I kept getting in the leader's face, daring him to shoot me, trying to keep his attention off of the other people in my group.

      There was another transition, and TW and I were back in the wilderness - more of a jungle area, actually. We were in a small pond of murky water. We were about stomach-deep, and it was only about 12 feet wide, so there already wasn't much room for us. It seemed much smaller, though. Much more crowded. That's when I noticed there was something very large, floating in the pond, just inches in front of me. It was actually taking up most of the space in the pond. I looked at it for a moment, and couldn't figure out what. It looked very rough, like it was a patch of hard Earth that was sticking up just a few inches out of the water. Then, I noticed it had a face, and on the near side of that face, I saw one, slit-pupiled eye staring back at me. An alligator. A very, very large alligator. TW seemed to recognize it as a gator, at the same time as I did. I could see a quiet panic building up on her face, and I was feeling quite intimidated, myself. We shuffled quietly, trying to walk our way around it. I could see, though, that with every movement I made to get passed the gator, the gator's head would turn just slightly, in order to keep its eye on me. It was watching me, and I had a feeling it was about to strike at me, at any moment. I knew that this was a dream, but I wasn't really sure of what to do in the situation. I knew had to do something, though.

      On instinct, I suddenly lunged at the enormous gator, landing on it's back and trying to wrap my arms around its mouth, from a mounted position. I landed a little too low on its body, though, and was only able to grab around its neck. The gator reared its head back, toward me, snapping its jaws just beside my head and grabbing ahold of my right ear with its teeth. I felt it bite down, but it didn't hurt all that match. I was, however, seemingly stuck. This thing would not let go of me, and I was not about to let go of it, giving it more room to manuever. This thing could have easily bitten the top portion of my body in half, it was so big.

      The last thing I remember is splashing around in the pond, fighting this massive reptile that had a vice-grip on my ear, while TW tried to escape the water.
    9. Should Have Explored. November 22nd, 2011

      by , 11-26-2011 at 08:19 AM
      Finally Lucid! Yowza! Holy balls, is that realistic!

      'Bout durn tam!


      First, I had this dream where I was driving all around my neighborhood and the highway, but I was driving from the passenger seat, and I was having a hard time reaching the pedals and controlling the car. I kept crashing into things, and driving the wrong way and stuff. I knew I was causing trouble and everything, but I was in that state of mind where you're just like, "Shit, I don't even care right now. Killed your child? That's too bad. Fuck it." Eventually I caught the eye of a police officer, and he puts me in hand cuffs not because I was being arrested, but because He didn't want me trying to fight him or something.

      Then, I was at this art gallery with my mom, and there was a lot of vivid art all around. I only vaguely remember this one abstract painting of a little boy, and this one painting which was just an empty canvas with a dent in the middle of it as if someone punched it. It was on the floor on this stand that allowed it to stand on its corner. I remember tripping on something and hitting it by accident, and I was relieved that no one saw me.

      Then I was at this restaurant/hospital with the cast of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. While I was sitting on these waiting steps with Frank (Danny DeVito), he was destroying everyone's jackets and shoes. Then when we got to the front desk, there were two doctors we were talking to. They were both girls, and one of them was very attractive, but she had really low self-esteem, and thought she was ugly. Dennis, who was suddenly there, decided that he was going to take advantage of this doctor for sex. He told her that he would "pay for another check up with some extra for 'the rest'." When we were about to leave, I couldn't find my shoes because Frank destroyed them. Everyone was yelling at me because I was taking so long, but I tried to tell them it wasn't my fault. Eventually we all left, and I was suddenly in this bay with Charlie and Frank. The we were pretty close to the shore, and you could see a bridge in the background. The water was very bright and rainbow-colored. Charlie and I were making fun of Frank because he was seeing everything in a really weird way. For instance, I think the water was rainbow-colored because that's how he saw it. Also, Frank was straddling this wooden board, but because of the way he was seeing things, to him, the board looked like it was curved (like if he was sitting on a water noodle).

      Suddenly I was in this room, and it was DE that it was sort of a doctor's office as well. It looked like my room, but the carpet was maroon, and there was only my bed, another bed on the other side of the room, and a door where one shouldn't be. It looked like the far side of the room went on forever. Suddenly, I was lucid. All this time doing reality checks and I get a spontaneous lucid dream. I did do some reality checks to make sure, however. I looked at the clock and noticed that it was 10:09. I knew that this was a real time (although the nine looked funny), so I looked at my hands, and noticed I had six fingers on my right hand. I took all of this very calmly, and didn't freak out at all, which is good. Also this dream was very realistic. Now I know what others are talking about when they say they confuse it with waking life. The other one and a half lucids I've had were really fuzzy. With this, I thought I was already awake. Anyway, I noticed a notebook on my bed. I looked at it, and it was DE that it was supposed to be a variation of my dream journal. When I started reading, I started losing lucidity. In the notebook were poems, and one of them was supposed to be about how life is meaningless, and it started out, "It is sully that Thanksgiving is a lifetime." I don't remember the rest, except for lines here and there that had things like, "s(eui.)ia" which I just figured was Latin or something, and I thought, "wouldn't it be something if I woke up and found out that these were real Latin words?" I thought the poem was really good so I went to write it down so I would remember it, hoping it would be there when I woke up. When I was about to start writing, I snapped to my senses and my lucidity came back. I tried to make the hot nurse from the other dream appear, but I was impatient, and I didn't use good technique (turning around, turning back) so I figured that I had no control in this dream. I walked over to the other bed and flopped down. Since there was nothing left to do, I chose to try to have an out of body experience from the lucid. I felt the vibrations of sleep paralysis while still in the dream, and when I was actually awake and laying there waiting for sleep paralysis, it had already passed. Silly me should've just explored the dream.
    10. 11/22/2011 and 11/23/2011 - 1) "Everybody Out of the Deadpool!", 2) "No R.I.P. for the Weary"

      by , 11-26-2011 at 08:19 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Woo! Been taking some B6, 5-HTP and Melatonin before bed, for the past couple of days, so my dreams have been coming back in full force.

      Dream Fragment
      'Making it Rain'

      Dream One
      "Everybody Out of the Deadpool!"

      I was disembodied, watching Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds version) being led through some industrial facility. It was being run by an evil syndicate and I believe it had an oil refinery to use as a front. The villains had taken Wade captive, and were going to perform all types of experiments on him - whether he liked it or not - to turn him into their mutant weapon: Deadpool. I could see a screen that was showing what mutant abilities they were going to be adding to his own, and I saw that it once referenced something about his 'motor-mouth', as if it was something that they were assessing. Wade was walking with this woman - who obviously didn't want to hear a thing he had to say - and he was just cracking all types of jokes. The woman was getting very visibly annoyed. It was rather hilarious. From the way he was acting, you wouldn't have been able to tell that he was being held there against his will.

      Sooner or later, there was a battle going on inside this facility. I believe Wade's team had come to bust him out, and to take down the syndicate, but I'm not exactly sure. I do know that a plan was devised to destroy the facility by some sort of nuclear device. I remember panic, as people were trying to stop the explosion and/or escape the facility. At the very end, the initial device had been disarmed, but someone else had set a back-up plan into motion, that caused the oil running through the facility to be channeled up into one single tunnel, where it began to well up. I could see someone running through the hallways, trying to escape the facility, and the ground around them was shaking. Telephone poles near the exit were wobbling. These were ominous signs that there was a massive explosion building beneath the facility. Then, the oil burst out of a single [manhole?], spraying an enormous geyser of oil into the air. My view pulled out, showing the full hundreds of feet that the black fluid shot into the air, piercing a large layer of green clouds that hung over the city. Gravity soon began to take hold, once the geyser hit its apex. The green clouds turned out to be a thick layer of methane gas that was hanging over the city (exactly like the scene in The Mask where Stanley and Tina are overlooking the city from the park, and it shows all the green methane emissions in the air).

      In what I believe was slow motion, I witnessed the villains watch this jet of black oil fly up into the air, blooming into an umbrella and falling back down toward the layer of methane that over the city. At that same moment, a fire was ignited in the facility, a trail of fire streaked up the oil geyser and toward the methane gas that the upward jet had broken through, and that the downward arc of falling oil was about to re-enter. I saw the look of impending doom on their faces. They knew what was about to happen. The fire - doing what it does - surged up the geyser, through the hole in the green gas, up to the apex of the oil fountain, and then began to rain back down toward the cloud of flammable methane. After a short moment of dramatic silence, the entire methane cloud combusted, creating an explosion, across the entire city, that would have rivaled any destructive blast that the team might have used to blow up the facility. The enormous mushroom cloud over the city was the last thing I remember of the dream.

      Dream Two
      "No R.I.P. for the Weary"

      I was in my old house in Canterbury. GV was gone, and I was in our room, with her father asleep in his own room, across the house. It was nighttime outside, and I was getting ready for bed. I had some kind of figurine or something that I was moving from one spot to another, and I suddenly began to feel eyes on me. I looked toward the window, still holding the figurine. Through the curtains, inside, and the bushes which sat outside the window, I saw a face and two eyes staring back at me. It was JJ. She gave me a mischievous smile and moved away from the window, as if to try and undo the fact that I had caught her spying on me. A little excited by this, I decided to go to the front door and invite her in. (Even though I was still living with GV, in the dream, I was single, just as we were for the last few months of our living together, IRL.)

      When I went to the living room, I went to open what I thought was the front door, and it turned out to be GV's dad's room door, which had switched sides of the house. I apologized to him and then went to the other side of the house, closer to where the front door should be, given this (new) layout. When I opened this door, it was the door to the carport, instead. I realized how strange this was. When I turned back to the living room, I realized that everything was backward. The house was set-up completely differently than it had been in waking life. It occurred to me that I was dreaming. What I didn't know was how long I'd been dreaming. I remembered that JJ was supposed to be coming in/over, and I'd wondered if I had fallen asleep before she arrived. Unsure about this, and quite anxious see where things were going to go with her, I tried to wake myself up, to make sure she wasn't really coming over.

      I "woke up" on my bed - completely oblivious to the fact that I was still dreaming - and went to the door (still in my old house, not my present one). JJ was there, and I let her in, happy to see that I hadn't missed the opportunity. She hung out in the room for a while, and then we inevitably started to fool around. Just then, there was a knock at the door. I went back out to open it, and my ex MJ was standing there. I knew that MJ and JJ didn't really like each other, so I was trying to stall MJ, so that she wouldn't know exactly what was going on here. It wasn't very long after this awkward moment, that I involuntarily received the most perfect distraction...


      Out of nowhere, a small band of zombies made its way into the house. (I had been talking with KC about The Walking Dead, the tv show, last night at work.). We all scrambled to get out of the house, grabbing whatever make-shift weapons that we could. Passing by the kitchen, I remember turning back to grab the knife set from off of the counter. We made our way through the laundry room and into the carport, and I had to frantically stab at some of the undead that were trying to clamber over the fence to get us. While my arm was extended, one of the zombies reached its head up and opened wide, aiming to take a huge chunk out of my arm. I saw the teeth come down toward my arm, and I thought to myself "NOOOOOOOO!!!!" knowing what was in store for me. All of a sudden, as if because of that moment of panic, the zombie's mouth froze in place with its teeth just resting around my arm, having not bitten into it. It was literally just hanging there. Only taking a short moment to wonder 'what the hell?' I then got myself back in gear, and we began to move away from the house.

      We didn't get very far before a black van (identical to the one GV used to drive IRL, actually) came screeching around the corner, directly toward us. We scrambled to dive out of the way, but the van ended up smashing into MJ and then crashing into the house. I ran back over to the accident and saw that MJ was in really bad shape, but just barely still alive. Her body looked pretty mangled, and her face was all bloodied and bruised. She needed medical attention and fast. I knelt over her, trying to tend to her and make sure she was still alive, and some bratty kid (a crowd had gathered after the accident) was teasing me by saying something like "Awww, look at G taking care of the wittle baby..." or something like that. I told the kid off - but really wanted to kick his ass - and went back to care for MJ. There is a bit of a gap here, where I can't remember exact details, but it turned out that the driver of the van was someone from the syndicate that was holding Wade Wilson captive, in the first dream.

      JS, another neighborhood friend of mine, showed up, and we were able to take this guy down, after getting him out of the wreckage. He'd tipped us off - somehow - that there were more of them coming after me, because I had allegedly helped Wade escape, earlier (though I don't actually remember being in the previous dream. Just watching it). Another set of headlights beamed into the area, notifying us that someone else would be coming around the corner soon. I told JS that they would be coming for me, and to get MJ out of there. I knew that the zombies were still in the area, but I had to draw all attention away from my friends. Just as the next vehicle was coming around the bend, I took off and ran around to the other side of the house. Moving around the far side, to circle around the building and let the car pass by where I had once been, I looked to one side. There, leaning up against the wall, was Robocop. He was just...standing there. It looked like he was in a sleep-stasis mode, with his head down, hiding back behind some bushes as if he had been placed there. I thought to myself 'damn, I could really use his help right now', but had to keep moving, because I was still in the open, and knew that any vehicle passing by my house would see me, once they looked around the corner.

      I rounded the back side of the house, and then came back around on the other side. From there, I could see JS helping MJ down the street, holding her up while walking beside her. I took one more look around the corner, to make sure the coast was clear, and went to meet them, knowing that the car had already passed where we'd once been. Just as I reached them, though, I was attacked from behind. A man who reminded me of Simon Phoenix (Wesley Snipes) from the movie Demolition Man was all over me. We started fighting in the street, and this dude apparently knew what he was doing. He had counters for almost everything I threw at him, and I was beginning to think that I was going to lose this match. Suddenly, I got a hold of a pair of handcuffs - though I can't remember where I got them from. It took a bit more struggle, but I was able to get them fitted on his wrists. He wasn't done, though. He kept fighting me, tenaciously, and was boasting to me about how he could pick his cuffs. He said that once he got his hands free, he was going to kill me. We struggled some more - both of us now lying on the asphalt - and I had to hold his wrists apart to try to keep one hand from reaching the other cuff. Eventually, though, he overpowered me and snapped one of the cuffs off. Before he could act, I grabbed the fingers of one of his hands. I could see the shock grow in his eyes as I began to push backward on the fingers. He was silently pleading with me not to break them. In my heart, I really didn't want to break them. I knew it was going to be a sickening feeling, as I had never broken someone's bones before, IRL. This was a matter of life and death, though, and this guy had to be immobilized. With one final push, I snapped all four fingers backward, to where they literally folded back on his hand, severed at the knuckles and leaving only bloody stumps attached to the palm.

      The man screamed in pain, but kept on fighting. Even with a broken hand, he ended up overpowering me and kneeling over me, pulling out some kind of weapon and making a gesture which telegraphed that he was about to introduce me to a world of hurt. Just in time, though, gunfire rang out, and the man stopped. He looked from me to JS, nearby, who was holding a machine gun (that I immediately just assumed he had taken from one of the villains). We then looked from the gun barrel to the spot behind my opponent, where the gun was aimed, just in time to see a zombie - which was just about to attack me and the guy I was fighting, fall to pieces, its body practically split in half by the short burst of gunfire. Spouts of blood squirted up from the split torso, which then fell to the ground. My attacker looked just as shocked as I was. He looked back at JS, who had just saved his life, and then down at me. Seemingly having a change of heart, he stood up and reluctantly backed off.

      Then, another set of headlights. Another van came roaring around the turn, and we all scrambled away again, before it could run us over. I jumped to my feet, borrowing the gun from JS and running after the passing van, which rounded another corner and tried to make a U-Turn. Running up on the van, I let bullets spray into the driver's side window, killing the driver and throwing him out of the van. I then jumped inside and brought the van around to pick up the others. We hauled ass toward the front of the neighborhood, just as another van was passing us, presumably driving to where we'd just been. I knew that they would be turning back around shortly, once they realized we were no longer there. Gunning it toward the intersection at the front of the neighborhood, and looking back in the rear-view to see if the other van was behind us, I nearly froze when I looked back in front of us again and saw a fighter jet heading straight toward us, in the night sky. Before I even had a chance to react, a volley of missiles streaked out from the jet, flying directly over the roof of our van and blowing up the van that had been coming up behind us. The jet screamed through the air and flew over top of us, trailing the missile exhaust. I recognized that the help had come from Wade's team that had come to stop the evil syndicate, before (but still wasn't able to piece together that these were dreams).

      I was momentarily relieved, but then I realized that we were driving one of those same vans, and that the jet would probably be coming around to make another pass and take us out, not knowing who was driving. I told everyone that we had to ditch the van as soon as possible, and I sped through the intersection to get as far away from the neighborhood as possible before stopping so we could bail out. I don't remember ever actually leaving the van though, before waking up.
    11. November 19th?, 2011

      by , 11-26-2011 at 08:13 AM
      Pulled a few all-nighters here and there, along with sleeping out, so I haven't recorded many dreams. I have three entries that I need to write down though.

      Don't expect good detail or anything. Probably won't remember these too well by now anyway. These will probably just be quick summaries.

      First, there was this part where I was with some people from school. Ephraim was there. We were at a tennis court, and I remember this one part where Eprhaim, Donovan, Nick and I did this group beat box thing.

      One dream had this crazy lady, and I was in her house. She owned a bunch of these realistic-looking dolls, and she left the room, leaving me alone with them. I noiced there were security cameras all around the room, hidden among all of the dolls. This freaked me out.

      Then, I was in my backyard with Ashley, her boyfriend, and some of her friends. We had ordered a trampoline, and a keg. I suggested that we move the trampoline further away from the porch just in case our parents get home. I get frustrated because no one is listening. So I take one of the kegs out front, which looks nothing like my house, and I take it to the curb where this guy is. The guy is a construction worker who recently lost his wife. The dream then cuts to this tribute song he made for his wife with a bunch of co-workers. The song is in a video game (Rayman) on one of the hardest levels. Then I almost accidentally let this little kid drive. Weird stuff.

      There was also this dream where Anthony and I were going on this really long road trip. We were driving a school bus. We pulled up to this one store in like Tennessee or something to make a pit stop and I see Jenn and Kate there, and I remember thinking something like, "What are the chances?" Debbie was there...somewhere.
    12. 11/19/2011 - "Extra-T-Rextrial"

      by , 11-26-2011 at 07:58 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      I was standing outside, in a residential area of some large city. There were a lot of other people around, and it seemed to just be an ordinary recreational function; a party or picnic or something. After a little while, I began to notice that there were a bunch of helicopters flying about the airspace around us. I couldn't exactly tell what they were doing at first, but, after some observation, I saw that they were dumping water on a location a few miles away, as if there was some out of control fire raging. I watched for a little while, and it appeared that the vertical cascades of white - that I knew to be water - began turning into horizontal streaks of white - that I knew to be missile exhuast. It was now obvious that many of these helicopters were combat helicopters, and they were firing upon something, though I couldn't tell what, at the moment.

      The people around me began watching the skies, and I could see many of them pointing off in a direction that I couldn't see, because of a large building that was blocking my view. I also saw that many of the combat choppers were heading over in that direction as well. Curious, I walked closer to the nearest group of people and rounded the corner, looking out toward whatever it was that they were pointing at. In the sky, above the skyline of a city that seemed rather New Yorkian, I saw an large mass of alien ships penetrating a firey wall of white and orange clouds, the sun directly behind them, and showing little more than black silouhettes against a golden sky. We were being invaded.

      For just a moment, I stopped and tried to think about this. This had to be a dream, right? Unfortunately, I didn't have the where-with-all to do many reality checks, and I quickly became convinced - because of the vividness of the dream (I had taken B6 and melatonin last night), that I was awake, and that this was really it: Extraterrestrial contact had been confirmed, and we were already at war.

      Giving us very little time to get adjusted to the idea that our planet was being attacked, huge beams of orange light came blasting down from the low-hanging haze of clouds, though in a fashion that wouldn't allow me to see where they were coming from. These beams of light would sweep across the ground, destroying everything (and everyone) in their paths; tearing nearby buildings down and burning the innocent people - that they were obviously aiming at - down to lifeless skeletons. Panic set in, and everyone began to run for their lives. (It was a lot like in the movie War of the Worlds, when they are running through the streets and the alien weapons are just decimating everything around.).

      I knew I had to get out of this field / lot that I was in, or I would be a sitting duck, so I began to run toward a nearby industrial area while these bright orange death-rays were raining down from the sky and just obliterating everything and everyone around me. There were a few times where I kept looking back and forth - from my destination to the utter destruction around me - wondering if I was going to make it. After what seemed like an eternity, I made it across the street to the industrial yard. It was then, though, that my sprint slowed to a jog, and my jog slowed to a brisk walk. I was beginning to realize how crazy this was. There was just no way. Despite how vivid the dream was - and my lack of doing an actual reality check - I was able to finally realize that I was dreaming. Immediately, I turned around and faced the invasion. Some of the DC's that had been running with me asked what I was doing, and I told them that this was just a dream, and I was about to go back and kick some alien ass. Before I knew it, I had an army of DC's with me, looking to get some payback, and we were headed over to the large buildings that decorated the skyline, which had the majority of the alien ships hovering over them.

      Soon, we were climbing some dark stairwell - moving up one of the buildings that the aliens had begun storming on foot. There was a small ordeal with a staircase, where some woman said that the stairs were broken, and she was trying to walk up it, but it was more like she was trying to walk horizontally up a wall, while the staircase was pivoted on some weird angle. It really just looked like a 'clipping' issue in a video game (which makes sense, because this dream came to me after playing hours of Skyrim). We reached the top of the stairwell, and there was a doorway barred with metal obstacles. We pulled them out of the way and, as soon as we opened the door, a lizard-being (which looked a lot like a velociraptor, but seemed to have more human gestures) stood in the opening, snarling at us. I moved positioned myself between the dino and the rest of the group, and he locked eyes at me. I could see him curling back. He was going to pounce on me at any moment. When he did, though, I was ready for him. He lunged and I just grabbed the sides of his head, using his momentum to throw him over the side of the stairway railing. He fell down the center of the stairwell and crashed through the floor, disappearing into the darkness under the building.

      Going into this new area, after walking through the door and trying to look out the window, I could see that there was an enormous lizard scaling the outside of the building. Immediately, I rushed forward and jumped at the wall with both fists out in front of me. Ripping through the concrete wall, I delivered a charging double-fist to the monster's upper-body. We were now dozens of stories above the ground - the giant beast and I falling off of what revealed itself to be a skyscraper, and not just any old tall building. It was then, falling toward the street, that I was able to see that this creature seemed much more like a T-Rex, but bigger - almost going for that Godzilla '98 look. I couldn't take too long to look at it, because I was falling toward the ground, and wondering about how much it might hurt if I hit the pavement, with the dream being as vivid as it was.

      Quickly, I tried to orient myself and get in 'flying mode', because I really wasn't looking forward to hitting ground. It took a moment for me to change my direction, but I was able to fly forward, and land against a nearby building, sticking myself to the wall like Spider-Man. When I turned to look back toward the giant dino, it had already righted itself and was jumping through the air toward me. Immediately, I flew off to one side and the beast crashed into the building. It didn't miss a beat, though, and was soon chasing after me as I flew through the street. Turned out that - even without wings - this dino was more of a dragon (more Skyrim), and was actually breathing that same type of orange beam that I'd seen earlier and thought was coming from the alien ships, themselves.

      The chase went on for a little while, and ended when I flew up to the support structure of an elevated train track. I positioned myself between some of the railings, and the dino/dragon jumped up to get me (and even without wings, this thing jumped like a giant raptor). It missed me, and I moved myself further down. Then, somewhat entangled in the steel structure, the dragon reared its head back and blew a massive stream of fire/energy in my direction, just as the train was coming overhead. Again, I flew out of the way at the last moment, and the dragon completely destroyed the supports, causing the entire skyway track to come crashing down to the city streets below - train and all.

      Watching that awesome sight was the last thing I remember.
    13. 11/11/2011 thru 11/15/2011 - Fragments

      by , 11-26-2011 at 07:53 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream Fragment One
      I was with Todd, and we were going to a theme park. While there, we met up with MJ, who I wasn't expecting to show up. We all hung out, and were going to the different attractions. Todd was trying to organize everything, and make routes for us to walk around park, to experience as much of the park as we could in the time that we had. MJ is terrified of rollercoasters, and I kept messing with her about it, pestering her to no end, to get her onto a coaster. She was so scared though. Lol. It was priceless. Dunno if I ever got her on one, though.

      Dream Fragment Two
      I was in a war against Islamic extremists. I really don't remember much about the war at all, though. At some point, I was walking with someone on my side, and we were having a conversation about the whole 72 virgins thing and martyrdom. Later (in the only real moment of combat that I remember), I was raining down fire from the sky, with some kind of remote trigger, and dropping heavy ordinance on a dock area filled with enemy combatants.

      Dream Fragment
      (Lost a lucid dream. ) All I remember is that there was a massive firefight going on, and I became lucid. As usual, I walked around like a beast, just daring people to attack me. They kept shooting and I just kept deflecting their bullets and throwing them off course, telekinetically - walking toward them and calmly waving my hands in front of me, which pushed the bullets away in gentle arcs, as if the bullets and I were made of magnets with similar polarity.

      Dream Fragment
      More horrible recall. Everything was in chaos, and nearly an entire town had been killed. I was in (another) firefight, involving myself, some villain and the police. Apparently, I was on the cops' side, and we were trying to take this guy in. I had him at gunpoint, just as the cops began to converge. I saw the man look at the approaching police and then down at the shotgun that he had thrown down at my command. I looked at him looking at the gun, and thought to myself "oh, man, don't do it..." and of course, he did. He swiped up the gun - as if by instinct - aimed it at the police and they opened fire, blowing him away. Later, I saw an elephant rampage through the destroyed city and saw one man being dragged headfirst through the hard earth, by the elephant's trunk, like a sharp stick through beach sand. The animal dragged him around in a circle, and then reared back, slinging its head up and launching the man through the air, a few dozen yards into the distance.

      Don't really remember more than that.
    14. 11/05/2011 and 11/09/2011 - 1) Drop Dead Freddy, 2) Fragment

      by , 11-26-2011 at 07:46 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "Drop Dead Freddy"

      I was on some kind of trip with a bunch of people around my age. There was a girl there, who I was getting pretty close to, but I can't remember if it's someone I know in waking life. We were in a stadium-like place, where there was a slasher-type of scenario going on. Scores of people in the crowd were getting killed, and no one was able to find out who was doing the killing.

      Turned out to be my ol' buddy Freddy Krueger, slicing through crowd patrons left and right. There is a whole lot that went on, that I really don't remember. At one point, I was walking along the ramparts of a castle-type of building, and a man (who seemed possessed by something which made him zombie-like) was pushed off of a building by someone else. The undead-ish man hit the ground far below, lay there for a few moments, and then slowly started to stand back up as if he didn't feel a thing. Can't remember if Freddy was actually controlling him or what.

      Later, I was watching some of Freddy's killings from a disembodied perspective. There was one kid who was in a small room - watching TV or something - and suddenly Freddy came out of nowhere and confronted the kid, ramming two of his razor-tipped fingers up the teen's nostrils. My view elevated until I could only see the upper torso of the victim, and Freddy continued to raise his arm, practically lifting the convulsing kid up from his feet while blood gushed down his killer's arm. Freddy just started into the kid's face, as if studying his work, grinning. Then, strangely, I couldn't see the rest of Freddy's body - just the wrist and gloved hand driving itself up the boy's nostrils. Freddy's other hand then ripped its way up and out of the kid's body, from the inside; somewhere up near the collarbone. The first, gloved hand pushed itself into the skull until it seemed like the entire glove was going to disappear into it. Then, simultaneously, the two hands each grabbed their own portion of the kid's face and upperbody, and then Freddy literally pulled the kid's body apart from within - as if he'd teleported his own body into the kid, while the razors were up his nose - stepping out of the mangled, gory mess as if he'd been wearing a break-away human suit.

      Freddy was a real bad-ass in this dream. Just brutal. He wasn't his wise-cracking self, this time. He was all business. It turned out that the girl I'd been hanging out with, earlier, was pregnant (though I can't remember whether she was, in the beginning of the dream, or not). Freddy knew this, and his intention was to abduct the girl and somehow get her to a hospital and induce her labor, so that he could possess the child and be reborn through her. He'd gotten the girl in his grasp and was dragging her out of a stadium exit, when a young version of Nancy - from the old Nightmare on Elm Street movies - showed up. She was amazing, herself, in how strong she was (both in ability and personality), and she was determined to stop Freddy's plan.

      Somehow, she'd developed the strength to fight Freddy, and there was this massive showdown in the woods. I remember watching it, still with no body of my own, but I don't remember many of the details of it. She ended up completely getting the best of him, though. They squared-off against each other, at the end of the fight, and Freddy - frustrated with having been matched by this young girl, lunged at her, nails bared. Without warning, the dream 'skipped' ahead just a couple of seconds, and Freddy was instaneously on the ground, face first, stone dead. Alice stood over him trimumphantly.

      Dream Fragment
      Something about what I think was a giant robot scenario, and driving really fast.
    15. frollo, torando, mill, drink container

      by , 11-26-2011 at 06:22 AM
      i had this dream..Frollo was in a mill. he started doing magic and turned into a genie-sp?..well the magic he did was a very odd tornado..which had lightening in the tornado..but at the top of it was a skull..but this skull had 4 horns (2 on each side of the head), the mill changed for a couple of mintues to fast-food drink container. Genie-Frollo lifted the torando (like it was a straw) and put it into the hole of the drink container Then Frollo and the mill reverted back to normal... and I saw a glimpse of underneath the mill.there was gargoyles trying to move some kind of wheel.. but for some reason it wasn't working...

      the scene reverted to outside..I saw a glimpse of myself..and I saw I was wearing a green shirt (but I wasn't Quasi). Well a crowd of people came by..but all but 2 were blurred. These were Esmerlda and Phobeus

      I guess before the stuff I just wittiness. I was somehow injuries..(since I saw an arrow nearby me.). the last thing I knew is that I mentioned to Esmerlda that Frollo was trapped in the mill (since I heard the rest of the crowd wanted to torch the place).