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    1. 7/17/11 - Rangle

      by , 07-17-2011 at 10:19 PM
      I'm running from something. Someone. I don't know. It's a field at first. A couple buildings on the edge. Suddenly the area quickly transitions to something along the lines of ancient Rome. Everything has a slight sepia tint to it as if it's not perfectly 'clean.' I run up a building and I find myself facing away from me, looking out a balcony over the ancient city. He turns around and its not me. I know his name is Rangle. I don't know why. I remember a spear being thrown. I don't remember who threw it or who it hit, but I woke up.
    2. Amusement Park Murderer

      by , 07-17-2011 at 08:50 PM
      I was in an Amusement park. It appeared to be a waterpark, as the pipes that contained the slides were leaking drops. This dream was vivid, and I was not aware it was a dream. I was trespassing in a closed-off area of the park, under said slide. There were walls around me, and I could hear someone crying for help outside of the walls. This wasn't particularly alarming to me for some reason, but I still felt the need to run over and help. When I got there, there were three people in a smaller water tank, and six people in a bigger water tank that was right next to the smaller tank. It seemed that the smaller tank was an execution tank, and there were wires set up to shock those in the water. A little girl on a red tricycle was playing near the tank. Another little girl appeared that did not agree with the execution, but was linked to me and the tricycle girl. For some reason, I felt as if I knew the second girl that appeared, and felt comfortable asking her if the tricycle girl had made this "toy". She said, "Ummmm..." as if considering telling me or not. At that point I knew, and walked closer to the tricycle girl, and said, "This shit won't be tolerated, you're coming with me."

      And then I woke up. I woke up at around 4:30 AM as if I had a determination to remember the dream. I fell back asleep and dreamed of something that had a very memorable feeling to it, but I can't remember that dream. I remember every bit of the dream now that I remembered at my first awakening.

      Second explanation of first entry: The reason I chose that topic is because I had a dream the night before last night that I was with Ven, Terra, Aqua and some other characters. Somebody was after us, and I was able to make it so that my friends and I could escape. We became friends then, and got on a ship together. I was practicing flying, and not very affectively when I woke up. I found this dream very pleasurable and appealing, so I'd like to have more of them. It seems I need to focus more on dream realization that dream recall, as my dream recall is terrific as long as I have a will and determination to do so.
      memorable , dream fragment
    3. Previous Home & Lucid at the Airport 07/17/2011

      by , 07-17-2011 at 08:39 PM
      5:30 AM

      Previous Home
      Found myself out on the curb talking to my old best friend, Danx, and a few other DCs. It was dark and mildly warm outside. It was something of a chance meeting so the conversation dove directly into the "so what'cha bin' up to?" mode. Come to find out, Danx had bin living right around a couple corners on the road where I used to live. Oddly enough, we spent some time debating on where exactly this house was. We talked about what road it was on, where on the road was, how Long ago it was that I had lived there, and what it looked like. I remember saying that I had lived there about six months ago, however in reality It has bin over a year. Not sure what name of the road was in the dream but I think it was the correct name. The other odd thing was the features of the house. In the dream world there was a dome and such that don't exist in the real world. When all was said and done, we both agreed that he was living in my old house.

      Lucid at the Airport (used to work at this airport in the rectangular building)
      It was a bright, warm summer day just off the end of the runway at the tiny local airport. The was a Large rectangular building further away across a mostly abandoned and gravel cluttered parking lot. On the opposite side of me separating me from the airport was a tall chain-link fence. A familiar set of hills stood just behind the airport with their green oaks, dry brush and golden leaf and grass build up.

      I had just walked out of the rectangular building and toward the fence accompanied by my Grandma. She was looking remarkably well and was bright and wise as ever. I don't remember much of the conversation but I remember that I was talking about all of my cares and worries. My Grandma looked at me as she handed me some keys and said "Oh you'll do a good job." (Note: The keys were for a small plane just like my Uncle John might fly and somehow I knew how to fly one in my dream. )

      I headed toward the end of the fence in order to get to the airport and my Grandma headed back toward the rectangular building. "She was always so awesome" I thought as the realization that my Grandma had recently passed away and thus I must be dreaming. I remained calm this time and quickly checked my blurry left hand. The dream was fading fast and I felt myself tipping back and rotating sideways. I tried to stabilize by rubbing my hands together but they felt far apart and so I compromised by rubbing my thighs. I woke up anyway. Second lucid experience.
    4. Waterfall At School

      by , 07-17-2011 at 07:39 PM (School 2)
      Dream; Semi-Lucid; Lucid; Memorable; 1-4 My Recollection;
      1; Pools and a waterfall. 3; Hanging out with Ginny and Aaron on bus.
      2; Affect, cannon.

      Updated 05-28-2012 at 07:26 AM by 25261

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Drugged.

      by , 07-17-2011 at 07:38 PM
      I had a dream last night where i was getting drugged by someone, some girl that supposedly was one of my friends (i made her up in my dream) she kept injecting me on my inner thigh with a syringe, 3 times. As soon as she injected me i was basically off my head, dizzy and couldn't control what i was doing.. it felt good like i wanted to give into it.. but i knew that i shouldn't
    6. New ability

      by , 07-17-2011 at 06:55 PM

      I was walking, the sun was out, and I didn't know where I was. Then I turned a corner and I saw a beautiful gate and beyond the gate was a pool. It was so amazing just simply astonishing while I was looking at the whole thing something about the gate and the whole area I was in felt familiar. So I decided to turn around and just stare for a while then it finally hit me this place reminded me of the apartments I used to live in when I was about 5 years old. Excpet for the amazing gate which threw me off then finally it hit me again"I'm Dreaming".
      First thing I said to myself was "Finally havn't had one in months and I've been trying for a couple of days." So I did a reality check to make sure and yup I was dreaming, I havn't felt the feeling of flying in a while so I looked up at the sky and took of so fast I couldn't stop myself til I was in space staring at earth. Then I told myself I need to get down to earth to practice starting a fire with my bare hands. While slowly floating down to earth I said I dont want to walk I just want to float but I've never floated before. So I just imagined an invisible disk under my feet that floated for me, as I said that, under my feet a white line started to go in circle then the white filled in the whole circle and as fast as it started it ended. Right as I was embracing to hit the floor hard with me feet I just simply stopped 1ft above the floor. "Ayee im floating or the disk is whatever its freaking awesome." I floated around happily then suddenly I was awake.

      Aww that fun but way to short but whatever till the next one!

    7. Dry Spell

      by , 07-17-2011 at 06:10 PM
      Can't remember a single thing. Guess I'm going through another dry spell. :/
    8. Skateboarding in a city

      by , 07-17-2011 at 05:41 PM (Katsuno's Awesome Ninja Tales!)
      Lucid ; Non-Lucid

      I was in a city I don't know and I had a skateboard for some reason (I worked with a guy who skates for 10 years about 2 days ago). Surprisingly I could skate really good and it was no problem to jump over the obstacles. The City was full of brick buildings and some grass on the side (I decided to take more focus on my surroundings when I write my DJ). Near a house where I skated was a group of people and some of my friends were there. I remember going to them and talking about something. The place looked like a typical german street. I went to buy Alcohol with my friends (maybe because I had a big party on that night). The last thing I remember is being on a roof with my skateboard.
      Then I woke up.
    9. July 17 2011

      by , 07-17-2011 at 05:04 PM (Mah Journal)
      I was on the bus, playing music for some reason. We were driving towards my home on BE Rd. That's all I remember.


      I was playing, or sort of inside, some video game. It was WC3 based. Ultimately, the goal was to kill the other side or something. I had been training a shitload of these wolves. Each wolf could have some sort of healing or other aura. I trained masses of them. At one point I teleported into the enemy base, but my wolves all died, and I was back to spawning a new mass of them.


      I was at the ranch. It was odd; I was so welcome there, I was confused. They acted like it was normal for me to randomly be there after not being there for so long. MA was talking to me and was talking about going on the weekends again, but I told her I didn't have enough time, and that the summer was the only time that would really allow that.

      I think I was supposed to go out and catch up with a trail at this point. I was running to get my helmet. The helmet seemed broken and dented, but when I pushed the inside to make it go back to its round shape, it all seemed to snap into place, and there was simply some little bits of support plastic hanging out of it.

      I ran to the corral. I was looking for a horse to mount when I saw a group coming back from a trail. They were not in a line but rather in a cluster. I think KA was leading them. I then noticed that some of the people had mechanical "horses". There was one that stuck out in particular; it was horse-shaped, but it was like a bicycle, and it was moved by pedalling these knobs with your arms. They extended from the shoulders of the "horse". It was like some art workout machine you could use to travel.

      There were also some other mechanical "horses". After I had helped the group dismount, a new random pack of people appeared. MA wanted me to go on this robot carriage thing. I was disappointed as I had wanted to actually ride, but I knew I didn't have much of a choice. I quickly jumped on, and that was the end.
    10. July 17

      by , 07-17-2011 at 04:01 PM (Dreams of Hash)
      Went to bed 12:30
      Goals: teleport
      I rem being at a school campus, never seen it irl but in the dream i knew it as vista. I rem waking out of a building and coming outsied, its kind of sunny but looks like the sun will be going down soon. I hold the door open for a girl in a purple shirt, jean shorts, and black hair. I notice the door is quite heavy, she says thank you. I start going down these stairs right outside the door, the girl is walking in front of me and i start to watch her. As i watch her walk she starts to walk faster and get ahead of me. I get to the bottom of the stairs and dont see the girl anymore. I keep walking towards what looks like a main building. I pass david and he looks pissed, i just keep walking and dont acknowledge him. He was wearing a black shirt

      *I rem being at some like indoor zoo or something with jessica. We are in a dark hallway with black carpeted walls and we walk into a big exhibit room. The walls are lined with cages and glass tanks with all kinds of animals. On the left side are tanks lit up with bright orange lights for like reptiles and birds and stuff. A small orange hummingbird flys up to us as we check out some stuff, it kinid of startles us actually. I think something else was flying around the room too but i didnt get a good look at it. I rem looking towards the center of the room and seeing a large glass window that views inside a big tank of water. in the water, right in front of the glass, there is a huge sting ray looking thing and it is just looking right into the exhibit room. IT had huge eyes and was blue and grey in color with pale spots from what i rem.

      *feels like i was working at the restaurant i used to dream about

      9:21 Me and my sister are travelling through the woods with lotr elves. They are like the ones from two towers that go to save rohan, they have blue hoods and robes and masks on their faces. We are walking in a wooded area that follows alongside a huge field. At the begining of the dream i am keeping my eye out for other elves but when the woods between the field get really thin i see that orcs are a bigger problem. The field is covered in orcs and they are running in the same direction we are walking. Smoke rises from their lines and i can hear them yelling. I think i grab a bow and notch an arrow, something happens to make me turn and look across a path in the woods. On the other side of the path i see orcs jump from behind the bushes and ambush us. I believe i fire the arrow i had notched when i notice my sister take off running. I do something else befor turning around and following her. We sprint back down path a bit and i run and jump off a rock, then turn around ready to face whatevers their. Something is charging me, i rem jumping in the air and kicking it, using its momentum to send it right past me. I cant rem what i do but i do something that shouldve killed it. I rem standing over it, its no longer orcs, this is like a demon lady, she had a jumpsuit on and messy short light brown hair. Her face is covered in streaks of blood. She yells something like, you cant kill me, i dont have flesh when she gets up and charges me again. Dont rem what happens i may have woke up.

      *I rem leaving somewhere, it looks like the lobby of a movie theatre, and it is dark outside, im leaving alone but in the dream i feel im leaving someone behind. I walk towards the doors and i notice michael p. We start talking, in the dream he had long hair, the first time i noticed it looked like dreadlocks but when i looked back later it was just long without locks. I just rem commenting on his hair, dont rem what he said.
    11. Forest Impressions

      by , 07-17-2011 at 03:52 PM (Robo's Dreams)
      I woke up a bunch of times last night, so my dreams are fragmented assortments of seeing leaves and not much else.


      I am crouching by a fire in a lush forest in reploid form, trying to get my body to fall asleep, and waiting for a friend of mine to appear who happens to be interested in the RPG. I think I see them, but I realize it's just my mind playing tricks on me and I will them away, they dissapear.


      lots of leaves, lots and lots of different views of leaves on trees.
    12. School outfits

      by , 07-17-2011 at 03:29 PM
      I was picking out an outfit for school and I had 3 skirts like this:

      (one I made irl)
      except one was like that, one was grey and one was blue.

      I wore the polkadot one the first day, then the next day I wanted to wear one again but didn't want the outfit to look too similar. I put on this long hot pink (kind of more highlighter pink) tank top that had white and purple gems on it, then hot pink skinny jeans and a huge curly hot pink lolita wig (both the exact same shade). The jeans fit really well and had gems like the top, except in a heart shape and only around the front pocket areas, and had a photo of some Japanese fashion model at the bottom of one of the legs. I looked in the mirror and decided this was pink overload, and instead wore pink tights and the blue skirt. I dunno if I left the wig on or not.

      'School' was weird, I have the impression of an exercise room with green walls, and possibly something to do with cooking. Also I remember not caring about anyone there (as usual :p).

      Boring dream, I know, but I want to keep this updated because I like tracking the tags and stuff. Also I remember the colours quite specifically so I added those in.

      Updated 09-02-2011 at 05:08 AM by 13525

    13. I dont want my name changed!

      by , 07-17-2011 at 02:36 PM (Shooting from the Sun: Solarflare)
      Quite a weird dream i HAD LAST NIGHT. :p I was on my way home from school, thinking all about the plastic sergery i had a couple days ago (NOT REAL, BUT IN THE DREAM). I felt confused, i knew my name wasn't the same, but i forgot my new name (also, IRL, i never changed my name). I went home and asked my bro what i changed my name too, i was confused as hell. He said Nick Dixon....

      I replied THAT NAME SUCKS, I WANT MY OLD NAME BACK! Soon, as if he was already there, my friend was there, saying that we needed to go back to school (I forgot why). So we Walked back to school. At school there was a van and my friends grandma was in it, and we need to take her to a hospital in the school.

      We got her out of the van and tried to lift her in all different ways. Struggling, we failed. I panted, then i lifted her easily and walked. We reached the doctor and walked home. A LOT MORE STUFF HAPPENED about me complaining i had a shit new name, but i forgot .
    14. The Obstacle Race

      by , 07-17-2011 at 02:23 PM
      I was playing CSS on my laptop, except I was on a large field, I could sprint, I had no weapons, it lagged, and a large godzilladinosaurthing was trying to kill me and about 20 others.
      Next thing I remember is that I was in some 'international' game. Apparently a massive free-for-all war with small squads. I found a hideout and entered it. On the floor was a pile of golden coins, which I picked up. On the way out, I saw a dead-looking ghost. It was hanging on a spear stuck through it's throat. I left the hideout.
      I now found myself in a clearing in the woods. There was a obstacle-racing track and lots of people cheering.
      On the left I saw a cute girl standing on a platform, jumping, cheering, and persuading people into participating in the race. She saw me, and with a just as happy voice said;
      "Hey I know you! You're the one who stole our gold. I tell you what. Don't you want to light up that guilty conscience? Just take the track and we'll forget about the whole thing" and pointed to the abstract wooden obstacle-course.
      At first I was like "NOPE" but moved against the entrance anyways.
      I started running the course, and my one competitor was ready on the track as well. I was in front of him the whole time, while he taunted me by talking to me as if I were a woman. By the end, he somehow managed to slip past me at an inhuman speed, meaning he won the race.
      By the exit of the course, I saw Will Smith and his son (named 'Jesus' in my dream), as well as the cute girl whose name I don't know .. The girl said "Don't be so sad. Cmon, let's see how Jesus does". Her spirit, happiness and enthusiasm was really inspiring. I can't really believe she came from my mind, because I am completely different. I should be more like her.
      The girl walked back to her platform, as seven-year old Jesus was about to compete against another seven-year old. I walked up to her and we held an arm around each other. She had a nice perfume and a rain-jacket on. We cheered for Jesus who was now running the course. The competing kid banged it's head into an obstacle, and I shouted "RUN JESUS", but the girl said "Be fair". Not much further into the course, Jesus banged his head too, sat down, and started crying as well. The other kid kept running, so Will Smith went onto the track and grabbed him.
      Jesus completed the course, and I was now at the exit with him, Will, and the girl. A heavy swarm of those thin wasp-looking bees (flowerbees) that can't actually sting, surrounded the girl. They lifted her up in the air and they all disappeared. Will and I then went on joking about how she was a niggerbee. (No racism intended!)
      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    15. The Second Night

      by , 07-17-2011 at 02:23 PM
      Tonight was far more detailed to me as compared to the previous night's dream. However it doesnt make too much sense. (then again that's only expected right?) I was in my own shoes...but it seemed to be more into the future...like a couple months or so. I can deduce this because in my dream I had already started senior year and my summer was over. My highschool however was my elementary...that was a bit odd. My dad apparently made licences outside of school....which is not at all what he does in real life. Anyways in the dream I was just going through a regular day of school, and when the time came for me to leave I actually planned on staying for a bit to help with class government tasks...however the principle didnt let me. Next thing I know im headed off to my car, and as soon as I unlock it (i was a good 20 feet from the car when i did) 4 or 5 people run into the car.....I argue with them and after a bit they all leave. The dream then ends with me driving home from school (i was horrible at driving...as if i didnt even have my licence).
