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    1. Shifter

      by , 07-02-2011 at 03:42 AM
      Last night I was a sort of vigilante private investigator that could shift between states of reality (ie, there was reality, then there was this second state where things in that state were semi transparent and could only interact with objects/people in the same state. When I was in that state I could also cause other objects/people to shift into that state as well). My partner (who has the same shifting skill) and I were in an early 1900s city trying to figure out who ruined a certain scientist's groundbreaking medical research. His lab (on the 9th floor of a 12-story building) had been totally burned and the fire had severely damaged the surrounding floors. My first place I checked out was the building itself.

      The dream actually started when I went in with a team of four other investigators. Turns out there were a bunch of assassins or something trying to torch the rest of the building, and they would stop the elevator at every floor as and we'd have to get out and fight them hand-to-hand. It was intense. At one point these assassins started using Halo-style plasma swords. That was one heck of a fight. It was crazy vivid.

      Once my team and I made it to the scientist's floor, we discovered there wasn't much to see. The floor had collapsed, and the floors above and below it were so badly burned we were afraid the rest of the building would come down, so we left.

      The dream became somewhat disconnected after that, and I just remember me and my partner checking out potential suspects at dinner parties in fancy hotel lobbies and walking through some underground walkway (kind of like a subway) discussing the case. We would use our shifting abilities to hide inside walls and listen in on conversations, get inside locked rooms, tail suspects, etc.

      The dream returned to maximum realism for the climax. My partner and I, having made only disconnected discoveries, were in a small auditorium watching this scientist and his assistants give their much-delayed presentation on his groundbreaking discovery. Halfway through the presentation, I noticed my partner was quite uneasy. I had asked the scientist a question, and he had kind of freaked out when he saw my partner. At this point, the scientist totally lost it, started throwing things at my partner, and the clues assembled themselves and I realized my partner had committed the crime. Right then and there he tried to pull a knife. I ran, and at the doors one of his minions burst through and tried to kill me. A second guy locked the door behind him. I actually remember blocking the attack, then grabbing him around the neck from behind and stabbing him in the gut out of desperation with a pen lying close by on a table.

      While my partner and I had been successful at hiding our shifting ability from others up to that point, I was forced to shift into the alternate state and escape by running right through the locked door. My partner shifted as well and tried to follow, but I shifted the door and he smashed into it totally cartoon style. From then I only remember sprinting down the stairs and bursting out into the street. Night had fallen. Police were coming.

      Then I woke up all like "duuuuuude."
    2. Info

      by , 07-02-2011 at 02:34 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Please pm either me or my original account, Atras, each attempt you have. They will be posted here as entries. I will list in the info section of this dream journal the next time we will have a shared dreaming attempt, and the location. The location will most likely be the same every time in order to be consistent. Although, as we start having successful shared dreams, the location will probably change.
    3. A Nightmare with a Side of Gaga

      by , 07-02-2011 at 02:25 AM
      My parents and I took a trip to a motorcycle shop. My dad turned a black Harley Davidson and played with the engine a bit. He made it go "Rum rum rumrumrumrumrumr RUUMM rumrmumrumrum!" I see a lady coming out of the shop, she walks towards us and asks, "Hmm, I have a few bikes in the back, they're much better than these ones up front! But please, adults only." My mom gestured me to stay back and she walked with my dad to the back of the shop. A cutscene shows my parents walking into a dark room. A pentagon was painted on the floor, with candles around the edges. The lady pushed them onto the pentagon and said some sort of chant. My parents mutated with each other, and became some sort of demon. "It" had a ram skull head, it's chest belched fire, and the hands, oh the hands were horrible. They were full of blood and had long, black claws. The hands didn't have any flesh, instead, they were just skeleton. I was frightened for my life. I saw the fire come from the back of the shop, and ran for my life. I ran and ran, all I saw were lights of stores and restaurants. It was late at night, about 11:00. I kept running, until I stopped at one restaurant. There was an essence there, an essence of comfort, love, and peace. I walked into it. I felt safe, as if I was...home. I walked up to a person that was sitting at a table, and I screamed, "Miss! You have to help me! My parents...th-they've turned into monsters....Please! Help me!!!" The lady turned and to my suprise, it was Lady Gaga! She had, peach colored hair, with aqua-blue highlights. In a sweet voice she replied, "Don't worry, I'll protect you. Here, maybe this will make you feel better." She stood up, and walked to a keyboard. She played beautifully for a few seconds then began to sing, "Whenever I dressed cool my parents put up a fight...." (This song is Hair, from her new album Born This Way, and it's my favorite song at the moment) The chorus, when she hit the chorus, it was beautiful. This dream went form a blood curdling nightmare, to a sweet, comfortable eden. As she finished the song, I woke up.
    4. Party

      by , 07-02-2011 at 01:56 AM
      I just took an hour and a half nap and can remember the dream, but only part of it.

      T and I were at her friends house, and there were like 10 people there. We were hanging out with them and at some point I started not feeling well. So I'm in the bathroom feeling dizzy/sick. I hide it for awhile, then later I go into a separate bedroom with T and tell her I'm not feeling well. She didn't seem too concerned and I was a bit hurt by that. I think some other things happened but I can't remember what. I leave the room and end up falling asleep on the couch, when I wake up there are like 3 different couples having sex on the couches. So I go back into the separate room again, can't really remember what happened after this except at some point T was talking to someone else. So then this local drag queen, F, comes to talk to T to watch a movie or something and she leaves with him. I got upset at the lack of time spent with her and she picked up on that so she came back a few minutes later, telling me that she paid for me so we could split the ticket.

      Then she apologizes and tells me I wasn't invited, and I start crying and saying I felt like a bad person. Then she tells me it's because we're a lesbian couple, which I already knew in the dream but was feeling like a bad person anyway.

      So I go do this "movie" thing; turns out it's really a contest. They give me a scenario and ask me to pick between some other state and Connecticut. I picked Connecticut and ended up winning a free trip to four star hotel with Tara.

      At this point the owner of the house reminds us it's getting late, and everyone starts to clear out. Somehow I end up locked outside without my stuff. I tell T and she's like, "which bag of things do you want back least?" I wasn't happy with this answer and it turned into a mini-argument.

      Fragments: At some point I noticed the time was 6am
      I had a few moments of eating candies, some of them being oversized starburst, out of my purse.
      Tags: anont
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    5. First Lucid

      by , 07-02-2011 at 01:29 AM
      Non-Dream Non-Lucid Lucid

      I was going down Aberdeen Drive and a give way sign beamed down to my left. I instantly knew I was dreaming, and decided to do some RC's. I looked at a window in a van to look at my reflection and it was normal. Then I went like 50m down the road, and asked a man which had 2 watches, one on each arm, one digital and one analogue, for the time. It was 10:15, and I asked him 3 more times, but the time stayed the same. I was confused that my RC's didn't work so my dream faded.

      This was my first Lucid Dream, so I thought RC's work every time etc etc. That's why it faded at the end.
    6. Explosion

      by , 07-02-2011 at 01:23 AM
      Non-Dream Non-Lucid Lucid

      First dream that I recorded in my Real Life DJ

      I walk up to a man and tell him the numberplate 'M21 677' and hand him a blue toolbox, he takes it and walks away. As I'm walking down the street an old lady to my left says to me: "You couldn't have been more subtle?" And asks, "Can I have that?" (For some reason the box is still under my left arm.) "I like the music they play in the shop." Then I'm talking to a woman and I see a man running down the street on my right yelling "BOMB!" and hes carrying a black toolbox. Then theres a great explosion behind him in slow-motion.
    7. Hell

      by , 07-02-2011 at 01:16 AM
      Non-Dream Non-Lucid Lucid

      I woke up at about 4:30 and decided to try WILD with Low Alpha Binaural Beats. Went on for about 30 min, but didnt get SP. So I just decided to take off my headphones and go to sleep.

      I needed to cover for Mr Lee in his room, because he was busy. But then I was somehow running through a bush with Crichton, Scorpius and Ka D'Argo. We started to approach a slightly clearer patch, which, I was sure where we were meant to be, Crichton wasn't following. I turned around and he was there, looking evil, and on a white pony. I turned the other way as D'Argo was the same. Scorpius growled and the pony thing that was 'possessing' them left them both, it tried to fly away to the roof (At this point it looked like an evil ghost woman in a white gown, and I was somehow in a big dark red hall). Scorpius grabbed its soul, and pinned it to the ground by stabbing it. White wax stuff oozed out of it and formed the shape of a cross (Crucifix), and somehow was now on the high back of a chair. Then some woman which I somehow knew was very evil, was sitting in a different chair with a high back, told me that I can't actually have something (Dont remember what it was), and I saw a beautiful girl on the far end of the hall, and the evil woman said something about the Justice of Peace, and I tried to get her to give 'it' to me, but she didn't.

      Woke up and wrote it down. Have a feeling like this dream might be trying to tell me something.
    8. Close Friends

      by , 07-02-2011 at 12:48 AM
      I dreamt that I was hanging out with one of my friends and I spent the night at his house. I'm not sure if why we were spending time together like that since I haven't seen him since Elementary school and even then we weren't that close of friends. But anyways, we were in his car going to places and we went shopping for something, I found a few things that I wanted and then I realized I wasn't wearing my pants so I had no money (I was pants-less through half this dream so I guess I kind of got used to it.) when he says "No problem man, I'll get you." That made me really happy that my friend would be so nice to me even though we haven't really spent that much time together. We then went to one of his friends' houses and we hung out which is when I became lucid. I realized I was in a dream and I started to remember what I told myself "Okay, keep calm. Look around, feel these walls, look at that woman, look at the other people, take in the surroundings." Then I would take a few deep breaths and began walking around. The house was incredibly beautiful and very well done architecturally. I almost never recognize places or people when I have dreams so all of the people there I had no recollection of. The house was very large and seemed to have quite a few inhabitants, I also took note at how many pools and bathrooms they had because it seemed like there were so many. This dream had lasted much longer then my other two in terms of length because I managed to keep myself calm long enough, really glad that I'm making progress, or at least I think I am.

      Going to see if there are ways for me to become Lucid earlier, not WILD but at least close.
      Tags: cars, friends, pools
    9. Mom's A Lesbian

      by , 07-02-2011 at 12:00 AM
      Completely forgot to mention this, but I had a dream earlier today where I told my Mom I was a lesbian and she said she was one too. A lot of other things happened after that but I can't remember them, just reminded myself of that part.
      Tags: lgbt, mom
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Music Stabilized Lucid and a Clown Funeral Parade

      by , 07-01-2011 at 11:41 PM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I must have gone lucid spontaneously, as I don't recall making a reality check or even what came before the lucid moment. But in any case, I become aware that I'm dreaming in the guest room of my house. I start stabilizing by rubbing my hands on my sides, but I also remember a thread I recently read on DV. Apparently the poster had success stabilizing with a musical focus, so I start singing the third declension ending song from my high school Latin class. It really seems to help, and I walk from the guest room into my bedroom. My computer is set up on my desk and my lights are on, but I ignore them. I try to work on object summoning, as I have problems with that. I try to create a sword in my hands for dream fighting, and with my willpower I call into being an ill-defined brown colored katana. It's less vivid than the rest of the dream, but I do feel resistance as my hands grasp it and start going through some simple slashes. The blade moves with my moves, and I'm pleased with my progress. I decide to close out by flying, and I drop the sword to jump through my ceiling. There's a tremendous rush upward, a few stars in the sky, and then I wake up.

      2. I'm walking home from Newport with C.W. when we run into a New Orleans-style funeral. Apparently it's being held by a guild of clowns, all dressed in white robes with red emoticon faces on them. Some are happy :-) and are playing saxophones, some are sad :-( and simply march. Some are wearing large red plastic necklaces in the shape of bananas. After walking with the procession a bit, we come across a group which is using those necklaces to play a lacrosse-type game.
    11. Battle before bed

      by , 07-01-2011 at 10:59 PM (Robo's Dreams)
      NOTE: this is not actually a dream, this is what happened to me as I was falling asleep last night, so I guess the closest It would be would be hypogogaic (spelling?) imagery.

      While I was falling asleep, I felt as if I had some energy blockages that would prevent me from reaching the town of Denn in my dreams, so I decided to investigate. I turned my mind's eye inward to examine the source. there appeared to be a relatively large monster blocking a portal or an opening of some kind. It realized I had noticed it and took a combative stance. I was in reploid form, because I had planned on visiting Denn. I charged in and slew it with a bit of effort with my energy blade. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, smaller enemies started appearing, they seemed to be shadows of some kind. again, I attempted to slay them with my energy blade, but their wounds would regenerate instantaneously, and there were a lot of them. they begun clinging to me, latching on with some sort of bear hug. I carved and slashed, but it was ineffective. I returned my attention to my physical body, still vaguely aware of the internal struggle. then I got an idea. I focused some energy, and siphoned it to my mind's eye body (i guess that's what you would call it). I used the energy to create a ball of light above me before they were able to suck the new energy out. they turned to ash. I tried eating the ash, but it was tasteless and dry... gross. I spat it out and willed it into the portal/hole thing in the wall that was being guarded. I immediately regretted this decision, as I felt it run down my spine, it was a very creepy sensation.

      Unfortunately I have no dream recall from last night, so I'm not sure if I actually was able to visit and defend Denn or not.
      side notes
    12. I Got Fat!!!

      by , 07-01-2011 at 10:55 PM
      I was standing by the pool in my yard. I decided to go for a swim. So I took off my cloths, to my horrer I had a spare tire stomach that extended out further than my under wear. The dream ended.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    13. A DV House Party

      by , 07-01-2011 at 10:40 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: July 1, 2011 – 7:45AM (USA Eastern)
      Text color legend: · NON-DREAM · NOTES · DREAM · LUCID ·

      I am at a house party, hanging out and talking with several DV members. Some of the members I recognize from the Post photos of yourself forum, others have name tags on. SaMaster14, Jeff777, Ninja, Auron, Zhaylin, Keresztanya, Dannon, Moongrass, Tara, Slash, buriedmonsters, no-Name, limitless, Oneironaut, and many others are here, hanging out in several small groups, talking and such. There is a huge banner hanging on the side of the deck that has the top banner image from the DV site on it.

      Everybody brought some kind of food to put on the tables on the deck, but there is snow on the steps. It seems odd that there is snow on the ground when the weather is so warm, but I grab a leaf blower and start to blow the snow off the steps and sidewalk. After blowing snow for a bit, someone I don't recognize comes up to me and starts talking to me. I turn off the leaf blower and she asks, “Can you hear me?” I reply, “Of course not.”

      I put down the leaf blower and run up the steps with a few people following me. There are no tables on the deck, but there is a huge hot tub. I turn around and say, “No chemical bath for me!” then I jump off the deck and run off into the woods. As I am running, I wake up.
    14. Hodgepodge

      by , 07-01-2011 at 10:16 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      Last night I dreamed of my p-doc. That I saw him at a store and he had a broken arm. He was with his brother, but still having difficulty. I wanted to help but didn't because I didn't know the appropriateness of interacting outside of his office.
      >> I saw p-doc with his brother at Wal-mart yesterday thus the dream.

      I had another dream of being pregnant. A couple of guys could've been the father and I was upset and crying. Turned out BOTH of them with the father lol
      >> Just finished reading the Land of Painted Caves which gave me that gem.

      During a nap, I dreamed of going shopping. I was looking for a toy for a 6 month old baby, then realized she was just 6 weeks old and too young for toys. I bought a bottle brush. I was going to get a really long and cone shaped dusting rod so I could reach the ancient cobwebs in the corners of my room, but it was almost $13. so I wanted to find something cheaper.

      As I was leaving, I ran onto someone I knew (?) and we went to another store together. The store had dim lighting. Some guy was sitting on the floor looking depressed. My friend asked if I could buy his beer and I said sure. But when he came to check out, he had a case of beer and it came to $40. I was annoyed that it was expected I pay that. I thought he had a can or a bottle. I told him I could've spared MAYBE $20. but I needed my money to buy food for my kids.
      I took my money off the counter and walked away.
      And there the man was, sitting despondently on the floor in a corner, cradling the case of beer he couldn't afford.

      When I got outside, there was some sort of parade going on. Some of the roads were blocked. As I approached a stop sign, my car didn't want to slow and I almost went through it. There was a cop behind me and I was afraid I was about to get pulled over. But he was going toward the festivities in a hurry.

      Then I arrive at some sort of apartment (?) complex with a narrow hallway and dim lighting. A housekeeper was cleaning one of the rooms I ran into to use the restroom. For some reason, I took money out of a handbag and shoved it into my mouth. Then it was stuck and I couldn't get the bills out. The maid said I had a piece hanging out the corner of my mouth and she told me to take it out. But I couldn't for the longest time and she stared at me as if I'd lost my mind lol

      I was back in the hallway, heading toward my room when I midget in stripper stage clothes rushed by. I asked if a particular door now lead to her room and she said no. She just had to go in there so the girls could rip her a new one for messing up so badly. As the door opened, I saw several more midgets goofing off with sex toys.
      I woke up before I could enter my room.

      >>The car part came from me almost rear-ending some idiot who came to almost a complete stop suddenly when I was driving earlier today.
      The duster came from me wanting to find something for my cob webs in real life.
      The bottle cleaner came from me looking for one at the Dollar Tree so I could clean the inside of my birds water dispenser so I can get rid of the bowl. They have a habit of pooping in the bowl lol
      I have no idea about the rest of the dream symbolism lol
    15. Seriously Weird!

      by , 07-01-2011 at 09:15 PM
      When I fist fell asleep, I had a dream that I was eating a warm tuna pasta pot and me and my friend Beth were sitting on the windowsill of some big room with only about 10 people in. Suddenly my teacher was at the window and was calling me for no reason!? After that my alarm went off because I was testing the W.I.L.D technique but it didn't work because I didn't get the patterns. When I was awake I read about lucid dreams for like 30 mins then went back to sleep. The start of this dream was CREEPY! I watched a video with Beth about this weird creepy fat pink dancing thing exactly like this:

      Then, the guy that showed us the video gave us some chocolates and told us to give them away on the street. We did but this lady said "GET LOST!" so we ran somewhere else. Suddenly Beth's math teacher was there! I offered him a chocolate but he just ignored me. Anyway, then me and Beth went to school but when we walked home, I threw a ball at this lady's car and it just literally flattened like a cardboard box! It also flattened with the girl in it which is kinda freaky... I ran back home and when I went to school the next day, EVERYONE was on about it so I tried to talk to the headmaster but I couldn't find him so I used Google Earth to zoom in but it just came up with a weird blond guy with hair just below his shoulders but the weirdest thing is he was conducting a pyramid of singing cheerleaders!!!?? I was creeped out so I went home and found out that crushed girl was there and when I said sorry she screamed at me & when I tried to hold her hand she said it hurt before I even touched her!! These weird security people took my ball and crushed it. Suddenly, I was holding a new one! I ran away with it. I remember going back to the first scene after this which I have no idea where it is... Some guy was mixing blue and purple potions. Purple was Lucid. Blue was Dreams! (Could this be a sign?) After that, I was driving around my primary/elementary school when I saw Matt Lucas and David Walliams dressed as old Chinese ladies LMAO! Then the dream was finished.

      Updated 07-02-2011 at 09:24 AM by 48112
