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    1. Security lights and vampires

      by , 09-01-2012 at 12:41 AM
      Night time. Driving past Covenant College with David K. Remark about waste of money on "security" lighting, and how sensor lights would be far more effective, and economical. Drive to library and get out to look around. Kill some vampires and quickly get back into the car. Lock doors and drive away. Dodging pillars down driveway, leading to food court in shopping centre, possibly science and technology museum.
    2. Hotel, california?

      by , 08-31-2012 at 11:51 PM
      I was in the school (as most of my dreams) and me and some friends decided to escape. Actually we were the whole class who escaped, however we went through different ways. Near the school there were a lot of hotels, but since it was a futuristic world there was nobody on the street (we controlled the whole world so the population was small compared to the universe). We went into a very very nice hotel that had a lot of features and it was not big, but incredible huge. The staff working in the hotel were very polite, to the point that i doubted if they were robots. I asked one of them how much was the night and he answered me an enormous amount of money (around 2 million dollars per night) , which of course we couldn't afford. The funny thing is that we already had ordered one room for each of us and that oblied us to pay. I got scared (there was a mafia surely going on there) and i went out of the hotel quickly and the dream vanished.
    3. Dream Drawing: No Wedding Ring (SDE Day 13 Part 2)

      by , 08-31-2012 at 11:07 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      No Wedding Ring (SDE Day 13 Part 2) (Non-lucid)


      Spoiler for Click here :3:

      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails This board is going to hell...-women-blue-dream-final-watermark.jpg  
    4. Meeting the Guardians

      by , 08-31-2012 at 08:12 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      I was a young girl, around 10 or 11 years old. I slept in the same room with my sister and every night really strange things would occur. She would sleep walk and talk, but the things she said were really disturbing. It was as if she became someone else at night.

      So, every night I would have to resist her attacking me.

      One night, she whispered to me, "Stop resisting. The plot needs to move forward."

      I thought about this for a moment. What a strange thing to say.

      But what if she was right? Every night it felt like we were going in circles, the same thing all the time. It really did feel like our "plot" was getting stuck because I kept resisting her.

      "Fine," I whispered back.

      She smiled and took her knife and put it against my neck. She slid it across the skin while pushing down, I felt my adrenaline rushing and my skin breaking.

      A few minutes later, I was dead.

      ~ ~ ~ ~

      "Where's Lizzy?" The store manager asked.

      "I 'unno," I replied back. I was now a young boy, around 12 to 14. Apparently Lizzy was my sister, and all of us worked in a family business alongside the road in the middle of nowhere.

      "She was supposed to be here an hour ago," my father vented.

      A man came busting through the door with a wild look on his face and stammered, "Lizzy...she's dead!" He didn't look related to us. He kind of looked like Chuck Norris.

      Everyone was in a frenzy.

      Later in the night I was standing outside on the road. It was pitch black outside.

      I was the only one standing here. There wasn't anything here for miles but crops upon crops.

      I feel like I've been here before.

      An eerie light was coming from the horizon. It was getting closer and closer and closer.

      In the light I saw a silhouette of an angel walking towards me. He was rather tall and his wings were spread out.

      As he got closer I could see him more clearly in the ominous light.

      He had long silver hair and silver wings.

      "I'd hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I am not a good angel," he said in his deep voice, "however I think it fair to alert you as to what is happening on our plane."

      I feel like I've been here before...

      "Your sister fell victim to a dark angel, but not in vein. It had to happen - to let the plot progress. You see, on our plane there is a war between the good guardians and the bad guardians. I am on neither side, simply a messenger."

      His voice had a strange scowl to it.

      "And since you're family will be torn in the middle of the war, you should meet some of the guardians that are on your side."

      I had a strong sense of deja vu. I have definitely been here before. I feel like I've dreamed this dream several times over.

      "Meet the first Guardian - Change."

      The Guardian was a small tree. The tree was luscious and green, but as I continued to look at it the branches slowly withered away, the leaves became dry and crisp, and the tree died. I felt an overwhelming sadness.

      "Meet the second Guardian."

      This Guardian was simply a square, metallic portal. I wondered what it represented.

      "And the third Guardians - Love and Care."

      Love and Care were and old couple holding hands. They radiated with pink energy. They put there hand out to shake and when our hands met I felt elated with unconditional love.

      "And lastly - a close friend of mine."

      He appeared behind me. He had wings like the messenger angel, but he looked dark and full of strife.

      He reminded me of Vincent Valentine.

      Woke up right after that. I really feel like I have had this dream a few times before, but I just didn't remember it.
    5. First Lucid in a long time

      by , 08-31-2012 at 07:49 PM
      Last night yielded several dreams, one of which became a short Lucid. Yay. I think the dream inducing app I bought off the iPad app store is finally working for me. I just need some more comfortable earbuds to sleep in cuz those gummy ones hurt.

      My first Dream was intensely real, which seems kinda odd to me because my intensely vivid dreams don't usually come till later in my sleep cycle. This one revolved around me and this girl I used to be friends with in high school. Don't remember every detail, but I do remember that we were house hunting. I remember constantly thinking to myself that I wanted to be with her, that I wanted her to myself now. The last part of that Dream I remember was going into a poolhouse to check it out and we started to get a little naughty. Oh yeah. Before it got too heated though, my real girlfriends mother showed up. She caught us doing our thing and was only upset by this because we were supposed to be browsing the location, not testing it. In the Dream, I thought that they were related. I felt that this girl that I once knew was really my girlfriend now, and that my currents girls mother was actually the old friends mother.

      I had a couple other small dreams that I don't remember much so I won't waste your time with them, but the one I became lucid in is a little more interesting.

      I was walking around outside with a person whom i don't remember, when we see a streak of light cross the sky. The light turns in our direction and takes a steep dive into the ground somewhere just beyond our line of sight. We rush over to where it seems to have landed and we find what is obviously an alien craft. We could only see the top of it however because the rest seems to be stuck underground. I placed my hand atop the craft and it began to open. It didn't just lift the top for us to climb in, it separated into thin pink strips and began to arch upward one by one but very quickly.

      I peered inside to see a descending tunnel that was lit up with shades of purple and pink. Me and my mystery companion didn't even hesitate, we jumped in and slid down the tunnel. While we were sliding down I noticed that every part of me which made contact with It glowed an electric blue, as if my movement caused a reaction with whatever material the ship was made from. We reached what seemed to be the bottom and I stood up to look around. The inside was set up with rooms very similar to what we have here on earth, bedrooms. It seemed I was now in the living quarters of this ship. Before I could really take a moment to think about what I was seeing, someone comes from around the corner...

      I knew instantly that "she" wasn't human, despite how remarkably human she appeared. She had to be the most mesmerizing Asian woman I've ever seen. Her eyes were different somehow. They were an icy blue color and sparkled as if they were made of diamond and she had sunlight coming from behind them at all times. Not an intense sunlight, but just enough to catch your attention the way a beautiful diamond does when it hits the light. She also had a dog with her, or at least he appeared to be a dog like the way she appeared to be human. There was something different about it as well, but I can quite put my finger on it. I was a little hesitant about the dog, but not her.

      She began to approach me, so I responded in kind. As I reached her I opened my arms and wrapped them around her, embracing her the way you would an old friend that you believed had died. I was never afraid of this experience. I held her for a little bit before stepping back and taking a look at my surroundings. This is when I noticed that the floor was made of tile. Not even nice tile, but the kind you would see in older houses that haven't been maintained very well. This is when I realized I was in a dream. (lol I laugh that it wasn't the alien craft, or the perfect being that signaled a Dream for me, it was the tile). I thought to myself " there's no way an alien spacecraft would have earthly tile comprising the floor, I must be Dreaming".

      It was at this point that I noticed she had bowls filled with snacks nearby. Must've been a welcoming gesture to have party snacks for any humans brave enough to show up. I used my trusty telekinesis to lift a Dorito out of the bowl and into my hand. I thought "cool" as I bit into the chip, knowing for a fact that I was Dreaming. I usually can't remember to do what i had planned to do when I become lucid, this time I did. For all you True Blood fans out there, you will understand who I am talking about. Once I became Lucid, I tried to bring Jessica into my Dream in order to have my way with her. (Im only human) I thought to myself "Jessica", and the Asian girl's outer shell fell off like magic fairy dust to reveal a red head that had her back to me. Unfortunately she didn't get to turn around before the Dream faded to black and I awoke, burning up in my covers! Damn covers! I tried to renter the Dream with no success. This marks the first time I've become Lucid in a few months now. Yessssss.

      Thank you for reading. I will continue to keep my journal updated with all my crazy Dreams for your entertainment. For those of you who don't know, Jessica is a red headed, blue eyed vampire. And in my opinion, perfect.
      lucid , non-lucid
    6. [X-2]

      by , 08-31-2012 at 07:05 PM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Monday, August 20th, 2012]
      (No dream recollection. Most likely due to the small amount of sleep, and not effectively getting to REM. I'll try a nap later tonight if I can and report back...)
      side notes
    7. [Evil Acid Storm/Innocence]

      by , 08-31-2012 at 07:03 PM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Sunday, August 19th, 2012]
      The farthest back memory I had was me looking up at the sky and seeing "acid-green colored skies" and the lightning being really bad. (We were in the backyard of my Grandma Barbara's house, but it was different... an open grassy plain stretched out as far as I could see.) I was there with two other RM people (most likely Alex and Nathan) while they talked and I hid under the awning and looked up to see meteors/chaotic storms, followed by feelings of danger. I ended up inside someone's vehicle and I sat there a second. Suddenly, the sky went black. I could see a crowd of dimly illuminated figures to the left (an aura of evil and dread surrounding them) and a panicked group of approaching figures from the right. I locked the doors. The panicked group reached first and began to pound on the door. I opened it for them. My memory cuts to me inside with an enormous stack of pizza. I had no appetite, but I grabbed one box and walked outside. People were everywhere and relaxed. I walked to the vehicle and Nathan was there, where I handed him the box and he was surprised that I hadn't had a piece yet. Everyone else had plenty already.

      And then there were monsters everywhere. People were dying and screaming. My dream ends abruptly to TV noise. Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood was on.

      (I remember more, but nothing specific: FMA was sending dreamscapes and scenerios to me in my sleep. I remember thinking: Wow. This is really fucked up. No wonder my dream is so fucked right now. I bet I could pull more out of it if I watched that episode again. Edward was yelling at Envy in the episode...)


      (Later that morning, I had fallen asleep again.) I was on my way to school in Nathan's Dad's truck... Casey was there sitting next to me instead though.
      Then I was outside in the lunch area at school, where Alex and a group of other people were sitting together facing me. Zack flipped me off, but thought I didn't notice. I got Alex to get his attention for me, where I grinned and flipped him off right to his face.

      Memory skips to me in a science class with an unfamiliar teacher that reminded me of a cross between Ms. Meyers and a random substitute teacher. Zack was there sitting quietly in the back of the room and no one else that I really "recognized"... so either they were all RM's or random DC's. I was in my chair, none of my homework from the previous week done. Nor was my 5 day science experiment done. I considered begging teachers for makeup work or for them to at least tell me what I was missing. Ms. Meyers(?) recognized me for my attendence- in front of the class. Also, I remember a girl who looked really lonely. I tought her to kiss (My dream self is pretty daring.) and I remember saying things like, "Slow down... slow down..." and "You can dry your lips a little too..." She bore resemblence to Kendra, but had features of Alex too. This girl was nothing more than the spirit of innocence.
    8. [X]

      by , 08-31-2012 at 06:56 PM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Thursday, August 17th, 2012]
      No recall today. Just faint dream "fragments" and "residue" that have faded from me.
      side notes
    9. Running in Eva's Underwear, Spiraling Stairs, Boss Battle, Katara Changing Water Colors (SDE Day 17)

      by , 08-31-2012 at 06:40 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Running in Eva's Underwear (Non-lucid)


      I'm watching Naked Snake from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (no, he's not actually naked..), and he's wearing a weird outfit. To me, he looks like he's wearing outfits that Eva would wear. He has two of his eyes still intact, compared to how he lost one in the game during the Interrogation (Volgin's horrible away of actually doing one).

      I know that I'm mentally controlling him now because when I wanted to see what he wore, he turned around and stopped, and I used a camera to get better details on what he's wearing. He's wearing green military jacket like Eva would wear, or it could be the suit he wore after he gets the title of Big Boss. He has swamp-ish green pants as well, or maybe just a faded brown pants color. His chest was exposed, and then I looked down to see he's wearing some kind of weird looking fabric.

      It's black, and it's reflecting some white light, so it could either be some latex, a black trash bag, or Eva's black underwear. I'm going to go with the third option.

      Here's a horribly drawn sketch of how it looked like to me, I just didn't want to forget it
      Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Naked Snake Wearing Underwear.jpg 
Views:	56 
Size:	17.2 KB 
ID:	3636

      He's walking around in an area reminiscent to the first level of the video game, except, there are a few fancy black gates contained on a small base of brown bricks, which means he's probably going to infiltrate some kind of building. It was like being in the jungle, a Russian jungle.....if that's where the imaginary level was set up in the actual game.

      I continue to control Big Boss, and I see someone passed out, and apparently, it's THE BOSS that looks like she's passed out. Someone tells me that it's me apparently, and I can control the breathing of her, or someone who resembles her. I actually breath in and out for a few times, and then the moment I take a deep breath and stop, "Zzzzzz" signs come out of The Boss' mouth.

      Lol, the amount of Mindfucks in this dream is OVER 9,000!!!!!!!

      After walking around, I forget what happens next.

      Running on Spiraling Stairs (Non-lucid)


      I remember walking up some stairs going in a spiral formation in a building where there's a lot of guards. I'm assuming everyone probably knows I'm there, but they just don't know my exact location as yet. I believe I'm helping someone in the process, since I recall giving out words of advice on certain enemies, more specifically the Guards from Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory who have Thermal Vision Goggles.

      I an't remember who it was that I was helping out with, but I do remember them wearing a bright vanilla outfit, like a complete suit, light blue/white dress shirt underneath, and vanilla long pants. One the sides of the stairs, seems to be red fabric material, probably even carpet material, the walls themselves looked weird. The spiraling wall was a solid light brown brick wall, or something similar to it.

      As I'm going up the stairs with whoever it is that's following me, in a few seconds, I already see a guard with Thermal Vision Goggles. It takes him 1-2 seconds to notice me, but I quickly ran back down and started to jump around everywhere out of fear. As I'm going down and down the long and spiraling stairs, I eventually reach the bottom to meet some elderly Asian man, with mostly black hair intact in the middle of some soldiers in green military outfits.

      The environment is a lot brighter than upstairs.

      They were all lined up parallel to him, and I think they're armed. I look at how they're just conveniently placed for my panicking, and even though I should've been shocked, there was just no point in standing there and possibly getting myself shot. Fuck this, I jump over the soldiers before they even have a chance to come after me. HA SCREW YOU ALL.

      I open the dark gray metal double doors quickly, and I get a small loading screen for the next part of the environment. Finally I'm outside, and HOLY.............there's quite a few Thermal Vision Guards that noticed that I came out. There was some kind of command that I was trying to do, but because there's so many damn soldiers coming after my ass, it's hard to do the two-button combo move.

      It involved pressing the "Z" button, which means it's probably a GameCube controller, and then some button on the directional pad, which was on the right instead of the left. OH, it was the GameCube command to pull up your weapons menu in Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, and somehow that whole aspect came into this dream.

      I'm pretty sure I had the option for a machine gun, but again, try being going into a building and the outside where there's more soldiers than you can handle, and the only way to even have a shred of hope is to just run run run runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!

      I quickly turn back to prepare to open the large gray double doors again, even though I would probably be back in the same situation with the Asian man and that soldiers around him again.

      After the loading screen is done, I can't remember anything else, though I could tell I was close to seeing if the soldiers would still be inside there.

      Boss Battle (Non-lucid)


      I was at some city, and a huge entity crushes a part of a wide road and makes it elevate, and I go on top of it, and there's weird flesh material that looks like a huge tongue on the bottom of the torn road.

      I saw that there were electrical surges on forming around the tongue, and the tongue itself was white and transparent slime around it. I can't tell who the enemy is, but they're holding a really freaking big sword, and he wastes no time lifting the sword up, and as he's doing that, I see a trail of the pink-violet color of it, like a light saber, except it's in a form of a sword.

      Then he slams the sword down, and I easily dodge it since it takes like 5-6 seconds for him to bring it down in the first place.

      Forgot what I did next.

      Changing Water Colors


      I remember looking at random people in your typical supermarket. There were two people trying to attack each other, but Gaara from Shippuden stops them with his sand.

      Then the dream shifts and I think I'm Katara from ATLA, and I have a cut off block of ice, and the moment I put my hands in them, or when she does, the top changes colors. She then starts making small but very sharp circular slices of ice and shoots them randomly.


      Updated 08-31-2012 at 07:02 PM by 47756

    10. [Turtle Chase]

      by , 08-31-2012 at 06:25 PM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Wednesday, August 16th, 2012]

      My dream recall is horrible... But I remember being in the middle of a small indoor lake. There was someone chasing after me, so I tried getting into a convenient turtle-driven boat. My companions and I were instantly turned into turtles ourselves. We hid behind the boat, and swam away slowly, so we weren't noticed. We gained quite a bit of distance before the pursuer (who now appeared as a turtle/humanoid entity) spotted us and began chase again. The room began to fill with white light the closer he got, until the dream ended.
    11. My First Dream Journal

      by , 08-31-2012 at 05:12 PM
      I don't know why but I was in the school that I no longer go to (I am moving up because I'm too old for it now).
      My favroute teacher (Miss F) was following me and goes something like 'Maddie I'm worried about you, your arms have got worse' When she took my arm, it had cuts all over it. Like the last time my self harm was bad. I told her I was sorry that I'd cut, and she hugged me for some reson we were in my back garden.
      for some reson the next part I rember I'm in the school hall and were getting given our 'end of the month prize' and I am elected for 'team work' I go and accsept my prize. the five people who had one along with me went into a Pink Limo to a advenchur corse I think We did actually have end of the month prizes but they would be things like a box of chocolates ect. all the rest I can remeber is sitting in the limo
      some how its me and mrs f in my front garden and I've missed going in the limo even though minutes before in the dream I was in it. for some reson Mrs F ihas chainged appareance and she is verry old and short with short hair this is not right because she is quite young with Black hair she walks back round to my back garden still not looking right
      this is all I can remember.
    12. Finally!!! First Lucid 20 15 minutes long!! :D

      by , 08-31-2012 at 05:06 PM
      I finally did it. I unitentionaly did a WBTB and a DIELD that resulted in a long ass vived as hell lucid (: I forgot how I got to where it started but my friends grandma was giving me some clothes that she bought me when out of nowhere I realized that I was dreaming. I remember doing a RC but I'm not sure when. I mighthave had a false awakening, did the RC then and forgot i was lucid until later. I'm not sure, but then I spinted off down the hallway jumped off the staircase and did a flip down to the bottom (this is my own ohuse btw). I'm shooting across rooms and I make it to my backdoor. By this time the dream is just becoming more lucid. I open the back door and say to myself," Here I go, time to fly." I'm a little tempted because it's dark outside but I go out anyway. I start to sprint as fast as a can and jump right over the back gate. At first i start to fall but i remind myself i'm dreaming and start to lift off again. Insted of the golf course being in my backyard it's a medivel warfield going on. I swoop down and grap on of the troops with one of my hands and smack everyone else around me with it. I have no idea why xD then I drop him and somehow end up back at my house. At this point the lucid wen't away for a second because I was taking out the trash (which I would never make myself do lol) but a saw my family out by the car except my mom and sister were these weird alien things that kinda looked like that Jar Jar guy from Star Wars? and my dad was a giant. This just futher made me believe that I was dreaming(: so I what should I do now? First thing that comes to my mind was to head over to the hot neighbor's house and maybe get lucky so for some reason I try and give my mom and excuse to go over there and she says' she'll come with. and so will the rest of the family -___- So i'm walking over there with them and it's very bright out now. In fact it's more vived then ever. I say the word "contrast" and things become more detailed in color. Then I say "brightness" and everything got even more vived xD the rest of the dream wasn't very exciting. It was me sitting at the house while everyone else was in the pool. It took me about a minute or so before the lucid fadded away and someone tried to poke. at the exact moment i woke up aha. It was a really cool expeirnece. definitely look forward to more lucids!
    13. How I Met Your Mother In My House, and Being Asked Out

      by , 08-31-2012 at 04:59 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was in my kitchen, and an episode of "How I Met Your Mother" was going on in my house, though the only two characters involved were Barney and Lily. I was somehow involved too.

      The plot was weird, it was like Barney thought Lily was going to sleep with him or something, and something about him thinking I was going to sleep with him, I don't know, I can't quite recall. We were in my room, and Barney and Lily were arguing about something, probably Lily sleeping with him.

      Then, we were in the kitchen, and around the same thing was going on. I was somehow involved, but I'm not sure how anymore.

      I was then upstairs, on the couch in the bonus room, cleaning my pipe. So much resin was coming out, it was disgusting. There was tons of it, way more than any pipe or really any kind of smoking apparatus could hold, and it was all formed into these big, stinky, sticky balls. I then started pulling it out of my mouth; there was so much of it, it was really just nasty. There ended up being so much of it, I had a giant trash bag full of it, PLUS a mostly clear tupperwear container with some in it.

      I was trying to get all this done without my mom noticing. I went downstairs, and noticed there was resin all over my fuzzy black and white socks, like in big sticky rings around them. I was trying to get it all off, but it was like bubblegum and stretching and sticking to me. I finally got it off of me somehow, before anyone really noticed. I could smell its nasty smell on myself.

      I then remember my mom yelling for me from my room. She seemed angry. We were moving, and I guess she found or noticed something.
      "Hold on!" I yelled back, exasperatedly.

      I was then hauling the trash bag and the tupperwear container downstairs and to the garage. I was going to throw it out; I don't need this nasty mess.

      I set it down in the garage, which is where Lily and Barney were now located. My dresser was down there too. Lily pulled my pipe out of the dresser. I don't remember really what she said about it. I think the "episode" of How I Met Your Mother that was going on in my house was concluding. I still had a part in it, and I think it had to do with me sleeping with Barney, but I cannot remember.

      I then remember walking past my room and seeing it being very empty. The window looked bigger for some reason. I think my mom was over by the window. She didn't say anything.

      Then, I was in another room, a cluttered bedroom, in another house. A guy I went to high school and college with, David, was there. He was always kind of a quiet, quirky kid. Anyway, I was cleaning some things up off the floor with my back turned to David, and he asked me
      "Krista? Would you like to go on a date to Chuck-E-Bitch's, I mean Chuck-E-Cheese's, on Saturday?"
      He was a little flustered from the mistake he made, but I giggled a little because I thought it was adorable. I then remembered seeing one of his Facebook updates that said "I'm going to ask a girl out", or something of that nature.
      I don't remember what I said immediately, but I was debating it in my head. I didn't see a reason not to go, simply because he's a very nice guy and deserved a chance, but I kept thinking I had something to do on Saturday, though I couldn't remember what.

      I then had to leave the room for a minute, I don't know why, but I said to David,
      "I'll be right back, David."
      I was smiling, and still trying to think of what I had to do on Saturday.

      I don't think I ever actually saw David's face, just his legs and his torso.

      I didn't even watch How I Met Your Mother last night before bed, and I dreamed about it. Sigh. I watch too much Netflix.

      Updated 08-31-2012 at 05:04 PM by 32059

    14. Trying to remember to be lucid in dream - Getting hit by Van on bike - and some more...

      by , 08-31-2012 at 04:45 PM
      non-lucid commentary

      Went to bed tonight with a strong voice saying I'd be lucid

      Woke up. Had in my mind a list of things that I had to do. It was like I was trying to remember in my dream that I was supposed to do reality checks in my dream. It wasn't quite a dream though. It was more of a fixed idea that was posted onto my mind's eye

      2:45 AM
      Went to my old house in SP. It also had the feel of a place I work at. Two people that I'm familiar with were there. I considered staying and watching t.v. in the living room. Eventually I went to bed. My family was there in the morning. I woke up late. There were feet of snow on the ground surprisingly.

      Later I was in N.B. It was like a party atmosphere. A mixture between New Brunswick, Seaside, and some market. The bars were advertising specials. A guy told me to give him my bike in a joking way. Everyone was friendly. I wanted to see my friend MC again. In the dream there was a schedule that I was supposed to follow. It was a sleep schedule. There was only a small time frame devoted to REM sleep which disappointing me.

      5:55 AM
      I'm at the library watching t.v. when JL's band starts performing which surprises me because I was at the show that is being televised. The t.v. disappears and I am at the show. The band is really stoned. They are smoking bowls out of their mic stands.

      A girl from work is in bed with another girl. They are getting high.

      I see some dough in the refrigerator and I want to make some myself.

      6:45 Am

      A guy from my work breaks his arm and comes in to my office. I tell him to sit down but down put the chair beneath his butt and he falls down. The bone is sticking out of his arm. I try to call 911 but I can't figure out how to work my phone and I keep ending up calling the wrong person. I keep calling 811 instead. Trying to call 911 in a dream but not getting through is definitely another dream sign and it appears later as well.

      Later I am walking down George Street. I am at a crosswalk when I witness a girl ride her bike thoughtlessly into the street and get hit by a van. I go to help her. The van doesn't leave immediately but still nobody comes out. The crash causes traffic but nobody else is coming out to help. Nobody on the street at starbucks is coming to help either. It is just me. The people in traffic are beeping. I wait with her and try to calm her. I want to move her from the road but she can't move. I assume that somebody is calling 911 but we wait for a while and nobody comes. Finally, some of her friends arrive to comfort her and to help with her recovery. I try to call 911. I get through but the male operator doesn't believe my story. By the way, the girl is beautiful. I demand to speak to another operator. It is a woman. She doesn't believe me either. I go to some other friend and tell her to call 911 because they don't believe me. As she's calling, we're holding each other. The operator believes this girl. Afterwards, I go to starbucks.
    15. Fight with friend's father, Fight with friend

      by , 08-31-2012 at 04:07 PM (Exterminate)
      I remember having two dreams, one transitioning into the second, but I forgot most of what happened

      Fight with friend's father

      I saw some secret government thing I shouldn't have, and then I had some guy come after me, he had a device that if I remember right, was a time machine, but I do not remember. There was a lot of chase scenes, adventure, etc, but alas, it is forgotten. At some point I remember there being a nice, big house, and a butler. The house was where my friend lived, and her dad turned out to be the big villain of the dream. The butler had some issue with the way things were run, and decided it would be best if he left, rather than things change. I remember the fights, etc, ending as I got out of the area, and what I hoped to find there, was not there, I got pissed off that we ran away, to this spot, and whatever it was that should have been there was gone. As I walk through where it should have been, I feel that the ground is mushy so I look down, a root from the tree wraps around my leg, heals me, then the dream transitions.

      Fight with friend

      So I had 2-3 friends with me trying to help defeat this guy who I think had greater evils then just trying to kill me, and one of them was someone I play minecraft with. I have about 5 accounts on minecraft, and I guess I did this last dream under an alias of one of those minecraft accounts, and my friend didn't believe I was who I said I was. She checked my twitter(I don't even have one), and I guess the alias I was on had said a few things during the day, and she checked my main which had almost nothing on it. I told her something like "I never talk on my main, you know that." And she agreed that she does the same, but I got woken up like right after..

      Sorry if that was a bit confusing, I forgot so much of the first dream, I know there was much more to it.