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    1. Flying over the Stark Expo

      by , 09-30-2010 at 06:54 PM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I decided against completing my goals yet again, and have some fun. I'd watched Iron Man 2 the night before this dream, so the content of this dream was obviously from day residue. Flying is probably the most amazing thing I've ever done in a lucid, and this might just be the best session I've had doing it.

      I was by myself at the Stark Expo, which was like a big outdoor amusement park. However, in the dream, it was located indoors, in some massive convention center with impossibly high ceilings. The ground was flat concrete or something, which was difficult to discern because it was rather dark (but there were lights overhanging the areas that people were walking. I was standing next to a long, rectangular fountain. There were five or six circular fountains positioned inside the rectangle-shaped one, and all of them were simultaneously spouting water in random intervals.

      I remember seeing a ferris wheel across the fountain and wanting to ride on it, but decided against it because I heard it was very unstable and could tip over. After the contemplation, I saw someone running towards me. The closer he got, the lighter and more visible he became; the man got within ten feet of me before I realized it was Tony Stark, one of my favourite superhero characters. Since he's played by Robert Downy Jr. in the movies, that was how he looked in the dream.

      He was wearing jeans with a small rip in one knee, and a fitted dark green t-shirt. "Hey," he said, bending over slightly and catching his breath. I didn't hear him exhaling, even though I should have because of how fast he had run towards me. "What are we doing now?"

      "I think you should get back at that guy for attacking you here last week." Then I remembered, "right, he's dead." And that's when I became lucid. "...Oh my god, am I dreaming?" I asked myself, and did the nose plug reality check to confirm. "Yes!" I shouted.

      I assumed flight position and took off with my invisible armor, shooting straight up towards the ceiling. The ceiling disappeared sometime during this, revealing the night sky. I felt the acceleration and slight vibrations like actual flight would entail, as well as a slight gravitational/g-force pressure as I went higher and higher. I heard what sounded like a small rocket behind me and at that moment, I assumed that Tony Stark was following me. Until now I was heading straight up, but then I leveled out so I was parallel to the earth. It felt like I was ten thousand feet above the ground, and below me I could see the Expo, along with a few other cities. I was getting a bit excited and, fearing I'd wake up, I decided to turn and fly towards the ground. It only took a few seconds to get close to the ground of the Stark Expo again, and when I was a mere thirty or so feet away, I pulled back and positioned myself upright. I slowly drifted down onto the ground like I was a feather.

      I have no idea where Tony went, because I didn't see him anywhere after I landed. I felt like I was on the verge of waking up, so I rubbed my hands and kneeled down on the ground, rubbing the concrete with my hands. It was a bit smooth for concrete, but since it was divided into large squares, I caught my fingernails in the cracks to create more tactile simulation.

      The dream ended abruptly as my alarm clock rang. 6:35.

      Updated 05-17-2023 at 12:49 AM by 28408

      Tags: expo, flying, iron, man, stark, tony
    2. September 30, 2010

      by , 09-30-2010 at 06:07 PM (Requiem's DJ)
      Water Square (non-lucid)

      I am an older man with a wife. We live in a glass house at the bottom of the ocean. One room is filled with water and reflects the contents of the room to create wild art. We enter this room dressed in astronaut suits and talk with walkies. It is my job to send waves through the room, and time it correctly so another wave of increased intensity begins as the other ends. The third wave is too powerful and knocks my wife unconscious but eventually she talks through the walkie..."haha...I am joking...I am fine".

      We exit the house and a scene change. I am driving with D and we go and pick up some pizza.


      1. I do come dream drugz outside of a pharmacy and I am able to run really fast and teleport to my house.

      2. I am riding a bike and a cop hits me. It turns out he is crooked and both of us are involved in some kind of deal at a church.
      Tags: art, drugz, pizza, police
    3. Neighbor's House Lucid

      by , 09-30-2010 at 05:11 PM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      Shit, it's been weeks since I last posted... I should get back on the train, and nothing better to do so with than a lucid.

      The man in the house neighboring my childhood home has passed away. The dream goes into a sort of news-style overview of his life, complete with interviews from people who had known him in the past. He's apparently been a recluse for the past several years, his only intercourse with the world a mail slot through which he got movies, books, and food. The dream then cuts back to first-person as I start to explore his house. I enter his library, stacked floor to ceiling with books. As I look around, I notice that the titles on the spines are different every time I look at a particular shelf. I pass this reality check!

      I start to walk around the house, leaving the library, and I enter into the hallway from my own house. I think about what I'd like to do, and decide I should try some dream combat. I try to turn-summon an awesome sword from the closet in the hallway, but for all I try nothing appears in my hands. I then decide I should do something before I lose lucidity, so I jump down the stairs and start to fly. I pass like a ghost through the wall, then pull up sharply in a breathless rise. It's nighttime, and the moon is huge and full. It illuminates a towering cloud that looks like the Grim Reaper! I get a couple of swoops and whirls in before I wake up.
    4. My first night recording my dreams...

      by , 09-30-2010 at 04:38 PM
      I recorded my first dream in the early morning when I woke up at about three. It wasn't anything special from what I remembered, but I am still proud of myself for actually doing it. I was in a classroom of sorts, sitting next to someone I know/knew well that i couldn't identify. My fourth grade teacher was at the front of the room in front of a podium, she was trying to explain something, but no one would listen. A girl I went to high school with, who was sitting diagonally from me chimed in and said, "we have to listen so she can describe to us our different layers!" My dream self then thought about what a teachers pet she is. And that was it.

      My next dream, I was in my shower and my boyfriend was in the bathroom as well, standing in front of the mirror. I noticed we had a garbage disposal in the shower drain so I tried to shove a rag down it. It started smoking and it came out f the shower head, I was frantically trying to fix it before my boyfriend noticed... and that was when I woke.
    5. The Night Into September 30th 2010

      by , 09-30-2010 at 03:14 PM
      1st Dream: I was looking outside at the foggy misty rain that blanketed everything. It was so dark, and the mist was so fine yet it was coming down like rain. In the distance there was lightning bolts constantly flashing.
      I thought that I wouldn't be working in such conditions and went to my cousin's house (who I also work with) to see if he agreed. When I got there, he was gettin g ready to go and I said that it was too dangerous. He mentioned something about the 'bolt pings' and that they'd be set up IF it got too dangerous. I argued that it already was. He seemed to think that I just wanted to stay home in-line with my lazy nature but I DID think it was dangerous. I thought "I mean, all the air is saturated with humidity and there are massive lightning bolts going through it." After I woke up I pondered the dream.

      2nd Dream: I was at my house (which wasn't my house at all, but it was some in-fill two-storey, but in the DREAM it was my house) and was going to be baby-sitting my little cousin who is 10. Her parents came with her to tell me the particulars etc. and they brought some movies. They asked me when I was planning to watch my movies (as I often do) and I said about 7. So it was decided that my cousin's bedtime would be 7. So they convinced me to watch some movies with my cousin before she went to bed and let me pick out of the ones that they had rented. There were two Tim Allen movies (aside from the Toy Story trilogy which they also brough) but I don't remember what they were, and two Tom Hanks movies, I think. I was thinking how I hadn't seen a particular Tim Allen movie in a long time, when they brought out the Indiana Jones Trilogy. So I decided on that. They commented that I "just like anything with Harrison Ford in it" which is often true, I thought, but not always. So I told my cousin to pick which one she wanted to see, not including the Temple of Doom, and I revealed that I had them on Blu-ray so we'd watch them like that, to the surprise of everyone.
      Then my mom revealed that she and my brother were going to play a game based on Toy Story 3 and for some reason I wanted to play it, but 'knew' that I couldn't unless I had seen toy story 3 already, which I wasn't too keen on doing.

      When I woke up I decided to see if I could get any deals on Indiana Jones Blu-Rays.
    6. 29th / 30th September 2010- Onions and Pizza

      by , 09-30-2010 at 03:00 PM
      1) I am going to my local supermarket. I see one of my friends walking in the other direction surrounded by girls. I then pass another of my friends, who waves. We get to the supermarket and he is there. We agree to meet up at my house. When we get there, there is one of my brother's friends there. I get a slice of meat pizza from the tabletop and he asks if he can have one too. I say yes. I take another piece and wake up, hungry.

      2) I see the onion that I am growing on my windowsill. It is not green and healthy, but blue, and a little mouldy. The dream ends.

      3) I am taking a present to my old best friend (appears a lot in my dreams) and I hand it over without saying a word. I start to walk away, but when I get out into the road, the present (a notebook) is thrown back at me. I pick it back up and walk sadly off.

      4) (The next two dreams are probably paired, separated by an awakening) I am going to the dentist's. We park the car, but I spot a butterfly. It is white and I follow it. It flies up a huge wall (looking like an Aztec temple) and I begin to climb it. Another family come to join us. I climb for a little while more, but give up. I climb back down and go to the dentists. We sit in a circle, and listen to what he says. Apparently, he will do the treatment, one at a time. My friend and I go to the sea, by the forest. She gets in the sea, two steps, and then I notice it gets so much deeper, like in all of my dreams. "SARAH!!!!" It is too late. She is in the deep part, and I know what will happen, because it happened to me before. I grab her hand and haul her out, I slip a little and nearly fall in, but manage. Then I go to the dentist. He tells me to put this patch on. I don't really feel anything. Then I leave

      (this is where I suspect the awakening to be)

      5) I am trying to get off school. It's a bit patchy, because I can take time off whenever I want. I also have an evil ringtone. It starts to ring, "oh no! We've gotta turn it off!!!!" ect. The dream ends there.
    7. Bad morning

      by , 09-30-2010 at 02:55 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Didn't dream much last night... I got one fragment and one dream. Still something!

      8.45: Schweird School
      I'm in a shop of some sort. It's filled with fishing tools and different gadgets. I grab a folding rule and head for the cashier. The guy behind the counter is doing something on a computer. I glimpse what he's doing and I see that the CD in the computer is called something like: "Sexy" and he quickly shuts the window down. He takes the folding rule and tells me how much it is. Then gives me another choice. I can do him a favour instead of paying. I don't think it sounds like a good idea and tells him I just want to pay for it. After a minute or so we agree on a deal which was even worse. I now have to do something for him, but I don't really know what.

      The dream changes and I'm in a classroom. I have to go and get something from english class, and the people around me describe where the classroom is located. "You will never make it in time though" one of them tells me. I don't care and decide to run there. I leave the classroom and the school and I start running. The gravity is fucked up as always when I try to run, but after a few tries with different running "techniques" I get it right, and I'm running fast! I run towards the building where the english class is supposed to be, and I meet my friend Felix at the door. I see he's around ten years younger than he is now, and we talk for a while. "Omg this is the wrong place" I tell myself and I tell Felix I have to go. I now remember where the class is supposed to be! It's in the centre.

      I run into the centre and I meet an old classmate of mine. He's giving out free papers and I feel bad for him. We talk for a while and walk towards the entrance of my goal. Alot of people are pouring out and I push myself past them. The place is filled with tables and party things. There's beer on the table and I see my english teacher. We start talking in english and I rant on about something important... Suddenly she realises she can't speak in english anymore and laughs. I grab a Bacardi Breezer and starts drinking.

      13.30: Fragment
      * I'm watching a bunch of famous people's faces. They all morph and I recognise one of them as an old friend, which I point out to Monica.

      Amount of sleep: 10 hours

      Food before bed: Soup, 2 omega-3 pills, 50mg B6.

      9.00: Porridge, 2 omega-3 pills, 50mg B6.

      That's it! The WBTB at 8.45 went to shit. That's all I gotta say.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. 3 short dreams or dream fragments

      by , 09-30-2010 at 02:45 PM
      I was unsure if these were short dreams or dream fragments...nonlucid but decided to post anyways...

      Dream 1

      I was in a space with no distinct walls or ceiling. A bunch of people I knew were standing around pretending to be conjoined twins by wearing large shorts. One of my recurring DC's was looking around for someone to get with but nobody wanted to be with him. Dream memory ends...

      Dream 2

      All I remember is one of my friends walking down a dirt road. Also there is a vague memory of a car from a previous dream.

      Dream 3

      Longest and most clear. I swear I saw Matt Smith, the 11th doctor from Doctor Who. Then I was with a bunch of people, getting autographs from some guy who was apparently a stunt double or stand-in for David Tennant when he was the 10th doctor. I heard his name but I don't remember it. I was standing around and he asked me if i had gotten an autograph. I said no and he gave me a white piece of paper which probably had his signature on it - as well as my own. Strangely I remember the individual letters of my name being clear and readable. Then the memory seems of skip and I find myself talking to the guy; he seemed very upset. I said something along the lines of "Only in jest, how did it feel being a stunt double for David Tennant?" He responded in a hurt and sarcastic voice: "Oh yes, in jest..." and I remember him going into a trailer door. I also remember looking down at his shoes. They weren't David Tennant's shoes, they were some kind of indistinct brown smudgy shoes. His coat was a different color too.
    9. Good Child

      by , 09-30-2010 at 01:49 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Woke up abruptly, but I remember having some kid sit in my lap. She really liked me, and wanted me to go to her Christmas play that was going on Friday at five. I looked at her really hard and said "In the morning!". And she said "uh-huh". I asked her the location, and she said it was a church I've never heard of. Reluctantly I told her I'd try to make it, and I tried calling someone to see if they could give me directions.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. idk

      by , 09-30-2010 at 01:40 PM
      i dont remember this dream really i just no that at one point i was at a cabin in the woods and at another point someone was trying to scare me in order to gain some sort of reward maybe itl come back to me through out the day and i can update this
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    11. Guitar playing LD

      by , 09-30-2010 at 12:13 PM
      I'm in sort of a control room with some large glass windows for walls, knowing that I'm dreaming. I'm telling to myeslf a few times "remember that you're dreaming", but I don't do any RCs or things to stabilize. The whole dream seems a bit shaky and unstable, but it's quite vivid.
      I go out from the control room, and I'm now in the living room in my family's cabin. My friend E, a massive body builder type, comes towards me.
      - "You gotta come back to the party", he says.
      - "No, I don't", I reply. "You see, this is just a dream."
      He looks at me with the normal empty stare my DCs tend to get when I tell them it's all just a dream. I take a step closer to him and slap him in the face. I slap him pretty hard, but I can't feel all that much in my hand.
      - "See? If this wasn't a dream, that would really hurt". He nods slowly, but still with the empty look on his face.

      I find out I want to try and play guitar in an LD, so I turn around and there is my favourite acoustic in its case. I take it out of the case and start playing, while still walking around a bit. First I look at the fretboard and play something reasonably normal, but I then pick up speed. A lot. At one point I stop looking at the fretboard and myself playing, and it's more like walking around and listening to Tommy Emmanuel play, but the song is really cool (wish I could remember it!). I decide to go outdoors to fly to another place, but here the dream starts fading away to black
      , and I wake up. I try to DEILD into another dream, but I come to the conclusion I'm too awake and it's too late in the morning, so I open my eyes.

      All in all not that great an LD, both in content and lucidity. However, as long as I don't drink or smoke or anything, I now seem able to have an LD every night with a WBTB
    12. My Italian Castle

      by , 09-30-2010 at 08:06 AM
      There is a castle in Umbria, Italy which I want to buy its about $10 million anyways I left my body and went there in my dream and I met a former Countess of the castle who was angry with me and told me that I needed to leave. I left immediately...this was the second time I experienced separation from my body and my spirit without the use of a drug.
    13. papermaking.

      by , 09-30-2010 at 05:50 AM (a teahouse inside my head.)
      Dream 1: Paper Party
      I was at a big party thrown by someone at my school. I went upstairs in their house and began making paper. Then I went home and tried to make paper wirelessly... I found a way to make paper using my wireless router but it was malfunctioning and there were only two inch pieces.
      There was a lot more detail but I can't explain it and it would be boring.

      I was a fashion designer trying to design a good collection.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. DMT Teaching

      by , 09-30-2010 at 05:33 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      September 29

      Synopsis: I teach about DMT, I have no idea why! Later, I dream of artists who must create art, or die

      DMT Teaching
      I'm in a strange school created and consisted of only students. That's right, there are no teachers. Were just a bunch of weird adults who got together and set this building aside for classes. Then we just collectively decide what we want to learn about, and someone within the group magically volounteers to teach it.

      Well, we set up a DMT class, complete with scientific diagrams. It was time for class to start! The room gets quiet. . . . Still quiet. Very quiet, it's awkward now. We stare at each other waiting for someone to say or do something. Okay, enough of this, I'll teach this class since everyone else is too afraid to do so! I take the students and lead them through the diagrams. There were lots of questions and concerns about DMT.

      I tried to answer these concerns explaining that DMT is natural and released by the body. But then I doubted myself and thought.....why am I teaching this class!! I don't even do drugs!! I woke up after flipping out.

      Zombie Artists

      I watched a film about these artists. Except, I was really watching myself interact with the artists in the film, transforming the film into a first perspective dream. One female artist looked like a goth, dark, tattered clothing. Thick black make up, spiky hair. Suddenly she turns around and I think she's about to throw up, because I see something oozing out of her face.

      But when she turns back to face me, black oil was pouring out of her cheeks and her eyes. She explains, she has to continue making the art she makes, or else - she'll become so ill with oil she won't even be human anymore.

      After watching the movie me and my friend sit on the couch talking about, how weird and deep it was.

      I woke up after that

      Updated 09-30-2010 at 05:40 AM by 6004

      Tags: dmt, oil, school, teacher
    15. 9/29/10 Some dogs and a shootout?

      by , 09-30-2010 at 05:00 AM
      I don't remember a lot. I just remember an ending to a dream. At least I think it was the ending.

      I was in this resteraunt (it switched from that and a small building with some chairs back and forth) and there was this lady interviewing another woman about her dog. (apparently it was special or something) I heard barking and looked through the window I was next to, and there was this little dog barking at me, and it dragged this big golden lab over a little by it's leg. I immediately jumped through the window (there wasn't any glass) and checked the dog. It was really injured, I concluded it must've been hit by a train because there were train tracks a few feet from where I was. I called for help, and looked up and the lady being interviewed was there, she looked sad after seeing the hurt dog. And then I saw this other woman, standing on top of the hill we were on (it was a very gentle slope, hardly a hill) and she had a small handgun pointing right at me. I immediately reacted and pulled out 2 44.'s (type of handgun, you know the revolver kind from westerns, but smaller) one on her, and another on the hurt dog. Apparently the dog was beyond saving, but she didn't want us to kill it. (to put it out of it's pain of course) And I tried to negotiate, telling her how it would end the dog's pain etc. etc. but she wouldn't listen. Eventually she shot at the other lady next to me (why not me, the one with the guns?) but it only made a green muzzle flash and a shooting noise. She tried shooting about 7 more times, when I yelled "HA! They're blanks!" jumped up from my knees next to the dog and shot her 2-3 times. And then a cop came and got her. (late much?)

      I don't remember anything after that.

      I've realized that my dreams are becoming more and more violent lately..
      Tags: shooting, trains
      non-lucid , dream fragment