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    1. Short Lucid with DCs

      by , 06-11-2017 at 11:49 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I've been meditating haphazardly and documenting my RCs in a small notebook. The time I do them; and what things I check for, but I haven't really had my heart in lucid dreaming lately. Though last night when I have a dream that's both lucid and that doesn't really have any elements that I feel don't belong in a public space.

      I recall the dream starting in a location in a forest; lots of tall trees. There was a bunker like building right in front of me built into a hillside. It somewhat reminded me of the sheild generator base on Endor from SW-ROtJ. In fact I think I saw some dream characters wearing stormtrooper costumes. I became semi lucid, I believe through a nose pinch and I recall having my small RC documenting notebook in my hand.

      I remember thinking to myself that now that I was lucid I should take off and fly, but a voice inside my head said that I couldn't because I wasn't sure that I was lucid yet. I told the voice in my head that I was lucid and that I would prove it; opening my RC notebook and showing it the successful RC. I had checked my phone for the time and it had read 11:62, checked it agian and it had read 11:622 and I had written that down. But the voice in my head said that I was making it up. I got mad and said that I would prove it. I reached into hyperspace and got a pair of large scissors and said that I would stab myself and not die. I stabbed the scissors into my solar plexus and didn't feel anything. I pulled them out and there was no blood but a square hole and my insides didn't seem to have any organs; I just looked like I was made of Bologna. I asked the voice if it still thought I was awake and I got no answer.

      Probably not a smart RC for beginners; or anyone for that matter to use.

      Now that I was fully lucid and didn't have a portion of myself talking me down I decided I would fly around. I flew above the bunker structure and didn't get far until I saw a bunch of DCs. It looked like they were shooting the star wars movie and despite being lucid I didn't want to interrupt and fly into their movie. I remember one of the dream characters said something about how the actors playing villains and actors playing heroes had to role play, even when off set to stay in character. Then another dream character told me something about cutting down trees and carving them into sculptures with a chainsaw and showed me a large wooden statue of a cat.

      I decided I wanted to see my persistent dream characters and turned around to see them right behind me. (Manei and Marcus, though Marcus had appeared as the little robot orb once more.) I said hello to them. I remember when Marcus spoke he sounded like Jarvis from the Iron Man movies. Manei showed me her new tablet and someone drew an animated cartoon of her where she was trying to tie down her hair but the strap would always break and her hair would poof out and be really long and messy again.

      I remember saying something along the lines of not having any plans to get lucid so it was for the two of them to decide what to do. Marcus said that he had some things he wanted to say.

      "My time spent living inside this little ball [instead of a human body] has given me a new perspective on humans. You are very strange creatures; like ants scurrying around building sand hills and fighting for crumbs of a cracker. You make up gods that give you purpose and cause the contrived things you refuse to understand because you wasted all your lifetimes from the first cavemen to today looking down at the sand and rocks and you never bother looking up at the rest of the world to see how big it is."

      The dream scene changed to an abandoned harbor. There were rusty boats half sunk and partially collapsed warehouses with trees and vines growing on them. It was dusk/dawn and there were some seagulls flying around. Marcus said something about the Buddha telling 11 lies in his lifetime and each one of them represented something and Manei said that he was wrong and there were more lies. I was trying to remember the quote Marcus had said and wanted the dream to end.


      The dream carried on for awhile. At one point I was at a video arcade/casino in Niagara Falls. Manei and I were playing games trying to win enough tickets to get a blue plastic spaceship. The only prizes you could win at the arcade were little plastic ships. There were white ones, pink ones and yellow ones but the blue ones were the best because they were the rarest and glowed in the dark.


      Marcus has always had a somewhat dim/depressed view of humanity now that I think about it.

      Updated 06-12-2017 at 12:28 AM by 53527

    2. Fragments left

      by , 06-11-2017 at 06:46 PM
      A martial arts group was seeking me. They said they would teach me
      parallel bars if I started a martial arts school with them, and that I would feel
      an experience people felt like when/after they die. I wanted to
      learn parallel bars. In the dream it felt like a cult and I was afraid.

      In a different dream I was doing gymnastics and eating dark chocolate.
      I can't remember if I could taste the chocolate but I think I did a little
      bit, not the same as in real life.

      All else slipped away. Hoping to write my dreams down tomorrow morning. want to
      get back into my dream journal and get a lucid dream. Really wish the dream progressed
      to the parallel bars so I could experience them at least in a dream.
    3. Hell is in an Uproar

      by , 06-11-2017 at 04:40 PM (The Secret Life of Demons)

      In an office building, looking around. Actually, feeling a bit lost and uncertain of what I'm looking for. While here I see my mom in one of the offices. I wait in the hallway for her to come out and pretend to appear surprised when she calls my name. I turn around and we chat for a moment about nothing specific. I can feel that she's happy to see me... I'm less pleased to see her. I love her and think she's great. It's just unfortunate she's working in Hell and it's this aspect that saddens me. They treat her decently and it's a mutually beneficial arrangement, it's just unfortunate. She has to get back to work so I tell her I'm just running errands and I'll see her later.


      I'm still in Hell, but now I'm pushing a cart with a few supplies in it. I need to take it somewhere. A man is escorting me; I'm rather fond of him for no particular reason. He seems warm. We arrive at an elevator and I'm hesitant to ride with the other riders. They are surrounded by darkness and I can't tell where the darkness is originating from; whether it's the elevator itself, an individual inside the elevator, or the collective within the elevator. I know enough to hesitate, and my escort informs me we'll take the next one. I exhale a sigh of relief. I didn't really want to explain my preference to wait, so I'm relieved he reads me exceptionally well.

      We wait, then I enter the empty elevator. My escort has vanished and I'm with two women. Once we enter, a secondary door forms. I walk through the elevator and start laughing. I'm on another level without having to go up or down, just around. The two women I'm with are confused, so I explain we're on the right level. They're still confused. They don't seem very adaptive to changing reality. I explore on my own.

      Starving Demons

      I'm observing a group of three women eating at an exclusive restaurant. Still in Hell. They are visibly disgruntled and I realize they've run out of money. They can't afford to eat more than an appetizer. A fourth woman arrives and I'm staring at her beige colored necklace around her neck, it's quite interesting--looks like a belt. The fourth woman offers to pay for their meal. The three women, as it turns out, had planned poorly resulting in their current unfortunate series of events. The fourth woman had prepared by being more than evil (though I still believe she's a demon, not all demons are created equal). The fourth woman had been kind to others, regardless of origin (she was nice to the non-demons), and as the world changed she was able to change with it. The other three had not been kind and now they are unable to sustain themselves (food source went away).


      I'm observing a pair of demons outside. One is normal and nice. The other demon is possessed by hatred. Understandable. The nice one is trying to convince the other one to abandon the hatred as it's consuming her and will eventually claim her life. The nice one retrieves what appears to be the child of the possessed demon. Makes sense as family bonds are a decent method to tame emotional hatred. This doesn't work and the possessed demon is on the verge of attacking its offspring. It's very unfortunate to see things have escalated to this degree. I'm considering stepping into the body of the possessed in order to pull it out of that state. It just needs a gentle tug--but I never get to see the outcome as it's time for me to wake.


      My dreams have always involved Hell being the winning political party. I've been a permanent resident of Hell, but I've also resided in lighter areas too. As I grew up I traveled vast distances and met many wonderful beings, all over. I came to understand that origin and residency don't necessarily make individuals good or bad. Individuals choose who they want to be. There are demons in Heaven, just as there are angels in Hell. It's a horrific race war, even on the spiritual planes. Now that Heaven has the upper hand due to recent events, the demons are struggling to adapt. Their food source has been severely diminished and their hunting methods and way of life must change or they will perish. I'm here to ensure the demons survive. Why? Because demons are spirits too. Life should be protected and everyone deserves the opportunity to live. Personally, I find it hilarious to see demons miserable. It's a nice change of pace.
    4. It's over , Anakin!

      by , 06-11-2017 at 04:27 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      I'm in a forest with my friend. Its fall in the dream, there are barely any leaf on the trees , its about afternoon.
      For some reason my rage overcomes me and now I want to kill him, I grab a stone and throw it in his direction, but it didnt get him. Then I chase him for a while, he climbs up on that hill full of trees. I follow him, I remember Star Wars, and the "high ground" so I continue to climb, once i got there, he starts to back up , but instead of following him , I climb up on that big branch that has fallen off and is on another tree. Then I screamed " It's over , Anakin! I have the high ground!" , then as an echo I hear the answer " You underestimate my power! " , I say " Don't try it" . Then at this point it all goes foggy and I dont remember what happened after wards.

      In a ltely fragment I remember fightning someone, then i became semi lucid, and tried to jump on the next level of that building where my enemy was . then i woke up.
    5. The Not-so-great Photographer

      by , 06-11-2017 at 12:11 PM
      Morning of June 11, 2017. Sunday.

      My wife Zsuzsanna and our children as we are now are at a carnival, though curiously, a group of people are in our house at one point (mostly in our lounge room) who are apparently waiting to enter another area. I do not see them as imposers and even consider how there are not that many people around. There is the typical ambiguity of the setting being an unlikely essence of indoors and outdoors at the same time, a common factor of my dreams since early childhood.

      A photographer is present in a few different scenes. He reminds me of Al, the Italian manager of a pawn shop in La Crosse, who I have not seen in nearly twenty-five years.

      Although some of the photographs he takes seem okay, many are very poorly done, often cutting off the person’s face below the nose. I have the strong impression that the photographs he takes that turn out well are the result of random coincidence.

      Zsuzsanna and I sit to the right of an unknown family. I sit to Zsuzsanna’s right. I assume the photographer is going to take a few good photographs of the scene. However, when I look at them later, I see that my face is only visible above the mouth and in one photograph, the one I look at the longest, both my eyes are closed. I show Zsuzsanna and relate my opinion of this photographer as not being very good. I notice in the last photograph, my right eye is closed and my left eye is open.

      The photographer is of course this dream’s personified preconscious. He is not really confrontational here as in many other dreams. The purpose of the personified preconscious is to initiate the waking transition and in some cases, as here, to give evidence that the dreamer is dreaming. The subliminal anticipation of the hypnopompic jerk is only one of several factors in this waking symbolism. The preconscious is more of a biological necessity, though not always personified (for example, is sometimes an animal, sometimes an event or feature of a setting, but always fairly obvious if one understands dreams). The nature of how the preconscious waking factor is rendered, and what character plays the role in a particular dream, sometimes seems completely random. However, looking more deeply, there is usually more than one layer.

      In this case, the photographer is played by a man who worked at a checkout. A checkout is a form of liminal space waking symbolism. (The analogy is that a person is done shopping and ready to return home as akin to leaving the dream state, or “checking out of the dream state”.) This type of hybrid characterization, though always unique, has occurred in thousands of my dreams, with the same waking symbolism and implications.

      It is not that common for me as my personified subconscious (temporary fictional dream self) to be The Sleeper. This element is typically projected as something else, even faulty technology. In the last photograph, one of my eyes is open, which is an emergent consciousness factor. (My mouth is not visible in the photographs as I cannot speak coherently while sleeping.) Zsuzsanna and I are oriented in my dream as we are in bed in reality (that is, she is to my left). There seem to be a few types of instinctual dreaming (non-lucid dream control). In addition to the state where the dreamer knows he is making the dream (and yet does not even remember or know what a dream is), there is the state as here, where the dreamer is more passive to events, yet where there is the subliminal knowledge of being asleep but not direct or creating viable lucidity. There is also a sort of halfway point when I am next to Zsuzsanna, my dream attaining real environmental orientation while still within the dream state (more common and sustained in my childhood dreams).

      Of course, a carnival symbolizes the dream state itself (that is, a place not relevant to the usual day-to-day reality, though my family had been to one recently).

      Updated 09-08-2019 at 04:51 PM by 1390

    6. An Impossible Taxi Ride

      by , 06-11-2017 at 09:49 AM
      Morning of June 11, 2017. Sunday.

      I am riding in the back of a taxi. The driver, a dark-haired male in his thirties, is unfamiliar. Zsuzsanna is with me. There also seems to be at least one unknown female present as a passenger. She makes unusual comments as we ride through a mostly unlit area, as if she is uncertain of the intention of the cab driver or where we are going. We go through an odd area between two exterior (presumably) walls in a more isolated part of the unknown city. The walls are irregular (more like rock faces) and seem to have recesses with unknown features, perhaps living creatures, but this never becomes clear.

      Several different times, the taxi goes up a staircase, similar to the one on Rose Street (but somehow never down one). I do not consider this unusual, even though we somehow are eventually outside and at ground level again, to later ride up another high flight of steps. The last staircase is slightly steeper than the previous but there is never any sense of fear or even wariness.

      Finally, we get out of the taxi on the second floor of an apartment building, apparently where the driver lives. This does not seem unusual to me. (In fact, my dream self had no backstory memory or any destination in mind at any point.) The driver walks over to an unusual “table” in his kitchen, but which looks more like the walls we saw earlier, and is actually like a large irregular rock (though flat on the top) in the shape of a rectangular prism. The driver exclaims “Oh!” (as if surprised by something unseen) and waves his hand, but there is nothing there. He mentions that a wasp had emerged earlier from the “table” and seems to think that this event is also transpiring presently (though it is not). I do not feel threatened or alarmed in any way and calmly mention to all the others that there is nothing there.

      In this dream, the preconscious shows me, several times, the “staircase as consciousness shift” factor (here, as implied waking symbolism). Still, there is no discernible change in the waking transition as such (though in contrast to going up, going down steps typically either vivifies my dream or triggers full lucidity). Even more oddly, he pretends the flight symbol (hypnopompic start precursor) is present in the last scene when I do not see it or feel the “return flight” mood at all. (Obviously, I still eventually wake.)

      It is a general rule that the preconscious becomes more dominant (even aggressive or uncommunicative) over time during a particular sleep cycle. Obviously, this is because waking up is a biological necessity. This did not seem so much like a glitch as a “practice run” inclusive of my usual waking symbolism over the last fifty years.

    7. boring dreams.

      by , 06-11-2017 at 03:45 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Weird dream where I'm walking around some warehouse party. I feel too uncomfortable to talk to anyone. I search the whole place but don't find anyone I recognize.

      Work stuff

      May have been an extension of the previous dream. It took place inside a huge Mcdonald's. C and M were there and I kept flying over them using gravity to get ahead of them. I wind up stealing a quarter pounder off the production line. I fly up somewhere to eat it LOL.

      Weird house

      Me and my brother are visiting some weird guy who has a strange layout to his house. There's a downstairs part where it's a gigantic maze and he has hidden treasures in various places. Me and my brother explore it for a bit. We wind up outside with the guy. He says he's christian but me and my brother scoff at that since his house was filled with occult books and orbs. He then starts praying in a weird language. Me and my brother just look at him weird.

      FA, Some people I don't recognize are in my room. A man is cleaning up after some girl who seems to be sick and he starts apologizing to me for her ruining my room. I later go to explore the house but I don't recognize what house I'm in.
    8. The Paper Will Show You The Way

      by , 06-10-2017 at 10:55 PM
      This dream was semi lucid and non lucid.I don't recall it all but the first thing I remember is being in a landscape with lots of nature. There someone was telling me something but I don't remember what.

      The next thing I remember is I was in a dark Circular area that had tunnels made out of metal connected to it. I was with two girls who seemed like they were witches in cute short dresses.There they handed me a paper folded and told me to read it so I could use its knowledge as a guide to find where I was meant to go. I said okay, left and walked through the narrow dark tunnels feeling uncertain and a bit scared. "I know they told me to read the paper but...I don't really trust them and I want to use something else. Maybe my feelings can show me the way?"I thought than walked through the dark narrow tunnels with a feeling that I would be shown the way. Suddenly the metal flooring began to show rectangles covered in pink light and a white outline of a heart in the middle. I noticed a pattern and followed it till I found another circular area that seemed like it had pink energy in the middle. I quickly flew around it and noticed I was in a huge locker room.
      Someone showed me to a locker that was mine and I pulled out a bag filled with groceries. Another person than took the milk I had while joking about something I said than left. I suddenly heard a little girl crying there and ran to her thinking I was their babysitter. She told me her brother, who looked like he was 5, had pushed her. I tried telling the boy that he should treat his sister kindly but I felt my heart palpitate and thought It was probably stress, so I took the time to calm myself more.

      After that the dream shifted and I was in a small narrow hall that was supposedly the room. My dad was in the room next to the hall and my friend was in the other room. I saw a mouse hole covered in something you fill boxes with and than moved a little back. When a hamster came out I tried keeping it away but than it made a cute meow and I felt bad. I wanted to give it a better home but could do nothing about it since it was wild. Once again the dream shifts and I'm watching a faint scene of a important soldier in blue decorated armor being buried. A man than speaks about how the girl next to the grave put a note in his coffin so that no one could ever read it but him or something like that. Woke up after that.

    9. Cubic Prophecy

      by , 06-10-2017 at 05:09 PM

      A squall of storm clouds. A formation of large, metal cubes comes streaking across the sky, toward me and to my left by about 30 degrees. Altitude: perhaps 1000 feet. They are dun-coloured and look like shipping containers oriented the tall way, with proportions of approximately 1:2:3. They moan or hum as they streak overhead, followed by conventional jet aircraft. The cubes and jets are cooperating and not hostile to each other. Perhaps they are all man-made.

      I become lucid. "It's a dream!" I cry. "Clarity, now!" I demand. But the dream does not increase in clarity. Nevertheless, I continue in lucidity by repeatedly reminding myself of my conscious state ("It's a dream, it's a dream.") I attempt to realize some dream goals I've been planning, but to no avail.

      Someone tells me that the scene playing out overhead is of a prophetic nature.

      I turn to look behind me where the ufos went. Red and blue searchlights rake the clouds in the distance. The red lights are lasers; I can see red dots dancing among the clouds. The searchlights are looking for alien ufo invaders.

      Updated 09-16-2017 at 01:46 PM by 92227

      Tags: lucid, ufo
    10. Excuse Me, Officer

      by , 06-10-2017 at 04:51 PM
      [I had this dream < 2 weeks ago.]


      I dreamt I was in the living room of my childhood home. It was an overcast day.
      Prehistoric, Ice Age creatures were walking on the sidewalks outside a large window
      (day residue from a book I’m reading). A police officer was in the room with me. I
      described the animals to him, speculating that one shaggy, tawny species resembled a
      cross between a lion and a marsupial. The strangeness of this analysis led me to
      consider my conscious state and triggered lucidity. I immediately recalled an experimental
      task I have been planning and set to work constructing a square in dreamspace.

      Since the cop was standing in the room, I chose to place him in the centre of my square.
      Starting with a “westward” first segment and facing the cop, I floated my body to the left.
      I felt my dangling feet lightly scrape the floor, and found it difficult to maintain altitude.

      On the second segment (“northward”), I chose to remain facing “north” (i.e., I did not
      rotate my body). I felt resistance to my motion in space—a common experience in many
      of my non-lucid dreams when I have attempted to walk or fly purposefully. The sensation
      was similar to that felt when walking through a moving train car, or down the aisle of an
      airliner in a turbulent flight (i.e., trying to overcome or resist inertia). I also noticed that I
      had not provided sufficient space to make the second segment the same length as the
      first: the wall was too close, so I had to cut the second segment short.

      For the third segment (translating my body “eastward”), I maintained my “northern”
      orientation as before. As I floated, I found to my dismay that the cop was going to be in
      the way. When approaching him I glanced over my right shoulder at his face; he was
      watching my experiment with a puzzled expression. I decided—this being a dream—
      simply to move my body through his without stopping or navigating around him. (I have
      made use of this ghostlike ability before in non-lucid dreams when attempting to evade
      or escape law-enforcement or other authority figures whose presence I found

      Unfortunately, as I slid my shoulder effortlessly through the confused officer’s chest—
      and as I watched the look of helpless consternation on his face—I found myself waking
      up. The scene blackened as I slowly slipped out of dream state. As I am relatively
      inexperienced, I do not know if this is the “sparkling void” lucid dreamers refer to—it
      may have simply been the darkness of my bedroom as I awoke—but there did seem to be
      something sparkly about it in a sense.
      Tags: lucid
    11. Sad Cell and Entertaining Exchanges

      by , 06-10-2017 at 04:40 PM (The Secret Life of Demons)
      Cell Fragment of Sad Place (nl)

      I'm viewing an odd-shaped hairless humanoid figure sitting in a cell. It is sad. A man is with it and he's concerned about her wellbeing. Few thoughts in my head: is that me? why is it sad? what happened to cause this? was she locked up? am I being emotionally distant or is this really someone who is not me?

      Some moments later after intense and focused staring I conclude that the person is not me, that it was locked up and now it's not, and that likely the person only feels trapped and the cell is a creation of its mind to demonstrate internal emotions. There is some sadness from me for it; imagine being free but not feeling free, that must suck. That is worth feeling sad about.

      Neither seems to notice me and I don't want to interrupt their exchange so I slip out, seemingly unnoticed.

      Bed Play (ld)

      I'm in some room that I don't recognize. Rectangular, nothing noteworthy. I'm trying to make it a comfortable environment to sleep, but there's no curtains, too large an entry point, it's just ... not conducive to my sleeping preferences. A bed appears I lay on it to sleep. A man appears from nowhere and belly flops on me. He laughs. He's definitely not a threat, but his goofiness is almost contagious and I need to stop this emotion before it gets out of hand. After shoving him off, he flops on me; more laughter....and the comforter is blocking my annoyed facial expression and I don't say anything because I don't talk a lot. I send him thought-daggers instead because somehow that makes more sense to me. He's still trying to wrestle so I manifest a secondary bed and head in that direction, but the dream shifts instead.

      Woman (DawnEye?) (ld)

      I'm with a woman I've never seen before, but she's adorable. We're at the mall, I think, and she wants to shop for shoes. I'm not doing anything in dreaming and I guess the bed wrestling wasn't worth managing, so--shoe shopping it is. I try on some shoes while she and I chat about stupid stuff. It's not really stupid stuff, it's important to her to communicate and talk and this sort of talk is easy. She reminds me of a younger sister; a simple and enjoyable relationship where the only pressure is to hang out and laugh.

      I put a pair of platform shoes on--they're surprisingly comfortable. She approves but isn't excited. I don't even think she's shopping for shoes as she's just sitting beside me watching me put on pairs, haha. This is HER dream, she wants to dream of being in a shoe store but has no interest in trying shoes on. How weird is that? I'm not shopping for shoes either, but if we're going to be in a shoe store, I can't escape putting shoes on my feet. I take off the platform pair then reach for a pair she's sitting in front of. A colorful butterfly sequin pair. They're quite beautiful, but not as shoes. I point to them as I raise my eyebrows at her, clearly asking for her opinion on the pair. She giggles and I can tell she's trying to be polite by not saying they're hideous. Her concealment is hilarious and eventually, she leaves.

      There's a small fragment with her where I think we're also looking at keyrings but I can't remember what we were saying about them. Basically, I think she was moving the conversation into an interesting direction as she was holding a couple of keyrings. I don't remember if the dilemma was about the keyrings themselves or if they reminded her of something. We chatted a bit about it though. She was pleasant; an easy person to talk with.
    12. Dream - The TAFE Bully & Holidaying In Miami

      by , 06-10-2017 at 12:53 PM
      Date of Dream: SAT 10 JUN - 2017

      Dream No. 130 - Separated Sections

      Dream 130 A - The TAFE Bully
      I was in TAFE but weirdly, I found out that BrB from primary school was also in this class. When I was in the main foyer of Building W, >> Sensitivity warning, for men especially, read at your own risk: it was then that I noticed I was on my period. Then there came BrB, he picked up some sanitary pads off the floor that were all bloodied, rolled them up... And threw them at me!! << Now earlier on, I remember that BrB had asked to sit next to NN in the class, so the arrangement was JC, me, BrB, NN. But then I entered the classroom and saw that no one was sitting next to NN, BrB wasn't even in the room. I had the idea summed up in my head that NN didn't allow him to sit there... NN already that there was something suspicious up with BrB.

      I then went to look through the window of the classroom and saw BrB in another room. He was sticking his head out the window and calling names at me. Apparently BrB was now in our classroom again and our teacher KHa mentioned that there was a test at 11:05. All of sudden, BrB's phone is heard ringing and so we call keep quiet to let him take the call. On the other side of the line was an authority member of the TAFE. She was asking BrB questions about the “First Aid” course he was doing but she said that they were kicking him out due to his bad behaviour. When the call was ended, I just knew that NN was the one behind everything. That's all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream 130 B - Holidaying In Miami
      I don't remember where I was exactly but I do remember the exact outfit I was wearing. It was a long blue cardigan with a yellow singlet and really short shorts. The place I was in had a mixture of shops and restaurants but didn't look like any shopping complex in the real world. After a while, the place started to get really crowded, which overwhelmed me, so much so that people were even talking at me but they weren't talking to me... It was like they were talking over me to try and talk to someone else on the other side of me. So I decided I had to leave but I did take two people out of there with me, one was a stranger African man that I don't know and the lady might have been his wife.

      My mum was waiting outside the building and I had explain to her who these two people were with me, despite the fact that she looked angry and suspicious about these people. I kept reiterating to her that they were my friends. It took me a few attempts to get her to settle down but she eventually did. I was then walking around the town by myself for a while, that looked nothing like the places in America but was supposedly called Miami anyway. I then recalled that Logan and Chilly from SML were next door in the town of Pensacola. I came up a lake with a strange red sign that said “Pensa” in white writing... I knew this was short for Pensacola. This didn't insinuate that Logan and Chilly were living at the bottom of a lake, did it? I don't remember anything else in regards to this dream.

      Updated 01-01-2018 at 06:35 AM by 93119

    13. 6/10/2017

      by , 06-10-2017 at 10:33 AM (BloodSand's Dream Journal)
      I'm up the street slightly from my house, stepping out from a moving van with my wireless headset on I see two neighbors who don't exist in real life. One is a middle aged woman, and the other is her daughter of about 10 years old. Judging from where I believe my signal strength to the headset will reach I must have a computer in the van. There are several post in their yard and I wonder what they could be for. I walk up to investigate and I wonder if these previously unknown neighbors will attempt to chat, but instead the woman launches a single attack that I assume was a punch since I didn't actually see the attack. I'm staggered for a moment but more annoyed than anything especially since the attack didn't hurt in the slightest. I decide to get my revenge in the form of completely ignoring her instead of leaving or even launching a counter attack. I state out loud to the friends on the other side of the headset that the post are almost 3 foot tall. She summons a medium sized animal that I have forgotten what it was, likely a dog,to attack me. I send it running away after one punch to the head when it lunges at me. She then summons a squirrel. The squirrel jumps around quite randomly. It's always jumping a different height and slightly to the left or right as it does so. I'm sure it's looking for an opening to attack. I notice that this squirrel actually appears like it's nearly break dancing and I hear Mc Hammer's song Hammertime. I'm very careful not to turn my back on it, I take this squirrel much more seriously than the woman or her dog. I attempt to hit the squirrel but it's nearly useless since I can't seem to predict it's movements. I land a glancing blow that almost no power was transferred to since he was falling back to the ground at nearly the same speed as my punch. He curls up into a ball and bounces once in the air, this was my chance to attack, but the whole situation has me so off balance I miss my chance to attack while he's open.
    14. The L-Shaped Bed?

      by , 06-10-2017 at 09:28 AM
      Morning of June 10, 2017. Saturday.

      This is just a typical first-level dream sign dream of the type I have had continuously all my life, although I only document them when there are unique features. As I have explained before (though it is a no-brainer if one actually understands dreams and how the human mind works), the rendering is based on threads of real-time but subliminal conscious self awareness within sleep. (The number of threads of conscious self identity vary greatly from dream to dream, which is why “interpretation”, as in relating to the current conscious self, is not really feasible.)

      In my dream, I am in an unfamiliar location. There are a number of unknown people around who I do not perceive as imposers. Curiously, we are all on an oversized L-shaped bed, which goes around the internal corner of a wall (that is, of an inward ninety-degree angle). There are at least two windows, one on the side I am on and the other around the turn. I am also aware of a few family members.

      A television is on on the opposite side of the room but I do not pay that much attention to it. I want to keep the window on my side open. It is a bit difficult as the piece that is meant to hold it up (at about the halfway point) is somewhat flimsy. Someone else (unknown), around the corner and on the perpendicular part of the large bed, hands me a gold metal rod (which I thank him for), which I think was a horizontal piece from the other window (which I think may have come from the top of the lower sash). It is about two and a half feet long. One part of it on one end (perhaps attached to it) loosely resembles a very long barrel bolt lock. I am able to place it vertically within the window’s left side to hold up the lower sash at the level of the upper sash.

      After this, I do something to a headphone cord that is apparently plugged into the television. I pull it closer to where I can comfortably put on my headphones (not getting off the bed at any point). I soon hear the television sound through the headphones, although it also seems to be coming out into the room (which is not possible unless the relevant Y-cable is used).

      This last part loosely comes from a recent real-life event. The speakers on our new television stopped working and I had to jury-rig a cord from the headphone socket into amplified multimedia speakers. (Our new DVD player appears to have no tuner so I guess technology is still moving backwards, as usual.)

      Over the last several years, I have learned a little more about the specific elements of “behavior” concerning preconscious factors, especially the personified preconscious. After closely studying tens of thousands of dreams all my life, it appears, quite obviously, that the nature of the preconscious in this case is non-aggressive or confrontational as I am “already in bed” and additionally “already near the open window”. (A window symbolizes, in real time, either the threads to the conscious self status, or another level of consciousness. In holding the window up with a piece given to me by a personified preconscious persona, I am willingly, though subliminally, entering the waking transition without the need for the preconscious to create aggressive or confrontational waking symbolism). Additionally, hearing the television through my headphones symbolizes, in real time, my approach to the waking event horizon, as a television sometimes represents (in real time) the dreamer’s external environment (though it depends on the dream type and time frame of the dream).

      Additionally, the L-shaped bed is probably an unusual visual form to make the clear distinction between the fictional dream self (and its typically false memories and false identity) and the emergent consciousness (which is far more like the current whole conscious self identity). As such, it is likely analogous to the intersection feature in some dream types.

    15. Crazy

      by , 06-10-2017 at 02:44 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      There's no way I can remember all the details of this. I spent most of the REM period having False awakenings in a large white room. This is undoubtedly a remote viewer/templar attack. I was intercepted on the way to check on Bjork and heal her if need be. At least that was my plan falling asleep.

      In the dreams I'm with a large creepy bald guy. Half of the dreams have another woman in them, L from work. I remember she was present during the last attack in my inner world where I told her it was a dream during a lucid and I witnessed her do a hand reality check. In some of them I am watching her pretending to be tortured. In some she is trying to ask me questions about why I am there, but I am unable to speak. The man does everything from cutting off limbs to rape and no I'm not going to specify to whom. There seems to be around 50 to 100 Fa's in total. After so many it is impossible to keep track of them all.

      I eventually wind up in a school field during a festival of some sort. I find L there and ask her if she remembers anything about being held captive by the man. She told me not to worry about it, nothing happened. I protest and say that I saw her being tortured how can she deny that and not even appear shaken up or angry. She doesn't say anything but looks at me like I'm completely insane. At the end I figure she must be a co conspirator.


      I'm watching TV with asuka, about a space traveling arrogant hero archetype dude. In the early episodes he has a giant ship that crashes into an ice mountain every time it tries to take off. In later episodes he gets a more smaller ship that is easier to navigate.

      Another movie

      Dream of watching a comedy movie with Asuka. It's a war comedy with 90's Jim Carrey, and other comedy actors. It reminds me of Tropic Thunder but more slapstick.