My vision normalizes as my naked feet gently touch down in the sand. I'm on a beach.
I am somewhat blinded by the reflection of the sun on the near white ground.
It is very hot; I can clearly feel the pressure of the heat on my skin.
There's a lot of noise. People running into the ocean. Kids playing ball.
Music coming from god knows where. People seem to be partying.
All in all it feels rather uncomfortable. It isn't the heat or the noise though.
I'm not in a good mood. I don't feel like being surrounded with joy right now. It just doesn't feel right.
Now where's that fucking bird... yes... of course. At a bar talking to some girls.
Where else would he be?

He's a rather interesting creature. You don't meet many talking birds, and this one definitely has an attitude.
This one is pitch black with a single red feather in his tail, which I think he dyed that color.
It looks kinda cool actually, but he is a little full of himself. He also talks a lot.
As I approach the bar the girls leave giggling. He probably told them one of his famous stories.
I sit on the bar stool closest to him.
"What the- Hyu!"
"The fuck are you doing here mate? Did you bring Yuya? Where is Yuya?"
"What is it with you? Always only interested in the girls."
"What is it with you always calling me Crow?"
"You remind me of a talking bird going by that name."
"Uhuh? And who would that be? Are you making fun of me?"
"Crow helped save the worlds of Stark and Arcadia dear friend. He's a hero."
But that's not why I'm calling you Crow.
"Stark and Arcadia? I've never heard of such worlds."
"They're- worlds in another realm."
Or rather in a video game, but I feel like leaving out that detail.
"So, what brings you here? I've never seen you around here."
I pick up his drink because it is rather curious looking.
Further inspecion reveals that whatever it is, it has a rather acrid smell to it.
I put it back down.
"I'm looking for you actually."
His eyes widen.
"Who- me?!"
"Yes, you. I'd like to ask you for a favor."
He looks a bit confused... or... at least I think he does. It is rather difficult to read the facial expressions of a bird.
"I need to locate an aura."
"You humble me. I am fairly skilled at tracking auras, but I highly doubt that I could find someone that you cannot."
"You see, the problem is not that I am unable to do the tracking myself. The issue is that I'm quite unfortunately being tracked myself, so I do not wish to reveal myself."
"Hyu- are you in trouble?"
"You have no idea friend."
"Wait. Seriously?"
"It's pretty bad, can you help me out?"
"Yes! Of course!"
"There's a catch."
"I- I'm not entire sure what it is I'm looking for. I'll have to see what you see."
"You want to use the dragon eyes on me..."
"Shit- bugger- fuck-"
"You okay?"
"Yes, yes. Follow me. I know a quiet spot."
He knows what's coming for him. I must have used the eyes on him in the past... I think?
I follow Crow into some sort of small tent.
He lands on a pedestral and I kneel down in front of im to get our eyes leveled.
"Are you ready?"
"No! Of course I'm not ready you moron."
"Go ahead. Just please- try not to kill me."
"Any danger is entirely up to you."
"Yes yes. Don't resist. I know, I know. Let's just get this over with."
It is fairly safe to use the dragon eyes on someone as long as they do not resist.
Clearly the sharing of minds is not what the ability is intended for though.
It is a rather intrusive ability, and it goes against your basic instincts not to resist against it.
I stare into his pitch black eyes. He seems fairly relaxed which is good. This shouldn't hurt him.
I force myself into his mind using the dragon eyes. My vision fades.
The first thing I feel is fear and discomfort.
I can't blame him for that. It must be immensely uncomfortable to have someone intrude your mind like this.
Fortunately I feel no resistance from him at all. His self-control is rather commendable.
"You're doing well crow."
A new scene appears.

A shared hallucination caused by the usage of the dragon eyes.
"This place gives me the creeps."
"Well. There ain't no girls in bikinis dancing about."
"No shit."
Well then. Time to see if that feeling is merely a delusion or if there is actually something behind it.
"Alright. Reach out as far as you're comfortable with. I'll try to guide your search."
I attempt to visualize whatever presence Crow feels as points of lights in front of me.
To my surprise, the only image that pops up is that of two rather largely breasted girls wearing bikinis.
The girls he was talking to at the bar earlier...
"Crow... focus!"
"But dear friend. I'd say that I am rather focused. Are you not impressed by how clear this memory is?"
"Dude... seriously?"
"The image... so clear and crisp... mmmmh."
"... This is really not the time for-"
"Boobs? There's always time for boobies!"
"Pervert? You morbid cunt!"
"A morbid what now?"
"You heard me. Lousy, moronic fuckwit."
*Sigh* That bird likes to curse.
"I'm waiting for an apology!"
This is the point where I'm supposed to call him an incompetent and imbecilic waste of natural selection.
"Sorry... I'm really not in the mood for this."
"You... I..."
"Are you done? I really need to figure this out."
"Well... yes... sorry..."
I think he finally understands that this is serious.
I'm not blaming him for not taking me serious immediately though.
It's not like I'm known as a serious person. I like messing about. But today is different.
After a surprisingly short amount of time, Crow manages to focus on something that matches what I'm looking for.
I underestimated him. This was quite fast, especially considering the nature of what I'm searching for.
"Eeehm. The fuck is this? This is not a person?"
"Also where is this? This doesn't feel like a proper location. Something's off. Did I do it wrong?"
"Hmm... I'm not entirely sure where this is, or what it is that you have found. But I'm fairly certain that you have found exactly what I'm looking for."
This is very odd indeed. I know exactly what he means when he says that something's off. Something doesn't feel quite right, but I am uncertain as to why.
I can focus on any point close to the location, but not the very location itself.
It should also not have been possible to find anything using merely a vague feeling as a guide.
"Crow. I'm going there right now."
"That doesn't seem safe. Do you have any idea what to expect? I mean, you're not even sure what you're looking for."
"I'm tagging along."
"Huh? Why is that?"
After releasing Crow from my eyes, I have him sit on my shoulder and teleport the both of us to some point in close proximity to the location we've found...