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    1. A Dream Within a Dream

      by , 04-21-2015 at 03:08 AM (Exploring My Mind)
      The dream I remembered this past morning was awfully strange! It was a literal dream within a dream situation. Basically, I had a dream, then woke up from the dream into another non-lucid dream, and then finally waking up in reality. Here's how it went.
      I was in the Bates Motel house with my girlfriend and we were witnessing the final events of one of the latest episodes play out in front of us. We watched it all non-phased, as if we had seen it before, but we were enjoying it nonetheless. (I won't go into the details of what happened just in case some of you watch that show and don't want to be spoiled).
      Suddenly, I woke up from that situation. It seems it was a dream! I was in the parking lot of my girlfriend's workplace, having just dropped her off, but instead of heading to MY workplace, I had parked my car in the parking lot and fallen asleep. I checked my phone's clock...I WAS AN HOUR LATE!! Panic filled me as I quickly started my car and drove off towards my workplace.

      And then, I woke up from THAT, only this time I was in my bed and in real life. I should've done a reality check in case of a false awakening, but I was too groggy and weirded out by the double dream to even remember to. Not a whole bunch recalled in either dream, but the situation of waking from one dream to another was interesting.
    2. "Pulling Sensation"

      by , 05-11-2014 at 11:50 AM
      I have multiple False Awakenings and Lucid dreams all of the time.. One weird thing that happens during any type of False Awakenings that I have is:

      I will realize that I am dreaming in the dream, and I will tell myself to wake up.. Then, if I try hard enough to wake up, I feel this pulling sensation.. It's almost like my soul is being ripped out of my body.. That's the best way that I can explain it... Usually, when I feel that crazy sensation, I wake up..

      I either wake up into another dream, or I will wake up for real.. It's nuts.. I read somewhere that someone else has experienced the "pulling sensation." Nobody that I know personally has experienced something like that.. I was glad to read online today that I'm not the only one, and not crazy. Lol. In fact, I think that I read about that person's experience on here, but I can't find it again...
    3. 1/30/14 - Are we awake?

      by , 01-31-2014 at 09:51 AM
      I woke up lying in a room that I'd never been in before but I knew it was mine. I stay lying down as my eyes wander around the room. Someone shifts next to me so I turn my head to look at them. Stiles looks back at me and smiles. He grabs my hand and squeezes it tightly. "Are we awake", he asks. I cannot answer him.
    4. has anyone else experienced something like this?

      by , 03-19-2013 at 08:41 PM
      I usually don't remember much about my dreams. However sometimes I will have dreamtime experiences that follow me into waking time - one a few years ago where I was in the woods watching a fire ceremony of sorts with this wild music, and as I woke up I could still hear the music. Another one I had what can only be described as electricity coursing through me and I was paralyzed but fully awake while trying to fall back to sleep. In that one I also had the face of a man/lion present itself and move to the crazy beating of my heart. That one I was totally awake for. This morning I reached a point in a dream where I sat down on the floor against a wall in a white room and gave some sort of permission for some sort of energy to merge with mine. I could feel the pressure from it - it was immense - and I remember thinking "I can still breathe so it is still OK". Then it became so intense I woke up from it and still felt it in what I believe was a totally conscious state. I didn't try to move until it left. I could feel it leave - Pressure left my torso first, and the feeling was similar to having a limb fall asleep in my lower legs, ankles and feet. It left more slowly there. Has anyone else had this happen? In my dream I allowed it, I welcomed it, I didn't fear it. But I have no idea why or what it was.
    5. I woke up! Thanks to my hands...

      by , 11-03-2012 at 03:16 PM
      I woke up! Thanks to my hands...

      In my dream I was in a (my) bedroom and thought to ask myself if I was dreaming. I'd actually done this just before sleeping....

      Since my last DJ, I read a suggestion to try looking at my hands and wow i did and wow they looked strange! ....so then I knew it was a dream!

      Straight away, I summoned my boyfriend to be there and he was but then I must have forgotten that it was a dream and succumbed to my usual 'shadows'....

      Need to cross check with a more general reality check - I think there was a tv in the room....
      Tags: awake
    6. Alien Encounters, False Awakening and general LC experience

      by , 09-11-2012 at 09:27 AM
      So this is my first post to my Dream Journal.

      I have many dreams each night, all of which I remember. Sometimes its LC, but haven’t quite gotten to the point of developing skills for exploring it. But each dream always leaves quite an impression on me.

      Last day I went to bed around 11, after taking some ZMA. This drug helps me restore muscle tissue better after intense workout which I did yesterday, also its known for causing vivid dreams. Also had a tool for android that register REM state through motion, and is making me aware during sleep.

      Found myself drifting in and out through different states of dream places during the first 1-2 hours during night. Like almost awake and yet deeply emerged into the dream plane. During this time I had all sorts of dream scenes that I experienced such as; Dystopia society – dark and batman like with akira (comic book) sense to it. Fighting monsters and saving my family. Another dream im an aviator having insane air battles in a small room, became aware here for a short time and tried to control the environment. During these different dream scenes I would awake between each, but not in my bed, but simply awake someplace in another dream - where I would also lay someplace and listening to some music.. Notices that the playlist had small soundtracks to it.. Noticed some named aviation thing, another an apple (inventor) thing... Saw different ones, but kept falling in.. Didn’t quite remember all of the smaller dreams.

      There was a dream theme throughout the dreams though, the characters that were present to me, was part of my family and known people in different senses.. But they all seemed different - strange and kind of creepy. Kept having doubts and sort of got aware of my dream state through that notion.. But dreams just kept on going.. I then had a huge gap of forgotten dream, until a point were I am in my apartment with 8-10 family members. They all seemed strange and at that time I started to become more and more aware that I was dreaming, kept shouting at em' that I wanted the truth of who they were and that I was aware of them as being a dream character.

      Then suddenly the dream took quite a dramatic turn. The people gathered in a small group and said to each other that they had to take action or something similar. And the next thing that happens, they disappear and I hear the ground shaking. I run out to my porch and look out over the water to the other side of the lake. And saw a HUGE spaceship, more intense and unimaginable that ive ever seen in a movie, take off. leaving the other side of the city filled with smoke and debris. The water started rising and soon found the yard and roads filled with 2 meters of water.. Rescue teams were sent for us, and first of I refused to leave my animals and started to pack.
      Called my family which were in another part of the country, asking what is going on. I remember at that time that I took a picture of the spaceship, and send the picture to them. From this point on, I packed more.. neighbors came and we finally left my apartment, while the sky and surrounding were filled with water and a scary visual impressions..

      Then the alarm clock woke me up.. Took me quite some time to realize what had just happened.. still kinda confused right now.
    7. The dream that caused me to look for a site like this.

      by , 09-04-2012 at 06:15 AM
      I'm in a bar with two of my friends. Tim and Mike. We're playing ping pong for some reason. Drinking and ping pong are two things I do enjoy so this makes sense Tim tries to explain something to me and I try to respond to him as best I can as I'm leaving the bar but cannot find the words because I'm intoxicated. I mumble something incoherently and then realize that I have to be dreaming because Tim and Mike do not drink anymore and the only bar that ever had a ping pong table has been closed since I finished high school.

      I IMMEDIATELY hear a roar of noise and what sounds like rain and realize when I wake that it's my air conditioner making the noise. I was also able to make sounds and say words while I was in a conscious awakened state whilst still being unable to open my eyes. My girlfriend confirmed this as she was lying next to me the whole time.

    8. Wait, I WASN'T dreaming?!?

      by , 02-08-2012 at 12:58 AM
      Okay, so I had been helping tear down a Superchic[k] concert in a church in a nearby town that I've never been to before. (Because I had helped set up.)
      As the last things were being loaded into their trailed, I walked back into the the backstage area, which was designed to also function as a small gymnasium.
      I paused and thought for a moment...
      I am in a what?
      Big, empty room. [dreamsign]
      With what?
      A small number of people in the far corner. [dreamsign]
      And there is what outside?
      A trailer full of stuff.
      Which is?
      A sort of collection of things. [DREAMSIGN]
      And what just got over?
      A concert by a band that is probably a step up in popularity than this venue would be hosting.
      And you're helping them pack away their gear?
      Yes. (Hmm... that's weird)

      ...hey, what's that fifteen feet up the wall?
      It's a door- wait, A DOOR?!?!?
      Yes, it's a door.
      What the heck is a DOOR doing a foot from the ceiling? Wait-

      I promptly spent [roughly] the next 200 seconds performing up to two DOZEN reality checks, many of them multiple times.
      No dice.

      Whaaaaat??? All the criteria in the book have been fulfilled, I have GOT to be dreaming... right?

      Well. I guess not.
    9. First lucid dream

      by , 08-03-2011 at 11:49 AM
      I had a kindof lucid dream last night after hearing about them over the weekend.
      The reason I say 'kindof'm is because it didn't really feel like I was asleep. I opened my eyes from the dream at one point then closed them again, I was so close to being fully awake. It was like I was awake but when I usually close my eyes and think, I don't get pictures as vivid as this was. Anyway, I was in a very colourful room, like a primary school classroom perhaps, and there was a numberline along the wall. When I went back to my dream and realised I was dreaming, I started trying to make the numbers change. I don't remember what the numbers were originally but I remember changing a number to 2 and another to 9. I also remeber that when trying to change them, the numbers changed rapidily to a lot of different ones first untill they got to the ones I wanted. It felt like my eyes were open so for some reason I thought this would stop my dream so I closed them (in the dream) and this sadly made the dream go away and then I opened my eyes in r/l.
      So yeah that was a kindof lucid dream
    10. 29/06/2011 - Recall fail

      by , 06-29-2011 at 09:58 AM
      I remebered no dreams last night

      I slept from 10:00 - 2:00 & 4:00-7:00

      The milkman drove past at 3:59.
    11. Crazy Lucid Nap + FA! Sensations

      by , 06-20-2011 at 12:05 PM
      So I 'woke up' in the dream about 15 minutes after I went to sleep, I hardly felt SP besides a little spinning in the head which was weird. I had the lucid dream at first in my room which is very normal for me. I did like five different reality checks because I couldn't believe that I was in a lucid, they all came out positive of course. Yet, I still didn't believe I was in a full lucid so I tried to close my eyes again and get deeper which is where the craziness starts. I visualized a new scene which was my full upstairs and kitchen. In real life I was about to bring some alcohol to my friend Nate's house so I had it sitting on the counter. So in my dream I pictured the alcohol there also, and it worked I appeared in my kitchen and my mom had just got home. She asked me why I had her alcohol on the counter. At that point I had the weirdest feeling I ever had in a dream I felt like I was super, super drunk. I was passing out everywhere I went like I was too tired and drunk. I couldn't answer any questions and I knew it was a dream so I felt no need to. I stumbled over to a wrap around table and laid my head down while she was still talking to me. She grabbed my face and started lightly slapping me and say Derrick come on wake up... What should I make for dinner tonight? I couldn't even respond I was passing out but I was still fully lucid the dream was not fading.
      I then appeared in my bed again, with some crazy sensations. By third eye area was going crazy with tonsss of pressure my body was waving like I was smoking weed, I was hallucinating like I was on shrooms and I still had the drunk feeling all at the same time. I also felt SP hitting me while I was in the lucid don't know how that happened, but the waves were going through all of my body, and certain pressure points hurt really bad. I tried to stand up in this false awakening which at the time I thought was reality, I managed to stand up but then I fell STRAIGHT on my face directly on my nose. At that point I knew I was in a dream because I felt like I floated before I hit the ground so I wasn't hurt, but it was a complete loss of muscle control.

      Updated 06-22-2011 at 05:57 AM by 45781

      lucid , nightmare , false awakening , memorable
    12. Dead DC in my half-dream?

      by , 12-01-2010 at 02:25 AM
      November 18, 2010

      It is 11:49 PM

      -Just as a note this is one of those dreams where you kinda fall asleep then snap back awake.

      I'm driving down a local street in my town and I approach an hill going up. It is night time and there are leaves falling from the trees as it is autumn. As I'm passing over it I see a guy in the middle of the road dragging a dead guy across the street. This literally freaks me out so much that I wake up. I just had to write it down it was so unique of an experience.
    13. I throw a snowball to the Vampire Lord and blow up presents at Mount Crumpit

      by , 11-30-2010 at 05:02 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      I throw a snowball to the Vampire Lord and blow up presents at Mount Crumpit (MILD)


      I woke up from recalling fragments and I told my self I had to MILD and complete the task of the month to avoid being wingless. I tried to not focus on Astral Projection for one night, just to get my wings.
      I performed my Chest Technique, I focused on Who's Ville and in turning lucid until I fell asleep.

      I was in downtown and it was night. I was inside my car with another DC. For some reason, I jacket the car I was driving but I was still parked. A cop stopped behind me and ordered me to step away from my car.

      I turned on the engine and the cop gave me the last warning. I stepped on the gas and run the hell out of there. I felt it was funny as the cop was chasing me and we were making a lot of noise. The cop was shooting from his car and he blew up one tire from my car. I entered a very creepy neighbor with a lot of allies. I started to drive through them and crushed on one. I still could hear the cop car approaching so I entered a building. The cop did as well. I wanted to enter an apartment to bribe the cop. I tried to walk through the door without success. I walked to the end of the aisle and I found a dead end. I was afraid the cop would arrest me. I found a very old school elevator, so I entered it.

      The pannel looked huge for such a small building. It has most of the buttons from floor 1 to 10. It has some to floor one to 20, then it had one button to floor 96 and other one to 973. I pressed one button and the elevator started to go up making an odd noise.

      I somehow knew I was dreaming so I checked my hands. I had six fingers and I accepted that as reality, but I was not sure. I kept looking at my hands and my fingers changed to five, and then I had the thumb and two more fingers. The clarity of the dream increased and I started to focus, "As soon as this elevator opens, I will be at Who's ville." No luck. The elevator opened in a fancy floor. There was carpeting of all colors. There was violin based music and fresh flowers. The lighting was not intense at all. I looked at the carpets hoping there would be snow so I could throw a ball to someone. There were a ton of white carpets, some bigger, some smaller, some were pure white, some were more grayish, but no snow. My dream started to fade extremely fast. I somehow knew I was not going to save it. I need to fly to save it, however, I told to myself that I saved dreams in a worse situation and I was good about it. Imaginary was gone but I still felt my body in the dream. My eyes were closed and I tried to open them badly with success. I was back in the same hall.

      At the end of the hall, there was a big fancy bar. The tables were Sequoya wood, hand made and beautiful. There were a couple of DC at different tables. It appeared there were having a workshop of something. The bartender approached at me and offered a drink. I told him if he had some sort of iced-drink, snow drink or something. i tried to conjure snow without success so I asked him. He told me I could summon snow if I wanted to. I placed my hands on the table and I focused like if I was going to make a PSI-Ball. My hands were in the position like if I was holding a baseball.

      I started to fell my hands very cold and I had some short of half-melted ice on my hands. I grabbed it, threw it at the bartender and flew away from the window. I was not really happy, as I threw more ice than snow, but I felt it was half a success. I hopped to get to Who's Ville to do the task better.

      It was day now and the cops were gone. There was quite of traffic and my dream started to fade again. I performed same recovery than before with success. I did not want to do big efforts as I knew that my REM was about to expire and I was just prolonging the dream. I tried to catch a taxi. I had no cash, but who cares... I saw a few taxis that were full. I walked in the middle of a busy street and the light turned green. I recalled that someone a few months ago suggested to be ran by a car, but I passed as I did not do my December tasks yet.

      After a few failed attempts to catch a taxi, one stopped by me. It was a sports car (but on the outside it looked like a regular yellow cab) there were no back seats and the driving was sitting (almost laying) on the right middle of the car. I tried to open the door without success. I did it with more strength and I finally got in. I said, "Hi" to the taxi driver and, "I need to get to Who's Ville please!" The taxi driver looked at me like if I was nuts. I told him, "Just figure the way, I know you can get me there"

      We arrived to an odd place and my dream again wanted to end. I saved it with the same method. I was in a home with the taxi driver. He was in front of a TV with a PS3 controller. He told me, "This is the closer I can get you to Who's ville" I was somehow upset, but I recalled that the exercise was, "Steal all the presents in Who-ville and toss them off of Mount Crumpit" so if I did it on a "Who stole X-Mas" game, it would be fine. The taxi driver requested payment from me. I pulled something metallic from my pocket and hand it to him. It was more like a piece of junk. The taxi driver looked at me mad and said, "Real cash, please." I looked at him confused and he said, "All right then. That will be a donation! Have a good one!" He left and I grabbed the controller to complete my task. I could not find the video game's character.

      My dream again, tried to fade and did the same recovery ability with success. I was starting to get mad. The dream was too long and trying to end and I was not done. I felt a chill around my body and I realized I was inside the game. The ground was covered by snow and it was snowing. The place looked quite creepy, but at the same time, it looked very X-Mas. I knew I was in Who's Ville. I saw a Who's entering his house and it was very dark outside. I told to my self about how I was going to steal all the presents. I did not feel like entering home by home. I tried to make all the presents to come out the homes from the chimney. I soon started to see colored wrapped boxes... a tone of them, flying from the homes, to me. To make sure I had success, I hit the ground to break the houses. The houses broke and they were totally empty. Not even furniture, however, a few of them had Who's inside.

      I was wondering how the hell I was going to carry all the gifts. I suddenly saw a huge DC next to me. He wore a black cape and had a very mean look. He had claws and a black face. He had vampire teeth and red eyes. He took my stolen presents and flew away. He was very far in no time and I was upset. My dream again started to fade and I allowed it to end. Four out of five of my senses were gone, but I still felt the chill. I realized there was still chance to recover it. I felt double consciousness, as I felt my body in bed, but I focused really hard, it was a long dream and I had to end it with success.

      I was in a huge room on the top of a mountain. It was snowing hard and there was a dense fog. The vampire had the presents behind him and he was laughing. I approached at him but he attacked me. I avoided his attacks and saw a metallic barrel. I grabbed it and it had some sort of liquid inside. I rose it and aimed at the vampire. The vampire's face was black and metallic. He had a very mean look but I was not afraid as I was dreaming it. I approached more at him and he said, "Its fine. Do not throw that at him, get your stupid presents." The presents were piled up in a small cart and I was super happy. I was about to leave to grab the presents, however, I grabbed snow from the ground, made a ball and threw it at the Vampire's face. I was more happy as I felt that the first task was now properly done. Dream once more started to fade, I was very close to awakening, but I could stay in the dream. The clarity was not very good, and I did another RC to make sure I was grounded in the dream. The clarity increased a little.

      I was at the top of Mount Crumpit. I could see Who's Ville from there. It was funny because all the houses were all fine now and it did not look as creepy. The quality of the dream decreased and started to drop, so I just tossed the cart down the mountain. I was not sure if just tossing was fine or if I needed to destroy them. When the cart was going down, I made a fireball and blew up the presents to make sure I did not miss a thing.

      Now that I was done with both tasks I attempted to Astral Project from the lucid, but I knew I was going to fail as the dream quality now was minimum.

      Before I even attempted, I had a FA in my room. I could not see but I felt my wife and someone else was trying to wake me up. I could not move in bed, I could hear only my wife's voice. I woke up for real.

      Updated 12-05-2010 at 04:21 AM by 31830

      false awakening , memorable , lucid , task of the month
    14. New lucid dream.....Full control part 1

      by , 11-06-2010 at 02:01 PM
      Lucids in this color
      Info/whatever in this color
      Regular dreams/ non-lucid moments in thi color
      Full control prt.1
      So i was actually rocking out in a rock concert playing the guitar. (it was awesome) and i go down into the crowd when suddenly my guitar unplugs and every one else stops playing. Then someone I know from school wanted to sing so i was looking for something then i got out of the dream and had my eyes closed and i actually figured out right there i was dreaming and somehow forced my self back into the dream
      So i get back into the dream and start rocking out again. Later i jump off stage and see someone i actually know in real life so i tell him i'm dreaming and he just stands there and freaks

      Part 2 coming soon