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    1. Skittles

      by , 01-10-2012 at 02:34 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Goals: Went to sleep wanting to have some continuity with the demon slaying dream I had, or see Kaomea. I spent most of yesterday thinking about my dreaming life more than my waking.

      I remember being at some area and seeing BJ...it was the first time in forever. I don't think I've seen the guy since elementary, but we caught up briefly, and he was asking about what I was doing now a days and whens the last time I've seen x, y, and z. Then he asked me when was he going to get seen in the back.

      I told him if we skipped him our doctor would probably get fired, and our rules is to bump anyone with an emergency up before the non-emergent people....ugh...freaking ER dreams.

      I'm with D and we're at some warehouse...I remember walking barefoot all around this place. The area had water all over the ground and I was trying to avoid it. I don't know why I didn't have any shoes on, but there was a splattered rat on the ground that I wasn't sure if I stepped on or not. It also had tape worms in it.....ugh.

      Now we're at some store, and we need two huge bags of pineapples and one case of them. I have no idea what for. We take them, and I end up talking to some kids in the gaming section. There's this one game that's compatible with a remote control race care. And someone tells me there's a tournament that's going to be held there. I told them I might make it, and left. D was contemplating filling up his car with reserve fuel he had strapped underneath his car. I told him to go ahead, because the stuff that's out now at the moment is higher. The other D didn't want him to do it.

      I'm in a field...then I'm traveling around my block. I see some shrubs with onions growing on it. The people who live there have long moved out, but I tell myself not to grab them at the last second.

      I'm at my house with D and J...we're talking about ownership of a pool table. I tell them a false memory that this one girl who I dated left it there for me...so it was technically mine. We started playing this fighting game. One character had something about "rainbows" on her shirt, and she was supposed to be a grappler with easier moves. I know she had a suplex, and some move where she removed the entrails out of the character. But everything was looking real cartoony.
    2. 40th Shared Dreaming Attempt- BiscuitHappyz's Dream

      by , 12-11-2011 at 12:34 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      BiscuitHappyz's Dream

      Glad to see so many posts in the dream Journal again.

      Fragment one:

      It was daytime, and I seemed to be traveling on a highway, in a car either empty of full of people I didn't recognize. I was in the back. We, or I, was on a highway surrounded by pine trees. The light outside suggested that it was noon, I cant remember whether or not it was cloudy. I, or we, were driving under a suspension bridge, far to big for the highway. I remember thinking, 'I need to remember that there is an IOSDP attempt night tonight.' My subconscious comes up with the most obnoxious irony.

      Fragment two:

      I was dreaming that I was in Skyrim, nothing new there. I was in a completely white town, almost at the top of a mountain. If you have seen Skyrim, you could probably imagine what it looks like.

      It truthfully looked exactly like that, but with a different layout. The village was then attacked by the Shatterer form Guild Wars 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUVLclPDCBE). Geez, I'm a nerd.

      Anyway, I dealt with that, I can't remember many details, but I won.
      Then another lame-looking dragon I didn't recognize with grayish skin attacked the just the village chapel, so I went in, and somehow dealt with it. It may have flown off.

      Then I walked around the town and did some stuff, talking to people who didn't seem to notice two giant dragons attacking their town. Typical game AI, I suppose.
    3. Intense emotions

      by , 12-05-2011 at 03:45 PM
      Before bed last night I decided I would chug some apple juice, a know vividity supplement. I only remember one dream from last night but if my perception of time in the the dream was accurate it lasted about an hour. I was in the game Mass Effect 2 and we had crashed on a cold and snowy planet, I was guided by a rugged man in his late 50's. We found a crashed spaceship and decided to explore it. It was drafty in the inside, the first room we entered was large and done shaped. In the midlle of the room was a large engine. My guide said that this was an older engine model and the energy waves that it put out temporarily altered human brain waves (it was an alien vessel). He said the effects of the enigine where not harmfull at all, they were in fact enlightening. The different engine settings (I believe there were five) each brought you to a higher level of conscious existence. With each change of the motor came a new emotion along with other sensory input that can't be put into words. By the 5th cycle I was in a complete sensory overload yet I had complete inner peace. A bright light filled my field of vision and I was transported to the door of a warehouse where a gun battle was under way. I watched as the battle ensued until I woke up.
    4. 11/10/11 - Polyvore-d

      by , 11-11-2011 at 12:43 AM (Dandelion Wine)
      It was Thanksgiving and my dad had invited a ton of people to our house, friends and lots of distant relatives I'd never met. A queue began to form outside the doorway as people were waiting to enter and it snaked around the house. Eventually so much time passed that people sat down at tables in the line and were bringing their food outside to eat. Later on in the night I sat down next to my dad and expressed how ridiculous I thought it was to have invited so many people and how irritated I was. There was a plastic jug of pumpkin egg nog on his table which advertised it contained MSG. I began complaining that it was probably because he bought it at some cheap corporate supermarket.

      Later that night when most people had left I found my cousins. Dad and Uncle Tony were stacking leftovers in his van to take home. I went inside and saw Tori and Lexy cleaning up around the place which had become like a hotel lobby. Objects were appearing where Lexy was mopping and I knew she was altering physical reality but at first I thought the objects were just 2D pictures and it was like an optical illusion. I went up to her and touched a giant cucumber she'd just placed on the floor and I realized the objects were tangible. She and Tori were smiling wryly and they wouldn't tell me how they did it. Stasia came over and they all looked at each other knowingly and she said, "You want to know how?" So I followed her outside.

      It was daytime again and Stasia and I were far away from the house. She ran off the road down through a field of clover toward the edge of a forest. Through some trees was a small house and an abandoned-looking ice cream truck with twigs and branches poking into the windows. Along the side of the truck mixed in among pictures of ice cream were odd drawings, including one of a clown. I started to walk toward the house but Stasia didn't follow, and when I looked back a man was inside the truck talking and laughing with her. He drove away but a copy of the truck stayed behind and Stasia told me to get behind the wheel. I told her I didn't know how to drive.

      Suddenly we were in the house and I was playing some driving game on a small TV on the coffee table in front of us. The house too seemed abandoned in that it was missing doors and glass from the windows, but it didn't seem unoccupied. There was graffiti on the wall and colorful toyish objects all over the place. Some of the objects were suspended in space or seemed plastic and virtual. I suddenly realized, comparing the graphics in the video game to the objects around me, that the house was like a physical collection of virtual data.

      I started asking my cousin all kinds of questions and she spoke about "polypolyvore" or "polyvore-d." It was a plant or a drug you could eat to immerse yourself fully into the reality of the house. I knew I was only seeing fractions of everything that was there. I was incredibly excited and in awe of this discovery. I felt my whole life had changed. Stasia then said something about getting stoned at a stag party there once and I felt frustrated that she didn't appreciate everything the drug or the house had to offer.

      Updated 11-11-2011 at 09:07 AM by 50986

    5. 11/8/11 - Tupperware Slide Carousel

      by , 11-09-2011 at 05:08 AM (Dandelion Wine)
      I was spending time with Tori who was still living with Nana on Putnam. Then I remember us being in the kitchen at her old house on Winthrop Ave. and M Mollica was there. He'd brought me something I asked him to buy, like some kind of chicken stock, but I got mad because the stock either was or wasn't made with the neck of the chicken. He apologized but I blew up like an immature bitch while he just sort of sat there next to Tori smiling unaffectedly and I suddenly felt like a child.

      I went to the eye doctor with my dad, whom I was (still?) mad at about the chicken. When we got there I stormed away into a separate childrens' waiting room, which I realized was also the office. The optometrist, a young Asian woman, was examining this little boy who sat looking at images projected on the wall. We were both seated at a small table on which were the slides used in the projector. It was like a makeshift slide carousel; there were a bunch of clear Tupperware bowls nested inside each other and around the edges were things written on in permanent marker and crudely taped pictures. The doctor took it from the table while I was trying to figure out how it worked. The entire time obnoxious 90's pop hits were playing rather loudly over the radio, including Third Eye Blind's Semi-Charmed Life.

      I was playing Petz and looking at all the catz and dogz I hadn't taken out in so long. I began thinking of which ones I wanted to breed to make more interesting petz. I felt the kind of remorse I always used to feel about using my virtual petz just for breeding before I remember they are in fact virtual.

      Updated 11-11-2011 at 09:10 AM by 50986

    6. gaming and stuff

      by , 10-30-2011 at 04:18 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember being at some hotel, and playing mario brothers. It was some kind of online only version, but there were two other girls in the room playing with me.

      I also remember talking to a doctor I worked with about doing a procedure for me. The thing is, it was going to be more expensive her way than the route I was going.

      Before this I bumped into a Dr. K (not sure if she's the same one in the frag of what) We talked a bit, and was just generally catching up.
    7. I would also like to note that...

      by , 10-19-2011 at 11:42 PM (The Stories of my Dreaming Mind)
      Whenever I am playing a video game in a dream:

      If it is a computer game, I am almost completely immersed in the game reality that I forget about anything else around me (unless I'm talking to someone before I started playing and while playing). Aion and Sims 3 has always been a complete immersion/seperate dream since I can remember.

      If it is a console video game (on TV) I am usually a little less immersed in it's reality. The visuals of the dream are only the game reality (in 3D and peripheral vision etc), but I think I still acknowledge the living room if I want to. I hear voices around me as well if anyone is speaking. If the dream is hazier that usual, the game completely turns into another dream, no matter the kind of game.

      Perhaps this could indicate how the brain works when playing games or watching television?

      Also I've noticed that I seem to associate a type of a kind of comfortable (not sure how to describe) wealth with the colour red, and the material of wood or marble, as I have many mansion or wealthy building dreams with red carpet or people with red outfits and dark wooden walls etc.

      Updated 10-20-2011 at 12:24 AM by 50515

      side notes
    8. Vidya Fragments: A Goofy Game and King Kong

      by , 10-02-2011 at 04:21 PM
      1) Sequel to A Goofy Movie (woot)
      It's a stupid video game gimmick
      Sequel is inside the original movie, kinda breaking the fourth wall

      Playing vidya with wil
      Dark background
      Fireball chain
      Monkeys of varying sizes
      Wil Frustrated
      Climb up crane, monkeys attacked
      Wil has to shoot them
      Monkeys keep getting bigger
      Finally king kong
      Wil Brings helicopter and tries to shoot it with it.

      Will elaborate on these later when I have time.

      EDIT: Wow, OK. Well, I thought I'd still remember them or that the notes would jog my memory. Turns out they don't at all. Sorry. This now makes no sense to me. I'll make a point of writing my dreams out completely from now on.

      Updated 10-03-2011 at 01:13 AM by 49985

      Tags: video games
    9. Fragments, Some Lucid?

      by , 09-29-2011 at 06:37 PM
      Had a series of bizzare semi-lucid dreams during a nap. I say semi-lucid since I kept waking up and falling back to sleep, so it's difficult to say what of it was actually lucid and what was just my conscious imagination. I normally wouldn't even write this down, but I've been having a dry spell lately, so whatever.

      The first fragment I remember is being on a road trip of some sort. That's literally all I remember. It wasn't lucid at all.

      The second fragment is I was "in" Resident Evil 4. I was playing the re-release last night, so that's not particularly surprising. In the dream, the sort of "intel" woman that's on the radio tells me that I'm dreaming. The conversation took place in the normal game HUD that you see when having a radio conversation In any case, I'm not particularly surprised by this revelation. I ask her to keep reminding me, and if I'm ever dreaming again, to tell me.

      I woke up then, and went back to sleep. In this one I was at a cafeteria, and a overhear a father talking to his son (I think the dad was John Goodman. Now -that's- unexpected). He's telling his son that the Binding of Isaac is an awful game and that is sacrilegious (true, I guess?) and encourages bullying (what?). Again, not surprising since I was playing that game literally 2 minutes before I went to sleep. This fragment wasn't lucid to my knowledge.
      Tags: video games
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Night of 9/11

      by , 09-11-2011 at 02:52 PM (SCPantera's Dream Journal)
      I had a very bizarre dream that I'm compelled to document. It wasn't quite lucid, but...well, read on.

      Early as I can remember, I was in heaven in what looked like a cross between a mall and a cathedral. It was very crowded. By chance I found the man who had murdered me in heaven also. I declared that I was going to kill him (smite his soul or whatever) and that the Angel of Vengeance was on my side. After this short monologue I was about to attack the guy, but before I could do anything he stabbed me, killing me. After a short delay I was reborn as an angel of vengeance, called a One (Something--I can't quite recall what, it wasn't "Winged", I think it started with an M) Angel, and not just one--it seems as I had spawned as a squad of armed angels. It seems that this rebirth had taken some time, since after returning the man had been long gone. I searched heaven looking for the man but could not find him. Instead I returned to Earth and, running out of patience, I began to kill anyone who looked like the guy (from the start of the fight to here, the dream passed as some sort of weird top-down camera strategy RPG). It seems that to end my rampage I was returned to Earth with no memory except the name "One (Whatever) Angel". The dream then seemed to follow me on a search to find out what this name meant. I began by asking clergy or people who seemed religious; they all either straight-faced denied that they exist or looked at me in shock and horror and told me to get away from them. As my search went on with no answers I began just asking random strangers (my search took me to a drink stand just as it was closing in what was some in-dream deja vu, as I'd recognized this even from a deep early part of the dream that I don't now remember). Early on in my search I'd come across a girl who had overheard me asking questions at some point and had taken an interest in me. She eventually explained to me that she could help me remember everything through a process that involved dreams (vaguely Inception-style); I seemed to have a vague understanding of this process already and was firmly against it for a while. As time went on and my search for answers grew more desperate I eventually agreed to try it. It was to take place in what looked like some sort of park. As I entered, I came in behind an old, black lady accompanied by a young child. I recognized the old lady as someone I had previously asked about the angel who was disturbed by my question. The child stopped ahead of her and turned around, he asked, "Are you sure you want to do this? It could be the last time..." to which the old lady responded with something about helping these troubled young folk. I followed them to where the girl was waiting for us (I'm going to give her the name Ashley, it seems to fit my memory). In addition to the old, black woman (let's call her Oracle, since she looked like the latter version from the Matrix), Jon Voight was (apparently) helping us. They explained that Ashley would have to sit/lay on top of me in order to merge our dreams and gave me a large bag to put over my butt since apparently the process had several unpleasant side effects (supposedly most people shat themselves upon coming out of it). I sat down on a bench and they gave me some sort of injection and then immediately I was in the back (left) seat of a car, with Ashley sitting to my left, the others in the front (Jon Voight driving). I explained to them that I was once an oneironaught myself and briefly described my first lucid dream. As if to reply and boast of his own lucid dreaming skill, Jon Voight turned his head into an inflated version of Ashley's head. We all laughed, but I noticed that the situation was rather strange so I did a reality check that failed. I quickly exclaimed, "Holy shit, we're dreaming already! That's amazing." Then I looked over at Ashley, who was looking at me also, however she appeared out of it or drunk. I noted here that despite the reality check failing I didn't seem to be able to exert any lucid control; at the time I attributed this to the process occurring in the overarching dream storyline but now that I think about it after the fact it seemed kind of weird. At this point I had a very brief false awakening (I only remember because I awoke to a lit room before actually awakening) which was followed quickly by an actual awakening.

      I'm not going to count this among my lucid dreams being as it fit into the context of the dream that my reality check would fail (maybe this also explains my apparent lack of dream control). It was a curious experience. I'm a little disappointed I didn't get to see the end to my search for answers.
    11. Swan Lake Buffet and Fragment

      by , 08-12-2011 at 05:17 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I go to see Swan Lake at Cincinnati's Music Hall with C.W. We pass a White Castle on the way there, and I remark how it's practically an outpost of my college with the clientele it gets. We arrive at the hall, and as we ascend the escalator we see Dr. L. and give him a salute. We get to the lobby and see a glorious buffet laid out before us; the ballet is already starting, and we hear a flautist fail her solo. I start eating and scarf down hashbrowns, vegetables, and a roll before a frumpy attendant starts asking me questions. I act suspicious and evade her questions, and she starts chasing me down. I run into the auditorium, where I find my family and sit by them. I don't escape the woman, though, and am kicked out.

      2. I view a montage of Call of Duty matches, all taking place in some sort of museum. It's a hardcore assault on an elevator, and teams trade places between attack and defense. The terrorists almost win a match, letting only two of the good guys escape before time runs out. Once, when the elevator is nearing the attack stage, a string quartet forms and plays Metallica in the space.
    12. Q and A

      by , 08-11-2011 at 11:28 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I was in some room with a group of people, and there was one person asking questions on different personality types. They asked me about one, and I answered it. Then another one, but I didn't know what it was. Silvia answered it and said she dated a guy who reworked her entire plumbing in her house. There were more questions about these people, and every time, she would answer with some short story about how some guy she dated was helping her out around her house.

      Later on, I'm playing some fighting game, and I lost two times because of the stage we were on. There were certain parts where both characters needed to head to another location, but mine got left behind....so it was considered a knockout.
    13. Fragments for July 31-August 2 2011

      by , 08-04-2011 at 04:21 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm in a dorm at college, playing the newest Grand Theft Auto game. Eventually I get bored and return to my own room, which is full of frat boys from my study abroad trip. They're rifling through my stuff, and understandably I ask them to leave. When they don't I start to yell, then threaten to call campus police. They do leave, but slowly, and I threaten the last one out with a baseball bat. After a bit of peace, one of them calls me, but I ignore the ring. Suddenly, I realize that I'm late to class.

      2. I'm watching some sort of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure / Crossroads crossover movie. The main character, a guitar playing youngster, has a book of scales that he carries like a hymnal. He engages in a guitar duel with the Devil; as they play, the Devil's hands expand unrealistically to make jaw-dropping gaps, but the kid's hands do as well. After a bit of this, the kid breaks out a soulful ballad, saying he's "already used the Paganinni."

      3. I'm in a swamp at my grad school, which is adorned with placards showing hunting spots for deer. It's a little before dusk, and I can't see any colors. As the sun sets, I realize that my feet are plagued with green tree frogs! I get out of there and call my parents, who say they've been in a concert the whole time.

      4. I'm at the grad school rec center, watching some documentary about NCAA basketball. The players are described as "pistons in a well-oiled machine," not as people. Inspired by their fitness, I borrow a ball and start shooting (poorly). After a bit, a bunch of big guys gather around my court. It was reserved by them, and embarrassed I slink off to the elliptical room. My mom wanders into the room, saying she's been looking for me.

      5. I'm at a concert with my brother and a random girl from college (A.H). The band is a rather classical one, with instruments of cello, recorder, and violin, but the players are dressed in odd anime-inspired costumes. After their set, one of the players jumps down and starts to mingle with us at a large table. He gives us snarky logic/math puzzles to solve, and I find I can't beat them. I'm embarrassed, but after the table has dissolved he comes up and apologizes to me. I say that I actually enjoyed the challenge.
    14. 08/02/2011 Space Games and Zombies

      by , 08-03-2011 at 05:11 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      To Infinity… and Beyond
      I am flying a space ship in outer space as in EVE online, though I am not flying one of the many EVE ships, I am flying my own Fire Valkyrie. I am flying through asteroid belts hunting pirates. I decide that the pirates I am finding in this belt are far too easy, so I need to go into a lower security zone. What zone am I in now? I push a couple buttons on my control panel and see it is a 0.8 zone, so it is really no wonder that the pirates here are easy. I decide to head into low security space, so I pull up a map that shows the surrounding solar systems. One of them is a 0.3 system, so I decide to go there. I locate the nearest jump gate and head over to the 0.3 space solar system, plotting a course to an asteroid belt as soon as I come out of warp. I ignore the usual warning from Concord saying they can't guarantee my safety in a 0.3 security space… When I reach the asteroid belt I am immediately greeted by the transmissions of pirates, and there are quite a few of them. One of them is a big one, yay! A fight starts, it turns out the smaller ones are still very easy to destroy… only the largest one takes any effort to get rid of. I fight the pirates and destroy all of them, then it is time to gather my loot. But I'm in my Fire Valkyrie… where am I supposed to put the loot? Fire Valkyries aren't chosen for their cargo space… I figure I'll take a look at what the loot is and figure out what to do with it. I check the large enemy first and see there are several pieces of expensive loot in there… I will make a load of isk off of this! Yay!

      Game On
      I am in an arcade, but the arcade is also a casino of sorts. There is a contest going on, and the jackpot is to be won by the first person to play a series of ten video games and not lose any of them. I decide I am going to accept the challenge, so I start off playing the games. It seems most of them are games I am able to play easily, though they aren't games I particularly like. I am on a winning streak, however, and there are only two games left… and they are both games I should have no problem with! The first one looks a lot like EVE Online, though it is a single player game. I get on the game and start shooting down the enemy ships. There is a kid standing next to me, the kid says I need to move and give him a turn on the game. I say I will in just a bit, I just need to score 100,000 points. The kid leaves and comes back with a woman who is an employee of the arcade. She says it is the kid's turn now, move. I ask if that means I won't be able to win the contest. She says the contest isn't won unless I win on each game in a row, so if I quit, I lose. I say I'll finish the round then, and then the kid can play. She says no, leave now or get thrown out. They're cheating! They're not letting anyone win the contest! I am annoyed at that. I step away from the game and lose, I am going to lodge a complaint. I'm not sure who to complain to… I am trying to figure that out when I wake up.

      Zombie Stomp
      I am at Alicia's house, and I know I need to get going home so I can get some stuff done. I can't remember what it was that I need to get done… but if I don't get to a computer soon, time is being wasted. For some reason she doesn't want me to leave until another of her friends arrives. Her friend is already late… I wish she would hurry up and come before it is too late. Finally we decide we need to go out and find Alicia's friend. We go out and get in my car, though we have to go back in the house for a few more items before we actually leave. I don't think anything strange about the fact one of the things we get is weapons. I select a katana that is particularly sharp, it will do perfectly. We go out and start looking for Alicia's friend. It is dark out, so I am having problems searching. We drive down an alley and find her friend surrounded by zombies. I do a double take at that and then I realize what the sword is for. Alicia's friend is up on a large dumpster trying to keep away from the zombies. I attack the zombies, though I think I am the only one who fights… but it is not difficult. These zombies are the slow moving dumb kind, and they have soon been relieved of their heads. I am trying to get Alicia's friend back to the car now, I want to go home and do something productive. She is being difficult, apparently traumatized from her encounter with zombies…
    15. Fragments for July 17 2011

      by , 07-19-2011 at 12:49 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm watching a documentary about Star Wars. The show talks about drafts of the script and plot, as well as special effects. In one deleted scene, R2D2 uses his electric hookup to stun Darth Vader. Another part of the show demonstrates how Count Dooku's lighting encodes subliminal messages one letter at a time if viewed frame to frame.

      2. I'm playing soccer in my Grandma's backyard. I'm in drag, and I seem to be playing with a couple of cartoon women, including Marge from the Simpsons. The other team is conversely girls dressed in boy's clothing. The game itself is entertaining, with ridiculous combination shots.

      3. I'm hanging out with my friends C.W. and K.G., playing video games and being bored. K. goes to his room and fetches a sci-fi series on DVD. The discs are wrapped in foil, and are advertised as seen on an anime.

      4. I'm being babysat by Sideshow Bob from the Simpsons. He microwaves a plate of food, pressing a button with a stylized atom symbol to "nuke" it.
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