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    1. How to Utterly Fail at Making Portals 5/31/2012

      by , 06-02-2012 at 09:08 AM
      Ever since I have began my lucid dreaming journey, a journey which was in large part a result of my reading the dream journal of Hyu "http://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/hyu/" I have longed to experience some of the amazing things which were, apparently, happening to my fellow DV members. Well, a few nights ago I had my chance.

      My dream starts in a city shrouded in a constant fog. The thing that I remember most from before I gained my lucidity was the smell. It was that strange mix of decaying garbage and industrial pollutants unique to the slums of a thousand cities. My non-lucid self was wandering this city in search of something which eludes me now. I eventually had the good fortune to look up into the sky, as soon as I did, I gained lucidity from the mother of all reality checks. Note to self: if the moon has a face then either A-you are playing Majora's Mask or B- you are dreaming. Once I gained my lucidity I immediately began to more thoroughly survey my surroundings. The city appeared to be a steampunk meets bladerunner version of New York. Having looked around I immediately began to try to exercise some of my lucid abilities. I succeeded in a few minor telekinetic feats, such as knocking the hats off of a few DC's. "BTW if someone ever responds to you knocking their hat their head by telling you :Thank you sir, that hat made me look like a pretentious prick, you are probably dreaming." I quickly grew bored of telekinesis and decided to see what else I could do. With no real goal in mind I raised my hand above my head and snapped my fingers. What happened next is a memory which I shall carry for the rest of my days, with a snap of my fingers I had changed the very night sky itself. All of the stars had changed position and color. I saw stars blink out of existence and other, new stars, take their place. I saw whole galaxies simply appear out of nothingness, and spiral into impossible shapes. As you can probably imagine I was entertained by this for quite a while, I stood in place and snapped my fingers repeatably and just stared at the sky. I eventually had my fill of watching the stars and decided that it was time for me to try something a little more challenging. I have never succeeded in making a portal to anywhere in a dream and was initially at a loss for a destination, then it hit me. I was going to try to make a portal to Terraluna. It seemed rather appropriate that the location that inspired my lucid journey would be the first place where I would teleport to. I stared at the spot on the cobbled pavement where I wanted the portal to appear and focused on the idea of terraluna, on the image that I had formed from reading Hyu's journal. I began to speak out loud the command "take me to terraluna". Over and over, I repeated the command and as I did so the spot where I was focusing on began to smoke, then the beginnings of a black portal took shape over the pavement. I repeated my chant over and over with increasing conviction, but, to my dismay the portal wasn't stable. In the end my portal collapsed with a crack. I had failed to create the portal that I had been so intent on creating, but I had managed to create a very pretty black scorch mark on the ground. It looked like one of those mystic circles which have become so popular in anime and games in recent years. I was preparing to try again when I was woken by my alarm going off. I had failed in my attempt.

      This isn't over. I am going to get stronger, develop my technique, and try again. No matter what it takes I am getting to Terraluna.
    2. 6th Lucid dream, Crystal clear, and flying success!

      by , 06-02-2012 at 08:55 AM (Lucid dreaming with Rauwz)
      6th Lucid dream, Crystal clear, and flying success! (DILD)


      I was walking on a street that I hadn't seen before.

      I've been doing a new kind of reality check, wich seems to be working very well. I might go into further details if i can make it work better.

      I thought to myself, "This might be a dream.". I was walking on a overpass, where there was highway under. I was looking at the cars, while still thinking to myself, am i dreaming?

      I looked at my hands, and counted my fingers. 1,2,3,4,5,6... 6?
      I looked again, yep, there was 8 fingers on my one hand, and as allways, they where deform, and placed weirdly.

      I thought to myself, "wow, I'm really having and LD.". But i also remembered to calm down, because I've allready tried waking once from over excitement, and I didn't want to do it again. I plugged my nose just to make sure i was actually dreaming, and yep, I could also breath through that.

      I stopped walking, looked at my hands, and tried to pick out the details. IT WAS SO CLEAR! I honestly don't think I needed to clarify it, but i did. I looked at every little line i had on my hands, and i yelled, "Clarify, NOW!". I looked up, and everything seemed just like waking life!

      I walked around a corner, and into some school concrete area. My mom was standing there for some reason. I said to her that I was going to fly, and she was like "cool, good luck.".

      I ran forward, flapped my arms, and jumped.
      And for the first time ever, had succes with actually flying in an LD.
      i didn't go that far, or that high, but I know I could've if I wanted. That's a nice feeling .

      So i flew a couple of times, and that was cool. I though to myself, "I should totally jump off a roof, and start flying mid-air. So I found a roof, but got a surprise when i got there. My friends was sitting at a bench right besides the house.

      I said hi to my friends, and asked them if they wanted to learn to fly, only one of them said yes. I then took him by his arm and walked up a roof, yes, walked. It was a really weird roof, but it was perfect for jumping, so who cares ?.

      I tried making him fly a bit, but it didn't rreally succeed. I then told him goodbye, because I wanted to do something else.

      at this point, the dream was starting to fade.

      I then said bye to my mum, and went onto the roof, jumped down, and flew off. I didn't get very far, until I woke up.

      But there it is! My 6th LD!
      This one was crystal fucking clear too! Nothing like the other ones.

      Updated 06-08-2012 at 01:34 AM by 54919

    3. about my dreams basically a walkthrough

      by , 06-02-2012 at 08:11 AM
      Ok I figured I would give y'all a bit of info about my dreaming styles and habits so that some of this made sense I plan on using this journal to recall some of the past dreams in my life stuff that just stuck with me plus new dreams
      the native american spirit I am going to start calling him helpful spirit since he has never given me a name. he first started coming to me in the first post but he continues to help me out though sometimes he comes when I am wide awake obes but with out sleep I probably wont post them here since they where not dreams I was not asleep I just couldnt move or talk so the only out of bodies I will post are dream related ones but he has been in both and I believe his warnings have saved my life a few times ..
      My dead friends I probably will just put their names and a D at the end almost every friend has come to me in a dream after they have died I have had alot of friends pass away I used to travel alot and have always had friends much older than me so over time things happen
      Names that sound like they shouldnt be names will be in here alot
      types of dreams
      Possible shared dreams will be noted I havent figured out how I will note them yet maybe just a psd sometimes I feel as if it was a shared dream even if I do not know the person I seem to feel different when I wake up from these dreams I have had others confirmed in the past .
      healingpsd The majority of my shared dreams is to help people I havent gone into anyones dreams in a very long time It seems only when someone needs me I am able to be there witch is fine with me usually these dreams are someone random needing emotional support or advice ..
      soul hug its when I hug someone in a shared dream its a healing process of helping someone or connecting to their soul and it is awesome..
      I have a series of dreams that happen that I then see in real life I know they are called deja vu but I have allways called them the right track since they always give me enough to chose the correct path in life they started when I was 13
      and of course theres everything else the random dreams witch fill most of my dream time lucid or not when I am lucid I let the dream lead me where ever and just enjoy the ride
      theres a few landscapes i have that always reapear
      Austin tx its home so my dreams seem to know it
      colorado woods usually around nederlands I did spend some time there but the dream one is very different I usually have my hippies in the woods dreams in this place and its usually got a lot of houses thena few stores then woods alot closer than they really are in real life
      The house of many rooms its a maze its got elevators its got tunnels and basements stairs that lead in weird ways and a tunnel at the top that leads to the really scarey part of the house theres a hospital and offices in it and a fun house I have no clue why but its an odd house and usually its a dream trying to find my way out of it
      The healing center it first appeared a while ago but it has since come a few times it has a house and a big drive way but I have only been in the playground on looking a lake i think
      The house from my childhood we all have those dontt we ? this one was a trailer not in the best of shape
      my house I try to not have dreams in my place but sometimes it happens I live in a travel trailer so its small i prefer to have dreams elsewhere
      Congrats you just read all of this wow you must think I am nuts well your right but thats besides the point its my birthday be nice
      side notes
    4. Lucidity Comes.... if only for a moment

      by , 06-02-2012 at 06:30 AM
      It happened, it happened as randomly as I thought it would. There I was dreaming.... when all of a sudden I look down, raising my arm and i say/think "this is a dream".

      I was dreaming before and after, but after that realization, all I can remember is my view fading behind me, going to 3rd person, then darkness.

      But I could not forget. My dreaming eventually came back, which generally excessive dreaming leads to losing the ability to remember the early dreaming, but the moment of lucidity was not lost. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ................................ banana :O
    5. Wedding On Mars

      by , 06-02-2012 at 03:44 AM
      Non-Dream Dream

      I was able to recall fragments from 3 dreams today:

      Dream 1:

      My old baseball coach, TK, is my current bowling coach and is being very mean. I quit on him.

      Note - he is very nice in real life

      Dream 2:

      The devil is chasing me into a large bathroom (or locker room) at UCLA. He is flushing all of the toilets and flooding the rooms. I am able to escape the scene by flying. It becomes apparent later that the devil and I are friends. He got a girlfriend and got her pregnant.

      Dream 3:

      This dream is very relevant to real life as I am getting married in 3 months.

      It is the day of my wedding and we are all on mars. My fiance's entire family shows up late (we are actually expecting her family to be late) and one of our good friends (El) shows up in shorts and a t-shirt. Luckily we have a spare suit for him to wear. Right before heading out to do the ceremony I get a bloody nose. Whenever I blow my nose chunks of food come out with the blood, specifically green bell peppers. The gardeners who recently planted our front lawn were there too along with my boss's wife, who is disgusted by what we are saying/doing (apparently we were acting rather childish).

      Updated 08-01-2012 at 04:30 AM by 56962

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Fragments

      by , 06-02-2012 at 03:13 AM
      I had a couple of fragments over the last 3 days

      1: I was at my Aunts house with my class from school. I didn't notice till later it was her house though. I then had to go take a shower. An interesting that happened while showering was I noticed that instead of a screen stopping water from coming out, it was a little bar. I said to myself "whats that going to do?". Then the walls dissipeared and everyone was showering in the same room.
      2: This one was really short but I remember seeing something very small on someones necklace and then two huge faces started arguing and they exploded and I woke up XD.
      3: I was defending a city from a huge attack from something. I remember the defenses were big machines with JJ the jet planes faces (very stupid). I then remember going to kill someone with these black claws.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. why are you up so early?

      by , 06-02-2012 at 02:22 AM
      (i was at my friends house sleeping over, i got to sleep on the couch) in my dream, i wake up and stand up from the couch, walk up the stairs and meet my friends mom who instantly asks my why am awake so early, (the dream fades away and my eyes open, as i remember the dream i walk upstairs and brush my teeth, i ask my friends mom if there is any toothpaste i can use and she directs me to it before asking my why i am up so early, [it was 6:00].)
    8. through the caves

      by , 06-02-2012 at 02:14 AM
      i was being led by a person through underground tunnels and caves, my leader in the dark caverns was a very neanderthal looking person that seemed to speak no language. in most parts of the journey i could barley see because of the darkness. however, when we did exit into daylight through a cavern entrance i was surrounded by vibrant green Meadows and Grassland. at this time i can see my leaders features, brown hair, pale skin, large teeth. despite my beautiful surroundings i am for some reason they are unpleasing. (at this point my dream fades into my memory.)
    9. Im Lucid but I am still asking my dream guide how to lucid dream? O.O and non lucid dream

      by , 06-02-2012 at 01:51 AM

      As stated in the title, Im already lucid. But Im asking my dream guide how to lucid dream It's like I'm in my bedroom. My dream guide there was my mother. I'm asking her but she's like lazy. So I waited there. I also rubbed my hands many times! To make sure that my lucid dream will not fade. I almost rubbed my hands every 1 minute. Im very conscious about the time.

      My family and I were running in the aguinaldo highway located in our country. We had a tour guide, my friend jerry. His sister were there too but I don't know what she is doing that time. Jerry guides us in our walk/run. He explains every water, river and so on. Then I run in to different way. I walked in the grassy pathway. Someone come over me and said "hey, is your hand moist?" I said no. But jerry, excitedly come in my way and said. Hey! Look at the grass, If your hands are moist, the grass will move. So i tried it and it work. But im not lucid though.
      lucid , non-lucid
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