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    1. Mandy Stars

      by , 06-02-2012 at 12:29 PM (School 2)
      Dream; Semi-Lucid; Lucid; Memorable; 1-4 My Recollection;

      I rested well, woke at 5:30am.

      ..I think I stirred in my room, I headed downstairs.
      4; I seemed to have been in an understanding. I was running along a few LD's I recalled' as I went out the basement door. "Is this getting boring?" I asked. (I seemed to think I had been lucid for a good number of dreams.) LOL, I ran along in the dark pulling the stars down until they where visible. I rubbed my hands to avoid an FA. The dream blurred between a few concerts and the mall.

      ..I was on top of a few shelves and Mandy was sitting against the wall. I went over a few values with her in a brief storiyline.

      ..Previously I flew up on a balcony to see my brother.
      I was flying along the streets, but it was dark so I headed back to find people. There where cute girls in the apartment.

      Updated 06-05-2012 at 12:46 PM by 25261

      Tags: flight, mandy, night, space
      lucid , false awakening
    2. Damaged Ipod charge cable, dream fragment (01 June 2012)

      by , 06-02-2012 at 12:23 PM
      {Curly brace & blue} .... Relevent waking life details before entry, if appropriate

      Black .... Dream body/narative text

      (Standard braces & dark green, bold) .... Dream notes, lucidity, time. method etc

      ************************************************** ***********************************

      {This one is from last night.... (02 June 2012).. Recall of fragment only}

      (Non-Lucid ... No induction technique tried..)

      I check the USB/charge skinny connector is plugged into the bottom of my iPod, wondering why it wont charge.
      I notice that a couple of inches further down the cable, the outer sleeve is damaged & that there is bare copper showing..
      .. I think "Ah, thats why. Its going to be REALLY expensive day, I'll have to buy a new one (cable) today"
      Dont get the logic... In waking life, ipod cables are not expensive
      Tags: cable, damage, ipod
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. A Mild Nightmare to a Weird Dream.. June 1st 2012.

      by , 06-02-2012 at 11:43 AM (Dream Journal)

      I was going to type this up last night, but instead I went out >.>

      I was at school, on the courtyard, with JoeyBelgier (again) and a girl. I didn't quite see who she was, or maybe I just didn't pay attention. So Joey was running around the courtyard...being himself. he was jumping on the tables and singing while running around. He seemed either excited or he had a lot of sugar that day . He then ran around towards the school building and we followed him. Me and the girl stopped and watched as he tried to climb up the wall. He jumped on the small wooden railing ad then leaped towards a clock placed outside on the wall. It was only about 2-3 meters high but it looked like a struggle. He grabbed the clocked but fell back down and smashed his back on the wooden railings. He was dead. A guy came over and asked what was going on, I said to him "He's...dead..." then a whole group of 15-20 people came rushing over. It was like a small stampede. I then walked off around the courtyard by myself. I was very shocked, upset and surprised by what I just witnessed. The way he fell was almost like the ragdoll physics on Skyrim. While I was walking around the courtyard, just round the corner from where Joey fell, I noticed that the whole place was empty and the building where Joey died was clear of people. Even Joey's body was gone. In the window next to the clock, there was a dog. My dog it seemed. I then had a sudden urge to feel that Joey was alive somehow. I went around the building and entered the hallway. When I got inside, I was naked. I then went into the room next to where Joey died and there were about 6 girls looking at me. I then sat on the floor but this time I was in just a pair of jeans. I soon told them what happened and they just laughed at me . I got up from the floor and walked back into the hallway. I headed nextdoor. This was the room with the dog in it, only it was no longer my dog, but a large black dog. It did not look very happy and then jumped up at me as I tried to stroke it. It bit me on the arm and I felt it cramp my wrist. It was not sharp but it was pretty tight. I then jumped away from it and ran out the room as fats as I could. By this point, I had forgotten about Joey's death and decided to go through the hallway and to the back exit of the school. Again, I was in my friends back garden. (for the third time this week) It was me, 3 old ladies and a couple of DC's who I did not recognise. In the center of the garden was 3 VERY odd cars, they all looked like stickmen and had stretched out wheels and about 3 or 4 wheels. They were like stickman tricycles. We all then got in these weird car bycycles and started driving them around. I could not control the one I was on and instead just circled on my left wheel. Soon I got up form the seat and walked away from the old ladies. They seemed angry when I walked off, so I ran and the dream faded away.

      Wow what a weird dream haha. I only just managed to recall all of this. The bit where Joey fell from the clock was VERY vivid, a fairly decent start to June I would say .
      Tags: garden, school
      non-lucid , nightmare
    4. The war in the Flying House (28/5/12)

      by , 06-02-2012 at 11:42 AM (♫ ♪ Dreamville ♪ ♫)

      Me,my brother and my mother are in a small hotel room, we wanted to get some food so I told them "There's a good restaurant in XXX street".
      Me and my brother are going out from the hotel and we get on our bicycles,we're heading towards the restaurant that I recommended.

      We reach the place that I said the restaurant will be, there's a blue house over there:

      I said the restaurant should be there, we went in and got into the second floor.
      There was a door, we opend it and we saw a girl, about our age, that we both know in real life, the whole room was blue, the ceiling, the floor,the walls, everything was blue.

      Lets call this girl "Girl".
      So as we opend the door we saw the whole place, and Girl played with her little sibling, a brother perhaps? the little kid had brown mushroom-like hair and brown eyes, hes skin was extraordinarily smooth, hes a kid after all.
      My brother went and talked to her, I reminded him we were going to get food so we need to hurry, he understood me and we went out of the building.
      The moment we got out we saw one of these things in the street:

      Girl and another (girl) Lady, we'll call the other girl Lady, were sitting at one of these things, my brother once again went and talked to Girl.
      I told him we should rush already, our mother is waiting, he left them and we went into a restaurant that was less than 4 meters away
      Me,Girl,My brother,Lady and Dumbledore (from Harry Potter) went into the house, the house started flying to an unknown destination,the house had 3 floors.
      We're flying above earth as I go to the third floor, I saw some kid that keeps annoying me in school, he held in hes hands alot of pages, looked like a contract or so:

      I knew these pages were related to me, I told him "Dude, can I have these papers?" he waved the papers at me , like a fan, he laughed and said "Hahaha!, Never!" and I saw the Diablo 3 (the game) symbol at one of the pages as he was waving it, I understood he took my Diablo 3 account.
      He gets closer to me,face to face,

      hes nose was a little bigger then in real life and he was a little pale.
      He kept teasing, he said "The fact that you're stronger than me doesn't mean you can beat me up easily! Hah!" then I lost it, I was furious, I felt the hatred and rage filling me up and I tried to punch him in the head.
      He grabbed my hand easily with his hand, like he was super strong, then I rememberd a sentence I heard in one of the animes "If you lose your temper in a fight, you lost from the beggining, before you even hit him, if you stay calm, don't get angry, you won" I calmed myself and I gave him a punch to the stomach, he slowly disintegrated from my fist.
      One of the guards came to me and said "What have you done?! You've wrecked our defences!",
      the guard looked like this guy just without the shield:

      I went to the window from the third floor and I looked at earth from above and I saw a invisible wall that surrounded earth breaking down, it was because I killed that annoying kid.
      The enemy's army starts getting to our building from earth, I went to the first floor and I saw enemy guardians getting in the house.
      I went in the second floor and there was a purple rings on the floor,
      not the kind of rings you put on your finger, a flying invisible rings that looked like this:


      I stood in the middle of them and I switched class, like an MMORPG.
      I switched to the new class that I haven't played yet, I didn't know its skills or how to use it wisely.

      I then suddenly held a gun in my hand, the gun was a sniper gun, was a bit more classic with silver on it but it looked a little like this gun:

      The gun also had a scope.
      I stood at the porch that looked down at the first floor and I thought about the number '6' and the gun aimed at one of the enemies and shot him.
      I realized it auto aims, like an aimbot, I thought about the number '6' again and the gun auto aimed at the huge lamp

      and shot, the lamp fell and killed alot of enemies.
      I understood that the gun auto aim has no limits when it comes to range so I wanted to go to the window and shoot the incoming enemies.
      As I slowly walked to the room with the window an enemy suprised me when he came out of one of the rooms, I quickly thought about the number '7' and it auto aimed, then shot him in the stomach and made him disintegrate.
      I went to the window and started shooting them.
      One of my friends came and told me, who did all of this? who killed all the enemies?
      I said I did, and she was proud of me.

      Updated 06-02-2012 at 11:53 AM by 54876

      non-lucid , memorable
    5. Something After Me, Brown Haired Girl

      by , 06-02-2012 at 11:01 AM (Zoe's weird things)
      Something After Me

      [Had this dream at around 3:30AM, without expecting it at all, i was just normally sleeping ]

      I was on the street close to my old school with my sister, when i got lucid, not sure why. I started running down the street, while my sister was yelling things at me, but i didn't care.
      As i reached the end of the street, there was a huge hole in the ground and there was nothing anywhere anymore, like the whole ground disappeared. I couldn't see anything further in the landscape either... [It was somewhat like the end of the world or something].

      Without any second thought i just flew up in the air in that same direction. I didn't know what i wanted to do, i just wanted to fly somewhere.
      As i was flying, i thought about rain, so it started raining suddenly. It was good flying in the rain, but then something distracted me.
      Suddenly i had a feeling that something/someone is following me. I had no time to look back, but sometimes a picture of a girl was flashing in. She had wings and her body was fully made of darkness, only her face was somewhat lighter.

      She looked somewhat like this, without the weapon and her skin was made of darkness.

      I wasn't sure what to do, so i kept flying faster and tried to get lost of her. [I think i lost some of my lucidity here, since she wasn't that scary actually].
      As i was trying to escape, everything around me got darker and darker, when once i just popped out of the darkness and fell onto a wooden floor. I found myself in some kind of old shop.
      [I gained back my lucidity here fully].

      I looked around, but couldn't see anyone. As i was browsing through the stuff in the shop, i found a tiny mirror. This reminded me of the TotM of June, so i picked the mirror up.
      It was too small for even my hand to fit through. I focused on it and wanted it to grow bigger, which somewhat succeeded, but still only my hand fit through, not me fully.
      I took the mirror away and imagined a bigger one around me... i imagined as i walk through it... as my imagined self walked through the mirror, suddenly everything turned black.

      I heard a noise and found myself in the shop again, but there was an old shopkeeper now too. [I lost lucidity here].
      I told him to stop making noises, because i'm trying to fall asleep. I told him that i live in the shop....

      [So yeah, i lost my lucidity which is not so usual for me, meh... My dream self was 100% sure that she was sleeping in the shop... no idea where i got that from]


      Brown Haired Girl

      [This dream was at 8:30AM if i remember right, some time after my WBTB attempt]
      [I fell asleep multiple times after it, but for some reason i still remember it well]

      I was in our garden when i got lucid, i don't really remember what happened before.
      As i got lucid i instantly remembered that i should try and search for Dreamprofessor. I thought about creating a door somewhere and walking through that to the place what we arranged as a meeting place
      I also thought that i might try to find Lucy first and maybe bring her with me to Dreamprofessor...
      I turned around in the garden, ready to go and do these, but then i noticed a short, light-brown haired girl in the garden.

      She looked similar to this.

      She looked really clueless and like she was searching for something. For some reason i got a feeling that she is related to Lucy in some way and i unintentionally summoned her with my thoughts before... I walked close to her and asked what is she doing, but i got no answer, just a glassy look.
      She never looked at me, just at my hands or my legs. It seemed like she has some mental problem, so i stopped asking her things.

      I decided to leave her there and go on my way... while walking away i noticed that starting from the neighbour's garden everything was dark like it was night there. Only the area near our house and garden was sunlit.
      I was wondering about how to get out of there, since going throught the darkness wouldn't be a good idea... So i just decided that i'll create the door on the top of our house, because up there i can easily see if something goes wrong.
      [Maybe i could've just tried creating daylight everywhere else or something, but i didn't think of that].

      I stood near the wall and then started flying upwards, but it went suprisingly slow... I looked down and got totally surprised: That same brown haired girl was holding on my legs.
      I looked at her and she still acted that weird, she wasn't looking at me, just at my legs and sometimes at the environment near us. She was also mumbling something during this time, but i couldn't understand.
      I tried to shake her off my legs, which succeeded, she fell down, but grabbed onto a brick in the wall. [The wall had lots of bricks and things that can be grabbed on and it was also much taller than in reality].

      She kept climbing towards me with that glassed look. When she got close, i tried to kick her off the wall, but i couldn't. I decided that i need more power for this. I charged up and let out a powerful force push from my hands towards her.
      She couldn't hold on anymore and just slowly fell down to the ground.
      I was satisfied that i got rid of her, but then i suddenly woke up....

      [I probably woke up because of the noises my family made during this time... sigh]
      [Maybe i should be less distracted by things like that girl and only aim for what i planned to do originally... ]
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