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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. Dreams..

      by , 07-11-2013 at 12:06 PM
      Dream 1:[COLOR="#800080"]I remember me being in my high school yard.There is a little stall with food.I wanted to go and buy something.First I wanted to buy a sandwich ,he said he don't have it.I wanted to buy more things but I don't really remember what,Though,I remember there were 2 girls near me and when I asked the seller about a pretzel,the girl near me said : I bought the last ,then she started laughing.Me , being very angry,I asked them to buy first in the time I think about what to buy.Then the seller showed me a bag of chips(Lays with salt) and I bought it.He said it was 2,5 lei(in romanian currency) and I gave him 1 leu then I wanted to give him 2 more lei but I gave him 3 lei then I asked him to give me the rest of the money, he laughed and he said he doesn't need to give me the rest.Angry,I was about to go in the high school when my friend comes to me and tells me that everyone is looking for me.I kept asking a lot of questions but I don't really remember them.So I wanted to go to the top floor where my class is,But on the stairs there were a lot of boys training for some kind of competition(they were doing push-ups,a lot of training) I remember climbing the stairs when some guy was blocking my way and my friend grabbed him by his leg and he throwed him away and I said: Leave that kid alone,Dafuq are you doing? Then we kept climbing stairs when I see 2 boys from my high school training and looking at me at the same time(staring) I smiled for a bit,then got to the top floor.When I got to the top floor,a lot of people took pictures of me and I remember trying to hide so they don't take pictures of me and my friend said:Stop taking pictures of her! then I fell on the floor with my hands on my face (I think my hair color was brunette) then I eventually stand up from there and gone to my class room.There were a lot of people studying,and then I thought that some teacher came and put them to work.Then a girl with red hair appeared (Anastasyia Shpagina) and we really got along (we were painting) then I remember doing her hair(she was blonde now) and I for some reason I said: Woah! I'll let my hair grow so we can do anime's hairstyles! Then we gone to the bathroom and I told her I watched her videos on the internet and that she was awesome(While both of us looked in the mirror) and then she smiled.Then we gone back to the class and there was my class teacher (she was amazed for some reason) Then I saw my death classmate standing there with a bag and she kept smiling (she didn't had that many birth marks on her face,as she had) While I was going in the back of the class to look at her I kept doing a lot of RCs(I think 2 LOL) but they didn't worked so I gone to her and got on my knees(Again) and I was amazed And I kept asking her how she is alive and then I touched her face and then I heard a voice(possibly my mom) saying: Maybe she was in clinical death and they brought her to a psychologist and she eventually got good again. Then I hugged her and the people were like: Owww! So cute. [/COLOR]

      Dream 2: [COLOR="#800080"]I was sitting somewhere outside with my mom (in the back of the block flat) and then a brownish-black car appeared and there was my ex boyfriend family and him.When his mother got out of the car she sat near my mom.My mom said: Yeah,Anna , we are very good friends. Then someone shouted for me and I ran and there was a girl called Mirela(Which I hate very much) she had some short hair and she was wearing some blue-white-green clothes and she asked me When was the wedding? I said I didn't know and What wedding? (I automatically thought about McDonalds for some reason,I thought that McDonalds was the food served for the wedding) She said: Oh , I think I came too late , It's finished already. And I was like: Really? Then she walked away smiling.I looked at a group of girls over there and then I gone back. I remember sitting somewhere else looking at my ex boyfriend making out with someone else and I was like: Ok,I don't care. Then I wanted to get closer to there but then I see him alone,with no girl near him.I realise a cat walking around me and there was my sister saying: Catch it! She's so cute!. I kept looking at the cat and she was white with some brown and she was really cute but I couldn't catch it.[/COLOR]

      Dream 3 :[COLOR="#800080"]I remember Heather Feather coming into my house holding a black bag,she said something about money but then I stopped her and I told my mom that I'm going in my room with her because I have to tell her something,my mom was really calm and she didn't say anything but she smiled and clean the kitchen.Then I told to myself(How she didn't wanted to come or ask me anything about it) Well then I gone to my room and told her that I lucid dream and that I walked through walls and that I saw money(I thought that's how I could make money for some reason) In this whole time,she was at the computer then she smiled and she lay on the bed (somehow she turned into my math teacher) then she said I need to relax a lot and then she took off an elastic and her hair was lying on her back and then she started massaging her scalp.That's all I remember.[/COLOR]

      Dream fragment 1: [COLOR="#800080"]I remember Jonathan telling me he doesn't know how to run and I teached him how to run.[/COLOR]

      Dream fragment 2:[COLOR="#800080"] My friend came to my house asking me to go outside and I said: I don't really think I can come. then she said: What?! Anna! then she come smiling in my house .[/COLOR]

      Updated 08-06-2013 at 06:12 PM by 61851

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    2. 11th July 2013 Short DEILD, Reality Check Epic Fail

      by , 07-11-2013 at 11:39 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's nap. Way to go failing with that reality check, my awareness was probably non-existent.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was in some video game in some modern city with simple structure, there were alot of people and i was taking quests from some crazy scientist, then i went to do those quests but all people disappeared, i figure it is game preparing area for fight but i wake up.
      I lie down with closed eyes and in a few seconds i get sensation of dream. For some reason i can't open eyes but i feel some kind of energy above. I manage to control this energy for a bit and i think about trying to turning it into something but then i wake up.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I am in bed in different position, preparing for nap but then i get interrupted by family and talk. I get up and almost do reality check but then i get distracted again and.
      I wake up, more interruptions, more talk, i finally do RC and my hands are weird, i think that with hands like that i would not be able to use keyboard properly and i do reality check a couple more times till they are more or less normal... I go through door and then
      i wake up.
    3. 10th July 2013 Various video game fragments

      by , 07-10-2013 at 11:10 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Fragmented recall, got to sleep later than usual due to doing too much stuff again.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was in some video game and i was in forest that looked very familiar. I was talking to some characters about player classes and we were searching for some artifacts. At one point i was looking at menu and comparing class stats.

      Dream 2:

      I was playing some strategy game where the map was split into 9 parts that were weirdly connected over the edges. I was starting with small amount of forces and the map was filled with enemies and some enemy bases, as for the areas themselves, they looked rather greeny with a number of elevation changes and mountains and trees, a few waterfalls as well.
      I was building a base and started making units, one of which looked like scout ships from AI War, i used those for scouting obviously since other partitions of the map were shrouded at the beginning. Then i got more defenses and units as well as progressing in the tech. I defeated a few attack waves and capped connected partitions for resources, then progressed in attacking and getting superweapons, then soon there was no enemy left on the map, i sent scout to each partition to be sure and indeed, only my units were present.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was at home which looked entirely different, there was colored glass and rooms were alot bigger, then i went somewhere else and there was some kind of concert. Then after there was a heated discussion in the city.

      Dream 4(fragment):

      I was playing some kind of RTS and was defending the base.

      Dream 5(fragment):

      I was playing some FPS that was happening on tropical islands, like Far Cry.
    4. 10th July 2013 Fragments

      by , 07-10-2013 at 12:00 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's nap.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      There was some talk and then i was looking in window and there was pigeon going inside other pigeon somehow and they transformed into some bigger abomination of pigeon.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      There was something about small red dragon.

      Dream 3(fragment):
      It's fragment from probably yesterday, recalled it only after nap.

      I was in bathroom and toilet was clogged up with some magazines apparently.
    5. 10/07/13 - tattoos & halloween, fight with mom, apartment landscape

      by , 07-10-2013 at 11:47 AM (vignettes from a different world)
      i had a dream early in the night but i don't remember it at all. i will edit this if i recall any details.

      later i am in the dining room of the townhouse. various people are here. i have gotten 7 or 8 identical tattoos on my hip. they are tiny outlines of men. i colour them in with a pink marker to make it look like they're naked. a girl laughs and asks me if it's my halloween costume. suddenly i realize that it is halloween. i want candy but i do not have a costume so i go to my room and find a pair of bunny ears. i put them on and leave the house (it is night) but i only get a few steps before realizing i've forgotten to get something to hold the candy. i go back inside the house. there's a long segment here that i don't remember much of. all i remember is that i was carrying a purple nightgown with bleach stains and i saw an identical nightgown on a shelf, which creeped me out a little, and people were discussing times? i went upstairs to get a pillowcase but for some reason went into the bathroom instead. i heard someone talking about slenderman downstairs. then i entered my room. i grabbed a pillowcase and put on a glove shaped like a bunny's paw. the dream ends here.

      around 9 am i had the following dream: i am visiting my mother in an unfamiliar house. we get into an argument, the details of which are a little personal and so won't be posted here. i end up screaming at her, throwing a stack of paper in her face and leaving.

      edit: remembered another part of the last dream. this occurred prior to the argument. my father and i were in an apartment with white walls; a lot of stuff was made of wood. the room was filled with blue light. there were parts coming out of the walls that created steep hills and inclines and we were trying to climb on top of them. at the same time that these represented parts of the room they also represented a landscape and at times they would become much larger in scale and look, for lack of a better description, like real-life video game platforms; at one point there was an elaborate gothic church on top of one. yet they were still components of the apartment.

      comment: these simultaneous perceptions feature commonly in my dreams and often make it difficult to write down an accurate description. the best way i can describe it is that they add layers of depth to the dream world.. that is to say a table in a dream is not just a table; it may occasionally be perceived as an object that is functionally or structurally related (eg a chair because it's used for dining, a dog because it has four legs and is brown) or, if not fully perceived this way these sorts of associations will persist at a subconscious level and colour the dream experience. the mechanism behind this, i think, is an intensification of associative thought. i have experienced similar perceptions in waking life w/ the use of marijuana.

      Updated 07-10-2013 at 02:47 PM by 61860

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. No no no no no no

      by , 07-10-2013 at 09:16 AM (Welcome to my dreams!)
      1. [Semi-Lucid]
      I'm laying in bed with no covers over me and completely naked, my friend (Nathan) is sat at the side of me in his wheelchair, {I thought to myself, shit I'm naked he's gonna see everything}.
      Nathen then turned, stood up (He cant stand IWL and I knew that while in the dream), he then leaned over and started tickling me, (I felt uncomfortable and embarrassed but not as much as I would have been IWL as if my emotions where numbed) I got annoyed so he stopped and sat back down. He then started touching my penis which actually woke me up.

      I was going to facetime Alex so all 3 of us could talk with my iPhone.
      Me & Nathan had a small fight, some pinching & nail stabbing.

      Notable Items & People:


      Was in bed and got told to sit on the edge of the bed.

      Notable Items & People:
      Mum, Person, Window ledge, Bed blanket, my knees
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. July 10

      by , 07-10-2013 at 08:37 AM
      f - I'm cooking something with beans I think
      dream fragment
    8. Brothers and first fragment about DV

      by , 07-09-2013 at 08:22 PM (Nelzi's DJ)
      One dream about my brothers from when they were smaller (~3 years ago maybe) and one fragment about DV after WBTB:

      • I am at my grandmother's house, sitting at the kitchen table. I haven't been around in a long while, possibly the longest while since I moved out from home. So I have this feeling that I am a rare and honored guest.

        The father side of my family (father, his wife and my small (half-)siblings) is coming for a visit, as they often do. They all go into the basement to look for me, except my two youngest brothers. I walk along the hall with the familiar tiles. I say hi to them, they look small and sweet, my grandmother sits on a couch right next to them. They don't look at me and act a bit shy, but I know this will pass quickly. It's been a while after all, I think.

        I carry the youngest to the big glass slide door leading to the terrace and I can see his reflection in the glass. His arms are soft and still a bit baby-like. He is wearing a sweater with black and white stripes, but no pants. I ask 'how old are you now?', while I'm guessing he is probably 2 right now. Suddenly my other brother (1 1/2 years younger than me) is there and he has to laugh at the whole situation. I ask him 'do you remember when we were so small?' and by thinking about that, I also have to laugh.

        Beautiful dream, thank you. Nothing odd or overwhelming, just natural. Vivid in tactile and visual experience. Definitely memorable for me personally.

      • I dream about the DV-forum. There is so much to read. So much information from various sources. I browse the sections I find interesting or entertaining.

        The posts are somehow transferred live. I get the messages directly (by reading and telepathically), while they are written and created. I can literally watch a thread or a post while it is being formed. Some contributions are rather redundant, but others are interesting; there is a great variety. I stick to the messages of the members I trust.

        Can't remember any particular people, but I would not name names if I could anyways .

        Somehow they telepathically try to explain the mechanism of the forum. They show how posts and threads are formed around topics and they explain the best way to pose a question. They try to connect them with each other in the way it makes the most sense. They manually draw lines between posts and topics and they tie them together with bands. So there is a big and interconnected web of meaning and syntax forming in front of me.

        This came after WBTB. I know this is a small fragment of a big dream, but this is all I can recall from it. This fragment is the result of me reading a lot on DV the previous day. I like how my subconscious processes my daily actions and hands it back to me in a neat little picture story.
    9. REM and LD rebound

      by , 07-09-2013 at 05:06 PM
      Date: 08 July

      Pre bed: 100mg B6

      Total sleep time: 9 hrs

      Sleep quality and recall: I have been sleep deprived for a number of days in a row, so I really needed my sleep. As soon as my more memorable rebound began (after 4.5 hrs of sleep and an involuntary WBTB), I went directly into a lucid, took key notes only, went back to bed to have another chain of lds. Sleep was the priority so only took brief notes. Also due to deeper sleep in which I think these LDs occurred plus them being one after the other, I was going deeper into the dreamworld and some details were lost.

      Early dream: I am in some house and think about a family friend who's visiting in the dream. She will sleep in a particular room, I am now in the room and examine two beds, and a very long couch and make some comments about that. Soon she comes in and we start talking. I am very happy to see her, so I hug her and kiss her on the cheek, one side only, and she does exactly the same, which I find a bit strange. She has short ginger/copper hair, a really beautiful color and looks much younger and as if she has lost some weight compared to rl.

      Fragment: my dad was involved. I just remember cleaning something outside, wearing a short top which makes me feel uneasy as some guys are staring at me, so I go inside.

      LD1: My first memory is that I am standing and possibly I wake in this bed in a room that vaguely reminds me of my first room. It is dark and there is a sense of creepiness and I explore around as the room changes to a larger apartment. Unfortunately, I don't have much memory of what I looked at in the first part of this ld. This took some time and then I look out if the window and see some strange graffiti. This whole thing is moving and it looks like a picture of graffiti next to another picture of graffiti, below and above each more graffiti pictures and some people there as well. It looks insane/trippy. There seems to be some story developing as outside on the street and to the right some kind of danger is making these people on the graffiti window want to run away. I briefly wonder about what kind of supp I took this night and remember it was the B6, which slightly worries me. (I tend to have more aggressive/chaser dreams with it). Yet, I try to control my reaction as I really don't want to spend the ld running from this thing.

      I concentrate on other items in the room. Some kind of a cupboard or whatever, I just see thousands of tiny objects, each one is different and unique. I am literally overwhelmed with detail and unable to remember any particular item. The images remain stable. While this is extremely interesting and I enjoy examining these items, I realize that one can sink to uncontrollable depths due to indulging and decide to move on. I see a glass door and just pass through it as if it is nothing, and wonder a bit about that. I also briefly check out my reflection on this glass door. This room is also very dark and I really don't feel like exploring in this condition as I begin to worry I might meet something I am not going to like.

      I try to back off but then get paranoid that I am summoning something as I keep on staring at the darkness behind a door. Soon something begins to form there and comes towards me. Luckily, I only managed to get some grey formless furniture to appear from the door and come towards me. As it gets in my proximity, I instinctively lift it with my mind, and hold it in the air for a while. This reminds me of various tasks that were included in the competition, and I go through my own tasks, but most of them involve some DCs. The only one that I remember I can do here is to transform into a tiger. I simply think of that, and possibly because I am so deep into the dream, it is quite easy. I immediately find myself on fours, and check if my paws are those of a tiger, they are! The only problem I seem to have is with my head/neck. There is some tension and I am unable to look ahead as my head is facing the floor. I am trying to fix this but it doesn't work much and I experience all kinds of weird sensations, connected to vision, my body, floating, etc.

      I think this is how the dream ends. I wake up feeling very sleepy (some 5 hrs after bed), take some key notes and review in mind as not to forget. I also think that there was another task that I can do without DCs, swallow fireworks. I fall asleep again.

      LD2: I find myself in what looks like my first room again, some floating feeling again, and I am in a normal upright position. Something about this whole thing feels weird as I am thinking what the hell am I doing here, I realize this is a dream just like some time ago. The room is dark again and I remember how this is not an issue for Xanous anymore, but it certainly bothers me, it is just unpleasant, and not just the darkness, but rather the whole atmosphere.

      I remember that I don't have to be confined to using conventional means so decide I will use a flashlight to help me. (I had previously thought about this) I look around and there are all kinds of things on the furniture but no flashlight. At this time, I remember that there was this other no DC fireworks task that I can still do and look for some fireworks among the objects, but don't find any. My memory is a bit vague as to what I do afterwards. After spending some more time looking around, I finally gather the courage to risk and phase through the wall or some furniture on the wall. It swallows me and I float in the void.

      LD3 fragment: I am in some other room but this time it is daytime. I am examining the surroundings, very enthusiastic, but don't remember almost anything. I want to go outside so I carefully climb on the window and try to cross over to the street. As I do, I feel as if I am phasing, but do some movements to emerge through this invisible sticky water-like material, and hold on to the dream. I lose my balance and fall forward, ending up in the void, where I am floating and rolling at the same time.

      LD4: I suddenly find myself in a room, that slightly looks like that of bf. Bf is to my left and we are discussing something. I am facing a wardrobe with a mirror and notice that am wearing a long Chinese dress. It looks a bit strange since I can't figure out why am I dressed like that. I take a closer look in the mirror. Not only that but I just look ridiculous, it is oversize, my hair is kind of weird too. This is a dream. OK, so finally I can do TOTM. I hug my bf's DC, hold like that for a while, then wait for a reaction. He doesn't do anything just breathes and there are some hissing-like sounds coming from him. He finally manages to whisper the word "something". I step back and look at him. While I consider him to be my bf he is a different DC now, more like Nicolas D'Agosto.

      There is something unpleasant about him, but his proximity triggers some sexual desires on my part and I start thinking of what to do. I tell myself that it is ok to do that if I want to and think about DV and how people are fine with it, and how I am going to report that...So I am very close to him, both of us with clothes and I am struggling with myself as he just waits there. Two opposing forces are acting on me until I finally manage to move away and just observe him for a bit.

      I remeber other tasks with DCs - "assign a DC", I feel like there's no sense in doing that, then "ask a DC". This one sounds good so I decide to go ahead and ask him where my phone is. (I lost a phone at home). He is totally dumb and doesn't say anything just assumes some strange waiting for me to jump on him kind of position.
      The dream fades?

      LD5: I am in my high school and bf's mom is also there.I am still lucid but this is extremely hard now as I feel I am sinking deeper into sleep. I am mostly worried that all lucid memories will be totally lost as I haven't journaled and try to remember how many lds I had before. I count four. I continue down the corridor, float and fly up the stars in yet another float/fly style with my hands locked like in a prayer/or like I am swimming. As I float up, I just remember the ld with the tiger transformation and the issues I had with my head. I can somehow compare the experiences and sensations during both events (transformation and current float moving).

      My floating is somewhat hard to control not in terms of where I am going but in terms of how I'm seeing. It's like I am in weightlessness turning over randomly, seeing the world upside down, sideways, etc. As I am trying to figure out a solution for these problems, the dream fades, and I if I recall correctly I float in a similar way in the void.
      Or maybe not. I spent so many dream ends shortly floating in the void that night, it is getting hard to distinguish those.

      LD6: I wake up my first room, on the bed, it is dark. I get a bit tired of this scenario. This time I am lying on the bed while some sort of indigo/dark blue energy is attacking me. This does not feel nice at all as I literally sense this thing is energetically feeding on me. I wake up from the nasty feeling.

      These dreams took around 30-40 mins of sleep. After waking up, I take some brief notes. The last dream left me a bit distressed so even though I need my sleep badly I am reluctant to immediately fall asleep. I try to dissipate the mood, then go into more unmemorable deep sleep.

      LD7: There was another LD that I vaguely as I lost lucidity at some point and then had 3 NLDs. I remember two lucid fragments: one where I was checking out shadows - my own shadow and that of someone else and some objects. I was excited to have finally noticed this. I conclude that the shadows are very realistic and on this occasion there is no difference from RL, at least according to my dream logic at the moment. I also remember organizing an erotic scene, but it got interrupted by other dream themes.

      Other dreams: I remember having three NLDs that were cool and interesting, but unfortunately cannot recall as much as I would like to.

      NLD: I am having a tiger that I take care of. For some reason this tiger is activated into life and then made to hibernate by being drained and filled with liquids like water and blood. It is a good tiger and I wonder why did I decide to switch it off by taking life away from it. Someone tells me that the more you do that to these types of animals the worse they get every time they come back. The give a list of symptoms that will develop over time, the first one being aggression. I am worried about my tiger and want to bring it to life as soon as I can tomorrow. At the same time, it seems I have another animal, that is some kind of leopard that morphs into a dalmatian/leopard with the head of a bull terrier. This animal already suffers from side effects of the process and is ultra aggressive. I try to lock it in a room and think what esle to do.

      NLD: I come across a beautifully decorated box. If contains two strangely shaped crystals, a bit a like the tooth or horn of some animal. These crystals belong to some kind of a ruler/king who has now sold them. They have creepy magic powers that are very strong and can be used to one's advantage
      but there's some sort of negative side effect too.

      A bit later me and a friend of mine, possibly a classmate go out on a strange street. There is a minor quake and I warn her that there will be another one as this is part of the scenario.

      NLD fragment: I am going up some rails that are in the sky. It looks as if I am travelling and want to cross over to Sweden, where there is an invisible track and another one to a nearby location. But who can fly (by himself) for such a long distance?

      Comment: The 2-6lds were just following one after the other and I did not touch on my body to DEILD.
    10. 09/07/13 - fragments - strange house, pool, semi-lucidity

      by , 07-09-2013 at 04:54 PM (vignettes from a different world)
      decided to start keeping a dream journal again because my recall has been abysmal the past few months.

      i do not recall much of the first dream. i remember that the scene was dark and there were several men around. at one point (i do not know if i was awake or still dreaming) i thought to myself that i should try to remember this dream.

      later in the night i believe i had a false awakening. i dreamt that i was laying in my bed, and i decided to go back to sleep. my dream began on the bottom floor of a house. i was sort of aware that i was dreaming, and i decided to go up the stairs because it would turn this house into a cool house from one of my favourite dreams (which i had before i started keeping a journal on DV). the house was large and airy with many floors; the top floor was a white gazebo several hundred feet above the ground. i was sitting on a chair in the gazebo and gazing out at the sky. i was still faintly aware that i was dreaming. i tried to give myself a feeling of happiness/euphoria but it did not really work. i became aware of my real-life body and my dream imagery began to fade.

      after that i slept fitfully. i would wake up once every half hour or so and return to sleep almost immediately. i had a dream about being at some kind of camp. there was a lot to this dream but i do not recall much. the part i remember took place in a large outdoor pool. it was sunny and warm outside. i asked a man what the temperature was and he said '42 degrees'. i decided to go for a swim but by the time i reached the pool it had been drained. it was full of wet leaves and detritus.

      edit: remembered another part of the camp/pool dream. i was with some teenage girls who had some pills that they said were MDMA. most of the pills were pink tablets with imprints but two of them were large black "bars" with white text and hearts on them. i told them i had to analyze the pills before i took them. i recall that i found out the 'bars' were some kind of herbal supplement.

      Updated 07-09-2013 at 05:45 PM by 61860 (added fragment)

      non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
    11. July 9

      by , 07-09-2013 at 12:17 PM
      Fishing in prehistoric times

      I'm fishing with my friends at prehistoric pond in the night. I catch wierd lookin fish. It looks like fish/dinosaur/reptile animal. It has about 40 cm. We meet prehistoric man, he has bone necklace. He is angry at us, so I make him fear us and he runs away.

      Party taste

      I'm in the park in the city, where i was born. I get invitation on my iphone to some party. On invitation card there is photo of people whom have attended party before.

      A. school

      I go in a classroom. I see my desk mate from hightschool and some other girls. I sit next to boy M. and I take off my hoodie.
      dream fragment
    12. The Jew sitter

      by , 07-08-2013 at 11:21 PM (Nelzi's DJ)
      In all my recent dreams I am always so nice to people and they are nice to me. They are all pleasant dreams, the unpleasant ones are fortunately rare for me and I haven't had a nightmare since I was a child. But this night I was confronted with one of my recurring childhood nightmares, where I am in the role of a Jew during world war two in Germany, and I am always haunted by Nazis and the holocaust.

      Three fragments followed by two dreams:

      • I'm on my way from my grandmother's house to my mother's with 3 other guys. I go down through the garden into the valley. It's raining and I'm the only one with an umbrella, too bad for the others I think and enjoy my dry place beneath it.

        I want to cook some nice food when we arrive at my mother's apartment, so I ponder my appetites and imagine what would be nice to eat. Then, when we cross the small wooden bridge across the small river, there are three nice chicken filet frying on the right side. They have the same size as a human and look delicious and well spiced.

        Don't know who I was with. The environment was the real and well known environment between my grandmother's house and my mother's apartment. Had some chicken the previous day.

      • I am in a courtyard of a big farmers house, there are many people. I have a really big bar of chocolate and I should share it with the others. Sharing is fine I think and I give half of the chocolate bar for sharing, while I selfishly enjoy the other delicious half myself.

        Sharing 50% is enough. Who can say no to chocolate.

      • I am at a big harbor with much traffic on the water, many big passenger ships. I am on a big platform with many people, some are just walking, some are enjoying the view across the harbor, standing at a railing.

        I spot a young man who stands there with no shirt, so I ask him "aren't you cold? It's so windy", he says "it's all cool" and smiles.

        Then I see another guy, who looks just like one of my friends from behind and I tap him on the shoulder and hug him. Suddenly I realize that he is a stranger and not my friend. I apologize and feel sad, because I was happy to see my friend. The stranger is a bit confused, but takes it with a smile.


      • I'm in the city with two of my friends, there are big streets, much traffic and many traffic lights. As we intend to cross a street, the traffic light switches from green to yellow, but I think "no big deal, I can easily make it, I'm not gonna die from this!", so I keep going, while my friends stand still. I almost get hit by a car coming from the right, the brakes make a loud noise and scare me. There is a police station in front of me.

        Now I am about 50 m ahead of the two and as I turn around to look after them, they scream and yell at one driver. The car stops and the driver yells back, but that only gets the whole trouble started: The window of the passenger seat opens and a young Nazi with a handgun begins shooting at my friends, one of them has also a gun and begins shooting back. I hear some bullets hitting the car, I am really frightened now. The window from the backseat opens as well and another young Nazi begins shooting in all directions, including mine, with an assault rifle. I panic and run behind the nearest buildings. The Nazi gang leaves the car and begins hunting their 'usual group of targets', while they scream hateful Nazi phrases.

        I run across a big soccer field, where people are playing soccer and soft ball. They must not have realized the trouble, I calm myself with the fact that I saw a police station nearby. The field is big and I run as fast as I can, still frightened.

        I come to a house with 6 apartments, there are names on the doorbells and on one there is "[My name], the Jew sitter", so it must be my apartment I think. But the house scares me, there are all these hateful phrases on the walls, and the fact that I am labeled "Jew sitter", while there is a Nazi gang on the way freaks me out.

        So I hide behind the building on a small hill with an old and rotten train track. I calm down a bit. I see some homeless people and some junkies chilling on the train track a little further ahead. Then there is this ringing sound that comes when the railroad barriers are closing.

        When I woke up, I realized that the ringing sound was my phone moaning for power and I somehow incorporated that into the dream. The Nazi nightmares were haunting me when I was a child and had learned about all the cruelties from the holocaust. I guess back then I was so overwhelmed with how cruel humans could possibly be (and obviously I still am. I grew up in Germany, don't know if that's relevant, though).

        So here was an unscheduled WBTB, where I did some MILD exercises and imagined how the dream would be when I had been lucid. Also, I realized that I did not have the capacity to RC, when I saw the train track, which is one of my recurring dream signs. Maybe I should make Nazis to my dream sign, because they are fortunately only present in my dreams nowadays. Spotting them right away in the dream will give me the opportunity for a nice revenge

      • I'm at a party at my university. Everyone is happy and the party is fun, I smoke a Joint with two of my friends, they get really high. Later they want to go outside, but I rather stay inside.

        I try to use a cash machine, but it refuses to give me any cash, because my card is broken. I meet a bald black guy who is waiting in the line to the cash machine and I start talking to him. He is very nice and we have fun together, so we decide to chill in the room next door. There is a table with big soft couches around it and there are some hot girls sitting there. As we sit down, the girls are gone and I wonder what I did wrong, but it doesn't affect our mood. The black guy shares his cigarette with me, it looks like a joint but he assures it is a cigarette.

        I go down a narrow staircase to the toilets after promising the black guy that I'll be back soon. I then find myself in a library with many people working and reading in small booths, it is big and confusing and I admit to myself that I have lost track of where I am. I somehow manage to get outside and try to get back to the party. There is a small field with a police car and I walk across the field towards the building. I meet one of my friends with whom I have smoked earlier that night. Strange thing is there are two of him. So I say "Hi [name of friend]" two times, once to each of them. I wonder why there are two times the same person and then I wake up.

        Confusing dream, but somehow cool and very vivid. I like WBTB, should do it more often, I think it is a nice tool for dreams in general. I have always had the impression that a small waking phase in the end of the sleep cycle improves dream vividness, even before learning about WBTB and LDing.
    13. July 8

      by , 07-08-2013 at 10:38 AM
      Little snakes

      I see a lot of snakes on the floor, some of them are dead. There are very little snakes everywhere.

      Long rifle

      I'm on the field holding rifle with a long tube.

      B. tried

      I talk with B. and V. about their experience. B. says that she tried a lot of activities...
      dream fragment
    14. 8th July 2013 Fragment

      by , 07-08-2013 at 10:28 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's nap.

      I was playing some video game.
    15. Dream Fragments

      by , 07-08-2013 at 04:27 AM
      Legend: Lucid, Real Life, Non-Lucid, Semi-Lucid

      Hacking EA:
      as I ran down the stairs of a very odd mall I noticed myself and my partner trying to break into EA(Electronic Art Games). He had a box In his hand as if this box was able to bypass there security, we had the box on complete lock down meaning that its true purpose was very important.

      The Green Room:
      After SSILD + WBTB was done I was on the verge of going to sleep but then suddenly the fans in my room got really loud and there was a woman's voice trying to speak to me, I was completely calm as I new exactly what was happening, I was in a Hypnagogia state. I started to imagine a dream scene with me and my friends at a local pool, but this did not happen. Instead, I woke up in a room with green lighting as i tried to move clearly something was wrong. Every time I tried to walk I would move a door at the end of the room, I tried to see who was opening and closing the door and to my surprise it was Abraham Lincoln. I really did want to meet/troll him but unfortunately I could hear my mom trying to wake me up and I had no idea if she was actually trying to wake me up or if i was just imagining it so I had no choice but to wake up.