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    Lucid Dreams

    1. JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

      by , 08-04-2010 at 12:28 PM
      Rumble in the Jungle (DILD)


      This started with me on a bus. Should really have noticed the dreamsign. I was on my way back to a picnic in the grounds of my old school, and it was raining. I was worried because I had been told that bagguettes and other sandwiches had been left out in the open air, and I didn't want them to get soggy from the rain. I was on the bus with two of my brothers, who told me it was time to get off when we were beside the estate near my house. We stepped off and started running. In reality, my school is nowhere near there, but in the dream it was just around a corner. I burst through a gate and skidded down a gravelly hill to the picnic table, which was out the front of the school.

      I got into a conversation with a girl from my class who turned up while I made a sandwich, and the next thing I knew, a lesson had started outside. Lots of people from my year appeared from nowhere and sat down at other picnic tables which had appeared around mine. I sat beside the girl I had been talking to. It seemed to be a geography lesson, and although I hadn't been paying attention to the teacher at all, she asked me,
      "So John, what else do rivers do that hasn't been mentioned so far?" I improvised,
      "Uh... meander, and flow towards the sea?"
      "Exactly," She said. What can I say, freakin genius. I put my head down on the desk so I could talk more privately with the girl beside me. When I looked up, we were inside a tent. Something registered,
      "This isn't right..." but it wasn't enough to turn me lucid. Everyone was going outside, so I followed them. Now we were in a jungle. It was quite beautiful. There were really tall trees, and vines wrapped around some ancient ruins.

      Some friends and I went exploring. We were laughing and talking when we stepped out from behind a tree right into the path of a giant panther. It stopped and stared at us, making a low grumbling noise. The rest immediately ran. I had it in my head not to make any sudden movements, so I just stood there. After a few seconds the panther lay down, and I tried to sneak off. I was trying desperately not to stand on any twigs, and I ended up floating ever so slightly between steps.
      I noticed the abnormality and became lucid. I levitated over the ground and made my way back to the tent. I floated in, showing off my moves, then plonked down at a table.

      My classmates were doing some kind of experiment using a candle, but I had no idea what it was. The candle went out, and I thought I should try and make fire to light it again. I snapped my fingers, expecting a flame to just magically appear, but it didn't. I pondered, then tried a different tactic. Cupping my hands around each other, I tried to force heat into the space between. After a few seconds I had a peek, and saw distinctive waves of heat. It was working. I kept it up, and soon fire was bursting from between my fingers. I used it to light the candle again, then looked at my palms. There were two tiny burns on the heel of each palm. I laughed, then woke up.

      The first thing I did was look at my hands. The burns were still there. I was really excited for some reason, so I ran out of the tent and flew around the trees. Some music started playing. It was very fast, and was perfect for running around in a frenzy, as I was doing now. I ran into the giant panther again, but stroked it like I would a cat, and it purred. After that I woke up for real.
      lucid , false awakening
    2. JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

      by , 08-04-2010 at 12:25 PM
      Super Paralysis (Note)


      Morning after a night out, once again. I didn't manage to get lucid in any dreams, but I did get a serious blast of sleep paralysis. Absolutely exhausted, I was sleeping on my back. I'm not sure if I came out of a dream, or I was maybe just really relaxed and forgot where I was for a while. Either way, I realised I was lying in bed, but couldn't move at all. My arms were by my sides, and I tried to lift them but they were completely dead. I actually tried really hard to move, just to test the power of the paralysis. It was total. Then I opened my eyes. I'm almost positive the room I saw was the real room and not a hallucination because nothing was "off". Light levels were consistent with the real room and everything was in the right place. I had a pretty good view because I had like three pillows under me. I couldn't see very clearly though, which is what makes me suspicious about whether or not I was hallucinating a view of the room.

      Anyway, I thought I shouldn't waste this great opportunity for a WILD, but I was so insanely exhausted that I just fell asleep unconsciously.
    3. JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

      by , 08-04-2010 at 12:24 PM
      Zombieland (DILD)


      Hmmm... I didn't realise this one was so long when I was typing it out. I'll put some pics in to break it up a bit.

      I was woken up quite early in the morning, and went back to sleep naturally after 10 minutes. If I can't be bothered WILDing, just falling asleep again after waking is much easier and works almost as often. I think the short time of being awake revs up the logic centre of the brain, making it far easier to spot dream signs.

      I was in some sort of small holiday complex. I "woke up" in the swimming pool. My head was leaning against the side, and I was still wrapped up in my red duvet- which wasn't actually all that wet. I was extremely groggy, and couldn't really move. I could feel that I was wearing my jeans though, and thought,
      "Shit what if my phone gets wet?
      Aha!" All too easy, point to me. For some reason, the groggy inability to move stuck with me, and I had another false awakening.

      I woke up beside the pool this time, it was as if I had fallen asleep on a deck chair. The pool was indoors, with a glass roof. I was in my swimming shorts, so I jumped straight into the pool. There were a few people I knew swimming around too. I hopped in an inflatable yellow dinghy and someone pushed me around for a while. Later, I was informed by one of the reception staff that a letter had arrived for me. (What's this, 1970?) She stuck it to the wall with a tack and went back to the front desk. I got out of the pool, dried myself off and went over to read it. I got the general gist of its content, which went something like, "Sorry we can't make it, but we gave our tickets to our two friends, you'll like them." Apparently it was from someone I knew who wouldn't be coming on holiday. I spent absolutely ages trying to read the names of the people the letter was from, and the names of the people who were coming in their stead. Every time I looked at it, it seemed slightly different, and I would notice new things. It was also pretty high up on the notice board, and I couldn't reach to take it down. A girl I know called Emma came over and asked what was wrong. I told her that I couldn't read what the hell was on this letter, and asked if she wouldn't mind having a go.
      "Sure," she said. "Lift me up." I put my arms around the top of her legs and lifted as high as I could. She unbalanced me when when she reached out for the letter, and we fell. She landed on top of me, and I broke her fall. I found it weird that I wasn't even winded, even though her knees had come crashing down on my chest. She laughed, then kissed me before informing me that I should be getting to work. Apparently this was one of those holidays you work during to afford. I put on my roller blades and left through the front door of the complex. I made my way downhill, past what looked remarkably like the sea near my house, and arrived at a restaurant. Apparently I was a waiter. I rolled straight into the kitchen like a ballet dancer, to the cheers of the chefs and other waiters. I stored my roller blades in a locker, and there was much banter about the state of my hair. Before we headed out to wait tables, the head waiter made sure we all smelled great, by squirting a huge cloud of Davidoff: Cool Water aftershave which he made everyone walk through.

      This was what the holiday complex looked like, only bigger.

      Just then the owner stepped into the kitchen and called for silence. He informed us of the terrible news that there had been, I quote: "An uprising of the undead." The chefs and waiters let out cries of alarm and disbelief, but I smiled and said,
      You can never have too many zombie dreams. I folded my arms and waited to hear the specifics from the restaurant owner. He said that the plague had begun several hours ago, but it had only now reached this area. Apparently, all the area's rich residents had been evacuated to safety hours ago, but we had been purposely left behind. He went on, "We are the..."
      "Cannon fodder?" I interrupted. He looked furtive for a second, and I knew I was right. There were various moans of "Oh no," etc. from the staff, so I turned to them and said,
      "Have you ever seen Shaun of the Dead?" Most of them nodded. "Well it'll be like that, only more fun." With that, I headed outside, ready to get laid in there. I looked up the road to my right, towards the holday complex I had come from, and hovered up to my head-height. I decided I should go back there and try to help my friends, so I started flying in that direction. I was going pretty fast, faster than I usually manage when flying unaided. I passed hundreds of zombies. They were emerging from the sea to my left, and staggering up the beach onto the road. I saw humans getting bitten and immediately turning. It seemed this was a particularly virulent strain of your standard zombification virus. (Think 28 Days Later) People would get bitten, or some infected blood would land on their exposed skin, and right away they would double over, screaming viciously. Their eyes went completely bloodshot, and for some reason, their gums started bleeding. I kept up the pace, but more and more zombies kept chasing me. I wasn't going fast enough to lose them, and was such an easily visible meal (flying at over 6 feet), that I was basically drawing hundreds to me, who joined the mob on my tail. As I flew, I concentrated hard on a sentence, and sent it out to everyone in the area telepathically. It told everyone I knew to meet me at the holiday complex. I heard the sentence booming in my head, and I had a good feeling that it would work. I wanted to fight off some zombies with a bit of company. I zoomed up the hill to the tall front doors of the complex, and found them locked indefinitely. I tried to break them down but they were completely solid. I turned round slowly, to face a semicircle of zombies that had formed around me, cutting off all routes of escape. I took up a fighting stance and they started coming at me. I didn't pay attention to faces or numbers, I stepped from zombie to zombie, breaking necks and punching clean through chests. Neck breaking was by far the easiest move, so I used it the most.

      There was a lull in the action. They had stopped attacking, and were now just staring at me, snarling. I heard a voice calling me.
      "Help! John!" It was an old friend of mine who I no longer like. He was waving at me from within the crowd. He forced his way to the front and ran over to me. "Thank God!" he gasped. Something wasn't right about him. He looked incredibly tired, and wasn't moving his lips very much when he spoke.
      "Hang on," I said. "Let me see your teeth." He shook his head, so I grabbed him and had a look for myself. His gums were unmistakably bleeding (like the rest of the infected) and as soon as I saw them, he growled. He was just pretending to be clean to get close to me! I wasn't having this. Since my hands were already inside his mouth, I tore his head apart by the jaws. It really wasn't pretty. In fact I immediately regretted it- the popping and cracking sounds were bad enough, never mind the sight. I threw down the pieces and glanced behind me. Emma from earlier had appeared in front of the door, along with David Cameron, leader of the Conservative Party.
      Why the hell was he there?? I'd had enough of killing zombies for now, so I took them both by the arm and floated them onto the roof, where I reckoned there would be a skylight of some sort I could use to get inside. I had to imagine they were both nearly weightless to get them to leave the ground at all. From there it was just a matter of floating myself up and dragging them behind.

      Sure enough, there was a skylight which I was able to kick open. It was dark inside, and instead of the reception and swimming pool I had left, there was now a winding corridor with hundreds of black doors. They all had labels on them, but I couldn't read any. I was helping Emma and DC down when the front door burst open. It was Voldemort, and he had an army of zombies behind him.
      "Leg it!" I shouted. We ran through the maze of corridors with Voldemort firing spells after us, but never quite catching up. I picked a random door and opened it to throw Emma and DC inside. It opened into an entirely different place- maybe an office building. I shut it behind them and turned round to face Voldemort. He didn't engage me personally, preferring instead to send zombie after zombie at me. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a wand. Not knowing many spells, I made some up on the fly. They were all complicated latinate words, which all seemed to work. Unfortunately I can't remember them at all now. When I had the chance, I jumped through the door I had sent the other two through, and slammed it behind me. I imagined these doors worked in the same way as doors opened by the "Keymaker" in The Matrix- Voldemort would not be able to follow. I glanced around the cubicles, but couldn't see any sign of life. Out of nowhere a woman ran up to me begging for help. I recognised the bloodshot eyes and bleeding gums of a zombie instantly, and pointed the wand at her.
      "Avada kedavra," I sighed. (The killing spell) She dropped like a stone. David Cameron and Emma decided to make their presence known, and stood up from behind a desk.
      "Just wait till I tell parliament about this!" Cameron said.
      "Obliviate," I replied, with the want pointed at him, thus wiping his memory.
      "Thanks," he said dozily.
    4. JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

      by , 08-04-2010 at 12:19 PM
      Iron/Bat/Super-man (DILD)


      There was a very interesting storyline running throughout this dream, although I can only remember part of it.

      I was like Superman, in that I was an alien sent to earth at birth, but in my time as a superhero, I wore a black costume very similar to Batman. It included a chest-mounted weapons dock/jetpack, which gave me flying abilities like Ironman. The earliest part I can remember is having a fight with some half-assed villain in the middle of a gravel hockey pitch, at night. (The villain looked a bit like Shooter McGavin from Happy Gilmore) In the struggle, he managed to unclip my jetpack, and put it on in an attempt to escape. Faced with a situation where I was about to become powerless, I became lucid.

      I've noticed that I do this quite a lot. If I'm being overwhelmed by monsters, or can do nothing to "save the day", I usually turn lucid automatically to take advantage of the god-like powers it affords me. The lucidity is never quite "top-notch", I would be hard-pressed to remember any tasks of the month/year and I usually just go along with the plot of the dream because it doesn't take much effort.

      The villain was about to take off. I adopted an arrogantly masculine stance (pic above) and laughed triumphantly.
      "It only works for me you stupid asshole! Biometric contols!" I had made this up in my head just there now, but the certainty in my voice seemed to have made it so. The bad guy bashed every button desperately, but to no avail. I jumped him from behind and wrestled him to the ground, taking back my jetpack. I clipped it back on quickly, and looked at the HUD. My vision was now slightly tinted with orange, and I could see some Chinese letters flashing across the bottom of my view. The flight controls were located on two handles which sat just on top of my lower ribs. It was a little bit like a roller coaster harness in design. Right then, I noticed the ground below me was starting to light up slightly. I assumed the sun must be coming up, but I was wrong. Shooter McGavin started shouting.
      "Look! It's a meteor! We're all doomed!"
      "What??" I turned around, and sure enough, there was a fireball in the sky. I activated my jetpack by squeezing a trigger on each of the two handles, and hovered waiting to see where it was going to land. It roared over my head, lighting up the whole area and leaving a burning smoke trail behind it. I squeezed harder, and took off after it. I thought I should be going faster. After all, Ironman can fly at the speed of sound (I think). I instinctively felt around for a "boost" button, and found one on the front of each handle. I pressed them both hard, and immediately shot forward at a crazy speed. My head was thrown backwards with the initial accelleration, but I quickly got used to it. I could still see the meteor in the distance, and I was gaining on it. I noted that this was probably the fastest I'd ever flown in a lucid dream, and I was worried I might destabilise the dream like this. Luckily though, I was deep enough asleep for the g-force not to disturb me. I don't know what speed I flew at, but I estimate I was flying over about fifteen large houses per second, if that's any indication. The meteor hit the ground ahead of me, and I landed beside the crater. It had broken open an entire street, and busted water pipes were spraying everywhere. I don't really remember what happened next, but
      I lost lucidity, and ended up on the run from the law.

      Me and my (very) Irish accomplice managed to evade the police and escape down to the beach. (We were apparently in a coastal holiday town) The "beach" was no more than big black rocks covered in seaweed. We spied a tiny fishing boat resting on some high-up rocks, and ran over to it, hoping to escape out to sea. When we got there however, we saw that it had been converted into a pub! Instead of a steering wheel there were draught taps for Guinness and Carlsberg, and the boat itself was actually cemented to the rocks. The bartender shouted something about a storm coming, and all the patrons left. Most of them were grizzled old sea-dogs. I didn't look closely, but I could have sworn one of them had a wooden leg. We stepped inside once it was empty, and closed the shutter-like doors behind us.
      "This thing will never sail," I said.
      "Sure it will, just wait till the water gets high enough," he replied. After a short wait, huge waves started crashing over the rock wall which sheltered the boat. Sea water leaked in through the floorboards and washed around my feet. Luckily though, no more come in, and the water outside only pushed the boat upwards. At last, it broke free of the concrete, and started floating. We cheered. My companion somehow got the engine started, and the pub/boat chugged out into open sea.

      After a while of being battered by the waves, more water leaked in, and came up to my waist. I remembered my phone.
      "Shit!" I took it out of my jeans pocket and wiped it off. It was fine. I stuck it inside my hood for safekeeping.
      Can not believe I missed the "wet phone" dreamsign again!
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

      by , 08-04-2010 at 12:15 PM
      Zoo Party (WILD)


      I had a good night's sleep last night for the first time in like a week, and woke up at 12pm. Having not managed a WILD for a good while, I decided to have a go. I didn't really have a technique in mind when I started, I just got comfy on my left side and let my mind wander. Visualisations came quite easily after 25-ish minutes. They behaved kind of like a dream, but I wasn't actually asleep yet. I put myself into a random situation (which happened to be a trip to the zoo with friends) and watched the scene play out. It was like a very vivid daydream, but it had dreamlike qualities. People around me had conversations and did things without any direction from me. I stood and watched for the most part, occasionally touching something, but never speaking (because I could still feel my body and was not yet in SP). I watched for a good while, doing small things like stroking a koala and intentionally avoiding some tarantulas which had gotten loose. It was an odd vision-daydream, not entirely controlled by my conscious mind. Kind of like the little dreamlets you get as you fall asleep, but often catch with your conscious mind and get shocked out of- except it was lengthy, and my conscious mind was involved every step of the way.

      As the narrative progressed, I wound up at a crazier version of my school formal from last year. It was here
      that the daydream solidified into a proper dream. My guess is that SP finally kicked in here, and my mind had a "dream" premade, so I went straight in. There was a significant step up in both vividness and physical integration.
      "Finally!" I said, and gave high-fives all round. I went straight to rubbing my hands to anchor myself, then walked around saying hi to people I knew. I had originally intended to do part of the task of the year, but it had slipped my mind in the excitement.

      There were psychadellic disco lights flashing all around me, and it was a little bit difficult to see. Well, no more difficult to see than if I was in a club, but I'd like a bit more clarity from my dreams! I went a bit mad and tried to organise a huge orgy with all the best-looking girls from my year (what's a guy to do), but I stopped for a second. It all seemed incredibly realistic, and I thought about the possibility that I really was at a formal, and just really wasted. I thought back, and remembered what I thought to myself as I lay down in bed earlier,
      "Until I'm getting out of this bed again, nothing is real." This comforted me, but also made me think of my real body lying in bed. Realising my mistake, I ran around trying to grab something, but I was in the middle of the dancefloor and miles from a decent surface!
      Raging at myself, I was pulled out of the dream.
    6. JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

      by , 08-04-2010 at 12:14 PM
      Floating Down to the Beach Once More (DILD)


      At last I've broken my dry spell! I had to really concentrate to become lucid in this one though. Even weirder was the fact that I thought I woke up and wrote this down in the middle of the night, when in fact it was just a false awakening. So now I can't remember it in nearly as much detail as I should.

      I was at my old primary school, which was situated above a cliff path leading down to a beach. (Not in real life) It was a warm, very sunny day, and the beach was packed out with people. There were even people lining the path the whole way down. I was leaving the school wearing boardshorts, so I decided to head down there. I was jogging briskly, and dreaming sprang to mind. I remembered that if I was dreaming, I would be able to do massive floating jumps, and glide my way down the hill. My first jump was quite large, and it took me over the heads of some guys working at the top of the road. I became a bit lucid, but I didn't fully appreaciate that I was merely in a dream. I continued downhill (I think I was meeting friends down there or something). My gliding became quite strange; I seemed to fly like a frisbee. One of my flights took me out over the edge of the cliff, which was pretty terrifying! But I told myself that If I kept floating I would end up on solid land again, and that's what I did.

      I don't recall much more after this, but I'm pretty sure I got on a bus dreamsign! which took me back uphill to a holiday house where I was supposed to be staying with my friends. I went inside, and found that it was the same bunch of dudes I had been to Portugal with last year. I was talking to a guy called Adam, then Brian came in. It was here that I spontaneously decided to do the hand reality-check. At first, it looked like I had maybe seven fingers. I was like, "Whoa, guys I think this might be a dream." However their disbelieving reactions were enough to make me have a second look. This time there was no question. I meticulously counted nine fingers on my left hand. I poked each one as I counted it, and all of them had feeling in them. I was a lot more lucid this time than earlier. Everything seemed almost too real to be a dream though, and it was hard to hold on to the lucidity. I got out my phone (I got the correct model this time) and tried to call somebody, but I woke up!

      Luckily, I had the presence of mind not to move, so I did a lazy DEILD. I didn't even bother visualising anything, and I was soon back in. As soon as I was in, I did a few leg stretches to anchor myself. I can't remember what happened next at all.
    7. JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

      by , 08-04-2010 at 12:12 PM
      Sprinting (WILD)


      It's weird typing this now. A minute ago I was sprinting continuously for about ten minutes. I can't actually believe I managed to WILD this morning. Conditions were less than perfect. I'd already had a good night's sleep, my blinds were open (letting in bright light), and my bedroom door was open (letting in a loud conversation and piano playing).

      One thing going my way though was extreme drowsiness. For the third time in my life, I got trapped in sleep paralysis as I woke up. I wrote about my last waking episode in my very first post on Dreamviews (it was what led me here). I knew where I was, and the position I was lying in, and basic things like light levels in the room. I could also hear a conversation going on downstairs. -I've written down the main points of this conversation and I'll go check if what I heard was real or imagined after I type this up. It just felt like I couldn't force myself to emerge to full wakefulness, like forced laziness is the only way I can describe it. Mentally, I was trying to move, but all my limbs seemed to have lost their juice. Anyway, having missed out on lucidity in countless dreams last night, I thought I might as well use it to my advantage.

      On my first attempt, I
      could gradually see the inside of a car. I was in the back seat, and it was driving along a road I know well. The funny thing was, I could still feel my body, and I couldn't tell if my eyes were open or closed. I opened my eyes a bit and could see slightly clearer, but I'm almost sure my real eyes opened too- they just weren't sending any input to my brain.

      I woke up and the sleep paralysis broke. I rolled over and tried again. Quite quickly this time, I had a false awakening in my own bed. I can't be sure if I was still hearing conversations from downstairs, or my mind just invented a likely conversation to go along with the "awakening". I went downstairs and left through the front door as my mum was letting out whatever visitors were in the house. I'd love to know if their actual departure and my dream line up. I started running down the street, doing long floating jumps over bushes, people and cars. I thought about the task of the year, but the only one I could remember off the top of my head was "Give fire to Early Man". I didn't think I could hold the dream together long enough to do anything that complex, so I decided instead to just do some random exploration. When I got to the bottom of my street I turned right onto the larger road. But instead of the road I expected, I was surprised to find myself back on my own street- about a mile back along the road.
      "Oh well," I said. My mouth still wasn't cooperating fully. I took off sprinting. The exertion really helped anchor me in the dream and made things around me clearer. I saw some unidentifiable roadkill at the side of the road, and then a Tesco supermarket which definitely isn't there in real life. It was in the position of an old industrial site. I was still sprinting, and actually taking deep breaths. I'm not sure what the point of that was, maybe to make the scenario more realistic, or to keep my heart rate down or something.

      I got stuck behind a crowd of people outside Tesco. During that time, I decided to get out my phone. In my dream, I was wearing my dressing gown (which I guess I assumed I was wearing in real life, but wasn't), but I reached beneath it expecting to find my jeans- which I did. I felt inside the pocket, and pulled something out. I actually laughed out loud at the result. It looked like some kid had crudely nailed together several pieces of wood to make a giant replica of a phone. There were no buttons or a screen. However, there was a hole in the middle of it. I poked about inside and thought I felt something. I whacked the side of the big phone, and my ancient Nokia 3310 dropped out. It still had the green cover I put on it the last time I had it (in like 2002). When I tried to use it
      I woke up.

      These are the subjects of the conversations I heard. I'll check if they were real and report back.
      green lights
      Scott Joplin (composer)

      EDIT: Turns out they were talking about Scott Joplin, but the others were my imagination. Thinking about it, there were definitely some images associated with the others, I should have guessed they were made up.
    8. JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

      by , 08-04-2010 at 12:12 PM
      Tattoos (DILD)


      I was running through a school I didn't recognise, trying to find a class I was late for. Earlier on in the dream, I had gotten several tattoos all over my body, and I was still only wearing my boxers. I had Bart Simpson on the back of my neck, A Xenomorph tramp stamp, a large Predator's fist blade down my left side, I need to play less of that game! and the lyrics to some emo song on my right side. I found my way into what looked like a "Technology" corridor, and something told me I was in the right place. I rounded a corner and saw some people I vaguely knew heading into a room, so I followed them. I became worried because I didn't have any books with me, and I was also in boxers, but then I realised everyone else was in the same boat!

      Later on in the class, I was invited up to the front do some presentation. I walked calmly up, said hello to the class and stopped. I had no clue what I was supposed to have prepared! "What the hell...?" I murmured. I did a reality check.
      I looked at my left hand, and it was warped beyond recognition as a hand. One of the fingers had become a piece of wood on the end of a green string. I was dreaming! That explained a lot. I remembered then that I didn't even go to school any more, this whole scenario was made up. Unfortunately, the lucidity I got was not very high-level. I ended up showing off my tattoos to the class. They were all impressed.
      lucid , non-lucid
    9. 08/02/10 Stardust Memories

      by , 08-04-2010 at 04:13 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      I exited the portal right next to the koi pond, which was where I had expected to emerge, I looked around and saw I was alone. There was no one waiting there right now. Maybe I should wait around for a bit? I felt the dream slipping… I was going to wake up… but there was so much left to do. I also wanted to see how long I could make this dream. I focused on Allura's method of time dilation, and the slipping dream stabilized.

      I looked around the koi pond again, everything looked more vivid now. I was by the koi pond, and I didn't see any sign of anyone else there with me. I remembered that Blake was going to meet me there, but I didn't see him, and wasn't I going to meet someone else here? Was it Yuri? I didn't think so due to our inverted sleep schedules, I know time isn't linear, but somehow the idea of dreaming with someone who won't have their dream about me until after I had already posted my part of the dream seemed like asking for a paradox… So who was it? Miss Maya from Mortal Mist? That sounded possible, but I didn't remember making any actual plans to meet, my intention had been to read some more of her dream journal to find out more about her inner world and her dreams, but I have been so busy with my job and homework and school and journaling and… and… There was a lot to do! What was I doing hanging around here? I had to get going!

      Next I wanted to complete the task of the month, which is to ride a unicorn. Stardust is a winged unicorn, so there would be no problem there, and it would be fun! I opened a portal to my inner world, focusing on getting to wherever Stardust happened to be, then I went through into a wide grassy meadow. There was a nice breeze blowing across the tall grass, and Stardust was grazing in the meadow with her wings folded neatly back, the feathers on her wings glistened in the sun, her pure white coat was contrasted by her flaming mane and tail which were literally made of fire, her single horn reflected in many colors and looked razor sharp on the tip. Such a beautiful animal… After briefly admiring her, I walked over to Stardust, she greeted me with a friendly nuzzle, then a bit of a nip, I got the idea she was annoyed at me for not visiting more often. I climbed onto her back and we took to the skies!

      Riding on the back of a winged unicorn, or I guess Stardust is a pegasus and a unicorn combined, was a wonderful sensation. Even though her mane looked like flame, it didn't burn me as I leaned forward and held onto Stardust's neck as we flew through the sky, watching the landscape of my dream world below me, the fields, the forests, a town that looked like a pleasant neighborhood… I could see my own house down there, it doesn't look like my waking life house, but somehow I still recognized it. I had just flown by when I realized there was someone outside of my house… I urged Stardust to circle back and I got back just in time to see Walms disappear into the house. Was he looking for me? Good timing, I just happened to be here! I landed in front of the house and dismounted, patting Stardust on her muzzle before I approached the house. I opened the front door of the house, nothing in here is locked since the shield keeps the undesirables out, and I looked around the living room. No sign of Walms. I looked through the house, it isn't very large, so that didn't take me long, but no sign of Walms. Damn… he must have woken up. I could wait for him to come back, but I wasn't sure he would come back, so I thought maybe I had better move on to my next goal.

      So now I wanted to share either a DDO dream or an Oblivion dream with Tigress, the main idea is for both of us to remember the dream. So I focused on locating Tigress with my next portal, from there we could go to a DDO dream or an Oblivion dream, or maybe she would already be involved in something cool and I could join in. I focused for a bit and finally the portal opened, I went through it…

      And I exited in a desert, it looked like the southwestern area of Arizona, somewhere in the Sonoran desert definitely. Since Tigress lives near me IWL, and I live in the desert, this didn't surprise me, it was just that Tigress was having a dream in the desert. I looked around to see if I could find Tigress anywhere, but I didn't see anyone at first, so I started walking around until I finally spotted someone. There was an aged Indian shaman here wearing a hat and looking at me with a very intense gaze, I wondered who that was and why he was here while Tigress didn't seem to be. Since the man seemed so focused on me, I walked over towards him… I recognized his energy. Somehow, instead of ending up in Tigress' dream, I had ended up locating don Juan…

      Updated 08-04-2010 at 05:00 AM by 27700

      lucid , task of the month
    10. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 08-04-2010 at 03:35 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      I think it'll be fun to post quick entries from this thread here in my normal DJ.

      A nice snack between the real meals, methinks.

      ¡Single Sentence Sizzler!®

      Mzzkc's Game (DILD)

      Quote Originally Posted by Mzzkc View Post
      While lucid, I experienced the disorientating effects of nul-gravity and re-oriented myself so that the enemy's gate was down; then, a battle commenced, wherein I used my legs as a shield and fired my laser between them, taking out the entire enemy "army."

      Updated 08-09-2010 at 07:45 AM by 25167

    11. My Dream Guardian is on a 2 year and 2 weeks vacation!!!

      by , 08-04-2010 at 01:51 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      My Dream Guardian is on a 2 year and 2 weeks vacation!!! (MILD)


      I got three dreams tonight. I went to bed pretty late. One lucid tonight.


      I was with my wife at home and we were talking. Suddenly, she started to run and she jumped to the bed. She started to roll, she fell from the bed and kept rolling. She kept rolling until she was by the closet. It appeared she was having an epileptic attack. I was worried for her and I asked her if everything was OK. She grabbed me and started to kiss me with a lot of passion. She pulled my clothes from me. She wanted to have sex so badly, so we started to have sex, the dream faded.

      I had a FA in my room. I was alone in bed now. I could hear the TV and I realized that my wife was watching TV. It was very dark outside and I was confused why my wife was not in bed. I did not want to move from bed. I was trying to recall a dream I just had, however, the sound of the TV bothered me. It was an odd situation so I decided to do a reality check. I checked my hands.

      My middle finger was thicker than usual, so I realized that something was wrong and I was dreaming. I got off from bed and pinched my nose. I could breath perfectly. I decided to jump to test the gravity. I floated for around three seconds. I went to my living room. I did not hear the TV anymore but I did not care. I opened the door. It was night. The exterior was as the same than waking. I took flight. I flew over my neighborhood towards downtown. The clarity of the dream was excellent. I kept flying until my dream completely stabilized. I landed and I started to walk around. I felt like going to pee, but I remembered I read someone's post about peeing for real in bed while lucid, so I avoided trying it.
      I saw a bridge about 15 feet tall. I saw five dream characters looking at me from the bridge. I levitated and flew slowly towards the bridge. They looked surprised. I walked by them but I did not exchange words with them.

      I passed by a house that had several plants. I touched the leaves of the plants and I could feel the leaves were humid. The leaves had small drops of water and they were cold. The quality and texture of the leaves were perfect. I looked towards the sky and I could see every single detail and every single star. I started to fly again and I though about summoning my Dream Guardian. I have never met him / her before so I wanted to attempt.

      I started to walk again. I was in the middle of a big street. It was almost empty. I saw around two to three dream characters. There were a few parked cars, but no one on the road. I said out loud, "I want to talk with my Dream Guide" A woman dressed like a USPS employee walked by. She stopped and turned. She walked towards me and she said, "You will have to wait another two years and two weeks. Temel is gone." I was wondering what was that. I blamed that I might not had a lot of control during that step. She told me, "Why don't you come with me for a few minutes?" I replied, "I guess it will be fine. I am lucid dreaming right now so I can spend some time." She walked ahead of me, but I followed her. We got into a very small room, however, it was very well lit. She told me that my Dream Guide worked with her, but she was gone on vacation for a couple of years. I told her, "I know. I will ask the dream to bring me to her!" She replied, "That rude. Do not do that!" I explained to her, "Oh, OK. Well, I want to meet Temel. I have been lucid dreaming since I was a kid without knowing the meaning of these words. Now that I know the meaning of them, I want to meet with her!!"

      I realized the room had several mirrors. I wanted to look at my reflection. It first looked normal but then, I looked two additional times. I saw a familiar face, but it was not mine. It changed every time I looked at the mirror.

      The mail woman handed me a small receipt. The receipt had her phone number and her e-mail. She asked me to keep it. I told her it would be impossible to bring the paper to waking, so I was going to attempt to remember the e-mail and the phone number. Her e-mail ended in @yahoomail.com Before the @ there was a very short name, like Ruth or Beth. I tried to read but I was not able. I realized that the dream was stable so I tried again. The dream faded instantly. I though in spinning but it was too late and I woke up.

      Missed Dream Sign:
      - My wife's odd behavior.
      - The FA.

      Noticed Dream Signs:
      - My wife was watching TV late at night.

      Reality Check Performed:
      - Hand Check
      - Nose Pinch.
      - Gravity Check.
    12. Giant Transformers

      by , 08-04-2010 at 01:11 AM (Ferret's Lucid Dream Journal)
      I was standing ontop of a big hill overlooking a city. I watched as two huge transformers were walking through the city smashing everything in sight. Ash, Chris and a random old lady were there with me. I was telling the guys how the scene was composited well and it looked beleivable. Then all of a sudden we were down by the water and the old lady asked us to hop on her boat. It was a big boat and we all hopped on. The old lady and Chris were saying how cool creed was, I didnt agree with them and they didnt look too happy. The water was extremly rough, the boat was rocking all over the place. All of a sudden the boat rocked up so far and I saw the water smash over the side of the boat. I woke up.

      I remember being in oblivion, I wasnt holding a sword but could see my hand out ready to cast a spell. I realised I must be dreaming but the dream instantly started to destabilize. I remembered what I did last time so I went into autopilot mode and just watched my dream self for a few seconds and the dream became clearer. I must have left it too long and slipped non-lucid. I remember a fragment being back in Oblivion and had a cool staff on enchanting. It was a wooden staff with a little leaf on the top.
      lucid , non-lucid
    13. 08/02/10 Voyages of the Mind

      by , 08-04-2010 at 12:44 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: This night was a really strange one… I fell asleep and was successful in entering my WILD, and then I proceeded to have what felt like a really long lucid with at least one instance of time dilation only to wake up and find out I had only been asleep for an hour! So I took notes on the dream and then went back to sleep, and for the rest of the night I didn't remember a single thing! Not even a piece of a non-lucid! That makes this one of the strangest nights of dreams I have ever had.

      So I went to sleep with a list of goals starting off with taking MoSh and Asuka to Voyager to see Tuvok, who will hopefully be able to help Asuka with controlling her emotions and energy to prevent her from losing control as happened in an unfortunate incident quite a while back. That is the incident that made her not want to fight due to fear of losing control again. In addition to that, I wanted to complete the advanced task of the month, which looked like it was going to be easy this month, and share a dream with Tigress where we both remember, either one in a DDO world or now we've added Oblivion to the list of game worlds we would both like to visit. With this list of goals in mind I used my light / sound machine to slip directly into a WILD…

      Due to my goal that I had in mind, I entered the dream state right outside of MoSh's house in his inner world as has happened in countless dreams before this one. And just like those dreams, I went over to the house and knocked, the door was opened immediately as if MoSh had been waiting for me to come, which he very likely was. We didn't take the time to go inside, instead MoSh and Asuka came outside, all ready to go. I was going to open a portal to take us to Voyager, then Q showed up and said he had found the perfect Voyager for us to visit, but it would be a good idea to approach the ship in MoSh's Delta Flyer due to some issues with this particular Janeway that could pose a problem if we just popped in through a portal. So I still opened a portal, I just changed the destination from Voyager to the landing bay of the tower on the moon.

      MoSh, Asuka, Q, and I emerged into the landing bay and headed directly for MoSh's Delta Flyer, which had the entry hatch opened when we got there. MoSh, Asuka, and I got into the Delta Flyer, but Q said he would get things set up for our arrival on Voyager, then he disappeared in a flash of white light. MoSh piloted the Delta Flyer out of the landing bay and away from the biodome, heading into deep space. There was a wormhole not far past the moon, which was clearly left by Q for us to go through to find the Voyager he had been talking about, so MoSh piloted the Delta Flyer through the worm hole and exited in the blackness of space where we were surrounded by only stars. MoSh was already scanning the area for Voyager and soon changed course to approach our destination, the starship was soon in view through the front window of the ship, looking huge compared to our shuttle.

      The communications system came to life as Voyager hailed us, an image of Captain Janeway appeared on the screen, she was on the bridge of Voyager surrounded by her crew, which included Tuvok, and Q was also there. Janeway was talking to Tuvok in a quiet voice, apparently not wanting anyone to hear, but the sensitive systems on the modified Delta Flyer picked up what she said, and so did Q's ears. Janeway was telling Tuvok that she still didn't trust Q, and even if the woman Q spoke of was completely innocent there was no way of knowing for sure he wasn't using her as part of a scheme of his…

      "You wound me," Q said to Janeway as he stepped up right beside her, "To say those things after all we have meant to each other, it is like a knife in my chest."

      "Then allow me to twist it a bit," Janeway said coldly, "You never meant anything to me, and I know I never meant anything to you beyond your twisted scheme. If it wasn't for the fact I sense truth in your tale of this young woman needing help I'd have you thrown right off of my ship."

      Q looked around a bit, "Thrown off?" he asked as if amused, "By who? No one here could make me leave if I don't want to go. And that is fine that you want to keep our past love a secret, I will speak no more of it." Q smiled at Janeway.

      "There was no love!" Janeway said, sounding frustrated.

      "As you say," Q responded with a knowing wink in Janeway's direction, "It's our little secret."

      "There is no secret!" Janeway insisted, "There was no relationship, no affair, no love, no nothing!"

      "As you say, Captain," Q said with another knowing wink.

      "Grrr!" Janeway was perturbed, "Dealing with you is so aggravating!" Then she decided to completely ignore Q, speaking to us instead, she said we were cleared to land in the landing bay, she said it rather abruptly since she was clearly in a bad mood. I telepathically and sarcastically thanked Q for giving us a pissed off Janeway to deal with. Q said he had to keep the role of Q or it would seem suspicious, and in that dimension Q always pisses Janeway off. Q said that in that dimension he and Janeway had been together briefly, but it was because Janeway had gotten stung by an insect that produces a powerful aphrodisiac that made her fall for the next man she saw (or woman if she had been a lesbian) and that man was Q… at which point she threw herself at a surprised Q and said she was in love with him, but since she was cured any mention of that incident pisses her off and it is such a Q like thing to bring it up just for that reason. Q added he hadn't been in love with Janeway, but he had wanted to keep an eye on her so nothing would happen to her while she was in that state. By the time Q finished his history lesson we had landed in the docking bay of Voyager.

      Our surroundings instantly changed before we could even get out of the Delta Flyer as Q teleported us straight to the bridge, the first thing I noticed was the dirty look Janeway was still giving Q. Janeway then made an apparent effort to stop being so angry before turning to greet us and asking which of these two young ladies was the one in need of Tuvok's assistance. MoSh indicated it was Asuka, I was looking around the bridge at the time, it looked somewhat familiar from previous visits to Voyager and similar ships and from the television series, and yet there were subtle differences that were hard to identify that still made it seem unique.

      Asuka went over to talk to Tuvok, the Vulcan stood up to greet her as she approached him, greeting her with the usual Vulcan hand gesture which Asuka failed to emulate until she actually held her fingers in the proper position with her other hand. Tuvok paid no attention to that, he just continued speaking to her. I didn't hear all of what they were saying, but I did hear Tuvok ask Asuka if she would allow him to do a Vulcan mind meld, as it would greatly assist him in helping her if he could see where her problems originated. Asuka seemed a bit hesitant, she looked over at MoSh, saying something about being ashamed and not wanting Tuvok to see, too many people know about what happened already… Tuvok mentioned that in 93.765% of cases he had been involved in or had witnessed, a human hiding from a shameful event turned out to be the only one who was passing such an unreasonably harsh judgment on themselves. Asuka hesitated, MoSh told her that just meant that the only one passing judgment on her was herself. Tuvok merely said that was correct, but if she wished to continue without the mind meld, he would still try to aid her, but it would be much more difficult. Asuka finally agreed to it.

      I was thinking there were other things I needed to get done in this dream, for some reason I was feeling quite rushed as if I had to be somewhere right now, I couldn't remember any appointments or anything time based… check the biodome to see if anyone was looking for me there, do the task of the month to ride a unicorn and see if Walms was in my inner world, then share a DDO or Oblivion dream with Tigress and hope we both remembered. Tuvok finished his mind meld and said that he would definitely be able to assist Asuka with control. Asuka seemed happy to hear that. I told MoSh that I had other dream goals tonight, so if he didn't mind, he and Asuka could stay here on Voyager with Tuvok, and when MoSh wakes up he returns home automatically, Q could take Asuka home if needed… he said to go ahead, he and Asuka would be fine there. I smiled and opened a portal back to the biodome.

      I exited the portal right next to the koi pond, which was where I had expected to emerge, I looked around and saw I was alone. There was no one waiting there right now. Maybe I should wait around for a bit? I felt the dream slipping… I was going to wake up… but there was so much left to do. I also wanted to see how long I could make this dream. I focused on Allura's method of time dilation, and the slipping dream stabilized.

      Note: Due to the length of this dream, I will continue it in the next post.

      Updated 08-04-2010 at 01:16 AM by 27700

    14. First Lucid Dream in Years

      by , 08-03-2010 at 11:19 PM
      Hello everyone! I am new here. I decided to begin posting my dreams after I had my first lucid dream that I have had in a year or two. I think this may have been triggered by the fact that my friends and I were talking about it and my friend suggested that I preform frequent reality checks.

      The dream started out non-lucid. I was in a dimly lit room sitting in a chair facing an old man and an empty wooden kitchen chair. The man had a box of old vinyl records and I got up to take a look at them. I asked if I could sit in the kitchen chair and he said something along the lines of, "no, I like to keep that chair open for my wife."

      I asked him, "where is your wife?" He pointed to my right and I looked. A wave of panic and fear spread over me as I saw a semi rotted-out corpse hanging by a noose. The scene quickly became more nightmarish and I frantically tried to wake myself up.

      This is where the dream became lucid. It had seemed that my efforts to wake myself up had worked as I could now see my ceiling. However something was not quite right: instead of laying flat on my bed, I was diagonal to my bed and my legs were actually going through the mattress. With lucid dreaming in mind, I flew up through the ceiling into another room.

      This was the same room that I was in with the old man but now, the room was filled with clones of my high school spanish teacher. I began thinking about all the crazy stuff I was going to do in my lucid dream. I believe the environment was about to change when my cat jumped up on my chest and woke me up! As you can imagine I was pretty bummed.

      That dream was two nights ago and I tried to replicate it again yesterday to no avail. I intend to try again tonight. Hopefully I will have more entertaining lucid dream stories for you soon. I have been keeping a dream journal for a while now and I might start posting those.
    15. Aspects of the OBE?

      by , 08-03-2010 at 11:15 PM
      [size=18]Date uknown - Aspects of the OBE

      I had this dream a couple years back but thought it would provide some informations regarding Lucids/OBE's. I was in my room falling asleep, when I opened my eyes my room appeared odd at that moment I was lucid. I started spinning above my bed to transform scenes but instead I started spinning but moving upwards towards the ceiling. I went through the ceiling and I saw nothing but black. A few seconds later the black became light and I was on the ceiling of my sisters bedroom (floating above them). I tried whispering to her to she if she would wake up but she didnt respond. I then returned back through the blackness only to wake up. I followed up with my sister the next day to see if she could recall any dreams about me but she didnt. I told her I was floating above your room in a lucid dream.