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    Lucid Dreams

    1. A Drug I've Never Done

      by , 02-25-2015 at 04:51 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was in a room with a group of friends I knew really well. This room had a purple lighting to it. All of the walls in this room really looked to have a purple glow to them. In front of me there was a small white round table. Me and all of my friends stood around this table. I looked down at the table and there is a white powder on it. "Are you ready for this guys?" One of my friends said. My friend Alex then bent down, covered one of his nostrils, and snorted the white substance. I knew then that this was cocaine that I was dealing with.
      Since this was all in the moment and all of my friends were with me, I had a strong feeling to just try the drug once(I would never do it in waking life). I bent down at the table, covered my left nostril, and snorted the cocaine. I immediately felt the effects as it entered into my system. I felt a jolt of strong energy and a sense that I could do anything. It was like an energy drink times 1,000. My other friends all snorted some. After that we all went in for round two. Soon enough it was my turn again. I bent down at the table and did as I did before.
      Now I felt an even stronger surge of energy go through me, and I felt even more powerful than before. I stood up again and told whoever was next to me that he could have the rest of my hit. At this point I think I become lucid. I have a strong sense of awareness now due to this drug that I took and I become so focused that I realize that I am dreaming. The last thing I remember is walking out of the room and leaving my friends to do something.
      (I am not going to count this as a lucid since I only remember a moment of it.)
      2. I was in the living room of my house. Everything seemed pretty normal. I had the same furniture and hardwood floor. I was sitting down on my green couch next to a guy named Ernie. I knew him from a party I went to from a few weeks ago. When I saw him then, he was tripping on LSD. I looked around the room and noticed that there were alot of other people, and girls my age that I did not know. It was like there was a party going on in my house.
      Suddenly everyone chills out and sits down. Ernie starts talking about an essay he had to take to pass highschool, and that I was going to have to take this essay soon. Everyone looked at him with a deep interest, as if he was letting some sort of secret out. "Ernie, how hard was this essay?" I asked. "Pretty hard" he said, "Actually it's not that hard". I was left pretty confused with this statement. He continued on talking about the essay itself and how much time it took to write it and such.
    2. A WILDy DEILDy Basic TOTM Nap

      by , 02-25-2015 at 01:08 AM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      Decided to take a nap in the living room while Chris was on xbox in the same room. So I'd drift in and out, but I never moved nor opened my eyes. It was weird, it felt like it would have taken effort to open my eyes fully, but I could hear Chris's voice the ENTIRE time.

      Anyway, so the 4th or 5th time I felt like I was asleep, but still on the couch, I decided to stand up and walk to the front door. I couldn't get to where I could see very well, but I knew the front door was only a few feet from the couch, so I just kinda felt my way there. Plus I could hear Chris as if from my right hear, hollering at the xbox, so I knew I was going the right direction. I opened the front door, half wondering if Chris would notice. But he didn't, so I was more sure that I was dreaming. I even waved my hands in front of my closed/blind eyes, and could see a little bit.

      I walked down the sidewalk, towards the mailbox (which I couldn't see yet and which doesn't exist irl anyway, because we have those stupid group mailboxes on every block like they do now in alot of neighborhoods). I was thinking of the valentine card totm. I got to the end of the sidewalk, fully expecting to feel for a mailbox, blind or not, when I got some vision back. It was super sunny. I looked all directions but saw nothing, then when I turned around, I couldn't see any houses at all lol. Then I turned around again, and saw a little house that could count as mine. So I walked up to the porch and had a hard time seeing again. I felt along the wall by the door, thinking to myself "I know that mailbox is right about HERE" and then I found one of those little mailboxes that you hang on the wall. I reached inside and felt a few things in a stack. The first was a letter and the rest were poofy pink and red heart stickers. On the outside of the letter, it was written in pencil and clearly a child's handwriting. It was alot of letters, but it didn't make up any words. I opened it and inside was a little valentine cartoon comic. The first frame was a purple hippo, pointing to the right. The caption underneath said "The shortest time pointing ever!" The last frame was a pink dog with little red hearts all around his head, like he was in love with the purple hippo or something. Then it said "Happy Valentine's Day," but no signature.

      Then I felt myself on the couch,
      and decided to force my eyes open for real. The second I did that, the dogs that were sleeping on me irl jumped off me and started barking at the door, because FedX had dropped off a letter haha! It's not valentine's though. But the weird thing too was: the door was open O_O And I'm pretty sure I closed it before I took my nap. I asked Chris but he doesn't notice anything when he's on xbox.

      And I could hear his voice, the entire time. Really interesting lucid for me. I feel almost like it kept me TOO grounded irl, and maybe that's why I couldn't see well, idk if related.
    3. Feb 19th and 23rd Awesome: Taking My Time With Sex

      by , 02-24-2015 at 08:56 PM
      2/23/15 Cool amusement park attraction where everyone is standing in the room and the room starts falling apart and there's a big elephant like creature that comes crashing down from the ceiling. I'm not afraid but it seems to be more because I feel I'm in an amusement park attraction although I do remember thinking in a dream like way that it would be cool to explore this place. As we exit there's confusing directions about which way to go and we almost get back into the same line but then get the corrected directions exiting properly and we end up at a school where a bunch of kids are getting ready to leave loading into school buses, like elementary age 2nd or 3rd grade probably and almost all of them are wearing white sheet ghost costumes old-fashioned pretty cool but didn't seem to wake me up within the dream.

      * after wake back to bed and drifting off, at some point I notice vibrations and I notice they are fairly strong and I'm confident about heading straight into a dream. They fade but I stay calm and patient and find myself sitting up on a big square bed and my son in a younger version just sitting on the bed also but I have no confusion over whether or not this is dream. I jump out of bed and start looking for Girl Friday. During wake back to bed I was thinking about her and how I last saw her provocatively giving a clear view up her skirt. I go around the corner expecting her to be there but nothing. I'm now all alone. I keep saying: well she will be around the next corner or the next corner. It is not working so I decided to just explore. I find this huge set of figurines - small, smaller than Star Wars figures for example and they're all plastic not unlike little green non-articulating army men but each one colored differently with different colored clothes etc and I picked the one that would look most like Girl Friday and try to convert it into her. I think about CanisLucidus or was it NyxCC's focus of keeping the eyes moving and not fixed and I intentionally move them around while I observe the figurines. Perhaps just thinking of a stabilization technique may have done me in or I may have been at the end of an REM cycle. I woke up maybe around 4-something?. #284

      * after my wife left I'm tossing and turning a little bit in bed trying to get comfortable and I decide to try the reverse eye blink that someone mentioned using successfully. Basically just opening your eyes for an instant and closing them super quick. It may have helped here, I'm not sure. The thought is that it could work to help to go back in to sleep more quickly with awareness somewhat intact and get back to dreaming more quickly as well. The next thing I remember I am in a non lucid dream and this guy is sitting across from me in a classroom and he says the word "lucid." At first my excitement is just in the idea that maybe I found someone to talk about lucid dreams with. I asked him if he has "heard of lucid dreams? You can do An-y-thing you want!" He starts to look at me like a lot of people do when you talk about dreams but my awareness is rising and I start to notice the fluid nature of the visuals at first saying to myself this could be a dream...but quickly realizing this is a dream! I decide to explore outside of the room into the hall. I seem to be in a school with 20-something year old DC's , it is a college.

      There are so many DC's and I am passing so many beautiful women! There are redheads, blondes and brunettes. As they pass I notice the wispy nature of the visuals like a stream of colors behind the ones I focus on at least. I see a beautiful brunette that looks quite a bit like this:

      with less makeup but similar complexion. I reach out to embrace her and at first she looks at me like "do I know you?" I look at her passionately and she starts to look back in kind! We start kissing there in the busy hallway up against the wall with DC's passing left and right. Like my last sexual exploration I decide to take it slow and enjoy every moment. She is wearing a creamy pink long sleeve cardigan which I slowly unbutton, one button at a time. I slowly sweep my hands over her shoulders and down her arms removing the cardigan and caressing her back and her beautiful soft skin. I unclasp her bra which has the clasp in the front and sweep it back over her shoulders and down her arms caressing her skin on the way down. This is so incredibly sensual. I softly
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      The visuals fade a little in and out at this point but I can still feel the experience especially and I reach down into her pants and I feel her underwear which is silky. It reminds me of my wife's underwear she's wearing this very night and I look up for some visuals of the face and now she looks a little more like my wife. I reach around the front of the underwear to inspect them further and I find that instead of the embroidery on the front it is silky smooth front and back , so it is definitely different and I'm not somehow interacting with my wife in bed right now. The visuals are now fully back but somehow we have ended up outside the school in the parking lot going at it against one of the parked cars. I unbutton her pants and
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      a little more quickly now. We are now getting the attention of two security guards or police officers. I don't want them to mess up this steamy moment and I think perhaps they'll just walk on past but I keep my eyes on them just in case I need to keep them from interfering. I think that I can use my time stopwatch that will be in my hand when needed, to freeze them if I need to. They both lock eyes on me and are heading towards me and getting closer. I try my time freezing stopwatch twice in quick sucession (freeze then unfreeze perhaps?) but it does not stop them and I instead shoot them both with my finger guns and they both collapse to the ground. I turn my attention back towards the beauty and we are
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      up against the car on a beautiful day...the visuals are holding up. Suddenly the larger stocky officer, the black officer, pushes himself up on one knee and calls for help and I look over towards the school and there are a line of officers walking towards the front door of the school, probably about 6 or 8 of them. When he calls out to them I decide it's time to take my damsel and fly up into the sky away from all this potential interference. I hold her in my left arm extend my right arm Superman style and float up about 20 yards into the air looking back down towards the officers and taking a few shots for fun since this is all a dream anyway. It doesn't seem like I hit any of them and we swoop past a few trees and higher up into the air and the visuals start fading again. Not long after
      , I feel myself back in bed exhilarated to have the experience I just had and I start going over the details from beginning to end in my mind while thinking about whether or not I should try to go back in and I decide I'm probably too much awake to go back in quickly at this point and I want to remember as many details as possible. After laying still recalling for a little while, I get up a little earlier than normal for the day just about 15 minutes...but I went to bed early and I feel very rested and smiling broadly at the experience I just had and I decide to start recording my dreams from the latter half of the night. #285

      Yesterday I had a stronger than normal sense of "Dang was I asleep just then! (IWL)..and now I am really awake (aware)!" at a random moment when I was just sitting on the couch. Between that and the reverse eye blink and the apple juice, they may have assisted with two lucids tonight including that second wonderful one!

      2/21/15 awesome trip to Sweden and returned two more times intentionally in the next two dreams. Non lucid I'd say...but awesome!

      2/19/15 No.283 Mustard or intention for vividness!? Image+rc many times at wbtb. 1015? 340(~5hrs25) wbtb then toss and turn. Wake from LD ~605.

      Awesome escape from lab dream before wbtb.

      *2 women escort me to 12th floor. Why? Even when i worked here i didn't know anyone on 12th. Where are my department remnants now? 1st floor! Pass locked fridge wondering if free sodas there and then come to an open cool box shaped like a square freezer box but no lid and full of bottled drinks but large like wine and champagne. Definitely dreaming! I float a little and think about phasing through the big window out to the beautiful city night scene but the scene fades and I instead shortly after find myself standing in a classroom full of college aged people looking like they're all getting up to leave the classroom or just got there standing not sitting. I am near a cute one and I turn her around to face me still fully aware I'm dreaming and I start to kiss her. She looks vaguely familiar...like a thin sexy version of D from my favorite job so far. She seems reluctant at first but I convince her this is what she wants and she is now going along with it. I physically pull off her clothes one item at a time, no need to rush.
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      As I am caressing her body I remember one of my priority goals to ask a specific question of my subconscious and I asked the question just using my mind and then think about saying it out loud but while I'm paused doing this and focusing on this
      I seem to cause the dream to end or possibly I was just at the end of my REM cycle. Wake from ~605 #283
    4. ToTM and a bunch of non lucids

      by , 02-24-2015 at 04:52 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      [DILD] ToTM

      Warm evening. Sun gave ererything a bright orange glow. I was in Warsaw. I was waiting on a bus stop. The bus appeared and I went inside. I took off my sweater, as it was really hot. I grabbed the handrails as there were no free sitting places, and the bus drove. Suddenly I realise that it's a dream. As an RC I pressed my fingers on the handrails, and they went through the cold, yellow coloured metal. I saw a small boy walking in the bus. He was making a nose plug RC and smiling to me. I also mad a nose plug RC. Next with slight hesitation, as I was still afraid that this could be reality, I jumped, and phased through the bus's window. I landed on me stomach, on the road. Everything weas darker, but it was still warm. I looked around and saw a mother walking with her son on the sidewalk. Suddenly I saw a car driving straight into me, but it avoided me in the last moment. I somehow couldn't stand up, so I tried to scramble to the sidewalk. Then a blonde woman parked the car right in front of me. She told me that she was looking for me. Then I told her "It's not me! It was that boy! He walked over there!" She then entered the car quickly and drove after that boy. I could stand up finally, so I decided to make another task. I jumped to the rooftops, looking at the sky. It was dark, grim and overcast. I started to fly. When I was halfway to the height of clouds I focused on summoning storm clouds. They quickly covered the whole sky. I summoned the storm cloud in the air, but losing focus on flying made me unable to fly to them. I tried to land somewhere and made it. I have flewn from Warsaw to my home, in the other edge of Poland in few seconds! I landed on the rooftop of my garage. I looked down. There was my father pushing the lift. He said "Come here, and help me push the lift!" I then pointed at it with my index finger, and moved my hand to the entrance of barn. The lift moved as it was in drag-n-drop game. Father immediately went for the lift. He haven't told me where to move it, so I assumed it was right position. I looked at the sky again. The storm clouds disappeared, and the ovarcast, grim sky came back. I tried to summon the clouds again and fly to them. When I was halfway to the clouds I woke up.

      My friend is a bus driver

      With my friend we took a bus to the other village. We came to the front of the bus, and I saw that my another friend was a driver. We drove to my home village. I got out of the bus, but the bus stop was in the edge of a stadium, with river just behind it's edge. I went out of bus, and grabbed handrails. My friend walked through the river, as it was only ankle deep. I saw other people I saw in school, and even some classmates there. It was some kind of a party. Everyone was standing on a small hill. The slope was so high that I couldn't release the handrails, yet no other person gathered there was holding them.

      Sleeping in the bathroom

      I was lying on the floor in the bathroom, and trying to fall asleep. When I couldn't I saw that some clothes appeared there. I listened to a story a weird voice told about a man whose those clothes were. I stood up, and got out of the bathroom.

      Some fragments

      I recall some fragments, but nothing special.
    5. #66 - Working at the gardens, Reading in class, Library and changing room

      by , 02-24-2015 at 07:30 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Dream 1 - Working at the gardens
      I'm going to start my new job at the gardens, which is basically like a public sanctuary for plants, quite similar to the one that I live near. My girlfriends little brother works there too apparently, he drives a scooter to get there. I commute with my dad since it's my first day, and I think I have a smoothie prepared for lunch. I also think that it may have been called the 'Tower Garden' or something... There were a few names for the place floating around in my head but that's the only one I can recall.
      A time lapse seems to happen because there's a complete scenery and situation change, I'm now in my parents house and my mum is hustling around in a hurry trying to get ready for work. I feel that it is nearly noon, and I have an itchy elbow... I look at my elbow and it has these specks of little white worms under the skin...
      I try and pop them out of my skin, and with very little success I go and show my mum since she's a nurse. She goes off to find me an anti worm cream or something, and before she comes back I've switched to looking at my ankle... For some reason I feel like there is something there and I try and pop it, and OMFG ! A 1cm diameter hole oozes out this thick yellow creamy goo. Holy ****ing disgusting... I show my mum (while feeling slightly discomforted) and she gets a bit frustrated because she doesn't want to be late for work, she sighs and says "For gods sake, is it bubbly?" moving straight to a diagnostic question as she turns towards the kitchen to find more medicine.

      Dream 2 - Reading in class
      I'm sitting in a school classroom near the back of the room on the wall side on a simple chair and personal desk (kind of similar to an anime classroom where they have a windowed side with those single person desk + chair setups). I'm lucid from the start, and for a moment I question if I'll need to stabilize and I feel my heart thump at the thought of losing stability. All stays calm, everything is stable, and the world is completely quiet... I have a simple book in front of me, I don't believe I had a great deal of control since my objective just became to pick this book up and try to read it without even thinking about all the things I've been dying to try out , but anyways... I open it up and try to read it, everything is just jumbled letters in the sentences, like this "werwer joji ger kloj jwegfweg ohqndfei", so I try again by looking away and looking back at the pages. This time the words have change "Out building house trailer love, the is at hello..." etc just random words that were non-nonsensically placed. I think I perform this one more time with the same result of nonsense, I don't recall doing much else and seem to just wake up naturally.

      Notes on lucid - I think it was a new thing to just have a straight calm and stable lucid, although it was remarkably underwhelming and boring relative to my other experiences.

      Dream 3 - Library and Changing Room
      So I'm in a hallway which is simultaneously a library... There's one book shelf that's hip height and has about 3 rows on it, it's situated on the window side of the hallway (of which it is pretty much a looking glass window 2 metres wide space a few centimetres apart. I think there's like a garden enclosure that you can see, and it reminds me of the view from the teachers hallway at my old high school when I was younger. I seem to be browsing the collection of futurama episodes (book versions) which goes on for a few minutes until a person next to me stops and browses for some disk called 'H'. I've apparently listened to the disk before and advise him about it. Things move on and I notice my friend Zac walking into the girls area of changing rooms, which I'm like "Oh damn what a lucky bastard" for some reason. I wonder why he's even allowed in there, and then for some reason like a minute later it's also the changing rooms for people who are homo sexual. I also walk past and see a window and as I look at it I realize it's the changing room window and see a chick take her shirt off at the far end of the changing room, she had brown hair, pale skin and was quite skinny. I completely forgot about this dream for like an hour after having it, glad I remembered it
    6. 2015-02-23, (1.5 year anniversary) [LD #100 -- triple digits!] flying, pot, park, picnic, basketball

      by , 02-23-2015 at 12:18 PM
      early recall disappointing: great dreams I sense but poor recall. Later recall good with a short lucid and some amusing scenarios.

      Dreamsigns in bold. Lucid in red.

      + awesome flying with a friend from my childhood home's backyard all the way down to the city far below -- swooping all over the place (wish I had better memory of this)

      + encounter junior HS girlfriend in room sitting on floor, baggie of blue and green sprinkles "pot"

      I enter a room and sit down on the floor with my back against the wall. To my left also sitting in the same position is MB, my junior high school girlfriend. I lean over and give her a peck-kiss on the cheek and she scoots quickly away from me on the floor towards the door ("don't do that" she says?), I tell her she smells like pot [she did used to toke]. She returns to me and I put my left arm around her and we're sitting cheek to cheek and I'm concerned somebody may see us and get the wrong idea. She brings out a baggie from a backpack on the other wall of the room: it is a quart-sized ziploc absolutely stuffed full with what looks like blue and green colored sugar crystals. It is pot. I take a big whiff of it but don't smell anything, MB does the same, I say "get this stuff away from me!" and put it back into the backpack.

      + I'm saying good night and waving good-bye to a friend (MB?) at childhood neighborhood park. I look up the stairs to the street and see a group of my friends are all lined up standing on the edge of the curb. I run up the stairs, and decide to do a "play tackle" of the group. I run forward with my shoulder lowered and run into the pack of them lightly from the left with my right hand around the body of the one in back. My right hand accidentally rests on the butt of the girl in the back, who it turns out is KH [always had a crush on her], she says annoyed, "<my name>! Hey!>". I walk down the line of them towards the front, high-fiving them all, then continue walking home with some girl, I'm complaining about having to get up early for an elementary linguistics class I don't need.

      WBTB -- anchor: visualizing walking while dribbling a basketball.

      room way too hot & stuffy, turn on fan, go get water (ate way too big too late sushi dinner with too much soy sauce, feel sodium hangover)

      + (lucid #100 [woohoo triple digits, baby!]) I'm in my childhood home, my bedroom, with son and wife, I see a bird quickly swoop by the window outside, I continue looking on the trajectory it took and see our cat sitting on a cabinet. The window (left pane) is a crack open and an animal is standing there. I can't decide at first if it is a cat (with a face like our cat) or a bird. I decide it is an owl and it starts to look like one, about 1.5 feet tall. I'm calling out to my wife to see the owl, and she doesn't see it. I'm practically screaming at her, "IT'S RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF YOU! LOOK, RIGHT THERE, STRAIGHT AHEAD!"). The owl walks to the room, it transforms into a tall (4 feet) brown furry/blurry/feathery thing and starts pacing back and forth in the room. I think, "Ah, OK, this is a dream,…" (nose pinch?). I clearly recall a thought like "time for some sex!" (and don't remember very much more.)

      + (f) sitting at desk in childhood bedroom, I see "they" have arranged my stuff: my digital watch (missing its band) has been pinned to my bulletin board, neatly arranged at the bottom among other things pinned there.

      + the pool: I'm sitting behind a glass wall [dream sign], a group of girls emerge from the door leading to the pool About 3 of them sit on chairs a bit behind my view and are stretching/moving, I look at them, then I turn around and crane my neck to get a view of them. I return my gaze forwards and see 2 of them are sitting immediately next to me now on my side of the glass: one to my right and a bit forwards and one directly in front of me. The one directly in front of me is bottomless and I see her v-jay and she's rubbing it a bit with both hands. My beach towel is bunched up under my right arm. At a later point I'm looking for my towel and I find it near my left arm. I want to take a pic of these lovelies and take out my phone. My phone is stuck on an app, and I hit the home button to then switch to the camera app. The phone does not respond. It keep hitting the home button, the phone acts like it's hung. I sense a guy is standing next to me looking down at my phone screen, and don't want him to see. A physical button appears and I'm tweaking it to try to select a function on the phone. I give up and a put down the phone but the girls are gone and their chairs are empty. Dang!

      I stand up and prepare to talk away, I see on the ground a discarded funny small thing which turns out to be a company N special phone (like a small watch face) on ground, JT my N colleague shows/tells me that the owner can be found by entering a code. 9198? I ask for the code a few times, repeat it to myself, and try repeatedly to enter the code on the device. The device is now a large circuit board with a very small keypad that my fingers can barely touch properly, my fingernails get in the way. I can't enter the access code on the circuit board, every time I try the board (beeps and all the buttons/lights turns red temporarily).

      + I'm playing crazy basketball on a team playing against another team. We're playing with wadded-up towels instead of balls, shooting them into the baskets. I'm making a lot of plays (lay-ups) and shots banking the "balls" off of the backboard to score. My opponents ask me "why do you use the backboard so much?" (they think doing so is beneath them). I steal the ball from a missed shot of theirs and make another basket for our team, again banking against the backboard. I tell them "see!?", the backboard helps focus the ball into the basket I think. I make a run towards the basket and stop suddenly at the top of the key and pass the ball behind my back to a teammate (it was an awesome pass) who then passes it back to me but I fumble it and say "sorry!"

      (I throw?) the "ball" up behind the backboard and it gets wedged in the corner of the ceiling and the wall. I see it there, it looks inaccessible. I take a broom handle and climb up there, there is not room to get my head/body up there, but as it turns out it's not that far away and the broom handle is more than long enough to reach it. Someone is standing next to me as I pull out the rag/ball.

      + the picnic: I'm walking and notice 'the garden house" which I think is normally empty. There is a short path leading to it, it is underneath trees. I see there is a light inside. I wonder if it is T (our house helper), someone is inside. I feel annoyed that people are in there, it should be a private retreat for me I think. I enter and see in the room there a table set and on the other side a really attractive girl, colored all in white/black/silver, completely monochrome, something is weird about her but I feel attracted at the same time. I sit down and there is a more colorful girl to my left, she recites a poem (which I mostly forgot), the final words are "…and we have our first kiss." I'm a bit embarrassed by this, I'm not really into her but I sense she likes me.

      I take a drink of something and spill a few drops on my crouch, I look down and see I'm wearing gray dress slacks, I brush away the pinkish drops and I see a pinkish faint stain is left on the fabric, I don't worry about it.

      + the secret: I'm walking on some road/path with my mother to my left, and a (the colorful girl from previous dream?) girl. I tell lucid #100 details to girl (whispering so that mother won't hear, I don't want her to know I'm a lucid dreamer), especially the heart where my wife didn't see the owl. The girl notices strange bumps on mother's head (shaved area), girl says she has the same. I look to my left and see a strange shaved area around my other's right ear. The girl says something about a little piece of the bumps providing some sensation if it is rubbed (haha).

      +(f) the circuit board: the entire daughter card is held/contacts the motherboard only via two jumpers, concerned about contacts, should solder them probably. I'm holding this thing in my hands and looking at it from different angles.

      Updated 02-23-2015 at 02:15 PM by 65364

    7. Boss ‘Pissing Me Off’ Made Me Lucid - Feb 21, 2015

      by , 02-23-2015 at 04:25 AM
      Last night at stayed at my folk’s house and I wasn’t able to do the Wake Back to Bed (WBTB) routine and incubate my intended lucid dream (LD), but I was lucky enough to have one interesting LD. Here’s what happened:

      In this dream I was discussing a project with my boss, and then ‘out of the blue’ he says, “You’re always sweaty.” I stopped what I was doing and looked at him and went, “Huh?”, and he repeated, “You’re always sweaty.”, so I retorted, “No, I’m not! What do you mean?” He points at my nose and says your nose is always sweaty, and bloody.” This was starting to piss me off, because I don’t have a bloody, sweaty nose. Then I realized I was standing in my underwear, my pants were gone! I stormed off to the back of my truck, sat on the tailgate, and opened my suitcase to pull out some pants, but then all my clothes went flying across the ground. Then about 15 Mexicans came walking past me and they stomped all over my clothes! Now I was really pissed off, so I chased after them while swinging my pants in the air, saying lewd comments. Then I said, “Yeah, you’re lucky I’m dreaming!” Utopia, I’m lucid! I quickly apologized for my bad dream behavior. They accepted my apologies and continued on their way.

      Things started to fade, so I began to swirl (spin) to bring back visual clarity. After about 10 seconds, my vision was perfectly clear, so I walked to the front of the truck and started chatting with my boss and a co-worker. We walked into a small, empty building where we could talk in private. My first question was, “Are we having a shared dream?” They didn’t answer me, so I said, “I’m lucid dreaming right now. I often lucid dream, but I don’t let people know that I’m lucid, but I’ve decided to tell you. Who are you?” They both looked at each other, and they became very uncomfortable with the conversation. A bright light started to glow from behind me, and they both backed away, while staring at this light with a total look of fear. The light being emitted resembled that from a welder. My boss and co-worker then ran out the backdoor, and I followed chase. I wasn’t scared of this light, but I just wanted to know the answers to my questions. My co-worker transformed into a woman as he ran, and my boss disappeared into thin air. I followed my ‘now female’ co-worker in a crowed community center, and I lost him (or her).

      There was a 1 foot tall, blonde woman singing a beautiful song beside a live band. There had to have been at least 100 people watching, and they were all nicely dressed in suits and dresses (I wasn’t, I only had my shirt and gitch on). A woman, who I didn’t recognize, walked up beside me, said my name, and asked me to have a seat and enjoy the show. I sat beside an elderly woman who said, “That’s my Uncle singing!” I thought to myself, “That’s a woman singing. Kookoo! Kookoo!”, so I replied, “He sure is a nice singer!” Wink, wink. After the woman was done singing, she walked past me to the left, and I complimented her by saying, “Great singing!”, but she looked away, because she was probably thinking who’s that weirdo sitting there in his gitch! Lucidity faded quickly and I woke up.

      Updated 02-23-2015 at 05:12 AM by 71173

    8. Time machine

      by , 02-23-2015 at 12:29 AM
      I remember as far back as being at my elementary school playground, It was me and 3 other boys, two blond skater brothers and my somewhat good friend, Max. Our time machine was in the school bathroom, the bathroom was very dirty and had bad lighting, was almost nightmarish like. We were all on an adventure like a movie, we step into the time machine and we wanted to go back way into the past, the time machine was a small cylinder room full of bright buttons and a red lever, I pulled the lever and we went back in time, but we only went back two days.

      A small very annoying kid from my class calls us out from the entrance of the bathroom, "hey nerds!" he yells, we walk over to him and I say, "who the hell you calling nerds asshole?" He kept calling us nerds and I got angry, I thought about punching him but he was very small and I knew I shouldn't, then Max started beating him up, we just watched, he punched him hard in the mouth and the stomach repeatedly and wailed on him to a pulp, blood was all over the walls and we felt no remorse. I remember walking by his mangled twitching body on the ground, I think he was dead, but not sure, his arms and legs were broken and twisted, his face swollen red, and he had many missing teeth. We walk outside, everything seems normal, one of the brothers runs out to the playground while Max wandered off, I stood at the entrance of the bathroom, then I hear yelling at the playground, the brother at the playground pissed off a very large gang of school kids. I tell the brother next to me to find the others and get back to the time machine while I go back and fire up the time machine. Max runs back and gets in the time machine, the brothers are running with a angry mob behind them, we were about to time travel back to present day and they jump into the time machine just barely making it.

      Now present day we step out, and the angry mob is waiting for us, they pick who wants to beat up who, I'm taken into a stall where I fight a very large kid from my school, he was about 6'3 and probably weighed at least 250 pounds. He slapped me in the head and what was interesting about this was I felt pain, real physical pain in a dream. I then woke up. I performed a DEILD I then went back into the dream watching my old dream reform right before my eyes and next thing I knew I was back in my dream. I explored my old elementary school playground, it was an exact replica it seemed. I found a basketball and started playing, around this time I lost lucidity.
    9. Coworker Embarrassment

      by , 02-22-2015 at 10:47 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #414 - 8:44AM - DILD

      WBTB 3:30AM 8mg Galantamine/400mg choline, 400mg DMAE
      This one didn't go so well, but I was lucky enough to pull off one LD late in the morning purely out of desperation.

      I am trying to enter my email login on my phone to see an important email from my mortgage broker. Nothing I type comes out right so I look for my laptop. I have an false awaking and become slightly lucid. I think how typical the previous dream was for electronics failure.
      Next I notice SW from work in bed with us. I know it's not real, but I am snuggled against him and I find it mildly humorous. I push him away and initiate sex with my wife by actively summoning and creating the sensation. Several odd thoughts race through my mind as we do it for a few moments.

      I am now in a classroom in a chair with a trash can between my feet.
      Spoiler for EXPLICIT:
      Shocked at my nakedness and sexual nature, I wonder how my dream would cause me to literally end up like this. I look up and see an and old woman that is an ex-coworker (dead) looking at me sort of curious as well as shocked. I quickly pull my shirt down to cover myself. I feel disoriented and confused. I wonder how I could have had such an obvious sex dream in public. I realize that I am in a room pf coworkers both past and present and if feel embarrassed and devastated that this is happening. I'll never live it down. My life is ruined. I pull my shorts up not really getting my underwear and they king bunch down low, but I don't care as long as I am covered. I feel so sleepy and I rub my face and sigh heavy trying to get my bearings. I still can't believe this has happened. I don't even know how I fell asleep. I try to ignore everyone around me as I deal with this trauma; I just want a way out. I begin to hope that by some miracle of divine magic that I am in a dream. Maybe... I do a nose plug out of desperation and am completely delighted and surprised to blow through. I giggle and the feeling of hopeless despair rolls off me dropping like a lead weight. Forgetting about any nakedness, I stand up and walk over to a group of people talking. I think how I am highly lucid as I playfully push V (fired IWL) over and say I relief, "This is all a dream." V falls out of sight and I smile at everyone feeling triumphant and gleeful. Before I can do much else, the dream quickly collapses and I wake up.

      I had another LD much earlier in the night but I cant recall much so I'm counting. Basically, I was running from some enemy when I became lucid and played with a gun. I wanted a shoot out so I blind summoned a rifle. I goes off against a glass but only scorching it. In some burned out building someones head peaked up outside a window. I fire off a shot, but the dream fades out.
    10. My little Valentine

      by , 02-22-2015 at 10:16 PM
      Wbtb: I drag myself out of bed, drink a bit of latte (40?mg) and take lecitin, go straight back to bed trying to cut corners on staying awake. There is like zero effect on increasing my wakefulness but feeling guilty to be skipping my wbtb I keep waking up (yet still feel drowsy). I spend the remaining sleep time in a NREM limbo, a mix of deep sleep, HI and constant wakes.

      There is a brief scene where I realize that am already in and start walking around but I either lose lucidity or wake up shortly after.

      Keep turning and tossing annoyed that I just don't have the right wakefulness as I didn't do my wbtb. I repeat my goals and try to concentrate on my body.

      I find myself staring at some screen ascertaining that I am in the dream. Everything is very unstable at this point so I just keep swiping the screen in front of me, pretending to be involved in the dream for a few seconds. When I feel I'm ready, I move to the side, which reveals that I am in my old room again. This is a bit annoying as I wanted to do the valentine card task, so I head towards the window. There is some furniture, slightly in the wrong place blocking the way. I close the cupboard door that blocks the way but it doesn't fully close and click and keeps opening. I just don't want to spend more time dealing with it, so I sneak forward while holding it then let it go. I go towards the balcony door which is closed and I try to open it via handle but it gets stuck. I decide to pull and it opens nevertheless. The action of opening this locked door produces a weird physical somewhat painful sensation in my body of resistance and as if the object is actually touching me (bearing some resemblance to phasing sensations).

      I go outside and look around. I see the flowers and wonder could I be really dreaming? It looks very realistic and close to memory but is it possible that I still live here? Initially there are no DCs in sight which pisses me off due to the task I had in mind. I have to jump again but am almost certain that a quick jump or even a slow climb down can mess with stability at this point (due to quick change of perspective and reduction in tactile sensations). I look down and see one of the two sisters. She looks nasty as usual. I recall some contemplations about dealing with people from real life in dreams and decide to be honest with her. "Hey, you know what? You are really annoying"

      After that I have no more desire to talk to her and contemplate going back inside to look for people within a reaching distance (I also wonder if I should just summon one here). The dream thins out.

      I do a quick review, pissed off that I couldn't find any people, then continue with my limbo sleep.

      After the nth turning and tossing, I find myself in another dream. It's a bright day and I am on a very distorted version of my old street. I immediately recognize it's a dream (awareness, no trigger). There is a middle aged woman with colorful knitted clothes and I remember the valentine card task. Very aggressively and without saying anything, I expect her to produce a card for me. She holds a number of items like banknotes, little pieces of paper, etc, that I browse but nothing looks like a V-card. Disappointed, I leave her and go down the street where I see bf and one of our friends. They look invitingly at me and I quickly go to where they are and ask bf if he has a V card for me. Alas, he coldly cuts me off "No." I think about how my expectations could have influenced his answer.

      Bf and the other guy continue down the street. I catch up and try again "Are you sure you don't have a V card for me? I clearly remember you were carrying one!" This seems to do the trick and he hands me the V card. I examine it to see it has a number of Chinese characters on top and some almost normal words below them. There are a few love related words that are arranged like a short poem. As I try to read the words keep changing. I even hold the card from a distance to see if this would make a difference. I remember our brain actually doesn't need to read the entire word to make out the meaning.

      Bf is still here and I say to him while wondering if he could possibly be dreaming too. "The words keep changing, see? Do you know why that is? It is because it's a dream."

      I wake up.

      Updated 02-22-2015 at 10:33 PM by 61764

      lucid , dream fragment , side notes , task of the month
    11. Dream Fragments Drop

      by , 02-22-2015 at 09:58 PM
      -I was inside a classroom and a man was teaching us a formula for math. I wrote fS in the formula and he corrected me saying it was supposed to be fM. I corrected myself than the teacher left the classroom. Students began getting off task and thinking of ways to misbehave.I wasn't interested in being here or misbehaving so I left the classroom.

      -I ended up hurting a important dc that was annoying me a lot. I tried to get rid of the evidence but i was chased outside the house. I was lucid while trying to get away from the dream characters but don't remember what i did so much.

      -I was eating doritos with a few dream characters. One of them took without asking so i punched him in the face and told him never to touch my Doritos again..

      *Sigh* I''m getting violent in my dreams. I need to change that and put myself in a lower position or I may become a tyrant of my own dream world.

      Updated 02-22-2015 at 10:02 PM by 67570

      lucid , non-lucid
    12. Fear Hospital (LD #173)

      by , 02-22-2015 at 02:55 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Something to do with a dance-off taking place on a beach. There was an absurdly sized boombox (about the size of a semi trailer) being positioned on the beach. Then the power went out and the man organizing the dance-off was upset because the boombox had to be plugged in.

      I was visiting at a hospital. This wasn't a normal hospital though, it was supposed to treat people of their worst fears. How? By making them suffer trough the trauma of their worst fear again and again but without pain. I don't know completely how this worked but they could make you experience your worst fear as many times as they wanted.

      I don't remember if this was for punishment or what.

      They had a means of extracting what your worst fear was subconsciously.

      I remember seeing the first couple rooms closest to the desk. Patients were grouped by their fear. The people closest to the desk had the worst fear of 'death'. I remember them being hooked up to heart rate monitors. They would start and stop every ten seconds or so, so basically the patient was dying repeatedly in the bed.

      I remember approaching one of the people on the bed. He looked like Liam Nisan for some reason, and he looked as though he was really peaceful. He told me quietly before passing through one of his deaths.

      'my greatest fear is... death...'


      I remember being back at the front desk. I was looking at a hospital form in a plastic tray. All of the boxes were filled with gibberish. But I could still read them clearly, and they still had English characters in them.

      I was saying to myself how this didn't feel like a normal lucid dream. It felt too clear, too stable and too realistic to be a dream. I felt as though I might be astral projecting or something.

      I decided to run a test on the dream to see how well it behaved. I jumped into the air and pushed my energy down. My little fire jets switched on. I was flying. I had to stay in control though, not hit any people. But this was all the proof I needed. This was a lucid dream, just a very clear and vivid one.

      Sadly I didn't seem motivated to carry out any of my goals or dares.

      I remember feeling like the dream went on for ten minutes or more. But unfortunately I don't have the dream recall to back that up. I do know that It ended with a false awakening.

      Another thing I remember questioning while in the dream was the fact that I was not the least bit scared of the clinic, even thought its sole purpose was to invoke fear. It didn't seem like an evil environment in any way. There were no screams of pain or blood splatters on the wall. It seemed so peaceful, like fear was a good thing.

      I false awoke in my bedroom and my cat had given birth to five cats, identical kittens. The scene was being narrated like a nature show.

      Spoiler for Interpretations:
    13. Dream Control

      by , 02-22-2015 at 11:38 AM
      Before I jump into the lucid dream(s) I had last night, I would like to first state that I have been visiting Dream Views for a long time looking for different kind of tips and tricks to become and stay lucid. Two days ago I saw an article on Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dream where the suggestion was made to choose some object or something else for that matter and whenever you'd see it in waking life, you should do a reality check. So I decided to go really big and chose the color blue. Everytime I saw something blue I did a reality check and really questioned whether or not I was dreaming. Note that I did this for 1 day only. The results were (for me atleast) great.

      "I'm walking in a badly illuminated building with multiple rooms adjacent to each other. All are connected through doors and every room is just as dark as the one before. I notice I'm following a guy, it seems as if he's leading me to someone. As I look around I notice something blue and I become suspicious. I check my hands to see that I own 12 fingers and I realize that I'm dreaming. Immediately after that I'm upright in my bed, as if awakened from a dream. I immediately notice that I don't remember the act of sitting up, so I suspected it to be a false awakening. After checking my right hand my suspicions were confirmed as I had 7 fingers on one hand.

      As of now, I'm lucid, but everything is still very fuzzy, as always in the few times before I had a lucid dream. Instead of trying the regular techniques like rubbing my hands and spinning around to stabilize it, I assumed my subconscious to be a computer in which I could enter commands. I said 'Dream! Increase vividness to 100%!' and everything became crystal clear. Next I said 'Increase awareness to 100%!' and the level of detail and clarity I achieved was amazing. I had no trouble maintaining the dream and could freely walk through my house without feeling the pressure of the dream trying to take over.

      I went into the kitchen and as it was still dark outside I wanted to turn on the light. However, my goal was to see how well I could control my dream, as I heard it's not too easy. So I decided to turn on the light with my mind. I focused on the bulb and hoped it would turn on. Instead, it leaned towards me as if I was trying to move it, but that was not my intention. I stopped for second and told myself that it's not about hoping it will turn on, but knowing that it will turn on since I'm in control and everything I want will happen. So I tried again and the light turned on. Goal achieved, so I went further.

      At this point it's already light outside and I notice people wanting to come into the kitchen. This is when I decided to test another facet of control and I wanted to put in a door to keep everyone outside. I swiped from right to left and a door swiped in place. I was happy, but not for long. I realised that I put in a DOOR, so everyone opened the door and came in XD. So I went one step further and swiped again, this time swiping in a brick wall. Unfortunately someone got caught in the middle and entered the kitchen anyway, so I thought never mind.

      Next I wanted to see if I could fly, still testing the extent of control. I focused hard and managed to get of the ground. The feeling is amazing! But onwards with the story. I flew throughout the house and got to my room where there is a balcony. I wanted to go outside and see where I could fly to, but it was quite a way down, so I had some doubt. I figured that if I would have something to fly on, perhaps that would be safer. At that moment my dad came in with a broom saying that I could use that. Well why not, witches use it, so I took it and sat on it. I'm still lucid at this point, so it was a sane decision :p. I floated up and towards the edge of the balcony. Eventually I turned around and went back into my room, not because I thaught I was going to fall, but because I sensed some doubt and assumed that if I were to fall, I would lose lucidity. That was too great a risk for me to take.

      So now I'm in my room, thinking what I should do next to test my control. Then I remembered reading here that teleporting was also something, so I decided to try that. I closed the door and expected to open it and walk into the world of 'Murdoch Mysteries', a TV show I'm watching. So I opened the door and there was the morgue, exactly like in the show. I walked around to look at it and the resemblance was uncanny. Nothing much happened that was of significance and I believe the dream took over from there on out.

      Next thing I remember is waking up. I was only a little bit disappointed but mostly really happy that I attained that level of lucidity. Today I will keep checking reality everytime I see blue and hopefully tonight I will feast again. This time I will be looking for the embodiment of my subconcious mind, I have some questions for him. Whoever is reading this, I strongly recommend trying what I did to become lucid. Maybe it will work for you, maybe it won't, but one can always try, right? Well, that's it for today, hopefully I will have a new experience to share tomorrow.

      Updated 02-23-2015 at 01:36 PM by 62498

      Tags: flying, lucid
      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    14. Heavy Coat DA + (2)DILD

      by , 02-21-2015 at 10:38 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I and another detective was doing an investigation on apartment that was said to have a man with a shotgun. When we first enter the building through the kitchen back door. We've notice that all the lights were off with exception of the kitchen light. We quickly pointed are guns checking all the area's down stairs. In till both of us could hear his voice from upstairs. That is when we both started moving, however I stayed back for a few more seconds. I then realize that my partner had vanish nor could I hear him.

      I could see a light coming from the garage. I pointed my gun and then enter seeing if anyone was there. When I heard someone moving, I turn around and saw a woman in a green clownish dress with a mask. She was holding two weapons that were long cartoonish looking hammers. She quickly hit me with one of them on top of my head. The impact surprise me as it wasn't as strong as I thought it would be. I use the end of my gun to attack her.

      However the impact was easily block nor did it cause either one of us to feel tense. This is when I became aware I was dreaming. We both soon high five with one another as the serious tension had been broken. I then have an FA to where I could feel my body being very floatable. I soon caught on that I must be dreaming still. I haven't open my eyes yet to tell though. When I did I found myself in Father room. This convince me that I must really be awake now. Then lose lucidity. Lucidity Time: 24 seconds

      Updated 02-21-2015 at 10:41 PM by 67903

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    15. A Big Hug, a Smile, and a Dream Figure Acknowledging Lucidity - Feb 20, 2015

      by , 02-21-2015 at 08:10 PM
      Wake Back to Bed (WBTB) for about 1 hour (studied lucid dream techniques). I incubated a dream by using pictures while repeating a mantra for 10 minutes. Lights out followed by about 45 minutes of deep meditation with hypnagogic imagery and voices, then I fell consciously asleep (failed WILD). About 15 minutes later I woke up after having this dream induced lucid dream (DILD) and OBE attempt:

      In this dream I was sitting in a darkly lit room with a friend watching TV. I thought to myself, I’m supposed to be attempting a WILD right now, not watching TV! I looked around the room to find a place to go back sleep, but there wasn’t any place suitable, and I was concerned the TV would interfere with my sleep, so I decided to go upstairs. Half way up the stairs my vision went black, and then I realized I was in fact already dreaming! I sat down on the top step holding onto the bannister, thinking, how can I get my vision back, so I could continue on with this lucid dream (LD). Suddenly I was back in bed, consciously awake, but my body was sleep.

      Then somebody hugged me! It was a long lasting firm hug, and I felt safe. Then I got ‘the vibrations’, and I thought, “Great, time to OBE exit!” I opened my ‘dream eyes’ and I saw a glowing, yellow/orange hoop floating in front of me (a porthole), and sitting on my bed, to my right, was my daughter! She had beautiful, long, full body hair, the biggest smile, and she was saying something, but I couldn’t hear what she was saying, because there was a lot of electrostatic buzzing and crackling sounds. She was now pulling on my shoulders for me to get up! I normally leap to my feet when I feel the ‘the vibrations’, so that’s what I tried to do, but instead my physical body moved, and it was over. I was now physically awake. Darn it! Thinking back on the situation, given the circumstances, I should have tried to sit-up in bed instead of leaping to my feet.

      After several more dreams, I ended up having another DILD. In this dream I was at work, and there were several incongruities that tipped me off that I was dreaming. First; buildings that don’t exist; second, ceilings way taller than waking world; and finally, an employee lounge. Yes, an employee lounge could only truly exist in a dream! Not only that, a waiter walked up to me and offered me pancakes! I walked out of the lounge onto a wooden deck. There were several people sitting around enjoying the gorgeous, sunny, summer afternoon. There was a man standing beside the deck and I walked up to him, because I recognized him from somewhere (not sure where). I sincerely said, “Howdy mister!”, and he looked at me with a huge smile and replied, “Ahh, I see! Doesn’t it feel really uplifting when you become lucid!”, as he reached down with both hands and cupped his stomach, and then he raised one arm up above his head, while making a flowing action with his hand. I looked at him, and said, “Yes, that’s it! It’s like a huge adrenaline rush, and it’s all brilliant!”

      Right after I said how brilliant lucid dreams are, my vision started to fade, so in an attempt to maintain lucidity, I leapt from the porch to fly, but I crash landed on my chest. By this point everything was blurry and distorted, and then I tried to shoot up into space, but I just fell backwards onto the ground. By this point all was black, and I was lying perfectly motionless, focussing my intent to get back into the dream. Then, very unexpectedly, somebody grabbed onto my right ankle and started to rotate me slowly counter clockwise. By this point I was consciously awake, with my body asleep, and I was back in bed, but still rotating. Somebody was still pulling on my ankle! It felt like I made one or two more rotations in bed, and then they let go. I felt myself slowly align with my physical body. I woke up and continued to lie perfectly still while recalling all of the dream experiences. Once I was satisfied that I had remembered all the dreams I could, then I did my voice recording. I went back to sleep and had many more wonderful dreams. It was wonderful, amazing night full of dreams.