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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Husband Has an Accident, and Out of Body: Seeing Heaven and Hell

      by , 10-23-2014 at 02:17 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I just recalled a bit of something...another dream about not attending a class that I was enrolled in. I think it was math again. I only remember this detail, all others are very vague pictures. Some kind of ceremony, I think? Maybe graduation? Not entirely sure.


      I'm not sure where I was, but it was daytime. Dallas was texting me. He was in Oregon. He was saying he may fall down this huge hill. I guess he was hiking and close to a steep hill/ledge. I was worried for him; I hoped he didn't fall. For awhile, I was then not getting any responses from him, and when I'd text him, it would have trouble going through. He must be in a bad reception area. I then tried to call, and it wouldn't go through. I was really starting to get concerned.

      I was then in the car, sitting on the passenger's side. Dallas was in the driver's seat, but there was no wheel on his side. I guess I was driving. Anyway, Dallas was sitting there completely naked. He had fallen down the steep hill/ledge. His body was turned in a way where I couldn't see any of his junk. I looked at him, and he looked relatively normal, aside from his front teeth looking like they got banged up, his lip was half normal colored and half a little dark. I was talking to him about us taking him to the hospital, letting his mom know, etc. I also commented on how quickly he got from Oregon to here (it's literally across the country!); I said something about it taking him an hour.

      He then told me he didn't think I could handle seeing his injuries. I was talking to him about something when he said this. He turned his body all the way around and...his penis and testicles were completely gone. I tried to keep talking and ignore it, but I couldn't. I was then thinking about some IWL conversations we had about penectomies and how Dallas would fall into a huge depression if that happened. He was telling me it got cut off in the fall, but he couldn't go back and get it. He seemed to be in shock about the whole thing right now, like it wasn't affecting him that badly. I was wondering what they could do for him at the hospital.

      I then saw him again at some point, a side view, and it looked like his penis was there after all. It was a very brief view though. I think we were in the hospital.


      I was going down through the floor, down, down, down into darkness. I realized this wasn't waking life, but it didn't feel like a lucid dream, it honestly felt more like an OBE (for convenience purposes, I'm going to use the color code for my LDs, even though I genuinely do not believe it was a regular LD). I decided that I wanted to see what Hell looked like (I do not believe that heaven and hell are real places, but states of mind and being). In a previous experience some years ago, I was going down into the ground in a similar fashion in an LD, but I was too afraid to see hell, so I went back up. This time, I said to myself that I could handle it; I was ready to see it. I was concerned about waking myself up, but I held it together very well. I then looked down at my body and saw I was naked in the darkness as I descended. Interesting.

      I then was in hell. I was in a room where there were these long tables all around the perimeter of the room. There were children who were supposed to be getting their faces painted by adults, but the adults were cutting their faces and painting them with blood. The children were scared and upset. There was a doorway leading into another room. I went into that one. I don't remember what was specifically going on in there, but there were more scared and upset children.

      I then was in blackness again, and this feeling of fear and despair came over me. I knew they were not my own feelings, but the feelings pervading this hell. I saw vague shapes in the blackness.


      I woke up from that last dream and fell asleep again, fully aware that I was going to enter a dream. I was out of my body again. I was in the house I grew up in. I don't remember many details about being in the house, but I then went outside and floated into the air. It was a bright and sunny day. I decided since I had seen hell, it was time to see heaven. I went up, up, up into the air. I then was in this tube that was very vivid. It was covered in light blue squares that had some Disney character's face on them. I went further into the tube and the color changed to yellow with more characters. It kept changing like this until I emerged on the other side.

      I was in what looked like the exact same face painting room from hell, except for this time, the kids were really getting their faces painted. They were not scared or sad, but it was a much more calm atmosphere.

      Unfortunately, I don't remember any more from this experience. I don't think much happened after that.

      I then was back on Earth, outside in the daytime. I was floating, working on the effortless method of just letting it happen, but then I started to go down towards the Earth. I started to make myself float up again, and started to "swim" through the air. I knew that this was not what I had been working on, and it felt like I had more resistance, but it was working. I was swimming upwards and to the left towards the house.

      There was a point where I looked in a mirror slightly above me and at an angle, and wanted to make angel wings appear on my back (something I tried to do in a previous LD not long ago), and lo and behold, there they were on my back. They were white and feathered. I smiled; they were beautiful.


      I was again entering a dream. I felt like I was leaving my body, but appeared in a different room. I saw my sleeping body laying on the bed. It was naked, but in the same position that I fell asleep in. I seemed to be in what looked like a hotel room. Someone else was in there too, though I'm not sure who. They could see me though, which was kind of surprising. I went into the bathroom and floated. Someone else came in, my CS assistant manager, C. She could see me floating in the air! I was surprised that she could see me! I started to do these flips between the walls by the toilet, and she was laughing. I loved it!


      Caved and took a whole Ambien again last night. -_-; I'm going to take a half tonight, otherwise I'll never get off this stuff. Though the experiences I had were very cool. I never felt like I was lucid dreaming; I felt out of body. It really did feel different. It was quite fascinating!

      Updated 10-23-2014 at 07:58 PM by 32059

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    2. Using My Awesome Dream Control Powers to do Yard Work (LD #125)

      by , 10-23-2014 at 12:57 PM (Lucid Time!)
      This may have been yesterday: Something to do with riding a tiny yellow BMX bike through a city. I was actually doing really good riding across the tops of dumpsters and what not. I was riding with two other blurry DCs. One male and one female. They were both impressed with my tricks.
      I eventually went through this brick tunnel and found myself in this small park area. There are old ladies sitting everywhere with bread and nuts and the likes, and throwing them on the ground to feed the pigeons.
      I looked around and there was bird poo everywhere. I wondered what could possibly make so much bird poo. Then I saw that there were these giant pigeons present at the park, about two feet tall when landed. The big pigeons were more cautious to be fed and the old lades were having some kind of contest to see who could feed the most big pigeons.

      I am on a small island. I am supposed to be exploring for resources so that I can survive or something. Also, there are these rocky crevaces in the island. I continually go into them to see if they are caves that might contain some kind of crystal that I can supposedly trade for other supplies in the game. It seems like there are caves connected here, but they are all blocked with piles of gravel and loose stone, and I need a shovel or something to get through them.
      At one point or other I managed to find a small vein of the crystals on the surface, and crack one off with my hand.
      Um...Minecraft much?

      The dream glitches. I become partially lucid. I am in my own backyard. My mom was there and she was telling me about how she wanted to remodel the patio on the backyard and add this little canal that would run around the patio and be framed by these bricks. She said something about tiki torches as well.
      I began using semi-lucid dream control to great effect. I rebuilt the patio to her specifications and she was very happy for me. All of the bricks were made out of this rough, dark stone and had aztec/tribal designs on them. I also recall accidentally thinking of these huge stone tiki heads and adding them to our backyard. I also, for some reason added a palm tree, knowing full well that it would die during the winter.
      The dream glitches back to the island. I climb down into one of the rocky crevasses that I have not yet explored, and see that there is in fact a pair of rusted metal doors. I open them and behind them is a single large room with shelves full of supplies.
      I turn back and see that behind me is actually what looks like somebody's yard in the crevasse; though overgrown and eroded. It looks like somebody lived here a long time ago and abandoned the place. There were these broken stone tiles everywhere and I could make out tomato cages and a collapsed fence.
      "...Somebody really into gardening I guess."

      Somehow or other Manei came into the dream and I became fully lucid. Manei says something about wanting to make a dream-base and I of course completely forget my goals and decide to go along with it. I lay down some stabilization.
      We somehow came to the conclusion that the fist thing we should do is clear all of the crap out of the storage room and all of the overgrown plants out of the yard. I tell her that that's easy-peasy.
      I just turn away from the yard and say something like:
      "When I turn around the yard will be clear."
      I turn back and see that for the most part the yard has cleared. There are still a few ferns and shrubs along the back edge. I turn away a second time.
      "When I turn around the yard will be completely clear."
      I turn around. The yard is clear now but for some reason there is now a very tall red rose bush right in the middle. I guess I'm going to have to be a bit more direct.
      I began projecting some kind of blue ray from my hand. It went around the rose bush and a tooltip came up that said 'Rose Bush'. I was somehow able to activate a 'delete' option and I removed it from the scene.
      I go inside to check on her progress with removing all the junk. She seems to be using the same ray that 'selects' the boxes and a tooltip comes up and says 'Box of Junk'. She then deletes them. All of the boxes are already gone on one side and she's just getting started on the other.
      I look in one of the boxes and see that there are all of these... er I don't really know what they were. They looked like miniature microwave ovens. They were small (2in by 2in by 3in) and made of a really tough metal. And had a door, a cord, and a keypad like a microwave. There was also some kind of coil like devices mixed in there as well.
      I then delete the box in my hands. I guess that was the last of them.
      [Dream Guide Logic]
      "Now that we're done, let's make cookies! I know how to make the best cookies with *something I forgot* and chocolate chips! So yummy!"
      [/Dream Guide Logic]

      I woke up a few moments later.

      It was the middle of the night, and I had to go back and take down some goals.

      I managed to get some semi-lucid dream where I was cataloging wildlife along the side of a river that ran through the rainforest. I can recall there were these crabs and frogs fighting one another. The frogs have acidic tongues that melt the crabs' shells and the crabs pinch at the frogs. There were also turtles involved somehow.
      At one point or other, I saw this giant lobster/crayfish creature in the water. It was bright red and shiny.
      I then saw an overhead view of where I was and it was a very rich, green, lush area of the world with these plateau-like mountains made of black volcanic stone. There was also a castle-city made of white stone built in one of the valleys.

      Updated 10-23-2014 at 01:01 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid
    3. I Did It - Maxis' Dare Completed - Struck By Lightning Survival!!

      by , 10-23-2014 at 12:24 PM
      Been waking up several times on my own last night, and used two of them to do some self-suggestions - and tadaa - lucid!
      It was an optically beautiful dream, all was shiny and sparkly and had intense colours, like I unfortunately don't have it so often. It was so beautiful, that I refrained from trying any tasks for a while and just flew about in a city with lots of old-fashioned houses and trees and little gardens and parks.
      There was a VW-beetle, cream-coloured, and I used to have one as a student, so I landed and boarded and drove about a bit, first lucid driving ever. Much too smooth for a real beetle, it drove itself more or less, but it was a great memory of the good old times...

      Quite astonished over the duration, I decided okay - this is the time, when I finally get it right after maybe 5 or 6 fails at Maxis' dare.
      So there I was, standing in the street, and ordering a lighting storm. Came almost instantly, got dark in the process, and first I thought, it's going to end like the last times, just no one bolt dared touch down on me.
      But I really gave it my all, hands reaching to heaven, beckoning, imagining myself transforming from getting hit, too.

      And then I got hit!!
      A bolt maybe only 5 cm in diameter, but it struck me directly in my outstretched right hand and went through my body.
      The sensation wasn't overly strong, but I did feel electricity shoot through me and into the ground, it was a tingling, sizzly feeling, completely pain-free but astonishing. Maybe it worked, because I had imagined how it would feel directly in the dream, before the beckoning.

      My field of vision almost went into the sort of total white-out I had experienced when the real episode of me almost getting struck happened, but not quite. Not as mercilessly bright and overwhelming as it had been in reality.
      I had concentrated on transforming into a cat, too, besides surviving, I imagined a great cat, one for which I wouldn't have to loose mass from my human physiology, imagining a small cat wasn't helpful I had decided.

      And what I got was a sort of spiky white fur, half electricity, half real, I felt my body distinctly differently, but I woke up before I could go on exploring further, what it was I had transformed into. But looking out from my face, I could see all the spikes coming out of naked me, maybe 10 cm long and in patches, not evenly, there was skin visible between them. Fur seems to be the most easy thing for me, when it comes to transformation.
      Almost the only thing, I ever got from attempts, to be honest. Well - and once a beak.

      Very satisfying long lucid!

      Updated 10-23-2014 at 12:46 PM by 66050

    4. Waterbending #2

      by , 10-23-2014 at 03:17 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #372 - DILD - 1:32AM

      I was happy to have an early night DILD with minimal effort. I had set my intention at bedtime but used no actual technique other than really wanting to get lucid. It was a close one because I almost forgot the first half. It was the intent on an actual goal that raised my lucidity up another level otherwise I am afraid I would have completely forgot this one; I am convinced it happens for that I realize.

      Some things that may have influenced dreaming... A glass of wine early in the evening, (though I felt back to baseline at bed time), 3mg Melatonin.

      I am with my wife and we need more space to sleep. We enter an abandoned trailer in the country owned by my ex FIL that is acting like my wife's father. The entire floor was a mattress and I lay down with her. There is some dialog between the DCs and I notice part of the wall is missing. There are some water stains but I don't mind as long as I don't get wet. I drift off to sleep as they are talking.

      I am now on a moving boxcar at night. For some reason I am trying to summon Jean-Luc Picard but I am having a hard time. I use dream control methods as if I am lucid by pretending and expecting him to show up. Though I do catch a few thin visuals, I am mostly talking to the air and acting very much like Q. I forget most of this but I recall making some grand gesture and saying, "Now do you want to see some real magic, Jean-Luc Picard?" I stand on the opposite end and use TK to draw a gate between us then quickly phase out of the boxcar.

      As I float in the night watching the boxcar speed away, I become fully lucid. I really want to met Picard so I rush back to the boxcar but it is way too fast. I see it's coming around a corner and I try to cut it off. Unfortunately, I phase clear through it and it leaves me behind.

      I become mindlessly obsessed with catching Picard. I realize now that I am on foot chasing a car. The tail lights disappear around a bend. I run at super speed but I just can't catch it. I tell myself that I should be able to do this because it's a dream. The environment switches from night to day and I see some water past the trees in the distance. I almost leave it behind to follow the road but I recall my actual goal. Waterbending!

      I stand at the bank and reach out to the water. Some mist sprays up and turns to ice then settles back down on my obscuring my vision like thick wet sleet. I almost fall to the void but focus on visuals to quickly get back in the dream. I step into the water now touching it with my hands. There is a mild sensation of cold and wet on my legs. A ball of water starts to rise up but quickly falls. I switch methods and shoot a long jet of water from my hands. I pause and then do it again for a longer period of time.

      Now I try pushing back the water to form a wall but I quickly find myself on some artificial beach. Which each swell of the waves I am able to hold the water back for just a few seconds. During this I begin to see small cartoon-like Killer whales and Sperm Whales jumping out of the water in front of me. I note this much I am too focused on the water to care much. After a bit, I notice a male DC to my left helping me hold the water back. With our combined effort we manage to create large flat wall of water about 10-15 feet tall and half as wide. I become very pleased with myself but realize I am not doing it alone. This breaks my concentration and the water crashes on me. I am tossed around some until I wake up. I nose plug right away. Yep, this time its real.

      Other non lucid dreams

      I enter some psychedelic retro musical as I dance around odd visuals and colors with my son. I try to take a selfie.

      I am in the same time era on a building top with some boys. One falls. A helicopter comes to take him. I almost stay behind but I really want a free ride on a chopper.

      I thought I was fried and went on a huge ranting rampage only to realize that I was mistaken. I wasn't really fired after all.
    5. Sonic Boom while Flying

      by , 10-23-2014 at 03:07 AM
      I knew the dream was about to start (using WILD technique), so I flew hard and fast right into the dream, unsure of what was ahead of me. The first part of the dream was very blurry, but I was flying as fast as I could. I thought ‘increase lucidity’, and then suddenly the clarity was perfect. I was flying over a city at supersonic speeds, just above the buildings. There were buildings everywhere in complete detail, as far as I could see. This was a massive city. Off in the distance, in the center of my view, I could see a temple, complete with a golden dome, and a large opening at the entrance. Light was shining through the entrance, so I figured I could fly right through the center, and out the other side. I challenged myself to fly through the opening at high speed without crashing. I was flying at the speed of sound, and I was going so fast, I could hear the shock waves bouncing back at me off the buildings. There was a sonic boom! The vibrations shook me.

      As I neared the temple, I could see wide stone steps going up to the arched entrance. I tried to fly right through the opening, but some strange force sucked me down and I landed on the steps perfectly. There were 100's of people standing on the steps and inside the temple’s entrance. They were all dressed in beige and white robes. The temple had amazing stonework. Some people were clapping and cheering (I guess from the sonic boom?), and some were looking at me like what the #%@* are you doing? I tried to fly again, but couldn't, so I walked into the temple. There was a large pool in the middle, with people everywhere, and I headed to back where it was less crowded. In the corner was a beautiful garden with a fig tree. There was no roof in this area and over the pool, and the sun was shining brightly. I could feel clarity fading. I bent down and picked up a hand full of soil from the garden, and rubbed the soil in my hands observing the fine grains of dirt. The clarity greatly improved. I turned around still rubbing the soil, and then I walked down steps into the pool. The water was cold and refreshing. I kept rubbing the dirt in my hands. I waded through the pool up to this guy, who was standing behind what looked like a pool bar. I asked him if he could announce something for me. I said, “Please wish my daughter Happy Birthday over the PA.” He looked at me and said no. I asked him again, but I could tell in his eyes it was no! I then started to feel upset, and then I woke up.
    6. Lucid #4

      by , 10-23-2014 at 01:36 AM
      I'm inside staring at kids throwing stuff at me. I go outside and realize it's a dream and stabilize it. I see a dog and a rat. The rat is all white and has white glowing eyes biting the dog. The dog is just sitting there taking it. I ask what they represent and the rat says everything bad and I can't remember what that dog said. There's a semi-fat guy and I ask what he represents and he just says he's lives there. I ask who were the dog and rat and he said those were kinda like dream gods and they are very wise. He says the only problem is that they like to drink. I try flying but only get about 20 feet in the air before I fall down to the ground. I fly over a fence and can't get back over. J walks out of a door and tells me my alarm went off and I need to wake up so I do... I had 5 more minutes.
    7. High Waves and the Orange Cliff

      by , 10-22-2014 at 11:46 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      (dreamed this in the afternoon)

      I was lining up for a ticket. I saw Nimz with a few others I'm not familiar with. People lined up (facing in my direction), not sure for what but I was thinking it's for buying a ticket for a ride. It reminds me of the line in train stations. At first, there was only one line, and then there were two. Nimz and his companions tried to start a third one between the two lines, but his companions decided to line at the back of one of the two other lines, leaving him alone in the center. Eventually, he decided to line up behind.

      I went ahead. I already had my ticket. I rode the boat. I'm not sure if I was supposed to wait for Nimz. I don't have any memory of us talking. I remember having to put down my ticket at the entrance box. I think my number was 438, close to ticket 420. I sat on the right side of the boat/ship looking at the port, wondering why I didn't wait for Nimz.

      One of our high school teachers was a "guide" in the boat. Ms. Barcelona. She started a prayer and I recited along but forgot the words. It's a familiar prayer. After the prayer, the boat started to move. I saw us back away from the port and move towards open waters.

      I saw then that the boat was small, probably only about three to four meters high, no more. I was wondering how it will survive the open waters. Then I saw I was headed east or west, but not north. I was aiming for north. I also saw the tall waves, higher than our boat was long, but nobody in the boat was panicking, except for me.

      I saw an orange cliff in the middle of the waters, the waves breaking into it, constantly almost-hiding it under the choppy waters but not completely. I asked Ms. Barcelona where we're headed. I expected "Iloilo", but she said "Cebu", which is even farther than I thought. I told her I took the wrong boat: I was heading for Manila.

      We were facing another wave, which carried us very close to the cliff, almost hitting it. I told them I had to go down, although I doubted they would go back to port for my sake alone. Fortunately, we moved to a nearby island. As soon as I was near the shore, I jumped down on the sand. I climbed something like a wall or cliff. When I reached about two meters up, I saw there were others on the shore. I'm not sure if they got off the boat like myself or if they were already there.

      I went down "the other side" of the wall/cliff and ran on the shore to where I thought some people would be. The surrounding "cliffs" turned to walls and ruins. I was thinking I was in a forest and talking to someone about hunting wild boar, if I'm ready for it. I kept running.


      - This was a very vivid dream. At one point, I became lucid, but cannot control anything. It was very quick lucidity.
      - I think this one is rather easy to interpret in light with my recent concerns.
      - I haven't had dreams this vivid in a while. I've been forgetting to write my dreams.
      lucid , non-lucid
    8. Sowing My Stomach, Trying To Escape On A Mini Car?

      by , 10-22-2014 at 10:24 PM

      1st Dream

      In the darkness of my room I was laying down and someone was sowing a needle in my stomach. I found this annoying and pushed the thing back but it just kept sowing and like two false awakenings happened before it stopped.After it was gone I got off the bed and saw tall anime guys who were mixed with animals. There was also a alarm that turned on and some one said a country was not going to follow the law that the U.S. wrote for them so we had to escape. The orange haired cat guy grabbed me and said he wanted me to be his fighting partner. We fought some bad guys after that and I asked what move should I do next. He said to try my pink bubble barrier and I did. Sadly I woke up after that...

      2nd Dream

      Walking outside with my mom I was looking for a building to go to. Somehow we ended up in a yoga room and a lady told me her son, the yoga instructor, was looking for a wife and that I should stay for the yoga class so that in the future we can have gorgeous babies together....I wasn't fond of that idea though and moved to see my younger brother was in the room. He wanted to use me as a surface so he could achieve a back flip. I told him no at first but since he insisted I let him. After that I somehow angered a few DCs so I imagined a small car and drove down and around multiple times down the mountain. When I jumped into a forest a DC caught up to me though but I didn't feel threatened by him. Unexpectedly though there was a fairy with red hair in my hand. I thought she was a barbie fairy doll so I threw her in a bush. She grew though and ran off.
      The next thing I recall is something yugioh related, than showing my brother a anime video I thought was going to be sugar rune but ended being a totally different anime. In the video a girl was playing a guitar and her clothes kept changing. I was confused and my brother said and wrote on the video that the girl's neck looks like it has cancer.(He was making a joke) Than I woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid
    9. 10/6/14, 10/8, 10/18, 10/21, 10/22 Super brief notes

      by , 10-22-2014 at 08:01 PM
      10/22/14 Multiple FA's caught and a-ha moments but not sure how many LD's to count, so just count 2.

      *Ironing, water pooling on stairs, Son gets out of bed and starts frantically brushing teeth-weird...wait he's not home.

      Started 3rd person, Threesome negotiated between husband, wife and another woman, I come into the scene as the husband, 1st person.

      Memory of a first a-ha moment in this last series of lucidity in the late morning but not able to retrace the memory back far enough to recall, probably due to a series of FA's. Parts remembered:

      FA: laying in bed holding a large round stick about waist level and twirling it around in the air realizing I am dreaming and how real it feels. Like guitar the other night.

      FA to WILD like transition with various HH's, one scene forms with a little boy who I think looks maybe like a girl and I try to morph her into Girl Friday.

      FA Apartment/Motel-like -
      I "wake up" and at first think something along the lines of ok this is my apartment, this is normal/IWL (even though I don't live in an apartment...FA's can be tricky!) I hear water the sound of a shower running and walk that way. Door to shower room is closed. Sink outside is running/filling, water is orangish. Weird...hmm I'm dreaming again, look at mirror and confirmed by feeling sleep mask but not showing in mirror image. Decide Girl Friday will be in shower but dream fades when opening door.

      Spin out of fading dream into outdoor courtyard and restaurant and waiter that looks familiar
      before fading to bed for good. 218 & 219 Night time intention seems more important than ever.

      Using memory list tool to remember dreams during night. Did not list them all here. Daniel Love's peg system.

      (okay that took too long, need to find quicker way to document LD's. Maybe one picture images.)

      10/21/14 FA thinking about previous dream, caught, stunning Angelina Jolie look-alike, romance, sex, nice butt, most awesome dream breasts ever!(nice size, awesome shape, the size and color of areola, vivid), vivid close up of her"ahem". Wowzers! 217

      10/18/14 lucid at seeing a baby or toddlers arm in a position in which it would be propping up his head, but only the arm is visible. Aha. <memory gap> Find a dream guitar and start playing it like I am an awesome guitarist. Three notes using lower strings, three notes using upper strings and then slide my other finger up the guitar (sorry I don't know the terminology...no musician...yet!). Was able to remember the basic sound/rhythm IWL. Feel myself back in bed with my fingers grasping the edge of the bed and I can still almost feel the guitar but it is fading. 216

      <gap in lucid nights: late nights, travelling, even a 0 recall night in here with only a memory that I was just dreaming something but can't remember what on that night; other nights varying degrees of recall but most notably low during late late to bed nights and during travel>

      10/8/14 Seeing a ghost sitting at the foot of my bed with his head bowed down in shame. I think about my big goal question mentally: "What is the biggest thing holding me back in life?" and start verbalizing by asking the ghost/dc what his name is several times. The name Eric pops into my head. This brings up conflict which I assume is pointing to an inner conflict within myself and this comes in the form of a struggle with the "ghost." This struggle claws at my lucidity until I wake into an FA not caught. Same house, my grandmother's or somewhere visiting her. 215

      10/6/14 ja han ska liva; In car and decide with turmoil around the best place to park is just above the ground - okay...I'm dreaming. Get out girl named Becky, about 15, keep going and get onto a bus, mooning people as they get on and go to a dark haired Hispanic? woman and she gives me a bj. I even think for a moment, what if she were to take a bite but I suppressed it well and went on in pleasure! 214
    10. What Happens When You Lower Your Ambien Dose...

      by , 10-22-2014 at 01:36 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      Alright. So I'm trying to wean myself off of my Ambien. I took a half of one last night and fell asleep no problem, but I woke up at around 2:30am, remembering only fragments about work, and started freaking out a little, thinking I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. I took a benedryl and went into the other room (my husband was breathing very heavily in his sleep and it was also keeping me awake). This is what happened after I fell asleep.

      I was lucid, but I don't remember if I entered the dream lucid or if I became lucid later. I am having a lot of trouble recalling the specific details of this one, other than we were in a house, and I was trying to cheat on my husband with this guy I knew in middle/high school named Carter H. My husband was around during the dream, and we were trying to avoid him by going into different rooms and such. I do remember at one point Carter expressing how he would treat me well and was excited about being with me. I told him I was excited too. I think I was topless during that part in a bedroom.

      There was a point where I was outside in a garden, and I was afraid of losing the dream, so I took some advice from Hyu and started touching everything around me. There were plants in the plowed ground. I touched their leaves, feeling their realness. They felt a little muted, but it wasn't bad. It helped me to stabalize the dream.

      This dream was quite long, and I can't recall the little details of it all. It was a very...strange LD for me. I seemed to be in a weird mindset (I would never cheat on my husband IWL, especially with someone I barely know and have no interest in!).

      I then woke up.


      I was in a fairly normal-looking room; nothing weird was going on at all, but I decided to do a nose pinch RC just to keep my awareness up. I did it, and...I could breathe! I was super surprised; I thought I was awake! I think I said "What??" or some kind of exclamation. I did it again just to be sure, and sure enough, I was dreaming.

      Spoiler for Explicit content:

      I woke up and wondered why I did something so superficial with these LDs. I wanted to have another one where I summoned Mike or delved into past lives. Sadly, I didn't get to. :/

      Again, I would like to reiterate that I really don't have any interest in cheating. I love my husband very much. I am really kind of taken aback by these dreams, especially since I was aware that I was dreaming for them. I'm actually a little embarrassed to post them.


      I was in a dressing room at a department store. I had these black and white comics that I had made that depicted my cheating LDs. One was only a page long, the other a few pages. I taped them to one of the dressing room doors. I then watched people pick the comics up and read them. Some teenage guys read them and laughed. I left the dressing room for a bit. I didn't really want the comics there anymore. I went back and took them down.


      I was laying in the guest bed with my husband. We were getting ready to go to sleep. My husband put on one of my sleep shirts similar to one I actually own IWL but not the same. It was black with 3/4 length sleeves and lacy shoulders. It was tight on him, but he didn't seem to mind. I was wondering why he was wearing that (he usually doesn't wear any kind of shirt to bed). I guess he must be anticipating a very cold night. I said something about it being a girl's shirt. Again, he didn't seem to mind.


      Something to do with typing these entries up and an Animal Crossing game that you could only play with a wireless controller and could only play online for a certain amount of time. I was called by a video/game rental place and was asked if C (the assistant CS manager at my job) was my sibling. I told her no, she was my boss. I thought they asked me to verify the spelling of her name after that, but I couldn't hear them very well.
      "What?" I asked.
      They said something again, but it didn't sound the same as before.

      My DJ entries were all centered and spaced like I was writing them in poetry format. I was typing them up. I didn't want them centered, I don't think.

      I then was signing on to play League of Legends. They had really updated the game. My friend Jeremiah was online, and sent me a game request. I was in the middle of doing something else, but I guess I could play a game with him. I accepted his request. I picked my champion, a female one that doesn't exist in the game IWL, and we were then playing. It then looked very cartoony and very much so like FFII graphics. I started getting attacked, but the map controlled so weird. I didn't die, but it was a close call. I went to the settings, and I couldn't change the graphics back; I had to do it outside of game. There were two options I could have picked from, Cartoon or Realistic. It was a new feature that I didn't know about. Cartoon was checked by default. I considered quitting and taking the penalty for it.


      I seriously felt like I was having fever dreams all night. I'm not sick, no fever or anything, just...what. I don't even know. It probably has something to do with lowering my dose of Ambien and taking that benedryl. It affected my recall as well. I have to stop taking the Ambien though, so my entries may be like this until I even out. I will eventually go down to taking a quarter of an Ambien, then eventually completely being off of it. I am actually happy for that. I miss sleeping naturally; I haven't since November/December of 2011, so for three years.
    11. Unusual Lucid Dreaming and Magic Swamp

      by , 10-22-2014 at 08:15 AM
      1st. So I had a false awakening where I began to go back to bed. As I fell back asleep, I could feel myself going into the dream so I thought I may as well just WILD it. It felt like I was doing flips and moving around my room, slowly it began to settle downed I tested to see whether I was in a lucid dream. So I went directly to the mirror in my bathroom, I was only about 4feet tall and had pale blue/blondish hair, my face was also a different structure with my bones being a lot sharper and harsh to look at. After this my dad came in and I though about posts when people said that they would tell their dream characters that they are actually in a dream, so I did exactly that although I cannot remember what happened after that.

      2nd. So there was me and a little girl as well as my little brother. We were in this small circle sized area with a few other people and were surrounded by plants and fauna, most of these were normal looking. The girl began looking through one side of the bush where there was high shrubbery although an adult began telling her that she should not be doing that.. She then began going through another area where the ground was softer and almost marsh like and the plants were sparser and taller. Most of these were about half of my height. She began stepping on them, splitting them in the process. This would let her walk around without touching the ground. I thought that this could potentially be dangerous so I stopped her and she went somewhere else, while she was exploring somewhere else I became curious about what was outside of this circled off area so I began taking the path that she had taken using the same process of splitting the top of the plants. The plants became shorter and looked as if someone had already split them, so now the whole ground was practically covered. They also began to gain this weird purple colour. Suddenly the ground gave way to a massive pond. The pond was a very very dark green in colour and was covered in these gigantic lily pads with the length of a bed, the whole place had this kind of magical vibe to it. I started stepping on these although they gave way and flooded me up to my knees. At some point I decided to turn back after getting a bad feeling about the place, although I didn’t head back the way I came in, I went through this kind of swamp area with the same lily pads as before, although here the feeling of something being wrong went to dread and anxiety. I reached the shore in time although now everyone else was trying to do what I had done. I tried to warn them but they would not listen. This is all I can remember.

      3rd. I was in a large track area although instead of running track there was a forest to replace it. Here I was chasing my little brother or my dog (Can’t Remember). As we came around the corner I could see that there were a group of people clustered together. There was my step-dad there and my sister. On the ground there was a iPhone6. In real life I am actually waiting for my iPhone to arrive so I was excited when I saw this in the dream world. I immediately asked my step-dad whether I could open it, he said yes. When i lifted the top I noticed that it was the black model, had some sort of case already half attached to it. The iPhone itself was pure black, thicker and felt generally not like an iPhone6. I put it back in the case and told him I would prefer the white model and would gladly wait.
    12. Sarek likes me

      by , 10-22-2014 at 03:50 AM (Delenn's dream journal)
      I haven't been paying attention to dreaming much lately. Life has been getting busier. But last night I thought, "I'm going to lucid dream." And I did! It was a little different from other LDs I've had; there was no point at which I consciously thought, "I'm dreaming!" I just gradually became more aware. It was a very long dream.

      I was part of a group of people who had to recapture some kind of relic from an underground place. It was being held by enemies of some kind, maybe orcs. I see it--a small glowing thing--on a ledge about 50 feet away. We manage to sneak by the orcs and capture the relic. Suddenly Sarek of Vulcan appears. I say something like, "Sarek, it's an honor to have your here." He replies, "Your name is no less esteemed." (Seems like a very Sarek thing to say.) I get the impression that we are doing a good job on our missions vs. the bad guys.

      We casually walk out of the place without anyone stopping us. We might've had disguises; I don't remember. Just as we're going through some large double doors, there's an uproar behind us. One of the group, a white woman, shoots up in the air and starts flying. I think for a second that, "Whoa, she just did that. Maybe I can too." So we leave all our bags behind and just shoot up in the air.
      It was around this time that I became lucid. I was thinking that my dream-flying was different from any other time I've done it, that I was more "floaty". I was really enjoying myself. I thought about how I was really lying in bed, and I knew I was starting to wake up. I focused on the face of the woman beside me, in an attempt to stabilize the dream. I don't know her face. The stabilization works, and I stay asleep!

      Later we are in a shopping area, a cute strip mall or something. I think, "I want my backpack." (The one I left behind.) I hold out my hand and make it appear beneath me! This is another 'first' for me. I felt like Q from Star Trek, making something appear just by willing it to happen! Later we are in a different shopping area. I remember the pumpkin challenge for October. There's one pumpkin right in front of me, but it's already broken open and there is trash inside. I go looking for another pumpkin. There's a nice orange one. I plan on using my hand to cut it open, but then I think, "This isn't my pumpkin.. maybe I should ask if I can cut it open." I smile at this person, a black woman. I ask if I can open the pumpkin and she says yes. But at that time the dream abruptly ends.

      I have some funny dream logic. What do I need with bags in a dream, anyway? And do I really need permission to open a pumpkin in my own dream? Silly brain.

      Updated 10-22-2014 at 03:53 AM by 32584

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , task of the month
    13. Lucid Side Notes

      by , 10-22-2014 at 02:02 AM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      Had my first lucid in a long time two nights ago. I don't recall very much, other than it was night time outside when I became lucid. I then flew around for a bit, and I decided to change the time of day. I used the "force" if you will, to pull the sun into view, and it became day. The weird part was that when I turned around it was still nighttime behind me, but it was day on the other side. That's all I remember.
    14. Open Your Eyes

      by , 10-22-2014 at 12:23 AM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #250: Open Your Eyes

      There’s a long sequence where I help set up a first date between a male friend and the twin sister of a female friend. Proud of having helped, I wander off to a hallway adjacent to where they’re having their date. There’s an old lady here staring at a set of wall hooks and commenting about how she’s a lucid dreamer and always checks wall hooks “just in case she’s dreaming.”

      Interesting idea, I say, and notice that the shape of the hooks keeps changing. I spot a wadded up piece of paper and decide to make it float, just to see. It takes some effort, but float it does, and
      now I’m lucid. I walk through a nearby door into a warehouse stacked with boxes, intending to encounter Dreamer here.

      As soon as I enter the room, I see Dreamer carrying some huge, heavy-looking cardboard box. She seems to be doing grunt work for some kind of retail job and there’s a disagreeable-looking young woman behind her shouting at her to hurry up her work. Dreamer sees me and gives me an apologetic look as this supervisor hustles her along. I approach the pair of them and tell the supervisor, “She’s all done with her work now, isn’t she?” The supervisor seems to accept this and wanders away.

      I grab Dreamer’s hand and we run as I babble to her about how this is all a lucid dream. We leave the way I came in, but now it’s a marble entrance hall. Then we’re out on a crowded street, people walking in either direction down the sidewalk and cars rolling up and down the street. I shout something bold to the dream world about how this is my dream and nobody’s going to cause me any trouble. A lot of the DCs stop and turn to me at this, and one of the cars veers off of the street and comes rolling toward us.

      Dreamer and I leap onto the hood of the car, run along the top of it, and jump into the air as we reach the trunk. She hangs on as we take flight, wrapping her arms around my neck and left shoulder. I comment on how silly it was of me to start thinking about dreamworld hostility when everything had been absolutely fine. Fortunately, none of it feels like a big deal, and we say something about how it should sort itself out.

      The flight’s a lot of fun but at some point I lose my sight. Dreamer says, “The dream is still here. Open your eyes.” I’m nervous about this, but I try it. For a second they feel like they’re glued shut and I think this has to be my real eyes opening. But a little more effort and they’re open! We’re high above the clouds now, and I do a hard dive back to earth, determined that this time everything will be easy and peaceful. I somehow hit the ground sooner than expected and faceplant in some grass. Dreamer seems to be gone now.

      I feel the grass a bit with my hands, and it feels phony, like mini-golf grass. A couple of DCs I know from another dream pass by, greet me, and I follow them into a building, through halls into a glass-walled office on the 2nd story. Somehow it’s night outside. An easy-going guy named Gary (black dude, friendly, on the tall side) joins us and I incorrectly remember that the Task of the Month is to pull a prank on a DC! (Oops, this is one from a previous month! )

      As a prank, I decide to pretend that the window is sucking me out into the night. I act scared and start shouting as I phase through, landing on the corner of a nearby section of roof. I complete the prank by humping the corner of the roof. The guys inside start laughing uncontrollably and I float down to an outdoor restaurant patio that’s just below.

      I think about whether I’ve got a chance to encounter Dreamer again and think about doing either another task or whatever the heck I feel like. As I think this, a woman seated at one of the patio tables turns to face me, and it’s Dreamer! She’s wearing a dress and has long blond hair, but otherwise looks and seems like herself. I talk a bit about tasks, but again lose my vision.

      In response to this, she starts singing a strange Australian song about “marching around” and tells me to try marching around myself. As I’m flailing about, I feel myself kick over a table or two and I hear some people shout in surprise. “See how silly that is?” she says. “Just open your eyes!” I have some trouble at first, but after a little encouragement, my eyes come open just fine and I’m still in the same scene. Dreamer runs up and gives me a big hug before we walk off together, talking again about what we should do next. We never get around to anything before
      the dream ends.

      Updated 10-22-2014 at 01:30 AM by 57387

    15. Lucid in a Restaurant

      by , 10-22-2014 at 12:18 AM
      Non-Dream Dream Lucid

      Dream 1:

      I am at a Target store buying gear for a home run derby. I have a bat and a Mike Trout ball that is oddly shaped. Trout is there too. Now I am at the home run derby in the stands. The crowd has to pay per pitch. Therefore the popular / well-liked players get more pitches because the crowd is willing to pay.

      Dream 2:

      I am at a restaurant with my friend/coworker GM. I am teaching him how to play a video game and the subject of lucid dreaming comes up. I become lucid. Not too sure how it happened - I guess the just talking about it made me become aware. I tell GM about all of the different things that I like to do when I am lucid like flying and eating. I cook some hamburgers and we both eat one - it tastes amazing. I am bored so I decide to trash the back of the restaurant where the cooks are. After this I go outside and decide to do something constructive with my lucid opportunity. There is nobody outside of the restaurant - which now looks like one of the outside eating areas at UCLA (above the bookstore). I yell out "why am I so anxious all the time." No answer and nothing happens. Then I yell out "show me something I am afraid of" so maybe I can conquer some of my fears. Still nothing so I yell it out again. Suddenly a man appears from behind one of the buildings and walks toward me aggressively. I know he wants to fight me. Apparently I am afraid of confrontations. He starts punching and kicking and I block all of it. Not just normal blocks though - I actually catch his fists and feet with my hands. Then I proceed to thoroughly kick his ass.

      After the ass beating I do my favorite lucid activity - flying. I fly over the football field at UCLA. There are people playing so I join the game. I make several great catches while flying and I shout out that I am the greatest football player ever at UCLA.

      Dream 3:

      I am having amazing sex with a very petite woman. At times during the sex I can see us from 3rd person view.

      Spoiler for Sex details:

      I stay the night and we have sex again the following morning in the shower. We head out to the backyard to do some gardening and I think her parents are there with us. It is very awkward. I am trying to stake some pepper plants but I am out of string / tape. I try to find an Ace or Home Depot store driving through the Culver City / Inglewood area on Sepulveda. The area looks like one giant mall towering over the street. I step into a Home Depot store and find the string - the store is very ghetto. I go to the outside section of the store and find myself in the army doing drills.