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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Teeing Up Made Me Lucid - Feb 28, 2015

      by , 03-01-2015 at 10:06 PM
      I’m no golfer (more a gopher), but I did manage to recognize that my game was a bit off, and beyond ridiculous, so I became lucid in this Dream Induced Lucid Dream (DILD). Here’s what happened.

      An old friend and I were at a golf course in Calgary on this cloudy, fall day. I watch him tee off and make a perfect swing (Smack!), sending the ball sailing down the field. My turn! I walked up the teeing ground, stuck my tee halfway into the earth, and placed the golf ball on top. As I rose to stand, and very unexpectedly, the entire teeing ground became covered in about 3 inches of ice cubes, and my friend said, “Ah, that’s better! Now it’s nicely iced.” It was indeed nicely iced and I slipped and fell onto my side, and then I scrambled to get back up onto my feet because it was freezing cold! My golf ball was buried in ice cubes, so I leaned over to sweep the ice cubes away from my ball, but I accidently knocked the golf ball off the tee.

      I dug around in the ice and found my golf ball, but now my tee was gone. I asked my friend to help me find it, and he reached down into the ice cubes and pulled out a wood screw. He said, “Here it is!”, and he threw it at my face, and it bounced off my forehead and went back into the ice cubes. That wasn’t a very nice thing to do, I thought. I dug around and soon found my gulf tee. I placed it back in the earth and placed my ball on top. I stood back up to take my swing, but then my gulf ball turned into a lawn bowling ball! I thought ‘what on Earth’ is going on around here? I kicked the bowling ball of the golf tee and placed another golf ball on top of it. I gazed down at the green, and I saw that it was behind some rolling hills, and we were surrounded by suburbia. As I swung my driver backwards, in preparation for my swing, it hit a square cement post that had magically appeared on the teeing ground. Okay, I get it! This has got to be dream! There’s no way waking life could possibly be this messed up. I’m Lucid.

      My friend was hiding behind the cement post, so I peeked around the corner, and looked him right in the eyes. Now his eyes were glowing silvery blue. Not his regular eye color, and since when do people’s eyes glow? I stayed calm, and decided to hide my lucidity and investigate this dream figure, so I asked him, “How’s Erin doing (his wife)?” He then looked at the ground and started to kick the some ice cubes around with the point of his foot, and he didn’t answer me. Then I asked him how his son is doing. Still, no response. Well, I thought, this is obviously not my friend, but whatever, I’m good with it. All the ice cubes disappeared. My lucidity started to fade, so I said, “Please wait here, because I have to swirl.” I began to swirl to bring back my clarity, and dang it, he vanished. I began to think about flying as I was swirling, and not surprisingly I slowly started to rise upwards. Now I could hear the wind howling in my ears and blowing against my skin, and all was dark. I was swirling and flying at the same time. I tried to think of place that I wanted to go, once I was done swirling, so I started to call for my daughter to come, but I ended up waking instead.
    2. Cancer

      by , 03-01-2015 at 07:11 PM
      I was going to look for Eye but changed my goal to looking for Kiro since i thought it might be easier.

      I woke up in my old room and Santa Claus was next to me. I left him and went to look for Kiro but found some of my family members listening to old music in a room instead. I asked if someone could call Kiro for me and a lady suggested that I play a music that might signal him to come here. I put the music inside the CD machine and heard a lady singing. It was nice but it felt like i was wasting my time so i turned it off. I Kept telling someone else to bring Kiro and they told me to wait in the corner. So i did. The person i told was cleaning the room than lay on the ground to reach under a wall to get something.

      The dream than shifted and i was now in a daycare room filled with kids. Many of them were misbehaving so I and the others there did our best to calm them down. But it did not work until our boss came in. She was walking fine but than i noticed her face was really pale and a different color. Than suddenly she collapsed. I and another lady rushed to help her and someone else went to call 911. I quickly fanned her hoping she would wake up. But it did not wake her up. I got up after that for some reason i don't recall than turned back and noticed she was gone.I thought someone must have taken her somewhere else when i wasn't looking than went to go look for my fish sandwich lunch that i put away.

      I found a lady who i'm familiar with at my workplace and she said that the doctors determined that the real reason she collapsed wasn't because she was sick with the flu. She had cancer.It made me sort of anxious to hear her say that so i left to go look for my lunch and cup of coffee but somehow ended up on a street near a airport.

      I flew up than back hoping i wouldn't get hit than landed on the ground. But as i was walking the dream shifted and i was now viewing a group of cartoon looking reapers. They didn't have their weapons with them though and they were speaking in Japanese. They looked harmless and it seemed like they were getting ready to take the school bus to go on a trip or something like that.

      Updated 03-01-2015 at 07:14 PM by 67570

      lucid , non-lucid
    3. •#8• •Lucid Dream #1.5• •3/1/15• •FIRST REAL LUCID DREAM!! (WASTED)•

      by , 03-01-2015 at 03:26 PM
      -In my bathroom and my friend is also there (don't ask why).
      -We started fighting for some reason.
      -I was swinging really slow so i thought "this must be a dream"
      -Looked at my hands, had 6 fingers.
      -found my dad who was in his room, told him we were dreaming (don't remember his reply)
      -tried to fly (or levitate?) in my house and couldn't.
      -Opened the window to try and fly out but I got scared to
      -looked at my hands again now they were really disformed but this made me happy.
      -Couldn't think of anything to do so I went to my sisters room and told her we were dreaming.
      -Looked at my hands again and woke up
      -What a waste...
    4. Strange Preschool

      by , 03-01-2015 at 04:32 AM
      I started out in one of the dollar stores somewhere in the neighborhood(I don't remember which one). I was shopping with my mother. As I was walking, I noticed this individual staring at me giving me a nasty look. He was a lot taller than me, so I knew I wouldn't stand a chance against him. He then came charging after me but before he could touch me, I flew up in the air and hovered above the aisles in the store. As I was flying in mid-air, I kicked him with my feet as hard as I could and taunted him.

      Later on in the dream(after waking up, I think), I woke up in a preschool(one I haven't seen before in my life). I saw one of the teachers I worked with back at the preschool I volunteered for in waking life. She was helping me out with how I'm supposed to handle the classroom. We were both inside a classroom with a full set of kids and a couple other teachers. It felt happy. It felt so happy good to be in a job like this because there was happiness all around.

      At one point, the person teaching me have done an activity that required us to remove our shoes and socks, walking barefoot. I'm not sure why, but seeing how this is preschool, I didn't question the creativity of improvised activities. I was sitting down somewhere in the back of the classroom where I was talking to the teacher. She wanted me to go somewhere, as confusing as that may sound.

      I then somehow appeared to be at an assembly along with a large crowd of people around my age. We were all seated in desks. In front of us was a huge black screen television(as big as the cinema ones). When I was in there, I noticed every student(what I thought) belonged to a specific group based on their past, kind of like the scene in Mean Girls where the geeks sit with the geeks and the jocks with the jocks. I'm not sure which group I was in. I just seemed to be observing everything in the area I was in.

      Later on, it was time to leave. Everyone began leaving the building. I was getting my items together but I remember having trouble finding one of the objects. Because I didn't know it was a dream, yet, I kept looking for it. Sooner or later, without knowing how exactly it happened, I became lucid. I'm not sure how, but I did. I didn't perform any reality checks. Once I did become lucid, I spent most of my time observing the room I was in. What seemed to be a huge theater, was not a small bedroom.

      I walked around this bedroom figuring out what to do. I couldn't think of much to do after becoming lucid. I enjoyed the feeling of it, though. After a while of staring around the room, I had a sudden sense that the dream started to fade. I didn't want to leave yet. I performed the spinning technique to try and prolong the dream. I remember trying to focus on my body as I turned and turned. I even tried telling myself that I was dreaming and that I want to stay in the dream longer. Seconds later, my vision began becoming darker. The dream ended. I didn't even try to attempt the DEILD technique because I knew I would have a hard time going back to sleep uncomfortably with my arm laying just under my body.
    5. Water Fontain / Creepin' / Damn Cieling

      by , 03-01-2015 at 12:42 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      February 28, 2015

      Water Fountain Woes

      I was at the math/science center I went to in High School. I walked past a water fountain that wasn't turning off. It was always on, so I pulled it out of the wall to try to fix it. But I pulled it too hard and disconnected it from the water intake thingy. I hooked it back up and the water kept coming. I eventually gave up trying to fix it, and got a drink from it before leaving.


      I was visiting the admissions adviser for my grad program, but I was being a super creeper and like walking around her back yard. The neighborhood seemed familiar to me, as if I've been there before. I could see inside the house but I never went inside. I noticed that the snow was all melting and it was getting warmer, so I assumed spring was coming very soon. When I got around to the front of the house again, I saw some of my students playing by the street. I went to talk to them and they got really excited and wanted to show me their homes.

      Ceiling Troubles

      I was at home, holding my girl cat and snuggling her. The whole room seemed larger than IWL, and a LOT cleaner looking and brighter. My dad came into the room from the backyard, and said, "Gotta feed mah CATS!!" When the cats went to eat, I realized my old dog was in the room as well. She was flopping as she tried to get up to get to the food. My dad came over and nudged her a little to help her up. She's been gone for almost 5 years now, so I was very confused until I realized it was a dream. oh right. I'm at Zukin's asleep on her floor right now. "I'm dreaming." I said, looking at my hands, which oddly enough looked completely normal. I still knew I was dreaming, though. My dad looked up and said, "What? You're crazy."

      I ignored him and went to my bedroom. I looked up and decided to use the ceiling as a portal. I jumped up and expected to go through the ceiling into another land, but ended up smashing into it, making a hole and getting stuck in it. I looked around the attic and made the hole bigger by smashing pieces away, until I could look down at my dad, who was standing there looking up at me. "WTF are you doing Kestrel...?"

      "Oh, just hanging around."

      Me and my dream humor. Then I woke up.
      Tags: cat, dog, fail, home
      lucid , dream fragment
    6. A dc made me mad in a nap dreamヾ(。`Д´。)ノ彡☆

      by , 02-28-2015 at 11:05 PM

      I saw myself appear on the bed i was sleeping on and was thinking about how I wanted to enter a dream lucid during my nap time. I couldn't move and slowly started to fall a sleep.I saw black darkness than sudennlly light began to appear.After that I flew onto a platform above a football field.I wanted to see Dawn again and began shouting his name. In the distance i could see someone running on the field. It was a guy with Dawn's long white hair. Even though he didn't look like Dawn I still felt like it was him anyways.I hugged him but got too close to him and forgot that i didn't want myself to do that anymore. Suddenly I was pulled from him and the dream world began to break apart. I was like "NOOOOOOO!'. Than i saw blackness and slowly started to appear in a room that looked just like the room i was sleeping in. I was curled up to the side of the bed, heard static and a mechanic random sound(sounded like a coin being tossed in a room with lots of reverb) and my vision was black and white and a little bit blurry. I kept telling the dream i wanted to see Dawn but it didn't listen to me. I couldn't move and felt so stuck. Sudenlly i heard a dream character walk into the room. It was a lady. She said "So you want to be like a sixteen year old that wants to go and party huh!?"Than she started to beat me with a blanket and her hands while i was paralyzed."Well now i don't have to worry about this anymore!!I'm sick of it!!" she said as she kept hitting me. I kept thinking of the dream becoming more kinder to me but it gave me nothing and than the lady punched my stomach. I was real mad now. "OK!!!!IF YOU DON'T WANT TO CHANGE THIS DREAM THAN I WILLLL!!!" I said than broke free of the hard paralysis. The lady began screaming and fell on the floor.She was a chubby, dark skinned woman with a apron on. I sounded sort of like a monster when i shouted at her too. I than used my mind and hands to grab the lady and twist her and squish her.She shrunk and was distorted as i was doing this to her and than changed into a twisted blanket. I felt that the dream world was going to throw me out for this but i didn't care. Than it did just that and i woke up.((ヾ(≧皿≦メ)ノ))How could you be so cruel to me dream world!?....Perhaps this was because i did what i wasn't suppose to do to Dawn though. Even so she didn't have to hit me!!*flips a table*Ok I'm done raging now.
      lucid , non-lucid
    7. Fun on the LucidNet

      by , 02-28-2015 at 10:50 PM
      -I was with my cousins arguing for something that supposedly took us back in time. They didn't want to let me stay in the past even though i told them it was none of their business. Than suddenly we started hitting and pushing each other and the room became a mess. I noticed my missing gold earring on the floor near a broken painting but decided to just leave it there since it didn't matter to me anymore.Than a girl from the past came to me and told me that if i was going to stay in the past i needed to take my medicine. She showed me a tea spoon with a white thick fluid and told me to drink it. I said no at first because i didn't think i had to. But when she said i would get really sick if i didn't, I just drank it. After that i felt like it wasn't worth it if i was just going to get sick. So i decided to leave back to my own time.

      -I was inside my backyard with others and was running from a mosquito or something that was there.I don't recall when this happened though.

      -I was inside a building thinking of what else to add to my drawing of my dream characters and I. Than ran down the stairs and ended up inside my house.Inside my house was a bunch of cartoon looking animals and creatures. A pink cartoon looking cat started to tell me a story and the story of the scene began to show itself in front of me. "One day a group of mermaids were playing with a girl under the ocean."said the cat.It looked like they were tickling her under water and she was holding her breathe but still smiling."Than she met a guy and didn't want to leave back to her mom who wanted her to come home." said the cat.Than the scene stopped playing and i was in the downstairs hall of my house."If I was the guy i would have told her to go home and left her" I said. Than one of the creatures said they would have too.After it replied i said that i felt bad for her and the cartoon cat said it felt bad for her too. Than as we were walking i started to get thoughts of a dream journal.

      JadeGreen's dream journal began to come to mind. A entry about kindergarten began to present itself. Than the cat caught my attention and began to show me a quiz on the internet.I thought about how it looked like a quiz JadeGreen would create because there was a guy with a buzz cut,dressed like a adventurer to the side of the quiz that looked like he was drawn in Jade's anime art style. I began to take the quiz but some of the questions were upside down. There were pictures to the side so i guessed what the question was. I saw a ax and other weapons near the question i was looking at and guessed itwas about what weapon do you prefer. I thought about it for a while than chose the staff. I'm not a fan of slicing people into pieces. Than i scrolled down and it asked what power would i want. To the side it showed how the power would be used by a chi-bi person that looked like a maple story character. I didn't see any healing ones so i chose the power that lights you up all around and you hit the ground so the power/force is shot all around you and hits the enemies. Than i went down again and saw a weird rectangular box with mini trees, a mini skull on the top and a health bar that was red and kept going down. The skull kept opening and closing its mouth and apparently was taking down my health." What am i suppose to do!?" I asked trying to click around the trees. But my health kept going down. Than i started to click below the rectangular area and two small wooden smiling mask popped up. The skull disappeared and my health was fine now. I thought about how fun this was but woke up before i could go on to the next.
      non-lucid , lucid
    8. The Coin

      by , 02-28-2015 at 10:39 PM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was inside of a really big, spacious room. It looked more like a section of a warehouse than a room though. Around me there were all kinds of people that I didn't know. I got up out of a seat that I was sitting in and I walked around this room. As everyone else in the room was talking and socializing, I started thinking about something to do. "What else is there to do here?" I thought to myself. Finally an idea came to me, Go-Carts. I then remembered that all of the people in this room where a group, and I was part of it. We were touring the warehouse to see what everything looked like.
      "Hey Tour guy!" I yelled, "Can we ride around in Go-Carts?". I was expecting a definite no, but to my surprise this guide answered, "Sure, but it's going to cost you a quarter." I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wallet. "Crap, please tell me I have a quarter on me right now" I thought to myself. I shuffled around in my wallet and eventually did find a quarter. I pulled it out and as I did, the Tour guy told me to throw it "right over there". I looked to where he pointed and discovered that he wanted me to throw my quarter under a garage door. I stopped for a second, thinking of how this was supposed to give us go-carts.
      Suddenly everyone in the room starts hurling their quarters at the garage door. For a good 20 or 30 seconds, all I can hear is those quarters slamming against the garage door, which I am standing right next to. After that everything quieted down and the tour said, "All right everyone, follow me into the store!". He then proceeded to fast walk out of the warehouse room we were in, and everyone followed him. Knowing that I didn't have any time, I skipped throwing my quarter at the door and I rushed out with everyone else.
      Right as I walked out of the warehouse and into the store, there was a major change in the environment. The floor was a nice white, shiny, tile. All of the aisles of items were nicely packed, organized, and clean and nothing was dirty at all. I continued following the group of people and eventually we arrived at the center of the store. Here, everyone came to a halt and the guide started talking again. "If you didn't put your coin in, you better do it now because the store has a way of knowing about those who steal". Crap. I then told the guide that I still needed to pay and that I would be right back. He acknowledged this, and so I left.
      A guy my age also came along with me, and if I remember correctly, his name was Max and I knew him from school. He was wearing a neon green hoodie with black basketball shorts and matching shoes. He followed me back to the garage warehouse room. We started walking there and in about a minute we were back, but the warehouse room was gone. When we opened the door to get in, there was only a hallway in front of us with multiple doors. I do my teeth reality check and become lucid. However, I am still intrigued by this, so I maintain a strong awareness and go along with the dream for the moment.
      As I walk through the door and into the hallway, I instantly pick up a negative vibe. At the end of this hallway a door flies open. On the other side of this door there is a small room with nothing in it but a mirror and a small golden button in the middle of the floor. "We have to throw our coins onto that gold button" Max told me. Great. Max throws first, and he makes it. I get my coin out in my hand and aim. Then, I throw the coin. Somehow my aim was off and now my coin went to the right of the room I was going for and down into another hallway.
      I ran to the end of the hallway to get my coin. As I passed the small room with the golden button, I heard a deep growl. A little bit of fear comes into me because of how real this all feels. As I turn the corner into the other hall where my coin is, I see it on the ground. I glance up and down this second hallway I see that it is slowly getting dark somehow. Suddenly electric bolts start flying past me and I hear more growling. I grab my coin and start running out. As I pass the room with the golden button, I toss my coin into it hoping to make it. I hear my coin hit the button by luck and then I hear another loud noise that sounds like some sort of alarm.
      I run out of the hallway, close the door, and then find peace realizing that I am now back in the store. I remember that I haven't flown in a while, so I lift off of the store ground and start flying high above all of the aisles. Max can somehow fly as well and follows me. The ceiling of this store is so high that I can fly at least 30 feet above every aisle and still have plenty of ceiling space above me. As I pass by the middle of the store I see the entire group of people and the tour guide waiting. I land real quick and tell them that they can go without me. With that, the tour somehow makes alot of Go-carts instantly appear. Everyone gets in them and starts driving around the store. "How sweet" I thought to myself saracastically, "Driving in cars on the ground". Flying was so much better.
      I lift off again and continue to fly. As I'm flying around, I get the sense that somebody is following me. I glance behind me and I see an almost naked blonde haired babe flying towards me. Max is no longer following me. I turn around and fly towards this babe. Once we reach each other, we start getting intimate in the air. I only have time to grab this girls ass before she flies off. She's teasing me. I follow her quickly. "I've fallen for this trap once again" I thought to myself. I always have a weakness for dream girls (lmao, I'm not proud of it).
      This girl lands on the ground and now we are both running instead of flying. At one point the girl stops, looks back, and starts teasing me by dancing in an extremely sexual way. In the time that she is doing this, I catch up to her. As I get next to her, she automatically submits to me with no force on my part. She is now laying on the ground fully naked. I've never banged a chick directly in public on the floor, but hey, there's a first for everything lmao. I get on top of her and start intercourse. I can feel the hotness and sweat on her body already. After a minute or so of intercourse I turn her over and give it to her doggy style. She starts moaning loudly and I know that everyone around us can hear it, but no one seems to care. No one is stopping us or watching us or anything.
      I continue to dominate this girl. As I stay strong I close my eyes to really enjoy the moment(lmao). However, when I do this, I do it for too long
      and it ends up making the dream end. This was also due in part to me thinking to much about my body at this point. As I wake up, I turn over satisfied and fall back asleep. About 10 seconds in, another dream starts. I am baffled. It literally feels like my eyes are completely open, but I know I am in a dream. A loading screen pops up in front of me and the dream itself tells me that I am going to be OrionJay, my personal super hero, in the next dream.
      I am still in awe about my eyes being open even though they are closed. The dream starts and now the loading screen is gone. I am completely aware but I don't jump into the dream yet. I am merely watching. I know that I am doing a DEILD by accident.
      I willingly wake myself up by focusing on my body because I want to remember my entire first LD.

      Note: I still didn't fully recall my entire LD, this is only what I remember. I know for sure that I was in this dream for what felt like a few hours.
    9. Mirror to the world o' jell-o to mirror the dark realm

      by , 02-28-2015 at 09:19 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Mirror to the world o' jell-o to mirror the dark realm (DILD)


      Been very busy with dentists and literally swamped by readings and healing sessions, I have hours worth of dream in my paper journal and I need to update here... but this one has to come as it is the ToTM!

      I was going to some meeting with a friend. It was some sort of meeting to do a banishing ritual in a house, as they had some evil spirits messing up with their lifes and I had to get rid of them. My twim flame was with me to do the work and we were driving to the house. Out of this, I turned lucid because I realized that it was a different car that my own or my twin's, and upon checking my hand, I was able to validate that I was dreaming.

      The dream quality was okay, not amazing so I took a flight to bring more quality into it. After flying for a while, I recalled the ToTM so I landed in some suburbian area. Most of the houses were brown and white with small bushes and cacti as their front yards. I went to the house I had the closest to me. I opened the door (I believe it was like an indoors door, a regular door to a bedroom) and luckily, I was able to open it with no issues apparently going on.

      Inside the house, there was a small dog, who apparently was super happy to see me. The house did not have a lot of furniture, but it did have a x-mas tree and a lot of crystals, mainly quartz. I went to a couple rooms to find no one, but furniture. The house looked like one of those model homes that you can see when you want to buy a new house, as each room was featured with one theme and it was spotless and lifeless.

      Satisfied with the basic done, I looked for the bathroom (I believe there was a mirror in one of the bedrooms but did not think of it.) I placed myself in front of the mirror and pushed it with my hands and head. At first nothing happened, but then it felt like jell-o and it started to move in an odd way. I started to fly through it and I got inside of the mirror. Everything was super blurry and wavy and I almost woke up. After a while, I was in another room, said room was very old, dusty and very dark, even though I could see fine. There was a huge wardrobe that had one old school creepy mirror:

      Much more creepier and very dusty but can't find a better one. This whole world was made of jell-o as all the stuff was waivy. I thought of exiting the house as it would be cool to see the world I was in, but I decided to go through the creepy mirror once more. I was able to easily get inside this one and I was in a void of nothingness... all darkness, I could feel wind in my face, as now I was flying, but it was all blackness until I woke up.
      Tags: mirror, totm
      lucid , task of the month
    10. #69 - very short LD

      by , 02-28-2015 at 09:18 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Dream - Very short LD
      I'm walking on the pavement towards a dairy (quite a famous dairy where I live called Rob Roy) in the town I'm currently staying in, I decide that I should look at my hands and as I do this I realize I had done this pretty recently (for like 5 minutes before going to bed) and simultaneously just became lucid. I stop in the street kind of noting where I am and instantly try to shout 'clarity', but my voice is quiet and the dream isn't stable. I wake up, I lie in my bed and go back to sleep straight away, this time I decide not to open my eyes and try to 'hear' the dream world. I can hear the wind, and I know that I should hear the cars but there aren't any... I open my eyes but I don't enter the dream world, instead I'm just lying in bed awake >_<.

      The whole thing was extremely short, must have been about 10 seconds and it's the only dream I can remember from last night. It's also the first time I've looked at my hands before going to bed, while I did couple this both WBTB and SSILD I think it aided in getting me lucid.
    11. The Elevator

      by , 02-28-2015 at 07:40 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #417 - DILD - 8:30AM

      This lucid is hardy worth counting or posting a detailed account but I should make note of it. Perhaps I should start stabilizing as habit.

      I am leaving work. There is some confusion about the time of day and shift I am working. John is there with a colorful case of canned drinks. I thought maybe it was alcohol but he says it energy drinks. I get a strong need for an energy drink. I walk to a store and look but I don't think I ever buy anything. I area turns into walmart and I have a handful of lucky charms that I brought along with me in my pockets. I munch on it as I walk around. I see they have changed the layout of the store and the spot were we were living has been discovered and dismantled (WTF? ). I begin to worry that Walmart will think I am stealing the cereal I was eating so I wonder off in another direction. I hear some ominous page on the intercom and see a manager with a walkie on his belt stop, look up, then respond on the walkie. I worry it's about me so I decide to hide in a restroom. I see some blue sign and head there. There is a narrow hallway and the light flash and I hear some low siren sound. The hallway starts to constrict and I am barely able to squeeze my way out the way I came in. I turn to look at the doorway and see a sign that reads 'Offices'. Oops. I turn around and see the blue restroom sign again next to some elevator doors. I look closely and see the man and woman symbol and the number eight under it. I find this odd, but go for it. There are only two buttons marked '10' and '2'. I wonder if I am supposed to somehow do subtraction to get eight. I push the 10 first then the 2 and the doors open. I get and and feel the elevator quickly shoot and while the ceiling gets uncomfortably low. Low ceiling? Then I get vertigo and turn upside down. I see my reflection in the mirror. I am in just my underwear and a t-shirt. The shirt is falling to my face and I pull the shirt down to cover my skibs. I begin to feel really uncomfortable and panic as I feel my neck is being jammed in an awkward position from being thrown upside down. Then suddenly, I remember this is only a dream and fully relax though it take some effort. I recall that I was lucid earlier and wonder how I lost lucidity for so long. The elevator turns right side up and the doors open. I step out, but the dream glitches at this point. My vision is distorted and I find my stepping out as vibrating repetition like in a video game glitch (hard to describe). I try to focus and clear the dream up, but I feel at a lose as to how. After a few seconds I give up and relax.

      I have a super brief FA where I open my eyes and see a realistic version of this dude from Bleach leaning over the bed next to me and in my face.

      Where is everyone from?-250px-ikkanzakajiroubou.jpg

      He's saying something rude about lucid dreaming and the elevator mishap. I quickly wake up.
    12. House Fishing and Hugging a Seagull - Feb 27, 2015

      by , 02-28-2015 at 06:26 PM
      Here are a couple of lucid dreams I had last night. They weren’t of very high vividness and clarity (more like waking world), but they were nonetheless fun and interesting.

      This is a dream induce lucid dream (DILD). One of my dream signs is fishing, so when I was standing on a dock fishing, I realized I was dreaming! As soon as I became lucid, I appeared in my mom’s kitchen, still holding my fishing rod. I was really enjoying fishing, so I wanted to do some more. My mom was standing at the kitchen sink, then she turned and smiled at me, and then I went off looking for a place to fish. I walked into the living room, and imagined there should be water under the area rug, so I rolled back 5 feet of the rug, and there was water! I quickly dropped my bait line into the water hole, lowered the fishing line down until I felt the bottom, which was at about 12 or so feet, and I started to jig off the bottom. Hey, wouldn’t that be awesome to have a fishing hole in your living room! Suddenly I felt a couple of nibbles on the line, and then I pulled the rod upwards to snag it. This fish dragged the line sideways under the floor. I reeled it in, but it was only a 12 inch pike, so I released it. After I released it, the fishing hole closed up, and there was only hardwood flooring. Hmm, where should I try next?

      I was determined to do more lucid dream fishing, so I walked over the hallway and cast my bait all the way down to the end, while I imagined the hallway turning into a river. The bait landed on the floor, but still no river. I slowly reeled it in while I focussed on there being a river. Just then, my wife walks up behind me and asks what I’m doing? I told her, “Not now honey, can’t you see, I’m trying to catch some fish here!” Unfortunately, I think I lost lucidity at the point, and I don’t remember what happened next.

      In this second lucid dream, it was awesome, and I voice recorded it after it happened, but then later in the night I accidently deleted it, and now I can only remember part of it, dang it anyway! Here’s what I remember. I was flying down a ski hill in the vertical position, about 5 to 10 feet above the slope, beside a friend, who was also flying. My friend was about 5 feet to the left and we were traveling about 15 mph, at night, enjoying the beauty of the scenery and starlit sky. Then a seagull came flying right over my head from the rear, only missing me by inches, then it turned around and mad another close pass. I raised my arm for it to land, but instead, it landed on my head! Typical bird!

      We travelled like this for about a hundred yards, but its claws were digging into my head, and it was a bit annoying, so I raised my forearm up to it, so it would climb on, and it did! A short while later, I started to hug the seagull, and I could feel love radiating from this bird! I was getting all these memory flashes (can’t remember of what). My friend flew in a bit closer and raised his forearm for the seagull, so I carefully passed him the bird. The seagull climbed onto to his forearm, and it started to grow bigger and it began to morph into a person, but then it returned to bird state. When we got to the bottom of the ski slope, the bird flew away, and we decided to land and go inside the ski chalet. I don’t remember what happened after that, but I have memory fragments of my daughter being there, and it was a happy time!
    13. Really Weird Night (LD #174)

      by , 02-28-2015 at 04:31 PM (Lucid Time!)
      A nightmare where I was looking into the mirror in my bathroom. The skin on my chest/stomach peeled off and my internal organs started to fall out. I remember my heart looked artificial and had some kind of gauge or pressure meter on it. I screamed and woke up.

      wtf I haven't had a nightmare of any sort in like two years...

      After that, I wanted to go back to sleep to see if I could snag some lucidity before morning. Some disjointed fragments led into a couple of congruent LDs.

      -Something to do with my college dormitory. For some reason I was wearing golden earrings in the dream, somebody commented on them, saying that they looked good. I asked myself when I got piercings and could not recall. I didn't become lucid though.

      -Something to do with drawing and a tin of colored pencils.

      -I was playing LBP3. I was designing this level where you would run across all of these little white platforms that were moving and stuff was firing on you. There was also this big metal bridge that would unfold when you got close to it. A was there, commenting on how he liked the game-play aspect of it.

      I was at the community pool in my cousin's hometown, though almost nobody was there except me and someone else. I was just chilling in the shallow end of the pool when this bully character approached the two of us. He picked us both out of the water and said he wanted to try and drown us in the deep end.

      I tried to punch him but it didn't do much.

      I elbowed him in the face and managed to swim away. He followed me out of the pool. I turned around to fight him. He was buff and had long blonde hair and short thick facial hair and blue eyes. It was also at this moment that I noticed that I was still wearing gold earrings. I thought this might put me at a disadvantage because he could grab them.

      I ran in and kicked him in the stomach. He reeled back. He was almost at the edge of the pool. He came back and tried to punch me. I ducked under it and put my leg behind his. From there it was easy to just push him into the water.

      He looked at me angrily. I thought he was going to just get out of the water and attack me again, but he seemed to just be waiting there. But this other DC showed up. He looked like Santa Claus except his outfit was all white.

      He said something about learning to be submissive and recognize your own inferiority. He said that this was meant to be some kind of dream test and that I had failed it.

      For some reason, I was just boiling mad at this Santa/Guide character. I started screaming at him that people shouldn't be taught to be inferior and submissive, and that you can't mold people into what you want. They will do their own things and form their own identities and moral codes and there is nothing that you can do about it.

      I got so mad at him that I FA'd in my living room. But it felt smaller. All of the furniture had been pushed into one end of the room an there was a small Christmas tree in the room with some presents under it.

      This seemed strange to me. I did a nose pinch RC. Lucid dreamin' baby. I had almost become fully lucid in the last section, but now I could think clearly. I still wanted to see Manei. I started calling her name, expecting her to simply be upstairs or something. No reply. I thought to go outside, but saw that it was very, very dark. The kind of darkness that would make me lose the dream.

      I then realized that stabilizing would probably be a smart idea. I rubbed my hands together.

      "I will not lose the dream until I have accomplished one of my goals!"

      I then thought to try teleporting to the beach location. In the past my teleportation efforts have failed miserably, so I was gonna have to really commit. I closed my eyes and started visualizing the beach in Puerto Rico that my family goes to every year.

      I started to see it in the center of my vision. I thought that I should start engaging my other senses. I tried to picture the sound of waves crashing on the shore, the smell of saltwater and the sun on my face.

      However when I opened my eyes I was still in my home, but things were different. I saw that it had gotten considerably lighter outside. It still appeared to be foggy and gray, but I could make out the street and plants. The entire backyard had been taken over by a massive jungle/forest. There was a huge vine with massive mango-like fruit growing on it. (When I say massive Mango-Fruit, I am talking 3-4 feet across.

      I made my way out the front door to get a better look at what was outside. The dream's clarity started revving up to very high levels here. I saw that half the neighborhood had been overtaken with these huge gnarled branches. There seemed to be pieces of a structure in there, as if it were made of I-beams.

      I followed the gnarled branches up to see a huge tree, literally miles tall. It seemed as though as it got farther away, it looked less and less like it was made of wood. It seemed to be made of stone or metal, and had complex designs of overlapping circles and rune symbols on it. It was supporting the sky, that appeared to be solid, made of high-technology structures (like the surface of the death star). There were windows or some kind of white lights scattered about on the surface. There seemed to be places where it had rusted through though and real vegetation was growing through it, both on the tree and the sky.

      The sky had to be 50 or 100 miles up. There were layers upon layers of thin, misty clouds surrounding the tree trunk. The thing that I remember the most was the temperature. It was sooo hot and humid in this dream.

      I couldn't believe the enormity of these metal trees, and I had to check them out for myself. I started flying, but for some reason moved backwards very quickly. I stopped and stumbled.

      "No, I want to go UP!"

      I started flying again, but I still went backwards. I lost control of the ability to fly and got pulled out of the scene. Everything started shrinking and getting darker. I saw more of the trees supporting the sky ceiling for a moment. It looked like some of them were just tree stumps.

      Somebody told me that this was a forest that had been cut down by giant cosmic beings from the seventh dimension, millions of years ago, but it was growing back now. I saw my town on a remove section of earth, like a SimCity tile, floating in nothing.

      I was in a black void. White cubes were scattered about. I was still pulling backwards at increasingly fast speeds. I thought I might hit one of the cubes, not being able to see where I was flying.

      I woke up.

      Interpretations: I really have to come back to these after I've had some proper time to think about it.
    14. Two Nagas (FA-DILD-DEILD)

      by , 02-28-2015 at 01:31 AM
      Ritual: WTB 2:30am, after a little over four hours of sleep I strap the vibrating alarm to my wrist, set for 35 minutes. When it goes off it wakes me very definitely. I lay still and try to DEILD but can feel that REMA is broken. Turn down vibration strength to minimum, note time at 7:20am, and try again... same result. Remove alarm and go to sleep normally. Next time I wake up, try again with better success... at the time thought it was DEILD but realize now it must have actually been a DILD because I was not in my WL bed, so it must have been FA rather than real waking.

      DILD-DEILD: I wake up and remember not to move. I am lying on my right side, but I am in a bed in my grandmother's house. Momentarily I wonder why I am there, but "remember" that I am visiting her. Oddly, in retrospect it feels like my lengthwise orientation—the directions my head and feet were respectively pointing—was also the opposite from how I sleep WL, and that the bed was on the opposite wall, sort of like the whole room was a mirror image of my WL bedroom. But since everything was in the same relative position to everything else, I'm not sure where that feeling came from.

      I try to DEILD and at first I'm convinced I'm physically moving but REMA seems intact so I relax and explore my sensory awareness. Finally I just start to rock back and forth, until I feel confident enough in my dream body to get out of bed. The door to the hall is open, and on the other side I can see the living room, lit up by a Christmas tree with beautiful golden lights. I know it is my grandmother's house in Texas and don't realize that she hasn't lived there for years.

      My awareness is fairly low all around and I don't recall my tasks either. Aimlessly I go outside and spontaneously a magnificent chestnut horse canters up to me, already saddled. I used to ride a lot in Texas so it is probably the result of mental association. I caress the shoulder of the horse and put my left foot in the stirrup, barely able to reach that high as the animal is quite tall. I start to pull myself up and into the saddle but I lose my balance and get "stuck" with my right leg halfway over. I waver there with my left leg in the stirrup and my right in mid-air, somehow unable to complete the movement. Finally I force it with an act of will and get astride the horse, but it doesn't feel right, the proportions are all wrong. The mental dissonance wakes me (although I am now convinced this too was an FA).

      FA(?): On waking, I review the dream and recognize my mental error in thinking that I had been visiting my grandmother's old house and that it was Christmas-time, but I thought I was at least correct in the position of the tree, and remembered seeing in that spot one year. Now that I am fully awake, I have my doubts even about this: my "remembered" layout of the house was all wrong, and I don't think I ever even visited at Christmas time.

      DILD-DEILD: I didn't think REMA had broken yet so I tried to DEILD again, and there were some ambiguous successes that I don't recall well (I still suspect the whole thing was a DILD, and that even most of the "transitions" occurred entirely within the dream state).

      At some point I am back in my WL house, and I open the front door to go outside. After the stunt on the horse I wonder if the door will impede my progress and, probably in response to my thought, I discover that after I open the first door panel there is still a second one to go through, but I try not to cause unnecessary obstacles for myself and go through the second door easily.

      It is very foggy in the front yard, and it is also a wide grassy area with scattered trees rather than a busy suburban street. The fog is making everything vague so I go for the tried and true, "Clarity now!" I shout it a few times and the dream responds, a bit sarcastically overdoing it. Now everything is too sharp, almost pixellated. I can see white and black birds with incredible definition in their pattern and plumage, but the focus is too sharp to look comfortably real. This is preferable to the earlier fogginess, however, so I go along with it.

      As so often, I start instinctively singing as I explore the landscape. My voice is somewhat annoying this time, high-pitched and overly sweet, and there's nothing especially beautiful or memorable about the melodies I'm coming up with. It sounds like the sort of singing you'd hear in a mediocre mid-century musical. But I stick with it, hoping I can use it to influence the dream.

      The landscape is pleasantly pastoral in all directions now. I am walking in an open meadow, and there are scattered trees here and there. I can't see any other figures, and I decide things would be more interesting if I could interact with a DC, so I decide to request one. I sing something about the "view," and then in the next line ask the dream to "send someone to talk to..." — and hesitate, having botched the lyrics. If I could end the with line "to you," it would have proper meter and rhyme, but obviously I wanted the DC to come talk "to me," so I tack the word "me" awkwardly onto the end of the line. It sounds so stupid that I break character and laugh at myself.

      I give up on the singing and make my request again with a simple act of will. This works much better, and at once I can see a woman—of a sort—approaching me. She has a human torso but the lower part of her body is that of a large serpent, like a naga, and she resembles Medusa in having snake-like strands instead of hair. While I contemplate her unusual appearance, a second such creature shows up at her side. The face of the second one is thinner, with high cheekbones, attractive even, and her snake-hair is asymmetrically coiffed like elaborate dreadlocks. I find her appearance so striking that I want to complement her.

      "I like your... arrangement." It comes out awkwardly because I realized mid-sentence that "hair" wasn't the right word and had to choose another one, but I'm not sure if she'll understand. "I mean your snakes," I explain hurriedly, hoping I'm not inadvertently being offensive by naming them as such. The naga I'm addressing studies me with a twisted expression, like she's not sure whether to be flattered or irritated.

      I converse with them for a few minutes but unfortunately I can't recall what we discussed. Then they ask me for a favor: will I go up that hill nearby and tell their father that they're working on the project? It sounds like an innocent request, but I sense that there is something sinister behind it. I suspect that this is a ploy to lure me into their encampment, where I will be taken captive. As I hesitate, pondering their motivations, I can actually feel the pressure of their minds against mine, like they are attempting to work a subtle enchantment to compel me to go. I lash back mentally, and they both recoil.

      Now the veneer of friendliness drops, and the two nagas become openly hostile. I don't feel like getting dragged into a fight, so I instinctively put an end to the situation. At the top of my voice I shout wordless syllables that sound like a whiplash or thunderclap—"Kuk-KAH!"—and clap my hands together at the same instant. The two nagas vanish into thin air. I am satisfied with how well that worked, but feel a faint pang of concern... I hope I didn't destroy them; I only meant to remove them from my presence!

      The dream ends at this point. I wake up and start report around 8:45am.
    15. [DREAM SPOTLIGHT #1] LUCIDS #3, 4 and 8: First Memorable Lucids

      by , 02-27-2015 at 01:18 PM (Synapse's Dream Spotlight)

      December 31, 2014 - LUCID #3: Portal to Another Planet
      I 'wake up' in my very dimly lit room, and somehow I just know I am dreaming; I'm excited but I keep myself calm. I try a little dream control by turning on the lights using the wall switch. Nothing happens. I try flicking my fingers. Nothing. I throw my arms in the direction of the light bulb while shouting, "Let there be light!" Still nothing; I give up trying to turn on the dream light. I want to go to a peaceful planet, so I expect a portal behind the door. I open the door and the portal appears behind the window across the hall. Close enough . But, from the master's bedroom comes Razor from Dota 2, seemingly on its way to fry my ass with his electric whip! Out of reflex, I immediately jump to the window, flying through it as the glass breaks around me. I zoom through the purple portal; it feels very similar to the respawn transition from Borderlands 2.

      I exit the portal into some grass fields on what feels like another planet. I was attacked by some weird monkey-like creature that moves as if held by strings by a puppeteer above. I fend it off by slashing with an energy sword I made by swinging my arm in front of me. It doesn't seem hurt, yet it scurries away. I notice some friendly dwarves roaming around the fields; I approach one of them and he said something about a "pony pair,"
      and then the dream starts destabilizing and I am not able to salvage it.

      January 4, 2015 - LUCID #4: Firebat and Zombie Attack!
      I 'wake up' in my room, and it is somehow tinted with orange-ish light. I notice that my bed is in the wrong orientation. This must be a dream! I do a palm-push reality check to make sure; and I'm amazed as my index and middle finger pass through my palm! I closely examine my hands; the realism is stunning; I can really see the oiliness and the creases on my palms, even moreso than in waking life. I take an M&M figurine from my desk; the way the light shone on it amazes me.

      Suddenly, outside my window I notice some bats on fire, seemingly on my way to enter my room! I kneel on my bed which is next to the window, face the firebats outside, and I blast them with a freezing spell, and one-by-one they fall out of the sky! I keep blasting them until they are no more; there were about 7-10 of them. Then, my door slams open as two Walking Dead zombies march toward me, albeit at an incredibly slow speed (like a centimeter per second). I fire an energy blast at them; nothing. My sister and some dude arrive from outside my room, they try to attack the zombies with their own magical spells, but nothing works. I don't remember how, but they managed to get trapped along with me in the room... *facepalm* I do an epic OmniSlash using an energy blade I will into existence, but the zombies are completely unaffected; one of them even mocks me with an unenthusiastic "Eh." I make a plan to ghostwalk through the walls so the three of us can attack the zombies from opposite directions,
      but unfortunately those plans never come to fruition as I wake up for real.

      This is probably my most memorable dream so far, in large part because of the amount of control I was able to exert over it. I would love to have another action-packed dream like this in the future!

      February 10, 2015 - LUCID #8: Shadow Figure and Life Secrets
      I 'start to wake up' in my bed but I feel like it's a dream. I try to 'open my eyes' but I could only open them halfway. Through my little vision, I see some shadowy figure across the room; sorta reminds me of Slenderman. I am filled with terror, but I somehow manage to keep myself calm. Through the power of my mind, I blast it with a heap of light energy; nothing. I try unleashing an omnidirectional wave of dark energy. It works; the apparition is gone! I am now able to open my dream eyes completely, and they even give off a feint light similar to a flashlight. I get off my bed and examine my face in the mirror. It looks normal, but the realism still amazes me.

      I exit my room, and its position in the house is swapped with the master's bedroom. I push a button on the wall near me (which doesn't exist IWL), expecting it to open the lights, but nothing happens. I just continue my trek through the dream in the dark as I enter my sister's room. My whole family is sleeping there; I look at each of them and they awaken for a few seconds before going back to sleep, looking annoyed by the sudden lighting from my eyes. I look at the shelf across the bed, and I see a really thick blue book (like 3/4 feet thick!). The book is laid upside-down but I am still able to read its title written on the spine: "Life Secrets." I feel like if I throw this book at the floor, a portal will open up, so I pull it out
      but as I do so my alarm sounds off.

      Man, that dream ending abruptly was SUCH a shame! I felt like my subconscious was about to tell me something important, but life has other plans, I suppose. I want to get my dream hands on that Life Secrets book sometime in the future...