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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Lucid Dream #11: DILD/WBTB

      by , 06-15-2011 at 11:08 PM (Siuol's Dream Journal)
      Lucid Non-lucid

      I believe that i had a dream, woke up, and then went to sleep again and unintentionally became lucid after a minute back in the dream. when i was lucid i decided not to move untill things became clear, and i looked at a dying tree and i could see all of it and all of the moss like it was in real life. after that i decided to grow wings for the first time, using my shadow. the wings were more of like stick wings with feathers stuck on, but they served their purpose and i flew for a short while. after i landed i was in a place near a boring building that was giving me a bad feeling, and an otherwise barren landscape of grass near the building and dry dirt everywhere else. i saw no end to the dirt and tried to teleport out of there somehow, and figured i should try makeing an underground tunnel to get out. i looked at the ground and tried to push it in with telepathy but i woke up.

      Updated 06-15-2011 at 11:20 PM by 39322

    2. Giant badger makes me lucid!

      by , 06-15-2011 at 07:19 PM
      I'm in my room at night and look out into the field outside of my window. I see a badger about twice the size of an elephant sniffing and grazing around. Okay...thats just wierd I thought. But this feels so real, how could it be fake? I plug my nose and breathe in through it, and I am able to do so. A dream! The badger runs and jumps/flies towards my window and I wake up.

      Another dream was this sort of battle on a hill slope. There was this one man with glasses taken prisoner. He seemed like a nice guy, but the other soldiers or whomever were throwing small cherry sized explosives at him. I was throwing some at the soldiers. Then they loaded him with explosives from the inside, and his abdomen/chest exploded leaving a bloody space between his legs and his head. He was still alive to experience this and know that he was about to die, with half of his body gone. I felt so bad for him and was completely disgused.
    3. My 2nd LD.. Finding DG + ToTM ?!

      by , 06-15-2011 at 06:42 PM
      Nondream - Lucid - Nonlucid

      How I pulled off Another LD, I will never know. This is the second LD in a row.
      Somehow.. It was another WILD + 2DEILD Chain(another 3 dreams).. Same as last night(which I do recommend you read :D),
      Although I did use the same technique as last night, even at the exact same time.
      I'm very surprised I remembered about ToTM in this dream,
      Not that it went so well..

      I'm starting to get why everyone says recall is so important for LDing,
      I've been kinda unfocused on it lately,
      which is why I forgot tons of this dream.

      I wake up at 5am as usual(note i do not use an alarm, I always naturally wake up at this time)
      I couldn't remember if I had any dreams at all.
      My stupid recall sucks.
      I try to do the same thing I did last night(which you can read about in my first DJ post :D)
      But without the counting and straight to the visualization.
      I was on my side, but my nose was really really bothering me,
      After a bit I rolled over on my back,
      WAM. LD.

      I enter the dream lucid,
      but I dont really remember this part of my dream..
      This part was actually pretty long,
      All I remember is the very end of it.
      I'm at some house, possibly my house,
      I remember wondering about what I'll do in this dream
      I run out of my garage onto the street, its pretty sunny.
      "DREAM GUIDE!!" (I've been very very interested in finding my DG)

      I get too excited, the dream fades out,
      Everything is blank, I feel my bed,
      though my vision is engulfed in white.
      I try holding onto the feeling of flying,
      I can feel it in my stomach, as if im still flying through the air.
      At one point I see myself in third person,
      but I dont remember if I was flying or just lying down.
      The backround of my vision remains white the whole time.
      I feel a dream coming, and i re-enter(DEILD#1)

      I zoom into a darker scene,
      I'm in some broken down basement, its pretty dark.
      I see broken down furnace in front of me(the kind with open slits in front, where you have to shovel charcoal into it)
      There are broken pipes everywhere,
      the floors pretty nasty too.
      I immediately make myself float through the ceiling,
      I don't want to stay in the basement.
      It takes a while to float up, I still haven't even mastered flying yet,
      It takes a while to get my whole body to ground level.

      It looks like the house wasnt even completed yet,
      Like it was either still being constructed, or it was broken down pretty bad.
      It had no walls, only the wooden pillars that hold a house up,
      but you could see completely outside.
      I float above the house for a little, looking around,
      its night, the landscape's very hilly,
      Its covered in some kind of pink/reddish flower.

      I land and start walking around.
      I see some kind of village,
      It was made up of wooden huts, and I think there was a fire in the middle.
      I approached it.
      As i got closer I see the village is inhabited by some kind of monster,
      They're each probably around 10 feet tall.
      They have arms, legs and a body,
      but their bodies were super buff.
      I think they were grayish, might've had fur,
      And I think I remember stripes on them too, red i think.
      They have huge horns on their heads,
      the horns grow out, and then curve up.
      I dont remember what their faces looked like.

      One of them sees me, and charges at me,
      Shiz. I start running as fast as i can.
      I yell "DREAM GUIDE!!"
      "Im here" Its a woman's voice
      I can hear her but I cant see her.
      Luckily it looks like I lost that monster thing,
      I yell out again "Where are you??!"
      "Im right here" she says
      I still cant see her, but i follow the voice.

      I come up to another village,
      its setup's the same as the monster village,
      But no monsters. Phew.
      I find the source of the voice.

      Its an old lady. Sigh. (I was expecting someone.. Hotter..)
      She has that short puffy grandma hair,
      she's pretty short too, a little below my chest,
      and she was just a litttttle on the chubby side, she had a deep tan to her.
      Well.. I guess she did sortve have a shaman kinda look to her,
      So you know thats cool too,
      "YOUR my dream guide??"
      "Yes" she says casually.

      She starts saying something about the monsters attacking(Im not good with remembering dialogue by the way)
      And sure enough a monster pops out behind one of the hills and runs toward us.
      Theres another man with us, standing right next her,
      I didnt really get a good look at him though,
      but he's short too, the same height as she was.
      He's the first one to charge at the attacker, he wields a sword.
      My DG(I should have asked for her name) tells me to attack, but im not sure how(until here I've never fought in a dream)
      The guy with the sword keeps the monster busy.
      I want to try an energy attack,
      I hold both my arms up, palms pointed at the monster.
      SHOOT I tell myself.
      A ball of energy launches from my hands,
      Its green, and about the size of a bowling ball.
      Direct hit! It lands right on the monsters chest, it flies backwards.

      I dont really remember what happened after,
      but I think me and my DG talked a little bit more, nothing important, I hope.
      The dream fades around here,
      and in the exact same way as last time, I again re-enter the dream(DEILD#2)

      Im in a huge house, I live here.
      I see my parents and sister, I talk with them a little, cant remember exact conversations.
      The house looks really nice, there are huge glass windows everywhere,
      The rooms are really big too,
      I see a balcony.
      I walk towards it,
      Its pretty sunny now.

      "Now what am I gonna do?"
      Then, im not sure how, but it comes to mind,
      "How crazy would it be if I pulled of the Task of the Month in only my SECOND Lucid??"
      I decide to try it,
      I hop off the balcony, and right in front of me is a harbor/port, and its suddenly cloudy

      There are two big cargo ships in the port, I think about a shipwreck,
      one of the ships just sinks. Perfect!
      I jump right into the water, the harbor turns into a huge swimming pool.. Weird.
      There are a bunch of people swimming everywhere,
      but there are still cargo ships and boats in the water,
      must be a big pool.

      I swim to the side of the ship,
      Annd I DIVE.. Wait what?
      I cant dive.. Wtf.
      I try again.
      Its like the water wont let me go under..

      I start asking people.

      I ask another swimmer
      "How do I dive????"
      He looks at me and says
      "..Just dive"
      I CANT. I ask about 2 other people, and they tell me the same thing.
      Im getting annoyed.

      I see two guys in a small boat, I ask them the same thing.
      I think they gave me endless "Wait"s, but they never answer,
      And then they just drive their boat away,
      Whatever. Stupid DC-__-

      I still cant dive, so I give up and decide to just explore the pool.

      Its pretty big, there are even a bunch pulleys and platforms everywhere.
      In the dream I knew how they worked, but now I dont remember,
      I did a bunch of stuff and talked to a bunch of people, cant remember details though.

      The pool had a downstairs, don't ask how.
      But there I was, it looks pretty cool,
      It kinda looked like a wooden cabin,
      cause you know, it was made outa wood.
      The inside was pretty big, the light were dimmed.
      I think there was a party going on, there were a bunch of people, just talking/chillin.

      I remembered about stabilizing the dream and trying to make it more vivid,
      I looked down at my hand, I had about eight fingers,
      I tried to focus and move only my real five fingers, and my hand went back to five fingers,
      But it turned to eight again when I looked away.

      I tried making my dream more vivid,
      I looked at my hand again, this time trying to focus on the little details,
      It worked!!
      I've never had a dream this vivid(It was actually still a little bit blurry, but I've never had it this vivid)
      I could see all the details of my hand, there was even a little of a glow on it from the lights.
      Even my usual tunnel vision had opened up pretty far(i think it was like that the whole dream, but i only noticed it here)
      I rubbed my hands together trying to stabilize.

      Then I tried smell,
      I took a deep breath through my nose,
      I didnt smell anything, but this is the first time I've consciously breathed in a dream,
      or used my nose.

      I run my hand along the wall,

      Unfortunately, I wake up. I try another DEILD, but this time I dont feel any more dreams coming,
      I get up and immediately write down the dream!
      (This is the same way I woke up in my first LD, always when I try to stabilize>_>)

      The dream was again, AMAZING. That had to be my Longest lucid yet! It felt like it was around 15 minutes, maybe longer :)
      I think its pretty good for only my second LD too :)
      Hopefully I can work on my recall so I can remember more of it next time!

      Updated 03-29-2012 at 03:08 AM by 42831

      lucid , memorable , task of the month
    4. Bus Ride into Space Shuttle

      by , 06-15-2011 at 06:24 PM
      I was on a bus trip with some people that I did not know. At the end of the ride, I realized that one of my school teachers was on the bus, and that he had left his calendar on my seat, so I gave it to him. Then, I went to wash off a metal water bottle I had, but when I set it down in the sink, it got covered in mud, so I had to get that off too.
      Suddenly, it was dark, and I was actually in a spaceship with people from my swim team. When I touched to water bottle to a display, a huge colorful explosion occurred, and we all looked around wide-eyed. Then, the door opened and 2 people and I went to step outside the rocket. For some reason, I questioned the circumstances as I was about to step out. Therefore, I decided that even though I had been expecting to float when I stepped out (since we were on a planet in space) , I was going to just fall down to the next step. When that worked, I realized I was dreaming.
      Then, I started climbing around outside the spaceship with the other 2 people. At one point, one of the guys was blocking my way, so after waiting for a few seconds, I yelled, "Since this is a dream, I don't need you to move! FLY!" Then, I threw myself off of the shuttle, expecting myself to float. However, I merely plummeted to the ground. Then my alarm went off.
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. Mozart Murders

      by , 06-15-2011 at 06:11 PM
      Okay I had this dream a few days ago, so again now i can only remember so much.

      It started off with me in a store looking at books, so i pick up this one book about music and such. So i turn to this page about mozart....and i said in big bold letters that he was a Sociopathic Schizophrenic (yeah, weird) So then it flashes back into like his life, where i sort of was seeing through the eyes of mozart. So here he is basically jumping off the walls (more like running up them) and hurting people and screaming at them really creepy death threats. Then the next thing i really remember is him running the side of a building and busting through a window where he saw these younger boys. They were all angry of course, calling him crazy and such. So Mozart went up the the fat kid, who was really annoying, and starting twisting is arm really bad. Which broke the bones but he wouldnt let go and kept twisting the skin while this kid is screaming for him to please stop.

      Yeahh well thats about all i can remember....yeah its really morbid...it was kinda funny at the same time though it was just crazy.
    6. A Wierd Couch WILD.

      by , 06-15-2011 at 04:28 PM
      I was laying on my couch and suddleny felt odd. Then a voice started talking to me. I dont remember what it said, but i remember knowing that I must be falling asleep an dreaming. I started talking and realized that I only needed to think it for the voice to hear me. I then got a wakeing up feeling. I got up but it was sluggish and i couldent open my eyes, I assumed I was still tired from the nap I took. I then wondered into my room and laid down on the floor to nap again. Mom then called telling me the computer was open to use. I then tried to get up and it was hard, I was very tired. Then I realized tha I must still be napping becuase I felt pressure on my neck. I thought mom actually called me. The dream ended.

      I asked mom if the computer was open, she said no. I didnt bother to tell her why, becuase it would be more "proof" that lucid dreaming messes with your state of reallity.
      The only reason I didnt know what was happening was becuase I wasnt trying to WILD. These things happen when I fall asleep on my back, I should try it out later. I call this an unknown WILD where you enter the dream state thinking you either didnt fall asleep or woke up from a nap.
      memorable , lucid , non-lucid
    7. First Lucid Experience - I got to fly!

      by , 06-15-2011 at 04:02 PM (A Gamer's Trip into Lucidity)
      First Lucid Experience - I got to fly! (DILD)


      Since I realized that I was dreaming I guess this is a DILD.

      I was going through my morning routine with Drew (the hubby) and a friend of mine, Gour, was sleeping on the couch. Apparently, he snuck into the house through the unlocked front door and crashed there for the night. After we’d “woken up” Drew headed off for work and Gour followed me around the house. At one point, I’d put on a top but had no pants to wear in the room. He sort of leered at me and followed me to the laundry room where I couldn’t close the door because the doorframe was too wide. I had to pull the door towards the lock to make it close and, when it wouldn’t close (it didn’t matter because the door was transparent anyway) Gour and two of his girlfriends appeared and they stared at me, one of the girls doing the evil villain make-out thing to his ear.
      I had enough. I was so uncomfortable with the situation that I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t really happenening. So I did two reality checks. The first one, I pinched my cheek. I have no idea, either. The other, I pinched my nose, I kept breathing through my closed nostrils and I said aloud “I’m dreaming!”

      I felt my mind shudder with disbelief. The dream flashed and I felt myself waking up. Suddenly, the dream came back only now, the laundry room was empty, there was no door, there was no Gour. I felt like I had a ‘false awakening’ but I did another check and I was still dreaming. Out of curiosity, mostly just to see that I was really in control of my dream, I tried something easy. Summoning a dryer in the corner of the laundry room. I covered my view of the corner with my hand said “I want there to be a dryer there” and when I moved my hand, there it was, thudding onto the ground. I had a pair of pants in my hand now with a wet spot in the middle. I remember finding them while Gour was watching and I touched them with my hand, right on the wet spot and said “dry.”
      I put my newly dried pants on and walked to the bedroom. The trip was instantaneous. I looked around at the wood paneling and said “this is ugly.” I looked around at the rest of the room and saw how remarkably clean it was. It was at this point I was rubbing my hands together to keep the dream stable. It worked.
      I wanted new colors in my room so I just started saying things like “I want the walls to be Forest Green, now Red. That’s too bright. What about.. rosewood?” And the colors stopped changing when I was happy. I changed the ceiling and molding apricot, too. I was very happy with the result.
      It was at this point I remember thinking “I wonder how fast time is moving in real life” and “I don’t want this to end.”
      I stood at my curtains and said aloud “planets, stars, dark orange” because I wanted to have a beautiful sky in my dream world.
      I walked through the closed, glass window, with the glass stretching over me like saran wrap and letting go with no strain on my part. I looked up and saw no planets, no orange but I did see a beautiful sky. It was light blue, vivid, and the clouds were small and scarce. There was no wind. Through the blue sky I could see stars though and I commented on the beauty. Not what I wanted but it was at least a beautiful sky.
      I teleported back into my computer room but I wasn’t sure I was still dreaming. The dream felt so real that I reached out and touched my fish tank and it actually felt like it was there. I pinched my nose again and continued breathing. I remembered that I was dreaming and walked outside through the window. This time, I wanted to fly. I rubbed my hands together to keep it stable, I ended up in the entranceway and put on my shoes, walked outside, took a deep breath and jumped. I kept thinking to myself “I won’t be able to do it.” But, as I soared higher and higher, I kept thinking to myself “I’m going to fly. For the first time, I’m going to fly.”
      And I did. Flying over the lowest clouds, I saw my dream island. For some reason, I could just feel in my gut that it was mine. I flew down and on my way to the shore that came before the island (it was round and around it was a heart shape. I couldn’t tell whether it was reef or boats or other, smaller islands.)
      I floated down, letting my feet touch the ground only once and I flew by Arnold Schwarzenegger who was repairing a car. I made an “I’ll be back” joke and we talked smack about Reb Brown. But I wanted to see what was up with the island so I flew down to the shore, rubbing my hands. I kept doing my reality checks and, on my way to one of the side islands, I felt the dream fading. I desperately kept rubbing my hands to keep it from fading but it was already nearly gone. I closed my eyes and focused on my hands. And when that didn’t work, I tried to open my eyes but couldn’t. I still recognized that I was in a dream and tried looking through my closed eyes (which is a recurring theme in my dreams, even since I was a child) and it worked! But the world around me was already beginning to turn a light grey. I saw the island I was trying to reach fade into the grey, I no longer had a body and I woke up.

      Updated 06-15-2011 at 04:35 PM by 47776

      lucid , memorable
    8. Sopranos and knife fights

      by , 06-15-2011 at 03:53 PM
      I dreamt I was with the Soprano's family waiting in a lounge room.

      There was an unpleasant woman who spoke to me in irritation about another cast member when I explained to her that hating someone is not a pleasant pursuit and will do nothing to the person you hate but will hurt you by creating hate within yourself.

      I made a marvellous argument and lay down and even repeated a point to myself and laughed about it. She later had to share a car with Tony's wife Carmella who later related to me how much the lady had changed which was due to my enlightened chat.

      Later I was having significant trouble cooking rice and each batch was spoilt.

      I realised at some point that it was a dream and I had an uncontrolled side dream about hanging out with people and having to hold a knife in fear of them attacking me, which they did.

      Then later I realised that since it was a dream that I didn't have to put up with all the fear and uncomfortableness and began floating about and checking light switches.

      I tried to imagine myself in a location that I once camped in but my dream faded. I then woke up hoping it was a false awakening but sadly it wasn't and the lamp was turning on and off as it should.
      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails It's FREEZING!-the_sopranos_cast-11790.jpg  
    9. Twirling skillz

      by , 06-15-2011 at 03:45 PM
      I had a dream I was outside with Alex's family near a car and I decided to show off my twirling skills.

      I started to physically remember how skilled at twirling I am and try to do my best whilst feeling that I was losing control of my muscles, as if they were twitching or resisting my control.

      I then realised that the unnatural feeling meant I was in a dream and to immediately prove it to myself I fall face first to the ground to meet the dark nothingness.

      Noise in my sleeping environment woke me up cos I was having an unexpected name after dinner.
    10. 6/11/2011.GLD.joelsKitchen.bir dBall

      by , 06-15-2011 at 02:48 PM
      This was after working a night shift, coming home and sleeping maybe 5 hrs, getting up taking 2 l-theanine, a fish oil, 4 mg galantamine, 200mg choline, and a Flintstones, which has an additional 60mg choline.

      I am at joel and kate's house. I might live there, but it seems I have not been there in a while. The ceilings are vaulted, the walls are a brown stucco, and the floors are dark hardwood.

      I am sitting w jessi outside an arch leading into the kitchen and there is a small blue ball of feathers that looks like it has been run over. I feel kind of sad for it. To my surprise, it starts to move and it ends up it is a tiny tropical bird rolled up in a ball. First the legs pop out, then the feathers, until its all reconstituted into a small bird with a blue body and has some red and green on it. (Its like some kind of roadkill phoenix.) I ask joel when that got here and he grumbles something about last year. I feel bad for not knowing about it.

      I am in the kitchen (its like a restaurant kitchen,) joel and kate are doing something to my left, moving something which is connected to the ceiling via some metalwork and some shelves are about to fall on a girls head in front of me. I say something about it to them. I feel like I've saved the day.

      Later on I'm in a larger room. There is some kind of cooking competition / show going on. I'm trying to cut some veggies at a sort of picnic table, but the knife is stuck to my hand at an odd angle. I find this strange.

      I go to my right and behind the bar there is a chef. It looks like he is cutting up packets of white fish. I need to lift up the counter to get back there but all these boxes are stacked precariously. I find this strange (but I still don't figure it out.)

      I'm behind the counter trying to ask the chef if he can help me with the knife, I know he's terribly busy and all that. It turns out the chef is Simon Cowell. He turns away and when he turns back he has long blonde girl hair, like its a bad wig. Its pretty atrocious looking.

      Aha! This is a dream! The knife is no longer stuck to my hands and the dream starts to fade. I drop to the floor and start rubbing the carpet. Its thick and white and I rub my hands over it till I feel the dream is more stable.

      I stand up and look around. Its like a bar, there are lots of people in it, some gathered around a pool table. I look over and see a blonde girl on a black dudes lap and his penis is hanging out. I walk towards them and the dream fades.
    11. 6/11/2011.GLD.divingForTreasur e.TOTM

      by , 06-15-2011 at 02:45 PM
      I go back to sleep and into another dream...

      I'm walking down a road with several people. It seems the landscape is sort of barren and part of the road is packed dirt. There is a kid smashing someone's phone on the ground. He either throws it down and stomps on it or he rides his bike over it. I know it is Joel's phone and it makes me really angry.

      The kid's bike is more like a tricycle and the back two wheel are connected by a chain. I grab it and make him wreck, but I don't think I really do it, I think I just day-dream about it inside of the dream.

      ... I am walking down a long, concrete tunnel. Jessi is ahead of me. There is a guy in front of me blowing into a long metal tube that's stuck under the wall. Seconds after he blows into it a guy stumbles out just ahead covered with mud. I instinctively know he is trying to catch people illegally crossing the border who are crawling through in a secret tunnel next to this one. They arrest the man.

      I go through a doorway and into this all concrete room with writing all over the walls. I look at the writing and everything is in what I believe to be French. "Ahh, that makes sense," I say to myself. "After all, we ARE in France."

      Then I think about this and realize that this must be in a dream as I haven't actually gone to France yet or heard back from the booking guys there.

      I look at the writing on the wall, look away, and look back. The words are still gibberish to me, but it is different. I am definitely dreaming and everything seems pretty solid. I walk the rest of the way out of the tunnel.

      I come out and I'm on top of a hill looking out over a little valley type park that reminds me of the greenbelt area near the old library in Maryville. There are people on the grass, the sky is clear and bright, and it is a very happy, beautiful scene.

      I recall the tasks of the month and set out to dive into some water. I float up off the ledge overlooking the field below and see my girlfriend Jessi walking down the path. I wave to her as I float up, thinking about how cool I must look, then I fly up into the air and dive back down towards the field, only expecting to find water there, which I do.

      I dive down into this green murky water (after all it had been a field only seconds before, so of course it's green?) and keep swimming down deeper. I know I don't have to worry about breathing and I try to imagine finding a pirate ship at the bottom of the water. I keep trying to go deeper and deeper but I cannot see cause the water is so dark. I make a ball of light in my hand, but all it does is make the green brighter.

      As I dive, I hear this creepy evil child's voice coming from my left and up. It is trying to scare me or do something to my mind. I quickly emerge from the water to take care of it and there is a child by the water, maybe 5-7. I'm not quite sure if it's a boy or a girl, but I know it is the source of the evil voice. I slap my open palm over it's head, in a classic exorcist style move, and the kid fall's quiet. To my left, on the concrete bank is a tiny chest, about 8 inches across. But standing over it is the kid's Dad, who does not seem pleased I just Benny Hinn'ed his Kid on the head.

      I turn to swim back towards the bottom and I see the moon up in the sky. I have the idea to translocate to the moon and from there try to get to Jupiter, but I don't have any faith it's going to work. I look up at the moon, close my eyes, and imagine myself beaming there, but when I open them I am still in the water and my dream fades away.

      lucid , task of the month
    12. Parking Lot Water Balloon Fight

      by , 06-15-2011 at 02:33 PM
      I am walking through a mall parking lot with my friend. It is the kind of light out where the sun has either just risen or just set. None of the stores are open and we are trying to figure out what to do. I see a bunch of small kids playing and a waterballoon flies towards them and bounces off the ground without breaking. The kids laugh and pick it up and start throwing it at each other. My friend says that this is pretty weird and I agree.

      I tell him that I'm going to walk around and check it out. Crouching down I am prowling, running from car to car. I see gangs of teenagers laughing and throwing water balloons at each other. One kid sees me and throws a WB at me. I dodge it easily. We are both smiling. I leap over a car and realize that I have to be dreaming to be able to do that.

      I want to join the battle and I reach into my bag for something to use as a water balloon. I find a giant dog food ball filled with water. I throw it but not realizing my own strength It flies like a rocket into the clouds. I curl my finger to activate my telekenisis and bring the ball back to me. It doesn't come. I realize that I need to use more power. I reach out my arm and clench my fist, then I pull my arm back hard and the ball comes flying toward me. Right before I catch it I wake up
    13. Yay! Lucid!

      by , 06-15-2011 at 01:52 PM
      So after about 2 years without lucid dreaming I took a nap today and had 1 big or 3 smaller ones.
      First one was that I realized I was dreaming and I tried a breathe through closed nose RC and it worked but I am pretty uncertain about that RC cause I always make a wrong conclusion in my dreams. So I did a finger through palm RC and this one worked like a charm (although I had a small feeling of pain while the finger was going through my palm).
      I know I jumped out of the window to fly but that didn't quite work.
      I think I lost the dream at that moment, but what happened was that I had a false awakening! I never figure out when I have a false awaking but this time I did a RC and it worked. I did this time feel excitement for being insinde a LD and could fly no problem. So I just flew around and had another false awakening. Did another finger through palm RC and again jumped out of the window and had lots of control over my flying I had lots of control over everything.
      I decided I would find my sub-conscience and I flew around till I came to a building which looked like a hotel. I was pretty sure that I was at the right place but I couldn't find my sub-conscience. I came into a room and there were people who were cleaning it so I asked them how can I find my sub-conscience and they wouldn't tell me. One cleaning guy said he would tell me if I gave them 5 bottles of wine. I pulled out 5 bottles of wine they wanted from my backpack thanks to great control I had. They told me there is a list in the kitchen but at that moment I woke up for real. Too bad for that but now maybe I try harder to attain lucidity and keep a DJ.

      Great afternoon nap for me. All I did was say that I will become lucid while I was falling a sleep. I guess I really wanted it.
      lucid , false awakening
    14. Kreedz / Schach Chat / FA's in double Dream + LD

      by , 06-15-2011 at 12:34 PM (. - ~ = * [ |{(Welcome to my Weird Dream World)}| ] * = ~ - .)

      so i sleept .. like i allways say .. xD

      and i had drea climbing again -.-...
      dont remember it at all . at some moment i was playing SCHACH .with 3 friends. i knew only one named @Dios@
      we where fighting to who starts first lol.
      first who starts needs to take a pack with potato and herb...
      i took and saw ,, iw as like wow whats that.. no one starts first they were just fighting.. then my alarm ringed and woke up .. then again went to sleep...

      I Had False awekinng and i was sleeping , my dad was doing something in my room so i wanted to ignore him.. i sleeped in my FA dream and ih ad another FA Dream... it was so that i was with my close friend in my room.. and we wanted to go to kitchen.. and i told him "man do u know Lucid dreams?" i am dreaming .

      then i turn to LD and walked to kitchen for like 4-5 secs then somehow i woke up ( not in real life in my second dream )..

      then .. i went to WC to piss , i finished and my father was talking with the housemaster of the appartment for the door stamp thing how is called with the name of the owner of the appartment.. and then i i went to sleep in my dream... i wasnt LD in my normal dream cus i had LD in my second dream and i though ld is gone.
      so then i sleeped and again my dad was doing something in my room with clothes or so..

      i ginored then i woke up from alarm and writing this

      Thanks for reading
    15. 15/06/11 - Successful DEILDs

      by , 06-15-2011 at 11:03 AM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Didn't recall much except some fragment about monkeys before eight. Went back to bed for thirty minutes and had a few pretty cool lucids. Sadly though, some sexual frustration shone through and made me unable to think clearly on my goals. Did manage to summon a DC in a way!

      11.30: Sleep

      01.00: Nightly Adventure
      *I wake up. There's someone drilling a hole in our ceiling from above! I can see the drill and long thin hole they've already made. I'm so shouting at them. I get up. "Monica" I say and intend to tell her this time I'm not dreaming it. I take my cellphone to get some light up on the ceiling. There's no hole or no drill. What? I check the pillows for the dust that was coming down. Nothing. Oh well.

      08.00: Fragment

      08.00: 10 minutes WBTB

      08.36: Flowers MILD
      I'm at my friend G's appartment. He's playing video games with his other two friends and it's my turn to play some real life one. Apparently you go down into the basement and whack these small rods hanging down from the ceiling. I need something to whack them with, and I spot a very cool aluminum weapon, with a sharp hook at the end, lying on the table. I grab it and head for the door. "Dude, that's mine, you can't have it" one of G's friends say. "Oh really? What am I supposed to use then?" I ask him. He points at a pile of iron bars. They are all deformed. Someone knocks on the door. "It's probably my neighbour whining about the music again" G says and turns it down.

      I grab a hammer lying on the table. "You want me to do this then?" I ask his friend, threatening to smash his damn weapon to pieces. "No, come on stop it Matte." I let the hammer go, grab a metal bar and leave the appartment. I head down the stairs, at the bottom there's two people. A Spanish-looking dude smiles at me, I figure it's his neighbour. At the entrance of the basement, I meet up with Monica. There are three different corridors infront of us, with rods hanging from the ceiling. I start running down one of them, I get completely soaked by some pipe which is leaking. I whack them all and run into complete darkness.

      A green field appears infront of my eyes and I stop. Monica's next to me. I realise I'm dreaming. "Wow" I say as I look around. We're standing on a small hill covered in green grass and different kinds of plants. There's clover all around us and not far away is the sea. I spot a big yacht. It appears to be a hot summer day and I decide to activate my senses fully this time. I get down on my knees and feel the grass. Touch all plants I can and smell them.

      I grab a handful of them and stuff them into my mouth, it doesn't taste much but the texture is just right. I look at Monica, she looks happy. We start looking for different things to eat. Sadly there's not much fruit in Sweden, but I find a green ball-looking flower. Like a flower which hasn't bloomed yet. "Oh babe look at this!" Monica exclaims. She's holding a cloudberry. "It looks just a raspberry." I put the flower I found in my mouth.

      I don't have time to taste it though before the dream fades. I lie completely still and think about the scene I just left, I imagine touching the plants.

      08.36: And bees DEILD
      I'm touching the plants around us. I'm back! I look at the sea once again, this time I see several boats, the yacht is very close to the shore. "Show us your titties!" I yell out. No one on the boat even cares. One boat goes up on the shore though and people are climbing out of it. Monica and I go closer. My primal insticts kick in, I feel like having sex. "Let's have a threesome" Monica tells me. Uhm, sure haha. I look for a woman our age. The people who came ashore looks like a family, a few daughters but all too young. "There's a woman" Monica says and points.

      A completely naked woman appears. She's walking towards the family, and must have been sunbathing or something on the beach. We run down the hill towards her. When we reach her, she's in water up to her waist. She's tying her hair up in a knot and when she puts her arms down, I can see her perfect breasts. I know I'm dreaming so I don't really have to ask her for anything. I walk towards her. "No Matte, please don't" she says. Apparently she knows my name. I want to hold her but she keeps backing away, all the time with a teasing smile on her lips.

      I know how to make her more willing. I put my hand on my forehead and drag it downwards, changing my face to whatever face she think is hottest. I can't feel any change myself, but it's an illusion, she sees exactly what she needs to see. "Oh damnit, my legs are tingling" she says and squirms.

      08.36: Let's finish this! DEILD
      I wake up in my bed. Tyrion Lannister from "Game of Thrones" is sitting on a chair next to me. That's weird. He tries to distract me with nonsense, but I decide to count my fingers instead. I count eight. I know I'm still in a dream. Apparently "Weeman" is coming aswell, but I don't care. I decide to finish what I've started. I get up and leave my appartment. I head down the stairs and exit into the light. It's so hot! Everything looks amazing and I activate all senses I can. I know the girl I was just about to have sex with lives nextdoor.

      I walk the few meters while touching the bushes to my right. I grab a handful and stuff them in my mouth. Very rough texture. I head through the door into her building and spot a few McDonald wrappers, I try to see if I can smell anything in particular, but everything smells normal. I chew the plants while heading up a flight of stairs and stop at the first floor. "Terrybrook" it says on the door. I knock. An older woman comes down from the second floor and looks at me. I smile and chew my plants. I point at the handle of the door and imagine it being unlocked, and it is!

      The door opens and there she is. She's wearing a bathrobe. She gives me a big smile and tells me to come in. She runs into another room and I walk in and close the door. I get an adrenaline rush from the excitement. Crap! Relax, you won't wake up yet. I take two steps.

      And wake up.

      09.36: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 8½ hours

      Supplements: None

      New Powers: Face illusion

      That's it! Kinda cool dreams, and I'm so glad those DEILD's worked like a charm! Advanced Task complete, woho! The illusion power was also a new power for me. Might come in handy some time.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 07-23-2011 at 01:05 PM by 36346

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening