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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Headstand

      by , 01-25-2017 at 10:18 PM
      25 Jan


      I am falling asleep in a sort of FA. I am now sure that if nothing else works to induce a lucid, it will help me become lucid if I write it down on a piece of paper. light sleep.

      I am now deeper in the dream and ascertain that my paper writing induction albeit done in-dream is indeed effective. I'm fully aware staring at the sheet of paper with the words LUCID written. My grandma comes in the room and starts cleaning the table, asking me a million questions. I know it's a dream and there's no point answering, so I tell her to let me concentrate. She refuses to acknowledge it being a dream and keeps on asking me stuff, so I have to move to the side to avoid being distracted.

      I tk a number of small household objects, then tk the door handle and finally the door to the balcony open. I go outside, thinking that I have no idea what to do for points and regretting not making a more comprehensive list of things. The sky is mostly sunny, so I decide to darken it, although it pains me a bit to ruin a beautiful sunny day. The result is a greyer sky but not completely overcast. I also make a thunder sound in the distance.

      Not sure what to do next, I opt for using some weird machine part help me get down from the balcony to the ground (as opposed to jump/flight due stability). There are couple of DCs being rather loud near the corner so I go check what's happening. Nothing too unusual, just a family walking and laughing.

      I recall now I wanted to do the headstand challenge and look towards the street. At the moment the street's empty, but the cars are about to soon reach my target section, coming from the nearby street. Nevertheless, doing the headstand in the middle of the street seems tremendously appealing. I briefly wonder what's gonna happen once the cars start coming, but decide that I can handle it. Actually, the way I start doing the headstand is with my back to the cars - that in a way solves the problem (no seeing, no thinking, therefore they don't exist). Two DCs come distract me as I do the headstand. I scold one of them and tell him to assist me instead and help get my legs straight pointing towards the sky. I had reservations about being upside down in this posture and the dream collapsing but it doesn't. I stay a bit more, then get up.

      We continue to walk down the street with one of the DCs. At this stage I already feel "memory flood" and inability to save/recall some of the details of the dream. At any rate, quite happy this dream already lasted longer than expected and keeps on going. I look over one of the buildings and see the sun shining again, now it seems closer to sunset. I really like how the sun moved like that during the dream, giving quite of a realistic feel of time. The sunset may in addition mean that the dream is coming to an end, I think.

      I recall the basic totm of finding a present under the Christmas tree. A while ago we passed by a nice Asian food shop and lots of other items on a long street I can't recall. I decide to go back in that direction, since I feel it will be much easier to find a tree there. Indeed, in front of one cafe is a large decorated Christmas tree. To summon the present, I say to the DC, I clearly recall they were exchanging gifts in the cafeteria and and am sure they forgot one. I stretch my hand and without looking feel a package right underneath the tree. It contains what looks like empty jewellery carton box and a card. I become very curious and want to read the card although I feel the concentration may have a negative effect on the dream. I try to read the handwriting, which changes from well wishes, to random fortunes, to advertising. Finally, there is a small sheet of stickers for a board game.

      The nearby Asian shop looked quite attractive, so I decide to go back and try some foods. In a small fridge they had really cool drinks made from fruits that don't quite exist and also are processed in extraordinary ways. Me and this DC whose apperances keep changing grab a small chocolate bar each. It melts easily and tastes really sweet.
      As we get out of the shop, I begin to lose lucidity. The DC now turns to boyfriend and we get into a discussion. The desire to get more of the cool drinks overcomes me and my awareness increases again, although not as high as before. To summon drinks, I call one of the girls who was working in the store, going a bit back to where we were before. Sure enough, the store appears, now at a completely different place and a different store, but that doesn't matter, it still looks pretty fancy and serves drinks. The girl that works there comes with a bottle full of freshly made exotic drink and a small glass of red juice. She spills the glass, but I am still able to have a try from what's left. It tastes quite nice. I wake up.
    2. Six Episodes (DILD + FA)

      by , 01-25-2017 at 06:26 PM
      Ritual: I went to bed at 1am last night, early enough that I hoped to get some dreaming in. I'd had good luck with the "Dream Leaf" supplement last time, so took the blue tablet before bed, together with two tabs of bacopa and a vitamin D supplement (the latter unrelated to any dreaming intentions). I slept deeply and I don't even think I woke up for a few hours. I still have no clock in the bedroom since I've been charging my phone downstairs, but I estimated it was around 4 or 5am when I first woke. At that point I took the red pill and went back to sleep. I woke a couple more times but was disappointed that I didn't recall any dreams. Finally it must have been around 8 or 8:30am and I felt almost awake enough to get up, but I thought I would give it one more shot. I mixed about half a teaspoon of Piracetam in some water and swallowed that before going back to bed. That's when the magic happened. It was about 9:30 when I woke up again after a linked series of lucid dreams.

      1. ???
      I feel certain there were one or more fully developed scenes initially, but so much else happened afterward that I lost all memory of these earlier episodes when I woke. One thing I like about tasks is that they act as a focus for memory as well as intention.

      2. Gifts under the Tree
      I was in my bedroom and already aware of dreaming, and it felt like some scene had just concluded. The thought occurred: Didn't I mean to finish the gift task properly? I'd better get that done before I wake up or I'll be annoyed. I remembered that my error last time had been forgetting to look under a tree for the gift. However, I looked around and saw that there was no tree in this room. Rather than waste time trying to find a tree elsewhere in the house, I decided to brute force it and manifest one right in the room. My ambivalence about this inelegant solution nearly destabilized the dream, but I was determined to finish the task so I managed to hold it together, even though I had to do this by getting down on all fours and crawling across the room toward the corner where I decided the tree would be.

      Everything had gone dark but I figured as long as I could still feel the floor, it was not too late to restabilize. The texture of the floor was distinct, hardwood, and I could feel the smooth boards with small grooves between them, so I focused on that until the visuals kicked in again. My sight slowly returned, and although the lighting remained dim, I could see an illuminated Christmas tree in the corner I was heading for. Is it lit with real candles? I thought, noting the especially warm quality of the illumination, and remembering the nineteenth-century images that had always captured my imagination. But then I remembered why we don't do this anymore: Isn't that a fire hazard? I felt a flicker, not of the candles, but of the dream nearly destabilizing again at my irrational concerns, so I forced my attention away from the lights and onto the area underneath the boughs. I was still on my hands and knees so it was easy to peek underneath.

      There were three objects. Two were wrapped, one rather messily, but the last caught my eye because it was unwrapped. It was a single glove, and from the position of the thumb I could see that it was for the left hand. No sooner had I observed this than two more manifested, in different colors, also for the left hand. As I wondered about the possible significance (nothing occurred to me) the pile got larger... maybe a dozen left-handed gloves were now strewn under the tree. This was getting out of hand (no pun intended) and anyway I preferred to choose a wrapped gift, so I withdrew my attention from the gloves and looked at the other objects. The first two hadn't appealed to me, but now I saw a flat, rectangular, neatly wrapped item that seemed perfect, so I picked it up for a closer look.

      As I tore through the several layers of wrapping and tissue paper, I came across small textual clues that made me think this must be a gift from my spouse. It turned out to be a book, a beautiful old volume bound in leather that looked like it couldn't have been published later than the nineteenth century. The title was printed in small stamped gilt letters on the front cover. It was something like Personalities of Note, and subtitled Pple of Our Time, where I understood "pple" to be an abbreviation for "people." The author was identified as Lord Lytton, a name that I knew I recognized from WL history but couldn't immediately place.

      Turning the book over in my hands and admiring the beautiful cover, I discovered a library sticker on the lower part of the spine. I wondered what library had held such a fine book and looked on the sides of the closed pages where the name is sometimes stamped. The top side of the pages had been coated with gleaming silver pigment, further attesting to the book's quality, but there were no stamps on the outside. I found it inside the back cover: "Library of _______" (I can't clearly remember the name but it was a one-syllable word ending with "nsk," similar to Svensk or Minsk, but something else I think). I continued to look for a "discard" stamp or some other clue that it had been deliberately divested from the library's holdings. I couldn't find one but reasoned that it must have been; surely it wouldn't have been given to me as a gift if it was still a part of a library's collection, and anyway, ex-library books are very common these days.

      I opened the book hoping to read some passages, but despite the English title and author, the text was unmistakably in Cyrillic. This was disappointing since I don't read Cyrillic, and I concluded that it must be a translation.

      3. Vampire Interlude
      I don't recall the transition, but found myself lying next to a blonde boy. I realized that I was a vampire and that also reminded me that I was dreaming. I fed on his blood and gave him advice on his sexual difficulties.

      4. False Awakening
      I found myself lying under my down comforter in a very plausible facsimile of my WL bed, and even though I was lying sideways across the foot of the bed, I didn't think it odd because sometimes I'll lie in odd positions when I want to relax a bit more but avoid falling back to sleep. I felt aroused and began touching myself, but then I noticed an odd feeling of displacement and realized that even though I could distinctly feel the pressure of my fingers when I flexed them, my hand was resting at my side and not actually in contact with any other part of my body. I correctly deduced that this was because I was not fully awake. Eventually I was able to persuade myself that if I was lucky enough to still be in the dream state, I should make better use of it, and forced myself back out of bed.

      5. Explaining Massage to the Snow Lizard

      I flew out the window and landed in heavy snow. Now that I was on my feet, I found that the snow was so deep I could barely push my way through it. I was actually enjoying this, because I've been disappointed with the quality of the snow in the WL winter so far. It was night, and I was walking around a vague dream version of my house, but the thick snow made me feel like I was in some deep kingdom of winter. Wondering what to do next, I tried to remember any of the other current tasks of the month or year, but I was having trouble coming up with them. I thought hard until one came to me: the massage TOTM. This wintry realm seemed like an odd place to look for a massage, but part of the fun of dream is improvising, right?

      Movement in the air made me look up, and I saw thick-bodied, pale blue lizards flapping slowly through the air. Maybe I could convince them to do it! I beckoned them down, and two of the snow lizards landed and gazed at me curiously.

      "I'd like you to give me a massage." I instructed. They looked back blankly. Either they didn't understand the concept, or didn't understand why they should comply. I worked on the latter angle: "I need you to help me! It's for a Task." I tried to make the word "task" sound very important. "Please just rub my back a little." I sat down and turned my back to the nearest lizard.

      What the lizard replied was so peculiar that I repeated it to myself many times afterward, making sure I would remember the phrasing: "Mr. Cooper, could you please salute the Constitution? I mean, lift your shirt." I found it very amusing that "salute the Constitution" was apparently a local euphemism for "lift your shirt," though I had no idea why he addressed me as "Mr. Cooper," a name that inspires no particular resonance. I complied with his instruction and looked foward to the prospect of a massage, since my back muscles have actually been sore lately in WL and I've been needing one.

      I should note that by this point I had already been dreaming for so long that I was starting to worry how well I would be able to remember the details, so I was actually carrying around my dream journal and taking notes. I recognized sadly that they would be unlikely to persist into waking (though I always, irrationally, hope that somehow they will), but I figured that the concentration of writing down details might help me better fix them in memory. I jotted down what the lizard had just said while I was waiting for the massage to start. I think the second lizard was looking on quietly the whole time.

      The lizard wasn't doing anything, so I tried to instruct him in how to give a massage. "Stroke my back," I suggested. He limply touched it. We wrangled a bit but weren't getting anywhere, so I decided to try a different tack. I lay face-down on the ground and insisted, my exasperation rising, "Just walk on my back! Walk directly on it!" I remembered when I was little my dad would have me walk on his back this way, so it was a valid form of massge. I was afraid the lizard might be too heavy, but reminded myself that since it was a dream I couldn't come to permanent harm. But the lizard still balked.

      I sat up again, trying to come up with a solution. I remembered shiatsu, how it uses chopping motions. I thought that might be easier for the lizard to master, so I attempted to explain it. Finally I felt something vaguely massage-like as the lizard patted me several times on the shoulders with the flat part of its front feet. (For the first time I contemplated the anatomical differences that might make this challenging for the lizard.)

      "Great!" I exclaimed, pleased that we were finally getting somewhere. "Okay, now keep doing that."

      But the lizard sounded like someone awkwardly trying to escape an embarrassing social encounter as he replied: "Ummm... it was nice to know you..." and disappeared into the night.

      6. The Lonely Beauty of Dream
      Somehow after all this I still wasn't awake. I could hardly believe it myself. I knew I should force myself awake at this point, I was juggling so much in memory, and had so much to write down—and the dream notebook I was still carrying was not likely to be much help, though I continued to jot down details.

      But I didn't want to wake up. I was enjoying this too much, and wanted to see where else it would go. I was still next to the house, but the sense of winter was fading as I walked around the corner, feeling fully in my element and murmuring: "This is my domain." I walked into the house, which still felt like mine even though it had no resemblance to WL, noting how detailed it all was, even a bit cluttered, boxes of cereal on the counter. What should I do next? I didn't feel like attempting another task as I already had so much to remember. As I approached the front door, which was open on a beautiful bright day—it was no longer dark outside, and the trees were green now—I was inspired to try to see the dream world at its best.

      "Show me the beauty of dream," I commanded as I walked through the doorway back outside. I was addressing the dream state directly now. I repeated this a few times, and indeed, the natural landscape around me was incredibly lovely. I walked to the edge of the trees and pulled down a fir bough to admire it. The needles were an unusual shade of purple.

      I continued admiring the landscape until I was struck with sudden note of melancholy. Everything was so beautiful, but what good is all this beauty if you have no one to share it with? That was always the problem, wasn't it? Could this explain something about the kind of beings we are, why we choose to cohabit a shared dream despite all the inevitable conflict? I felt a hint of that distinctive sensation you get when you're stoned and think you've stumbled on some revelation of cosmic importance, but at the same time you realize that it will sound bland and foolish when you look back on it later. The sense of loneliness persisted, so I attempted to break through the solipsism, to summon something to me, to reach out and find some other cognition.

      A spacecraft flew low across the sky, seeking a place to land. It was not an alien ship but clearly of human make, chunkily built. I don't think it resembled anything in WL but was probably inspired by films or games: the first thing I thought to google was 'mass effect shuttle' and the image results are actually about right. I was surprised to see, as it came closer, that the word "AMERICAN" was written in block letters across the side.

      The shuttle settled to the ground and I walked toward the landing site. The hatch opened and a few people came out, walking in single file. The guy in the lead was wearing his suit, but no helmet. He was a dark-haired, middle aged man with a rugged face. I thought he resembled the character Group Captain Peter Townsend from The Crown, which made sense because we've been watching that show lately, and the character was a military pilot.

      I wanted to signal my benign intentions so I held my hands out and up. The captain also held his hands up, although I noted that he did not let go of the rifle in his right hand, he just wasn't pointing it at me. I guess he felt wary and uncertain of my intentions. "I come in peace," I announced to reassure him, though it occurred to me that he should be the one saying that—I lived here. As we came closer I slowly (so as not to startle him) brought forward my right hand, inviting a handshake. He slung his rifle over his shoulder and did the same. I brought down my left hand to clasp his in both of my own, feeling warm and benevolent. "Be well," I said sincerely.

      At that moment I felt the irresistable pull of waking draw me out of the dream. I hadn't intended it, but it was perfectly timed.

      Updated 01-25-2017 at 06:32 PM by 34973

      lucid , false awakening , memorable , task of the month
    3. Adios Adreamos

      by , 01-25-2017 at 05:16 AM (Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream)
      Wrote out a looong dream for the dream contest even though, it being nonlucid, I would've only gotten a single point for posting it.

      Then Dreamviews glitched out and was like "haha, it didn't post. why don't you hit back and then reload? "

      I hit back. The dream was still there. I reloaded.


      Updated 01-25-2017 at 05:20 AM by 39676 (added menacing winking emoticon)

      Tags: not a dream
    4. The tiraninon - lucid Spellbee's Splendid Comp Night #12, 2017 DJ #21 LD #14

      by , 01-24-2017 at 09:59 PM (Journeys through Spacetime)
      I become lucid. Don suddenly appears and says "I have a challenge for you." He takes me to a room and says, "This is the tiraninon. You must accomplish three difficult tasks to succeed. Good luck."

      The scene warped until I was standing at a spaceship port. I have to steal some plans off the malevolent looking spacecraft. After a lot of tense sprinting and blaster shooting, I succeed.

      The scene warps again. The task is to buy a bar of soap! I am in a shop selling bars of soap.
      After around twenty distractions, and not listening to them, I buy it with the characteristic cuboid money of my dreamworld.

      The scene warps again. The task is to survive! I am in a green park and it is peaceful. However bombs suddenly start exploding around me. I think "A rational person would fly out of here to safety, but the children!" I decide that dreaming is not all for pleasure, and save the children, but die in the process.

      I complete the triathlon.

      I await my score.

      Don congratulates me, and says "9, for using a wand."
      I somehow know I have been reprimanded about this millions of times myself, but I am satisfied. However, I am confused. I say "But I failed the last task..." Don now says "No, you were the only one to complete it successfully. It has taken you officially out of the spectrum of just control. You have learnt that dreams themselves have worth, not just the control wrought on them."
      Tags: don, tiranon
      lucid , memorable
    5. Jan/24/2017

      by , 01-24-2017 at 03:06 PM

      Updated 10-17-2017 at 12:26 AM by 92153

      non-lucid , memorable
    6. My husband, an ex & young adult man abusing his mother

      by , 01-23-2017 at 07:40 PM
      D1: I keep having lucid dreams about my husband but we are both young & don't look like us. It's really odd. I've had 4 this week like this. They are just of us spending time together. I think it may be because we are really enjoying changing things in our house. We are almost done hanging these Led Starry String lights w/ remote. It makes our living room & dining room have this nice warm calming feeling. And we now have a cheaper way to fix couple of other things. It's so liberating after raising our 4 kids!

      D2: Chained right on into this dream by walking through a door. I was w/ my ex-girlfriend in a setting that looked something like the Domestic Violence Shelter where had met. It used to be an old school & very nice. Kind of like a dorm w/ a gourmet looking kitchen w/ sitting rooms and such. I've mentioned her a few times on here & the fact that we were best friends before our relationship. We had a falling out so we don't talk anymore but I think of her now & then because she has cancer. This dream was particularly odd. She looked younger & really thin. She acted like I knew she would. I seem to always become lucid where she is concerned & this was no exception. I just spent time talking to her even though she wasn't being sincere & being manipulative as usual. I just wanted to stay there a while regardless to see what I could learn. I think I've learned that I have made peace w/ this situation but it's sad nonetheless.

      D3: I was still lucid & chained right into a different setting by using the technique of looking at a single inanimate object. I was looking at a bed first & then a door. I walked right into a woman's house. Her grown man child was talking to her like a dog. I was very calm as I was in the last 2 dreams. I was very focused on the very white walls of an apartment. It was very very nice. I could have done some cool stuff but I'm working on the details & control so I just comforted her & helped her stand up her son & his friends. My control over my emotions was very new in dreams. It's the one place you can do things you probably won't do in real life or on rare occasions. But calm or more accurate peaceful, in dreams is strangely hard for me. I took the time to do this as I walked in & out the door. I woke up feeling like I did a meditation. It was very serene.
    7. Silent Woods on Aldeterune - lucid Spellbee's Splendid Comp Night #10, 2017 DJ #19 LD #12

      by , 01-23-2017 at 12:21 AM (Journeys through Spacetime)
      Vague Hogwarts dream.


      I RC by putting my fingers through my hand. It shows I am awake. I try again by looking at my hands. I have 7 fingers!
      I become lucid, and remember my goal of making background music for the scene. I phase through a wall and I am in a garden. I focus on I can hear a joyful classical movement for the Haydn Cello Concerto. I teleport to Aldeterune to test it and I now hear 'Silent Woods' by Dvorak. I explore the forest in peace.

      Updated 01-23-2017 at 02:28 AM by 91855

      lucid , memorable
    8. Just had first Lucid Dream!

      by , 01-22-2017 at 11:06 AM
      Saturday January 21, 2017 0110

      I was riding in the back of a long car like a station wagon with several rows of seats. There were a lot of male passengers in the car and we were all jammed in tight trying to get comfortable and get some rest. I remember being concerned about my wallet because we were jammed in so tightly. I looked out the front window. We were driving through some big city. I noticed two children riding on extra tall pogo sticks off to the right on the sidewalk. I thought, “If I’m dreaming then I should be able to affect those pogo sticks. Instantly, one of the pogo sticks bended like it was made of rubber and then snapped back to being straight again. This excited me! I thought, “I’m dreaming!” Then I thought, “If I’m really dreaming then I should be able to just fly out of this car.” I shot right through the windshield and flew up to about 30 feet above the car. I looked down at the car and the men were looking at me with amazed expressions. I willed the car to bounce up and down a couple feet off the ground just for fun. Then I flew around a little bit shouting, “I’m lucid! I’m lucid!” Then I thought. Maybe I should wake myself up immediately so that I have a better chance of remembering the dream. I landed on the ground on a wider section of sidewalk, sort of a walking mall area with benches. I thought, “I should try to do something fun. I thought that it would be fun to try to have sex. But there was no privacy in this busy city. I looked around and saw an attractive, tanned, red haired woman sitting on a bench and I approached her. There was a muscular man sitting next to her and he seemed like he was her boyfriend. He looked at me like, “Who are you and why are you approaching my girlfriend.” Since I knew this was a dream, I just looked at him and said, “You’re not going to do anything.” And I turned my attention back to the woman. She smiled and said something like, “No, he won’t.” She was wearing a leather top with no sides to it, just a hole for her head and a flap covering the front and back. I sat next to her and put my left arm around her under the front flap and sort of hugged her. But then I felt like I was sure to forget the lucid dream if I did not wake myself up immediately and I woke up in my bed.
    9. night 7 - Electric puffballs

      by , 01-21-2017 at 01:49 PM
      D1 - At my parents back door at night, the sky is pitch black and yet there is a dazzling white lozenger shaped energy ball, with lines of bright white, like little hairs coming off of it. It is the size of a bathtube floating in the air.
      I am zapped by its energy, and it does feel how i imagine a big electric shock would be lol.
      Someone tells me to stay away from it as its dangerous but I say its so beautiful.
      The sky becomes full of dazzling silvery white lines, coiling and uncoiling. Like oil on water maybe.
      Again a giant puffball is created and I take it into myself, bam

      D2 - I am leaning against a pen, made of white sticks. In the pen is a pack of pooches but as they are fed they turn in to ravening wolves, and very dark. Will they eat me?

      D3 - i am in a house perched on top a white banister, on a set of stairs. I am watching an electronic device being charged. It has lights and a long row of silver stripes that show the charging, they light up in random order.
      My attention is grabbed by someone who tells me I should be helping with the washing. I look down to see washing everywhere and go downstairs and start helping.
    10. Dragons, sharks, talking trees, and Captain Morgain

      by , 01-21-2017 at 12:39 AM
      19 Jan

      As me and this guy are leaving, he constantly worries about there being sharks in the ocean. I try to calm him down, looking for logical explanation why there may not be as many sharks as he expects. We have to slide down a platform to exit the building, however, it is covered with blood and also quite slippery. I take forever to get down without falling.

      We are close to the exit, ocean shore nearby, as I can see that the sharks we were trying to avoid are actually dragons. I quite clearly see a number of dragons in the surrounding wood areas and know we have to stay as far away as possible. We choose a rather painful way to do so, hiding and moving in a part of the shelf which stretches to accommodate us. I inspect the shore for dragons but see special trees (3 of them) instead (with faces and talking, like in lord of the rings). I carefully approach one, expressing my admiration, he speaks and says he likes me too. I ask for guidance for our group and he recommends us to go speak to Captain Morgan, who is a nearby pirate woman . I try to catch her attention and ask her to help us on our mission, though I am not so sure what we were supposed to accomplish.
    11. 1/19/17 (L) WILD, Layer 3 Minor | Traffic, Lost Green Rock

      by , 01-19-2017 at 08:50 PM (Fantastical Adventures)
      -1-A sister of mine was driving us west to a grandparent’s house to do some work and play D&D. On the way, I had a decent view of a forested, snow-capped mountain. This was viewed from a low bridge over a large, but calm river.

      -2(L)-I entered the dream spawning at my old house at night. I jumped through the ”window” (that didn’t care to exist) and landed on the patio. Next, I performed one half of my routine, solidifying a Layer 3 for the time being. The second half would have really helped keep me lucid for longer. I first decided to teleport across the street.
      With a snap of the fingers, I was there. I preferred the other side, however, so I walked back to the side I was on previously. Next, I summoned 2 cars from the right. “Pause,” I said, with my hands in front me. Time then paused. I edited the vehicles’ speed, rewound time, and started it again. Then I summoned the rest of the traffic from both directions. Everyone had bright blue lights all over their vehicles, except for the SUV in front. I walked up to it and said,
      “This here’s a truck!”
      A DC said,
      “No it isn’t.”
      I then slapped the SUV with both hands, instantly turning it into a truck. After that, I commanded the truck to move and it did. A couple DCs were like,
      “Ah, what the f***?”

      All the remaining traffic slowly dispersed. Next, a story arc started.

      [Lost Lucidity Here]
      The driver of the SUV-turned-truck had a large rock collection. (still near my old house, but it’s daytime now) There was a large box of them. Later, we had moved the box over to a grassy part of my yard. I was eating a green rock, which tasted like bad chocolate. There were 2 Spocks to my left—one in a blue uniform, the other in a white robe. I asked the robed one, “Do you think it’ll become a story arc?” (referring to the lost green rock, but not the one I ate) He said something I don’t remember, but he ended with a nod after I replied.
      Lucid Time: ~8 minutes

      Updated 12-27-2017 at 04:21 AM by 67050

      lucid , memorable
    12. Ocean! Tornado! Dragon! My Bow n Arrow - DControl

      by , 01-18-2017 at 07:31 PM (A World In My Head!!)
      Jan 18, 2017

      Notes: Fell asleep late, after 3am. Most of the night was heavy abstract dreaming. Fell back asleep around 8am! Finally had a good dream, with an ocean, friends, a storm, flooding, false awakening, a tornado, a dragon, and serious dream skills with a magical bow n arrow.

      In a grassy backyard with friends and family. While climbing on top of a kids playset im also thinking about who I'm going to hire to help me publish my comic. A man magically appears. I don't remember the convo, I just wrote down that he was "sassy"

      Fragment 2
      Me and sis are in an apt parking lot and I need to drive us somewhere and pick things up from another vehicle. My car was a huge SUV even though I can't drive large cars to save my life. I'm anxious in the drivers seat but I logically conclude this must be my car

      Ocean! Tornado! Dragon! My Bow n Arrow
      Im visiting my friend Dyson, but at his childhood home. His hometown magically has an ocean. Were swimming in the water with dozens of other tourists. It seemed like I was swimming in that water for a really long time. Suddenly, the waves get stronger and the wind picks up. A storm is coming in.

      I tell Dyson we should leave, and also, I needed to get ready soon to go back home. Were instantly back at Dyson's place. Except it feels more like a three story apartment building (where he lives now?). And the city around us definately feels more like a New England place than Bedford. I go to the guest room and change, because its almost time for me to go home.

      I get sleepy and take a quick nap. The sounds of a storm wakes me up. Its a very strange feeling to wake up inside a dream. In waking reality, there were storms but they were much earlier in the night and not right now. I sat up on the guest bed trying to make sense of my surroundings. It seemed real and not all at the same time. I go to the window and stare out the storm.

      Its flooding fast outside! The streets are like a river now! I can't go home now. I watch huge logs get carried by the flood water. A huge red wood log was also carried by the storm waters. Its massive size being carried by the force of water was terrifying to watch!

      I look up at the clouds. Orange, green and pink? These alien colors make me think of one thing - tornado.

      I run back to my friends, everyone was watching in the porch. Dyson was his usual casual self and didn't seem scared at all. Me? I was panicking. A huge tornado forms from those swirling colorful clouds. Before I have time to panic the tornado bursts into a dragon!

      It was massive! The most massive dragon I've seen in a dream! Maybe something like Shenron, or larger. You could tell the massive dragon was roaring, but it was indistinguishable from the rest of the storms sounds.

      "Dragon!?!" I point bewildered at the dragon. Dyson just stands up, still with his laptop in hand. He magically pulls out some video game weapon. "You know what to do" At first I wanted to run away like a sensible person would.

      But then my dream ego starts to wake up. I magically manifest a golden bow and arrow. My outfit changed too. I aim my golden bow at the raging storm dragon! I fire and my arrow aims true. The dragon explodes into smaller units of fire, that scattered across the city. I figured it wasn't the end of the dragon.

      The storm finally quieted down. Some random boys who were also with us go down to where the flooding was, to make sure no one was caught in it. Dyson goes back online and collects some points. Some real-life quest game. How could this game have known about this dragon? I ask if I could collect points too and Dyson sets up an account for me.

      We head out, the dragons not completely gone yet. We still need to deal with its smaller units. Which had manifested as monsters all throughout the city. With my bow and arrow I was unstoppable. My aim never missed my target, I could precisely decide the right or left eye. It felt awesome!

      I felt like I was remembering something about my dream self I had forgotten. In fact, this dream in the span of minutes smushed so many strong dream elements for me. An ocean. A storm. A dragon. A false awakening. A window. Trees. Friendship. And magic!
      false awakening , memorable
    13. January 17th 2017 Awesomely Sexual LD - Felt Like 15 Minutes

      by , 01-18-2017 at 12:40 AM
      Awesomely fun lucid dream. Felt like about 15 minutes long, no supplements. There would be so many sexual content spoilers so I will just leave the pictures here for now for my own quick reference and if anyone wants all of the sordid details, you can PM me.

      Outdoor 2 level shopping scene but way busier:

      This is apparently a thing in Southern California. I have seen a picture like this before but have never been to one and in the dream the place was a lot like I imagine they would be (meme not by me)… :
    14. 16-01-17 “Road Trip to Iceland, with Steen and Dad”

      by , 01-17-2017 at 08:56 PM
      This dream was what I recalled this morning following the intention: My intention for tonight is first and foremost to wake up and remember my dreams. Secondly I feel like I am approaching a cross-roads and I feel uncertain about where to place my efforts, so I would be thrilled with some assistance from my dreams in this respect. But foremost I trust my dreams and want to remember whatever they bring. It feels as if it is relevant somehow and I will use it as an opportunity to practise both descriptive evocative writing as well as Jungian interpretation methods.

      I am pondering the idea of going to Mexico, which appears much as you perceive a fantasy or mnemonic ideation in the waking state – the incipient sense of an image, a map perhaps, appearing before my inner eye.

      I direct my attention outwards and find myself in the passenger seat in Steen's silver-grey car, although I am inside the car I can clearly see the matte nuance of the silver grey colour on the outside of the car. My dad is in the back seat, and he seems gleeful and excited though he doesn't say or do much during the dream. We are going on a trip, and my dad and Steen are there helping me out, as it is mainly me going on a mission.

      It is pouring down outside, it is clouded and grey, which produce a darkish hue. We are at a ticket office, which resembles a mixture between a gas station and a junk food drive in. There are two protruding window tills on our right hand side and above an almost square section of roofing is covering the pavement next to the windows, providing some cover for the rain outside.

      We drive slowly towards the first of the two window tills – one for ordering another for picking up the tickets – and as we do I feel something bump into the car towards the back, which also produce a mild audible thump. I look out the window and backwards to see if Steen has accidentally hit one of the massive concrete columns extending from the building. He is really close but I can't see any damage done to the car.

      I lean back in and Steen switches on the radio and the GPS system. The audio-scape is flooded with remnants of old mobile conversations, radio clatter and noise. I feel uneasy and a bit confused, as it is supposed to be a GPS system, providing guidance. Steen remains rather calm and composed and simply asks the GPS if it is there, and it dawns on me that it is a voice activated system.

      “I am here” a clear loud and direct female voice responds, which is a tremendous reassurance.

      Steen proceeds to drive forward and I wonder why I don't have to open the window to get the ticket. “It isn't necessary when you have one of these” he says and points to a rectangular electronic device, with an old school digital display in the bottom right corner of the front window, just in front of me as it would seem. It is essentially a device that registers that he has been here and automatically charges him for the ferry ride, which is what the ticket office is for.

      “So we are going to Iceland” he says, and I feel at first excited, but then a bit concerned because we will be sailing and we are supposed to go to either Mexico or the Faeroe Islands as well today and I am afraid we won't have time. I think about this only briefly before relinquishing the thought at aspiration to do all of these things.

      We look at a map and a black marker line appears that takes us from the ticket office “to Odden” which on the map is a full scale island, elongated and egg shaped except for a very pointed en on the right hand side. The black line takes us to the top and centre of the island, where the port town is based, from where we will board the ferry to Iceland.

      End of dream.

      In this interpretation I will start by breaking down the dream into its constituent motifs, and run free associations on them.

      There is a preceding map, an idea of a journey – which implies a plan and a set destination it also represents an overview of a trip, which can symbolise knowledge of where I am going in life. This is particularly salient as I am taken somewhere else than what I had “mapped out”, which excites me although the expectation of having to go somewhere specific within a given time frame becomes a source of frustration and tension/restlessness.

      The car is a solid and large station car, it is silver grey – the colour symbolising the silver grey snake-like pathway through space I frequently perceive in meditation, cannabis and psychedelic states also symbolising the spiritual cord often reported as seen in OBEs.

      The car is a symbol of my body, it is in good shape and the fact that my dad has been relegated to the back seat can be an expression of our recent confrontations and my insights on how he has dominated the development of my low self-esteem though his parenting style. He is now put in the back seat, representing that I still carry him with me and care for his approval and love, yet this aspect is no longer the driving motivating psychic energy for my aspirations for life – such as “save the world and become super famous”, which is simply a conditioned tendency I have developed as I felt under appreciated and unseen as a child.

      Steen is an old friend of the family, both my mum and dad – I associate to him that he recently helped me out with cheaply renting his summer house to me following an Ayahuasca journey where I wanted to stop smoking and I didn't feel for returning to my parents' house where I currently live right after. At this time he said to me that he sees how my dad communicates to people and told me that one would get insane living in that environment constantly, which felt extremely pleasant to hear as someone external with knowledge of my dad seemed to understand how hard it can be. Recently my mother expressed – in a sober state – that it can be extremely challenging for her to live in that and that friends of the family finds it a challenge to be around him as well. With Steen in the driver's seat I feel that I have taken a step towards taking control of my life and am grateful for the moral support of individuating myself from my dad, who has – without fault of his own or even consciously – dominated much of my life, through establishing uncertainty both with regards to a fragile self-esteem but also the messianic and grandiose drive to save the world to finally be worthy of his admiration and love. Steen represents a new found aspect of myself that is compassionate and understanding towards why I have turned out as I did as well as the drive to liberate myself from the clutches of my dad.

      The rain outside symbolise a torrential state of affairs with regards to my emotions – since my last Ayahuasca journey it is as if a lid has been removed and my libido is now coursing freely upwards, which result in more passionate responses and an easier time setting boundaries. It could also symbolise the fact that I am expending a lot of emotional energy in response to external uncontrollable aspects of the world, which is reminiscent of the saviour complex alluded to earlier.

      The ticket office could symbolise a public institution, such as the Health Authorities which I have recently been in contact with, with regards Ayahuasca. I might be approaching, or at least that is how I perceive it, a point where I am close to getting in trouble due to my enquiries, yet no harm is done yet. The whole point of issuing a ticket could represent my thinking on Ayahuasca's precarious legal status and potentially in the future thinking of a license model for practising, where the dream hints at that license is nothing that comes from the outside but an internal license, a calling (electronic ticket system).

      The GPS and radio system is particularly interesting to me. The clatter represents conditioned thinking and the attention I pay to outward clues for finding out how to direct my life. However when I look closely the “ancient mother” (female GPS voice) is there and is capable of taking me in the direction I need to go. The trick is to ask and learn to listen for what is coming from within and ignore restrictions I put on myself based on external sources of esteem and approval.

      The fact that I am concerned with the duration of the trip represents a problematic aspect of how I relate to life in an impatient way. I am lacking trust in life unfolding as it is supposed to. This is related again to the map I saw in the beginning of the dream, which representative of how I tend to construct expectations of how life SHOULD unfold and I am operating under an assumption that I need to go somewhere specific and I need to go there quickly. In essence this result in an escapist approach to life, where I am not allowing it to unfold on its own terms and cannot fully embrace and meet events in a curious, compassionate and open way.

      The end of the dream I see the ocean and the beach sort of imaginatively overlapped onto the map with the black line. I take it to symbolise that I am still in the process of letting go of my tendency to construct expectations and narrow definitions of success, but I will shortly arrive at a position where I let go and let Life overcome me and simply concede to the abrupt changes that are about to happen, with excited anticipation and joy in letting whatever happens happen. The fact that it is a sailing trip could represent a recognition of the potent force of the collective unconscious, and my submitting the stubborn fantasy that I am in control and surrendering to the collective collected wisdom of the evolution of Life itself.

      Reconstructing the meaning from associated and elaborated ideas.

      So a potential message from the dream could be that I am still constructing expectations of where and how life should take me. This becomes a source of frustration when I run into unexpected opportunities and twists of fate.

      My dad has been a source for grandiose and messianic ideation, due to his belittling and command-like style of communication, from where he will never explain why he commands, reminds, reprimands, but simply asserts himself in a supercilious tone of voice. Since we have widely different interests in life and he has proclaimed that he has no interest (or capacity) in trying to understand me I have since very early childhood developed these tendencies as a way to garner his approval, which is already there he has just never shown it in a way I could understand it when younger. The fact that he is relegated to the back seat symbolise that I am relegating the grandiose and very ambitious saviour identities – and associated expectancies – to a position where they are no longer “driving me”.

      The downpour contrasted with the comfortable, sturdy and undamaged quality of the silver grey car, can symbolise the progress I am making with meditation, where I have found an easier time dealing with painful emotions, as well as physical symptoms. They aren't allowed to penetrate to my core and when I continue the exercise I will strengthen my capacity to sift out the “radio clatter” (which can also signify the attribution of value to others' judgement of me) and listen to the voice of my heart, represented here by the Anima archetype, my deity in prayer – Mother Gaia.

      The ticket office close call could symbolise that I need to tone down my activities with certain authorities to avoid getting in trouble, especially because I already have an inner license to pursue my dreams.

      The trip to Iceland represents where I am headed next, which isn't a literal journey, although that might be fun also. In fact it might be very useful as it is Steen guiding me, which could mean a pointer to a place of safe haven, which he provided following my last Ayahuasca journey. However I have also recently considered reading up on mythology to get a better understanding of the empirical data that underpins the theory of the archetypes. This journey serves as a pointer towards examining Nordic mythology and shamanistic/divination cultural history.

      In short. With particular reference to the intention here I am being reminded that uncertainty is OK, cause if I try and envision or anticipate a direction I will form an expectation, which will lead to suffering when life takes me elsewhere. As long as I listen to my inner voice the direction is guaranteed, so I should just continue the work of being better at letting go of old ways of thinking and sharpen my attention on what matters instead of the clatter. Then a further dive into the Nordic mythology is in store.
    15. WILD and DILD Galantimine festival.

      by , 01-17-2017 at 04:15 PM
      Wild after 5 hours. melatonin before bed, galantamine after waking up.

      I'm in my dining room near the back door. It's dark. I see A behind the bar of the kitchen. And realize she's still at work. I look at her and her face is weird, smeary. Huge clownish red lips. I say out lout. "Your face looks weird. Your face looks weird. your face looks weird" the first two seem ok but the last one is all mumbled and garbled.

      New scene. I'm in an apartment, bright and white. There's a porno shoot going on. The man who is running the shoot is making weird demands of the girls and they seem uncomfortable. I ask him to leave and he does. We talk about how old school it was. We are gong to resume shooting after the talent goes tot are a break. There is a beautiful asian woman by the fridge and I ask her if she wants to fool around. She smiles and says "you know it" and goes to the back of the house near a bedroom. There's another woman standing in the kitchen with me and i walk over to her and start groping and kissing her a little. She's resistant so i leave her alone. I make way way to the back of the house and get to the bedroom I see the asian lady sitting on the bed and I ok at her and say "increase lucidity a few times. Same thing happens mouth like marbles. I rub my hands together to stabilize and get too excited. The dream fades into a display of fireworks.

      I hold still and try to come back into the dream and catch a couple of brief glimpses but don't make it.

      Hanging around in a living room watching a tv parade about the world ending. There are Elmo's an shit riding bicycles and holding signs about the world ending. Very brown room. TV is huge. I'm talking ito the people in the room about how weird it all looks and I'm saying I might be dreaming. I' do the nose pinch a few times and it's stuffy but I can breathe. I tell them the reason I know i am not dreaming is because I can breathe when I hold my nose. Then I'm like. Wait, that's not right. I check again and realize I am dreaming. I tell them, holy shit I am dreaming. They say how do you know? I say watch "I"m gong to jump into the TV."

      Then I Jump into the TV like it's a portal. I turn around and see them a nd wave then I go flying. More of a jump at first and I'm floating around a bit and I look at my. Hands and make my fingers long then I make my long fingers sprout fingers.

      I land I"m outside ina. Parking lot and an old shit car pulls up with pretty women. They want me to get in the car with them. One of the girls in the back seat is laughing the other is mad. I they tell me only one door works but then that's a joke. I tell them about the film festival and make a joke and one of them laughs I tell them I have a 20% success rate and they all laugh.

      I'm hanging with with some giant football;; [layer dudes. They are moving furniture. One makes a comment that a big athelete type could help i with this crazy big couch. I start singing "it ain't me babe, no no no." But then i do help them move the couch outside.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable