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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Smurfs

      by , 05-03-2014 at 07:20 AM
      Today I had a really weird dream...


      I was somewhere and I had to 'save' the world from the bad food smurfs. In my dream you had 2 kinds of smurfs and those smurfs you ate. They weren't characters from a movie. It was like an animal that we ate. So you had a slimy awful smurfs and a good crispy smurfs. And I saved the world by killing all the slimy smurfs.

      This is one weird dream...
    2. 5/2/14 - Non Lucid

      , 05-03-2014 at 06:11 AM
      1st dream - I was somewhere with people from my past -Terra, Angie, and Erin. All from very different parts of my life but all deeply religious even though they don't share the same religion. I was very happy to see and spend time with all of them. (What does this mean? Am I lost spiritually?)

      2nd dream morphed from the first one with Erin doing my makeup. It was too much and I wiped some of it off then I was nervous I wouldn't be "ready in time" (clue for something?). Going to see The Answer and the concert was on a cruise. I get there and meet up with Kathy. Turns out my ticket is for the wrong day - her's is Friday and mine is Saturday. Maybe I could exchange but I can't find my Driver's License. So I jump off the boat and I'm on some kind of inflatable horse to get to my place and find my ID. Somehow I am suddenly back on the ship and the ticket seems to be no longer a problem. O'Donnell is there to see the show. I'm nervous of getting sea sick. Anyway I see Yolandi and she is the most beautiful creature I've laid eyes on. She seems butterfly-like with sparkly purple makeup and a shiny gray draped dress. She spoke to me and I was enthralled.
    3. How to Have More Lucid Dreams - Asking the Subconscious

      by , 05-01-2014 at 07:34 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      Leading a group of people up a stone stairway, there are many roots and branches obstructing the way. I spontaneously realize I am dreaming, and tell the trees to move. They move, and then come right back. I tell them to move out of the way until we pass by - they move creaking and the roots curl back up into the ground, and leave an unobstructed path up the stairs.

      At the top, is a rather large porch type structure, with very ornate boards and railings. On one of the railing posts is a plate, on which sits a single waffle. All the DCs in my dream want waffles, and are hungry. It looks like a nice one, and I think about eating it myself! I comically recall Jesus turning one loaf of bread into many, and decide to do the same with this waffle. Blinking, everyone now has a waffle, and is enjoying a nice breakfast. To summon more waffles, I reach into my pocket, and expect to pull out a waffle each time. This works a few times in a row, then I pull out nothing, but act like it was a waffle, and frisbee an air waffle across the deck. As the pretend waffle leaves my hand, it turns into an actual syrup covered waffle, mid-air. I keep pulling them out of my pocket and throwing them at the DCs, amused at how they only appear once they leave my hand and soar through the air.

      With all the DCs pacified, I remember some of my lucid goals from earlier. I verbally asked myself / the dream that I recognized as being created by my own mind the following, "How can I have lucid dreams more often? and what is the best way to communicate with my subconscious?" I then saw a girl walking past the bottom of the stairs to the tree fort I was in. "Hello!" I shouted her way, excited to see this manifestation of my own mind. This scared her and she ran around the corner. I ran after her and apologized, "Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you, I just have a few questions." as I mentally thought of what I just asked moments ago. In direct answer to how to have more lucid dreams, she told me, "Oxycodon, and Hydrocoma" I don't know what those are, I assumed they were supplements or drugs or something. I wasn't expecting such a technical answer, so I had to repeat them to myself over and over. I just remember how the name sounds, so I spelled it phonetically, I am fairly certain there is another spelling if they exist at all.

      I don't want to rely on supplements or drugs, so I clarified my question further, asking her, "How do I have more lucid dreams without taking anything?" She tries to dodge this question by telling me she's cold. My initial reaction is not to turn up the heat to save money, but it's a dream! So I turn the heat up for her. I also use my mind to blast her with comfortable warming energy. She sits on the stairs, looks me directly in the eyes, and says, "When a cancer patient finds the cure, it's not so important that you get it right anymore" I am reminded of the practices of living a lucid life during the day, self awareness and memory. I feel that this is what she is referring to, albeit rather indirectly. I tell her, "I don't want to spend a lot of time doing something that won't work" She looks at me, and non-verbally tells me not to worry about that. She then tries to distract me by asking about a tattoo on my arm. I am still mindful that it is a dream, and that I don't have any tattoos, but since it is a dream, and I could have one in a dream, I look at my arm - still no tattoo.

      Laughing at her failed attempts to distract me from knowing it is a dream, I wake up, really having to pee.
      lucid , memorable
    4. Pulled out when getting in...

      by , 05-01-2014 at 08:28 AM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      I'm on my bed playing with a camera, trying to take pictures of a city park in front of me, when a dark mist covers part of some trees. The image on the LCD looks very dreamy to me. Then I tell a DC on my side "it looks like it is a dreamscape". I try to get more pictures of it, until the the haze is to dark and the images turn in black. I get exited because of the possibility to get dreamscapes with this camera, then I point to a door on my left, by moving just the image on the screen with a smooth movement of my hands (it looked more like a 1st person game motion). When I press the button, I see the illumination of the image like the sun is moving really fast until I get a beautiful photo of a tree with its roots coming out of a wall next to a door. It's filled in blue and green colors besides the dreamy shadows. I'm fascinated when the DC turns into my wife and she tells me that we have to go somewhere.
      I want to take more pictures, when I notice I'm pointing a window in front of me. I put the camera down and I realize it's a known dreamscape in the outside! I tell her "Wow, there it is, it's THAT dreamworld I love the most!! I stand up from my bed to see an abandoned train station in the outside and tell her: "There is the old train station!!..." Then I take one more picture. I hear the sound of an analog camera when I press the button. I look around to realize the whole dreamscape, I'm simply fascinated!
      My wife doesn't seem to get interested at all, and she starts pulling me to go. I ask her to wait a little. I just want to go out of this dark room and explore, because I'm starting to realize what it means (it's a dream). Then she holds me from my genitals and squeeze them. That hurts and I'm thinking for what to do to get rid off her. I wonder about the pain, and she insists to take me out from here. I complain about it in a friendly way, trying to see the situation as something funny, but it's hurting me...
      Finally, I'm lying on the floor, with the camera on my hands with my wife pulling me from my genitals...
      then I wake up thinking perhaps she has something interesting to say or do...

      Updated 05-01-2014 at 08:33 AM by 18736

      lucid , memorable
    5. 3 Wise DCs

      by , 04-30-2014 at 10:17 PM
      Pre pre: turmeric

      Wbtb: had 1/3 latte, was more sleepy, so the ld was more stable, but tasks less accessible.

      A dream starts with some scenario going while I'm in my bed in ex-bedroom trying to fall asleep. A moment of the usual confusion as I'm uncertain in the darkness which hands I'm moving. I think I'm moving my real hands because I can touch some of the furniture next to the bed. Then decide to make the dream appear, get up and expect to be able to move in the dream scene, which builds now fully around me. With slightly more confidence I go to the other room, where I examine the furniture layout. Contrary to my expectations the room seems very orderly, and nothing stands out to point out this is a dream. It looks suspiciously realistic and as if this is happening now. Then I have a look at the sofa and see dad and bf relaxing on the opposite sides.

      I remember I wanted to do the easter egg task again. This time, I decide to just think of it rather than use hand summon to make the egg appear, then look to my side. There is a weird looking plant which is decorated with eggs. I pick a purple colored egg from the plant and remind myself to break it. Yet, the egg feels hollow and light and I'm afraid there won't be anything inside. I hold it for a while trying to make it a bit heavier and fill it with something to see. The egg remains light and I now worry that if I don't hurry up, these mental efforts will make it transform to something else, so go ahead and break it. The initial impression is that there is nothing inside, but as I examine the small pieces of egg shell fallen in, I notice there are a number of miniature banknotes inside the egg. I make a mental note for the journal.

      The DCs change positions and now it's mom, dad and bf sitting on the couch and I start asking them questions. Unlike other of my conversations with DCs, these three can actually speak, forming entire complex sentences more or less answering my questions. I believe I have finally come across smart DCs. Unfortunately, I was unable to recall the most of the things they said, and had not been very prepared to ask them more questions either. This is what I remember.

      My first thought is to wonder if it's possible those to be the real people I know, where we are all dreaming this here and now. I have some intuition that this isn't the case, but then wonder if it could be that all of us are engaged in this conversation in a different time (like the past or maybe the future), so I ask the DCs about that. My mom's DC starts to explain something about animals having the ability to do something similar to what we are doing now, but humans have lost this ability. I want them to continue explaining and ask them more questions I can't recall. The only gibberish moment happens when I focus too much on the speech and try to apply extra understanding to it. If I casually listen, they continue with their explanations.

      The DCs change to other male DCs I don't know, they continue being smart and I feel close to them as if meeting friends I haven't seen for a long time. The conversation continues and I ask one of the guys something about the dream. He makes a remark that long dreams like this can be especially tiresome for some of the participants as if referring to himself. I'm out of ideas for questions, so try to remember the other tasks but the very strong effort to access this hard to reach memory causes the dream the completely collapse and me to wake up.

      I do a mental review and still tired continue sleeping.

      Updated 04-30-2014 at 10:36 PM by 61764

      lucid , memorable , dream fragment , task of the month
    6. Repetitive, Vivid, and Odd

      by , 04-30-2014 at 03:59 PM
      I don't know what was lucid in these dreams and what wasn't. It's hard to tell anymore because I'm always exerting some control over my dreams now but it varies. Sometimes it seems I'm doing it a lot, sometimes I can't tell because its become so routine. My mind just runs in the backround like some unobtrusive computer program. Anyway, I recorded these dreams because of the intensity of my emotions and because one of them repeated itself 5 times in a row without me waking up. It's unusual due to the fact I I normally wake up before a dream repeats itself. It's like I was examining it, looking for clues like a detective. Anyway, without further delay here are my dreams.

      My first dream came with a strong feeling. I don't remember exactly what happened. I just remember being asked if my Commanding Officer ordered me to take a life or if I had to kill someone if I would do it. I was running away and down a street because I was afraid of what my mind was capable of, what I was capable of.

      The next dream kept repeating itself over and over, particularly two specific segments. A father is going on a long trip. He has a daughter who is beautiful. She has her long hair in a ponytail, she's a burnette, long, toned legs. The dad reasures her that friends will be coming by to check on her. She will be fine. They have a strong bond and love each other very much. This part also kept repeating; the dad tries cooking for his daughter but the the food gets messed up every time in some unique way. Once or twice I was also the father and the one cooking.
      memorable , lucid
    7. The Defacing of the Fake Dream Book

      by , 04-30-2014 at 12:28 PM
      Morning of April 30, 2014. Wednesday.

      I am back at the main library in La Crosse, though it seems a bit bigger than in reality. I find a table to sit at, at the southwestern corner. An unknown girl (high school or college), in blue jeans and a white top, on my left, says “hi” in a friendly manner and goes back to reading an orange hardcover book on chemistry, which has an embossed image of a water molecule on the cover but for some reason seems to have “familiar” circus poster motifs as well (such as the band of two-color alternating triangles) - yet it seems quite right in design and context somehow. The table (and perhaps the area itself) has a strange “ancient” atmosphere, like very old Sequoia trees in the back of my mind, or some such. The wood seems to have some sort of “electrical field” or “magic” of some kind, which seems to make a barely visible “aura” about it similar to the atmosphere of the planet. The girl seems to have read my mind and asks me what “Sequoia” means, which causes me to ponder if she is telepathic. I tell her that although some people claim it means “bird”, it actually means “pig in a pen”. She smiles and says, “Oh, I thought it meant pig with a pen”. I then am trying to work out if she is being obnoxious somehow, relating to the creator of the Cherokee alphabet, but do not respond, as she seems passive and cheerful (and nonthreatening).

      I end up looking farther back behind my left shoulder and see a very large black book called “10,000 Great Dreams” which strongly reminds me of the ridiculous fiasco in real life called “10,000 Dreams Interpreted” by Gustavus (which I used to read in real life as a boy and it was so absurd, pointless, and wrong for the most part, I laughed until I felt giddy). I pick up the book and take it over to the desk. Then I notice that it is not actually a regular book, but a large black and white harlequin mask with the pages behind the mask. The eyes seem to be emeralds at first, but then I notice they are just green jelly, which fall out in a couple small piles on the table. I note some strange simple “sayings” on each page, none of which make any real sense. I read several, but can only remember one clearly. It says, “You must open your doors to look out your windows”, and then something about cheddar cheese being the “root of all evil” (this may date back to the 1980s where I saw a piece of Swiss-cheese-like blackness with the diagonally rendered top and bottom of the slice representing a “demon” - I think it, that is, this new dream aspect, may also be related to an episode of the “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” television series in the late 1990s or so where a man kept appearing in her dream with a slice of cheese and annoying her).

      Also come the wise words: “Hands are the feet of your arms.”

      Most of the “dreams” read like very short and boring mundane newspaper articles from a mainstream newspaper and with no diverse layers of insights or obscure (but meaningful) renderings as is common with dreams. Nothing visionary appears anywhere, either. Instead, a lot of it seems to have half-finished naïve political speeches or just one sentence at times. Only one, I remember enough to summarize it; it said something like “I was walking down the sidewalk and a girl on roller skates stole my wallet and I chased her and called her a b—- and threw rocks at everyone." I look over and notice that the aforementioned girl is wearing roller skates and her blue jeans have somehow transformed into white shorts but that does not seem to bother me. The "book cover” (mask) also has a red ribbon that seems to be connected as a silk “bookmark”. I pull on it, as it seems to be stuck between two pages near the back and realize the girl is “complaining” (moaning as if annoyed, rather) and it turns out to be a ribbon from her hair, which she retrieves. (I seem to firstly have been pulling her head down and over a bit via the apparently very long “bookmark” aka ribbon from that distance, but this is not the case at all; it just seems to have an odd physical effect, like some sort of “magnet” that makes her head move.) She soon does not mind, though, and in fact laughs about it and throws it back to me when I give it to her and we play a game of catch for about five or six rounds.

      An elderly librarian taps me painfully on the shoulder from my right and points to a sign that says “No garter tossing in the library” and then makes a typical “shhh!” gesture, and I feel embarrassed.

      Looking down, I notice that the mask has turned into a real flayed human face (in two vertical sections), which really makes me think if I should leave. The same librarian taps me again and points to another sign that reads in uppercase - “No defacing books in the library”. I realize that people may think that I am Ed Gein because of this, so I get up to leave and as I do, I notice that much of the material in the back of the “book” actually looks like a gossip column from a tabloid instead of relating to dreams. I can hear the librarian talking loudly to the authorities, many of them being fireman for some reason. “He was in there, throwing garters around, and suddenly tore off his face to make an artistic statement, just like Vincent Van Gogh!" The firemen then do a Keystone Cops routine around the library even though I am standing in plane sight.

      The girl taps me on the shoulder and whispers "you saved us all”. I notice that the harlequin mask/real face/book cover is actually two messy (and melting?) pieces of the creature from the movie “Mimic” (1997) which looks like a human face, but which is meant to fool people before they are eaten. It looks more and more like a pile of melted cheese such as on a pizza.

      The police come in and arrest the librarian for keeping a “fake” book in the library that was “written by a cockroach” (although in the movie, the creature is supposedly more like a cross between a termite and a praying mantis - though does look a lot like a giant cockroach in some scenes). Everyone is marched out of the library in an orderly fashion so that the library can be “fumigated” in case there are any more such books.

      Updated 06-16-2015 at 06:51 AM by 1390 (Enhancement)

      Tags: book
      non-lucid , memorable
    8. 4/29/14 Another Likely NREM Lucid Finally, Very Odd!!

      by , 04-29-2014 at 07:16 PM
      4/29/14* My wife moved abruptly to turn off her alarm (timing was right IWL), but due to all of the HH's I get with my wife moving, I took it as an HH and kept my awareness basically attempting a DEILD. I had the sensation of laying in bed but a visual, over to my right, of myself (I assume) floating face down above the bed. That scene and the following was too much of a lengthy continuous scene to have been HH. I think this might have been influenced by a scene in the poorly rated movie "Apparition" that I saw over the weekend where the main character sees himself stuck on the ceiling and is unable to move on the bed either but eyes wide open (looked like sleep paralysis) while his girlfriend is being attacked by an unseen force. Mine was more of a dark outline of a male body on the ceiling. I believe it caught me in one of the NREM stages but the bizarreness of it eventually woke me up for real (or my wife moving again). I remained calm but continued to get rotating dark figures above me so I just laid back...mostly enjoying the show. Very memorable. 139
    9. Dream Fragment: Spear to the Chest

      by , 04-29-2014 at 07:02 PM
      Date: 29.04.2014

      I was attempting a WILD but lost conscious awareness and fell asleep. I then came to in a cobblestone alley between two buildings hewn from stone, upon exiting the alley I looked around to see that I was in some kind of courtyard looking up at a huge castle-like structure that was growing from the stone. It had grass on the spires and tops of the roof/battlements like it had risen from the ground, It was falling apart and the whole place seemed abandoned.

      Then I saw what looked like a patrol made up of a ragged group of soldiers, lead by a brown haired, bearded man wielding a spear and wearing a dark cloth cape with a symbol on the back I can't recall. he pointed me out to his soldiers and shouted "There he is!" This is when I realize I am wearing this leather armour with a symbol on my shoulder (I can somehow see this from a 3rd person perspective) which I know is the mark of an enemy clan/kingdom. I start to run away but the guy with the spear throws it, and it slams into my back and out my chest. I look down, kind of in shock at the spear and the amount of pain I was in, then I woke up suddenly. The feeling of the spear was pretty horrible!


      The guy with the spear.
      The "Padfoot Incident": Follow Up-spearguy.jpg

      The symbol on the armour I was wearing.
      The "Padfoot Incident": Follow Up-symbol.jpg

      Updated 04-30-2014 at 09:13 PM by 68996

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    10. Finally My First Lucid

      by , 04-29-2014 at 03:13 PM
      FILD Method
      Sleeping at about 11pm
      Woken up at 4am

      After drinking a large glass of tea and diet coke I went to sleep. I woke up at 4am to attempt the FILD method for the first time and to great results. If you still have not managed to go lucid I recommend this as it worked on my first time.
      I went to sleep tapping my fingers on my bed and the next thing I knew when my finger touched down it was transformed into a blue brush tool in Photoshop. I had placed a random blue dot off of the screen where it shouldn't be. The second this was placed I knew I was finally lucid. I went to grab for the pen tool in Photoshop and that's when I woke up.
      Great I actually got this, now I need to try this tapping method again.
      I went back to sleep attempting the same thing and I was transported to this dark grey room. There were large colored rectangles flying and bouncing off the walls. I decided I didn't want to move at all instead I just rubbed my hands together and watched the rectangles. I thought If I moved too soon I might move my real body and wake up so I continued to stand there. Blocks were flying through my body and I observed the hollow insides of them while they passed thinking about where I was. All of a sudden I had this urge to save my best friend who was being attacked by a zombie and I woke up.
      lucid , memorable
    11. my first ld

      by , 04-29-2014 at 06:39 AM
      This is an easy one for me because I could also feel in it. (Feel is used in terms of pressure and not like hot, cold, or pain for this dream.)

      I was about 6(irl) when I had my first LD. I went to bed like normal but I woke up again. The first thing I saw was my intestines wrapped around the other end of the spike that I was impaled on. It was to dark to see much of anything else but I could hear other things around me. I could make out what looked like other people on them also. This would not have been that bad but I could feel myself slipping farther down the spike and I could feel my intestines getting caught/ pulled out. I decided to try to climb off of it. As I started to climb I noticed that my hands felt wet and I could smell the blood. I almost made it to the top when I lost my grip and fell farther down the spike. I had to pull myself together to climb back up again. It was harder climbing down once I got off and when I touched the ground I woke up.
      Tags: first ld
      memorable , lucid , nightmare
    12. seperate room method

      by , 04-29-2014 at 06:22 AM
      Hello. I figured I would post some of my old dreams that I took control of after getting tired of them. May be these methods will help some of you to.

      I was having a nightmare (LD) that I was running away from something but it kept on getting me and then the dream would reset. After about 5 times of this I decided I didn't want to do this anymore. I closed my eyes and concentrated on making a door appear next to me. After a little bit of concentrating I opened my eyes and went through the door. In here was a completely blank "room" where I began to make anything I wanted. I started small with some friends then a roller-coaster and eventually ended up playing quittage (I was in like middle school). I used this method to help with a lot of nightmares when I was little.
    13. 4/30

      by , 04-29-2014 at 02:16 AM
      Regular= Non-lucid Bold=Lucid

      I am coming down from the cafeteria, to the band room, only to see that we are eating at a Taco Bell inside the school. I sit down and talk with my friends, noticed in particular my girlfriend and Joe(freind) Then, my youth pastor, who sometimes comes to our lunch and talks to us kids says come outside were doing something different. So we all go outside and it's like sunset. This really annoying sub says you guys can't go out more than 100 meters from the school because it's late. So everybody goes inside except for a few. I stay out with 2 friends and hang. Then the lights go out. I try to get in the door but nobody is inside. Then I hear a snarl. A stray dog is baring its teeth and looking straight at me. I think, this is a dream! I try to stop the dog with dream control but I can't. It charges me jumps and just like hits the force field. Then I go inside, but I wake up sleeping in the office chair mumbling stuff in a lull like, " gotta remember this is a dream!" Then I think oh yeah I'm dreaming. A kid pokes out from my stairwell and says hi and I ignore him. I just immerse myself in my house, Feeling the blankets and walls and carpet. The I go in the kitchen and see a whole bunch of pills. I think to myself, if I take these pills I will turn into a centaur. But right as I'm about to take it my brother jumps out and scares me. I lose lucidity. Then I go and have this weird feeling that I need to write my dream down even though I was just lucid. While righting it down I couldn't think and I had another false awakening. Then I really woke up.

      Notes: my third lucid dream so I'm really excited! I stabilized and almost used dream control... But that false awakening was weird. I've had them before but I just like woke up still thinking I was in that place and muttering I need to remember this is a dream.
    14. Old Dreams: Mission Impossible X

      by , 04-28-2014 at 10:00 PM
      I was in a luxurious hotel/building of some kind, with wood paneled walls and red/purple carpets. I am with a rag tag group of friends, old and new, from completely different places and times.
      We were surrounded by a lot of military leaders and important people both from films/TV shows I had watched and from real life, such as Obama and other people who I knew were important.
      Suddenly the dream is chaos as a number of assassinations start to take place; I see a group of these high ranking officials step into an elevator to plummet to their deaths, purple smoke fills the room and there are bodyguards and spies pulling out guns and starting a shoot out.

      Me and my friends also pull out firearms and join in, covering behind a sort of lobby like desk. One of my friends shouted "Why can't we all be friends" then a man in a grey suit who I know is my ally, grabs another guy and jumps out the window, I grab a grey cushioned, steel frame chair and jump out after him (hoping to use the chair to break my fall I guess) we plummet a huge distance before landing, the chair crumples under me and I survive, but I feel like i have broken my ribs.

      Looking around I have landed in a sunny park with people riding bikes/relaxing, I look back and see the building I jumped from, a huge grey tower block, with small windows. I can see the window from which I jumped.
      Somehow I end up in a doctors office at a high tech lab called "Black Villain", probably for my ribs. I remember seeing a pale blue poster on the wall, advertising "Carbonatate" Headphones. I also see the doctors clipboard, which has a drawing of a ball, with a line across to a man who seems to be fist pumping, I can tell this is supposed to represent him in good health.
    15. My FIRST LD - Fear in the Dark

      by , 04-27-2014 at 04:38 PM
      April 27, 2014: FIRST LUCID DREAM: Last night after going to bed (in real life) we received a late night phone call. After getting back in bed and reciting my mantra “I will have a lucid dream tonight” I fell asleep for real.

      In my dream I had yet to fall asleep after the phone call and was merely laying in bed thinking, when I grew concerned that my wife may have shut off the wall switch that controlled the power to my bedside lamp. Without getting out of bed, I tested this by pushing the switch on the lamp several times and indeed, it did not come on. This meant that if I needed the light to write in my dream journal later on, I’d have to get out of bed to turn the wall switch on, which I did not want to do as it would risk my recall. In my dream, I got out of bed and flipped the wall switch to “ON”. The bedside lamp did not come on...but this was possible because I wasn’t sure how many times I’d flipped the switch on the bedside lamp. All of this felt totally real. Hyper-real, in fact.

      As I made my way by habit and feel from the wall switch near the bedroom door back to bed, I started to sense a growing anxiety or dread about being in our bedroom in the dark. I tried to turn the bedside lamp on, but it wouldn’t come on even though I had just assured myself it should come on because the wall switch power was definitely on. I appeared to be trapped in the dark, and in my dream I started to get anxious. I started to sense there was something wrong...something amiss...but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. I desperately wanted the light to come on, but had exhausted all possible remedies and didn’t know what to do next.

      As my anxiety grew over the perplexing malfunctioning of the light, I had the realization...I’m DREAMING!!! This is a DREAM! That’s why the light switches don’t work! And of course...the excitement of being aware of the fact that I was experiencing my first lucid dream caused me to awake. The hyper-real experience of the dream and the joy I felt at having succeeded in having my first LD (no matter how short!) made this a most auspicious occasion!

      Updated 04-30-2014 at 06:53 PM by 68799

      lucid , memorable