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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. If It's Not WoW, it's Bones

      by , 04-26-2012 at 11:44 AM (Talk About Being a Dreamer)
      I was helping chase down a guy who killed people with arsenic. I was working with a friend (who looked like a shadow priest), a cop, a guy who specializes in poisons, and a guy who helped homeless teenagers (this guy was tall, blonde, an well-built). I remember at one point the guy helping the homeless asked the kids to bring him ketchup, and they had a communal fridge that had a lot of ketchup, too.

      We dodged several bullets by the time we started to catch up with the killer. We were all banged up but no one was seriously hurt.

      We didn't catch him, but I woke up when I could see his back in front of me running away.
    2. 4/25/12 bohemian rhapsody

      by , 04-26-2012 at 10:39 AM
      I come to school wearing a red sweatshirt and holding a bag. I walk into the area where 6th graders wait for school to start (I'm an 8th grader and usually wait in the 8th grade area) and slowly all the 8th graders start to appear. I tell my friend that I listened to bohemian rhapsody and I had heard it before, I just didn't know it was called that. I mention how weird the music video is, and he says 'well yeah, they're Queen!'

      Side note, what do you call a dream that looked like waking life and even when you wake up seemed pretty normal except for a few minor details?

      Updated 05-01-2012 at 01:56 AM by 53196

      non-lucid , memorable
    3. Storm at the Cabin

      by , 04-26-2012 at 07:56 AM
      Tonight I woke up because my wife moved and talked in her sleep. It was only two in the morning. Didn't wake up at four.

      I'm at a cabin somewhere abroad. It's next to a large lake. I have the feeling we live there now. Someone asks what the weather is like around there and I say it rains a lot. It's raining heavily and there are large waves at the lake, a real storm. I don't feel a wind, though. Two people, relatives of mine, get out of the water. "That was close," one of them says. They go to a sauna and I go heat it up. They get there first and apparently know how to heat it.
      Tags: abroad, cabin, sauna, storm
    4. A retarded guitar

      by , 04-26-2012 at 05:57 AM (~Cookieh's Land of Cookies~)
      [COLOR="#483d8b"]Me and my brother J were in some neighborhood I was unfamiliar with. We were walking on a wide road, until I spotted a swingset (..really now?). On one of the swings there was a guitar, it was made of some dark wood and it had only max 8 frets. We sat down there and I tried to play some songs, but I couldn't remember all the chords xD. The guitar sounded nice, the tuning was perfect.[/COLOR]

      [COLOR="#2e8b57"]lucids[/COLOR], [COLOR="#483d8b"]non-lucids[/COLOR]
    5. Baby fox

      by , 04-26-2012 at 04:50 AM
      In this dream it was morning and I was getting ready for school. My mom was mad for no aperent reason but she said to take the dogs to the windmill. I don't know a windmill in my town.. but we went there in my dad's car and we brought all the dogs. they ran around and played then we had to gather them back up. But one of my dogs was a baby fox... It was really cute but we took it too but before we left to go home i was giving it a belly pet then my alarm clock went off
    6. School and Blankets

      by , 04-26-2012 at 04:27 AM
      Wednesday April 24, 12. 11:15pm 6am

      Jess had her baby and I wanted to give her a blanket, and I figured since I was in town I might has well get my pillow and blanket lining fixed. I told jess I was going to get my blanket fixed and then I’d be over. She was fine with it, so I brought my blanket and pillow to the sewing shop. They looked at it and grabbed the pillow, I watched the sewing machine do all the work. When it was done I liked what I saw. Then they started on the blanket, it took a lot longer. I was very happy with the finished result. I was off to give jess the blanket.-End Dream-

      Second Dream-

      I had all my homework done and I was off to college. I got to my English class and the classroom was rearranged. Some of the table and chairs were on the ceiling and some were turned away from the front of the class. I thought it was a little weird and wondered why they set the room up like this; it will make it harder to learn. The teacher was talking, but I couldn’t understand her and I was spacing off here and there. She asked me something, but I didn’t hear her. She asked me again and I told her I couldn’t understand her, she got mad at me so I handed her one of my essays. That made her happy. Then she asked me another question and I still had no idea what she said so I just handed her another essay, then she became extremely happy. Everything stared to become blurry my eyes started to hurt, I couldn’t see. Everything started to darken and just before I blacked out, I fell to the floor. –End Dream-


      my dreams are becoming more colorful and vibrant, i am remembering more and i'm starting to notice weird things. BOOYAH!
    7. The Taco Theft!

      by , 04-26-2012 at 03:35 AM
      Monday April 23, 12. 12:30pm- 5:30am

      My dream faded in and I was sitting in my car talking to my friend Chris. She was telling me about a deal she made with a friend and she wanted my help. Chris is one of my best friends, so of course I said yes. She told me that we had to sleep overnight by the building, in the car to avoid suspicion. So we did, when I woke up I remembered a dream, I grabbed my dream journal and pages fell out of it. I grabbed all the pages and put them back in order, and then I flipped to a blank page and wrote the dream down. By that time Chris woke up and told me it was time. We crept into the building, we were looking for some amazing thing, Chris instructed me that when we find it, it must be put in a taco shell to avoid suspicion. As I looked around I noticed I was in a old fast food joint. There was a big stove, fryers, sandwich making station. There were cobwebs everywhere and it was so dusty and dark. I found this black fuzzy thing. That was it, I grabbed it and put it in the taco. I crept back out to the car, put the taco in it and tried to start my car. My car wouldn’t start! I got out and looked around, my lights have been on all night. I ran back in and told Chris and she said, “no big deal, we can find someone to jump us.” So much for being secretive. We walked outside and a car started turning into the parking lot. I was scared, I didn’t want to get caught. Chris walked up to the car, started to talk and I woke up.-End Dream-

      Thoughts- this dream was more detailed than the rest. I told Chris this dream and she laughed so hard, i love it!
    8. Dreams

      by , 04-26-2012 at 01:08 AM
      In the first dream, I was at some house having a party with friends/family. We started playing some sort of game, but I can't really remember.
      One dream was about being at a table with a black family. In this dream it was taking me forever to ask for what I wanted and I was having a hard time.
      In the third dream, I kept trying to go somewhere, I think to catch a train, but I couldn't get to it.
    9. Nap 2

      by , 04-26-2012 at 01:08 AM (Adventures in Dreamland)
      My ex-girlfriend is visiting me from whatever state she lived in (irl, the girl lives in the same city as me and she has never been my girlfriend.) We started going back out, I leave to do something at some point, there's this sort of LoL sub-dream that's going on alongside this, and when I get back, she's lost because she went out to help with a search party (derp)
      I start getting ready to go search for her, but my dad doesn't seem too happy about it.

      I remember something about a movie store and Toys R Us as well.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. The Evil Exploding Computer?!?!?!?!

      by , 04-25-2012 at 11:55 PM (My Dream Journal; Mentis est Infinata)
      I had this dream when I was about 5. I was in my house. I walked into a room and there was a Macintosh computer on a desk. As I approached it, a message box came up with a picture of a bomb, accompanied by a female robotic voice speaking in a foreign language. I ran.

      The rest of the dream is a complete blur.
    11. Put All Your Thoughts in a Blender

      by , 04-25-2012 at 11:04 PM
      Night of April 24

      3:13- A man was upset because the girl he liked couldn't visit him or something. Anyway, so spirits take those who come close to the house to the man. Anastasia and I went to Dollar General at some point to get somethin and he asked for us. He tried to get Poirot too. Anyway, at some point we rode a flying bison. I want to say I woke up before much else could happen. Not bad in retrospect. There's still 3 more hours.

      6:18- I and some other people were in the old science room. But there were trees and microwaves and the room was too big. We cooked love cats because they were mean. Anastasia turned a blind eye to it. Some other people showed up and ran around in the trees. We were all muddy, dirty, ratty and the like.

      New Orleans kidnapped white room hall way kiss girl knew frequency eat love room return peace police play sweet tooth ice-cream snow

      Had to make notes before leaving for school. Anyway, we were at that fountain at New Orleans in front of the Aquarium. We were walking along just fine. But then the scene changed. I was halfway in a small room. My middle hit the floor and my lower half was gone. Some people had kidnapped me. Then I was in a hall outside that room. Nurses were lined up in the hallway, restraining different looking patients as they were all mirrors. A blonde who looked like Hohenheim, but younger, kissed one of them. I didn't see it but I knew he had and I knew he was my brother somehow.
      The monsters ran down the white hallway but it was empty now. They looked rotten but they were stumbling quickly. They ran for a specific room for some reason. The smaller allowed the other to kill him and eat him because the smaller ones loved the bigger ones. The flesh was eaten off their bones like one might eat a chicken leg. I saw it as if I were the one eating this white flesh with green skin. But only for a moment.

      In a car with my kidnappers, one I remember as being a blonde with stubble, we were spying on this house but so were the police with the same frequency. It was confusing. It was a small red car and there were black, circular microphone things. There were two of them but I only remember the one. Finally Anastasia and some others stepped out of the old house and onto the brown wooden porch. They ushered us all to be happy and come inside. Problem aside, we did. I lay on a stage with Sweet Tooth, both of us presumed dead. My arms were hidden beneath my brown silk shirt. Ana was beside us, trying not to smile. It was fun.
      Later, still at the stage but the play was over. I looked in a fridge for snow. But I didnt find any. A little girl showed Ana and I something like foam but it was spongy to touch and creamy and sweet like ice-cream. It was delicious.*
      I dreamt Dad woke us up. He didn't. I know because soon the alarm went off. That's all.
    12. PvP Playground

      by , 04-25-2012 at 08:33 PM (Talk About Being a Dreamer)
      Last night I dreamed something about a giant monster.

      Then it morphed into me putting on armor, turning into a tree, and agreeing to step into the arena with a friend of mine. We got to the gate of the arena where we were supposed to enter, and it was a gigantic slide. We were going to PvP...in a playground. We're bad like that.
    13. Dreamz App Testing and Dreams From Last Night

      by , 04-25-2012 at 07:51 PM (Alone in my Subconscious-The Night-time Meanderings of a Deranged Mind.)
      Last night saw me testing out the Dreamz Ipod app for the first time which monitors your movements and plays an audio signal when it senses that you are in REM sleep. Although I did not attain lucidity from this, I found myself laying in bed in two out of my three remembered dreams. I believe that this oddity alongside my excellent recall from last night is result of the heightened awareness of having to sleep with my Ipod underneath the sheets. It should be interesting to test this further over the upcoming nights.

      Dream 1

      I was waiting outside one of my seminar classrooms and could hear my lecturer (S.M) playing a guitar and singing in a band to what sounded like a sizeable audience who were cheering them on. The first of the songs played was very Hendrix-esque and had a great solo played by S.M whereas the second was 'If' by Pink Floyd. My classmates seemed somewhat irritated at having to wait for this performance to finish before we were able to enter the room although I was very much enjoying it even if for some reason I was listening from a giant bed in the corridor, wearing only my boxers. I think I felt some sense of shame at my state of undress and remember dressing myself underneath the covers.

      Dream 2
      Again this dream took place with me lying in bed but this time in the middle of what I believe was some kind of airport. With some of my university classmates, although I only remember E.B and J.H. We were possibly on our way to America or somewhere but our flight was cancelled and we were looking for a way back home.

      Dream 3
      I seemed to be some kind of character in some bizarre take on the Game of Thrones Universe in which I had to execute a talking tomato with an axe. I remember feeling genuinely disgusted with myself after carrying out this "killing".
    14. A Trip to New York

      by , 04-25-2012 at 07:19 PM (Alone in my Subconscious-The Night-time Meanderings of a Deranged Mind.)
      I was in a strange version of New York, possibly on holiday or living there with L. and J. We were walking around when we came to a large patch of land with a play-park erected on it. The play equipment was seemingly designed for adults as it was all rather high-up and I had to jump to reach the pull-up bars and rope swings. I remember feeling anxiety over L's rather vigorous use of a trampoline, believing it liable to break at any moment!
      Tags: new york
    15. Swimming in the northern sea with a terrible recall

      by , 04-25-2012 at 07:07 PM
      Valve is releasing a Titanic-Soldier-Update for Team Fortress 2. A quite talentet artist is illustrating it. (I remember a painting with the Soldier standing in a wrestling-stance of sorts)

      There's a giant swimming contest going on in the cold, blue, freezing sea filled with floe and icebergs. Everyone's Countryballs representing... well, countries.

      In the middle of it all a dream character tells me that this is a dream, and that he's using everything in it to extend it. I derp my way through it without second thought.
      non-lucid , dream fragment