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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. People from the Smoke

      by , 10-24-2015 at 04:24 PM
      Morning of October 24, 2015. Saturday.

      I am seemingly about sixteen years old again and back in Florida in my backyard in Cubitis. My mother (July 14, 1916-October 2, 2002) is in our house, in our living room. I am looking east at a rather narrow diagonal trail of black smoke that otherwise resembles the pattern of a contrail (though is touching the ground). Additionally, there is a thicker column of smoke rising up near a farmhouse, though the farmhouse itself appears to be mostly undamaged.

      About three times, I try to get my mother’s attention as she is sitting near the open windows in the south area of the living room. I want her to understand that a missile came down in the distance. I drawl the word rather loudly, pronouncing it MISS-sigh-ul. Still, I am not sure of the circumstances as I do not recall seeing it hit, though I do expect another one soon, yet this does not occur at any point. I do not feel threatened or in danger; I just want to inform people of what is going on. I wait for signs of explosions in the distance.

      Instead, a young male figure in black who is wearing a top hat walks from the area and eventually becomes more visible and discernible as he approaches our backyard. He is reminiscent of a young David Cassidy (but with the essence of a “dark magician”). He has a slightly menacing appearance. A narrow perfectly vertical tall column of black smoke rises from his top hat as he approaches (possibly a play on chimney pot hat or stove pipe hat).

      Soon, the situation changes. I am in a mostly empty room (seemingly partly modeled after my father’s original room in Cubitis - but this is only a subtle impression) where there are two annoying male human heads attached to a long mostly horizontal stream of dark gray smoke. They seem aggressive and dominating. The faces are approaching me but I easily knock them back mentally (and with a hand motion) and “flatten” them. At one point, each is like a long series of two-dimensional cutouts of faces (somewhat caterpillar-like) that are thrown back onto the wall by my will, each expressing a slightly different visage of worried surprise.

      Later, my dream becomes even more surreal. There are some sort of possibly alien beings (though they look human) attempting to control everyone in a town. However, I am able to mentally cause these threatening beings to hallucinate and perceive things in ways that cause them to fail in their intended conquest (including scampering chipmunks and menacing low-flying kites). This happens twice (possibly one is a dream “reset”). They do become aware of what I am doing but act as if they are curious about my ability rather than annoyed or angered. They leave with no success of even one attempt to conquer even one person.

      Finally, a “bad” or demon-like male (though mostly of normal human appearance) is easily thrown out of an underground chamber by a slight focus of my will and “replaced” by a (unknown) dark-haired young girl with leather “letter X” patterns in her apparel (over chest, legs, and arms, somewhat shoelace-like). She is followed through the doorway to my right by small iridescent butterflies, some sort of abstract “creatures” crawling on the wall (which look like paired human fingers moving along somewhat beetle-like) and other small, bizarre, and surreal but living forms. I am aware of other benevolent entities coming to “take control” of all apparently negative realms, which then creates a youthful and pleasant energy everywhere. (More and more, I notice how dreams seem to color a person’s mood and level of energy.)

      Updated 08-25-2017 at 07:35 PM by 1390

    2. inner child

      by , 10-24-2015 at 02:36 PM
      Had long dream where I was trying to kill a child...my motivation was fear...
      The was a child smiling I though out of devilment initally.
      I was trying to kill them by bludgeoning them with a chair. I was careful to cover the area with plastic bags to avoid blood going everywhere . the child continued to smile. i killed them. afterwards i realised they were smiling because they loved me and didnt mind how much pain i caused them.
      i resurected a child...they were not quite the same but i tryed.

      i believe i have been hurting myself with my own negative thoughts and lack of self love. but my subconscious still loves me.
      i will try to be more aware of my emotions.
    3. There is no other way to take

      by , 10-24-2015 at 11:27 AM
      I was at home when I got visit from friend whom I know from elementary school. We had spoken about something. I was glad he was visiting me, it is quite long we have seen each other. Then he asked me to visit him at his home and I felt that I should go. So we went there. The surrounding, the nature was very nice, clean... with clean fancy colours. I was able to see cleanly every branch, every leaf on trees... every leaf of grass. Very sharply.
      The road got worse and worse. Its edges were crumbling... I traveled in the center of the road, going around patches of holes in it with skill. The road started to be excavated on the edges and the holes started to be deeper. The excavated edges were meters deep. I saw every stone there... every grain of sand, everything clean and sparkling. And the drivable road got narrower and narrower. I saw as the edges were crumbling and falling off when I drove too close to them but there was no possibility to make it different. There was no more possibility to take another road. There was no possibility to go back- the road was crumbling down slowly behind me.
      I managed to get to the house of my friend. He was waiting there for me. I went up the slope following him to his house. I saw other close friend of mine. She was standing there on the path side and me when she saw me, she turned her back to me as if she didn't see me... to ignore me. I smiled sadly... And went around her and away wordlessly. She was looking at my back as I was going further away... It looked like she couldn't go away from that place. She was forced somehow to go after us. She looked at us, while I was speaking with other friend... and I was using words with two meanings, whole double meaning sentences... she understood what I was trying to say to her even if she tried to ignore me.
      We were alone at the end, she and I. She didn't try to ignore me anymore. I didn't speak anymore. There was no need. There was understanding between us, flow of thoughts, feelings and memories. Two distinct us with shared awareness.

      - it was very vivid dream. Everything was pictured very sharply in it.
      - roads were crumbling, only tight way remained before me- I wonder...
      - that mind sharing was very spiritual, it is long time here since I felt something like this.
      Tags: vivid dream
      non-lucid , memorable
    4. #18: Tiny captives / Taekwondo / Dreadful dreads / Contacts

      by , 10-24-2015 at 10:45 AM

      Dream 1: Tiny captives
      A girl (my gf?) and I are tiny creatures held captive by a regular sized person I believe. We think he's a real asshole. He keeps us in what looks like a sort of small fridge. We meet another small creature there. We plan our escape. The girl and I go first. I cup my hands and am holding an orange gooyie liquid. Part of our escape. The guy that's keeping us captive (not sure but I think a white guy with a stubble beard and black nerdy plastic glasses) looks at me. I stay still for a moment. He ignores me. Ok on to the next room. We can't manage to continue there. I have to accomplish something on a macbook, but I'm fighting to correctly size the window. In the mean time the guy notices our escape. We have written a letter or something alike on the macbook, which needs to be finished. Remotely, the guy deletes a portion of the 2 page document. I delete a portion of him, hampering his attempt to catch us. Why do we always have bad luck. I open my black backpack. It's filled with a clear block of ice. Not a neatly cut one, but more natural. There are also 2 or 3 pairs of shoes in there. Ours and the basterd. Lets keep those and sell them. Or give them to a homeless person and make a picture.

      Dream 2: Taekwondo
      I have taught a girl some taekwondo moves. I specifically recall teaching her about backside and frontside kicks. At the end, she has a match. She doesn't implement my techniques perfectly, but it's not bad. Not black belt material though.

      Her moves have in actuality not that much to do with taekwondo

      Dream 3: Dreadful dreads
      I'm with a guy who is having a look at my dreads. He tells me that the person who does my dreads has messed them up real bad. It looks horrible. He tells me I should be selective in who I allow to do my dreads. I tell him I looked for the best back in Indonesia and that my friend recommended that person. He retouches a few dreads at the front, to show me what he can do. Ideally he'd cut them off and start over. He tells me to let him know if I wanna continue with him. We're on the bus. He walks to the front to exit. It's only now that I really have a look at him. A dark skinned guy (reminds me of Alfredo from the serie Elementary) with dreads that are very long, but he's got them in a bundle with a hairtie. My girlfriend is next to me. I tell her I should go to a lot of different guys to ask them to demonstrate their skills. In the end: free dreads!

      » I'm at a trainstation with my girlfriend. Not sure where we're going. The system is unlike any I've ever seen. I have to make sure we take the right train.

      Normally I don't analyse my dreams that much, but the dreads and the train seem connected to me. As in having to make a choice about what to do with them. I've been doubting about what to do with them for a while now.

      » The setting looks a bit Indonesian. It's daytime and I'm not taking part, I'm just witnessing this as if I'm watching tv. A brown skinned, muscular young guy surprises a bit of an older woman by giving her a hug from behind. This is his preschool and he's come by for a visit, or he ended up here by accident.

      Dream 4: Contacts
      I'm going through my phone, through my contact list. I'm surprised to see that I have the number of a girl I met in Indonesia, who I didn't talk to that much. I look at her (Whatsapp?) picture. She is wearing skates. It feels like the picture expands 1 or 2 times or changes a bit to give me more info. There's a low wall next to her, with a rail. She grinded the rail and just landed. That's why she is in this weird position so low to the ground. A girl who I don't recognise makes fun of me for looking at the picture. I continue. There's the name of a girl I went out with once. Holy shit she looks amazing. She has a thin black.. Shirt, top? Upperbody covering fabric, let's keep it at that. She's sitting on I think a barstool, holding her hands above her head. It causes her boobs to have a weird shape, cause she is not wearing a bra. But holy shit are they big!
    5. random dream

      by , 10-24-2015 at 07:44 AM (. - ~ = * [ |{(Welcome to my Weird Dream World)}| ] * = ~ - .)
      Was trying to OBE/AP

      suddenly i wake up in other bed (like a soldier lol) where everyone has to get up and go for their duties...
      i wake up slowly... look abit around and go somewhere...
      i was like what the H is this drean? couldnt see everything nicely but i was on a Boat or something..
      then i went around to see whats up and found nothing interesting, looked for any female and woke up..
      tried to LD then, i had another LD but i forgot it totally..
      then i had some vivid weird dreams .
      lucid , non-lucid
    6. Dream Fragments Over the Past Few Nights.

      by , 10-24-2015 at 01:25 AM
      I've been super stressed over school work and such that I haven't been able to get lucid or even have great dream recall. The following are some dream fragments of which I can recall over the past few nights.

      - My brother kept insulting me and making me upset, to the point that I was in tears and I wanted to make him stop. I was so frustrated and angry with him.

      - Having a concerto competition but remembering that I had not memorized all of my music yet, and having a panic attack about performing

      - I was a gun slinger, and I had acquired a one-handed, sawed off shot gun, and my friend said to try it out on her (as in actually shoot her) I did, and when she got upset that she was hurt she started spreading lies about how I did it intentionally to kill her, nevermind the fact that she had asked me to do it.

      -There was one moment I had actually mentioned that I was in a dream, yet my mind didn't let me trigger myself into lucidity.

      *Hopefully I can get over my stress to have some lucid dreams again, and get to lucid city.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. 10/19/15: First Lucid Experience with Stabilization Ever! (Lucid)

      by , 10-23-2015 at 11:14 PM
      - Is it normal to feel skeptical of a lucid dream after you’ve had it? The past couple of times I’ve wondered.
      - Is it normal to feel less “awake” once you’ve stabilized a dream? I certainly felt that way this time.

      [Fragments, fragnments]

      [Change setting; plot 1 begins]:
      I’m in this rather huge house (40+ rooms I’d say) and there’s this gala/party going on in the main living space. I’m just wandering around as the dreaming mind does, lookin through all the foodstuffs. I find myself in a supply closet nearby, with microwaves and stuff. Then, I remember that I wanted to try and have a lucid dream.

      At this moment, I became aware. I was thinking “OH CRAP HOLY CRAP I’M LUCID IM LUCID YAYYYY” but then I realized that I needed to stabilize, so I just tried focusing on the microwave in front of me, taking in every detail. That really helped a lot.

      It came to my mind to use dream control, and I tried spawning someone but I couldn’t do it without starting to wake up. Instead, I decided I’d try to explore the dream world a bit, focusing on everything on the way, since I’m still a newb.

      And so I walked into the living/kitchen area. I looked at everything closely: the countertop, the donuts, the snack stand, everything. The donut was especially vivid; I could see all the little bubbles in it and everything. For some reason, there was a bite out of it, and someone had put it back… eww… it was still on the stand (a metal, rotating stand) for anyone to take. I noticed after I woke up that there weren’t any visible DC’s in the dream.

      I wander over to this hallway and realize I’m losing lucidity, and immediately start focusing on things to retain it. There’s an elevator, and I decide to take it (I didn't actually touch it or physically go in it though).

      [Change setting]:
      I’m in my high school chemistry teacher’s room (or at least a permutation of it). I’m in there at my own lab bench, and behind me are two other kids, one of whom I know. Obviously, they’re in detention or something and aren’t taking it seriously. I, on the other hand, was trying to figure a way out of there to continue my lucid adventure, but here I would be trapped for the rest of the dream.
      So these kids are just kinda messing around with some water in a dish, and I’m getting impatient. From here on, i think I lost lucidity. My teacher was talking about his lifetime goals, one of which was to get $9000 in a day. <- (I think he mentioned it as his “task of the month” )
      The kids were messing around, and I wanted them to pay attention, so I figured I’d shut them up by knocking over their stupid dish into the sink. I do so, then my teacher yells at me, saying "What? You think that's ok? Really? In front of me? What do you think you're doing?" and it was rather laughable really.

      [The dream fragments... ]
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    8. no dreams remember

      by , 10-23-2015 at 10:01 PM
    9. #137 - After first day of ADA (All Day Awareness), and #1 + #2

      by , 10-23-2015 at 08:53 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)

      Dream fragment
      I remember some dream about being in my bed, I had woken up and was just pretty pent up from not 'doing the deed' because of the Brainbuddy app. Some stuff happened and I was annoyed because I convinced myself to do it despite knowing I didn't want to. I had watched Rick and Morty season 2 about a week ago which I think had some influence. When Little Rick is around and is like "a teenagers worst enemy is his own mind" or something along those lines - felt like I was under a similar influence.

      Yesterday was my first day doing ADA (and some more meditation), I felt like at the end of the day I had some intense mental fatigue. My head ached slightly whenever I brought my attention to focus on the things I was doing instead of slipping into autopilot. I slept pretty well, it didn't take too long to fall asleep (an hour I think, which is really good for me ). I think it was a combined effect of the mental fatigue from ADA and physical fatigue from running... But during the night I just had absolutely horrendous dream recall. My mind was just too exhausted to have the mental capacity needed to recalling a dream.

      I decided I'd like to write up a dream from my book when I first started, before I transitioned to posting online.
      Dream Journal Book
      #1 - Rugby
      Throwing around a rugby ball, I think with someone else? - the first dream I ever recorded I've come a long way lol

      #2 - First death in a dream / Shapeshifting weretigers

      Dream 1 - First death in a dream
      I was some kind of official who had acquired some information, and I had some friends who decide to protect me by confessing to my crime for me and taking the blame. They then weren't in the room (I had left before) that I returned to because I had a bucket that had my shoes in it or something... O_O? I left again and went up a flight of metal spiralling stairs. I waited there thinking for a bit and then a high ranking official in a military uniform (kind of reminds me of a Gestapo) walks in and shoots me right in the heart. I can feel the blood warming my chest.. I'm lying on the ground still. The man walks away. I reach around and touch the wound and I'm overwhelmed with disbelief. Some part of me seems to think that everything will be okay though.

      Dream 2 - Shapeshifting were-tigers
      Shapeshifting were-tigers take over the town in part of a conspiracy. It's a place to use these funny flying things to take over the world (I drew a picture here, it looks like a cross between a manatee and a puffer-fish that is 15 inches long with brown skin and spots on it. It looks really weird). Third-person style dream, it follows a kid who is a were-tiger that is shocked to see so many were-tigers killing the human townsfolk mercilessly. Then the view shifts to a bunch of campers in these large double-decker bus-sized vans, some of which have colour patched up blankets all over them. The main camper-van leader sees what's happening and tells his friends to run and his wife to start the van so she can take the kids and escape.. He plans to be a voluntary scapegoat. Were-tigers approach in a gang-like style, and by this point it has become first person with me as the camper dude standing his ground. I punch the biggest were-tiger straight in the nose and start brawling to divert attention so my family can escape. The boss were-tiger makes a comment to his friend like "Haha you got socked in the face!", to which I add "Yeah he's the biggest so I figured I'd start with him". I seem to realise that I won't live if I continue fighting (since I'm outnumbered and well.. They're were-tigers O_O). I decide to cool it down and hang with them, biding my time. They're apparently cool with this and maybe I earned their respect?
    10. Knights Of Cydonia

      by , 10-23-2015 at 08:39 PM (Here be dragons)
      I'm in a movie theater with a friend and her family, the place is very baroque with red velvet drapes; it looks like it was used as a traditional theater before. We find a booth large enough for all of us, in front of the candy shop. I sit first, and by the time everyone is seated the place has completly changed; it's now some kind of fair, and we're sitting in a marquee sourronding a sandy area where the show is suppose to be. The sun is high in the sky and very harsh, we can see the dust moving in the hot breeze and every shadow is razor sharp. I realize that my frieand and her family are gone; I'm with a man. He got a mop of dark, curly, greased hair that enphasizes his tan, rugged face and light eyes. He's dressed like a ranch hand, in solid clothes and cowboy boots, but with silver and leather necklaces and a lot of rings. The actors of the show are finally here, but they start arguing immediatly and the show is cancelled.
      I'm in a dusty building that looks like a cement square, worn by wind and dust. It's big but lousy, with run down furnitures and dirty corner. I remember that's it's our QG, and we're a buch of bandits and desesperados. There is a very winded argument about some musicians coming in, I'm not sure if they want to come to play or just to repeat. Anyway our boss, the man that was with me at the fair is saying no, but the three girls (me, a sleek hispanic lady in a long leather coat and a big, burly and fat older lady) are pressing for the musicians to come. As I'm the boss' "pretty doll", I figure that nothing will get under his skin more that grabbing the front of another man shirt and kiss him. Say man is tall and broad shouldered, with tan skin and cropped short hair. He doesn't mind the kiss at all, and my boss do little more than grumbling. I push it by snuggling against my new friend large torso with a cheeking smile. I grab his neck to pull him down to my level and whisper in his ear, asking him if the guitars' room is open. I get a eager yes and grab his wrist to go there. I giggle while running through the old facility, made of interconnected buildings like the one we just left. My new beau start to get impatient and push me against a wall, pulling me up, the coarse cement scratching my back where my shirt is lifted. I scramble to catch his shoulders... And wake up.

      Well, damn.
    11. long journey dream

      by , 10-23-2015 at 09:21 AM (. - ~ = * [ |{(Welcome to my Weird Dream World)}| ] * = ~ - .)
      My gosh this dream i had was really deep,crazy,nice,interesting,thrilling,exciting,wei rd etc.

      I first started with 4-5 people going to some place...
      was a river if i remember right, and something happened and they got splitted and went along alone, and i had to go from another way to catch them.. i couldnt... i think the country was Israel lol, i really remember this dream somewhere i had it before, so it was like replay of the dream... then i went to some building like a church or whatever it was where i had to enter some doors and go down down to get inside the place where we normally had to be, untill a israel squad caught me and be like what u doin here etc etc i didnt know what to say so i pretend to be just there as a visitor etc and they told me not to go in the doors etc, they started taking showers and what so ever.. after they send me somewhere, they thought i am lost, which i did lol, to some guy in some other place i dont really remember what we did but he helped me u know live for that day, and slowly the dream started changing... started getting crazy lol, it was like i was viewing other's ppl dreams, where some people got stuck into some punishment stuff like they had to participate through some crazy things.... torturements or whatever u call it, then i had to ride a car and win someone lol, then there was this crazy room water room on the bottom
      where all people dead and someone was with me i forgot who who went through it and i was following...
      so wha happened we went up slowly (the room was really cubic with fancy green/blue color only) energetic room or something and we went to the top which was the end of the building, sounds weird i dont even understand what this was ...
      then i dont really remember, i keept waking up and gettin back to sleep to continue the dream, so yeah at the end i remember even being wit hmy mom on some building, and we were talking and on the edge of the building it had that feature (same from that water room) where the gravity holds you up (on the air lol) and we jumped from one building to another and could get to any window we like or at the top of it.... i dont know what happened to those 4-5 people i was with, if i was Lucid i could get there, but i wasnt.. so yeah end of dream was a kind of REPLY of the dream again, just from different perspect of view....

      dats it!
      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    12. #17: Lecture / Car / Languages / Boring sunset

      by , 10-23-2015 at 09:01 AM

      Dream 1: Lecture
      I'm sitting in a lecture hall. It's one of those classrooms where the rows to the back are way higher than the rows in the front. I think the lecture was already over. There are just a few people left. I myself am somewhere halfway to the back, perhaps a little bit further. I remember a girl sitting a bit further to the back. Also a classmate whom I rarely talk to because I don't care for her too much is there. She asks me how I'm doing with the final assignment. Ow man.. I'm too busy with the exams right now to do the assignment. I walk with her a bit, down the steps. She mentions that the assignment is already due this week Thursday. Wait what?! Isn't it the week after? I'm fucked. I realise that I need to go back to my seat instead of walk out with her, cause I'm barefooted and my shoes are still at my seat. I end up having the attention of the girl in the back for just a split second, while I'm standing in a row that's further to the back than hers. I do a diveroll [parkour move] over a row of seats.

      Dream 2: Car
      It's daytime and I'm sitting in the car, back row to the right. On the left is my girlfriend. The driver's seat is on the left side of the car. Cas, someone who I haven't talked to in years, is driving. In the passenger seat is at one point his ex-girlfriend and at one point a different girl. We are driving to the airport of Jakarta. I've got a sort of comfortable foetal position going on. At one point it feels like I kinda pretend to be asleep, but eventually I actually do fade in and out of sleep [in the dream only, I didn't really wake up]. I think about having to spend 14 hours on the airplane back to Amsterdam. So long... I don't really remember the conversation, if any. At one point we were just there. I do remember being able to look at the girl in front of me as if there was no chair between us. I also remember an oddly shaped part of the car, underneath the dashboard.

      Indonesian cars have a steering wheel on the right. Also, this car [kinda beat up] is definitely not Cas' real life car.

      Dream 3: Languages
      I'm chilling with my housemate and Indonesian classmate, both girls. We're at one point at 'home' [it doesn't resemble our home] and at one point standing in front of it. My housemate has a lot of thick fantasy books, which were left behind by the last person who occupied the room. Nice for her. She has some stuff to use to her liking, or just sell or whatever. We're outside, but it feels like we're just sitting.. on the ground perhaps. My housemate spends about 90% of the time talking in Dutch to me, which I think is mean to my classmate who barely understands Dutch. I try to talk mostly in English. I don't remember my classmate talking at all. My housemate justifies talking in Dutch by saying that there's no need to talk in English if my classmate doesn't participate in the conversation. I explain that it's a vicious cycle that I've experienced myself in Indonesia: because people speak a language you don't understand, you don't participate. Because you don't participate, they continue using a language you don't understand.

      Dream 4: Boring sunset
      I'm in what's supposed to be one of the rooms I lived in during my time in Indonesia, except it's much more luxurious, with a balcony and such. There is ok-ish scenery with a sunset that is supposed to be beautiful, but right now [while writing] I don't think of it as such. I remember I promised to give my friend pictures that I made from my window. There's another guy in the room with me.. and a baby, a boy. I film the baby, who does some funny stuff.
    13. Happy to take care of my mother

      by , 10-23-2015 at 05:40 AM
      I remember talking to my mother and having a overwhelming desire to take care of her.
    14. #136 - Dino dog / Library girls are the best / Evil monsters / Robo heroes

      by , 10-22-2015 at 11:01 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)

      Dream 1 - Dino dog
      I really wish I tried harder to recall this, I feel like I forgot the best part of the dream . The only part I remember is the end where the adventure seemed to have finished. I'm in my parents house in the main lounge, it looks nearly identical except that the draws are on the wrong part of the room. There's a creature walking around casually being interested in stuff. It looks like a dog, but it's red and has more scaly skin and no fur. It has these long spikes arching back (about the length of a hand) that protrude from all around the circumference of its neck. Its snout is slightly longer and more point than you would expect, but only slightly. I remember opening up the draws and pulling out an African drum. It looks really primitive/incomplete, the hide stretched over the top is loose and only slightly held in place by some strings. I wonder how it makes a sound if the hide isn't stretched properly. I hold it and tap the top, discovering there's a slight wooden panel that covers 1/3 of the opening. It seems like you're meant to tap that and it makes a sound. Such a weird design. I strut around tapping it to some random beat and waltz in the study room where someone (likely my dad) is sitting doing work in front of the computer. The dinosaur looking dog is next to him just standing, it looks at me as I enter.

      I think there was some kind of tension between me and the other strange creatures that were in this dream (though unmentioned because I only remember the end of the dream) which made me feel like the dog was supposed to be dangerous, but it was strangely docile.

      Dream 2 -Library girls are the best
      I can't remember how I came to be in the library or what we were doing there. I was with 2 (cute) girls that I think I may have been studying with. I remember there being a table but now we were obviously on the ground. I had my black bag in front of me spoon-feeding the front pouch all the pencils, pens etc that I seem to have in abundance (this is pretty true in RL ). The girls seem to have finished and are waiting on me, they're lying down next to each other about a hands width away on my left.
      "Maybe we should kiss and touch" one mentions to the other. Instantly the attention of about 4 nearby girls is garnered, this makes me chuckle a bit as I seem to know that the 2 girls are just playing a prank.
      "If you put your head here and do this, it'll help too" they say to me, indicating me to rest my head on the lower part of their stomach. I ignore her as I know she's just teasing me ^_^
      "I heard that if you rub your breast while doing this with your mouth (tongue swirling motion) it will ????" one of the girl says playfully to the other (the last part was some generic benefit like good skin or something O_O). I'm still stowing pencils away, so many pencils... I start fiddling around in my bag looking for my hearing aids container, I get them and put them on. As I do this I glance to my right and wow, the four girls that were paying attention to my friends were leaning against a white-metallic book shelf and were each rubbing one breast while swirling their tongue around. Haha! I'm surprised they fell for it . After seeing them succeed I kind of just bow my head and rest it on the lower part of one of the girls' stomachs. It was like a sign of respect for them manipulating the other girls which I found impressive. The 2 girls were still lying flat on their back next to each other and now I had my head lying on them ^_^. The whole scene feels comedic and quite light. They tell me that if I rub my head a certain way and nuzzle their pants down a bit then it'll also have a good effect (it wasn't sexual though). I comply in a 'what hell am I doing' kind of way, just going with the flow. The girl closest to me I manage to get her pants down about 2 inches and expose her panties, they're blue.
      "Geeze I only have one colour" she says kind of playfully (she probably meant to say she only had those panties and nothing else)
      "Damn!" I respond, jokingly insinuating that she should get more colour variety. She cracks up laughing (in the dream with the slight-comedic atmosphere and non-sexual nature (yet growing sexual undertone) of everything it was just somehow really hilarious). This dream felt so weird to recap O_O

      Dream 3 - Evil Monsters
      Everything is grey: the atmosphere, the weather, the road I was walking on, the monsters. Everything was just somehow tinged in evil grey murkiness. This was some kind of adventure world. There were green trees off the road but even they seemed to be swallowed by the evil atmosphere. I think I was fighting some monsters earlier on, but now I was strolling down the road in the rain. I was with another person whom I didn't really want to be stuck with. He had forced a grey monster that somewhat resembled a zebra (though more hunched and slightly shorter) to lead us somewhere. The road we were walking was gravelly and had been worn down by cars, although it felt like cars weren't a part of this world. There's a bridge up ahead that goes over the road (about 10 metres high). I'm a bit ahead of the others, the zebra creature is behind me. I pass under the bridge, next is the zebra but as it's about to go under it perks up as blood splashes onto its back. It dashes beneath the bridge and cowers in fear, hoping that whatever it was will leave it alone. A huge creature suddenly drops from the bridge, "RUN!".
      Sprinting away we manage to escape somehow (we honestly ran for like 20 metres so it doesn't make sense). I also remember the zebra thing getting squished and its body was split in half but that seems to have not happened when I next look at it. We're at a bend in the road and continue walking now. To the right of the road there's more trees, but to the left there's a sudden drop into a valley with a river passing through it. There's a sudden scream and it's ear-piercingly loud. Whatever it is must be REALLY powerful, we absolutely do not want to cross paths with it. I goof up somehow, slipping down the cliff face leading into the valley, I manage to stop the fall about 20 metres down by grabbing branches and clawing at the dirt. Uh oh, I hope that monster thing doesn't get us. My partner said "was that a doll?" which made no sense since it was a monster.

      Dream 4 - Robo heroes
      Me and some other people, not really sure how many but I think it's mostly girls, enter a classroom. There are 2 other girls already in here who we don't know. We introduce ourselves and conversation happens while I decide to go off and do my own thing. I walk into the neighbouring room through a side door and there's a bunch of people doing horticulture-related stuff. They must be in a club, they manage the schools gardens. I strike up conversation with a girl who seems to be the club leader, she's just shoveling compost into a bucket. It's pretty weird that she's doing this in the classroom. I mention how impressive their garden is which you can see through the windows, it's HUGE. There are heaps of potted plants and the whole thing is beautiful and green with lots of various plant species.
      I haven't got a clue what or how I get into this next situation but I seem to be on the run. I don't have a drivers license like other robo heroes (which is what I am now apparently, as part of some hero academy) because I skipped classes and couldn't be bothered. There is another hero who I think must be my rival, he's got a license though. I run into a basement and hide. It's blue and has a little room to the side which is small but I manage to hide my frame enough to buy some time. The people looking for me come in slowly, I know that it's only a matter of time, they're programmed like a game to explore the route to a certain extent so that you can't hide in here forever. Surely enough, they spot me and the chase begins again. I think I'm some kind of blue robot hero with quite thick blocky robot parts. I can't seem to remember how to equip my weapons either. This is starting to feel a little like a video game. I run around a bit more before ending up in the same situation in another basement, this time with my rival present. He's captured me I think, he has weapons and I can't equip mine so I can't do anything. He's standing in the side room, the search party will be here soon though the rival hasn't alerted them to my presence. There's some sort of camaraderie between us. I realize I don't even know how to pick up a weapon either. It also feels like at some point I'm playing with a toy figurine (like a transformer) and I put a weapon into its hand, some kind of robot arm with a stick on it. My rival lets me go, I push him out of the side room so I can hide there, telling him to go outside hoping he'll send the search party in a different direction. They come down to the basement anyways and eventually I have to make a break and run for it again. I push past them up the stairs and out into the open. This time they REALLY don't want to lose me. They've called in back up, I think I can hear the sound of a helicopter in the distance. A flash car pulls up and 2 heroes (not overly robotic, more like a power-ranger suit tbh) jump out and run after me. I run really fast and then decide to double back, heading towards the car. I punch in the drivers seat window and open the door. Grabbing the hero driver I throw him onto the ground. I think someone says some like "Luke Skywalker can't driver either because he missed the driving lessons". I'm about to jump into the car and hopefully wing it with my non-existent driving skills but the dream ends.

      Bahaha hope you enjoyed reading this 1'847 word long dream recap
    15. Non-detailed Dream Week

      by , 10-22-2015 at 10:34 PM (Dimension X)
      I've had a bunch of dreams every night for the past week, although I haven't written them down because either there's been too many to keep track of, or they're not detailed enough to get their own entry.

      But in each of them, I've been on the verge of lucidity. I think I was 50% lucid for a recent one, and I actually had a surprising amount of indirect control over everything.

      I am making progress, just not writing down anything unless it's worthwhile.
      lucid , non-lucid